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For Legendary Pokemon, check out the Legendaries Guide

#152 - Chikorita, #155 - Cyndaquil and #158 - Totodile

Once you have completed your Hoenn Pokedex (with the exception of Jirachi
and Deoxys), visit Professor Birch and he will reward you with one of these
three Johto Starters. In other words, you must have seen and caught the first
200 Pokemon under your Hoenn Dex.

#345 - Lileep and #347 - Anorith

Once you have obtained the Go-Goggles and hence have access to the Route
111 Desert, you can talk to the Fossil Maniac just east of Fallarbor Town. He'll
tell you some information about finding fossils, so head over to the desert now.

The desert hides a mysterious tower that randomly appears. If it doesn't

appear for you the first time, just exit the desert and cross to Route 112. Then
head back to the desert again and check.
This is Mirage Tower. Make sure you have the Mach Bike with you, since there
are cracked floors, and also bring someone who knows Rock Smash. Ascend
the tower and at the top you'll find two fossils, the Root Fossil on the left and
the Claw Fossil on the right. Take any one of them, and the tower will crumble
and the other fossil will disappear into the sand. Not to worry, you can recover
it. Head back to the Fossil Maniac in Fallarbor after you have beaten the Elite

Enter the cave behind him and head all the way to the east. At the end of the
cave you'll find the other fossil that disappeared into the sand before. Take the
fossils to Devon Co. in Rustboro City and they'll revive them into Anorith from
the Claw and Lileep from the Root Fossil.
#185 - Sudowoodo
At the Battle Frontier, head to the far south-eastern corner (near the Battle
Palace) and cross the river. You'll notice a familiar looking tree from GSC, so go
up to it and use the Wailmer Pail on it. You'll be attacked by a lv40 Sudowoodo.

#351 - Castform

Once you have beaten Team Aqua at the Weather Institute on Route 118, you'll
be awarded a Castform from the institute scientists.

#360 - Wynaut
A lady standing by the hot springs in Lavaridge Town will give you an
egg that will later hatch into a Wynaut.

#374 - Beldum
After you have beaten the Elite Four, go to Steven's house in
Mossdeep City and you'll find a Pokeball on the table. Choose to take
it, and you'll receive a lv5 Beldum.

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