Wl3e Level02 U11 Wu Video Script

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World Link 2, Unit 11

Warm-Up Video – Kids React to Old Computers

Kids: Kids react to: technology! This episode: old computers!

Interviewer: Today you are reacting to this.

Brooke-Monaé: What is this?

Evan: What is that?

Lucas: A computer.

Derek: Oh, it's an old computer.

Krischelle: It looks cool, I like pressing buttons.

Dylan: It's huge, it's very huge.

Jayka: If you don't have a desk where do you put this?

Dash: It feels very hipster.

Kids: Question time.

Interviewer: So it's an old computer.

Jayka: Yes.

Interviewer: From the late 1970s or early 80s. What do you think of it just from
looking at it.

Tyler: Kind of like those old televisions that were like very boxy.

Interviewer: Go ahead, turn it on.

Kacey: Um. Aw.

Sydney: Nothing is happening.

Interviewer: So you turned the monitor on, where else might an on switch be?

Brooke-Monaé: Ah.
Dash: Wait.

Brooke-Monaé: Hello.

Evan: How do we do this?

Interviewer: It's in the back.

Evan: Oh, I see where it is.

Kacey: Why does it have to make so much noise?

Tyler: And there's nothing on the screen.

Dylan: It doesn't look anything like what we have now.

Brooke-Monaé: Apps, games, websites, everything but this thing right here has

Interviewer: Go ahead and try and do something on the computer.

Tyler: Nothing is happening.

Kacey: Ah, how do I do this?

Interviewer: You can't do anything or even type until you hit a reset button that's on
the computer.

Jayka: Ahh.

Krischelle: Reset.

Dylan: It's very tedious.

Evan: It's like preflight checks kind of.

Brooke-Monaé: That is too many steps.

Interviewer: How do you like do anything?

Krischelle: Maybe you press shift. OK, that didn't do anything.

Jayka: Where's the mouse?

Tyler: Where's the mouse?

Interviewer: Everything is just done with the keyboard.

Jayka: What?

Interviewer: OK—

Lucas: No, no.

Interviewer: OK, OK, OK.

Sydney: I'm going to write my name. It doesn't matter.

Dylan: Are there any programs on it?

Interviewer: You have to type into the keyboard to get it to do anything.

Brooke-Monaé: So if I type in games and hit return, error.

Evan Ah, error.

Dash: This computer is an error.

Interviewer: How do you go on the internet?

Evan: You um, um.

Kacey: What?

Dylan: I'm pretty sure Timothy Berners-Lee didn't create it yet.

Interviewer: There was no internet back then.

Krischelle: What?

Jayka: How do you like look up homework?

Interviewer: You got to go to the library.

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