Chai Ting Ting BAC20090003 - OB Tutorial 6 Leadership

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Chai Ting Ting BAC20090003

Tutorial 6: Leadership

1. Contrast the characteristics of transactional and transformational leaderships.

What leadership skill does Airiel use in handling the problem? Explain your

answer in detail.

For transactional leadership, the leadership is responsive while leadership is

proactive for transformational leadership. Transactional leadership refers to work

within the organizational culture while transformational leadership work to change

organizational culture by implementing new ideas. Transactional leaders make

employees achieve organizational objectives through rewards and punishment while

transformational leader motivate and empower employees to achieve company

objective by appealing to higher ideals and moral values. Leaders motivate followers by

appealing to their own self interest for transactional leadership while leaders motivate

followers by encouraging them to transcend their own interest for those of group or unit.

Airiel exhibits transformational leadership in handling problems as he is

proactive in facing challenges. For example, he actively solve the issues to ensure all

the products would be on the shelves by 8am.

He works to change organizational culture by implementing new ideas. For

example, he successfully change the organizational culture on spliting the break times

and resulting in higher productivity. He change the way the employees work and

increase motivation of them.

Chai Ting Ting BAC20090003

He motivate and empower employees to achieve goals of company such as

turn to his team for ideas rather than implementing a top-down approach in

problem solving. This had create a positive outcome and increased team’s motivation

as employees would feel their opinions respected and taken into consideration.

He motivate employees by encouraging them to transcend his own interest

for the group or unit. For example, he would not hesitate in giving breaks to

employees for the best interests of the employees. He doesn’t worry on the potential

reduced work time if the employees purposely extend each break time and trust the

employees for the sake of the group’s efficiency.

2. Do you think Emily’s problem can be resolved? what should her boss do after

getting to know about this situation?

Yes. Emily problem can be solved. Emily boss can use leadership style like directive

leadership. Directive leader provide guidelines and inform subordinates what is

expected from them, set performance standards and control behaviour when

performance standard not meet which also known as task oriented leadership.

Based on Hersey and Blanchard’s Situational Theory, Emily is the type of

employees that categorise into “participating”. This is because Emily is a talented

sales representative but lack of interest and is unwilling to help the customers in work.

Hence, Emily is able but unwilling or insecure. This indicated a moderate readiness but

Chai Ting Ting BAC20090003

high relationship and low task. Her boss should immediately talk to Emily before her

year-end review comes out and understand why she act this way as well as motivate

her to be more responsive to customers need. Secondly, the boss should link her

performance in work, including the attitude of serving the customers (which can be

measured by customer satisfaction through customer survey) to her rewards and salary.

If she continues to act in this way, punishment or disincentive should be imposed. The

boss can encourage her to attend related seminar or training that can boosts her

motivation and enthusiasm in work.

3. Based on the situations above, which leader would you choose to work with?


Based on the information provided, Airiel appears to be a more effective leader

compared to Emily boss. Based on the 8 core traits of a leader of achievement drive,

Airiel demonstrates achievement drive by expanding the product range and finding a

solution to ensure products are on the shelves by 8:00 a.m. On the other hand, Emily

closes sales deals quickly but lacks achievement drive in handling customer interactions


In term of leadership motivation, Airiel motivates the team by involving them in

problem-solving, allowing them to take responsibility and develop new skills while Emily

displays a lack of motivation to improve her unprofessional telephone manners, causing

an increase in customer complaints.

Chai Ting Ting BAC20090003

From the perspective of honesty and integrity, Airiel appears to be honest and open in

seeking solutions and involving the team in decision-making. Emily displays

unprofessional behavior by admitting ignorance instead of offering to investigate and get

back to the customer.

In term of self-confidence, Airiel shows confidence in the team's ability to generate

ideas and solve problems. Emily appears to lack confidence in handling customer

inquiries, leading to frustrated and angry customers.

For cognitive ability, Airiel demonstrates cognitive ability by effectively managing and

expanding the bakery's product range. Emily struggles with handling customer inquiries

and lacks a strategic approach to problem-solving.

For knowledge of business, Airiel has knowledge of the bakery business and involves

the team in addressing challenges. Emily closes sales deals, but her lack of

professionalism impacts the organization's image.

For emotional maturity, Airiel shows emotional maturity by fostering a positive team

environment and motivating the team. Emily demonstrates a lack of emotional maturity

in handling customer inquiries, leading to increased complaints.

Chai Ting Ting BAC20090003

In term of Charisma, Creativity, and Flexibility, Airiel displays creativity and flexibility by

seeking input from the team to solve challenges. Emily lacks creativity and flexibility in

handling customer interactions, leading to negative outcomes.

Based on these traits, Airiel seems to be a more well-rounded leader who fosters a

positive team environment, encourages collaboration, and effectively addresses

challenges. Emily, on the other hand, lacks several key leadership qualities, and her

unprofessional behavior is negatively impacting customer satisfaction and the

organization's image. Therefore, one would likely choose to work with Airiel due to his

effective leadership approach and positive outcomes for the team and the business.

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