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Green Hill,

not just a Rehabilitation Centre

22 August 2023
Problem: Ukraine today
1. Hundreds of Ukrainian veterans return from battlefield and hospitals every week. Many of them are
left with serious physical disabilities.
2. Many veterans are young individuals (18-35).
3. Under-financed State-run social benefit system for veterans and other categories.
4. Fragmented private and regional efforts to help veterans, focusing mostly on physical rehabilitation
(Unbroken, Superhumans etc.).
5. Lack of medical expertise to provide full-fledged physical and mental rehabilitation of veterans.
6. Underdeveloped hospital infrastructure.
7. No social rehabilitation system. Almost non-existent ESG (environmental, social, governance)
approach in private business, management and finance practices. No business incubation system.
8. Underdeveloped PPP.
Comprehensive Solution: Veterans Point
1. Veterans Point is a hub where physical, mental and social rehabilitation efforts are combined.
2. Each Veterans Point is a facility in different region of Ukraine where medical assistance, social help
and business incubation are combined in a full cycle of services essential for rehabilitation of veterans.
3. Each Veterans Point includes basic physical and mental rehabilitation services.
4. Each Veterans Point includes an excellence / training centre for medical professionals involved in
5. Each Veterans Point is also an office for job consultancy, legal advice and business incubation,
where veterans receive business offices, workspace, conference rooms, and full fledged support in
order to find a job or create, run, finance and grow a business.
6. Each Veterans Point interacts and exchanges resources, staff and knowledge with similar facilities
across Ukraine.
How it Works: Each Veterans Point is a Partnership
1. Each Veterans Point is a form of public-private partnership (PPP).
2. Local and regional authorities provide land and facilitate the issuance of all necessary building permits and licences.
3. Central government authorities (Ministries of Health, Defence / Veterans, Social Protection, Economy) provide policy and
regulatory inputs, improving statutory basis and subsidy mechanisms for funding of services and infrastructure
4. International and local donors fund the construction of medical (hospital, rehab etc.) and social rehabilitation (offices and
workspaces for business incubation etc.) infrastructure on the land in question.
5. Public and private hospitals provide pro bono and paid medical professionals and other expertise necessary for medical
(physical and mental) rehabilitation of veterans.
6. Consultancy projects funded by donors, together with Ukrainian NGOs, run activities for social rehabilitation of veterans,
such as job search and re-training, development of entrepreneurship capacities of veterans etc.
7. Ukrainian lawyers provide better access for veterans to various domestic and international benefits, subsidies and
8. Ukrainian and international business and investors provide job opportunities, or funding opportunities for business ideas
of veterans.
9. Ukrainian banks and financial services develop ESG (environmental, social, governance) schemes to prioritise funding
business incubation of enterprises established by veterans.
Green Hill:
Veterans Point 1
Veterans Point 1: Green Hill, Odesa
1. Green Hill is located near the seaside in central Odesa on 9 hectares of land, which currently holds decrepid Soviet
sanatorium buildings.
2. Regional and local authorities in Odessa have already allocated land use and other permits necessary for
complete refurbishment of Solnechny into a full-fledged medical rehabilitation centre.
3. Central government authorities (Ministries of Health, Defence / Veterans, Social Protection, Economy) have a
strategic understanding that Green Hill, together with similar old developments in other regions of Ukraine, should
become modern hubs providing comprehensive services to veterans.
4. Step 1 of all our efforts is the development of medical rehabilitation centre for Ukrainian veterans at Green Hill.
5. We are looking for an international donor to fund the construction of medical rehabilitation centre. The Centre will
provide both physical (especially amputees) and mental (PTSD etc) rehabilitation services.
Green Hill: Current State
16 Veliky
Fontan station

9 ga

Black Sea
1 ga
15 Veliky
1.2 Fontan station


Black Sea
Green Hill: Focus of Medical Rehabilitation Centre
1. Focus on medical rehabilitation of Ukrainian veterans returning from the battlefield, including physical and mental
rehabilitation services.
2. Physical rehabilitation work at Solnechny will focus on veterans experiencing problems with muscles and bones, including
the preparation for and after amputation. We have already entered into partnerships with various stakeholders, including
producers of prostethics.
3. Mental rehabilitation services will focus on treating PTSD, depression, neurophatological pain, borderline and other
4. The fully refurbished Solnechny will accommodate up to 100 permanent hospital beds, and some 100 out-patient
treatment visits per day.
5. We have already booked, for are at this time are looking to recruit, permanent and part-time employees who will provide all
necessary services of medical and administrative nature. All the human resources will be provided from the Ukrainian
6. We have foreseen an in-house training centre at Solnechny to exchange expertise between Ukrainian and foreign
medical professionals.
Green Hill:
Reconstruction Plan

Fontanska Road
1. The medical rehabilitation centre will also provide commercial services (such as training, organisation
of events, focus on social rehabilitation) to make the operations of Green Hill not only effective, but
also cost-efficient.
2. Step 2 in the development of Green Hill is planned as additional construction of social (jobs,
retraining, business incubation) rehabilitation centre Green Hill . Opening in 2025.
3. This second step will be undertaking, while ensuring an uninterrupted and effective operation of the
medical rehabilitation centre at Green Hill , to be developed and opened in 2024
4. We are planning similar projects as Green Hill across Ukraine. Other Veterans Point facilities are
already planned in VDNH in Kyiv, Makariv in Kyiv region, the Hill in Cherkasy and other locations.
5. The Green Hill development, as part of the Veterans Point initiative, is implemented by a variety of
partners, including the Ukrainian Parliament, Government, local and regional authorities, local and
international NGOs and other stakeholders.
Thank You !

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