GST 211 Test

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Federal University of Technology, Minna

GST211 2023/24 TEST PQ

Compiled by The 20's AECites led by Afolabi Ibraheem
1. Who invented "idealism" a. Platus b. Miletus c. Plato d. Aristotle
2. The form and principle of matter satisfy? Answer: actuality & potentiality
3. Pragmatism is originated from pragma
4. "Pragma" means All except? A. practice B. action C. process D. Practical
5. Philosophie is someone that has _____ a. affinity for wisdom b. affinity for electron c. affinity
for knowledge d. foresight
6. The criteria of science that allow for check fact is ______ a. modern philosophy b. new
philosophy c. standard philosophy d. old philosophy
7. The ancient kingdom of Egypt is divided into three. Memphis, Heliopolis & Thermopolis
8. Who among these early philosopher is considered not an idealist. A. Kant Hume B. Rene
Descartes C. Plato D. Immanuel kant
9. Realism philosophy is also similar to except. A. naturalism B. pragmatism C. empiricism D.
10. How does an idealist philosopher view existence. terms of the materials world B. in terms
of the mind and how it works terms of the spirit world terms of working of practical
11. Which philosophy of science believes that logical structure of the product of scientific
research is very important a. empiricism b. modern c. standard d. new
12. Hylomorphism implies that all phenomena in the world contain? A. atom B. cell C. matter
13. What hold scientific discovery tentative? a. standard philosophy of science b. new philosophy
of science c. modern philosophy of science d. pragmatism
14. Science philosophy describe those disciples that tend to resemble science but not science a.
new philosophy of science b. pseudo science c. para science d. intra science
15. Rationalism is thesis of ______ a. mind b. pure reasoning c. heart d. foresight
16. The scientific philosophy which believes that experience is only source of knowledge is. A.
sensation B. rationalism C. empiricism D. association
17. Which philosophy of science believes that the observation remains the same during
revolution a. modern b. standard c. existentialism d. new
18. ____ is the father of British philosophy of science a. Platus of Miletus b. Plato of Miletus c.
Aristotle d. Alexander
19. Who is father of realism? a. Aristurtle b. Plato of Miletus c. Aristotle d. Platus
20. ______ is the removal of vagueness and ambiguity in the meaning technique a. testability b.
precision & definiteness c. skepticism d. acuuracy
21. _____ are characteristics of a good scientist except a. positive approach to failure b. humility
c. avoiding dogmatism d. vagueness
22. The following are standard philosophers of science except a. Francis Beacon b. David Hampel
c. Kant hume d. Carl Popper
23. ______ is not major branch of empericism a. sensation b. mechanism c. association d.
24. The academy established in Egypt is known as ____ a. Egypt mystery system school b. Scholar
academy c. Egypt academy d. High school of Egypt
25. _____ proposed that matter is made up of atom which are small and infinite in size a.
democratic b. heraclitus c. democritus d. pythagoras
26. ______ proposed that only reality and there's no permanent in the world a. Socrates b. Kant
hume c. Heraclitus d. Thales of Miletus
27. Pythagoras studied in Egypt for _____ years a. 11 b. 20 c. 22 d. 10
28. Philosopher that coined pragmatism is a. Aristotle b. Plato c. Immanuel Kant d. Charles Pierce
29. _____ philosopher claimed that everything originated from water a. Alexander b.
Anaximander c. Thales of Miletus d. Plato
30. The word pragmatism was coined in the year ___ a. 1990 b. 1960 c. 1978 d. 1975
31. Philo means _____ and Sophia means ____ a. love & likeness b. like & wisdom c. love &
wisdom d. love of knowledge
32. ____ discountenance formal logic as the main tools for scientific knowledge a. modern
philosophy b. new philosophy c. standard d. old philosophy
33. _____ claim knowledge is addictive a. modern philosophy b. new philosophy c. standard
philosophy d. old philosophy
34. The two major philosophy of science are a. standard & new philosophy b. contemporary &
new philosophy c. modern & standard philosophy
35. Which of the philosophical school of thought strongly believe that the word idea is the real
world a. idealism b. realism c. pragmatism d. existentialism
36. Knowledge is addictive and bottom up is under which type of phylosophy of science a. modern
philosophy b. new philosophy c. standard philosophy d. old philosophy
37. Another name for new philosophy of science is a. modern philosophy b. integumentary
philosophy c. standard philosophy d. logical emperism
38. ____ are intelligent guess make by scientists a. conclusion b. hypothesis c. theory d. law
39. Science is ______ a. unverifiable b. baseless c. verifiable d. raw
40. _____ existence by freely chosen way of life a. empiricism b. existentialism c. pragmatism d.

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