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Name: Harvinderjit singh

Student Number: 10137555

Topic: Holland Park: Bridging Nature and Urban

Life in surrey


Holland Park is located in the heart of Surrey, British Columbia, it is the most beautiful place in

the city with different cultures and social dynamics of local communities. In this landscape

essay, I am going to discuss about some detailed descriptions, analysis which I have found

helpful as well as there are some notable points related to the physical attributes and historical
development of Holland Park. In addition, I will give few suggestions at the end of this essay for

good development.

Geographical description:

Holland Park has situated in 10 hectares (25 acres) of land, which is large area for doing many

activities. The park features both different walking paths and cycling paths which I showed in

figure 1 and 2 as well as there are approximately 40 benches for sitting. There is playground for

young children which includes many rides and different games. On the entrance from King

George Boulevard, we see the parking area for vehicles as well as when we enter the park there

are clean toilets. There is a tranquil water feature, surrounded by flower beds that bloom

vibrantly in the spring and summer months. While in the southern edge, there is a covered stage

area for community events and concerts which adds dynamic element to the atmosphere of park.

In addition, the landscape Holland Park includes a mixture of open grassy areas with large trees,

and designed flowers. The sculptures and public art installations are strategically placed

throughout the park like in figure 3 which provides visual interest and cultural enrichment and

information about public art is given in the map placed in park shown in figure 5. The pathways

are made with a mix of concrete and gravel which ensuring accessibility for everyone. In

addition, there is separate basketball court, many people from different communities plays there

with respect which seems great. (as show. In figure 4.)

Figure1. Cycle track. Figure2. Walking trail

(Source: my own photograph). (Source: my own photograph)

Figure3. Art around stage Figure 4. Basketball court

(Source: my own photograph). (Source: myown photograph)

Figure5. Map of where public art is placed.

Historical developments:

The complete metamorphosis of Holland Park into what it is today is a true reflection of Surrey’s

growth in urban planning and community construction. Formerly a merely a green field, the park

was greatly developed in year 2007 in line with the City of Surrey’s aspiration to have an active

communal area that would suit all the needs of the society (City of Surrey, 2007).

Some of these modern features that were incorporated in the redesign of the park are the

playground, the stage, and the water splash pad ( as shown in figure 6 and 7). These

improvements were within the efforts to spruce up the public areas and foster public

participation. Holland Park was developed to address the fact that Surrey’s city center was

becoming more densely populated and people needed better access to recreational facilities

(Thompson, 2018).

The land that is now encompassed by Holland Park was formerly a part of a big piece of land

that was mainly used for farming. The transformation of Surrey from an agricultural land to a

growing metropolitan city consequently prompted the provision of more green public spaces.

The park was named in honor of the early Dutch settlers who helped build the infrastructure of

Surrey (Surrey Archives, n. d.). The historical connection to this background is alluded to in the

lay out of the park and the type of plants growing there, the tulips and other flowers common in

Dutch horticulture.
Figure 6. Playground. Figure 7. Water Splash pad

(Source: my own photograph). (Source: my own photograph)


Holland Park is designed in a way that makes it as accessible to the public as possible. This

makes it possible for people of all ages and those who are physically challenged to have an easy

time when accessing the park. Recreational facilities such as the playground, the basketball area,

the sand pit, and the stage promote interests and social cooperation among the residents. This

inclusivity bears the spirit of belonging within the community as promoted by Surrey

(Thompson, 2018).

Due to its proximity to the Surrey Central SkyTrain station, the park enjoys the visitors’ attention

from every segment of the population, including the users of public transport. Parks where

people can freely go to picnic, play or engage in other informal activities help create social

interactions, thus the feeling of togetherness among people (as show in picture 8 and 9). It also

contains a community garden by which residents of the community can lease portion of the land

to cultivate their own food products and some flowers (City of Surrey, 2007).
Figure 9. Bus stop just outside park

(Source: my own photograph)

Cultural context:

Surrey has a multicultural population and Holland Park is one of the best examples of diverse

ethnic background. Cultural activities such as cultural fest, concerts, and city events that

showcase the cultural diversity of the city are held in the park periodically. Not only are these

events fun for the audience and performers but they serve to bridge the gap between different

ethnicities in Surrey. These gatherings are accommodated in the park and it’s open and versatile

spaces and it also shows the community’s multicultural appreciation and picture 10 describes it

the best. (Green, 2020).

Social functions like the Surrey Fusion Festival that features music, dances, and foods from the

different cultures are events that portray the park as a cultural center. Such festivals not only

prove City commitment to multiculturalism but also show that City’s residents need time to share

their cultural identity. Having seen the use of multilingual signs and the incorporation of
culturally related themes in pieces of artwork within the park, the cultural diversity of Surrey is

further illustrated.

Figure 10. Gatherings of people.

(Source: my own photograph)

Environmental context:

The policies of obtaining natural and material resources and the planning and designing of

Holland Park show compliance with environmental concerns of sustainability. Flower beds made

with native plantings and an emphasis on greenery make the campus an excellent model of

environmental stewardship (in picture 10 and 11). Furthermore, the site is easily accessible by

public transport since it is in close proximity to the Surrey Central SkyTrain station hence

discouraging the use of cars and therefore has little effects on the environment. This focus on

sustainability tally with the overall heightened consciousness of the susceptibility of the
environment and the world’s desire to build environmentally sustainable cities (City of Surrey,


The park’s main attraction, a water body is well aesthetically done and actually the water in the

water body is circulated hence it is not replenished frequently. As a part of the planning ideas,

rain gardens and permeable paving stones are used to manage stormwater runoff and therefore,

reduce flood risks and improve water quality. Such sustainable activities indicate that Surrey has

concern of its environmental and the vision of enhancement of sustainability and Vertically

Integrated Green Development in urban environments.

The contemporary conveniences and the appearance of Holland Park reflects the Surrey’s desire

to be considered as a new, progressive city. Through this modern architectural structure and

relevant services and facilities, the park presents the approach of the city to deliver modern and

quality public spaces for better living of citizens. This growth of buildings particularly focusing

on residential and commercial, including tall structures around the park reinforces Surrey’s plan

of creating active and integrated city and urban quality (Green, 2020).

Holland Park serves as the city center of Surrey with the ability to trigger revitalization in the

region. The presence of the park therefore, catalyzed development of other properties such as

residential and commercial property in the vicinity, hence boosting the revenues of the region.

The park is provided with the latest tools of communication, Internet connection and recharging

places for technical appliances; thus, the park meets the requirements of the latest population and

the City of Surrey’s desire to rank among the most technologically developed communities in the

world (City of Surrey, 2007).

Figure11. Flower bed in park. Figure 12. Landscape around park

(Source: my own photograph). (Source: (my own photograph)


The modest area of Holland Park, despite the fact that it is described in this paper as a cultural

landscape, is a small but a valued part of the Surrey community. Its layout and construction also

demonstrate a concept of social and cultural Diversity, eco-tourism, and promotion of

conventional African Culture, as well as harmonious integration of Fountain Blue into the

contemporary city skyline. It is in this sense that the study of the sociology and anthropology of

Holland Park gives us a window through which we can better understand Surrey and the changes

that are occurring to the urban spaces of the Lower Mainland.

•City of Surrey. (2007). Holland Park Redevelopment. Retrieved from [URL]

•Surrey Archives. (n.d.). History of Holland Park. Retrieved from [URL]

•Thompson, J. (2018). Urban Parks and Community Development. Journal of Urban Planning,

24(3), 45-58.

•Green, L. (2020). The Role of Public Spaces in Multicultural Cities. Canadian Journal of Urban

Research, 29(2), 123-136.

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