2013 Nov

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Sotrdt Nam Index No: 2305/303: S 2307/03 2308/303 STRUCTURES \\* ‘Oct/Nov. 2013 Time: 3 hours te’s Signature: Date: THE KENYA NATIONAL EXAMINATIONS COUNCI DIPLOMA IN BUILDING TECHNOLOGY DIPLOMA IN CIVIL ENGINEERING DIPLOMA IN HIGHWAY ENGINEERING STRUCTURES 3 hours INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Write your name and index munber in she spaces provided above, Sign aiid write the date of the examination in the spaces provided above. You should have mathematical tables/scientific calculator and drawing instruments for this examination Answer any FIVE of the EIGHT questions. All questions carry equal muarks, Maximum marks for cack part ofa question are as shown. Answers should be written in the spaces provided in this question paper: Releveent design fables are attached. Do NOT remove any pages fram this question paper. Candidates should answer the questions in English. For Examiner's Use Only easytvet.com i ‘Question 1 w e Candidate's Scare TOTAL. SCORE This paper consists of 20 printed pages. Candidates should check the question paper to ascertain that all the pages are printed as indicated and that no questions are missing. © 07 The Kempt Nanhont rcmamatons Couns! ‘Tura over easytvet.cq Using the three moments theorem, analyse the beam shown in figure and hence sketch the shear force and bending moment diagrams indicating the values at all critical points (20 marks) 30kN/m 200k 19kN Figure 1 A slab simply supported on four sides on 200 mi thick walls is 6.8 m x-4.8 im internal dimensions. Using the lozd factor method, the following information and table 2, design the slab: Loading = Imposed load Finishes Pat 230 Nimm* Peb 7 Nimm? Unit weight of conerete (b) Detail the plan and séction of the slab designed in 2(a} above showing the reinforcement details, (4 marks) Using the moment distribution method, analyse the frame shown in figure 2, and hence sketch the bending moment diagram indicating the values at critical points. (20 marks) 36kN/m 2305/303, 2308/303 2307/303, easytvet.cor Reinforced T-beams in a suspended floor are of effective span 6 m spaced at 3m e/e. Using the load factors method, design the beams given the following information and table 3: ‘overall depth slab thickness breadth of rib Pst Permissible stress in local bond Unit weight of concrete Loading: Imposed load Partitions Finishes For the beam shawn in figure 3: (a) Plot the influence line diagram for the: (i) reaction at A; ) reaction at By bending moment at D. 530mm 150 mm 350mm 230 Nim? 7Nimm? 0.7 Nimm* 1,25 Nimm? 24 KNim* 2.5 KN 1.2 kfm? 0.8 KN/m* (13-4 marks) (6) Determine the maximum positive bending moment at D when s uniformly distributed Joad of 20 kN/m and 4.5 m long crosses the beam from C to B. Figure 3 e® @ (6+ marks) State four advantages and two disadvantages of welded conncetions. Gi) State four reasons for casing steel columns. (b) () 2305/303, 2308/3 2307/303, Determine the size of the fillet weld requited for the eccentric in figure 4, given the information in table 4. 300mm 1 300mm t 250mm Figure 4 easytvet.q elded connection shown 100k (on one plate) (15 marks) Define the following terms.as applied to structural timber: (i) grade stress; (ii) modification factors; (iii) strength class (iv) dry stress. (4 marks) ‘A suspended timber floor is supported on timber joists of effective length 4.0 m spaced at 500 mm c/e, Using the following data and the information in table 5, design the joists for bending and hence check for shear, bearing and deflection Data: ~ grade stresses + bending parallet to grain + shear parallel to grain * compression perpendicular to grain Joad sharing modification factor bearing length at supports = depth ‘breadth ratio loading : dead. load imposed load ~ permissible deflection = Youngs modulus E ‘Assume medium ierm loading. 75 Nim! O71 1.9 Nimm? Ll 100 mm 3 1kNim® 2kNim* 0.003 x span 9.9 kNémm? (16 marks) easytvet.cor Figure 5 shows a truss loaded in such a way that the upper reaction is horizontal Using the graphical method, determine the (a) magnitude’of the reactions; (b) magnitude and nature of forces in the members. easytvet.cq Table 1 Reinforcement-bar areas (mm?) per metre width for various bar spacings Bar spacing (ran) Phy 125 26 402 287 628 4a 905 46 1608 1149 1795 2805 4596 7y8t Areas af groups of reinforcement bars (mm*) Number of bars 1 2 28 7 a 13 193 SO 10l SL 20t 5 352 2 iT 2360 3i4 383 350 }113 2263394528 9 201 «402603 BOR 1005 1407 1608 34 6289421287 —ASTL 2199-2813 491 98214731963 2454-2945 34363927 B04 1608 2412 3216 4021-4825 56296433 1256 2813 3769 © $026 6283. 7539-8796 © 10050 Table 2 Bending moment eceffieients for slabs spanning in two directions at right angles simply supported on four sides 4 1 12 13 Ta ]_1s | 175] 20 [25 | 30 Reads | 007d | ones | 0-007 [0-099 | 0-104 | 0-113 | 0-118, | o-122 | 124 i 7oe2 | 0-061 10-059 | 00s5 | oosi | 0-046 | 0-037 | 0-029 0020 | 0-014 23057303, 2308/303 2307/303, (aya easytvet.cor Table 3 VALUES OF yFOR COMPUTING MOMENT OF RESISTANCE BASED ON THE STRENGTH OF THE CONCRETE IN COMPRESSION Values of y for dy/d, Zor less, Sait aes 6 0:25 0250_| 0250 | 0250 025 0200 | o1as | o175 | 035 3 O170 | 0150 | 0-140 025 | ones | 0140 | 0125 O25 0-160 0-135, 0.120 025 | 0145 | 0-120 | 0-100 STRENGTH OF WELDS Leg length (size) Strength (mm) Némm a 242 402 644 805 Table 5 ‘Modification factor K3 for duration loading Duration of loading Values of Kj Long term (eg, dead + permanent imposed) 1-00 term (e.g dead + snow dead + (emporary imposed) 1:25 5 m (e.g. dead + imposed + wind, dead + imposed + snow + wind) Very short term (c.g. dead + imposed | wind) 1s 1-75 2305/303, 2308/303 2307/303,

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