Salut Tod

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● Miscellaneous Action {any time} (all position) You expend a few moments to prepare
for the aftermath of the combat like putting on a space suit or readying your weapon for
● Reposition {any time} (change place after initiative) (all position)
● Analyze Data {any time} (Hard check) (all position) Make a knowledge with a +1 bonus
for each scanned relevant information.
● Snap shot {During gunnery after all gunners} (all positions except gunner): Fire a gun
which didn’t fire this round at -2 + last attack roll penalty.
● Re-balance power {before Helm} (Normal check) Raise and lower 2 power input or reset
all power input. (all position roll easy check, Science or engineer cannot fail)
● Take the Helm {Helm}(no pilot action this round)(all position, Captain no penalty)(make
the ship go ½ speed, +2 turn distance and roll initiative at -4)
● Quick Rescan {Helm} (no Science officer action this round) (Normal check) Learn HP
and shield of one ship (current and max)
● Visual ID {Helm} (no Science officer action this round) (Normal check) Learn 1 basic and
unknown information of your choice about one ship (weakest weapon, defense, basic
● Ghost signal {Helm} (Normal Computer check) (all position science off +2) Target one
ship, that ship has a 20% miss chance for any targeted abilities against your ship except
direct fire weapon.
● Erratic maneuvering {Helm} (Normal engineer or piloting check) (all position, pilot
+2) Target one ship, that ship has a 20% miss chance for any direct fire weapon.
● By-pass {During another player’s action} (Hard Check) (all position, engineer +2) The
system can be used for this action as if the critical damage condition was one step less
● Hijack Coms {any time} (Hard Check) You use an enemy ship coms against them, this
ship’s crew have a -1 penalty to all checks this phase.
● Guard up {before Helm} (Hard check) (all position except pilot, gunner +2) You keep
track of enemy ship movement, your ship gets a +5 BR, +4 TL and +4 AC against
boarding, ramming and AoO for this round.

Move (1A): Move speed / double speed -1 maneuver / half speed +1 maneuver / turn any
Shoot (1A) Shoot once, if use 2 time Map applies
Shoot at will (2A) All weapon shoot once Map applies for same gun
Divert shield (2A) Shield +5%PSU all or shield rebalance
Scan (1A) get 1 step info on 1 ship
Repair (2A) repair 1 system 1 step
Special (1A to 3A) depending on a specific ship system

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