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SPEAKING QUY 1 2024 (SEP-DEC-23) 1. Describe a difficult task that you completed at work/study that you felt proud of One challenging task at work that I am particularly proud of completing was a complex data analysis project. I work as a market researcher, and this project involved analyzing extensive consumer survey data to provide valuable insights for our client. The task was demanding primarily due to the sheer volume of data and the tight deadline. I had to clean and organize the data, perform various statistical analyses, and create meaningful visualizations to present the findings effectively. ‘What made this task even more challenging was that the data was not initially well structured, and I had to spend considerable time cleaning and transforming iti ible format, Additionally, I had to learn and use some advanced data analy ich was new to me. Despite the difficulties, I dedicated long hours to the project, Ip from colleagues when needed, and stayed committed to delivering high-qug 18. When I finally presented the insights to our client, they were impressed wi the actionable recommendations we provided. I felt a great pride in successfully completing this task. It reinforced my and highlighted the importance of perseverance and aw goals, ay ‘MGt nhigm vu day thir thach trong cong, Aw) @ bit tw ho khi hoan thanl la mot du th of analysis and mplishment and ‘n my analytical skills thieving challenging 4n phan tich dtr ligu phite tap. Toi kim vi ich Li nha nghién cit thi trudmg va dy én nay lién quan dén vige phan tich dit lig t neu tig ding trén dién rong dé cung cép thong tin chi tit e6 gia tri cho mS ii ching t6i, Nhiém vu ddi hoi khit khe cha yéu do Khoi long dit ligu khong 1d ya ‘chat che. Toi phai lim sach va sip xép dir ligu, thy hign nhiew phan tich tho nnhau va tao ra nhing hinh anh tye quan ¢6 ¥ nghia 8 trinh bay cae phat hin yoi Mepigu qua. khién sex °S nén khé khan hon nita 1a dat ligu ban dau khéng c6 cu tric tt ‘va toi phai Ke In ding ké dé don dep va chuyén ddi né thanh dinh dang c6 thé sit dung duge, & . t6i con pha hoe va sit dung mét s6 phiin mém phan tich di ligu nang cao, phi fy con méi déi véi ti. Bat chip nhimg khé khin, ti da dain nbigu thd agian gho Wy 4A, tim kiém sir gitip d6 tr déng nghiép khi can va Iudn cam két mang lai két qua Gao. Cudi ciing, khi ti trinh bay nhtmg hiéu biét sau sic cho khdch hang, ho da rit \V6i chiéu sdu phan tich va nhimng dé xuét how ich ma chiing t6i dua ra. Toi cim thay rat vul va ty hao vi da hoan thanh xuat sic nhigm vy nay. N6 cling co sy ty tin cia t6i vio ky nang phan tich cia minh va nhén manh tim quan trong cia sur kién tri va tinh than dong adi trong vige dat durge cde muc tiéu day thach ttc IELTS CORNER EDUCATION ZALO:0376756694 SPEAKING QUY 1 2024 (SEP-DEC-23) 2. Describe a time that something changed your life in good ways One significant event that had a positive impact on my life was when I decided to pursue higher education abroad. It was a pivotal moment that transformed my life in a remarkable way. This change occurred a few years ago when I was contemplating my future. I had completed my undergraduate studies in my home country and was working in a job that didn't provide the career opportunities | aspired to. I realized that furthering my education abroad could open doors to a more fulfilling and promising career. ‘The decision to study abroad was not easy. It involved rigorous research, preparin standardized tests, and navigating the complex application process, Moreover, show aoe financial and logistical challenges to overcome. However, the positive imp: lecision became evident after I started my master's program in a foreign country. ‘me to diverse cultures, expanded my horizons, and provided access to world: Sigs Yylacation and resources. | developed a global perspective, improved my languag friendships with people from all over the world. Most important! iy eareer prospects and eventually led to a job that | am pi a sense of independence and self-confidence that Saw. .Saatd made lifelong rience broadened out. It instilled in me 8 my life in a positive way. ‘Mét str kin quan trong c6 tée 4éng tich cue dén con during hoc van cao hon 6 nude ngoai Roanh khiic quan trong da thay di ude di t6i mot cach ding cht fay ra céich dy vai ndim khi tOi dang suy Su ny RY tinh vé tuong lai ciia minh, T6i da hod mt tong trinh hoe dai hoc & qué nha va dang Kf i Lam mt cong vige khong mang lai og(\6i Yeh nghigp ma t61 mong mudn. Toi nhan ra ring vige tiép tuc hoe tp 6 muse ngog ‘ron ven hon, CN Quyét dinh di du ho SN d@ dang. N6 lién quan dén nghién citu nghiém ngét, chudn bi cho céc bai kiém, QR dn héa va digu hudng qué trinh dng ky phiic tap. Hon nia, con 6 nhiimg tha ai chinh va hju cin phai vugt qua. Tuy nbién, tic dng tich cue cia quyét dinh ndy ipa 16 rang sau khi t6i bit du chung trinh thac si 6 nude ngoai. N6 toi tigp fe nén vin 6a da dang, mé rong tim nhin eta ti va mang Iai eo hoi tiép can ngn Bigo-duc va nguén luc ding cp thé gidi. Toi da phat trién tim nin toan cau, cai t nuns ‘ngOn ngOt cla minh va két ban léu dai véi moi ngudi tir khip noi trén thé gidi QuanQwGng nhit, ti nghiém nay da mé rong trién vong nghé nghigp cia ti va cudi cing din dén mot cong vige ma tdi dam mé. N6 truyén cho tdi cam giée dc lap va ty tin, diéu nay tiép tuc dinh hinh cude s6ng citat6i theo hurémg tich cue 16 ra ch cita cho mét su nghigp dy hita hen va IELTS CORNER EDUCATION ZALO:0376756694 SPEAKING QUY 1 2024 (SEP-DEC-23) 3. Describe an interesting person that you have not met in person and would like to know more about | would like to talk about Elon Musk, the renowned entrepreneur and innovator. While I haven't had the opportunity to meet him personally, his captivating journey has always intrigued me, Musk is the CEO of SpaceX and Tesla, and his visionary approach to technology and sustainability has left an indelible mark on the world. Firstly, Musk's role in revolutionizing the space industry through SpaceX is truly fascinating, ‘The ambition to make space travel more accessible and to eventually colonize other planets showcases his audacious vision. The fact that he is actively working towards a mul planetary future is not only groundbreaking but also captivating in its potential RO humanity. W Additionally, his commitment to sustainable energy with Tesla is equal a Musk’s drive to accelerate the world’s transition to electric vehicles, itable energy sources reflects a deep sense of responsibility towards the envin ‘5 not just about business for him; i's about creating a positive and lasting impactog Ype planet. ‘Moreover, Musk's unconventional approach to problem: RS} his willingness to take risks have been key factors in his success. Whether iv ing the Hyperloop concept or the Neuralink project, his ventures often push th s of what seems possible ‘Tdi mudn néi vé Elon Musk, doanh nin 63 néi ndi tiéng, Du t6i chira 66 eo hoi gap rigng anh dy nhumg han trinh quyén ra ne y Iudn khién t6i t mo, Musk la Gidm dc digu hanh ctia SpaceX va Tesla, va cé€h tibG'bin c6 tim nhin xa ciia 6ng vé céng nghé va tinh bén vitng da dé lai dd An khong tt i trén thé gid au tién, vai ro ciia Must Sy cich mang héa nganh céng nghiép vi try thong qua SpaceX thye su rit hip, aif vong kim cho vige du hanh khdng gian tro nén dé tiép cin i hon va cudi cing la ‘cdc hank tinh khéc thé hién tim nhin to bao cia dng. Vige anh dy dang tich ung t6i mot turong lai da hanh tinh khéng chi mang tinh dot ph ma edn thy tc dong tiém tang cia né déi véi nhan loi, kem. nhim day nhanh qué trinh chuyén di cua thé gidi sang xe dign va cae lugng bén vimg phan dn y thc trich nhigm sau sic d6i véi mi truémg, ant 16 kh6ng chi Ia cng vige kinh doanh; dé Ia vé vide tao ra tic dng tich cye va liu dai ‘én hank tinh. Neoai an 6ng vé nang Iugng bén ving véi Tesla cing dang khen nggi khong. & cotia M Hon nita, cach tiép cin doc déo ctia Musk trong vige gid quyét vin dé va su sin sing chip nnhin rai ro 1a nhang yéu té then chdt din dén thanh céng cia éng. Cho dit dé ta phat trién hai nim Hyperloop hay dy én Neuralink, cée dy én mao hiém cita anh dy thuemg vuot qua ranh gidi cia nhing gi c6 vé kha thi IELTS CORNER EDUCATION ZALO:0376756694 SPEAKING QUY 1 2024 (SEP-DEC-23) 4. Describe a place in your country that you think is interesting ‘The interesting place I would like to talk about in Vietnam is the ancient town of Hoi An, located in the central part of the country, along the picturesque Thu Bon River. Hoi An is a place that captivates both locals and tourists alike for several compelling reasons. What ‘makes Hoi An fascinating is its well-preserved architecture, which reflects a harmonious blend of Vietnamese, Chinese, Japanese, and European influences. The town is renowned for its beautifully decorated old buildings, colorful lanterns that adom the streets, and the atmospheric riverftont. These elements provide a window into Vietnam's rich history and its role as a vital trading port. Visiting Hoi An is an enchanting experience as people can explore the nai S streets by foot or bicycle, which adds to the town's charm. Additionally, any take a boat ride on the Thu Bon River, allowing them to appreciate the town, ifferent perspective. What truly captures my fascination with Hoi An is its ality teransport you back in time. Walking through the ancient streets, you can sense cy ticity and heritage of Vietnam, which is both enriching and inspiring. Moreove SS Cuisine, especially the unique dishes like "Cao Lau” and "White Rose," is a culin 2ht that adds to the overall appeal of this remarkable place ays Noi thé vi ma t6i mu6n noi vé 6 Viet Nam la CP °6 Héi An, nam ¢ phan trung tam cia at nude, doc theo con s6ng Thu Bon tho i An la mot dia diém thu hiit ed nguoi dn dia phurong va du Khach v6i mot s6 IY. de%pap Wan. Dieu lam Hoi An tha vi chinh la kién tric duc bio t6n tt, phan dnh sw hoa haghgiia Ge yéu 15 anh hudng tir Vigt Nam, Trung Quéc, o Hi nhitng toa nha cd duge trang tri dep mat, nhimg: Nhat Ban va chau Au, Thj tran h chiée long dén mau sie trang, ig phé va ba sng dep mit. Nhimg yéu t6 niy mo ra fa Vigt Nam va vai trd cia né 14 mot cdng thong mai Vite thim Hg gS trai nghiém quyén ri khi nguéi ta c6 thé khém pha nhimg con phd tgp, uén cook baw i chin hoge xe dp, dizu ni lim tng thm sy quyén ea th wan Neoiii sa 6 thé tham gia mot chuyén di thuyén tén séng Thu Bén, cho phép ho thu se i tin tir m6t gée nhin khée. Digu thue sy thu hut t6i vé H6i An la kha ning dust qui Kit Dao cho ong nh con ph xua, ban ed thé cim nln due tinkhehah thye va di sin cua Vigt Nam, digu nay lim gidu va truyén cim himg. Hon nita, am thye dia phuong, dac bigt li cde mén an de do nhwe "Cao Lau" va "Banh Bao Tring," fa mot nniém vui im thu thém vio sw hap din ting thé cla dia diém tuyée vai nay. IELTS CORNER EDUCATION ZALO:0376756694 SPEAKING QUY 1 2024 (SEP-DEC-23) 5. Describe a person who always has interesting ideas or opinions ‘The person I would like to talk about is my friend Alex. Alex is a software engineer who ‘works for a cutting-edge technology company. I got to know Alex through a mutual friend, and we quickly became close due to our shared interests in technology and innovation. Alex is always brimming with interesting ideas and opinions, especially when it comes to advancements in the tech industry. As a software engineer, Alex is constantly exploring new technologies and staying updated on the latest trends, What sets Alex apart is not just the technical knowledge but the ability to think beyond the conventional boundaries, I first met Alex at a tech meetup where we both attended a talk on artificial int 35 ‘Alex's insights during the discussion were not only informed but also creatiél ht out. This drew me towards having more conversations with Alex to understand tyefr perspective on various tech-related topics. O | believe Alex's ideas and opinions stand out because of a crineon jon of in-depth technical knowledge and a creative approach to problem-sol has the ability to . This creative thinking connect seemingly unrelated concepts and find Inova extends beyond the professional realm, influencing di RY mn various subjects, from literature to current affairs. Naguoi t6i mudn néi dén ta ban t6i Alex. Al S- mém lam vige cho mét céng ty oN ccéng nghé tién tién, Toi quen Alex thény 120i ban chung va chiing t6i nhanh chong ‘ro nén than thiét nhé €6 chung sé thigh Repay nghé va di méi. Alex ludn c6 rit nhiéu ¥ twéng yérghaniem tha vi, de bigt la khi ndi dn nhimg tién bo trong nganh cng nghé. La 9 ‘phan mém, Alex khéng ngimg kham pha cac cong nghé iméi va luén cp nhat nhang@yeu hyeng mai nhdt. Digu khién Alex tro nén khdc biét khéng chi 1a ign thite ky thuat 1 eon nang suy nght vugt ra ngoai nhiing ranh gidi thong, thuring nd SE tai mét cude gp mit céng nghé, noi ca hai ching tdi cing tham dy bbudi noi ghuyég yer tus nhan tao, Nhimg higu biét sau sic cia Alex trong cube thao lun | iaongee ‘ung cdp théng tin ma cdn duge suy nghi mét cach sing tao. Bigu nay khién in Bai 10 hiéu cuge trd chuyén hon véi Alex dé hiéu quan diém ca ho vé céc chi d& kmh ién quan dén cong nghé. ‘Toi tin ing nhimg ¥ tung va quan diém cita Alex ndi bat nhs str két hap dde dio gitta kién thite ky thuat chuyén sau va cdch tiép cn sang tao dé giai quyét van dé. Alex c6 kha nang két 1néi cde khdi nigm tung chimg nhwr kh6ng lién quan va tim ra gid phap sng tao. Tw duy sing tao nay virot ra ngodi link vue chuyén mén, inh huéng dén cée cude thio lug vé nhigu ‘chi dé kha nhau, tit vin hoc dén céc van dé thai su. IELTS CORNER EDUCATION ZALO:0376756694 SPEAKING QUY 1 2024 (SEP-DEC-23) 6. Describe a successful businessperson you know (eg. running a family business) I would like to talk about a successful businessperson I know, and that is my uncle, Mr. Johnson, I've known him since childhood as he is a close relative of mine. He is the owner of a thriving family business that specializes in manufacturing handmade furniture ‘My uncle's journey to success is truly inspiring, He started the business from scratch, ‘working diligently to transform it into a well-established enterprise. What sets him apart is, his unwavering dedication and commitment to quality. He personally oversees the ion process, ensuring that each piece of furniture meets the highest standards. G Moreover, his excellent leadership skills have played a pivotal role in the sudgesd of the business. He fosters a positive and collaborative work environment, his employees to give their best. His ability to adapt to market trend ace innovation has also been crucial. By incorporating modem designs and sustaina tices, he has kept the business not only competitive but also environmentally respQpsiyle N chil ti, Ong Johnson. Toi biét Ong la chii m6t doanh nghiép ‘Toi muén néi vé mot doanh nhain thanh dat ma t anh dy tir khi cdn no vi anh dy 1a ho hang tha aia dinh phat dat chuyén san xudt d6 noi t rc sur day cam hitng. Ong bit dau céng vige kinh 221 né thanh mét doanh nghigp c6 uy tin, Dieu lam nén ikhéng ngimg nghi va cam két v8 chat hung. Ong t, dim bao rang mdi mén 6 néi that déu dap img ca tiéu ‘Hanh trinh di dén thanh céng cba doanh tir dau, lam vige cham str khac biét cia anh ay la sur dich than gidm sat qua t pe chun cao nit We Hon nita, ky} Sos dao xuit sic cia Ong di dong mét vai trd then chét trong sur thanh cing cig doathakhiép. Ong thiie diy mot m6i truding lam vige tich cue va hop tée, thi diy hain, acini ‘nd lie hét minh, Kha ning thich img véi xu huéng thi traéng va don dghméi cia dng ciing rit quan trong. Bing céch két hop céc thiét ké hign dai va cde ahi mer thy hanh bén ving, éng da gidp doanh nghiép khéng chi é tinh can tranh ma con 86 trach nhigm voi méi truong, IELTS CORNER EDUCATION ZALO:0376756694 SPEAKING QUY 1 2024 (SEP-DEC-23) 7. Describe a beautiful city One of the most beautiful cities I've had the pleasure of visiting is Kyoto, Japan. Kyoto is a captivating blend of ancient traditions and modernity, offering a unique and picturesque experience. The city is renowned for its stunning temples and shrines, each a masterpiece of architecture and design. Kinkaku-j, also known as the Golden Pavilion, stands out with its shimmering gold leaf exterior reflected in a tranquil pond, Fushimi Inari Taisha, with its thousands of vermilion torii gates, creates a mesmerizing path up a forested hillside Kyoto's traditional tea houses and perfectly manicured Japanese gardens provide escapes from the bustling city life. Walking through the historic Gion district, catch a glimpse of geisha in their exquisite kimono. Cherry blossoms in spr foliage in autumn transform Kyoto into a living painting. The changing. eT 1g unique beauty to the city throughout the year. “ Despite its rich history, Kyoto also boasts modern elements ng shopping streets, delicious cuisine, and a well-connected public transportatign Systpr. What struck me most about Kyoto was the seamless coexistence of traditio ity, creating a city that feels both timeless and dynamic. Its beauty lies not oie physical features but also in the way it preserves its cultural heritage while embragjadath future sur két hop cuén hiit cia truyén théng Va hign dai, mang lai mt trdi nghiém dée dio Mot trong nhng thanh ph dep nt of dip gh thim la Kyoto, Nhit Bin, Kyoto la 6 di va tuyét dep. Thanh pho noi tié ig ngoi dén va migu tuyét dep ciia minh, mi ngdi 1 mot kigt te vé kin tric v inkaku-ji, con duge goi la Thap Vang, ndi bat voi 6p v6 ngoai that bing la phan chiéu trong mét ao muse yén binh, Fushimi Inati aisha, v6i hang ngit Oe au d6 ny, tao ra mot 15i di quyén ri Ken mot sum di rimg a fing yn inh tn thot hd eude sng ndo nig cia thanh pho. Dao be qua ws ion lich sit, ban c6 thé thm chi bit gp mot chiit hinh anh ciia cde nghé nhan a aoe trang phuc kimono tuyét dep. Hoa anh dio vito mila xudin va li cay rue r vio mite bién Kyoto thanh m6t bite tranh sing dng. Sv thay di cia ede mia mang dén ve dep doc dio cho thinh phé trong sudt ca nam. Mic dit c6 lich sit phong phi, Kyoto ciing c6 céc yéu t6 hign dai néi, mén an ngon va hé théng giao thong céng cong két ndi tt. Digu khién t6i dn twomg, Kyoto la sw hign hiru muot ma cia truyén théng va hign dai, tao ra mot thanh phé vira vinh ciru vita sdi déng. Vé dep ciia né khéng chi nim trong céc dic digm vat ly ma con trong céch né bio tn di san vin héa ciia minh trong khi om tron twong lai. IELTS CORNER EDUCATION ZALO:0376756694 SPEAKING QUY 1 2024 (SEP-DEC-23) 8. Describe a piece of good advice that you gave to someone Well, I'd like to share a recent experience when I gave some advice to a friend who was struggling with time management. It was about two months ago, and my friend, let's call her Sarah, had been feeling overwhelmed with her workload and personal commitments. 1 remember we were sitting in a café, sipping on our coffees, and Sarah started talking about how she was struggling to balance her studies and part-time job. She seemed really stressed ut. I could empathize with her situation because I had faced a similar challenge before specific time slots for studying, work, and leisure activities. This way, she coul her time was going and identify opportunities for better time management. [gl rraged her to set realistic goals for each day, which would help her stay on track. fore, 1 recommended that she prioritize her tasks based on their importance a ables. This So, Ihesan by sagen ht he ould crete dtd shale. Laie tev ‘would prevent her from feeling overwhelmed and allow her to tac! Additionally, I mentioned the importance of taking short breaks fresh and focused. Sarah thanked me for the advice and said, ss in her life. I was really pleased to see her stress levels ae strategies. ays ‘Toi mudn chia sé mot trdi nghiém gin day kl Sha mét sé lai khuyén cho mot ngudi ban dang gip khé khin trong viée quan aN Dé la khoding hai théng trudc, va ngudi ban cila ti, ching ta goi c@ dy 1a Sarab, Ragan thay qué tai v6i khdi long céng vige va cam két cé nhan cla minh. Toi nhé ching {Qi d¥Ge ng6i trong mot quin ca phé, nham ni cd phé vva Sarah bit di ndi v8 céch 6 f hd kin trong vige edn bing vige hoe va cong vigc ban thoi gian ciia minh, s thue su cdng thing. Tdi cé thé dong cim vei tinh 1g ata time, dy sessions to stay Significant difference she implemented these hudng cua 66 ay vi trude gi 43 trai qua mét thich thite twong tu. WY uit rng c6 dy nén tao lich trnh chi tig, Toi khuyén 6 éy Vi vay, 161 bat dd phan chia thi ThE cho vige hoe, céng vige vi hoat déng giai tri. Nhw vay, cy c6 thé thay thai gia nh dang dign ra nfur thé nao va xéc dinh oo h6i 48 quin ly thoi gian tt hon. T9 foo) \yén khich e6 dy dit ra muc tigu thye té cho mdi ngay, digu nay sé gidip cd ay d ké hoach, Hon nita,t6i dé xuat ¢6 dy wu tién ede nbiém vu dra trén mite 46 q Va han chét. Digu nay s® ngtin ¢6 dy cdm thiy dp Iue va cho phép c6 dy xir ly timg, viet ‘Thém vao 46, ti dé cap dén tam quan trong ciia vige nghi ngiin trong qua trinh hoc dé duy tri tinh than tuoi méi va tap trung. Sarah cam on t6i ve Idi khuyén va noi rang n6 di tao ra su khac biét dang ké trong cuéc song cita c6 Ay. Téi thure sw rat vui khi thay c6 ay mite 6 cing thing gi di khi e6 Ay thuc hién nhimg chién huge nay. IELTS CORNER EDUCATION ZALO:0376756694 SPEAKING QUY 1 2024 (SEP-DEC-23) 9. Describe a time when you had a problem with using the computer idly recall an incident when I encountered a computer problem that left me perplexed. It transpired a few months ago when I was in the midst of preparing a crucial presentation for my workplace. As I was diligently working on my computer, suddenly, the screen went blank, and I was conffonted with an alarming error message. At first, | attempted to troubleshoot the issue on my own. I checked the power supply, the connections, and even tried restarting the computer, hoping it would resolve the problem. However, my efforts were in vain, and the issue persisted. This was indeed a challenging predicament as the presentation deadline was looming. \ Feeling somewhat helpless, I decided to seek assistance from a colleague w] & tech-savvy. My colleague patiently examined the computer, identified th as a software glitch, and promptly fixed it. It turned out that an update hat flict in the system, leading to the error. This experience taught me the importange Af Seeking help when faced with technical challenges. It also underscored the Sinica ving colleagues with diverse skills in the workplace. I am now more cautiou ing my computer updated and regularly backing up my work to avoid He RS in the future, “chuan bi mét bai thuyét trinh quan ‘Toi nhé lai mot cach song déng mot su c6 Kkhi t6i 16i, Chuygn nay xay ra cdch day vai thang kh trong cho noi lam vige cla minh. Khi toi oho chi Lim viée trén may tinh thi d6t nhién ‘man hin tré nén tréng rng va t6i thay ny bio 16i dking bio déng. Lite du, t6i da c zing ty minh khic phuc sy ¢6. Ti iM nguOn dign, cfc két ndi va thm chi thir Khoi dong lai may tinh, hy vong nd duge vin dé. Tuy nhién, nhimg né lye eta ti déu v6 ich va van dé vin tigp di ‘su la mot tinh hudng kho khan day théch thire khi thi han thayét tinh nae , Cam thay hoi Vir sorny n su tro ip tir m6t dng nghigp am hiéu céng nigh hon. iia t6i di kign nhin kiém tra my tinh, xée dink vin dé li do true i anh chéng khie phuc. Héa ra mét ban cp nat d3 giy ra xung dé trong hé thé ia! 16i. Kinh nghigm nay day t6i tim quan trong cla vige tim kiém sv gitp do hi dQf ny vd nhimg thich thie ky thuét, N6 ciing nbiin menh tim quan trong cia vige © a feos nighigp ¢6 k9 nding da dang tai noi lim vige. Bay gid t8i than trong hon trong vigde&¢f nhat may tinh ctia minh va thuong xuyén sao liu céng vige cia minh dé tranh nhong that Dai twong tw trong twong lai IELTS CORNER EDUCATION ZALO:0376756694 SPEAKING QUY 1 2024 (SEP-DEC-23) 10. Describe a good advertisement that you think is useful 1d like to talk about an advertisement that I found exceptionally useful. It was a television ‘commercial promoting a campaign for a well-known charity organization. The ad featured a heartwarming story of a young git! named Maya, who had overcome significant challenges in her life with the support of the charity. What made this advertisement stand out was its emotional appeal. It began with Maya's childhood photos and narrated her struggles with a rare medical condition. The visuals of her smiling and achieving her dreams, thanks to the charity's help, were truly touching. The background music was gentle and evocative, enhancing the emotional connection. \ Moreover, the advertisement effectively conveyed the charity's mission and, A: to could make areal difference in the lives of children like Maya. It provide action, urging viewers to contribute or volunteer. This advertisement hy ‘ing impression ‘on me because it not only raised awareness about a significant issup-Guyfeoinspired empathy and action. t demonstrated the power of storytelling in advertising, ‘making ita highly effective and useful campaign S 1udn noi vé mét quang céo ma ti thay oye Ky, AYN 1 mot quang c4o trayén hinh quing ba cho mét chié ot 16 chiee he tn ndi tiéng, Quang cdo ké vé ca chuyén cam dong cia mét co ‘vuot qua nhiing thir thach quat trong trong cude dai nh su hd tre ciia td oes \én. Didu lam cho quiing cdo nay ndi bat 14 su hp din vé mat cd xite eta n6. bing nhiing bite anh théi the u cla Maya vaké lai cude du tranh ca c6 véi mgt citXbEnh hiém gap. Hinh anh ¢6 mim cudi va dat thign that sw rt cam dng, Nhac nén nhe nhang, iu site ggi, ting them su Hee Ho na, quing or mnt ch hu qu imine chi thin v ich thite quyén gop EEN sur khac biét thuc su trong cudc song cua nhing dita tré nh Maya. Né mas oi hinh déng r@ ring, kéu goi ngutdi xem déng gép hodc tinh nguyén. ay dé lai én tuong lau dai véi t6i vi n6 khong chi nang cao nan thire vé mot vi ong ma cdn truyén cém himg cho sw dng em va hinh dng, Né thé hign site manPhgi cach ké chuyén va cim xic trong quing céo, khién né tré than mot chién dich hi jrhigu qua cao. IELTS CORNER EDUCATION ZALO:0376756694 SPEAKING QUY 1 2024 (SEP-DEC-23) 11. Describe a sportsperson you admire In Vietnam, we take immense pride in our athletes who excel on the international stage, and cone standout sportsperson who recently achieved remarkable success in a sports event is Nguyen Thanh, a talented badminton player. Nguyen Thanh’s impressive performance in the 2022 Asian Games captured the hearts of many, including mine. With exceptional dedication and rigorous training, Nguyen Thanh showcased his prowess in the badminton court, earning a gold medal in the men’s singles category. His journey to this achievement was nothing short of inspirational. He faced formidable opponents from across Asia, displaying extraordinary skills and determination throughout the tournament. \ What truly sets Nguyen Thanh apart is his unwavering commitment to the s 3 been honing his badminton skills since childhood, practicing tirelessly under t of experienced coaches. His discipline, perseverance, and sportsmanshiy ey stole model for aspiring athletes in Vietnam. Moreover, Nguyen Thanh’ triumphis¥ Sodrce of national pride, fostering a sense of unity and enthusiasm for sports in our an His victory not only Tinie his pesonal achievement but als epost Vietnpag bed'Pe presen in he ‘world of sports. Nauyen Thanh’s remarkable success in th Sian Games is a testament to his dedication and talent. He has not only brought g j2mnam but also inspired a new generation of athletes to pursue their dreams with yn®ayelfnd determination, 6 Vigt Nam, ching tdi rit tu hao vé ca sao ‘én cia chang ta khi ho xuat sic trén sin choi qué té, va mot van déng vign ndj hy da dat duroc thin cdng ding ké trong ‘mot sur kign thé thao la Nguyén Thang moktay vot cau long tai nding, Bai biéu dién dn tuong ciia Nguyén Thanh tai Dai hoi tau A 2022 da chinh phyc tri tim cia nhigu ngusi, trong 46 c6 toi. Voi sur tan tay’ luygn khac nghigt, Nguyén Thanh da thé hign sir xuat huy chuong vang 6 hang mue don nam. Hanh trinh eta sic ea minh trén sin céu Jane anh dén thanh tich nay hao thigu su truyén cam himg. Anh da d6i déu véi nhimg <46i thi mamb ti kh thé hign ky ndng va quyét tim phi thuémg suét gidi déu. igu thue keys bat Nguyn Thanb 1a str cam két khéng nay ha ela anh déi véi mén thé thao ni én luyén kY nang cau long ciia minh tir khi con nh, tap luyén khong biét mét moi Wydidur hung din ciia cde HLV gidu kinh nghiém, Su ky luat, kién nbn va tink 1 ‘aap ciia anh 1a mot tim guomg cho ede vin dng vién tré tai Vigt Nam. Hon ntta, chit ing cla Nguyén Thanh la ngudn ty ho quéc gia, tao ra su théng nat va sy nhiét tinh vvé the thao trong nude chiing t6i, Chin thing eta anh khéng chi thé hign si thanh eng cé nnhin ma edn dai dign cho str hign dign ngay cing manh me cia Viét Nam trong thé gigi thé thao. Thanh céng dn twong ciia Nguyén Thanh tai Dai héi Thé thao Chau A 2022 1a mt minh chimg cho st tn tuy va tai ning cia anh, Anh khéng chi mang dank dur cho Vigt Nam ma cén truyén cam huing cho thé hé vn dng vien méi dé theo dudi giée mo cua ho véi sw quyét tam khdng lai bude. IELTS CORNER EDUCATION ZALO:0376756694 SPEAKING QUY 1 2024 (SEP-DEC-23) 12, Describe a bad service you received in a restaurant/shop Certainly, I can recall a recent incident when I received subpar service at a restaurant. It happened about three months ago when I decided to dine out with some friends at a local restaurant. Upon entering the restaurant, we were seated promptly, which was a good start However, things took a tur for the worse when we had to wait nearly 20 minutes before a server acknowledged our presence. During this time, we weren't offered menus or even a lass of water, which left us feeling neglected. ‘When the server finally approached our table, they seemed disinterested and inatte took our orders in a rushed manner without asking if we had any special reque: preferences. Throughout the meal, our drinks remained empty, and we had ly ask for refills. To make matters worse, when our food finally arrived, it was h ind didn't ‘match our expectations based on the menu descriptions. The server n rack to check (on us, and we had to flag them down to address the issue. Their re ee apathetic, and they made no effort to rectify the situation. The whole dining ex vas disappointing, and it left a negative impression on us. We paid the bill and 8 iB unsatisfied with both the service and the quality of the food. S Tit nhign, ti 06 thé nhé mot sy cd gin day khi are jvc dich vy kém tai m@t nha hang Do xay ra khong ba thang trudc khi t6i quyét 3 choi ciing mot s6 ban tai mot nha hang dia phutong. Khi bude vao nha nA duge sip xép ché ngdi mot céch nhanh chéng, digu nay 14 mot bit di t6t. Tuy. ign di thir tro nén ti té hom kh chting t6i pha gi gain 20 phiit trade Khi mot ngdigihuc Yr han biét si ign dign cia ching tOi. Trong thoi agian nay, ching t6i khong dug, ik thm chi la mot ly nuée, diéu nay Khién chiing t6i cam thay bj bo me y Khi ngudi phue va iép can ban cia ching t6i, ho trong kh6ng quan tim va thiéu tap trung, Ho nha 1g cia ching t6i m6t cach voi va ma khéng hoi xem ching t6i ¢6 yéu clu dic thich ché dé din khéng. Trong suét bita in, dé ung cia ching t6i ving t6i phai lip di lip lai yéu cau dé duroc nap lai. BE lam cho tinh hinh in ciia ching t6i cudi cling dirge mang dén, n6 im ép va khong diing nhur mong dehdu@irén mé ti trén menu. Ngudi phuc vu khéng bao gi’ quay lai dé kiém tra ching ‘ i t6i phai vy tay dé xir tinh hudng. Phan tmg eta ho that sing va ho khdng c6 Ie nao dé khic phy tinh hin. Toan b9 tri nghigm fim thye 46 im cho ching toi that vong va dé lai An tuong tiéu cuc. Ching t6i tra tién va ra vé, cam thay khéng hai long vé ci dich vu va chat long thue phim, IELTS CORNER EDUCATION ZALO:0376756694 SPEAKING QUY 1 2024 (SEP-DEC-23) 13. Describe an occasion when you waited a long time for a nice thing One memorable instance when I had to wait a considerable amount of time for something, wonderful was during a family vacation to an amusement park. It was a hot summer day, and ‘my family and I were excited to visit a renowned theme park that was known for its th rides and captivating shows. As soon as we arrived at the park, we could see that it was bustling with people, all eager to experience the attractions. We decided to start with the park's most famous roller coaster, which had a notoriously long queue, The line stretched (on seemingly forever, winding through various twists and turns, two hours under the scorching sun, growing increasingly impatient. Howe jence paid off when we finally reached the front of the line and boarded the rol The exhilarating ride with its twists and loops was absolutely worth the, sP'made this experience special was the anticipation and the shared ge family. Waiting ‘The wait tumed out to be much longer than we had anticipated. We stood ee for that ride, despite the discomfort of the long queue, made the roller coaster even sweeter. It taught me the value oS something delightful SS tuyét véi la trong ky nghi gia dinh 6 céng a tri, Dé li mot ngay hé néng nue, t6i va gia inh rit hao himg d&n thiim mot edn; ae iri ndi tiéng, noi ndi tiéng véi nhimng thd choi inh\higp ign hip din. Vira dén cng vién, ching 161 da cim gide manh va nhing chong thy noi day tép nap nguéi qui déu hao hite muén trai nghiém nhing diém tham quan. Ching ti quyét dinh bi i tau Iugn sigu toc noi tiéng nhat cia céng vién, noi c6 ¥y kéo dai dung nh v6 tn, un Iuon qua nhiéu khite hing ngudi dai ndi tiéng, QB quan thie nha wo Su cha doi by en nhidu so véi ching tdi dy doan, Ching toi dimg xép hang hon hai hi oo tiéng dé céi ning nhur thigu dot, cing ngay cang mat kién nhdn, Tuy nhién, str kién njoyment of the ing the anticipation of i da duroc dn dip khi cudi cing ching t6i da dén due du hang va len tau nhin cAon urge Sigu BSc. Chuyén di thi vi véi nhimg kiic quanh va vng kip hoan toan dng dé cher a9 WiNYKhién tri nghigm nay tro nén dc bigt ld sur mong doi va chia sé niém phin khich v6i Ske dinh t6i, Vike chis doi chuyén di 46, bat chap sur kh6 chiu cia vige xép hang dai, da hién cho cam gide thich thé khi di tau Ion siéu tc cang tro nén ngot ngao hon, N6 day t6i si tri cia str kién nhdn va tan hung niém mong cha vio digu gi d6 thi vi IELTS CORNER EDUCATION ZALO:0376756694 SPEAKING QUY 1 2024 (SEP-DEC-23) 14, Describe an area of science (biology, robotics, etc.) that you are interested in and would like to learn more about I've developed a growing interest in environmental science, particularly marine biology. This fascination took root during a family vacation to the coast a couple of years ago. Since then, I've been absorbing information about marine biology through documentaries, books, and online courses. Platforms like National Geographic and marine research institutions provide valuable insights into the diverse ecosystems beneath the ocean's surface. [also follow marine biologists and conservationists on social media to stay updated on ongoing research and conservation efforts. The allure of marine biology lies in the sheer diversity of life forms underwat delicate balance that sustains these ecosystems. The oceans play a crucial the planet’ climate, and understanding marine life is vital for conservation a management. The mysterious world beneath the waves, from rs creatures, captivates my imagination, > Moreover, the challenges faced by marine ecosystems due tithyaté change and human activities make it afield with real-world implications. By @olvihe into marine biology, I hope to contribute, even in a small way, to the consent oN Servation of these extraordinary environments for future generations, ‘Toi ngay edng quan tam dén khoa hoe moi a gt Ia sinh hoc to deep-sea Niém dam mé nay bat ngudn tir mot ky nghi gia dinh 6 by nim true. Ké tir d6, ti tiép thu thong tin vé “4 Ne théng qua phim tai liéu, sich va cde khéa hoc truc tuyén, Céc nén ting nhur Nati raphic vA cée 16 chite nghién citu bién cung efp nhitng hiéu biét c6 gia tri vé Ban da dang bén duéi bé mat dai duong. Téi ciing theo i cdc nha sinh vat hoc v4 bes n bin tren mang xa hoi dé cp nha nhang nd ye nghién ctu va bao ton ee fa. Site hép din cia sigh WObIen nim 6 sur da dang tuySt déi cia cfc dang sng du6i muse va sw niy. Cae dai dong déng mot vai tr quan trong trong vige dif ciia hanh tinh va hieu biét vé sinh vat bién la rat quan trong dé bao cet 4 bén ving. Thé giéi huyén bi bén duéi nhing con séng, tit nhing ran san ho nu tén nhiing sinh vat bién sau, cuén hat tri tudmg tuemg cia ti, HohQue, nhiing théch thite ma he sinh thai bien phai ddi mat do bién di khi hau va céc hoat dng tia con ngudi khién né tré thinh mot linh vic c6 y nghia thyc té. Bing céch di stu vio sinh hoc bién, t6i hy vong c6 thé déng gép, di chi mot phin nh6, vao vige bao tin va bao ton nhiing mdi trang dic biét nay cho cae thé hé tuong lai. IELTS CORNER EDUCATION ZALO:0376756694 SPEAKING QUY 1 2024 (SEP-DEC-23) 15, Describe a party that you enjoyed attended a memorable party last summer that I truly enjoyed. It was a backyard barbecue and pool party hosted by a close friend. The entire event had an inviting and festive atmosphere that made it particularly enjoyable. The party took place on a warm, sunny afternoon. As | arrived, I was greeted by the enticing aroma of grilled burgers and sausages ‘wafting through the air. The backyard was beautifully decorated with colorful streamers, balloons, and fairy lights, creating a vibrant and cheerful ambiance. One of the highlights of the party was the swimming pool. Many of us spent hours around, playing water games, and enjoying the refreshing coolness of the wat fauhter and camaraderie around the pool were infectious. The food was another sta fe. The barbecue fare was delicious, and there was a variety of sides, salads, and satisfy every palate, People gathered around the grill, engaging in ome iM savoring the tasty food. Q Live music added to the festive mood. A local band playe RQraasic and contemporary tunes, inspiring some impromptu dancing and creating a mosphere. What made this party so enjoyable was the combination of good coy oA jalectable food, and a relaxed : ae nim ngodi ma t6i thye su thich. B6 1a roc t6 chite boi mot ngudi ban than. Todn b6 su 1Gi khign né tro: nén dic bigt tha vi. Tie digm ra vio foi dén, t6i duge dén tiép boi huong thom ngon linh ca Toi da tham gia mot budi mot bud tige nung ngoai tréi yp ign mang mot khéng khi ma ‘mot budi chigu 4m ép iets tit bo mudng va xii xi tone khong khi, Khu vurin sau nha duge trang tri dep voi nhimng chiée bang 0, bong bay va dén léng, tao nén mot bau khdng khi s6ng dong va v eS 48 vu! dn, choi ted choi nue vi hung the sy mat me ei nude. Tiéng es Hi dng di xung quanh bé bor lan ta, D§e sin musing ngosi tr eng li mot diém aan Thre nm nudng rit ngon migng, va c6 nhigu mén dn phy, salad vi matt dé Lam hai Tong moi khéu vi. Moi nguéi tu tap quanh bép nurémg, tham gia vio cude tr chuyén trong khi thurong thiée thite an ngon, ‘Am nhac truc tiép lam ting thém khéng khi I héi. Mét ban nhac dia phurong da choi mét loat cic bin nhac od dién va hign dai, truyén cm himg cho mat s6 digu nhay tw nhién va tao ra mot bau khéng hi s6i déng. Digu lam cho budi tige nay tha vi dé 1a su két hop cla ban bé than thign, thitc an ngon va mot khéng gian th gidn, Dé la co hoi hodn hao dé thur gid, két ni vi ban be va tao ra nhimng kg ire dng nh. IELTS CORNER EDUCATION ZALO:0376756694 SPEAKING QUY 1 2024 (SEP-DEC-23) 16, Describe a park or a garden in your city ‘The park I want to talk about is located in the bustling city of Hanoi, which is the capital of ‘Vietnam. It's called "Hoa Binh Park." I had the pleasure of visiting it during my trip to Hanoi about a year ago, I visited Hoa Binh Park primarily because I wanted to experience a slice of nature amidst the urban chaos of Hanoi. It was a warm and sunny day, making it an ideal time to explore the park, Moreover, I was intrigued by the reputation of Hoa Binh Park for its lush greenery and serene ambiance. During my visit, I strolled along the meandering pathways, admiring the beautiful i and watching families having picnics by the lakeside. I also noticed a group of practicing tai chi, which added to the park's tranquil atmosphere. ‘What I enjoyed most about visiting Hoa Binh Park was the escape it off aie the city’s hhustle and bustle. The abundance of trees and the peaceful lake creat ‘environment. It was a great place to relax, read a book, or simpl: ave the natural beauty. It made me appreciate the harmony between urban life and nat as lanoi has to offer. (Céng vién ma t6i muén n6i vé nm tai thinh ph6 ndoffipi (Gi, th 46 cia Viét Nam. NO £6 t8n la "Cong vign Hod Binh." Toi da “< ‘rai gaigAp trong chuyén di dén Ha Noi cha ‘minh cach day khong mot nam. ‘Toi da dén Cong vién Hoa Binh chi, strhn loan ciia cude sing dé thi 6 ign ly tuéng dé kham pha €63 nifa, ti rit an twong véi danh tiéng cua Céng vién Hoa Binh vé canh quan xanh fygi bau khong khi yén binh. Trong chuyén that NOY dao doc theo nhing con duéng udn quanh, ngdm nhin nhong khung canh tu Juan sat cdc gia dinh cé picnic bén bi hd. Tdi cing chi y dén mot hom nguai ex si cue, digu nay thém vao khéng khi yn bin ciia cng vien, tH Yong phi ciia céy 6 va hd nutée yén binh da tao ra mét moi truéng thu gin. Dé la mot Roi tuyét vai dé thu gidin, doc sich hodc dom gidn la tin hurémg vé dep ter nhién. Bigu dé kkhién t6i tran trong si ha hop gitta cude séng 46 thi va thién nhién ma Ha Noi mang lai sa it ki in COng vien Hod Bin is thot dis hi ca cute sing 48 IELTS CORNER EDUCATION ZALO:0376756694 SPEAKING QUY 1 2024 (SEP-DEC-23) 17. Describe a drawing/painting that you like I would like to share my experience of seeing an impressive work of art, which was a painting I came across during a visit to the Louvre Museum in Paris, France, a couple of years ago. The painting I saw was Leonardo da Vinci's renowned masterpiece, the "Mona Lisa." It was displayed in a well-lit, climate-controlled room in the museum. The artwork depicted a woman with a serene expression, sitting against a distant landscape with a winding river and mountains in the background. The most striking aspect of the painting was the subject's enigmatic smile, which seemed to follow you no matter where you stood in the ‘When I first saw the "Mona Lisa," I was taken aback by its sheer beauty an« mystery surrounding it. The craftsmanship and attention to detail in the patfM@ astonishing. As I stood there, I felt a sense of awe and wonder, know Was looking at one of the most famous and iconic artworks in the world. The i. ty to capture ‘human emotions and the complexity of the subject's expression I smerized. What ‘made this work of art particularly impressive to me was not torical and artistic significance but also its ability to transcend time and cul jae ‘me appreciate the power of art to evoke emotions and provoke thought. THR’ Mgpa Lisa" left a lasting impression on me, reminding me of the enduring aN at works of art on the human soul. Thot téc phim nghé thudt dn trong, dé 1a mot hu\€n'th’im Bao ting Louvre tai Paris, Phap, vai nim, ng ciia Leonardo da Vinci, "Mona Lisa.” ig sia, dieu hia nhigt dé tai bao tang. Tée phim miéu rim lang, ngoi truée mot bite canh xa x6i v6i mot con thi vi nhat cua bite tranh chinh la ny cui bi an cia 1 mot ngudi phy nit véi guign song udn luton va day nif be ngudi phy nit, c6 we jdi ban bat ké ban dimg 6 dau trong phong. Khi téi lin 6s “Mona Lisa," t6i bi chodng nggp boi su tinh xéo va sur chi ¥ dén chi 1iét trong fi ath. Khi toi dimg 46, ti ci thy mot cam gic simg s6t va ky diéu, biét hin vio m6t trong nhimng tac phim nghé thuat ndi tiéng va bigu tong nt trén Soe ‘ning cia bite tranh nay trong vige thé hign cm xic cia con ngudi va ste phire ap ‘Toi muén chia sé trai nghigm cia min bite tranh ma ti tinh ed bit gap tro ‘rude dy. Bite tranh ma 16i tha 1N6 duge trung bay trong mot bigu hign cia chi dé da khién 161 mé mai, Digu lam cho téc pham nghé thust nay n tuong doi véi toi khOng chi la gid tri lich sit va nghé thuat ma con kha nang vot qua théi gian va van héa. N6 Tm cho t6i trn trong site man cia nghé thust trong vige agi cam xitc va thite day suy tu. "Mona Lisa" dé lai én tong sau sic trong tdi, nhc nho t6i ve tc dng liu dai cia nhimng kigt tac nghé thudt vi dai lén tam hin con ngudi, IELTS CORNER EDUCATION ZALO:0376756694 SPEAKING QUY 1 2024 (SEP-DEC-23) 18. Describe a foreigner who speaks Vietnamese very well Sarah is originally from Toronto, Canada, and she moved to Hanoi a few years ago for work. Intrigued by the rich culture and vibrant community, she made a conscious effort to learn the Vietnamese language. Sarah initially started taking formal language classes to grasp the basics, but what truly set her apart was her immersion into the local culture. She actively engaged with the Vietnamese community, making friends and participating in local events. Sarah went beyond textbooks and embraced everyday conversations, pragticing with locals in various settings. Her dedication extended to watching Vietnamese fil listening to music, and even trying her hand at Vietnamese cuisine, The genuin jand respect she showed towards the language and culture created a conducive RA for learning. ~ Sarah's proficiency in Vietnamese can be attributed to her ang Qos ‘combining is formal education with real-world interactions. She broke do jue barriers by being open-minded, culturally sensitive, and persistent in her pus woe proficiency. Her ability to connect with people on a personal level, coupl "a genuine love for the language, allowed her to become a fluent and resp: ae er of the Vietnamese-speaking, community. fa Noi lam vige each day vai nam. Bi thu 6 dai nd luc hoc tiéng Viet. Ban du ar chinh thifc dé nim bit nhiing digu co bin, i bigt la sirhoa nhp vio van héa dja phuong, Sarah dén tit Toronto, Canada vi e6 ¢ Init boi nén van héa phong phiéi va cé s tham gia cde l6p nhung diéu thyc sy khién c6, My Cé tich eve giao li “ddng ngudi Viet, két ban va tham gia cdc su kign dia phurong, Sarah vugt ra ngs Khoa va tham gia vio cc cude td chuyén hang ngay, thie phuong trong nhiéu méi truong khac nhau. Sy cng hién ctia c6 bao gdm vide xe ‘gt Nam, nghe nhac va thm chi thir sttc véi am thye Vigt Nam, Su quan ty a rong thucc su ma cé thé hign d6i voi ngén ngfr va van héa di tao ra mot méi trug ote i cho vige hoc tap. xy Kha ning thong thao tigng Viét cla Sarah e6 thé la nher cach tiép cin sau sic ciia 66, két hop ido duc chinh quy véi cde ture tée trong thé gidi thye. C6 da pha b6 rio can ngdn ng bing tu duy e6i mo, nhay cm vé vin héa va kign tri theo dudi trinh 46 théng thao ngén ng®. Kha nang két néi véi moi ngudi 6 cép 46 cd nhan, cling véi tinh yéu dich thye danh cho ngon ng, da gip o6 tré than mét thanh vien thong thao va duge kinh trong trong cng dong noi tiéng Vi IELTS CORNER EDUCATION ZALO:0376756694 SPEAKING QUY 1 2024 (SEP-DEC-23) 19, Describe a person who enjoys cooking for others 11d like to talk about my friend, Lisa, who is an exceptional cook. I've known Lisa for several years, and we became friends when we were studying together in college. Lisa has a remarkable talent for cooking a wide variety of dishes, but her specialty lies in preparing Asian cuisine, particularly Chinese and Thai dishes. Her homemade dumplings and pad Thai are legendary among our friends, and whenever she hosts a gathering, everyone looks forward to her delicious creations What I admire most about Lisa's cooking isnot just the taste but also the attention to detail she puts into every dish. She uses fresh ingredients, balances flavors perfectly, and presentation is always impeccable. Her meals not only satisfy our taste buds but ‘our senses with their beautiful colors and fragrant aromas, Whenever I have thchn@Qp4o savor Lisa’s dishes, I fee! like I'm experiencing a culinary journey. Her as ‘way of yf bringing people together, and it's not just about the food; i's the NS she adds to every meal that make it truly special. ‘Toi muén noi vé ngudi ban cia t6i, Lisa, ngudi la mot dau pe Toi da trong vai nim va ching t6itrd thanh ban khi cing hoe we a €6 tai nang dang kinh ngac trong vige nd i’ m6n dn, nhung so trong cia c6 dy nim trong vige chuén bj dm thre chau A, dj mn n Trung Quéc va Théi Lan. Nhimg chiée ban bao ty lim va mi xio. lia c6 dy di tre thinh huyén thoai trong s6 ban bé cia ching t6i, va mdi khi c6 &té be budi tu hop, ai cing mong doi nhomg mén nngon cita c6 fy Didu toi nguong m6 hj a in cia Lisa khéng chi la huong vj ma cén la sv chi ¥ dén. chi tiet ma c6 ay dat va non. Cé dy sir dung nguyén liu tuoi ngon, can d6i huong vi hhoan hao va cach gi a.c6 dy ludn tuyét vai. Nhimng bita an cia c6 dy khéng chi lim hai long vi gi g t6i ma con kich thich tat ca cdc gidic quan ciia chiing t6i bing. hing mau es 8 hurong thom thom ngon. cee gp trinh Am thure. Mén dn cia 6 dy c6 céch kim két néi moi ngudi lai véi nhau, vi nd Khon chi don thudn ld vé d dn; 46 la sim dp va tinh yéu c6 dy thém vao timg bita dn, Khign n6 thue su dae bigt IELTS CORNER EDUCATION ZALO:0376756694 SPEAKING QUY 1 2024 (SEP-DEC-23) 20. Describe a photo that makes you feel happy 14 like to talk about a photograph that brings me a lot of joy. This picture captures a moment from a family gathering, and it's a cherished memory for me. The photo features a picnic in ‘a beautiful park on a sunny summer day. In the picture, you can see my family and me sitting ona checkered blanket, surrounded by lush greenery and colorful flowers. We all have big smiles on our faces, and my younger brother is holding a kite that's soaring high in the clear blue sky. | took this photo about three years ago during a weekend getaway to a nearby nature reserve Te was a perfect day with a gentle breeze and the sound of birds chirping in the backefupd. ‘We had packed a delicious picnic with sandwiches, fruits, and homemade lemon: the meal, we decided to fly kites, and that's when this joyful moment was ca RO I don't look at this photo regularly, but it's saved in my digital album, so, oss it from time to time, Whenever I see it, it instantly brings back the happ) iouethemess ‘we shared that day. It reminds me of the importance of spending qyafityitne with family and appreciating the simple pleasures of life S: ‘The reason this photo makes me happy is that it encapsulat ‘mth of family bonds and the beauty of nature. It represents carefree moment of being with loved ones. Every time I look at it, 'm reminded of how rerab: ave such wonderful memories, and it never fails to bring a smile to BX ~~ nhiéu niém vui. Bétc hinh nay ghi lai mét it mot ky he quy bau di voi ti. Bite inh -vign dep vao mot ngiy hé ning. Trong bite hinh, 120i trén mot tm chan ké 6, bao quan la cay e6 two leu c6 nhing ny eudi tuoi vui trén khuén mae va em, bay cao trén bau tréi xanh trong, ‘Toi mudn néi v8 mgt bite nh mang Iai ¢ hod Khic tir mot budi tu hop gia i nay thé hign mot budi da ngoai tai ban cé thé thy gia dinh t6i va t6t va hoa lé day mau sic. Cl trai t6i dang cdm mot cj i nim trade trong mét ky nghi cudi tuan tai mot khu bao tén_ }t ngay hod hao véi mat com gié nhe va tigng chim riu rit phat ra tir phia xa, ti chuiin bi mét bita picnic ngon link véi bénh mi sandwich, tai cy ‘va nue chanfy nPih, Sau bita dn, chiing t6i quyét dinh tha diéu va dé la lite khoanh Khe vui vé nay, x i. ‘TaYshgng sem bite Anh nay thudng xuyén, nhung né da duvoe Iuu trong album sé héa cha NY '6i thudng xuyén tinh cé nhin thay n6. Mdi khi ti nhin thay n6, n6 ngay lap tire anh hte sit hanh phic va sit gin két chiing t5i da chia sé vao ngiy hdm 46, No nhiie no 16i vvé sir quan trong cita vig Jon gin cia cude s6 dinh théi gian chat lugng cing gia dinh va tran trong nhimg ni Ly do ma bite anh nay lam t6i hanh phic li vi n6 tom gon sy dm ip cia tinh than gia dinh va ‘vé dep cita thién nhién. Né biéu thi nhiig khodnh khac thoai mai va niém vui khi 6 bén nhau ‘v6i ngudi thén yéu, Méi hi t0i nhin thiy n6, ti lai due nhc nhé vé su may min cila minh Ki o6 nhimng ky tre tuyét voi nhur vay, va nd ludn khién 164 né nu cud trén khuén mat IELTS CORNER EDUCATION ZALO:0376756694 SPEAKING QUY 1 2024 (SEP-DEC-23) 21, Describe an exciting activity that you experienced with someone else It happened last summer when we decided to celebrate our long-standing friendship with an adrenaline-pumping activity. We chose a skydiving center located in the picturesque countryside, where the landscape beneath would add to the thrill. We had always talked about doing something daring together, and skydiving seemed like the perfect way to make that happen ‘As we geared up and boarded the small aircraft, the mixture of excitement and nervousness was palpable. The freefall from 10,000 feet was an indescribable rush of emotions. roaring in our ears, the breathtaking scenery unfolding below, and the sheer adi ‘rev crete sensory oveoad @ The decision to go skydiving was driven by a shared desire for adventu wy our limits, It was not just about conquering fear but about embracing Seti ‘together. The experience strengthened our bond, and the post-jump euphoria soy) shed. The feeling of accomplishment, shared laughter, and the unforgettable mem Soy ing through the sky created an unbreakable connection, ‘The tandem skydiving experience was not just about Yi the jump but the joy of sharing a once-in-alifetime adventure with my he memory of that day continues to be source of inspiration, reminding us that ‘out of our comfort zanes can lead to incredible shared moments. S Chuygn xay ra vio mia hé nim ngoai khyghOugOi quyét dinh ky nigm tinh ban lau nim cia minh bing mot hoat déng bom adregafine\@thing t6i chon mot trung tém nhiy di: nim 6 vviing néng thon dep nur tranh vé, “quan bén du6i sé lim ting thém cam gide hdi hop. Ching t gi dé téo bao va nhay dit dung nhur li eich hoa hao dé bign didu dé tha Khi ching ti chudn, hiée mAy bay nho, cm gide phin khich xen lin lo ling hign 10. Cit roi tu do ti .000 feet la mét cam xiic dang trio khé ta, Tiéng gid gio thét ben tai ching ta, ene ‘ngoan muc mé ra bén duéi va cim gide t6t d6 Khi roi tu do da tao ra cim gide qual Quy SD ¥y di duge thite dy béi mong mudn chung vé phiéu luu vi vugt qua giéi Begg ste is cap mca is nn nNbedirone didu chia bigt Trai nghiém da eting c6 moi quan hé cia ching toi va cam giée hung phn sau ci ny la Khong thé so sinh duge. Cam gide thanh twu,tiéng cudi chung va ij nig khé quén khi bay vit Ién blu ti da tao nén mét su két n6i khéng thé phi v. ‘Trai nghiém nhay di song song khdng chi la cim gidc hdi hép khi nhay ma con li niém vui duge chia sé chuyén phiéu eu chi c6 mét lin trong doi v6i ngwsi ban than nhat cia t6i. KY tic vé ngiy hom dé tiép tuc la ngun cém himg, nhac nhé chiing ta ring bude ra khéi ving an ton ciia minh cé thé din dén nhimg khodinh khiic chia sé dng kinh ngac. IELTS CORNER EDUCATION ZALO:0376756694 SPEAKING QUY 1 2024 (SEP-DEC-23) 22. Describe a historical period you would like to know more about I love to delve deeper into the Vietnam War era, specifically the late 1960s and early 1970s, This tumultuous period spans from the mid-1950s to 1975, but my interest is particularly focused on those crucial years. I'm captivated by the complex geopolitical dynamics, the role of Vietnam in the Cold War, and the impact of the conflict on the Vietnamese people. I've gained a general understanding of the major events, key figures, and the involvement of global powers during this period. However, I want to explore the nuances, the personal stories, and the socio-cultural aspects that shaped this era oy ‘What intrigues me the most is the resilience and determination displayed b; ymese people in the face of adversity. Learning more about the daily lives of ing Mga Caught in the midst of war, understanding their struggles, and exploring the cul istorical context that led to such a significant chapter in Vietnam's, Honeys Pvide a more comprehensive perspective. S ‘The Vietnam War has left a lasting impact on the nation at (or. and delving into this, historical period allows me to gain insights into the e ‘of war and its aftermath, By understanding the historical roots and the human S ges during this time, I believe I ean better appreciate Vietnam's journey towards re, mntfreconciliation. It’s essential to comprehend the past appreciate the prese 15 why 'm eager to explore this period in greater deta x“ ‘Toi muén tim hiéu su hon vé thai ky; Nee ih Vigt Nam, dac biét li cudi nhing nim 1960 va diu nhing nim 1970, Thy 15y)oan nay kéo dai tir gita nhimg nam 1950 dén nam 1975, nhumg méi quan t ‘Toi bi thu hat bdi nhing tranh Lan va tée don; biét chung vé céc clu trong giai nnhan va nh xung d6t d6i v6i ngudi din Viét Nam. Téi da e6 doe higu nhan vat chi chdt va sir tham gia cia ede cuomg quéc ton, ee ae mh van héa xa hoi di hinh thinh nén thoi dai nay. idu safer Tong nhét a sy kién cum va quyét tam cia ngubi din Vigt Nam truse nghich cath “Tim higu thém vé cude séng hing ngay cia nhimg ngudi bi ket trong chién "h}S cude dau tranh ciia ho va khém pha boi canh vin héa va lich sir dan dén mot cud quan trong trong lich sr Vigt Nam s8 mang lai mét gécnhin ton dign hon Chign tranh Vigt Nam da dé Iai tic dng lau dai d6i véi dat nude va nguéi dan, va viée di su vvio giai doan lich sir nay cho phép t6i hiéu rd hom vé si phite tap cla chién tranh va hau qua ciia n6, Bing su higu biét vé c6i ngudn lich si va nbling trai nghigm cia con nguéi trong thi asian nay, t6i tin ring minh c6 thé nh gid cao hon hanh trinh phuc hoi va hoa giai ctia Viét Nam. Bigu can thiét la phai hiéu rd qué khtt dé danh gi cao hign tai va dé la IY do tai sao toi ho hiée khm pha giai doan nay mot céch chi tit hon. IELTS CORNER EDUCATION ZALO:0376756694 SPEAKING QUY 1 2024 (SEP-DEC-23) 23, Describe a successful person who you once studied or worked with 11d like to talk about a person I know who I believe is successful. This person is my uncle, John, whom I've known since childhood. I know my uncle John because he is a close family ‘member. He's my mother's brother, and we have spent a lot of time together over the years during family gatherings and holidays. I've had the opportunity to witness his journey to success up close. I consider my uncle John successful for several reasons. Firstly, he is a thriving entrepreneur who started his own IT consulting company from scratch, Despite facing numerous challenges in the competitive technology industry, he managed to build a highly reputable business with a strong client base, Secondly, he's a devoted family mag who hhas successfully balanced his professional and personal life. He is always there SS and children, providing them with emotional support and a comfortable awe admire my uncle John’s success because he embodies the values of determination, and perseverance. He didn't rely on luck but inst effort and made strategic decisions to achieve his goals. Furthermore, his ae ed him to give back to the community by sponsoring local charity events at ig educational initiatives, He serves as an inspiration to me and many wes Wee that with dedication and the right mindset, success is attainable. WS ‘Toi muén néi vé mot nguési ma toi biét va toi GPA dy thanh cong. Neudi dé la cha ti, John, ngudi toi da biét tir théi the du. Toi ee bhn béi vi anh dy 1a mot thinh vién trong gia dinb, fa anh ciia me ti, va ching t it nhieu thai gian bén nhau trong nhimg, coude ty hop gia dinh vi nhiing ky ‘66 co hoi chimg kién str hanh trinh dén than, cng cia anh dy ti Se “oi chi John li ngu SS vi mot s6 Ido, Trnrée hét, anh dy 1d mét doanh nhiin phat dat, da bat diu 9 ccéng nghé théng tin cia riéng minh tit con sé khong, Mac ii gap nhiéu kho KANEOHE ngdnh céng nghé canh tranh, anh dy da xay dung mot doanh nghiép uy tin : e8 so khach hang manh mé, Thr hai, anh ay li ngudi din Ong gia dinh, a thanh cén§ tOnw\ige cén bing cude séng chuyén nghiép va cd nbn. Anh ludn 6 bén canh vo ow ‘ho ho su hd trg tinh thin va mot Idi séng thoai mai. ToNQvting md sur thinh céng cia cha John vi anh dy hign thyc hoa nhing gid tri cita Lim vvige cham chi, quyét tim va kién nhin. Anh dy khdng phu thude vao may min ma thay vio 6, di dat cOng site va dura ra quyét dinh chién luge dé dat duoc myc tiéu ctia minh, Hon nia, strthanh cdng ciia anh ay da cho phép anh Ay tra lai cho céng dng théng qua vige tai tro cho céc str kign tir thign dia phuong va ho tro cdc sing kin vé gio duc. Anh Ay la nguén cam Inimg d6i véi tdi va nhigu ngudi kha, cho thdy ring véi sut céng hién va tw duy ding din, thanh céng c6 thé dat duroc IELTS CORNER EDUCATION ZALO:0376756694 SPEAKING QUY 1 2024 (SEP-DEC-23) 24, Describe an activity that made you feel tired One activity that often leaves me feeling tired is long-distance hiking, I'm an avid nature enthusiast, and I enjoy spending time outdoors, but embarking on a challenging hike can be physically exhausting, For instance, last summer, I decided to hike a rugged mountain trail in the nearby national park. The trail was steep and covered a considerable distance, with varying terrain that included rocky ascents, dense forests, and even some stream crossings. It required constant physical exertion, with steep climbs and descents that put a strain on my muscles and joints. lenge, pack, As Lascended higher, the thinning air at higher altitudes also added to the phys ‘making it harder to breathe and leading to fatigue more quickly. The weigh, carrying essentials like water, food, and safety gear, compounded the pl Despite the tiredness, the sense of accomplishment and the breathtaki af the summit made it all worthwhile. Feeling exhausted after the hike was a test \e effort I had put into the journey, and it served as a reminder of the beauty ang Re that nature offers to those willing to push their limits, nnhign nbigt tinh va tdi thich dinh thai gian ngoai AN vige bit du mot chuyén di leo rmii kh6 khan c6 thé gaty mét moi vé the Mae) ma hea ngoai, toi quyét dinh leo mit con dung nai gd ghé trong céng “ee gin dé. Con duéng dug dung va di qua mt khong eich ding ké, v6i dia hin Bao gdm nhting con dée dé, rimg rim diy va thim chi cd mot s6 Lin baing qua dong QudIXNO ddi hoi sur c6 ging van dong co thé lién tuc, ‘vai nhitng cung leo déc va lin dj 'o khién co bap va khép cia t6i bj cing thing. Khi t6i leo cao hom, king Reeve 6 d6 cao cao cing lam gia ting thach thite vé thé chit, im cho vige hit the 46 Syphon va din dén mét méi nhanh chéng hon. Trong long cia ba mang theo nhi gt yéu nhur nue, thie An va thiét bi an tod, lam gia ting yéu cdu vé thé chit. # moi, cim gidc hoan thanh va tim nhin tuyét dep tir dinh mai da kam. cho tit ea dé ling. Cm giée mét moi sau cudc leo nai fa mot minh chimg cho sut cd ging faa ‘vio hank trinh va né ld mot loi nhie nhé vé vé dep va tinh King ma thién hig SS cho nhing ngudi sin sing vugt qua gidi han cia ho ‘Mt hoat dng thuomg khign ti cém thay mét moi Ja eS ‘Toi la mot ngudi yéu thién IELTS CORNER EDUCATION ZALO:0376756694 SPEAKING QUY 1 2024 (SEP-DEC-23) 25, Describe a rule that is important in your school or at work Certainly, an important rule at my workplace pertains to punctuality, Being on time for work: is not just a requirement; it’s a fundamental aspect of professionalism and teamwork. Punctuality ensures the smooth flow of operations and projects. When everyone arrives at ‘work on time, it sets a positive tone for the day, fosters a sense of responsibility, and creates a productive atmosphere. It demonstrates respect for colleagues, superiors, and the organization asa whole, Moreover, adhering to punctuality is crucial for meeting deadlines. In many professions, missing a deadline can have significant consequences, affecting not only individual ass but also the overall success of projects. It can lead to delays, cost overruns, and a los credibility, Additionally, punctuality reflects one’s commitment to their job a lence table and dedicated employees, which can lead to more opportunities for gro. organization. The rule of punctuality is essential in my workplace be romotes a productive and respectful environment, helps meet deadlines, RS tes t0 individual career advancement. Those who consistently arrive on time are often, aes x and collective success, ‘m@t quy te quan trong tai noi Lam vige cita tai lién qa oF gid. Vige dn ding gi 1a khong chi la mot yéu céu; 46 1a mot khia canh coapin\gpd sir chuyén nghiép vi lam vige dong doi. Su diing gig dam bio su tri chay si Gic hoat déng va du an, Khi moi ngudi dén noi lim vige diing gid, né tao rap Yi tich cue cho ngay lam vige, khu kkhich tinh thin trich nbigm va tao ra mg ig khi Lam vige higu qui. Né thé hign sur t6n trong doi véi déng nghigp, cap BEN cc trong toan bd. Hen min cin) ea igh. Tong oi ih na, vvige bd 16 mat thoi han lu qua quan trong, anh huémg khéng chi dén nhigm vu cé nhan ma cén dén thank 1g thé clla céic dir én, No c6 thé din dén tré hen, vurot qua ngan sch va mat ai dbi vei cong vic cila ho va 96 luén luén én ding din dén Noe phat trién hon trong t6 chite. Quy tie sur ding gid 1a quan trong tai noi am —— i Vi no thiic day m6t méi truéng Lim vige san xuat va ton trong, giup dap ing Bu Za ding g6p vio thinh cOng cé nn va 6 chi. IELTS CORNER EDUCATION ZALO:0376756694

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