Copia de Mock - Paraphrasing (Victoria)

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1- The PSOE sought the support of other parties. Otherwise, they wouldn’t have reached the
176 seats necessary to form a government in Spain’s 350-seat congress of deputies.
Unless the PSOE had sought the support of other parties, they wouldn’t have reached the 176
seats necessary to form a government in Spain’s 350-seat congress of deputies.

2- A dozen of its leaders have since gone on trial in Madrid, facing charges including
rebellion and sedition.
Had some leaders not gone on trial in Madrid, they would not be facing charges including
rebellion and sedition.

3- Spain’s desire should be to move forward and reject the reactionary policies of some of his
right-wing opponents.
If only Spain could move d forward and reject ed the reactionary policies of some of his right-
wing opponents.

4- Spain might need another election for politicians to accept the new reality.
But for politicians ’ to acceptlack of acceptance of the new reality, Spain mightwouldn’t need
another election.

5- An alliance involving all the other regional parties, including the Basque separatist PNV,
would leave Sanchez one seat short of a majority.
it not for an alliance involving all the other regional parties, including the Basque separatist PNV, San

6- Vox, whose far-right MPs are headed for congress, believe the PSOE’s victory was an
“ephemeral” one.
The PSOE’s victory is believed to have been an “ephemeral” one.

7- Vox had lived up to its promise to begin “a reconquest of Spain”, the long campaign
against Moorish rule. It concluded in 1492 and also culminated in the expulsion of Spain’s
Jews. (Use a relative clause to join the sentences)
Vox had lived up to its promise to begin “a reconquest of Spain”, the long campaign against
Moorish rule, which concluded in 1492 and also culminated in the expulsion of Spain’s Jews.

8- Although Casado had ruled out resigning in the event of a poor showing, the pressure
on him will be mounting as the party conducts its own post-mortem on his failed strategy.
Despite Casado having ruled out resigning in the event of a poor showing, the pressure on
him will be mounting as the party conducts its own post-mortem on his failed strategy.

9- An alliance with Ciudadanos would give Mr Sanchez the numbers, but its leader was
bitterly critical of his collaboration with Catalan separatists.
Even though its leader iswas bitterly critical of his collaboration with Catalan separatists, it
is necessary that an alliance with Ciudadanos would give Mr Sanchez the numbers.

10- Sánchez has another two months to find a solution in case he cannot secure the votes he
needs. (Use a mixed conditional)
could not secure d the votes he needsneeded, he would n’t have had another two months to
find a solution.

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