English Worksheet CHTR

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Name: ___________________________________ Level: ______ Group: ______ Date: ___/____/24

Activity A.
Underline all the key words you looked at the dictionary.

Talent is an inborn ability or natural aptitude of a person which is often hidden and needs
recognition at the right time. It means you can be good in a certain activity without learning or
practicing it. On the other hand, every person possesses certain skills and talents, that makes us
different from others.

Skill is a learned ability, and it can be developed in someone if a person put his/her time and efforts
in it. The efforts the person puts on it need to be voluntary, systematic and sustained to acquire a
skill and satisfactory perform various tasks and activities.

Talent is a special ability to do something possessed by a person naturally. It is an inborn quality

within the person. It is something which you do the best without putting extra efforts into it. Also, it
can be improved over time if efforts are made in the right direction.

Everyone has unique gifts and talents. What you love is what you are gifted at. To be completely
happy with your life, you need to do what you love the most. Talent along with skills is considered
as a refined ability. If a person does mastery in his talent, then he will be able to fulfill his life goals
easily and effectively.

Activity B.
Circle the best answer. True or False.

1. Talent is an inborn ability or natural aptitude of a person…………………..…………. (True / False)

2. Talent is often visible and needs recognition…………………………………………… (True / False)
3. Skill can be learned or developed in a person…………………………………………. (True / False)
4. Talent cannot be improved over time……………………………………………………. (True / False)
5. Talent along with skills is considered as a refined ability…………………………….. (True / False)

Activity C.
Multiple choice. Circle the right option, then write the word on the line.

1. Talent is a special ______________ to do something by a person.

a) task b) ability c) skill d) none
2. Talent is often ___________________.
a) happy b) jealous c) hidden d) none
3. Every person possesses certain _________________________________.
a) skills and talents b) tasks and efforts c) tasks and activities d) none
4. Skill is a _______________ ability.
a) copied b) robbed c) learned d) none
5. Skill can be developed in ____________________.
a) someone b) anything c) anyone d) none
6. A person puts his/her time and _______________ to learn an ability.
a) tasks b) efforts c) skills d) none
7. Talent is an _______________ quality within a person.
a) newborn b) lowborn c) inborn d) none
8. Talent is possessed by a person ________________________.
a) naturally b) easily c) clearly d) none
9. Talent is something which you do the best ________________ putting extra efforts into it.
a) within b) without c) with d) none
10. Talent along with skills is considered as a __________________ ability.
a) designed b) combined c) refined d) none

Activity D.
Re-read the text and answer these questions in complete form.

1. What is the difference between Talent and Skill? Explain as to the reading.
2. According to the reading “What you love is what you are gifted at”, What do you think are the
skills and talents you possess? Explain in your words.

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