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Dear colleagues,

I hope that this message finds you and your families in good health.

In the past weeks the crisis caused by the pandemic expansion of COVID-19 took a turn for the worse in
New York City. In light of the situation and following the decision of the UN Secretary General, all UN
Secretariat staff have been required to telecommute and work remotely between 16 March and 12 April
2020. The CBPF Section has adjusted to this different way of working and remains dedicated to deliver the
essential services during this critical time.

The CBPF Section team is also aware that the COVID-19 pandemic is impacting CBPF operations in different
ways. The Humanitarian Financing Units in the field are swiftly adapting to this new affected working
environment and remain very dedicated to support humanitarian partners despite the challenges
faced. This novel situation related to COVID-19 requires CBPFs to respond with greater flexibility while
ensuring proper risk management. After analyzing the situation and challenges that some Funds are
beginning to face, and following several requests from NGOs, we will ensure that we can put in place some
extraordinary measures that will allow all key stakeholders to continue providing assistance to those most
requiring it.

Based on an analysis of national contexts, the risk of further spread of the virus, and health capacities of
each country, each CBPF is determining, in consultation with its Advisory Board, whether it would require
to launch an allocation to respond to COVID-19. To date, four CBPFs have initiated an emergency
allocation related to COVID-19 (Afghanistan, Jordan, oPt and Sudan). Other CBPFs are examining the need
for an emergency allocation for COVID-19 in collaboration with humanitarian partners and national health

For more detailed information, the CERF Secretariat and the CBPF Section have prepared an infographic
with all the relevant information on CERF and CBPFs allocations (also available on
ReliefWeb: ). In the coming days we will share with you an online
platform linked to our external GMS Business Intelligence, where you will be able to access real time
information about the COVID-19 responses.

Please do not hesitate to come back to me or my colleagues in the CBPF section in case you have any
questions or comments.

Kind regards,

Fernando Hesse
Country Based Pooled Funds (CBPF) Section | Pooled Funds Management Branch
Humanitarian Financing and Resource Mobilization Division
United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA)
UN Secretariat, 33 Floor, New York, NY 10017
Direct line: +1 212 963-0295 | mobile: +1 917 208-3698 | email:
OCHA – Coordination Saves Lives | | UNOCHA | @unocha

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