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 Bonsai tree care

Properly feeding your Bonsai for healthy growth

Fertilizing regularly during the growing season is crucial for Bonsai to survive and thrive. Trees are

usually able to extend their root system in search of nutrients, but since Bonsai are confined to

the relatively small pots they are planted in, they need proper fertilization to replenish the soil's

nutritional content. FERTILIZING A BONSAI

The basic components of fertilizer

There are three basic elements in any fertilizer; Nitrogen, Phosphorous, and
Potassium (NPK.) Nitrogen increases the growth of the leaves and stems or the
growth above ground. Phosphorus contributes to healthy root growth and the
growth of fruits and flowers. Potassium enhances overall plant health. Growers
often use different ratios of NPK for different trees and at different times of the
year. However, experts are increasingly recommending using the same NPK ratio
throughout the Bonsai growth cycle. Apart from the three macronutrients (NPK),
fertilizers can also include a range of micronutrients like Iron, Manganese, Boron,
Molybdenum, Zinc, and Copper.

When should I apply fertilizer?

Most Bonsai trees should be fertilized during the entire growing season; early spring
through mid-fall. Older and more mature trees are often fertilized less frequently,
depending on the species, time of year, stage of development, and health of the
tree. Indoor trees can be fertilized all year round. Check our care guides for specific
information about when to fertilize each specific tree species.

Biogold is an organic fertilizer from Japan, often used for bonsai trees, with an NPK of 6:7:4. The fertilizer
pellets can be placed on the soil surface with fertilizer covers.

Which fer lizer to choose?

It is important to choose the right fertilizer for your Bonsai plants and apply the
right quantities. For outdoor Bonsai we recommend using a relatively high Nitrogen
content fertilizer like NPK 10:6:6. in spring, a more balanced fertilizer like NPK 6:6:6
is more optimal for summertime, and a low Nitrogen fertilizer like NPK 3:6:6 for
autumn. More and more, experts are favoring using a balanced fertilizer throughout
the growing season, and slowly decreasing the amount applied towards the end of
the growing season.

The fertilizer you choose should also depend on the developmental stage of your
trees. Our goal for a Bonsai in early development is strong growth, hence we need a
relatively strong fertilizer. For a Bonsai in late development we desire balanced
growth for fine ramification, and a balanced fertilizer would be recommended. For
far more in-depth explanations, consider enrolling in our Beginners course.

Subtropical tree species are usually kept indoors and don't experience seasonal
changes. They grow year-round and need to be fertilized consistently. For indoor
Bonsai, we recommend a balanced liquid fertilizer. Follow the guidelines as stated
on the product packaging.

There are a few exceptions worth pointing out for using varying ratios of NPK. Using
a high Phosphorous fertilizer like NPK 6:10:6 can help promote the flowering
growth of a Bonsai tree. Using a fertilizer with a slightly lower Nitrogen content or
reducing the amount of fertilizer used can be advantageous for older or more
mature Bonsai. Bonsai fertilizer is like any other, but buying from an online Bonsai
store will ensure you find the right NPK values to promote Bonsai growth. Biogold is
a favored fertilizer among Bonsai enthusiasts, but any fertilizer with the right NPK
value is perfectly fine. There is a wide variety of liquid, solid, synthetic, and organic
fertilizers. What type of fertilizer you use, doesn't matter, but you have to make sure
to carefully follow the application guidelines as stated on the product’s packaging.

Solid Bonsai fertilizer. Liquid fertilizer.

How much fertilizer should I apply?

The quantity of fertilizer you use and the frequency in which you apply it can vary
depending on which fertilizer you buy. Follow the instructions listed on your
fertilizer packaging to make sure you feed your Bonsai correctly. Make sure your
Bonsai is planted in a proper, well-draining Bonsai soil, to prevent a buildup of salts.

You can choose to slightly reduce the recommended quantity for trees that are no
longer in training to balance their growth, instead of stimulating it. When using solid
fertilizer it helps to use fertilizer covers to make sure the fertilizer stays in place.
Never overfeed your trees, as this will have serious consequences for their health.

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How to fer lize a Bonsai

This is the tree we want to fertilize.

When using a solid and organic fertilizer, we

recommend Biogold, Aoki, or Tamahi. But you can
select other brands of course!

Put the fertilizer in cups/baskets, to make sure it is not

washed away while watering or eaten by birds.

The cups are placed onto the soil surface.

On this size tree and pot, we place three baskets filled

with Biogold fertilizer.

We can also choose to feed the tree with a liquid


This is a Japanese brand of liquid fertilizer, but feel

free to choose another brand.

Read the fertilizer instructions to learn how often and

in which quantities to apply the Bonsai fertilizer.

The liquid fertilizer is applied while watering your tree.

Key take-away
Because soil mass is limited for most Bonsai
trees, fer lizing your Bonsai is crucial for
growth. However, overfeeding your Bonsai
is a sure way to harm your tree.


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