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Fundamentals of Information Technology Unit 6

Unit 6 Computer Memory

6.1 Introduction
6.2 Memory System
6.3 Memory Cells
6.4 Memory Arrays
Memory Limitations
Big Numbers
Capacity of Primary Memory
6.5 Random Access Memory (RAM)
Cache Memory
6.6 Read Only Memory (ROM)
Flash Memory
6.7 Memory Building Blocks
Capacitor Storage Cell
Flip-Flop Storage Cell
Magnetic Storage Cell
Polycarbonate Cell
6.8 Summary
6.9 Terminal Questions
6.10 Answers

6.1 Introduction
As discussed in the previous unit, the history of computer development is
often referred to as the different generations of computing devices. A
generation refers to the state of improvement in the product development
From the moment you switch ON the computer till you switch it OFF, the
computer uses its memory. When you request for the information the
processor fetches request information from the memory. As a computer
user you need to be aware of the memory present in a computer.

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In this unit, we are going to study memory system, memory cells, memory
arrays, different types of primary memories like Random Access Memory,
Read Only Memory and we will also study about memory building blocks.
 define memory
 explain memory cells
 discuss the memory arrays
 list and explain Random Access Memory
 list and explain Read Only Memory
 list and discuss Memory building blocks

6.2 Memory System

Memory in a computer system is required for storage and subsequent
retrieval of the information. A computer system uses different secondary
devices for storing the information. The main objective of the memory
system is to provide uninterrupted access by the processor to the memory.
Memory requires power supply till the information is stored. Memories with
smaller cost have very high access time that will result in slower operation
of the CPU. Because the time taken by CPU to access a location in the
memory is high, which will result in the slower operation of the CPU.
Characteristics of Memory Systems
Following are the characteristics of memory system:
Storage Capacity: It represents the size of the memory. The capacity of
memory is normally measured in terms of bytes.
Unit of Transfer: Unit of transfer is defined as the number of bits read in or
read out of the memory in a single write or read operation. For the main
memory the normal unit of transfer of information is equal to the word length
of a processor.
Access Modes: In access modes, the information is accessed from the
memory. A memory consists of various memory locations. The information
from memory devices can be accessed in the following ways:
 Random Access: In this the information is read randomly. It is also
called as direct access.
 Sequential Access: In this the information is read in sequence.

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Access Time: The access time is the time required between the requests
made for a read or write operation till the data is made available at the
requested location.
Permanence of Storage: The memory which requires refreshing is called
dynamic memories. The memories which do not require refreshing are
called static memories.
Cycle Time: It is defined as the minimum time elapsed between two
consecutive read requests.
Data Transfer Rate: The amount of information that can be moved in to the
memory in a second is termed as data transfer rate or bandwidth. It is
measured in bits per second. Maximum number of bits that can be
transferred in a second depends on how many bits can be transferred in or
out of the memory simultaneously.
Self-Assessment Questions
1. Memory in a computer system is required to display the information.
2. ______________ is defined as the number of bits read in or out of the
memory in a single read or write operation.
3. The memories which don’t require refreshing are called _________.

6.3 Memory Cells

The primary memory is made up of memory cells, where each memory cell
contains exactly one number. The number contained in a memory cell can
be changed over time. When a new number is stored into a memory cell,
the old number contained in the memory cell is lost forever. At any time, the
computer may peer into a memory cell to read the current contents of the
memory cell. The computer may read the contents of a memory cell as
many times as it wants.
A computer has millions of memory cells, and every memory cell has a
name. Memory cells are named using a unique number. The unique number
that identifies a memory cell is called its ‘address.' No two memory cells can
have the same address. The address of a memory cell never changes over
time. Thus, every memory cell has two numbers – its address (which never
changes) and its current contents (which change over time.)

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Since a memory cell has both content and an address, both of which are
numbers, it is useful to use a notation to keep them separate. A common
notation is to enclose the memory cell address in square brackets, followed
by a colon, followed by the memory cell contents. For example, the notation
‘[226]: 19' specifies that memory cell [226] currently has the number 19 as
its contents.
Now, consider the two arbitrary memory cells named [227] and [875]. When
power is first applied to these two memory cells, both cells will have initial
contents of zero; this is shown below:
[227]: 0 [875]: 0
Eventually, the computer writes the number 105 into memory cell [227]; this
is shown below:
[227]: 105 [875]: 0
Later on, the computer writes the number 106 into memory cell [875]; this is
shown below:
[227]: 105 [875]: 106
Even later on, the computer overwrites memory cell [227] with 72. The
previous contents of memory cell [227]:105 are lost forever; this is shown
[227]: 72 [875]: 106
The computer reads and overwrites the contents of memory cells [227] and
[875] as many times as needed to accomplish its current task.
Self-Assessment Questions
4. Primary computer memory is made up of __________.
5. The unique number that identifies a memory cell is called ________.

6.4 Memory Arrays

In memory arrays, every memory cell is named with a unique address
number; they are named using sequential numbers starting from the number
zero. Thus, the first memory cell has an address number of [0]; the second
memory cell has an address number of [1], and so forth until all memory
cells have been given an address number. The memory cells can be listed
as shown in table 6.1.

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Table 6.1: Memory Cells

[0]: 0 [1]: 0 [2]: 0 [3]: 0 [4]: 0 [5]: 0 [6]: 0
[7]: 0 [8]: 0 [9]: 0 [10]: 0 [11]: 0 [12]: 0

The thirteen memory cells above have addresses from [0] to [12]. All
thirteen memory cells contain the number 0. Memory can easily be listed as
shown above and it is not very compact.
A more compact representation is to list the memory cells as an array. An
example table 6.2 shows a memory array
Table 6.2: Memory Array
First Last Digit
Digit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Every row lists the contents of ten consecutive memory cells. Thus, the first
row lists the contents of the ten memory cells whose addresses are [0]
through [9], the second row lists the contents of the ten memory cells whose
addresses are [10] through [19], and so on. For the memory array above,
every memory cell has a content of zero.
An even more compact representation is possible by dropping all of the
lines between rows and columns and dropping all of the column headings.
Table 6.3 shows compact memory array.

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Table 6.3: Compact Memory Array

[ 0k] : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[ 1k] : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[ 2k] : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[ 3k] : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

The small ‘k' in [0k], [1k], [2k], and [3k] is a place holder for the last digit of
the memory cell address. Thus, memory cell [20] corresponds to the first
number after the colon on the row labeled [2k]; memory cell [21]
corresponds to the second number, and so forth. The last number on the
row labeled [2k] corresponds to the [29] memory cell.
As an example of memory use, let us store any random number for each
character of the word ‘Hello!' into consecutive memory cells starting at
memory cell [22]. The conversions are listed below:
‘H’ – 62
‘e’ – 94
‘l’ – 99
‘l’ – 99
‘o’ – 104
‘$’ – 44
After the computer has stored the word ‘Hello$' into memory, the memory
array looks as shown in the table 6.4.
Table 6.4: Memory array for Hello$
[ 0k] : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[ 1k] : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[ 2k] : 0 0 62 94 99 99 104 44 0 0
[ 3k] : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

The word ‘Hello$' can be changed into ‘Help$$' by overwriting memory cells
[25] and [26] with the numbers corresponding to the letters ‘p' (109) and ‘$'
(44). Table 6.5 shows a memory array for Help$$

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Table 6.5: Memory array for Help$$

[ 0k] : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[ 1k] : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[ 2k] : 0 0 62 94 99 109 44 44 0 0
[ 3k] : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

To complete the example, the word `Help$$' can be changed into `Bye$$$'
by overwriting memory cells [22] through [25] with the numbers
corresponding to the letters `B' (56), `y' (95), `e' (112), and `$' (44). Table
6.6 shows a resulting memory array for Bye$$$
Table 6.6: Memory array for Bye$$$
[ 0k] : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[ 1k] : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
[ 2k] : 0 0 56 95 112 44 44 44 0 0
[ 3k] : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

6.4.1 Memory Limitations

Memory cells have a constraint on the size of a number. The number size
limitations are different from computer to computer, most current computers
use a memory cell whose contents are limited to a number between 0 and
255. Large numbers do not fit in a single cell. When a number is too large to
fit in a single cell, it is stored in a number of consecutive memory cells.
Memory cells are limited to positive and negative numbers of five digits or
less (i.e. – 99999 to 99999.) This choice will make it easy to see how large
numbers are spread across multiple memory cells.
6.4.2 Big Numbers
If a number is larger than five digits, it is broken into a sequence of smaller
five digit numbers and stored in consecutive memory cells. For example, the
nine digit number 698742153 is stored as the number 6987 in one cell and
as 42153 in the next cell. This is shown as follows:
[22]: 6987
[23]: 42153
For the example above, the most significant digits are stored in the first
memory cell, followed by the least significant digits. It turns out that this is

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just a convention. The computer can just as easily store the least significant
digits first, as shown below:
[22]: 42153
[23]: 6987
As long as the numbers are stored consistently, problems do not arise. It
turns out that some computers store big numbers with the most significant
digits first and others store big numbers with the least significant digits first;
the former computers are called ‘big-endian' and the latter computers are
called ‘little-endian'. The terms big-endian and little-endian are a reference
to the Lilliputians in the book Gulliver's Travels written by Johnathan Swift.
6.4.3 Capacity of Primary Memory
Each memory cell contains one character or 1 byte of data. So the capacity
is defined in terms of bytes or words. Thus 64 kilobyte (KB) memory is
capable of storing 64 X 1024 = 65,536 bytes, (1 kilobyte = 1024 bytes). A
memory size ranges from few kilobytes in small systems to several
thousand kilobytes in large mainframe and super computers. In your
personal computer you will find memory capacity in the range of 12GB(Giga
Bytes), 8GB, 4GB, 2GB, 64 KB, 4 MB, 8 MB an even 16 MB (MB = Mega
Self-Assessment Questions
6. Computers use a memory cell whose contents are limited to a number
between _________ & __________.
7. Capacity of primary memory is defined in terms of ________.

6.5 Random Access Memory (RAM)

RAM is the main memory of the computer system. RAM is a form of
memory where we can read as well as write in to it. The term random
derives that the CPU can retrieve data from any individual location or
address. RAM is organized and controlled in a way that enables data to be
stored and retrieved directly to specific locations. RAM provides temporary
read or write storage. All programs must run through RAM before they can
be used. RAM is a volatile memory, which means that it requires a steady
flow of electricity to maintain its contents. As soon as the power is turned
off, the data in the RAM is lost.

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Random access memory is much faster to read from and write into the
RAM, than the other kinds of storage devices in a computer such as the
hard disk, floppy disk, and CD-ROM. Random Access Memory (RAM) is
further divided into two categories
 Static Random Access Memory (SRAM)
 Dynamic Random Access Memory (DRAM).
Dynamic Random Access Memory (DRAM): In DRAM, the memory cell is
made up of a transistor and a capacitor and requires periodic electrical
refreshing to retain its data.
Static Random Access Memory (SRAM): Unlike a DRAM, SRAM is a type
of RAM which can retain its contents as long as electrical power is supplied
to the chip. However, if power is switched off, its contents are lost forever.
Instead of a transistor and a capacitor, the memory cell of a SRAM consists
of a memory latch (made using flip-flop circuits).Once the latch is turned
ON, it can retain its value as long as the power is ON without any
refreshing. Since these RAM do not require periodic refreshing of the
existing data, these are called static RAM and are much faster than
Dynamic RAM. Table 6.7 shows a comparison between DRAM and SRAM
Table 6.7: Comparison between DRAM and SRAM

It is a volatile memory It is also a volatile memory
Basic memory cell consists of a Basic memory cell consists of
transistor and a capacitor several transistors only
Needs to be refreshed at regular No need to refresh at regular
intervals of time to retain its data intervals of time to retain its data.

6.5.1 Cache Memory

A cache memory is also a type of volatile memory like RAM but it is much
faster than RAM. Cache memory is typically implemented using Static
Random Access Memory (SRAM) because such memory need not be
refreshed and is thus always accessible for a write or a read memory
access. The access time of cache memory is much faster than that of the
RAM. Cache memory acts as a buffer between the CPU and main memory.

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Buffer is a region of a physical memory storage used to temporarily store

data while it is being moved from one place to another.
As most programs contain a number of iterative loops (such as while, for,
and so on), if an instruction is executed there is a chance of the same
instruction being executed again and again. Similarly while working with
tables the user may access the same set of records over a short period of
time. This type of information that is needed frequently is stored in the
cache memory of a computer for faster access.
When a program is running, and the CPU wants to read an instruction or
information, it first checks if the same is available in the cache. If it is found,
it is delivered to the CPU. Otherwise the information is fetched from the
main memory and then copied to the cache memory and delivered to the
Information in cache memory is stored based upon two principles, namely
spatial locality and temporal locality. Temporal locality states that
information recently accessed from memory is likely to be accessed again
shortly. Spatial locality is based upon the fact that when data is accessed at
an address, there is an above average likelihood that the data which is next
required will have an address close to that of the data which has just been
6.5.2 Registers
Registers are used by CPU for processing the data. Central Processing Unit
processes information with high speed; there is also movement of
information between various units of computer. It is necessary to transfer
the processed information with high speed, so the computer uses a number
of special memory units called registers. They are not part of the main
memory but they store information temporarily and pass it on as directed by
the control unit. The registers available on a processor. Examples of
registers are Accumulator (AC), Data Register (DR), Address Register (AR),
Self-Assessment Questions
8. RAM is a ___________ memory.
9. Mention different categories of Random Access Memory (RAM).
10. ____________ acts as a buffer between the CPU and main memory.
11. Information in cache memory is stored in _________ and _________.

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6.6 Read Only Memory (ROM)

Read Only Memory (ROM) is a type of memory in which it can only read the
contents but it cannot write the contents. ROM is a non-volatile memory.
The contents are stored permanently even after the failure of power supply,
are known as non-volatile memories. The storage of information in the ROM
is permanent. The ROM stores some standard processing programs
supplied by the manufacturers to operate the personal computer. The ROM
can only be read by the CPU but it cannot be changed. The Basic
Input/output Program (BIOS) is stored in the ROM that examines and
initializes various equipment attached to the PC when the switch is made
ON. Table 6.8 shows a comparison between RAM and ROM
Table 6.8: Comparison between RAM and ROM

One can both read and write One can only read information from
information to a RAM the ROM
It is a volatile memory i.e. it is a It is a nonvolatile memory i.e. it is a
form of temporary memory where form of permanent memory where
the memory content is lost when the memory content is not lost even
the power is switched off. after the power is switched off.
It is usually used to form the It is usually used to form the Basic
working memory of the computer Input Output System (BIOS) chip of
the computer

There are several ROM variants that can be changed under certain
circumstances. The following are the different types of ROMs:
 Programmable Read Only Memory (PROM)
 Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory (EPROM)
 Flash Memory
6.6.1 Programmable Read Only Memory (PROM)
PROM is a Read Only Memory. Here the user can load and store the
contents. Once the content is written, it cannot be changed and remains
intact even if power is switched off. Therefore content written in PROM
cannot be erased or changed. PROM is also known as one-time
programmable memories or user-programmed ROM.

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6.6.2 Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory (EPROM)

An EPROM is a type of read only memory in which the contents can be
erased and reprogrammed. The contents can be erased by subjecting it to
strong ultraviolet light. The EPROM requires the user to erase the contents
of a location before a new value can be written into it. A window on the top
of the EPROM integrated circuit permits ultraviolet light to fall directly on the
silicon chip. Ultraviolet light of a specific frequency can be shined through
this window for a specified period of time, which will erase the EPROM and
allows it to be reprogrammed again. By doing this the entire chip is reset to
its initial un-programmed state. EPROM is also called as Ultra Violet
Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory (UVEPROM).
EPROM is used in computers where the software may be revised many
times until it is perfect. EPROM does not allow erasure of the contents of an
individual location. The only way to make changes is to erase the entire
EPROM chip and reprogram it. The programming of an EPROM chip is
done electrically by using a device called an EPROM programmer.
6.6.3 Flash Memory
Flash memory is a non-volatile computer storage medium in which the
contents can be electrically erased and reprogrammed. It was introduced by
Toshiba in 1984, was developed from EEPROM (electrically erasable
programmable read-only memory). EEPROM is a type of non-volatile
memory in which the contents can be erased and reprogrammed by
electrical signals. The flash memory is also termed as Solid-state Storage
Device (SSD) due to the absence of mechanical moving parts and
everything is done electronically.
Flash memory stores bits of data in memory cells. The flash memory
electrically deletes the data using Electrically Erasable and Programmable
ROM (EEPROM), and the memory may be entirely deleted in one second or
several seconds. The data stored in the flash memory is deleted throughout
the chip.
Flash memories are high-speed memories, durable and have low-energy
consumption. Due to these features, flash memory is used in devices such
as mobile phone, printer, laptop computer, record and play back sound
devices, such as MP3 players. Flash memory cards are also used in digital
cameras for recording and storing pictures that can be later displayed on

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personal computers and on TV screen. Flash memories in smart cards are

being used not only for storing data but also for storing application programs
such as fingerprint identification, identity cards, health records,
transportation and many more.
Self-Assessment Questions
12. ___________ is a type of memory that can only be read but it be
cannot written.
13. The contents are stored permanently even after the failure of power
supply, are known as ____________ memories.
14. EPROM stands for ___________.
15. Mention any two devices where flash memories are used.

6.7 Memory Building Blocks

A number of different physical devices have been used to construct
memories of computers. In this section we will describe some of the
commonly used devices in construction of memories.
6.7.1 Capacitor Storage Cell
Capacitance is used as a memory cell. A capacitance can be in two states:
a state in which it is fully charged, and another in which it is fully discharged.
We can call the charged state as “1” state, and the discharged state ‘0’
state. If a 1 is to be written in the cell, a voltage V is applied to the input line
and a write signal is applied to write line. The write signal closes switch S1
and the voltage V applied to input charges the capacitance, thereby storing
1 in it. The state of capacitor is read by applying a signal to the read line.
This signal closes switch S2 and the status of C is read, either charged in
which case the voltage at output is V, or discharged, in which case the
voltage at output is 0. Figure 6.1 shows a capacitor storage cell.

Figure 6.1: A capacitor storage cell

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The major advantage of this technology is that it is inexpensive. The area

required to fabricate a cell is very small, around 0.25 microcm 2. Thus 1
million cells occupy only 0.25 cm2.
The major disadvantage of this cell is it is volatile, that is, the data stored in
the cell is lost unless it is refreshed. This is due to the fact that in a charged
capacitor gradually discharge takes place. Thus a capacitor storing a 1
should be periodically recharged, that is its memory should be refreshed.
The readout from this cell is also destructive. In other words, when a charge
in the capacitor is read, it discharges and the cell goes to 0 state. This
storage cell is the one used to fabricate what is known as Dynamic Random
Access Memory (DRAM).
6.7.2 Flip-Flop Storage Cell
A flip-flop is a storage device which uses semiconductor switches to store
either a 0 or a 1. Figure 6.2 shows a memory cell which uses a flip-flop to
store a 0 or a 1.

Figure 6.2: A memory cell using a flip-flop

If a 1 is applied to input and a write signal is applied to the Write line, S1

closes and 1 is written in the flip-flop. The flip-flop will remain in this state
storing 1 unless it is disturbed. If the data stored in the flip-flop is to be read,
a read signal is applied to the Read line which closes S2, and the data
stored in the flip-flop appears on the output line. If a 0 is fed to input and a
write signal is applied, then a 0 is written in the flip-flop.
The major advantages of a flip-flop compared to a capacitor are:
 It takes lesser time to store a bit in it as compared to a capacitor
memory cell.
 The data stored in a cell is not lost with passage of time. There is no
need to refresh the memory.
 The readout from a flip-flop is non-destructive. In other words, when
data is read from flip-flop, it is not erased.

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The major disadvantages of a flip-flop as compared to a capacitor are:

 Flip-flops are more expensive
 Flip-flops occupy more space as they use four semiconductor switches.
 They need continuous application of power to maintain their state. When
power fails, the stored data is lost. It is thus volatile.
6.7.3 Magnetic Storage Cell
The physical device used as a magnetic storage cell is a magnetic recording
surface. The method used to store data (1 or 0) on a magnetic surface is
shown in fig. 6.3 (a). If a 1 is to be written on the magnetic surface, a current
is sent through a coil wound on a magnetic write head. This current creates
a magnetic field (as shown in the figure 6.3(a) in the gap in the write head. A
plastic or metal surface is coated with a ferromagnetic material. This surface
is kept very close to the write head.
The field in the gap of the head magnetizes the surface in the same
direction as the field as shown in the figure 6.3(a). Observe that a right to
left magnetization () is taken as a 1. If a 0 is to be written, the current in
the coil is sent in the opposite direction. In this case the magnetic field in the
gap is from left to right (), and the surface also is magnetized in the same
direction which we call a 0. In order to write a sequence of 1s and 0s, the
magnetic surface is moved (in one direction). The direction of the current
through the coil of the write head is adjusted as needed to write 1 or 0. Bits
are thus recorded on the surface as shown in Fig 6.3 (b). Figure 6.3(a)
shows a magnetic storage cell and figure 6.3(b) shows one recorded track.

Figure 6.3 (a)

Figure 6.3 (b)

Figure 6.3 (a) Magnetic storage cell and (b): one recorded track

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To read data stored on the surface, a read head is used. The read head
called a magneto resistive head. The resistance of this head increases if a
magnet with SN alignment is placed below it and the resistance
decreases if the alignment of a magnet below is opposite, namely, N  S.
The current i(t) flowing through the head is proportional to the resistance of
the head. Thus, if the current increases we say that a 1 is read (1 is N  S),
and if it decreases then a 0 is read. Recording on a magnetic surface is
used in magnetic hard disk, floppy disk and magnetic tape.
6.7.4 Polycarbonate Cell
This cell is used in laser disks or compact disks. The surface of a thin
polycarbonate substrate is coated with a shiny material, usually aluminum.
Above this, a protective layer is coated (see Figure 6.4). To write bits on this
surface, a laser beam is used. Whenever a “1” to be written, the beam is
turned on and burns a ‘pit’ up to the reflective layer. Wherever a “0” is to be
written, the laser beam is defocused and no ‘pit’ is burnt. A sequence of
cells, each cell being a pit or no pit (no ‘pit is called a ‘land’) is traced along
a spiral track on the surface as the disk is rotated. Reading is accomplished
by rotating the disk and moving a laser beam along a track. Whenever there
is a ‘land’ light reflects from the reflective layer and no light gets reflected
from a ‘pit’. The reflecting light is sensed by an electronic light sensing
device and converted to an electrical signal representing a 0 or 1. Figure 6.4
shows a memory cell on polycarbonate layer.

Figure 6.4: Memory cell on polycarbonate layer

Self-Assessment Questions
16. A capacitance can be in two states: a state in which it is fully charged,
and another in which it is fully discharged. (True/False)

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17. ________ is a storage device which uses four semiconductors

switches to store either a 0 or a 1.

6.8 Summary
 Memory in a computer system is required for storage and subsequent
retrieval of the information.
 Characteristics of Memory Systems are storage capacity, unit of
transfer, access modes, access time, permanence of storage, cycle time
and data transfer rate
 The primary memory is made up of memory cells, where every memory
cell contains exactly one number. The number contained in a memory
cell can be changed over time.
 In memory arrays, every memory cell is named with a unique address
number, they are named using sequential numbers starting from the
number zero. Memory cells are limited to positive and negative numbers
of five digits or less (i.e. -99999 to 99999.)
 RAM is the main memory of the computer system. Random Access
Memory (RAM) is a form of memory where we can both read as well as
write in to it. Random Access Memory (RAM) is divided into two
categories SRAM and DRAM
 A cache memory is also a type of volatile memory like RAM but it is
much faster than RAM. Read Only Memory (ROM) is a type of memory
in which it can only read the contents but it cannot write the contents.
ROM is a non-volatile memory.
 Contents written in PROM cannot be erased or changed. PROM are
also known as one-time programmable memories or user-programmed
 An EPROM is a type of read only memory in which the contents can be
erased and reprogrammed.
 Flash memory is a non-volatile computer storage medium in which the
contents can be electrically erased and reprogrammed.
 A number of different physical devices have been used to construct
memories of computers, some of the common ones used to construct
memories are: a capacitor storage cell, a flip-flop storage cell, a
magnetic storage cell.
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Fundamentals of Information Technology Unit 6

6.9 Terminal Questions

1. What is a memory in a computer system? Explain its characteristics.
2. What is memory cell?
3. Write a note on Random Access Memory.
4. What is cache memory?
5. Define Read Only Memory & explain its types.
6. Explain memory building blocks.

6.10 Answers
Self-Assessment Questions
1. False
2. Unit of transfer
3. Static memories
4. Memory cells
5. Address
6. 0 and 255.
7. byte or words
8. Volatile
9. Dynamic Random Access Memory and Static Random Access Memory
10. Cache memory
11. Spatial locality and temporal locality
12. ROM
13. non-volatile
14. Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory
15. Mobile phone and printer
16. True
17. flip-flop
Terminal Questions
1. Memory in a computer system is required for storage and subsequent
retrieval of the information. (Refer section 6.2)
2. The primary memory is made up of memory cells, where every memory
cell contains exactly one number. (Refer section 6.3)
3. RAM is the main memory of the computer system. RAM is a form of
memory where we can read as well as write in to it. (Refer section 6.5)

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Fundamentals of Information Technology Unit 6

4. A cache memory is also a type of volatile memory like RAM but it is

much faster than RAM. (Refer section 6.5)
5. Read Only Memory (ROM) is a type of memory that can only read but it
cannot write in to it. ROM is non-volatile memory. (Refer section 6.6)
6. A number of different physical devices have been used to construct
memories of computers, some of the common ones used to construct
memories are: a capacitor storage cell, a flip-flop storage cell, a
magnetic storage cell. (Refer section 6.7)

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