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THANK YOU Kirstie and OMKAR, Hello everyone

Before we move to the FY24 performance, can you all please type in the chat your favorite movie genre.
Fantastic responses, FY24 was a roller coaster year it had all elements of a great movie. We had drama, thiller, suspense
you name it all. Let me take you on a quick recap of how the year went.
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The year began with strong pax recovery across regions indicating a positive outlook for the rest of the year (CLICK)
Distribution gains and better visibility on shelf meant Patron was absolutely on fire (CLICK)
And as it it wasn’t all, the real godfather of categories whiskey came to party aided by improved allocations. (CLICK)
The year was looking good and on track to deliver a best ever year once again…
However we started noticing dipping pax spends, it was as if the pax had transformed into Leonarodo dicaprio from catch
me if you can and our brand ambassadors were trying to catch them. (CLICK)
Also we had competition going crazy on price promotions, but we held our ground like Charlize Theron in Mad max
astutely protecting our margins. (CLICK)
I am sure we all noticed major retailers in our respective regions reducing their inventory levels to 30 days or by 30 days.
As if this was not all, we had a guest appearance in form of industry slowdown kinda like the perfect storm. As you can
see the growth levels dipped quarter on quarter from 10% in Q1 to 1% in Q3.
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Now lets take a look at how the year went in terms of performance:
1. Total GTR closed FY24 with an NSV of USD 188Mn which was down 18Mn vs DP but we still grew 5% vs PY
2. Our overall gross margin was 57.5% which was up by 3.5 points vs DP at the back of price increases and
improved mix.
3. We delivered a target beating EFO of USD 56Mn, ahead of target by $0.4Mn.
In the end we did deliver the target profitability, however missing the topline delivery vs DP meant that we had to
heavily rely on other P&L levers such as A&P and structure costs to hit our target which is neither a sustainable nor
preferred way to drive profitability.

But hey !! Considering what we went through the year, it was an amazing performance and super thanks
to the strong collaborations across all teams that got us over the line.
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Now lets take a look at how was our regional performance. Starting from east to west
1. We had the APAC team deliver a solid kickass performance clocking 49Mn in NSV, a +49% growth vs PY at the back
of a lower base. Improved performance was a combination of Pax recovery post reopening of China, strong
performance in SEA markets
2. The IMEA team showed resilience throughout the year like the protagonist from RRR and despite aggressive
competition and challenging business conditions especially in India, delivered a 30Mn NSV -5% vs PY.
3. The European team rallied together like a strong knit football team and despite tough business conditions delivered
USD 59Mn NSV -5% vs PY
4. The amigos from Americas continued to hunt for every single dollar and delivered $49Mn NSV -6% vs PY.
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Now lets move on to see how our brands performed in FY24:
1. Whisky delivered $55Mn in NSV and was down -10% vs DP dragged by Dewars Premium. However, whisky grew
15% vs PY.
2. Patron clocked in 26Mn up 25% on the back of distribution gains however the second half of FY24 also saw the
return of the competition quite aggressively.
3. Our Innovations which are a key bet for us was down -25% predominantly driven by GG essences and Dewars
Double double range.
4. Finally our key brands of Bacardi Bombay and GG clocked in a 81Mn NSV however down -19% vs DP
So finally drumrolls please the brand Oscar goes to Patron (CLICK). This is an amazing performance given the global
So that was a quick recap of FY24 and how we performed internally as a business,
, now lets have a quick look how the consumers saw our brands evolve thoughout the last year.

FY25 Priorities:
Thanks Geoff, (Slide change)
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So as Mahesh and Geoff explained our strategy and expectations for FY25, let me take you through how our ambition
looks like in the next fiscal.
In FY25 we plan to deliver profitable growth in GTR

 Our NSV ambition for this year is $202 Mn +8Mn vs PY

 Delivering an EFO of $64Mn +8Mn vs PY
Guys one more time, +8Mn plus in NSV and +8Mn up in EFO clearly it’s an ambitious plan.
What this effectively means is that we need to maintain razor sharp focus on our Gross margins and continue to
optimizing our discretionary costs.
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Moving to our FY25 ambition across regions, we have secular growth planned across regions:
Only read the growth %
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Moving to our FY25 ambition by brands, growth is driven by big bets on Whisky, Patron and Innovations.
-On Whisky our ambition is to growth at 10%
-we want to continue our momentum in Patron and deliver 15% growth
-Innovations which is again our key bet we have an ambition of 18% growth, one thing to note is if we do well on
innovations its a sure shot way to add to our topline as well as bottom line profitably
And lastly our key brands of GG, Bacrdi and Bombay we aim to bring them back to growth this year with +2%
So all in all it’s an aspirational plan and we know our strategy is working, plus we have a great set of people and in FY25
and we will deliver our ambition.
With That over to Emma for an exciting update from the profitability council.

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