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AR Based Indoor Navigation System

Using Unity Nav Mesh

Mrs. Neha Yadav

Avish Saini
Shubhank Dwivedi Yashveer Singh
Assistant Professor
Department of Computer
Department of Computer Department of Computer
Department of Computer
Science Engineering
Science Engineering Science Engineering
Science Engineering
KIET Group of Institutions
KIET Group of Institutions KIET Group of Institutions
Ghaziabad Ghaziabad KIET Group of Institutions

Abstract: This research tackles persistent challenges in interior navigation by proposing innovative solutions that
leverage advancements in outdoor navigation technologies such as GPS-based smartphone applications. The study
addresses limitations posed by 2D layouts in indoor navigation. The introduction of 3D augmented objects enhances
visibility and facilitates seamless movement within expansive structures, overcoming accuracy concerns in large indoor
environments where GPS signals may be unreliable. Furthermore, a smartphone app methodology incorporating AR Core,
Unity, Nav mesh, and QR codes is outlined to showcase the adaptability of augmented reality technology, ultimately
providing pragmatic resolutions and experimental examples that underscore the significant improvement in the
effectiveness and user experience of indoor navigation.

Keywords: Augmented Reality, Visual Markers, Indoor Positioning, AR Core, A* pathfinding, Algorithm, Navigation Systems

I. Introduction:

It is difficult to navigate through big, complex multi-story buildings like shopping centres, medical facilities, and schools.
For this reason, efficient interior navigation systems must be created. The increasing use of mapping applications and the
pervasiveness of smartphones highlight the need for solutions that go beyond standard GPS functionality. The custom
technologies used by many interior navigation systems today include infrared, radio frequencies, and ultrasonic; each has
installation needs and restrictions of its own. A ubiquitous, affordable solution that gets around the problems with
current technologies has long been desired.[1] By combining computer vision, augmented reality, and visual markers, this
project aims to improve interior navigation and provide a useful and engaging substitute. Recent studies have shown how
popular mapping programs are among smartphone users, which highlights how important navigation is to daily life. The
suggested method makes use of the built-in sensors of mobile devices, such as the magnetic field, Wi-Fi signals, and
inertial sensors, to estimate real-time positioning in recognition of the limitations of GPS in interior contexts. An Ant
Colony Optimization (ACO) technique is integrated to provide effective route calculation for smooth navigation.

Additionally, this study evaluates current technologies and acknowledges the benefits and downsides of them, including
Bluetooth beacons, proximity-based systems, and Wi-Fi fingerprinting. [2] The suggested solution, which focuses on
minimizing current constraints by providing visual markers within an AR-based framework, is based on a critical
evaluation of these technologies.

The potential for this discovery to completely transform indoor navigation especially in huge, intricate structures makes it
significant. Using Unity, AR Core, and Nav-mesh, a prototype created for Dhanalakshmi College of Engineering provides a
working example. [3] This paper intends to add to the continuing discussion on indoor navigation by providing a more
precise, affordable, and user-friendly option for navigating complicated indoor settings through this thorough
examination and suggested solution.
Fig. 1: Workflow of Indoor Navigation System

II. Literature review

Kaixu LIU et al. [4] have implemented an indoor navigation framework encompassing mapping, positioning, path planning,
and en-route assistance, with a focus on augmented reality (AR) for guidance. The AR solution utilizes geomagnetic
positioning, allowing infrastructure-free operation. The system employs a north-oriented coordinate transformation for
AR and demonstrates good performance in experiments. The study emphasizes the integration of services and proposes
an ecosystem for further development. Future directions include refining AR spatial reasoning, optimizing path planning
algorithms, and exploring applications for diverse user needs such as blind individuals and robots, suggesting a
comprehensive approach to indoor navigation innovation.

Sebastian Kasprzak et al. [5] have provided text describes a prototype for indoor navigation using Augmented Reality (AR)
based on interior features. The authors conducted a field trial comparing the AR navigation system with a traditional
paper map in a simulated shopping mall environment. The study found that the AR based navigation system had
advantages, particularly in complex tasks involving multiple floors. Participants using the AR system made fewer wrong
turns and pauses compared to paper map users, resulting in faster task completion times. The subjective evaluation from
AR users generally indicated positive feedback, with some suggestions for improvement, such as incorporating voice
directions and refining AR elements. The authors propose further work on optimal navigation instruction presentation
and testing in stressful conditions. They also explore the use of virtual environments for testing before
physical field trials.

R. Reni Hena Helan et al. [6] aims to focuses on developing a cost-effective indoor navigation system using Augmented
Reality (AR) and mobile devices' built-in sensors. By combining AR technology with GPS, Wi-Fi, BLE, magnetic field signals,
and the Ant Colony Optimization algorithm, the system determines the user's location and calculates the route to the
destination. The prototype, tested at Dhanalakshmi College of Engineering, utilizes AR Core for visual guidance. The
application allows users to choose destinations, displays an AR Navigation Path, and provides a user-friendly navigating
experience. The proposed system has the potential for broader applications beyond campuses, such as malls and airports.
Future enhancements may include multi-floor navigation.

Guojun Yang et al. [7] has proposed an indoor navigation system for visually impaired individuals using AR markers and
computer vision. AR markers are placed in the environment, and devices like smartphones with cameras read these
markers to provide position information. The system employs an incremental registration process for efficient marker
registration. Experimental results show promising accuracy. The system aims to enhance spatial awareness for visually
impaired users, allowing them to navigate indoor spaces with instructions from their smartphones. The approach offers
potential applications in aiding navigation through a systematic design combining computer vision, human-computer
interfaces, and specific protocols.

Xin Hui Ng et al. [8] have find a mobile Augmented Reality (AR)-based indoor navigation system that utilizes built-in
sensors in mobile devices for indoor positioning and integrates AR technology to enhance user navigation. It employs
Indoor Atlas for positioning and pathfinding, AR Core for AR guidance, and an Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) algorithm for
efficient route planning. The proposed system was tested within Sunway University, receiving positive feedback in a
survey. The authors suggest potential improvements, emphasizing the system's simplicity and cost-effectiveness for
broader applications in indoor navigation.

Umair Rehman et al. [9] have introduced augmented reality (AR)-based indoor navigation system using handheld devices
and wearable head-mounted displays (HMDs). The research aims to compare the effectiveness of navigation on Google
Glass (HMD) and a handheld device (Samsung Galaxy S4). The system utilizes advanced feature tracking and AR
technology, presenting directional information through visual and auditory channels. The authors conducted technical
assessments and human factor experiments, addressing usability, navigation accuracy, and user satisfaction. The AR
solution demonstrated feasibility and efficiency, with a focus on maintaining optimal performance at different walking
speeds. The study contributes insights into AR-based indoor navigation design and implementation.

Austin Corotan et al. [10] presents JAQL System, an AR-based navigation system for indoor robotic navigation. Utilizing
Google's AR Core and a mobile application on a Google Pixel 2 smartphone, the system focuses on routing, localization, and
object detection. The Q-learning algorithm guides the robot, while AR Core's features aid in motion tracking and
environmental understanding. Results indicate effective routing and localization for short and intermediate distances,
though challenges arise in longer routes and low-light conditions. Object detection is sensitive to lighting and requires
further improvement. Future work involves integrating additional computer vision techniques, enhancing object
avoidance, and incorporating natural language processing for improved interaction.

Luciene Chagas de Oliveira et al. [11] has proposed an indoor navigation system for wheelchair users addressing mobility
challenges. The system integrates Augmented Reality (AR) with fiducial markers and Beacon technology. It aims to
provide optimized routes, considering obstacles like stairs and offering voice command support. The AR component uses
fiducial markers for directional guidance, while Beacons assist in locating users. The system underwent testing with
wheelchair users, demonstrating its potential for enhancing accessibility. Future work includes adding personalized user
configurations. Overall, the system showcases promise in aiding individuals with physical disabilities, promoting
independent navigation in indoor environments.

Shraddha Tak et al. [12] presented a low-cost Augmented Reality (AR) system for wide-area indoor navigation, particularly
beneficial for visually impaired individuals. Unlike outdoor navigation apps, this model uses AR to place virtual anchors
across indoor structures, aiding users in seamless navigation. By leveraging Microsoft Azure cloud, ARKit, and AR Core,
the system creates a feature vector map for efficient location tracking. The proposed model avoids reliance on GPS,
Machine Learning, or Artificial Intelligence, making it cost-effective. Integration with the Aarogya Setu app is suggested
for real-time avoidance of routes taken by COVID-19 positive individuals. The implementation in Unity demonstrates
promising results, and future enhancements include gamification and obstacle detection.

Georg Gerstweiler et al. [13] majorly focused on the addressing challenges in guiding individuals through complex indoor
environments using augmented reality (AR). Three key areas are explored: the development of the HyMoTrack for 6DOF
tracking in indoor spaces, an automated 3D model generation algorithm from vectorized 2D floor plans, and the
introduction of FOV Path, an AR path concept considering the user's field of view. HyMoTrack is tested in an airport
scenario, the 3D model generation shows promise in converting diverse floor plans, and FOVPath outperforms traditional
path planning in user studies. The proposed system holds potential for personalized, efficient indoor navigation in
public buildings.

Simran Birla et al. [14] used geotiff images generated with Map box or Place note SDKs, the app utilizes visual markers for
precise navigation. Users initiate the process by scanning a QR code at the entrance, and the app calculates optimal
routes within the scanned environment. Real-time AR graphics, such as arrows, guide users through waypoints, ensuring
accurate navigation without heavy reliance on external infrastructure. The research underscores the app's advantages
over traditional indoor navigation methods, emphasizing cost-effectiveness and improved user experience. Overall, the
Disha-Indoor Navigation App stands out as an innovative and precise solution for navigating indoor spaces where
conventional GPS technologies face limitations.

Milad ghantous et al. [15] proposed solution relies on Wi-Fi signals and employs trilateration to calculate user locations.
The trilateration algorithm involves scanning Wi-Fi signals, sorting and averaging RSSI values, and computing
coordinates. The system also integrates AR using Google ARCore, projecting virtual characters to guide users toward
their destinations. Testing results indicate satisfactory accuracy, with an average error of 3.8 meters for Wi-Fi
trilateration. The application offers a user-friendly interface for destination selection and real-time navigation guidance.
Future improvements could focus on refining accuracy, handling noisy measurements, and incorporating fingerprinting
for added robustness. Overall, the proposed system showcases the potential of combining Wi-Fi-based positioning with
AR to address indoor navigation challenges.

Jayananda P.K.V et al. [16] presents an Android-based mobile application called "Easy Shopping," designed to enhance
customer satisfaction in Sri Lankan markets and supermarkets. Focused on addressing common issues faced by
customers, the app incorporates to innovative technologies such as AR core, Augmented Reality (AR), and object
detection. The study emphasizes on the importance of customer-centric approaches in the supermarket industry, aiming
to improve the shopping experience by providing indoor navigation, personalized recommendations, and remote shopping
functionality. The application's features include BLE-based indoor localization, personalized notifications, AR-based
indoor navigation, and object detection for displaying product details. Tested at a KEELS supermarket in Sri Lanka, the
results demonstrate successful map loading, position detection, AR navigation, and information layer display. This
proposed app aims to offer a comprehensive solution to challenges in the traditional supermarkets, fostering a smart and
convenient shopping experience for customers. Future work includes enhancing feature extraction processes, supporting
global applications, and implementing voice recognition for accessibility.
Authors Titles Findings Year

Kaixu LIU
XYZ Indoor Navigation Through Innovation with AR Smart City Navigation
Augmented Reality System.
et al. [1]

Sebastian Kasprzak
Feature-based Indoor
et Field trial proves AR navigation's superiority,
Navigation using Augmented 2013
guiding evolution.
al. [2]

R. Reni Hena Helan Indoor Navigation Using

Smartphone AR app navigates college campus. 2023
et al. [3] Augmented Reality

Guojun Yang et al. Indoor Navigation for Visually Implemented indoor positioning system
[4] Impaired Using AR Markers enhances accurate AR navigation.

Design of a Mobile Augmented

Prototype tested successfully; positive
Xin Hui Ng et al. [5] Reality-based Indoor Navigation 2020
feedback, promising potential

Augmented Reality-based
Umair Rehman et al. Indoor Navigation: Comparative Feasibility and efficiency validated; device
[6] Analysis of Handheld Devices vs. comparison informs indoor navigation.
Google Glass

Optimal routing with Q-learning and cloud

Austin Corotan et al. An Indoor Navigation Robot anchors, precise indoor localization using AR
[7] Using Augmented Reality Core, and effective object detection with AR
feature points.

Indoor Navigation with

Luciene Chagas de Augmented reality and Beacon Successful wheelchair navigation tests address
Oliveira et al. [8] Technology for Wheelchair indoor accessibility challenges.

A Low cost Augmented Reality AR app guides with virtual anchors, utilizing
Shraddha Tak et al.
system for Wide Area Indoor real-time data for cost-effective indoor 2020
Navigation navigation without GPS reliance.

Guiding People in Complex Research yields HyMoTrack, 3D model

Georg Gerstweiler et
Indoor Environments Using algorithm, and FOVPath for enhanced 2018
al. [10]
Augmented Reality indoor navigation.

Simran Birla et al. Disha app by MIT ADT employs AR for effective
[11] Disha-Indoor Navigation App indoor navigation, surpassing GPS challenges. 2020

Augmented Reality Indoor

Milad Ghantous et Wi-Fi trilateration and AR enhance indoor
Navigation Based on Wi-Fi 2018
al. [12] navigation system accuracy.

Augmented Reality Based Smart

Jayananda P.K.V et Supermarket System with Easy Shopping transforms Sri Lankan
al. [13] Indoor Navigation using Beacon supermarkets with AR innovation.

III. Proposed Methodology:

1. Primary Development of Applications

The choice of Unity as the project's development environment was driven primarily by its Nav Mesh components and
associated advantages. The proposed indoor navigation system comprises four key

components: QR-code repositioning, Unity Nav Mesh navigation, and AR Core-based localization. Specifically, the system
integrates QR-code repositioning, Unity Nav Mesh navigation, AR Core-based localization, and AR path visualization. A
detailed exploration of the unique implementation for each functionality is provided below.
Fig. 2: Methodology of the proposed system

2. System of Indoor Positioning

The use of an Indoor Positioning System (IPS) is essential for finding items or people inside of structures. Because of
signal attenuation and scattering indoors, GPS and satellite technologies are useless. Additional hardware is frequently
needed for alternative technologies including Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, visual lighting, magnetic positioning, and visual markers.
AR Core-based indoor positioning is used, which is free of charge and requires no further installations for Android devices
8.1 and higher. It is supplied by Google.

3. Indoor Localization Based on AR Core

To track the user's location and create an internal map of an unfamiliar environment, simultaneous localization and
mapping, or SLAM, is essential. In the contrast to techniques that require transmitters and other hardware, SLAM
which is part of AR Core uses the camera feed of the smartphone to record feature points. [17] AR Core's SLAM algorithm
uses these points which include corners, edges, and regions to integrate sensor data for precise spatial information,
making it a practical and affordable option.

4. (Re)positioning QR Codes

The building is adorned with strategically placed QR codes that function as waypoints. These QR codes are scanned by
the smartphone app to enable precise indoor navigation. Within the building, users can travel around by scanning QR
codes, which makes it possible to identify the beginning and ending places for navigation. To improve the accuracy of
the system, SLAM uses image frames taken during movement to adjust the user’s indication in response to recognized QR

5. Getting Around

The system uses the A* pathfinding algorithm to discover the shortest route form the user’s current location to their goal
to facilitate efficient indoor travel. The nav-mesh components in Unity aid in the creation of navigation meshes, provide a
structure for indoor path finding. It is Known for its efficiency and optimality, the A* algorithm is used to choose the most
correct path in real-time, taking obstructions into account and offering detours as necessary.[18]

6. Displaying Augmented Reality Paths

The indoor navigation app's final feature is the depiction of an augmented reality (AR) path using AR objects like arrows.
The application provides guidance to users using 3D arrows that dynamically modify their location in the response to the
user' s movements. The strategically placed AR arrows point users in the direction of their selection. The augmented
reality items are up to date continuously by the system to maintain fluid navigation experience and alignment with the
user's perspective.
Fig. 3: Architectural Diagram

IV. Implementation

1. Unity: A Sturdy AR/VR Content Development Platform

Beyond being the best program for creating augmented and virtual reality (AR/VR) content, Unity is a top real-time
programming platform. Unity, a popular choice in 2019, gives developers the ability to work on a variety of video game
design chores and provides platforms in both 2D and 3D. Its vast ecosystem includes development guidelines, tutorials,
and forum posts, all of which are essential resources. Unity uses a component-based approach, with Game Objects
serving as base objects that hold scripts or other components. Unity's use of AR features renders it an adaptable option
for investigating AR technology. AR Core, which offers a virtual camera that tracks smartphone movements to render AR
components onto the camera feed, is a key component in using Unity for AR.

2. Unity Nav mesh: Using Navigation Mesh to Improve Pathfinding

Oneness In artificial intelligence applications, Nav Mesh is an abstract data structure that helps agents navigate difficult
environments. Nav Mesh is used in this study to produce path data that is shown as a continuous line on the ground. By
calculating a navigation mesh from a 3D model, the program allows users to query pathways and terrain data. When used
as a navigation display method, a continuous line gives feedback on tracking accuracy and gives an overview of the
complete trip. This method, while not perfect, enables manual modifications to account for tracking errors, assessing AR
Core's influence on the navigation system easier.

3. AR Core: The AR SDK from Google for Integrated Real-World Applications

Google created ARCore, previously called Google Play Services for AR, as a software development kit to help with
augmented reality apps. With the use of smartphone cameras, ARCore makes it possible to combine virtual content with
the actual environment by using six degrees of freedom for positional tracking. Understanding the environment and
estimating light help locate horizontal items that are flat, which improves the integration of virtual elements with their
physical surrounds.

4. Inside-Out Tracking for Precision with AR Core Tracking

Concurrent odometry and mapping (COM) is used in ARCore's tracking system to enable inside-out tracking. This method
corrects sensor registration issues by using feature points collected from the camera feed and inertial measurement
units (IMUs). Using IMU data, it creates a virtual map by integrating overlapping maps to create a complete
representation. Larger environments with repeating elements present difficulties, nevertheless, and could result in pose
correction problems.

5. The Android SDK: Google's Crucial App Development Toolkit

For the purpose of developing Android applications, Google's Android Software Development Kit (SDK) is an essential
toolkit. The Android SDK, which consists of libraries and development tools, guarantees a smooth transition between the
development and debugging phases. The Android SDK is compatible with a number of operating systems, such as
Windows, Linux, and macOS. It updates with every new version of the Android software, including new features and tools
that are necessary for developing Android apps.
Fig. 4: Overview of Application app in Unity

V. Results and Discussions:

The findings indicated that all participants faced many difficulties to navigating the campus without assistance, yet
responded positively to the application, expressing ease in finding their destinations and understanding the provided
directions. The Likert scale responses reflected unanimous agreement on the app's effectiveness and a willingness to use
it for future navigation needs. While the participants offered constructive suggestions for improvement, such as
refining the AR guide's movement and expanding venue coverage, the overall feedback underscores the successful
implementation and user acceptance of the mobile application.

The study concludes with insights into the application's installation process and an additional feedback feature,
emphasizing continuous efforts to enhance user experiences in subsequent versions.

Fig. 5: Indoor Navigation of campus

VI. Conclusion

To sum up, the assessment of the literature indicates a strong trend in indoor navigation systems toward augmented
reality (AR) and highlights its advantages over traditional techniques. Comprehensive UML diagrams show that the
suggested system, EZYPATH, is highly efficient in 2D maps and has the potential to be even more effective with AR
integration. The report highlights the effective use of AR in a variety of settings, such as hospitals and educational
institutions, demonstrating its versatility and societal worth. The evolution and effectiveness of AR-based navigation are
demonstrated by the combination of different technologies, the use of fusion positioning systems, and the preference for
the ACO algorithm in path navigation. The practical implementation aspects, including virtual environment testing and
exploration of interaction modalities, showcase adaptability and a forward-thinking approach to system validation. The
findings collectively suggest that AR-based indoor navigation systems not only effectively address current challenges but
also offer a pathway for continuous improvement and widespread applicability. The proposed system emerges as a
promising solution for navigating intricate indoor environments, indicating its potential to revolutionize how individuals
interact with and navigate complex built spaces.


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