Confirmation of Eligibility For Housing Assistance Payment 40464

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31st January 2023

Re: Confirmation of eligibility for Housing Assistance Payment

Dear Landlord/Agent,

I wish to confirm that Valentina - Tereza Tofan, Ionut - Silviu Tofan are eligible for the Homeless
Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) scheme.

HAP is a form of social housing support provided by all Local Authorities. HAP means that Local
Authorities can provide housing assistance for households who qualify for social housing support,
including many long-term Rent Supplement recipients.

There are many benefits for landlords in taking part in the HAP scheme such as:
 HAP landlords are paid monthly by Local Authorities on a tenant’s behalf;
 +99% rent payment rate;
 All HAP payments are made electronically, no rent collection necessary;
 HAP payments are made regardless of a change in tenant income;
 As of 1 January 2016, landlords who rent to tenants in receipt of social housing supports like
HAP may avail of increased tax relief - allowing property owners to claim 100% relief on their
mortgage interest, as an expense against rental income; and
 No up-front private rental standards inspections or tax compliance checks - both can follow
after the tenancy and the rental payments have started, if required.
 Under the Homeless HAP Scheme, the Local Authority will pay one months rent as a deposit
plus the first two months rent in advance. NOTE – This is not done under the regular HAP

Under HAP, payments are made each month directly to a landlord’s bank account through a
centralised payment system on behalf of the Local Authority on the last Wednesday of each
month; this covers the period of occupation of the property by the HAP tenant for that calendar month.
In the case of Homeless HAP, this payment is paid in advance for the following month.

Under the HAP legislation, limits for HAP payments are based on the number of people in a
household and the rental market in the locality. However, Local Authorities have some additional
flexibility to exceed rent limits on a case-by-case basis.

Please note HAP payments can only begin once the Local Authority receives a complete and valid
application form together with any required supporting documentation from the applicant and you as

If you are interested in participating in the HAP scheme, the next steps for you as landlord are as

1. Agree the terms of the tenancy with the above household; and
2. Complete section B of the HAP Application Form and return it to the Local Authority to be
Enclosed with this letter is the HAP Information Booklet for Landlords which will provide further details
about the process to be followed and the Terms and Conditions of the HAP scheme. Further
information is also available on

Yours faithfully,


Homeless HAP Section.

On behalf of Dublin City Council, Fingal County Council, Dun Laoghaire/Rathdown County Council
and South Dublin County Council.

Parkgate Hall,
Conyngham Road,
Dublin 8.

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