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6/11/24, 10:22 PM How to Build and Deploy Application on Kubernetes with CI/CD Pipeline Using Jenkins, Docker, Harbor

Harbor Privat…

How to Build and Deploy Application on

Kubernetes with CI/CD Pipeline Using Jenkins,
Docker, Harbor Private Repository, and
Tanmay Bhandge · Follow
7 min read · May 19, 2024

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CI/CD pipelines are necessary to effectively produce high-quality software in today’s

software development environment. This article explains how to set up a continuous
integration/delivery pipeline (CI/CD) using Jenkins, Docker images, the Harbour
private repository, Git, and ArgoCD. This will generate images seamlessly, push
them to the harbor, and then have them automatically deploy to the Kubernetes

Getting Started
This is the general workflow

1. Docker File Creation: Intially, a Docker file needs to be created. In this file, a
DevOps engineer specifies the environment and dependencies needed for the

2. Commit Code to the Repository: A repository, like Git, stores the source code and
the Docker file. I’m going to store the repository on GitHub.

3. Jenkins Pulls the Code: We can launch the Jenkins job to pull the most recent
code from the source code repository in order to begin the build process.

4. Building and Pushing the Docker Image: Jenkins uses the Docker file to build a
Docker image. Jenkins pushes the completed image to the Harbour private… 1/20
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repository. You can look at here to learn how to build the Harbour private

5. Updating the Deployment Repository: Jenkins makes changes to the deployment

file repository, which contains the Kubernetes deployment configurations needed
for the application.

6. Syncing with ArgoCD: To ensure everything is current, ArgoCD, a Kubernetes

continuous delivery tool, retrieves the most recent updates from the deployment

7. Deploying to Kubernetes: Lastly, ArgoCD ensures everything functions

configured by syncing these modifications with the Kubernetes cluster and
deploying the application into the designated pods.

The Workflow

CI/CD Pipeline Using GitHub, Jenkins, Harbor, Argo CD, and Kubernetes

Tools needed
Kubernetes Cluster


Open in app

GitHub… 2/20
6/11/24, 10:22 PM How to Build and Deploy Application on Kubernetes with CI/CD Pipeline Using Jenkins, Docker, Harbor Privat…

1. Create the Docker File

We will be using the DockerFile mentioned below

It is using the below index.html file.… 3/20
6/11/24, 10:22 PM How to Build and Deploy Application on Kubernetes with CI/CD Pipeline Using Jenkins, Docker, Harbor Privat…

You can find all the files in the GitHub repository below:

2. Trigger Jenkins Jobs

We have two jobs configured on Jenkins.

The first job (Upsteam job) involves cloning a GitHub repository to obtain the latest
source code. From this code, a Docker image will be created. Then it will build the
image, logs into a Harbor private registry, pushes the image, and tags it with the
build number of the upstream job.

After the image is successfully pushed, a downstream job will be start by the
upstream job. The downstream job will receive the build number as a parameter,… 4/20
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which will have the build number. Then downstream job will modify the image
version same as build number and will push the changes on the Kubernetes
deployment file.

What is the Upstram and Downstream job means ?

When you have one Jenkins job that starts another, the job that initiates the process
is called the upstream job, while the job that gets started as a result is known as the
downstream job. In the below example Build_Docker_Image_Push_Harbor is the
upstream job and push_image_tag_git is the downstream job.

Job: Build_Docker_Image_Push_Harbor

Create the Pipeline job Build_Docker_Image_Push_Harbor and paste the following


This Jenkins pipeline script automates the process of building a Docker image from
a GitHub repository, pushing the image to a Harbor repository, and triggering
another Jenkins job push_image_tag_git to modify the deployment file on GitHub
and commit the changes.

pipeline {
agent any

stages {
stage('Build') {
steps {
// Get some code from a GitHub repository
git branch: 'main', url: '
sh 'docker build -t library/harbor_cicd_v2 .'

stage('Push to Harbor') {
environment {
DOCKER_CREDENTIALS = credentials('Harbor')
steps {
script {
// Login to Harbor using credentials
sh "docker login -u ${DOCKER_CREDENTIALS_USR} -p ${DOCKER_C

// Tag the image

sh 'docker tag library/harbor_cicd_v2… 5/20
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// Push the image to Harbor

sh 'docker push${BUILD_NUMBE
stage('Trigger GitHub Push') {
steps {
build job: 'push_image_tag_git', wait: true, parameters: [strin


There is no checkbox selected on the job Build_Docker_Image_Push_Harbor you just

need to paste the above script into the Pipeline script.

Pipeline script

Here is the explanation of each stage


Git Checkout: Clones the repository from the specified URL and checks out the
‘main’ branch.… 6/20
6/11/24, 10:22 PM How to Build and Deploy Application on Kubernetes with CI/CD Pipeline Using Jenkins, Docker, Harbor Privat…

Docker Build: Builds a Docker image from the Dockerfile in the repository,
tagging it as library/harbor_cicd_v2 .

Push to Harbor

Environment Variables: Fetches Docker credentials stored in Jenkins using the

ID ‘Harbor’. I have already created the Harbor credentials in Jenkins (default
credentials of Harbor: Username admin , Password Harbor12345 )

Docker Login: Logs into the Harbor registry using the retrieved credentials.

Docker Tag: Tags the built Docker image with a new tag that includes the Jenkins
build number. We will use the build number as the tag of the current pipeline.

Docker Push: Pushes the tagged Docker image to the specified Harbor

Trigger GitHub Push

Trigger Another Job: Initiates the push_image_tag_git job.

Pass Parameters: Sends the current build number to the triggered job.
Job: Push_Image_Tag_Git
This job will modify the Kubernetes deployment YAML file hosted on GitHub to
include the new image tag pushed by the upstream job. To achieve this, you’ll need
the following:

Parameterized Trigger Plugin

GitHub Plugin

GitHub credentials with push access permission

Here is the configuration of the job

Create the Freestryle Project with the name push_image_tag_git

A. Ensure the option This project is parameterised is selected, and then proceed to
configure the string parameter accordingly.… 7/20
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B. In the Source Code Managment section, select Git, paste the repository URL, and
choose the appropriate credentials which has the permission/access to your GitHub.
For the Branches to Build section, specify your branch. I’m using the default main


C. Add Execute Shell on the Build Steps and paste the following.… 8/20
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Build Steps

sed -i "s#image:*#image:

cat Deployment/deployment.yaml
git config --global ""
git config --global "Tanmay"
git add .
git commit -m "Deployment file modified by Jenkins job with the image Harbor im

This script locates the image tag in the Deployment.yaml file, replaces it with the
specified version from the Jenkins build (${Build_Number_Image}), configures the
email and name for Git commits, adds all modified files to the Git staging area, and
commits the changes with a descriptive message.

D. In the Post-Build Actions section, select ‘Push Only If Build Succeeds’ Then,
specify the branch name and the target remote name under the ‘Branches’ field. I
am specifying branch name as main and the target remote name as origin… 9/20
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3. Trigger the Build Docker job.

Manually trigger the Build_Docker_Image_Push_Harbor it will perform the below
actions and it will trigger the Push_image_Tag_Git job. Both of the jobs will perform
the below


Build Stage: Clones a GitHub repository and builds a Docker image.

Push to Harbor Stage: Logs into a Harbor registry, tags the image with the build
number, and pushes it.

Trigger GitHub Push Stage: Triggers downstream job Push_image_Tag_Git and

passes the build number as a parameter.


Execute Shell: It will locate the image tag in the Deployment.yaml file, replace it
with the specified version from the previous Jenkins build, configures the email
and name for Git commits, adds all modified files to the Git staging area, and
commits the changes with a descriptive message.

Here is the output of the Status… 10/20
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To ensure synchronization between the Docker image build and the Kubernetes
Deployment, the version specified in the Deployment.yaml file will be updated to
reflect the build number generated during the Build_Docker_Image_Push_Harbor

4. Re-create Pods with a newer Version of Image

I’ve set up ArgoCD application to keep a close eye on deployment.yaml file, making
sure everything stays in sync and up to date on the Kubernetes Cluster. So whenever
there’s a tweak in our deployment.yaml, ArgoCD jumps right in, ensuring
Kubernetes Deployment environment stays in sync without us having to lift a finger.

Here are the configuration details of the ArgoCD Application:

CLUSTER: https://kubernetes.default.svc

NAMESPACE: webapp… 11/20
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PATH: Deployment

You may need to create the webapp namespace in your Kubrnetes Cluster.

5. Access the Pods

As everything looks healthy on the ArgoCD Deployment. We may test the deployed

I have exposed the deployment via a NodePort service for testing purposes. To
access the application, use the service port along with the IP address of the worker… 12/20
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node. This setup allows easy access to the webpage for testing and validating the
application’s functionality.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: webapp-service
app: webapp
- protocol: TCP
port: 80
targetPort: 80
type: LoadBalancer

If you’ve made it this far, I hope you’ve found this enjoyable to read! If you have any
questions or just want to connect, feel free to reach out to me on LinkedIn. Cheers!

Kubernetes Ci Cd Pipeline Argo Cd DevOps Jenkins Pipeline

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6/11/24, 10:22 PM How to Build and Deploy Application on Kubernetes with CI/CD Pipeline Using Jenkins, Docker, Harbor Privat…

Written by Tanmay Bhandge


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