Igcse-Student-Booklet 2024

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Cambridge IGCSE

English as a Second Language

(Count-in speaking) - 0511


For syllabus 2024-2028

Exercise 1-Guidance

Candidates read a text and answer a series of questions. The text is

approximately 400–450 words long and is likely to include facts,
opinions, ideas and attitudes. The first five questions require one
answer, and the final question requires three answers. Candidates write
short (single word/phrase) answers.
Marks for the task: 8

First, simply skim through the

texts and get an idea of what Some questions are very
It is a reading
it is about. Skimming is simply specific, so the answers
exercise. You can
glancing through the text to are very easy to find.
copy the text from
catch words and phrases.
the passage itself;
Find out what kind of text it is Others you will have to
you don’t have to
(travel brochure, newspaper read between the lines–
write in your own
article, leaflet etc.) and the you have to look at what
words! You don’t
main idea of each paragraph. the author is implying-
even have to write in
to look through the questions what he means. Some
full sentence! As
first and then read the text. questions will also use
long as the answer is
synonyms of the words
correct. Make sure
used in the passage simply
that you spell words
For exercise 1, scan the text to confuse you! So make
correctly, as
to find the answers sure you know your
misspelling may
by locating the vocabulary!
change the meaning
keywords (noun and/or verb) of the word. Remember, you don’t have
from the question, in the to come up with your own
passage. Then read that Do not write long answers, everything is
sentence properly to get the answers which there in the passage itself;
answer. It is also worth noting exceed the given
it’s a reading exercise, not
that, usually, answers will be space.
found in chronological
order within the passage.

Time Management
The average time for each exercise
Exercise 1 is 20 minutes as
there are six exercises to be completed in two hours.
But it is highly recommended to spend around 25 to 30
minutes on each writing task as they require to
develop ideas and planning.
Like many other industries, tourism focuses almost exclusively on growth, with little or no
concern for its impact on society. After decades of virtually uncontrolled growth, tourism is
now creating more problems than benefits. It can take many forms; perhaps a million additional
tourists arrive in a capital city, or too many tourists begin visiting a small, rural community.
Overtourism isn’t just an issue that is happening in major cities. An increasing number of
tourists are also visiting national parks, beaches and other natural attractions. There are
currently over two billion tourists, and that figure is rising by six per cent annually – a level of
growth that isn’t sustainable in the long term.
Local and national governments and tourist boards consider a ‘successful’ year to be one in
which they see a substantial increase in tourists. This widespread view means many are
unwilling to limit the number of tourists flooding to these countries. If measures aren’t taken,
the negative impacts of tourism will continue to grow.
Overtourism is not a new problem – the expression first appeared in 2012. However, it didn’t
hit the headlines until the summer of 2017, when the media began running reports. It showed
large-scale protests by residents in Barcelona, Venice and Dubrovnik demanding ‘tourists go
home’. The world finally sat up and took an interest.
The availability of cheap flights encourages overtourism, especially in Europe as airline
companies don’t pay any tax on jet fuel – a type of fuel responsible for two per cent of the
world’s CO2 emissions. However, from 2030, all European flights will have to start paying tax
on jet fuel. The EU hopes the tax will persuade commercial airlines to switch to biofuels. Cruise
ships are also allowed to burn a particularly cheap and polluting fuel to keep costs low. They
contribute to overtourism by bringing thousands of passengers to port cities each day.
Passengers often spend very little money at these destinations, but they pack the historic streets,
monuments, cafés and shops, creating an unpleasant experience for residents and visitors
staying locally.
One solution is to encourage people to be more responsible tourists – to increase their positive
impacts while cutting negative ones when they go on a journey. For example, people could
visit other parts of Spain rather than just Barcelona – one of the most overtouristed cities in the
world. Travellers should be encouraged to explore less well-known cities, towns and villages
to have a much more authentic experience of Spain. Visitors going off the beaten track can
have a greater connection with local people and their way of life. They can also visit outside
peak season, when it’s less stressful for residents and more pleasant for tourists. By doing this,
they put less pressure on things like public transport – and may even save themselves money.
Question 1
At what rate is the number of tourists rising every year?
_______________________________________________________________________ [1]

Question 2
How are governments allowing overtourism to get increasingly worse?
_______________________________________________________________________ [1]

Question 3
How did issues related to overtourism become more widely recognised?
_______________________________________________________________________ [1]

Question 4
What change in 2030 will affect some airline companies?
_______________________________________________________________________ [1]

Question 5
What is the main objective of a responsible tourist on holiday?
_______________________________________________________________________ [1]

Question 6
How do people benefit from being responsible tourists?
Give three details.
_______________________________________________________________________ [3]

[Total: 8]
Exercise 2 Guidance

Candidates read a text and complete a set of brief notes. The text is
approximately 400–500 words long. Each response is worth one
Marks for the task: 7

Underline important words in the

questions – nouns, verbs, Try to match the main idea to each
adjectives and adverbs may question with the correct place in the text.
provide information that you When you locate the place, read the text
might need to find in the text. more carefully to check whether the
All four texts have similar but not meaning matches the idea in the question.
the same ideas. Identify the key The idea will be written in a different way
words from the question to find in the text and in the statement. If you still
out the correct answer. can’t locate the right answer, read up or
down from the sentence you found, or
make a guess.

Start by matching up the questions Make it clear which is your final

to the right part of the text for those selection. If your answer is
you are confident about. For any unclear, it cannot be marked. You
question where you don’t know the can cut ant rewrite the answer if
answer, decide which of the you get the correct answer later,
remaining parts of the text match. but make sure that your final
answer is clear and legible.

Time Management
Spend around 15 minutes on this task.
Exercise 2

Read the article about four young people (A–D) who pick up litter in their communities. Then
answer Question 1 a–i.
Total [9]
Exercise 3 Guidance

Candidates read a text and complete a set of brief notes. The text is
approximately 400–500 words long. Each response is worth one
Marks for the task: 7

Exercise 3 of Paper 1 is a reading task,

where a passage is given and you are asked Read the headings
to make notes on it under the headings given.
This is again, an easy enough task but you First, reading the headings given in the
need to be careful to ensure that you’re question will be the best course of action.
writing the correct points. It will tell you what information you
need to find from the passage and copy
Let’s dive straight into it. into your answer.
Read the passage.
Write down the points under each heading. As you go underline the points that you
You don’t have to write in full sentences can write down under each heading.
You can copy the text as it is from the passage Answers could be found anywhere, but
That’s about. usually goes in a chronological order.

It’s again, like the previous question, an

information transfer. You just need to know
what the relevant information is and where you You should only write one point per
should put it. line given. Thus, all points that you
could write do not have to be written.
That’s about. It’s again, like the previous Do not write out of given space and
question, an information transfer. You just need don’t write extra points, you answer
will be according to the given format,
to know what the relevant information is and
3 and 4 points per heading.
where you should put it.
Try to match any heading with the
correct place in the text.
Make sure that you spell words
correctly, as misspelling may change
the meaning of the word.

Time management
Spend around 15 minutes on this question.
Exercise 4 guidance

Candidates read a text that is approximately 550–600 words long and answer
six multiple choice questions. Each question may focus on the main ideas or
details in the text and on the attitudes or opinions expressed. There are three
options to choose between, and candidates write the appropriate letter (A, B or
C) for each answer. Each question is worth one mark.
Marks for the task: 7

Skim the text and read

the questions.
After reading the questions, scan the part
Read the questions
where the relevant information is given.
carefully, twice if
necessary. Read the Sometimes it’s easy to read a question and
choices. know the answer right away, but at other
times it’s a bit trickier than that.
Underline the key words
in the question. Use the process of elimination to make your
choice easier. (ignore the answers which are
least likely to be correct)
Select the best answer to the question.
Avoid cutting in this question and if you have
Remember that answers to change your answer, change your first tick
will most likely come in to a cross and tick the other box.
order. Make sure there is
only one best answer.

Time management
Spend about 15 minutes on this question.
Exercise 4

Read the article about setting goals, and then answer the questions.
Are you a goal setter or a problem solver?
I know so many people who have hopes, dreams and aspirations, yet they haven’t achieved
them. I have realised that far too many people never actually make goals, let alone write them
down. A study of Harvard MBA students found that graduates who set goals for themselves
earned double the amount as those who didn’t. A study at the Dominican University in
California saw a 42 percent increase in goal achievement when people wrote their goals down.
In other words, there are essential ingredients to achieving our hopes and dreams.
This may seem an obvious question, but why don’t more people put pen to paper and write
down their goals? Is it because they don’t know how? Although that seems somewhat unlikely.
Perhaps they don’t want to put the time and effort into writing down their goals. Even though
this task requires a high degree of intention and may seem like too much trouble at the time,
no one desires the alternative. It’s far more probable that most people had previous goals they
weren’t able to achieve.
More importantly, we need to understand how to set goals and fulfil them. The issue may, in
fact, be the dichotomy between goal-setting and problem-solving. Those who are stimulated
by setting and achieving bold, new aims are goal setters. If you lose motivation when planning
for the future and are more of a ‘here and now’ person, you are a problem solver. The former
see future possibilities and the big picture, while problem-solvers see the present situation and
the details. Goal setters look for opportunities that may seem unrealistic. They like to head in
new directions, while problem-solvers focus on difficulties and may seem pessimistic, although
they like to fulfil present commitments. Goal setters love research, are creative and are
visionary. Problem-solvers love routine, adapt to situations and are practical. Identifying which
you are is vital to your success.
Being in good financial shape is what many of us want in life, and the way you achieve this
depends on whether you are a goal setter or problem solver. For example, goals can help to
bring about financial security while financial problems can get solved. Saving 10 percent of
your income or having a retirement plan are specific goals that lead to financial security.
Establishing a budget or getting out of debt can prevent a financial ship from sinking. Above
all, each approach supplies a secure financial future.
Whether you refer to your goals as ‘goals I want to accomplish’ or ‘problems I want to solve’,
writing them down is the crucial step for monitoring your progress. One method might be to
use charts or graphs to keep track of this. You might also want to ask yourself each day, ‘What
can I do to move one step closer to achieving a goal or solving a problem?’ Also, regularly
reviewing your progress is key if you want to reach your goals – no matter what school of
thought you take. I can assure you, and with a great deal of confidence, that goal-setting and
problem-solving will make you happier and more fulfilled, and have a greater sense of purpose.
So, what are you waiting for? Go find
a pen!
For each question, choose the correct answer, A, B or C, and put a tick (✓) in the appropriate

Question 1
Why does the writer mention the Harvard MBA and Dominican University in California
A to draw the conclusion that people generally have low expectations
B to make a clear distinction between students and the employed
C to strengthen an argument by referring to reliable evidence


Question 2
In the second paragraph, what is the writer doing?
A explaining how people can overcome their fear of setting goals
B considering why people tend to avoid setting goals for themselves
C emphasising why people continue to set unrealistic goals for themselves


Question 3
What does the term ‘dichotomy’ mean in line 11?
A the repeated separation into two equal parts
B a contrast between two things that are entirely different
C a belief that there are only two choices when other options are available


Question 4
Why does the writer discuss being in good financial shape?
A to illustrate that completely different attitudes towards money can achieve
the same result
B to imply that most people’s long-term plans are unsuitable when it comes to money
C to recommend various strategies that help to take control of money problems

Question 5

In the final paragraph, what recommendation does the writer say is suitable for anyone with a

A Use visual methods to keep track of everything you are doing to achieve it.

B Answer specific questions that force you to analyse how you will achieve it.

C Get in the habit of supervising all the measures you take towards achieving it.


Question 6

What is the main purpose of this article?

A To inform people about some research about achieving goals.

B To persuade people to take specific measures to achieve their goals.

C To convince people to combine two particular methods to achieve their goals.


[Total: 6]
Exercise 5 guidance

Task: Informal Email

Candidates write 120–160 words of continuous prose, in response to the rubric. The rubric includes
information on the purpose and audience. Candidates must address the prompts provided in the task
and are awarded up to 6 marks for content (task fulfilment and the development of ideas) and up to
9 marks for language (range, accuracy and organisation).

Format of the text Try to make your writing

Purspose and audience
enjoyable to read. If you
Salutation: Dear/Hello ___
Think about who you are like using idioms (e.g.
writing to. Try to write as if Paragraph 1-Introduction: Write ‘over the moon’, ‘don’t
you are talking to this a short introduction where you cry over spilt milk’ etc), or
person and you’ll show that both of you are close, phrasal verbs (break down,
automatically use the talk about some family member put on, brush up on etc) be
correct conversational tone or some recent activity. careful not to use too
and register. You’ll be many. It can make your
using words and phrases Paragraph 2- Discuss first bullet
writing sound unnatural.
which are informal. point in the question.
They also need to suit the
Paragraph 3- Second bullet point task.
in the question.
Paragraph 4- Third bullet point in
the question.
If you’re writing a letter or
email, don’t spend time Paragraph 5- Closing: It can be Remember to write at
providing introductory only one or two sentences to least a paragraph on each
information such as an show that you are ending your of the bullet points given
address or subject. Use mail. as guidance on the
most of your time and
Sign off: Some informal sign off question paper. This will
space on the question
e.g. Cheers/ take care/ your best give your writing good
paper to write the main
friend/ catch you later/ see you balance. You’ll lose
body of your answer
soon/ talk soon/ sincerely. marks if you don’t write
about everything you have
Write you name under the sign been asked.
off phrase.

Time management
Spend about 30-35 minutes on this question.
Exercise 5

Last month, you won a competition to go on an adventure holiday. Tell your friend about it.
Write an email to your friend about it.
In your email, you should:
· Say how you felt when you won the adventure holiday
· Explain what you did on the adventure holiday
· Describe a challenge you faced on the adventure holiday.
Write about 120 to 160 words.
You will receive up to 6 marks for the content of your email and up to 9 marks for the
language used.

[Total: 15]
Exercise 6 guidance – Article

The purpose of an article is often to inform and persuade the reader. Articles give
the reader information about a certain topic and can also be used to persuade the
reader that a certain viewpoint is correct. However, they often provide a balanced
argument which lets the reader make up their own mind about the topic.

If you want to write only from your Before you begin writing, decide if you’re
. own point of view, include it in the going to write about the topic from two sides
first paragraph as thesis statement. (for and against) or from just one (your
If you write a two-sided (balanced) piece of
. writing, remember to include your opinion in
the last paragraph
Try to think of your own ideas on the
topic which match the task and include
them in your writing. • For each of the
ideas included in your answer, support
Remember to use linking words which
them with evidence or examples.
suit a formal type of writing, such as
Note, the examiner knows that the
‘firstly’, ‘another point’ or ‘to sum up’.
evidence or examples will be made up
and doesn’t expect these to be correct.

Give forceful statements rather than ‘I

think that’, ‘maybe’ or ‘perhaps’ and
You can use phrases and opinions given try to use rhetorical questions
in the question, but if you want to get (questions which don’t require an
higher marks, you must develop these answer but make your reader think).
ideas and not just copy them.

Time Management
Spend about 30- 35 minutes on this task. Spend 5 minutes to
plan your writing.
Two-sided article
One sided article
Catchy title
Catchy title
Use alliteration, adjectives or rhyming
Use alliteration, adjectives or rhyming
words to make your title attractive.
words to make your title attractive.
Hooking introduction: Start with a
Hooking introduction: Start with a
rhetorical question, some interesting or
rhetorical question, some interesting or
surprising fact or statistic or with some
surprising fact or statistic or with some
quote. Mention that topic under
quote. Add thesis which clearly indicate
discussion have two different point of
your point of view on the issue.

Body paragraph 1: Give 2 to 3 reason that

Body paragraph 1: Give 2 to 3 reason
support your thesis statement. Provide
that support the given topic. Provide
evidence or explanations of your points.
logical reasons with evidence or

Body paragraph 2: Write a counter claim explanation.

(what your opponents say) and a rebuttal

Body paragraph 2: Give 2 to 3 points
(your point against counter claim)
against the topic. Provide logical reasons

Conclusion: Rephrase your thesis with evidence or explanation.

statement and summarise your claim.

Conclusion: End the article with a

Total number of paragraphs: 4 balanced approach or give your opinion

either in favour or against the topic.

Total number of paragraphs: 4

Article writing- Practice task
In class, you have been discussing whether the school day should start and finish later,
because many teenagers find it hard to get up early in the mornings. Here are some comments
from your classmates:

Write an article for the school magazine, giving your views.

The comments above may give you some ideas, and you can also use some ideas of your
Your article should be between 120 and 160 words long.
You will receive up to 6 marks for the content of your article, and up to 9 marks for the
language used.

[Total: 15]

Exercise 6 could also be a report-writing task.

The purpose of a report is to give information and suggestions to the reader. Reports are a mixture of fact
and opinion. The audience of the report is often someone in charge or a teacher, so the language and tone
of the report tends to be more formal. A report may include headings.

You will be given a particular context and asked to write a report on it. You are expected to write
120-160 words, and the exercise is worth 15 marks.

Read the question carefully Come up with a title. It

and ensure that you know should be brief and
what it is asking for. It may relevant and will give Format
be helpful to underline the you a good start. Title: Brief and relevant
important points in pencil.
Introduction: A to the
point opening paragraph
including 4Ws.
Make a plan and spend no
more than 5 minutes on it. It Body paragraph 1:
Write a strong, but Positive points about the
should give you a rough concise, introduction. This
idea of the details you want event
paragraph should include the most
to include in your report, important details of the event that Body paragraph 2:
what you want to write in you are reporting on – the ‘who Negative points about the
your introduction, body, ‘(your class), ‘what ‘(a trip), even
and conclusion. Remember, ‘when ‘(last week? last month?),
the purpose of a report is Conclusion: It should
‘where ‘(large recycling centre), include some suggestion
to reflect on and ‘why (learn about recycling)’
evaluate something, so for improvement based on
make sure you keep that in negative points.
mind when drawing up your

Time Management
Spend around 30 minutes for the whole exercise. Take 5
minutes to plan your report, by coming up with points to be
included in the introduction, body, and conclusion.
Report writing- Practice task

Your class recently had a series of online discussions with international students about where
they live, and you have been asked to write a report.
In your report, explain why students want to be involved in their community, how they
think they benefit from doing this and whether they think there are any negative
aspects to it.

Here are some comments from students in the online discussions:

I’m too busy with school

Everyone in my village is an to be involved in my
important part of my community.

I don’t feel a sense of

More young people
community living in a
need to care about
huge city.
their community.

Now write a report for your teacher.

The comments above may give you some ideas, and you should also use some ideas of your
Write about 120 to 160 words.
You will receive up to 6 marks for the content of your report and up to 9 marks for the
language used.
[Total: 15]

[Total: 15]
Review writing.

Exercise 6 of the ESL paper could also be a review writing.

The review could be for a book, movie, restaurant, event etc. that you
enjoyed (or didn’t!)
Let’s dive right in. I will be using a book review for examples. All other
reviews have a similar format and features.
The exercise is worth 15 marks and you should write about 120-160words.

General format Title of the review including the name of the book
for any review The Invisible Man- Book review
Title Four paragraph structure

Four paragraph
structure • Introduction: state the book’s title, author’s full name, the
1. Introducti setting of the story, giving a one-line description of what the
on story is about. Use adjectives to describe the book such as
2. Descriptio
n/details insightful, beautiful, controversial etc.
3. Personal • Brief description: give a one-paragraph synopsis of the plot of
views for
the book, shortly expanding your one-sentence description in the
liking (or
disliking) introduction. Don’t write the whole story, only the beginning!
4. Recomm Use the present tense of verbs and linking words to outline the
story chronologically. Bonus points if you can use words that fit
the theme of the story. If, for example, the book is of the fantasy

Use genre, use words like magic, summon, fate, spells etc.
descriptive • Opinion: this is where you have to write down how the book
impacted you. Was it inspiring? Thought-provoking? Life-
superlative changing? You could praise the book or criticise it, stating why.
adjectives and • Recommendation: you must state whether you would
recommend this book, to whom and why.

Time management
Spend 30 minutes on this exercise. Allot 5 minutes to plan the points you will include in each
paragraph. Take 20 minutes to write your review, keeping in mind all the above tips. Use the final 5
minutes to proofread and make any changes.
Sample texts.
Review writing- Practice

You recently saw a film. You have now decided to write a review of the film for the school
magazine. Here are some comments from other students who saw the film:

Write a review of the film giving your views.

The comments above may give you some ideas, and you can also use some ideas of your
Your review should be between 100 and 150 words long.
You will receive up to 6 marks for the content of your review, and up to 9 marks for the
language used.

[Total: 15]
Essay writing

The purpose of an essay is to present an argument or point of view and give examples or reasons to
support it. The topic will be a question or an issue which people generally have different opinions
about. The essay could present both sides of the argument, or just one, depending on the instructions
given in the task.

One way to structure your essay is to have a balanced argument focusing An essay can be written
on one side of the argument, then on the other side of the argument. either in argumentative,
persuasive, or discursive
style. Discursive essay
Alternatively, an essay can be one-sided. You present one side of the
format is shared as an
argument, supported with examples and/or reasons.
example and is
recommended one as you
would have opportunity to
discuss both sides of the

Format of discursive essay

A title relevant to the topic
Introduction: Write the introductory paragraph of
the essay by explaining the problem in general
terms. Do not emphasise one or the other or
attach any emotions at this point.
Difference among all three essays
Body paragraph 1: Discuss one side of the
argument with at least two reasons and Discursive essays discuss a topic in a
supporting evidence or explanation. broad and thoughtful way so that
readers can easily consider both or all
Body paragraph 2: Discuss the other side of the
sides of a topic or issue. Argumentative
argument with at least two reasons and
essays forcefully and with purpose
supporting details.
present a set of reasons why one should
Conclusion: Her you can include your point of adopt this one point of view on an issue
view or reach to a balanced conclusion or topic.

Time management
Spend 30 minutes on this exercise. Allot 5 minutes to plan the points you will include in each
paragraph. Take 20 minutes to write your review, keeping in mind all the above tips. Use the final 5
minutes to proofread and make any changes.
Sample Essay ( Discursive)
Essay writing Practice
Reflecting on our recent class discussion about whether plastic bags should be banned.
Your teacher wants you to write an essay about it.
In your essay think about the reasons supporting and opposing a ban and decide if it's crucial
for the environment.
Here are some comments from your classmates:

Plastic bags have a

devastating impact on I can use plastic bag
marine life multiple time.

The plastic bag industry

employs a significant
number of people. Marine animals would be
severely injured or killed
by plastic.

Now write an essay for your teacher.

The comments above may give you some ideas and you should also use some ideas of your

Write about 120 to 160 words.

You will receive up to 6 marks for the content of your essay and up to 9 marks for the language






















Total [15]

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