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· What type of cleavage is characteristic of bird eggs?

 · A. Holoblastic
 B. Meroblastic
 C. Radial
 D. Spiral

Correct answer: B. Meroblastic

· Where does cleavage occur in bird eggs?

 · A. Throughout the entire egg

 B. In the vegetal pole
 C. In the animal pole
 D. In the blastodisc

Correct answer: D. In the blastodisc

· What is the blastodisc in a bird egg?

 · A. The yolk-free region where cleavage occurs

 B. The entire egg cell
 C. The outer shell of the egg
 D. The future embryo's blood supply

Correct answer: A. The yolk-free region where cleavage occurs

· What is the primary characteristic of discoidal cleavage?

 · A. Cleavage is restricted to a small disc of cytoplasm

 B. Cleavage occurs evenly throughout the egg
 C. Cleavage happens only in the vegetal pole
 D. Cleavage is spiral and holoblastic

Correct answer: A. Cleavage is restricted to a small disc of cytoplasm

· During bird egg cleavage, what is the term for the disc of cells formed at the
animal pole?

 · A. Morula
 B. Blastoderm
 C. Gastrula
 D. Trophoblast

Correct answer: B. Blastoderm

· How are the first cleavage planes oriented in bird egg cleavage?

 · A. Randomly
 B. Equatorially
 C. Meridionally
 D. Horizontally

Correct answer: C. Meridionally

· What structure forms underneath the blastoderm during cleavage in bird


 · A. Blastocoel
 B. Subgerminal cavity
 C. Neural tube
 D. Primitive streak

Correct answer: B. Subgerminal cavity

· What is the role of the subgerminal cavity in bird development?

 · A. It provides nutrients to the developing embryo

 B. It separates the blastoderm from the yolk
 C. It forms the future gut
 D. It initiates cleavage

Correct answer: B. It separates the blastoderm from the yolk

· Which part of the blastoderm gives rise to the embryo in birds?

 · A. Area opaca
 B. Area pellucida
 C. Hypoblast
 D. Epiblast

Correct answer: D. Epiblast

· What happens to the cells of the area opaca during cleavage?

 · A. They contribute to the extraembryonic membranes

 B. They form the embryo proper
 C. They initiate gastrulation
 D. They remain undivided

Correct answer: A. They contribute to the extraembryonic membranes

· Which process follows the cleavage stage in bird development?

 · A. Blastulation
 B. Gastrulation
 C. Neurulation
 D. Organogenesis

Correct answer: B. Gastrulation

· What is the main difference between the area pellucida and the area opaca in
bird eggs?

 · A. Area pellucida is translucent, while area opaca is opaque

 B. Area pellucida forms the yolk, while area opaca forms the embryo
 C. Area pellucida is the site of cleavage, while area opaca is not
 D. Area pellucida forms the extraembryonic membranes, while area opaca forms the embryo

Correct answer: A. Area pellucida is translucent, while area opaca is opaque

· How does the hypoblast contribute to bird embryonic development?

 · A. It forms the future nervous system

 B. It induces the formation of the primitive streak
 C. It provides signals for mesodermal differentiation
 D. It forms the extraembryonic endoderm

Correct answer: D. It forms the extraembryonic endoderm

· What marks the end of the cleavage stage in bird eggs?

 · A. Formation of the blastocoel

 B. Establishment of the primitive streak
 C. Full separation of the blastomeres
 D. Formation of the subgerminal cavity

Correct answer: B. Establishment of the primitive streak

· Which layer forms first during bird egg cleavage?

 · A. Hypoblast
 B. Epiblast
 C. Mesoderm
 D. Endoderm

Correct answer: B. Epiblast

· What is the primary function of the yolk in bird eggs during cleavage?

 · A. To provide structural support

 B. To supply nutrients to the developing embryo
 C. To regulate gene expression
 D. To initiate cell division

Correct answer: B. To supply nutrients to the developing embryo

· What role does the marginal zone play in bird egg cleavage?
 · A. It initiates gastrulation
 B. It forms the yolk sac
 C. It contributes cells to both the epiblast and the hypoblast
 D. It creates the blastocoel

Correct answer: C. It contributes cells to both the epiblast and the hypoblast

· How does cleavage in bird eggs compare to cleavage in mammals?

 · A. Both are holoblastic

 B. Bird cleavage is meroblastic, while mammal cleavage is holoblastic
 C. Both occur throughout the entire egg
 D. Bird cleavage is faster than mammal cleavage

Correct answer: B. Bird cleavage is meroblastic, while mammal cleavage is


· Which structure separates the blastoderm from the yolk in bird eggs?

 · A. Blastocoel
 B. Subgerminal cavity
 C. Vitelline membrane
 D. Primitive streak

Correct answer: B. Subgerminal cavity

· What is the fate of the cells in the marginal zone during bird development?

 · A. They form the neural tube

 B. They contribute to the formation of the embryo and extraembryonic membranes
 C. They become part of the yolk sac
 D. They degenerate after cleavage

Correct answer: B. They contribute to the formation of the embryo and

extraembryonic membranes

· What is the structure that forms at the posterior end of the avian embryo and
initiates gastrulation?

 · A. Primitive streak
 B. Hensen's node
 C. Blastocoel
 D. Area pellucida

Correct answer: A. Primitive streak

· Which structure in the avian embryo is analogous to the blastopore in


 · A. Primitive groove
 B. Hensen's node
 C. Area opaca
 D. Koller's sickle

Correct answer: A. Primitive groove

· What role does Hensen's node play in avian gastrulation?

 · A. It initiates the formation of the primitive streak

 B. It acts as the organizer for the developing embryo
 C. It forms the extra-embryonic membranes
 D. It separates the area pellucida from the area opaca

Correct answer: B. It acts as the organizer for the developing embryo

· Which germ layer invaginates through the primitive streak first?

 · A. Ectoderm
 B. Mesoderm
 C. Endoderm
 D. Trophectoderm

Correct answer: B. Mesoderm

· What is the fate of cells that migrate through Hensen's node?

 · A. They form the neural tube

 B. They become part of the extra-embryonic membranes
 C. They contribute to the notochord and head structures
 D. They differentiate into epidermal tissues

Correct answer: C. They contribute to the notochord and head structures

· Which signaling molecule is essential for the formation of the primitive streak
in avian embryos?

 · A. BMP4
 B. Nodal
 C. FGF
 D. Sonic hedgehog

Correct answer: B. Nodal

· What happens to the primitive streak as gastrulation proceeds?

 · A. It elongates towards the posterior end

 B. It regresses and eventually disappears
 C. It forms the neural tube
 D. It differentiates into the endoderm

Correct answer: B. It regresses and eventually disappears

· What is the structure called that forms at the anterior end of the primitive

 · A. Koller's sickle
 B. Hensen's node
 C. Epiblast
 D. Hypoblast

Correct answer: B. Hensen's node

· During avian gastrulation, what marks the beginning of the establishment of

the body axes?

 · A. Formation of the area opaca

 B. Appearance of the primitive streak
 C. Delamination of the hypoblast
 D. Formation of the blastocoel

Correct answer: B. Appearance of the primitive streak

· Which region of the blastoderm forms most of the embryonic structures in

avian embryos?

 · A. Area opaca
 B. Hypoblast
 C. Area pellucida
 D. Marginal zone

Correct answer: C. Area pellucida

· What process involves the movement of cells from the epiblast through the
primitive streak into the interior of the embryo?

 · A. Involution
 B. Epiboly
 C. Ingression
 D. Convergent extension

Correct answer: C. Ingression

· What is the primary function of the hypoblast during avian gastrulation?

 · A. To form the mesoderm

 B. To induce the formation of the primitive streak
 C. To provide signals for axis formation
 D. To create the blastocoel

Correct answer: C. To provide signals for axis formation

· Which layer in the avian embryo forms the ectoderm?

 · A. Hypoblast
 B. Epiblast
 C. Mesoderm
 D. Endoderm

Correct answer: B. Epiblast

· How does the mesoderm spread during avian gastrulation?

 · A. By proliferation of hypoblast cells

 B. Through lateral and anterior migration from the primitive streak
 C. By division of the area opaca cells
 D. Through the fusion of epiblast and hypoblast cells

Correct answer: B. Through lateral and anterior migration from the primitive

· What is the role of Koller's sickle in avian development?

 · A. It induces the formation of the hypoblast

 B. It initiates the formation of the primitive streak
 C. It contributes to the formation of the neural tube
 D. It differentiates into extra-embryonic tissues

Correct answer: B. It initiates the formation of the primitive streak

· Which cell layer gives rise to the notochord in avian embryos?

 · A. Hypoblast
 B. Mesoderm
 C. Epiblast
 D. Endoderm

Correct answer: B. Mesoderm

· What does the area pellucida become in the later stages of avian

 · A. Neural plate
 B. Yolk sac
 C. Embryo proper
 D. Extra-embryonic membranes

Correct answer: C. Embryo proper

· Which molecules are involved in the regression of the primitive streak?

 · A. Wnt and BMP

 B. FGF and Nodal
 C. Shh and Nodal
 D. BMP and FGF
Correct answer: B. FGF and Nodal

· What establishes the anterior-posterior axis in avian embryos?

 · A. Sperm entry point

 B. Formation of the blastocoel
 C. Elongation of the primitive streak
 D. Regression of Hensen's node

Correct answer: C. Elongation of the primitive streak

· During avian gastrulation, which cells are the first to ingress through the
primitive streak?

 · A. Mesodermal cells
 B. Ectodermal cells
 C. Hypoblast cells
 D. Endodermal cells

Correct answer: D. Endodermal cells

· What marks the end of gastrulation in avian embryos?

 · A. Complete regression of the primitive streak

 B. Formation of the neural tube
 C. Disappearance of the hypoblast
 D. Full differentiation of mesoderm

Correct answer: A. Complete regression of the primitive streak

· Which structure is formed by the cells that migrate anteriorly through

Hensen's node?

 · A. Neural crest
 B. Notochord
 C. Somites
 D. Extra-embryonic mesoderm

Correct answer: B. Notochord

· What is the role of FGF signaling during avian gastrulation?

 · A. To promote ectodermal differentiation

 B. To induce mesodermal cell migration
 C. To regress the primitive streak
 D. To form the hypoblast

Correct answer: B. To induce mesodermal cell migration

· How is the hypoblast involved in the positioning of the primitive streak?

 · A. By secreting BMP
 B. Through mechanical constraints
 C. By secreting inhibitors of Nodal signaling
 D. By inducing Wnt signaling

Correct answer: C. By secreting inhibitors of Nodal signaling

· What is the main difference between the epiblast and hypoblast in avian

 · A. The epiblast forms the extra-embryonic membranes, while the hypoblast forms the
embryo proper
 B. The hypoblast forms the neural tissue, while the epiblast forms the mesoderm
 C. The epiblast forms the embryo proper, while the hypoblast forms supportive structures
 D. The hypoblast is derived from the mesoderm, while the epiblast is derived from the

Correct answer: C. The epiblast forms the embryo proper, while the hypoblast
forms supportive structures

· Which structure is responsible for the anterior-posterior polarity in avian


 · A. Area opaca
 B. Hypoblast
 C. Primitive streak
 D. Epiblast

Correct answer: C. Primitive streak

· What is the main outcome of ingression during avian gastrulation?

 · A. Formation of the blastocoel

 B. Internalization of mesoderm and endoderm
 C. Formation of the neural plate
 D. Expansion of the area opaca

Correct answer: B. Internalization of mesoderm and endoderm

· Which cell movements are involved in forming the three germ layers during
avian gastrulation?

 · A. Involution and epiboly

 B. Ingression and convergent extension
 C. Epiboly and delamination
 D. Convergent extension and delamination

Correct answer: B. Ingression and convergent extension

· Which signaling center is established by Hensen's node in avian embryos?

 · A. The Nieuwkoop center
 B. The organizer
 C. The notochordal plate
 D. The neural crest

Correct answer: B. The organizer

· What is the significance of the Koller's sickle in avian gastrulation?

 · A. It initiates hypoblast formation

 B. It forms the neural crest cells
 C. It directs the formation of the primitive streak
 D. It contributes to the endoderm

Correct answer: C. It directs the formation of the primitive streak

· Which germ layer forms the first during avian gastrulation?

 · A. Ectoderm
 B. Endoderm
 C. Mesoderm
 D. Hypoblast

Correct answer: B. Endoderm

· During avian gastrulation, where do the mesodermal cells primarily migrate


 · A. Under the epiblast

 B. Over the hypoblast
 C. Into the area opaca
 D. Along the notochord

Correct answer: A. Under the epiblast

· What is the role of the area opaca during avian gastrulation?

 · A. It forms the neural tissue

 B. It contributes to the extra-embryonic membranes
 C. It becomes the mesoderm
 D. It induces the formation of the hypoblast

Correct answer: B. It contributes to the extra-embryonic membranes

· Which molecule plays a critical role in the epithelial-mesenchymal transition

during avian gastrulation?

 · A. E-cadherin
 B. N-cadherin
 C. Fibronectin
 D. Integrin
Correct answer: A. E-cadherin

· Which structure acts as the organizer in avian embryos?

 · A. Koller's sickle
 B. Primitive streak
 C. Hensen's node
 D. Area pellucida

Correct answer: C. Hensen's node

· What marks the posterior end of the avian embryo?

 · A. Hensen's node
 B. Koller's sickle
 C. Primitive streak
 D. Area opaca

Correct answer: B. Koller's sickle

· Which cells contribute to the formation of the blood islands during avian

 · A. Hypoblast cells
 B. Epiblast cells
 C. Mesodermal cells
 D. Ectodermal cells

Correct answer: C. Mesodermal cells

· Which process establishes the body plan and symmetry in the avian embryo?

 · A. Cleavage
 B. Gastrulation
 C. Organogenesis
 D. Blastulation

Correct answer: B. Gastrulation

· What is the function of the extracellular matrix (ECM) during avian


 · A. To provide mechanical support for cell migration

 B. To induce ectoderm differentiation
 C. To inhibit mesodermal migration
 D. To form the blastocoel

Correct answer: A. To provide mechanical support for cell migration

· Which structure defines the ventral side of the avian embryo?

 · A. Hypoblast
 B. Epiblast
 C. Area opaca
 D. Primitive streak

Correct answer: A. Hypoblast

· What is the first visible sign of gastrulation in the avian embryo?

 · A. Formation of the blastocoel

 B. Appearance of the primitive streak
 C. Separation of the hypoblast
 D. Epiblast proliferation

Correct answer: B. Appearance of the primitive streak

· Which structure in avian embryos acts as a signaling center for left-right


 · A. Hensen's node
 B. Koller's sickle
 C. Primitive streak
 D. Area opaca

Correct answer: A. Hensen's node

· Which germ layer forms the nervous system in avian embryos?

 · A. Ectoderm
 B. Mesoderm
 C. Endoderm
 D. Hypoblast

Correct answer: A. Ectoderm

· Which cells migrate to form the endoderm during avian gastrulation?

 · A. Cells from the hypoblast

 B. Cells from the epiblast through the primitive streak
 C. Cells from the area opaca
 D. Cells from the yolk sac

Correct answer: B. Cells from the epiblast through the primitive streak

· What is the result of convergent extension during avian gastrulation?

 · A. Narrowing and lengthening of the embryo

 B. Formation of the blastocoel
 C. Separation of the epiblast and hypoblast
 D. Expansion of the area opaca
Correct answer: A. Narrowing and lengthening of the embryo

· Which germ layer is the last to form during avian gastrulation?

 · A. Ectoderm
 B. Mesoderm
 C. Endoderm
 D. Hypoblast

Correct answer: A. Ectoderm

· How is the mesoderm positioned in relation to the other germ layers after
avian gastrulation?

 · A. Between the ectoderm and endoderm

 B. Above the ectoderm
 C. Below the endoderm
 D. Between the hypoblast and epiblast

Correct answer: A. Between the ectoderm and endoderm

· What happens to the cells of the hypoblast during avian gastrulation?

 · A. They are replaced by endodermal cells

 B. They form the mesoderm
 C. They become part of the ectoderm
 D. They differentiate into neural tissue

Correct answer: A. They are replaced by endodermal cells

· Which signaling pathway is crucial for mesoderm induction in avian


 · A. Wnt signaling
 B. BMP signaling
 C. Nodal signaling
 D. Hedgehog signaling

Correct answer: C. Nodal signaling

· What is the role of the epiblast during avian gastrulation?

 · A. It forms the hypoblast

 B. It gives rise to all three germ layers
 C. It creates the extra-embryonic membranes
 D. It initiates the regression of the primitive streak

Correct answer: B. It gives rise to all three germ layers

· What is the primary signaling center for axis formation in the chick embryo?
 · A. Hensen's node
 B. Primitive streak
 C. Blastodisc
 D. Koller's sickle
 Correct Answer: A. Hensen's node

· Which of the following structures marks the future posterior end of the chick

 · A. Hensen's node
 B. Koller's sickle
 C. Area pellucida
 D. Primitive streak
 Correct Answer: B. Koller's sickle

· The anterior-posterior axis in chick embryos is initially determined by:

 · A. Gravity
 B. Hensen's node
 C. Koller's sickle
 D. The primitive streak
 Correct Answer: A. Gravity

· Which molecule is crucial for the establishment of the left-right axis in the
chick embryo?

 · A. Sonic hedgehog (Shh)

 B. FGF8
 C. Nodal
 D. BMP4
 Correct Answer: C. Nodal

· What role does Hensen's node play in axis formation?

 · A. Initiates the formation of the primitive streak

 B. Acts as the organizer for body axis formation
 C. Establishes the dorsal-ventral axis
 D. Forms the blastocoel
 Correct Answer: B. Acts as the organizer for body axis formation

· Which region of the chick embryo gives rise to the primitive streak?

 · A. Koller's sickle
 B. Hensen's node
 C. Epiblast
 D. Hypoblast
 Correct Answer: C. Epiblast

· What is the function of the primitive streak in chick embryogenesis?

 · A. It forms the neural tube

 B. It initiates gastrulation
 C. It develops into the heart
 D. It becomes the spinal cord
 Correct Answer: B. It initiates gastrulation

· Which signaling pathway is involved in the formation of the primitive streak?

 · A. Wnt signaling
 B. Hedgehog signaling
 C. TGF-beta signaling
 D. Notch signaling
 Correct Answer: A. Wnt signaling

· The formation of which structure is a hallmark of the start of gastrulation in

the chick embryo?

 · A. Hensen's node
 B. Primitive streak
 C. Neural plate
 D. Blastoderm
 Correct Answer: B. Primitive streak

· The chick embryo's anterior-posterior axis is specified during:

 · A. Cleavage
 B. Gastrulation
 C. Neurulation
 D. Pre-streak stage
 Correct Answer: D. Pre-streak stage

· Which of the following cells contribute to the formation of the primitive


 · A. Hypoblast cells
 B. Epiblast cells
 C. Mesoderm cells
 D. Endoderm cells
 Correct Answer: B. Epiblast cells

· Hensen's node in chick embryos is equivalent to which structure in


 · A. Spemann's organizer
 B. Nieuwkoop center
 C. Blastopore lip
 D. Dorsal lip of the blastopore
 Correct Answer: A. Spemann's organizer

· Which factor is secreted by Hensen's node and is crucial for neural

 · A. BMP4
 B. Chordin
 C. FGF8
 D. Sonic hedgehog (Shh)
 Correct Answer: B. Chordin

· What determines the initial localization of Hensen's node in the chick


 · A. The position of Koller's sickle

 B. The position of the area pellucida
 C. The position of the area opaca
 D. The distribution of maternal mRNAs
 Correct Answer: A. The position of Koller's sickle

· What is the significance of the hypoblast in chick embryo axis formation?

 · A. It forms the neural tube

 B. It initiates the formation of the primitive streak
 C. It provides signals for mesoderm formation
 D. It is involved in the formation of the anterior-posterior axis
 Correct Answer: D. It is involved in the formation of the anterior-posterior axis

· Which cells are responsible for the formation of the endoderm during chick

 · A. Epiblast cells
 B. Hypoblast cells
 C. Mesoderm cells
 D. Extraembryonic cells
 Correct Answer: A. Epiblast cells

· What is the fate of cells that ingress through the primitive streak?

 · A. They form the ectoderm

 B. They form the mesoderm and endoderm
 C. They form extraembryonic tissues
 D. They form the neural tube
 Correct Answer: B. They form the mesoderm and endoderm

· Which region of the chick embryo is associated with the establishment of the
dorsal-ventral axis?

 · A. Area pellucida
 B. Area opaca
 C. Koller's sickle
 D. Hensen's node
 Correct Answer: D. Hensen's node

· Which of the following molecules is involved in the establishment of the

anterior-posterior axis in the chick embryo?
 · A. Nodal
 B. BMP4
 C. FGF8
 D. Vg1
 Correct Answer: D. Vg1

· During which stage does the chick embryo exhibit clear bilateral symmetry?

 · A. Cleavage
 B. Pre-streak stage
 C. Primitive streak stage
 D. Neurulation
 Correct Answer: C. Primitive streak stage

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