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Overhual Brake Procedure (4D5 Engine) Rev 04

No Process Keypoint

Overhual Front Brake

1 Remove caliper brake

2 Remove brake piston and dust boot by airgun *Work carefully, Use cloth to support

3 Remove old oil seal

4 Check brake piston, brake cylinder for damage

5 Clean brake cylinder by air blow *Should wear goggle or be ware of slack to eye

6 Grease up new oil seal *Use Mitsubishi's rubber grease(translucent red color)

7 Assemble new oil seal

8 Apply brake fluid to brake cylinder

9 Grease up new dust boot *Use Mitsubishi's rubber grease(translucent red color)

10 Assemble new dust boot

11 Assemble brake piston with brake cylinder *Check assembly condition

12 Remove slide pin boot *Check for grease condition

13 Clean slide pin x2 pins

14 Grease up slide pin x 2 pins *Use Mitsubishi's general grease (solid orange color)

15 Change and grease up slide pin boot x 2 boots *Use Mitsubishi's general grease (solid orange color)

16 Assemble slide pin boot with caliper brake x 2 boots *Have direction

17 Assemble caliper brake

Overhual Rear Brake

1 Loose hand brake Adjusting nut

*If struck, use special tool

2 Remove drum brake cover
**Check drum brake inside condition

3 Remove hand brake cable *Do not twist hand brake cable

4 Remove shoe hold down pin *Work carefully

*Move shoe and lining assembly before remove

5 Remove retainer spring
the spring

6 Remove shoe and lining assembly *Do not scratch dust boot

7 Remove brake pipe connection *Use flare nut wrench

8 Remove wheel cylinder assembly

9 Remove brake piston wheel cylinder

10 Clean and check brake piston and brake cylinder for scratch and damage

11 Change dust boot and oil seal

12 Apply brake fluid to brake piston and brake cylinder > Assemble brake piston into brake cylinder *Do not forget spring, oil seal direction

13 Assemble wheel cylinder assembly

14 Assemble brake pipe connection *Use flare nut wrench

15 Clean brake by water (both front side and back side) *Blow by air gun

16 Disassembly shoe and lining assembly(Spring x2 > Auto adjuster assembly >Adjuster lever) with brake lining

17 Clean and Grease up and tighten auto adjuster assembly

*Spring have 2 sizes, do not switch place or
18 Assemble shoe and lining assembly (Adjuster lever > Auto adjuster assembly > Spring x2)
*10 points
19 Grease up drum brake
**Use multi-use grease

20 Assemble shoe and lining assembly with drum brake *Be aware of oil seal damage

21 Assemble retainer spring *Have direction

*Work carefully
22 Assemble shoe hold down pin
**Check assembly by knocking

23 Assemble hand brake cable *Do not twist hand brake cable

24 Assemble drum brake cover

25 Tighten hand brake adjusting nut
Prosedur Brake OH Rev 04

No Proses Keypoint

Overhual Front Brake

1 Lepas brake kaliper

2 Lepas brake piston dan dust boot dengan udara bertekanan *tutup dengan majun

3 Lepaskan seal oli yang akan diganti

4 periksa kondisi brake piston dan cylinder dari kerusakan

5 bersiohkan brake sylinder dengan aliran udara (Airgun) *Gunakan pelindung mata / Glases

6 Greasing pada oli seal yang baru *mitsubishi rubber grease (merah)

7 pasang oli seal yang baru

8 lumasi brake cylinder dengan brake fluid

9 greasing pada dust boot *mitsubishi rubber greasr (merah)

10 pasang dust boot yang baru

11 pasang brake piston dan brake cylinder *Periksa kondisi pemasangan

12 Lepas slide pin boot *Cek kondisi grease

13 Bersihkan slide pin

14 Greasing pada slide pin *gunakan mistsubishi general grease (oranye)

15 ganti dan greasing pada slide pin boot *gunakan mistsubishi general grease (oranye)

16 Pasang slide pin boot dengan breke kaliper *Perhatikan arah pemasangannya

17 Pasang kaliper brake

Overhual Rear Brake

1 Kendurkan adjusting nut parking brake

*gunakan SST
2 Lepas drum brake cover
**Peiksa kondisi dalam drum

3 Lepas kabel Parking brake *jangan putar kaleb paarking brake

4 Lepas shoe hold down pin Hati hati

*lepaskan shoe dan linning assy sebelum

5 Lepas retainer spring
melepas spring

6 Lepas shoe and lining assembly *jangan menggores boot dust

7 Lepas koneksi pipa rem *gunakan flare nut wrench

8 Lepas wheel cylinder assmbly

9 Lepas piston dari wheel cylinder

10 Bersihkan dan perksa piston dan beake cylinder dari kerusakan

11 ganti dust boot dan seal oli

12 Lumasi brake fluid pada piston dan wheel cylinder > pasang brake piston dengan wheel cylinder *perhatikan arah spring dan oli seal

13 pasang wheel cylinder assy

14 pasang pipa rem *gunakan flare nut wrench

15 Bersihkan brake dengan brake cleaner/water (semua sisi) *semprot menggunakan air gun

16 lepas shoe dan linning assy (Spring x2 > Auto adjuster assembly >Adjuster lever) dengan brake linning

17 bersihkan, greasing dan kencangkan auto adjusster assy

*terdapat 2 ukurann spring, jangan tertukar dan
18 Pasang shoe dan linning assy (Adjuster lever > Auto adjuster assembly > Spring x2)
terbalik arahnya
*10 titik
19 Lakukan greasing pada brake drum
**gunakan multy use grease

20 Assemble shoe and lining assembly with drum brake *Hati hati kerusakan pada oli seal

21 Assemble retainer spring *perhatikan arah pemasangan

22 Pasang shoe hold down pin

**periksa dengan knocking

23 pasang kabel parking brake *jangan memutar kabel parking brake

24 Pasang drum brake cover

25 kencangkan hand brake adjusting nut
Overhual Brake Procedure (4D5 Engine) Rev 04

No Process Keypoint Instruction point

Overhual Front Brake

1 Remove caliper brake Prepared by instructor

2 Remove brake piston and dust boot by airgun *Work carefully, Use cloth to support

3 Remove old oil seal Use soft material to remove

Check for slack, rust, scratch if have

4 Check brake piston, brake cylinder for damage
remove by sand paper no1000 *1

5 Clean brake cylinder by air blow *Should wear goggle or be ware of slack to eye *2 If so dirty, use detergent for cleaning *2

Explain for red grease property,

6 Grease up new oil seal *Use Mitsubishi's rubber grease(translucent red color)
or use brake fluid instead

7 Assemble new oil seal

8 Apply brake fluid to brake cylinder

9 Grease up new dust boot *Use Mitsubishi's rubber grease(translucent red color)

10 Assemble new dust boot

11 Assemble brake piston with brake cylinder *Check assembly condition Check for positionof dust boot correct

if the grease is dry or no grease,

12 Remove slide pin boot *Check for grease condition *2
the slide pin boot is worn out *2

13 Clean slide pin x2 pins Dry up slide pin by cloth

14 Grease up slide pin x 2 pins *Use Mitsubishi's general grease (solid orange color)

15 Change and grease up slide pin boot x 2 boots *Use Mitsubishi's general grease (solid orange color)

16 Assemble slide pin boot with caliper brake x 2 boots *Have direction Turn thick side to caliper

17 Assemble caliper brake Done by instructor

Remark: Rev1(from 22 Sep, 2013), *1: Rev 2 (from 25 Nov, 2013), *2: Rev3 (from 5 Jan, 2014), *3
Rev4 (from 29 April, 2014)
Overhual Brake Procedure (4D5 Engine) Rev 04

No Process Keypoint Instruction point

Overhual Rear Brake

Explain and demon reason to loose,

1 Loose hand brake Adjusting nut
Prepared by instructor

*If struck, use special tool*2

2 Remove drum brake cover Explain how to check inside and cleaning *1
**Check drum brake inside condition *1

3 Remove hand brake cable *Do not twist hand brake cable

4 Remove shoe hold down pin *Work carefully Carefully for spring jumping

*Move shoe and lining assembly before remove

5 Remove retainer spring
the spring
6 Remove shoe and lining assembly *Do not scratch dust boot

7 Remove brake pipe connection *Use flare nut wrench

8 Remove wheel cylinder assembly

9 Remove brake piston wheel cylinder

Clean and check brake piston and brake cylinder for

10 Cleaning by sand paper No 1000 up
scratch and damage

11 Change dust boot and oil seal

Apply brake fluid to brake piston and brake cylinder >

12 *Do not forget spring, oil seal direction Put brake piston by vertical (avoid dust) *1
Assemble brake piston into brake cylinder

13 Assemble wheel cylinder assembly

14 Assemble brake pipe connection *Use flare nut wrench

15 Clean brake by water (both front side and back side) *Blow by air gun Simulation

Disassembly shoe and lining assembly(Spring x2 > Auto

adjuster assembly >Adjuster lever) with brake lining

Clean and Grease up and tighten auto adjuster Explain for reason why must tighten auto
assembly adjuster assembly

Assemble shoe and lining assembly (Adjuster lever > *Spring have 2 sizes, do not switch place or
Auto adjuster assembly > Spring x2) direction

*10 points
19 Grease up drum brake
**Use multi-use grease

20 Assemble shoe and lining assembly with drum brake *Be aware of oil seal damage Be aware of grease contaminate shoe

21 Assemble retainer spring *Have direction Set spring arm line on the top

*Work carefully
22 Assemble shoe hold down pin
**Check assembly by knocking

23 Assemble hand brake cable *Do not twist hand brake cable

24 Assemble drum brake cover Should wear glove and work carefully

Explain and demon reason to install

25 Tighten hand brake adjusting nut
(Instructor already done)

Remark: Rev1(from 22 Sep, 2013), *1: Rev 2 (from 25 Nov, 2013), *2: Rev3 (from 5 Jan, 2014), *3
Rev4 (from 29 April, 2014)
Prosedur Brake OH Rev 04

No Proses Keypoint Poin Instruksi

Overhual Front Brake

1 Lepas brake kaliper disiapkan oleh indtructor

Lepas brake piston dan dust boot dengan udara

2 *tutup dengan majun

3 Lepaskan seal oli yang akan diganti gunakan alat bantu

Periksa kekencangan, karat, dan goresan, bilda

4 periksa kondisi brake piston dan cylinder dari kerusakan
ada gunakan amplas 1000

5 bersiohkan brake sylinder dengan aliran udara (Airgun) *Gunakan pelindung mata / Glases bila terlampau kotor, cuci dengan menggunakan detergent *2

6 Greasing pada oli seal yang baru *mitsubishi rubber grease (merah) menjelaskan penggunaan grease merah

7 pasang oli seal yang baru

8 lumasi brake cylinder dengan brake fluid

9 greasing pada dust boot *mitsubishi rubber greasr (merah)

10 pasang dust boot yang baru

11 pasang brake piston dan brake cylinder *Periksa kondisi pemasangan pemasangan dost boot yang benar

apabila grease kering atau tak ada grease, slide

12 Lepas slide pin boot *Cek kondisi grease
pin boot sudah rusak (aus) *2

13 Bersihkan slide pin Keringkan slide pin dengan majun

14 Greasing pada slide pin *gunakan mistsubishi general grease (oranye)

15 ganti dan greasing pada slide pin boot *gunakan mistsubishi general grease (oranye)

16 Pasang slide pin boot dengan breke kaliper *Perhatikan arah pemasangannya Turn thick side to caliper

17 Pasang kaliper brake Done by instructor

Prosedur Brake OH Rev 04

No Proses Keypoint Poin Instruksi

Overhual Rear Brake

Penjelasan dan demostrasi pengenduran hand

1 Kendurkan adjusting nut parking brake
brake adjusting nut

*gunakan SST Penjelasan bagaimana pemeriksaan drum brake bagian dalam dan pembersihannya
2 Lepas drum brake cover
**Peiksa kondisi dalam drum *1

3 Lepas kabel Parking brake *jangan putar kaleb paarking brake

4 Lepas shoe hold down pin Hati hati hati hati , spring melejit

*lepaskan shoe dan linning assy sebelum

5 Lepas retainer spring
melepas spring
6 Lepas shoe and lining assembly *jangan menggores boot dust

7 Lepas koneksi pipa rem *gunakan flare nut wrench

8 Lepas wheel cylinder assmbly

9 Lepas piston dari wheel cylinder

10 Bersihkan dan perksa piston dan beake cylinder dari kerusakan dengan amplas, 1000

11 ganti dust boot dan seal oli

Lumasi brake fluid pada piston dan wheel cylinder > untuk menghindari debu, ambil piston secara
12 *perhatikan arah spring dan oli seal
pasang brake piston dengan wheel cylinder vertikal *1

13 pasang wheel cylinder assy

14 pasang pipa rem *gunakan flare nut wrench

15 Bersihkan brake dengan brake cleaner/water (semua sisi *semprot menggunakan air gun Simulasi

lepas shoe dan linning assy (Spring x2 > Auto adjuster

assembly >Adjuster lever) dengan brake linning

bersihkan, greasing dan kencangkan auto adjusster Jelaskan mengapa perlu mengencangkan auto
assy adjuster

Pasang shoe dan linning assy (Adjuster lever > Auto *terdapat 2 ukurann spring, jangan tertukar dan
adjuster assembly > Spring x2) terbalik arahnya

*10 titik
19 Lakukan greasing pada brake drum
**gunakan multy use grease

20 Assemble shoe and lining assembly with drum brake *Hati hati kerusakan pada oli seal Jangan sampai grease mengenai bagian shoe

21 Assemble retainer spring *perhatikan arah pemasangan tempatkan spring line di atas

22 Pasang shoe hold down pin

**periksa dengan knocking

23 pasang kabel parking brake *jangan memutar kabel parking brake

24 Pasang drum brake cover gunakasn sarung tangan

25 kencangkan hand brake adjusting nut Penjelasan dan demonstrasi ca ra pemasangan

Remark: Rev1(from 22 Sep, 2013), *1: Rev 2 (from 25 Nov, 2013), *2: Rev3 (from 5 Jan, 2014), *3
Rev4 (from 29 April, 2014)
Score Sheet for Overhual Brake Station

……….. Time Raw Time …………… Min Total Time ………. Min

Name - Surname ….…...………....………..…….Course ………............. Participant ID ……….....………….

Topic Score OK NG Remark

Overhual Front Brake

1. Use supporter while disassemble brake piston 5 Use cloth

Use Mitsubishi's rubber

2. Grease up oil seal correctly 3 grease(translucent red color)

Use Mitsubishi's rubber

3 grease(translucent red color)
3. Grease up dust boot correctly

4. Clean brake cylinder by air blow before assemble
5. Apply with brake fluid or grease up brake cylinder Use Mitsubishi's rubber
3 grease(translucent red color)
and dust booth (outside)
6. Assemble brake piston with brake cylinder
5 dust boot is in the slot.
Use Mitsubishi's general grease
7. Grease up guide pin and dust boot 3 (solid orange color)

Have direction, Assemble

8.Assemble dust boot into guilde pin correctly 3 deeply

Overhual Rear Brake

9. Remove hand brake cable correctly 5 Do not twist hand brake cable.

Move shoe and lining assembly

10. Remove retainer spring correctly 5 before remove the spring

11. Remove shoe and lining assembly correctly 2 Do not scratch dust boot

Apply rubber grease,

12. Change dust boot and oil seal correctly 5 Right direction for oil seal,
Assemble dust boot correctly
Apply brake fluid,
13. Assemble brake piston into brake cylinder
5 Do not forget spring,
14. Assemble brake pipe connection correctly 5 Use flare nut wrench

15. Clean,Grease up and tighten auto adjuster 5

do not assemble wrong place,
16. Assemble shoe and lining assembly correctly 5 direction

Note: Checked by:………………………………………….

Score Sheet for Overhual Brake Station

……….. Time Raw Time …………… Min Total Time ………. Min

Name - Surname ….…...………....………..…….Course ………............. Participant ID ……….....………….

Topic Score OK NG Remark

5 10 points,Use multi-use grease

17. Grease up drum brake correctly
18. Check shoe hold down pin assembly 5 By knocking by hand

19. Assemble hand brake cable 5 Do not twist hand brake cable

20. Clean and collect tools 5

21. Finish work within limited time 5 Within 30 minutes

22. Work correctly and safely 10

Total Score 100 Test Score

Note: Checked by:………………………………………….

Lembar penilaian Brake Overhaul

Target Time = 30 Menit Total Time ………. Min

Nama ….…...………....………..…….Kode Kelas ………............. Nomer Registrasi ……….....………….

Topic Score OK NG Keterangan

Overhual Front Brake

1. Menggunakan alat bantu saat melepas piston 5 Majun

Gunakan mitsubishi rubber

2. Greasing seal oli dengan benar 3 grease( red )

Gunakan mitsubishi rubber

3 grease( red )
3. Greasing dust boot dengan benar
4. Bersihkan brake cylinder dengan udara
bertekanan sebelum pemasangan
5. Lumasi brake fluid / grease pada brake cylinder Gunakan mitsubishi rubber
3 grease( red )
dan dust cover (outside)
6. Pasang piston pada brake cylinder dengan
5 Dust boot pada slotnya.
Gunakan mitsubishi general grease
7. Greasing pada guide slide pin & boot 3 (orange)

8. Pasang dust boot pada guide slide pin

3 Arah dan kedalamnnya
dengan benar

Overhual Rear Brake

9. Lepas kabel parking brake dengan benar 5 Jangan putar kebel parking

Gerakan shoe sebelum melepas

10. Lepas retainer spring dengan benar 5 spring

11. Melapaskan shoe lining assy dengan benar 2 Boot jangan sampai tergores

Lumasi rubber grease, arah

12. Ganti dust boot dan seal oli 5 pemasangan seal oli, pasanga
dust boot dengan benar

13. Pasang piston pada brake cylinder dengan Lumasi brake fluid dan
5 pemasangan spring

14. Pasang pipa brake fluid 5 Gunakan flare nut wrench

15. Bersihkan, greasing dan kencangkan auto

16. Pasang shoe dan linning dengan benar 5 Pemasangan dan arahnya

Note: Checked by:…………………………………………..

From Penilaian Brake Overhual

Target Time = 30 Menit Total Time ………. Min

Nama ….…...………....………..…….Kode Kelas ………............. Nomer Registrasi ……….....………….

Topic Score OK NG Remark

5 10 titik, gunakan multy use grease

17. Greasing pada drum brake
18. Periksa pemasangan shoe hold down assy 5 ketuk dengan tangan

19. Pasang kabel parking brake 5 jangan putar kabel parking brake

20. Bersihkan dan rapihkan tools 5

21. Menyelesaikan sebelum batas waktu 5 30 menit

22. Bekerja rapi, dan benar 10

Total Score 100 Test Score

Note: Checked by:…………………………………………..

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