33 Ways To Quantum-Leap Your Frequency

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From Limitations Into 5D Consciousness: New Earth Leadershipment Develop & Spiritual Self-Mastery Courses + Programs

This book is dedicated to you, the courageous Wayshower, who knows you were sent here to help

actualize the Abundant New Earth timeline

Thank you for your devotion to a unified Earth of creativity, freedom & individual expression

May you find harmony, bliss and the Sacred Stillness while in this Earthly experience (and beyond!)

Special thanks to my Beloved, Jenna, for your support on this journey! You teach me every day and I am

grateful for all of the mirroring you have provided for me… thanks for giving me nowhere to hide! I love

you and all of our wild adventures.

Thanks to all the doggies and kitty cats who have made my life that little bit more joyous!

Shout-out to my Brother, Mentor & first “real” coach, Ryan Yokome (@ryanyokome) for being the man

who called me into my next level of consciousness and helped catalyze this Remembering

From Limitations Into 5D Consciousness: New Earth Leadershipment Develop & Spiritual Self-Mastery Courses + Programs
Table of Contents:

Table of Contents 3

Book Preface 4
God Source Consciousness 8
Consciousness is Energy 10
On Ascension 12
On Abundance 15
Navigating The Great Transition 16
On “Quantum-Leaping” 19
An Open Letter To The Awakening Soul 20
Using These Tools 24
Before You Explore 25
Links For More Info 27

Tool #1 - Contrast Baths 28
Tool #2 - River Clearing Technique 33
Tool #3 - Elemental Sounding 36
Tool #4 - Quantum Gratitudes 39
Tool #5 - The Maharic Shield 41
Tool #6 - Just Dance 43
Tool #7 - Tree Tapping 45
Tool #8 - Ride The Silver River 47
Tool #9 - High Frequency Foods 48
Tool #10 - Clean, Structured Water 52
Tool #11 - Becoming The Observer 55
Tool #12 - Foam Rolling 57
Tool #13 - Meditation Experiments 60
Tool #14 - Masculine + Feminine Work 62
Tool #15 - Solo Eye Gazing 66
Tool #16 - Solar Code Harnessing 69
Tool #17 - Hara Awareness 71

From Limitations Into 5D Consciousness: New Earth Leadershipment Develop & Spiritual Self-Mastery Courses + Programs
Tool #18 - Bare-foot Walking 74
Tool #19 - The Divinity Breath 75
Tool #20 - Body Reprogramming Mantra 77
Tool #21 - Cosmic Cycling 79
Tool #22 - One True Kriya 82
Tool #23 - 3 Glands Connection Technique 85
Tool #24 - I AM Love 88
Tool #25 - Hatha Yoga 90
Tool #26 - Shaking 91
Tool #27 - Peregrine Falcon Breathing 92
Tool #28 - Harness Herbs 94
Tool #29 - The Infinity Spark 95
Tool #30 - Drumming 96
Tool #31 - Organ Smiling 97
Tool #32 - Nature Awareness Walking 98
Tool #33 - Primal Roar
Bonus Tools: 101
Tool #34 - Sleep Nourishment 101
Tool #35 - Acts of Kindness 102
Tool #36 - Binaural Beats
Book Outro 103

About The Author 104

Sacred Invitation To Go Deeper 105

Tiktok & Brand Sponsorship Inquiries 106

Calling In A Sacred Publisher 107

Last Call 107

From Limitations Into 5D Consciousness: New Earth Leadershipment Develop & Spiritual Self-Mastery Courses + Programs
Book Preface:
Hello Sacred Soul,

Welcome to my Soul Family! It is fantastic that of all the free and paid resources available to

you online, that you are here, at this moment, reading these words. This is a privilege and

honour that I do not take lightly. Be welcome.

I am honoured to be sharing this guidebook with you: 33 Ways To Quantum-Leap Your

Frequency! I channeled this over the course of the late June 2022 portals while being

immersed in those 80 hz plasma blasts that the Earth was receiving at that time! The entire

guidebook was sparked when I was inspired by a comment on my Tiktok, which can be found

at @5dmasculinity (formerly @ascendintoabundance, no longer active). The comment asked if

I had a database of the best tools and techniques that I share with my private clients and at

my immersive healing retreats,

My answer: yes I have a database, but it is in my head and heart! Prior to this guidebook, I

would simply share tools with clients as required and on my social platforms when I felt

called. This comment (and the potent energies) kick-started the journey to writing my first

book (well “novella”, technically… I had to check Brave Search Engine to realize the word

length is slightly too short to qualify as a novel!). Over the course of 5 days, flying on the

awakening energies while my house was sprayed bombarded with Chemtrails, I refined my

massive list of excellent consciousness, abundance and frequency-raising tools into the 33

essential tools and techniques for tapping into Source Consciousness, amplifying your

abundance and courageously navigating the Great Awakening of Humanity.

The ultimate purpose of this guide is to provide you with potent tools and techniques that you

can harness to raise your frequency during this incarnation on Earth. No matter where you are

From Limitations Into 5D Consciousness: New Earth Leadershipment Develop & Spiritual Self-Mastery Courses + Programs
at with your ¨spiritual awakening¨ or ¨ascension journey¨, you will find a ton of valuable

wisdom encoded within these pages to help you spend more and more time in higher


It is very important for your spiritual evolution to Remember that your first priority has to be

the intentional practice of mastering your frequency. Every part of mastering this Earthly

experience links back to mastering your frequency. When you actively practice raising your

frequency, you become anchored in the knowing that you are infinite and limitless; this means

that no outside power, person, system or entity can mind control you, or dim your

Consciousness. It is paramount that you allocate time, energy and resources into the

frequency journey especially if you desire an expansively creative life of peace, possibility,

centeredness and bliss.

The word ‘frequency’ is tossed around a lot in the Tiktok ´´new age¨ / personal development

space - yes, it is a massive buzzword… for good reason! Life is a game of expanding or

contracting your frequency, which translates to choosing to continually upgrade your mindset,

wisdom and ability to access peace within the external chaos of the world… or to choose not

to do this. Life is a game of climbing into higher frequencies meaning as you continue to

awaken into your truth, the vision is to spend more of your waking hours in the states

associated with higher frequencies. These states can include bliss, peace, possibility, fun, joy,

ease, flow, unity and unconditional love.

For those who are visual, have a look at the image below, which is the Map of

ConsciousnessⓇ as created by David Hawkins. Since his map was first brought to the public,

there have been many modifications and upgrades. Personally, I like this model, but it is just

that… a model. This is not something to live by, identify by or obsess over. It is simply a visual

to help kickstart your inner-standing of frequency. As you continue further into the guide and

actually start practicing the tools, the model will make more sense. To truly appreciate the

From Limitations Into 5D Consciousness: New Earth Leadershipment Develop & Spiritual Self-Mastery Courses + Programs
model, its various states must be experienced, not just viewed on paper for the intellectual

knowledge. The tools and time spent practicing them is where the experiences unfold.

The following is my interpretation of the map and if you are called to go deeper, by all means,

check out some of his books. A number is assigned to a specific state of being that can be

thought of as a frequency. The higher the number, the higher the frequency of that state of

being. The intention is for oneself to place themself on the Map, within their general life, or at

a specific moment in time, so you can know where to focus your healing / evolutionary efforts

if you decide to (you always get to choose).

If you place yourself lower on the scale, you will now consciously have the awareness of your

current state of Being. This is the starting point and it is an invaluable, simple way to begin

inner-standing who you actually are beneath all the Matrix programming and stored traumas.

The exciting thing is that once you have this number from the Map, you can select a tool from

this guide and apply it. Upon completion of practicing the tool, you can return to the map and

estimate where you are on the Map now (post-tool usage). When you use this process

From Limitations Into 5D Consciousness: New Earth Leadershipment Develop & Spiritual Self-Mastery Courses + Programs
combined with a tool, you will shift into higher states of Being, aka raising your frequency, and

thereby activate more of your God Source Creator / Creatrix Consciousness. Remember: this is

your actual divine state that can never be taken from you because you are already it, but you

may have forgotten this within the Matrix density trap or Earth School game! This process,

harnessed over and over, will allow you to naturally activate an abundant reality full of peace,

unity, the right resources at the right time, fun, opportunity, possibility, expansion and

unconditional love.

God Source Consciousness:

You will see near the top of the model, at a high frequency, is ultimate consciousness, which I

call accessing or becoming or remembering your God Source Creator / Creatix Consciousness

aka your God State. Pure Source Energy. The Great Mystery. All That Is, All That Was & All

That Ever Will Be. Source. Divine Intelligence. Beyond The Founders. The Creator. Father

Mother Energy. Christo-Sophia Consciousness. All different names for the same eternal

life-force energy that created and is absolutely EVERYTHING… within the entire multiverse

and beyond. When you tap into this state, your entire reality will shift, as you no longer

perceive yourself as a separate human running around a planet, but God incarnated within

form. God having a Human Experience. A Human remembering to have a God Experience.

When you tap into pure Source Consciousness, you pierce the veil of illusions, realize this

Earth game is a frequency band to create in and that you are already divine, whole and loved.

You Remember that you are a fractal of Source Energy that individualized itself into this Earth

life experience so that the divine (you) can realize it is divine by going on the journey to shift

into higher states of frequency. You - as God - literally put a blind fold on, compressed your

hugeness into a tiny body and incarnated into density where you began to believe you are the

Body and only the Body. Once you glimpse Source Consciousness, available through devoted

practice of these tools coupled with intentional surrender, you realize that anything is possible

From Limitations Into 5D Consciousness: New Earth Leadershipment Develop & Spiritual Self-Mastery Courses + Programs
for your life on Earth, the future of Humanity and your Soul journey back to total integration /

reunion with Source.

Fear not God for you are already God. Seek beyond religious rhetoric. Explore within yourself

so deeply that you realize you were never not God. That you are the eternal spark of divinity

that can not ever be extinguished. God can never Die therefore what is there to Fear?

Remember that you create all of your own Fear, as God, to experience. With this knowing, so

to can you choose to dissolve the Fear at any moment… after all, you are God.

As a Human, you will have come to recognize that some states have lower frequencies and

make you feel contracted or tight, which is not the ideal way to create a life of love, bliss and

creativity (duh!... seems obvious, right?!). No one ever created anything that helped shift the

world or humanity into higher consciousness by being in a contracted state. Most spiritually

awakening Souls come to a choice point moment in their life where they have to choose

beyond contraction for true healing to unfold. When you choose to allow yourself to heal,

expand and evolve, you naturally spend more time in the higher states. If you move into Love

or higher on the Map, you are in what I term a high frequency state of being where your

consciousness will be activated to new depths and your heart will be pulsing love into the

external world.

While I will not be going too much deeper into the technicalities of frequency (they do not

matter as much as you think), I wish to share some core definitions for your context.

Remember one thing: this is simply one interpretation of cosmic, divine energetics that are

actually beyond the ability to put words to. So do not live or die by these definitions - use

them as a starting point for this guide and then do what all awakening Souls must: choose

what resonates, leave behind what does not.

From Limitations Into 5D Consciousness: New Earth Leadershipment Develop & Spiritual Self-Mastery Courses + Programs
Feel the energy resonating within each sentence and if it feels light and expansive, consider

applying the tool or remembering that wisdom bomb. If something contained within these

words feels heavy, or contracting, this is an opportunity to check in with yourself. Are you

being triggered? Is this new and unfamiliar so your Ego is trying to keep you safe? Or perhaps,

it simply does not jive with you right now and must be put aside, which is 100% totally fine.

Use contraction as an opportunity for reflection and then choose to step into higher

frequencies - many of the tools contained in this guide will support you in dissolving

attachment to contraction, which is a common Human tendency.

Raising your frequency is a moment by moment choice. When you have the awareness you

are in a lower state of Being, if you choose to stay in that lower, heavier, dense state of Being,

you must remember that it is a CHOICE. Suffering is a choice. Lower states of Being,

regardless of external life circumstances, all come about via choice. I often ask my clients

when they are caught up in circumstance and seem addicted / attached to a state of Being is

this: have you not already experienced enough suffering, anger, guilt and shame for one

lifetime? Why are you choosing to play in these energies? Is it an addiction? Dependency?

Programming? Mind Control? Trauma? Obsession? When I have them pick one of these tools

that resonates and apply the process mapped out, when I connect with them next, 95% of the

time, they have realized they were choosing the lower frequency states. Many of these tools

will bring clarity to why you are choosing or stuck in certain states… and this clarity makes it

easier to continue your frequency climb into higher states of consciousness.

Consciousness is Energy:

The entire Matrix, universe, omniverse and absolutely everything beyond the veil of our

current perception is energy. This energy is consciousness. The reverse is true: consciousness

is energy. As this divine energy flows through everything, at all levels including beyond the

construct of space/time, it either contracts or expands to shift its rate of frequency. As you are

Source Consciousness within a Body within the Earth experience, you can choose to create a

From Limitations Into 5D Consciousness: New Earth Leadershipment Develop & Spiritual Self-Mastery Courses + Programs
reality with more bliss, joy, unity and ease… or not. You must be intentional to continually

expand your consciousness if you wish to access divine wisdom, the full depth of Source

Consciousness and of course, higher frequencies.

This is actually pretty simple to do when you have these potent tools because the mission is

very clear: keep intentionally expanding your frequency every day and you will naturally, by

the laws of the universe, create an amazing, immersive, expansive life experience. You will

pierce the veil. As you consistently practice these tools and apply what you learn about

yourself, you will start to realize that any seemingly lower experience (such as death, loss,

overwhelm, guilt, shame, trauma etc.) is actually able to be perceived as a beautiful learning

opportunity. This is a phenomenal state to be resonating in!

You will likely have heard the terms vibration and oscillation rate tossed around. While they

are not incredibly important if you are simply focused on raising your frequency, this is how I

define them. Vibration rate is how fast or slow that consciousness (energy) contracts back

towards the center point of the source field. Oscillation rate is how fast or slow that same

energy expands away from the source field.

When you combine the contraction and expansion, you arrive at the frequency rate of all

energy and all things. Absolutely everything from a fly to a rock to you has a frequency rate.

Now, before we flow into what is most important - the actual tools that you can harness to do

the freaking thing (quantum-leap your frequency), be reminded that when our personal,

collective and planetary consciousness raises in frequency, due to the healing work of

individuals like you, all aspects of the physical world including our bodies, become less dense

as the frequency increases. Without wanting to really trip you out, this means that in the near

future, you are going to feel like you are floating, extra healthy and epically on purpose… and

if you really stretch into your limitless possibility, your physical vessel is going to change into

something extraordinary (think Light-Being with superconsciousness… Homo Luminous). By

From Limitations Into 5D Consciousness: New Earth Leadershipment Develop & Spiritual Self-Mastery Courses + Programs
choosing to harness these tools, you are declaring that you are ready to embrace your fullest

potential and tap into your Source Consciousness connection!

On Ascension:

While I will not be detailing the full process and journey of ascension in this guide, it is

important to note these tools can potentially be a catalyst in your Ascension. I use Ascension

and Awakening interchangeably and define this as the journey or climb into higher states of

consciousness… which occurs by spending more and more time in higher states of frequency,

which funny enough, compounds to reveal more consciousness. The entire ascension journey

is the unending revealing of more Consciousness to yourself until you are fully knowing that

you are God and the creator of everything. This is where you can hold that Ultimate

Consciousness in every single moment of your life, no matter what is occurring externally.

And yes… eventually as you realize Ultimate Consciousness, you can depart the physical

vessel for a light Body and into other dimensional spaces as you continue your great

ascension process… into other realms / frequency bands.

The more time spent in high frequencies directly correlates to better, more clear relationships

with yourself, others, the Earth and everything ¨beyond the veil¨. As your awareness expands

in relation to these aspects of Life, you continue to ascend, which allows you to manifest with

ease, access divine information, connect with spirit guides and finally, tapping into the Source

Consciousness connection with a direct realization that you are God Source Creator / Creatrix

Consciousness. And from this knowing, you remember you are capable of creating anything. I

could go on and on about ascension and awakening for hours, but for the sake of this guide, if

you are called to discover more in depth about my perception of Ascension, follow along on

my Instagram Channel! Sidenote: I am always up for sharing more on Ascension, Awakening

and Consciousness on your podcasts or Livestreams, so reach-out if you have a podcast or

livestream show and let's set it up - hello@5dmasculinity.com!

From Limitations Into 5D Consciousness: New Earth Leadershipment Develop & Spiritual Self-Mastery Courses + Programs
Before we flow further, take a moment to check-in and breathe. I get it: some of this can be

super high-level (and mind blowing if you have not been exposed to it yet) and can seem like

a load of theoretical knowledge on a piece of paper written by some guy (me) with a Tiktok

account! That is why I am not writing a full book on the process because theory is just words.

The only way to truly come to know yourself as Source Consciousness is through actually

coming to know yourself; hence, the 33 tools! Rather than a long-winded book, I decided to

focus on what really matters to your happiness, personal development and life: the

experiential learning journey.

Once again, before we arrive at the tools, I wish to remind you that the key to this ¨life

game¨or *earthly experience¨ is to remember that you are a conscious creator who has free

will while in this earth game / Matrix / simulation / corner of the universe. This means that

when you catch yourself in low frequency states such as overwhelm, depression, scarcity and

fear, you have the choice to shift into a higher state of consciousness by raising your


Yes, it is a choice. You can choose to stay in lower frequencies, which will bring more suffering,

or you can harness tools to shift into higher frequencies. Until you master the ability to

instantly shift from low to high, these tools are your bridge! But remember: you have to work

the tools for the tools to work. If you let yourself wallow in pity etc. rather than harness the

tools… well, you are going to continue to feel like garbage and perpetuate suffering. Again, if

that is your choice… no judgment from me. I am simply here to be a mirror for your

consciousness expanding.

However, I know by the very fact you are reading this that you are ready for higher

frequencies, more possibility and ultimately, ready to intentionally guide your physical vessel

and consciousness into what is often termed 5th Dimensional reality. This term is worth

mentioning as it gets tossed around a lot in Instagram hashtags and youtube titles. From my

From Limitations Into 5D Consciousness: New Earth Leadershipment Develop & Spiritual Self-Mastery Courses + Programs
perspective, 5th Dimensional reality is the space of BEING where you have a thriving

multidimensional vessel including a physical Body that is not susceptible to dis-ease, is fully

running on life-force energy (no food or water required) and has many amazing spiritual gifts

turned on such as telepathy. When you have entered 5th Dimensional reality, you are in the

frequency band where you can literally create anything and you cannot be fucked with by the

Matrix because you have entered a state of loving neutrality (more on that below!). 5th

Dimensional reality is the place where Humanity has collectively evolved into unity, peace,

compassion for all and support for every Soul’s unique creative expression. Yup… it is a

beautiful place and one that you can step into TODAY by simply working these tools to

expand your consciousness, abundance and courage.

As always, keep in mind that some of these word codes will resonate, others will not. One of

the core aspects of my teachings (that I have received from many other teachers) is that you

are responsible for your own awakening and ascension journey. Meaning taking radical

self-responsibility to determine what feels aligned in your body and consciousness. If

something does not feel right, leave it behind. Seek beyond my written words and see what is

revealed for you by being curious to what is possible if you implement some of these tools

and integrate some of the knowledge.

I am often asked how to have fun with this Ascension journey as it can seem overly serious at

times. My answer has always been this: regardless of if you see Earth as a beautiful dream, a

prison to escape from or some Matrix simulation, the game of life becomes a lot more fun

when you bring the energy of playfulness (inner child expression), experimentation, intention,

creativity and ultimately, begin to perceive all experiences as learning opportunities to expand

your consciousness. After all, that is what consciousness is all about… the expansion of itself.

Consciousness expanding consciousness with the intention to Remember what it is, which is

consciousness itself (haha, yes, reflect on that one in meditation to see what activates). Why

take this so seriously? Absolutely, bring discipline, fluidity and love into your journey, but there

From Limitations Into 5D Consciousness: New Earth Leadershipment Develop & Spiritual Self-Mastery Courses + Programs
is also a place to ditch the seriousness and experience this as fun too… if you do, I guarantee

your life will become a lot more exciting and the ascension journey may get a tad smoother!

When in doubt, get yourself outside, shake your body and smile (more on that a bit later).

On Abundance:

A key energetic within this journey to activating consciousness is Abundance. When you are

intentionally harnessing and practicing these tools, you will naturally raise your abundance

frequency. The vast majority of human Souls have been programmed from millenia of Matrix

induced traumas to have a low abundance energetic. This creates all kinds of resistance and

issues with wealth, money, worthiness, enjoyment of life and overall mindset. The Ego - the

so-called “Devil on Your Shoulder” - hates Abundance because it perceives Abundance as a

potential killer and views it as an enemy to be squashed. If your Ego is running your mind, you

will likely have a lower Abundance frequency. With that said, you can have a lot of money, yet

still be in scarcity frequency where you are living in a state of lack, not enoughness and fear

over your business’, investments, possessions and future. Naturally, when you raise your

frequency, Abundance rises with it and can often translate into creating more tangible wealth,

which you can harness for good. The reason I have incorporated this note on Abundance is

that most people do not stop and tune into what frequency they are at. Most people are living

in the frequency of scarcity, lack and resistance to opportunities. This guide will help you shift

into Abundance as a natural by-product of tapping more and more into Source Consciousness.

If we are speaking about the Map of Consciousness, true Abundance begins when you are

entering the Love spectrum and it expands from there. Check in with yourself every day and

ask: “am I emitting Abundance?”. If you are not, let this be an invitation to tap into your heart,

access your innate divinity (Source Energy) and allow the energy, the frequency and the

feeling of Abundance to flow through all 6.3 trillion of your cells. Yes, you as a consciousness

can reprogram your DNA with… you guessed it, your conscious intention! Imagine the

possibilities if you reprogrammed yourself into Ultimate Consciousness?

From Limitations Into 5D Consciousness: New Earth Leadershipment Develop & Spiritual Self-Mastery Courses + Programs
On the energy of “money”, this intentional DNA reprogramming practice (see tools) is an

absolute game-changer if you desire to create, hold and expand the financial resources you

have available to you in the Quantum Field (right resources, right time, right location…

guaranteed to show-up when you trust yourself as Source Consciousness). Money is not the

end all be all despite what the Matrix illusion tries to program you; however, at this moment in

humanity’s journey, money (and by extension crypto etc.) can be harnessed to bring quantum

possibilities into reality. An example of this is using money to purchase land to create your

community of light. Or perhaps investing in your own personal development with a mentor

such as myself (reach out via email or DM if you feel the call to learn more about how I

support awakening Souls in my programs and containers). Money is an amplifier when you

embrace the Abundance consciousness within it and yes, Abundance is Consciousness and

Abundance is therefore an aspect of Source Consciousness. Thereby as you are an aspect of

Source Consciousness, you are by definition Abundance Consciousness and in a sense, you are

already money and the resources, so why would you be in resistance to yourself? Is it even

possible for Source Consciousness to be in resistance to itself when it knows itself? Some

food for thought as we continue with the third aspect of why these tools are essential for your

awakening journey!

Navigating The Great Transition:

Finally, let me remind you that you are a Soul, a fragment or aspect of Source Consciousness,

who came into the Earth realm during “the Great Transition of Humanity”. This is an

extraordinary, universally-significant event to be participating in and astrologically is

unfolding as we enter the initial phase of the Age of Aquarius, which has been heralded as the

Golden Age of Humanity. This is the moment in time when we as a Collective remember our

full potential and free ourselves from any outside forces that seek to control our journey to

expanding Consciousness. This is where we remember we are God, claim our full sovereignty

and live a reality of true freedom.

From Limitations Into 5D Consciousness: New Earth Leadershipment Develop & Spiritual Self-Mastery Courses + Programs
For millennia and perhaps eons, other worldly Beings, using their advanced technology and

brutal inter-dimensional warfare tactics, have been enslaving Humans into a mind-trauma

trap, which is the belief that we are the Body and that we are somehow separate from “God”

(sound like any major religions you know of?). The goal of these various species is total

domination and the compete for the right to keep us enslaved - a deep dive into Galactic

History (hidden history) is beyond the scope of this guide; however, if you desire to know my

top references for my own Galactic History studies, reach out to me directly.

I refer to these “baddies” collectively as the Parasite Players - my gnosis is these are aspects

of Source that so deeply lost their connection to Source that they have chosen the ascension

path of Service to Self and all of its competition, misery and domination. This is not right or

wrong, it is simply the role that they are playing. Your role is to be the counter to these

parasites; your role is to become so deeply in contribution to raising the frequency of the

Human collective that everything shifts. The mind trauma programs dissolve. Humanity

awakens and heals. We repair and regenerate the Earth.

Make no mistake, it is a hard mission to be here at this time. You have all kinds of drama,

traumas and programming being hurdled your way; you also have intense amounts of

information all around you with the sole focus of keeping you locked into the parasite players

mind-manipulation. Trust me, I get it… it is a lot. And with that said, you can always expect me

NOT to sugar-coat what I see occurring… because the reality is things are only going to get

more intense for those who are not intentionally raising their frequency day in and day out as

we enter into the Golden Age. We are going to experience the entire dissolution of the old

system, which was based in service to self, competition, exploitations of lower frequencies

and ultimately, slavery of humans… mind, body and Soul. All that is not in service to higher

frequencies will disintegrate even if it takes a few decades for the final death throes of the old

system. This is why frequency is so key during this time, as maintaining a state of center,

From Limitations Into 5D Consciousness: New Earth Leadershipment Develop & Spiritual Self-Mastery Courses + Programs
clarity of vision and the knowing you are God, will allow you to thrive amongst the seeming

chaos. I won’t go into all of the technicalities of the old system dissolving - I save that for

Transcending The Matrix Academy, the ultimate spiritual self-mastery course for awakening

souls strategically designed to free yourself from all limitations so you can create a life of

freedom, sovereignty & fulfillment.

There is a spiritual war where those who previously reigned behind the scenes are

desperately trying to stop the rising of consciousness because they have lost control. This old

system dissolution is showing up as economic turmoil, strife among struggling populations

and wars. We are already seeing food issues, inflation and more show-up in some of the

supposedly wealthiest countries on Earth. This is a sign of the transition, a sign of the start of

the Age of Aquarius, because the old simply cannot stand up on its lies any longer. Disclosure

is arriving. The Remembering is here.

The frequency of many Humans is rising so rapidly that the darker forces cannot keep up and

this is why we are seeing an insane amount of BS propaganda being forced on social media…

even though it is getting easier to see through. This is the Collective consciousness piercing

the veil more and more each day. Yes this can all seem a little wild and that is exactly why

applying these tools consistently is key because tending to your frequency is what will allow

you to thrive no matter what is occurring around you. Full fiat money collapse? No worries,

you have the frequency to move beyond the problem and into the solution. As you master

your frequency, the collapse of the old ways will matter less and less to you as you access the

God Source Creator / Creatix Consciousness - the energy where all is revealed with clarity, so

there will be no doubt to you that all is unfolding perfectly divinely. This is a potent state to

BE in during this Great Transition. Your intentional frequency climb during the tumultuous

entry into the Age of Aquarius is where you as a Soul will come to master courage,

confidence, happiness, peace, unity and step into successfully actualizing the missions you

came here to explore. All of this is possible when you tend to your frequency like a loving

From Limitations Into 5D Consciousness: New Earth Leadershipment Develop & Spiritual Self-Mastery Courses + Programs
gardener tends to the garden. Tend to your frequency like you are growing the Garden of Eden

and soon, all will be revealed to you.

On “Quantum-Leaping”:

Man oh man (or lady oh lady?...), are you kinda, sorta sick of hearing the word Quantum

thrown around in hashtags and social media posts yet? Well, prepare yourself because this

word is going to be harnessed more and more as Consciousness rises amongst the human

Collective. For me, it is a great word to encompass what can not truly be put into words;

Quantum means beyond what we can currently perceive with our level of awareness. Going

into the Quantum realm means that one is willing to explore the idea & energetic that there is

something beyond one’s current perception when looking out of our eyes and while sitting in


The Quantum realm is the unseen aspect of our reality that we have access to if we so choose.

This realm is composed of possibilities and potentialities - you can also think of this as every

possible outcome potentially available to you. Every situation imaginable exists in the

Quantum realm and when you intentionally tap into this space with these tools, your

Consciousness expands and your frequency raises. For now, do not over think the Quantum

realm and simply set a powerful intention that these tools will allow you the possibility of an

amazingly blissful outcome to every situation you encounter within life. The higher your

frequency is from tending to it with these tools, the increased likelihood of amazingly blissful

outcomes materializing into your reality.

You will also see the term Quantum-leaping used within the spiritual development space. This

is often associated with making big strides in short amounts of time. What this means is that

when you trust that you are divine and that you have all of the answers within you - even if

they are not fully revealed to you yet - you can rapidly shift your reality into one of

Abundance, Bliss Consciousness & Divine Purpose. In the context of frequency, this means

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that you can make huge strides in your life by choosing to step into higher frequencies over

and over… regardless of if the Matrix directs challenging situations your way.

A Quantum-Leap means that you can literally have self-doubt one second and then the next

second you can choose to step into a totally upgraded, new reality. Boom… you simply choose

to be done with fear and stepped into deep trust. That is a quantum-leap. However, the

challenge for you will be figuring out how to choose trust again and again until it is your new

normal. Of course, you already know that to bridge between point A and point B, you can

harness the tools shared in this book; consistently applying these tools will be the bridge into

Quantum-leaping in all areas of your life until you can instantaneously shift your frequency.

You can and will make huge changes in short periods of linear time if you choose to harness

these tools every single day. You can Quantum-Leap your Consciousness, relationships,

wealth, opportunities, resistance to purpose, sexual energy and knowledge. You can

Quantum-leap any area of your reality if you choose… despite the Matrix, family members or

yourself telling you “good things take time”! Forget that and replace it with the knowledge

that you can Quantum-Leap all damn day long if you choose… but be mindful that these huge

shifts will potentially bring up lots of trauma, drama and toxins to be purified from your

Vessel. With time, you will realize that all the lower frequency stuff rising is simply part of the

process of Quantum-Leaping.

An Open Letter To The Awakening Soul:

Before I share how to use this book to raise your frequency, I wish to share with you a

channelling that I wrote in early January 2022. This day I was feeling some of the pressures of

our Great Awakening, so I decided to meditate on the beach near where I was residing at the

time. As I focused on the sound of the waves, I got the ping to open my eyes and journal. This

is what flowed out of me…

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I have included this so you can inner-stand deeper my perspective on the Great Awakening

and it serves nicely as a summation of this book’s preface. See you on the other side.


An open letter to the Awakening Soul,

Welcome to the Abundant New Earth.

This is an incredible timeline we as humanity and you as an individual are aligning with!

For eons, humanity has slowly fragmented from the glorious original human template into a

species that has consented to social structures that perpetuate slavery, mind traumas and


The density of this reality has led us to be looped on the wheel of reincarnation on Earth over

and over. Until 2012 and the galactic shifts, it has been almost impossible to transcend the

Earth experience.

Under the control of the supposed elite - however you may define that - humanity has

destroyed our home, Mother Earth, in search of profit. We are literally playing out the stories

the Matrix showed us (Lorax, Avatar etc).

Yet, there is a massive Remembering occurring here that the entire universe is watching. A

massive influx of solar energy is bringing with it the evolution of consciousness by the

activation of human DNA. The suppressed "junk' DNA is being turned on... much to the fear of

those who seek to control.

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We are evolving - whether we like it or not - into the light beings, or into our light bodies. We

are transforming into Homo Luminous and with this transition, we claim our divinity while in

so-called bodily form. With this, all color, race and divide over body based characteristics will

dissolve from the human Collective.

Again, this is a special time in galactic history and you choose to be here! We have the

opportunity to create in the Abundant New Earth paradigm if we choose too; and, when we

feel our work, journey and time is complete in the Earth realm, we will “ascend” … whatever

that means to you!

The Great Remembering is happening: that each of us are not defined by the mortal body, but

are actually Souls beyond this space-time experience. This is changing how humans perceive

life and all of the old ways are being illuminated (painfully at times).

Navigating this transition will be the most intense and challenging experience for each Soul -

myself included. To awaken to this knowledge and then to integrate it is a fantastic journey

and one you are one if you are reading this.

In order to transcend the illusion of finite life (aka only this body), we must merge our inner

and outer realities while we experience life flowing around us. Not the easiest of games to

play, but one of limitless creationary potential. This is the Home Luminous rising.

For when we embody the knowing we don't truly die and Earth is simply a creationary

playground, we quickly learn how to shift from density back into wholeness, or pain into

liberation! Struggle gives way to creativity. Fear turns to courageous leadership. Death

thinking evolves into liberated living.

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With this naturally arises the wide-spread, intentional reharmonization with the Earth, our

mother. We Remember that humans are sacred protectors and guardians of this realm... not

destroyers and abusers.

The Abundant New Earth timeline is a place and space where we value each moment spent in

Nature. A place where freedom of expression synergizes with a loving reality for all. Where

the birds and trees are once again restored. Where wild places thrive. Where every Soul

nourishes from prana and the food forests within their community. We merge Ancient

Wisdom, Divine Love & Sacred Power into a synergy of organic, heart-based potentialities.

Limitless is our nature.

We are creating this New Earth timeline now. The Abundant New Earth isn't far off vision. It is

an energy you can create in the now moment. Ask yourself: how can I channel abundance into

the New Earth today?

The answer is what actualizes the Abundant New Earth timeline.

The density of the Earthly reality is rapidly dissolving, so expect A LOT of seemingly crazy

madness to occur asap. Way more than we have witnessed yet. All systems based in control,

competition and scarcity will be (already are) exposed to the public to be witnessed before


The key to thriving is activating the inner abundance codes within your DNA. To Remember

fully who you are. To purify the traumas and illusions that are no longer serving you. To truly

become free... to step out of the open cage the Matrix, The System, The Elite are trying to

keep you in. To claim Homo Luminous… and beyond, way beyond. To Remember you are God

experiencing the Earth realm.

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Together we Remember.

Together co-create the Abundant New Earth.

Using These Tools:

There are several core ways to effectively harness the tools in this guide to create the results

that are potentially available to you if you apply time, effort and dedication to this journey.

The first is what I called the “33 Test Drive”, which is to make a commitment to read and apply

one new tool each day for 33 days. Every night before you go to bed, look at the list and

choose which tool feels great. Then set aside 30 minutes the next morning to learn the tool,

undistracted and totally present. Another take on the Test Drive is to start with tool #1 on day

1 and then move in order through all 33 tools. During the process, I really encourage you to let

me know on social media what came up for you and I always appreciate you sharing what you

are learning in real time with your teams and tribes - sharing what you are doing is a special

way to connect the tool to your audience and support them as well! Be sure to tag me on

Instagram and Tiktok.

The second way to work with these tools is to read the guide several times and make a note

of any tools that feel like a full body yes - this one tends to work well for those who are well

on their way to trusting their intuition. If you are new to intuition work, after reading each tool,

close your eyes, feel your heartspace and ask: “does this tool feel like it can raise my

frequency if I become dedicated to practicing it”? You will know if it is a yes. As you will soon

learn below, trusting your Body is one of the ways to tap into Source Consciousness. After

selecting 2-3 tools, go to your calendar and block off some time each day to experiment with

them. Work with these tools a minimum of twice a day for 11 days. Afterwards, keep

practicing the ones that make you a bit uncomfortable and keep going deeper. If you require

clarity or further support with accountability, reach out to me.

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The third way - the one that I often share with my clients that are all in on raising their

frequency, even if it hurts a bit - is called the 3 by 33. This one is tough, so if you are not

feeling a challenge, perhaps explore the first two methods. In the 3 by 33, you select 3 tools

and run them each once a day for 33 days straight. This means in the AM, you harness one

tool. Then in the afternoon, another tool. Finally, before bed, you practice another one. This

does not have to consume large amounts of time, but it does take focus and dedication. The

results with this have been phenomenal for my clients and those of you in the Ascend Into

Abundance Soul Family who send me emails with updates.

Finally, if you feel called, pick a tool and work with it. Sometimes you do not need a schedule

or challenge. Follow the energy… if it seems like it will challenge you to expand your

consciousness, give it a go and see. There is no harm in playing as after all, this is a grand


Before You Explore:

One of the funny things about sharing these tools is that my ultimate goal for you is to shift

your Consciousness into such a high frequency that you do not require any tools to access

your limitless creator state. The tools are the bridge and when the bridge is built, the tools get

to be laid down. The deeper you explore these tools, the more Consciousness will expand

until you have an enlightened moment and realize the tools have been within you all along.

That said, this is NOT an excuse to skip the tools because the vast majority of humanity has

quite a ways to go when it comes to awakening. You will know intuitively when a tool no

longer serves you or is no longer required for your expansion.

As with all of my creations that I place into the Earth Realm, I created this book from my

heartspace for you. If any part of this book resonated and helped you on your journey, let me

know. I would be honoured to know what activates for you as you harness these tools and if

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you feel called to explore how I can support you deeper, you can always email me directly at

the link below, or check out my website, which has all of my free gifts, sacred programs and

private mentorship - you can also find a lot of bonuses at the end of this book.

I truly send you all of the love in the world for your awakening journey. Thank you for being

ready to contribute to raising the frequency of the Collective and allowing humanity to enter

into our Golden Age… every struggle, every triumph and every moment of pure Source

Consciousness clarity contributes to this journey. Every time you sit down with a tool to

practice raising your frequency matters. Each time is a declaration that you, me and WE are

here to reclaim all of ourselves and remember that we are infinite, limitless creators

experiencing this Earthly reality and we have the divine love, divine wisdom and divine power

to create an Earth of true Abundance… a return to the Garden of Eden. You have this within

you… I know it at my core.

I am all in on co-creating an Abundant New Earth timeline for humanity… are you?

As always, I love you.

Aho. Namaste. All My REALations!


Your Soul Brother & Creator of @5dmasculinity and Transcending The Matrix Academy

From Limitations Into 5D Consciousness: New Earth Leadershipment Develop & Spiritual Self-Mastery Courses + Programs
The author enjoying the purifying glacial waters of Welsh Lakes, BC, Canada

Links For More Info:

● Tiktok: www.tiktok.com/@5dmasculinity

● Insta: https://www.instagram.com/5dmasculinity/

● Programs / Offerings For Men: www.5dmasculinity.com

● Programs / Offerings For Women: www.ascendintoabundance.com

● Question, media requests, collaborations and brand product opportunities:


*I read all of my email personally despite the volume, so do not hesitate to reach out and

share with me where you are at. I also respond to my Insta voice notes / messages*

If you find any glaring spelling or grammatical errors, I always appreciate a screenshot sent to

my email or Insta - I will correct them in the forthcoming updated and expanded edition.

From Limitations Into 5D Consciousness: New Earth Leadershipment Develop & Spiritual Self-Mastery Courses + Programs
***Finally, if you are a publisher and are interested in helping me co-create this guide into a

full length book designed to support awakening Souls on activating their fullest potential so

they can have the courage to create & contribute to the birthing of our abundant new earth,

reach out to me. I am setting powerful intentions right here, right now, that these initial words

will evolve into a beautiful book of wisdom, support and guidance for the rising new earth

guardians! Feel free to send this to your publisher friends and family!***


NOTE: None of these tools or anything else shared by the author in this guide or on his social

channels are to be interpreted as medical advice. None of this content, techniques or tools are

to be interpreted as medical advice. Nothing contained within this book is medical advice.

Spence is not a medical professional and recommends that you speak with a medical

professional before starting any techniques or tools contained in this guide. The author is not

responsible for any injury, emotional or mental issues or death that may come from using

these tools. Use the tools and information within this book and the author’s videos at your

own risk. If you are struggling with mental health, the author encourages you to seek the

appropriate professional support. Additionally, nothing in this guide is financial advice. As

always, do your own research when it comes to health, finances and personal sovereignty.

Trust your intuition and never be afraid to reach out for support.

Tool #1 - Contrast Baths

A recurring theme throughout this guide is the focus on strengthening the physical body. Our

consciousness exists in many different dimensions simultaneously including this physical

experience, which we perceive as being a body with thoughts. Often, we forget that we are

From Limitations Into 5D Consciousness: New Earth Leadershipment Develop & Spiritual Self-Mastery Courses + Programs
infinite Gods made of light having an experience in a body and instead, consent to the egoic

notion that we are only blood, flesh and bones - which is not your fault because the entire

Earth game prior to the Age of Aquarius was set-up to lock you in the identity of only being a

Body having a limited life experience. This could not be further from the truth.

You are the divine consciousness that we spoke of above embodied (in-a-body) in this earthly

experience to learn, experiment and live (for a time) within a physical vessel. As you ascend /

awaken / Remember, the physical body transitions to one of light (more on this later). We

must not forget that this journey from physical body identification into a Godly light body is a

gift as you get to explore this beautiful Earth plane using hands, feet and eyes. You also get to

sing, laugh, cry, run, swim and feel the sacred sensations of making love. There are many

planes of existence where you do not have this ability, so it is important to fully embrace the

physical… while not getting 100% identified with it. Imagine the possibilities for oneself if

while in a body, you “wake up” to the knowing that you are Source Consciousness? The entire

Earth game unlocks and nothing becomes impossible. You lose the fear of death and begin to

live beyond Matrix control. You instantly begin to love every aspect of your body - treating and

honouring your body as a temple “holding” an aspect of Source Consciousness (you)! This is


Throughout this book, I continually return to supporting your physical body with these tools

because a thriving body equates to a rising frequency which equates to you accessing your

God state. As you navigate your journey with these tools, you will come to Remember that a

big part of the life game is embracing the body experience and exploring what is possible for

you within your body… both in meditation and in movement.

Yet, we live in an interesting paradox of sorts: we are Gods temporarily confined into these

physical bodies that experience a linear flow of time that manifests as the aging process - this

appears on Earth as the decay of the physical body and eventually one’s Soul “leaves” when

From Limitations Into 5D Consciousness: New Earth Leadershipment Develop & Spiritual Self-Mastery Courses + Programs
the body “dies”. As people experience aging, many separate from their God Source Creator /

Creatrix Consciousness, and further live the illusion that the body dies. While I have not fully

accessed going beyond aging in my own vessel as of yet, I know that as this Golden Age

unfolds, Souls committed to heart-centered, high frequency living will transcend the aging

process and become light Beings (Homo Luminous) that thrive on prana and require no food,

water and shelter. This is bringing the body into the 5th dimension - this journey can be

supported by a commitment to physical body mastery and these tools.

To maximize your frequency while in this round of the Earth game, one must focus on having a

healthy physical vessel to mitigate the time spent in sickness and ill health. There are shit

loads of toxins, physical and emotional, that this earth game throws our way and it is up to us

to support our vessel in clearing them from our systems. Toxins come in many forms and a full

deep dive is beyond the scope of this guide; however, continually supporting all our different

aspects - physical, emotional, mental, spiritual etc. - is how we essentially ¨win the game of

life¨ and allow ourselves to truly embrace the earth experience. Clearing toxins is an essential

part of the journey into “lightening” the vessel and rest assured, a body clear of all toxins is

one that is A LOT more high frequency. Clear toxins = raise your frequency!

With all of that said, take a deep breath (seriously, inhale some beautiful life force energy!)

and I will share one of my most potent techniques for clearing toxins and shifting into higher

frequencies that I harness every day.

Drum roll please… The contrast bath! Also known as contrasting showers, or hot / cold


Hot water. Cold water. Back to back. Rinse and repeat.

From Limitations Into 5D Consciousness: New Earth Leadershipment Develop & Spiritual Self-Mastery Courses + Programs
I always find it sort of funny that people fear cold water when in fact it is one of the most

potent healing forces available to humans; additionally, it can completely shift your emotional

and mental states almost instantaneously (useful in an increasingly chaotic society!). This fear

of the cold is a fear that has been created by the comfort of a ¨first world life¨. Ultimately cold

and hot therapies, together and independently, have been largely left out of the medical

system by companies who would rather sell you a pill instead of recommending you have a

cold shower. Our Ancestors had strong, resilient bodies by being outside all day, in harsh

conditions, harnessing their physical vessel to explore the Earth. The Matrix has tricked us

recently into believing that we must wear tons of clothes in the cold and that exposing

ourselves to cold will instantly kill us. When I became devoted to gradually harnessing cold

water for my physical health, I instantly noticed my Consciousness expand, my stress reduced

and began feeling more powerful in my presence. Disclaimer: I went very gradual with cold

exposure at first and created some safety protocols to ensure I could get warm if I had too!

This tool can bring up a lot of resistance so what I remind myself is this: my Ancestors, with

whom I share DNA, easily navigated cold temperatures for endlesses winters… I can handle a

3 minute cold shower with instant hot water access. I believe the vast majority of humanity is

capable of a 3 minutes cold shower, twice a day, without even shivering. I also remind myself

of how important cold is for mastering one's emotions and training oneself to dissolve fear -

anyone who has jumped into a cold lake after a steamy sauna will have experienced an

immersion reflex, which is literally fear pulsing in your body to get yourself out of the water.

Mastering immersion reflex is an interesting part of practicing this tool.

If you search in respected medical journals - including many mainstream ones - you will find

evidence for combining hot and cold to stimulate healing within the body. There is evidence

out there and I encourage you to research Wim Hof and how athletes have had success with

cold and hot.

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The benefits are numerous and I will not drop a laundry list here. My personal top ones are

that my lymph system detoxes all of the toxins that I cannot really avoid such as the chemicals

sprayed behind planes into the air. I also notice that any feelings of overwhelm, depression,

anxiety and fear dissolve during the shifting from hot to cold and back again. Everytime I

contrast, my body tingles, feels refreshed and invigorating - it is almost like it kickstarts the

vibration and oscillation rates into the next level (it does!). This is your frequency raising.

The actual process for contrasting can vary and sometimes you may simply harness the cold

alone, which is also beneficial.. My ultimate contrast scenario is to have a wood sauna fired up

super hot with an icy lake beside it… but this is not always available! You can fill your bathtub

or a big trough with ice/ ice packs and then jump in a hot shower. However, the most practical

is to be committed to this: every SINGLE time you hop in the shower, start with it cold. Take a

few deep breaths before getting in and center into your Hara (see more below - but for now,

simply focus on ¨the fire in your belly¨). Then get into the cold water. Breathe deep and calm

your system with your intention. Allow the cold water to wash over your full body. If you are

heading to bed, definitely get water on your forehead as this will kick-start sleeping

hormones. After 30 seconds minimum, switch to hot water and enjoy the tingles - I am always

mindful not to scald myself. Go back and forth for as long as you feel called. Finish with cold if

you are starting your day and finish with hot if you are going to bed. Sitting down for this

process is a great idea if you are starting out to prevent any kind of head rushes.

Make sure that the cold and hot are roughly equal in length. If you fear the cold, reflect on

where that energy is coming from… is it because your mindset is weak? Perhaps you are living

too comfortably? There is no right or wrong answer, as this is simply an opportunity to reflect.

See if you can become one with the cold and ask the cold to reveal secrets to you. Ask your

body to be strong and see if your body will speak to you. The cold is a powerful activator.

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Remember, you can hop into a cold shower almost anytime you are home, so if you catch

yourself feeling low, perhaps stress is causing you to lash out or suppress your emotions,

make the choice to crank up the shower! If the water is not too cold where you are, the ice

bath method is awesome, but you can also hold ice packs under your armpits in the shower.

Side note: there is some interesting research that cold exposure in moderation can actually

increase fertility, which is worth researching if you are struggling with fertility or wish to be a

parent in the future. Make no mistake, there is a massive, intentional attack via toxins to

suppress the human population’s numbers… but that is not the focus of this guide! Reach out

with any questions relating to cold exposure as I have journeyed deep into this space in the

past including accessing a past life as a medicine man holding cold river dips to combat the

Black Plague (that was quite the meditation!)

Breathe deep! Breathe slowly! Feel the cold nourishing your cells. Then feel the warmth

releasing stored traumas, toxins and poisons from your physical vessel, mental state and

spiritual bodies. Enjoy the gift of feeling the cold, as you came into this earth reality to be able

to truly learn the full feeling and emotional spectrum that is available to you here… including

painfully cold water! Aho!

Tool #2 - River Clearing Technique

Have you ever felt like you have something bottled up inside that no one else gets? Do you

ever have emotions that you would love to simply dissolve and wash away so you can replace

them within higher frequencies? Ya? Sweet, me too!

Part of my soul mission in this incarnation is to help my Brothers and Sisters (you!) remember

the power of harnessing pure, unadulterated Mother Nature to clear traumas, toxins and

blockages, so you cultivate raising your frequency. Hence why if you go to my Tiktok profile, I

am often dropping videos relating to harnessing Mother Nature in order to upgrade your

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Consciousness and heal all aspects of your reality. Fact: Mother Nature has an infinite number

of secrets to help you raise your frequency and all you have to do is get outside!

This next frequency boosting technique is an ancient way to rid oneself of things we are

holding onto, which are often the root cause of disease, stress, anxiety and less than amazing

relationships. Growing up in mainstream society with Rockefeller-style schooling, kids are not

taught to actively give our pain and hurt back to Mother Nature to be recycled and ultimately,

alchemized into its original form of consciousness, unconditional love. Kids are not shown that

Mother Nature truly can help us heal emotionally. The result is we have teenagers and adults

(even Elders) who hold onto things and this festers - with time, this festering, whether

spiritual or physical etc., impacts our frequency and thus, drags us into lower states of being.

While there can be lessons in the lower states, if you are ready to leave lower frequency

bands behind, the River Clearing Method can be super powerful.

Many of our ancestors worked with river energy. For the context of this technique, any actively

flowing body of water, whether a small rivulet or creek to a giant river, will work. The river

energy is often perceived as feminine, cleansing and healing and it has its own consciousness

that is available for all humans to harness for intentional clearing rituals. Exploring Water

Consciousness is one of the most important ways we can come to know the secrets of the

Universe and to evolve ourselves.

Here is how I like to work with river consciousness - that said, it is important to use this as a

jumping off point for your river consciousness practices. This is by NO MEANS set in stone.

When you tune into where judgment, separation, doubt and expectation are running your life,

you will quickly realize that when you get out of your hyper-logically programmed mind and

into your heartspace, that your intuition will naturally guide you in these types of nature

practices and rituals. Trust your God Source Self and question your Ego if it is throwing up

doubts about “dumb water practices”.

From Limitations Into 5D Consciousness: New Earth Leadershipment Develop & Spiritual Self-Mastery Courses + Programs
I will go find a quiet spot by a river or creek and settle myself with some simple breathing

while watching the river. Then I will ask myself a question to explore while I gaze at the river.

An example would be ´´what am I holding onto that I know is hindering my highest

frequency?¨ or ¨what does my Soul wish to release from my body that is no longer serving my

highest timeline on this earth plane?¨. Then I sit with the question and see what arises.

Sometimes I get a lot of info… other times, I feel restless and have to wiggle around. Stay with

that question. After some time, I will lie or sit down close to the river's edge - if it is safe to do

so, do not fall in! I will then sing or chant to the river asking for it to bless my life, to carry

away what no longer serves me and to alchemize my stored trauma into its original form, pure

loving consciousness.

Then when I feel ready, I will mimic throwing / pushing / guiding what does not serve me any

longer into the water and watch it float away downstream. I do not hold back and if emotions

flow, whether rage or sadness, I simply direct that energy into the river. Repeat this until you

feel cleared. Thank the water.

Then breathe a bit more and focus your ears on listening BEYOND the river sound. This can be

a challenging practice, but if you surrender and try it with an open-heart, you will hear the

river´s voice and there may be messages for you. Again… you have to get out of your head and

the programming that ¨this is stupid¨. This programming will likely be running

subconsciously, so be aware of its sneaky nature - these programs are a joint effort between

your Ego and the Matrix (inside & outside) to keep you from experimenting with raising your

frequency. Very often, when we start this type of nature exploration, we have our teenager

self in our mind yelling about how freaking stupid this is. Send love to that aspect of yourself

for judging your current process and then drop into this technique anyway.

From Limitations Into 5D Consciousness: New Earth Leadershipment Develop & Spiritual Self-Mastery Courses + Programs
Remember to always be safe around bodies of water! The water has claimed many lives, but it

has also healed billions more. It is powerful, nourishing and a potent way to intentionally

amplify your frequency. Be sure to try this several times because sometimes it can take a few

trips to the river before you “hear the water”. If it is safe to do so, I often will sit with my feet in

the water or my full body inside the water while I run this process. Trust your intuition and let

the water cleanse away anything that does not serve your highest timeline. If you feel called

to share what comes up, or if you are having challenges with this process, send me a message

or email! I’d also love to see pictures of the river you are harnessing… but be sure to put away

the electronics until you are done with your River Clearing process.

Tool #3 - Elemental Sounding

Humanity has largely forgotten the core two energetics of this next technique. This first is to

regularly tap into the Sacred 4 Elements. We know these as Earth, Fire, Water & Wind / Air.

The final element often included in this group is Spirit / Ether / Divinity. Our ancestors

intimately knew and worked with the Elements every single day - in fact, because I perceive

the Elements as living forces of “energy” to commune with, I often capitalize Elements. They

are powerful allies who can bring clarity, wisdom and knowledge to our seven senses (yes,

you have 7 and more coming soon… so practice these techniques a lot and you will awaken


The second is to use sound to clear out traumas, lower frequencies and any energy in our

various bodies (physical, mental, etc.). If you have ever been to a sound bath ceremony, or

have hollered into an echoey canyon, you will know how great that feels. Cathartic even.

Liberating. We get glimpses of this healing expression if we are a singer, or actively use tones

in our meditative practices. Regardless of what you have experienced Elemental and Sound

wise, when you combine them, it will rapidly raise your frequency thereby allowing you to

freely create your life from a place of possibility.

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This specific technique was inspired by the Hathors via the channelings of Tom Kenyon - the

Hathors are an inter-dimensional species of a beautiful heart-centered Beings that work

extensively with sounding for their own conscious awakening journey. Without going too deep

into them, let me just say they are masters of sounds… think cymatics on steroids (lol!). An

interesting side-note is that the Hathor nation dealt with losing much of their species when

Marduk blew up (the planet that is now the asteroid belt). Apparently, their top healers used

advanced sounding techniques to communicate with those who got caught in the black-hole

explosion before it closed forever! So needless to say, we as Humans can learn a lot from the


Here is how I describe the sounds of the Elements:

● Earth Element - ¨El¨ - Sounded as a deep, drawn-out EEEELLLLLLLLLLLLL…

● Fire Element - ¨KA¨ - Sounded as a deep, drawn-out KKAAAAHHHHHHH….

● Water Element - ¨Lem¨ - Sounded as a deep, drawn-out LEEEEMMMMM….

● Air Element - ¨Om¨ - Sounded as a deep, drawn-out Ooooohhhhhmmmmm

● ¨Spirit¨ - ¨Silence¨ - Go beyond sound, be silent, but yet allow all of Nature to sound

Here is one of the ways I like to play with these two energetics. I will sit in meditation and

when I feel centered, I will inhale deeply and on the exhale, I will sound out EL for the Earth

element. While the sound is exiting my body, I connect my heartspace into the magnificence

of the Earth. Not judging what this looks or feels like, I simply surrender into the power of the

Earth. When I eventually conclude the sounded exhale, I inhale again and bring my focus onto

the fire element, which is typically expressed in the body as the stomach area (root, sacral,

solar plexus ¨chakras¨). On the exhale, while still focused on the Fire Element within my belly,

I sound KA for as long as I can. Then inhale focusing on the Water element and exhaling LEM.

Inhale and focus on the Wind - I like to see if I can perceive the sacred geometry of air all

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around my body. Then on the exhale, Om for the Air Element, while connecting into the wind,

oxygen, the energy of the air inside my lungs.

Then for the fifth and final breath of this cycle, I inhale and feel ALL OF NATURE. What I

mean by this is simply acknowledging that I am all of Nature and Nature is all of me. That

God, Source, Creator, The Divine Intelligence, The Great Mystery etc. courses through my

veins because I AM all of this. This breath is an invitation to truly surrender to all of you

without judgment. Just be with that breath. On the exhale, feel the air slowly come out of your

mouth, but with no sound. The intention here is to ¨hear¨ all of the universe in the silence of

your exhale. Sound beyond sound. This can sound like a bit of a mind-trip, but that is only

because you have not practiced listening beyond the silence. Listening beyond the silence is

how one can access their divine Source connection. The Ego is often uncomfortable to try this

as it sounds weird (can you see a theme of the Ego not wanting you to harness these tools?!). I

invite you to lovingly set your ego aside and see if you can perceive the divine sound of

everything in that 5th, silent exhale.

Then repeat this 5 breathe cycle for as many times as you like. This can be fun to combine

with Contrast Baths, or cold water therapy. If you are new to this type of sounding work, or

would like a fun challenge, I would set aside 11 minutes for 11 days at a specific time of day

(morning work awesome to raise your energy) and cycle through the 5 breaths over and over

until your timer sounds. Give this a try and upon hearing the timer, head to your desk and

begin free-writing in your journal without judgment or shame. Just write. It is amazing what

the Elements can bring up for you. Let their energy guide your pen and once again, take any

thoughts of judgment or “shouldness” out of this process.

Finally, experiment with these sounds out in nature, while in the water, touching a tree, or

perhaps on the summit of a mountain. Play with this while lying on the sand or grass. Tune

into Nature and see what gets revealed to you about this earthly experience, your role in it

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and what messages your higher self (again, God Source Creator / Creatrix Consciousness) has

for you. Listen after you sound. Enjoy the frequency in your body as you sound. Smile as you

sound. The Elements desire you to have fun with this!

Tool #4 - Quantum Gratitudes

Ok, so if you have been exploring personal development / self-empowerment for any amount

of time, you will have heard of ¨the attitude of gratitude¨. This is the practice of incorporating

gratitude for everything - including challenging people and situations - throughout your day.

This practice really deserves the press it receives in famous books such as The Secret - the

reason for this is, well, it really works. It works to bring your frequency into a higher state,

which triggers a cascade of high frequency results! More love in your life. Amazing

opportunities showing up as if by magic. You feel great in your body as you’ve raised your

frequency.. Appreciation for this earthly experience. All of these results are possible when you

practice the attitude of gratitude.

Yet, when we do not consistently practice gratitudes - which is easy when life gets busy and

the awakening challenges show up - we end up grumbling, wanting more and often, messing

up our natural ability as creators to manifest / magnetize our desires. You are not going to

create the life you desire from a place of wanting more; you will create said life if you are in

the frequency of gratitude. Guaranteed by Source (lol!).

To truly embrace this practice, I always encourage my clients (reach out if you would like to

join one of my containers / programs), to use my Quantum Gratitudes process. This is a simple

way to get into the attitude of gratitude, which is going to make your earth life experience a

lot more fulfilling. What makes it *quantum* for me is that one goes beyond simply being

grateful for X thing in one's life and you actually qualify WHY it makes you feel grateful. This

exponentially raises the frequency you elevate yourself into with this practice.

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Here is what to do: start and end every day with this practice for 11 days and watch your life

transform - it can be a good idea to schedule time to reflect on this 11 day journey when you

have concluded it… the results I have seen from clients have been astounding. When you

wake up, write out 11 things you are grateful for. Ex. I am grateful for the sun shining today.

Then take it quantum by qualifying why for each gratitude. Ex. I am grateful for the sunshine

today because I know the solar codes within it´s rays are activating my DNA into higher states

of consciousness. When you qualify the gratitude, you amplify it. Let’s take this quantum!

I also encourage you to practice being grateful in the Now moment. This means whenever you

have an opportunity to pause and drop into gratitude… do it. Whether in line at the grocery

store, out in the garden or while biking to the top of a mountain. Become the frequency of

gratitude. The intention is to make this your new normal state of being. What happens when

you do this regularly is that the frequency emitting from your heart strengthens and grows.

Naturally, when people are around you, they feel your potent frequency and will desire to be

around you. This is an excellent space to be in to call in new clients, or when building your

Soul business.

When clients come to me with any sort of Abundance block, I remind them of this practice. Is

it even possible to not be Abundant when you practice 111 gratitudes in a day? Sometimes, if

they are really blocked, I will encourage them to write out 111 or 222 gratitudes and trust me,

when they are done, their Abundance frequency is significantly higher and then they can go

create their life, relationships and businesses from this Abundant state of Being. Can you see

how Abundance energetics are directly tied into how grateful we are for this Earthly

experience during the start of the Golden Age of humanity? Gratitude practice = Abundance…

showing up as opportunities, money, great crypto tips, land, new friends, Resources, health


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The bottom line is the more time you focus on gratitudes, the higher your frequency will be

and the easier it will become to pierce the veil of illusions that this earth realm provides for us.

You will naturally Remember that you are unconditional love by practicing unconditional love

with your Quantum Gratitudes practice. Finally, keep in mind that you must train yourself to be

grateful until you become grateful for everything - even when your Ego is trying to convince

you that you have x, y and z issues and you shouldn’t be grateful for them. Be grateful for ALL

of life, as every aspect of it is here to teach you something about Source Consciousness and

everything shows up for a divine reason / lesson!

Tool #5 - The Maharic Shield

With this frequency tool, we are going to dive deep into something that is not often talked

about even in the most intimate circles of consciousness and spiritual leadership. This

technique comes from galactic mystery schools and has been carefully handed down in secret

for many generations. Now, with the rising of consciousness as we enter the Age of Aquarius,

many humans are ready to know what the Maharic Shield is and how to harness its extremely

potent energies to raise our frequency.

The Maharic shield is often called the 12D Light Shield or the Maharata Shield. This shield can

be used to surround yourself with a protective energy that can help your light body grow -

when I say ¨lightbody¨, what I mean is the multi-dimensional frequency that you have around

your body (we all have one, but many of us cannot see or feel ours yet). All humans are

impacted not only on the physical realm, but also on the various spiritual realms by EMF

pollution, electronics, AI archon frequency fences, poisoned food, chemtrails etc. When we

harness the Maharic Shield, we support and enhance all of our various bodies to withstand

and eventually transcend those frequencies that harm the expansion of Consciousness and life


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The Earth also has its own 12 D shield, as do you and all living lifeforms - which you can

access in order to bring energy into your own shield. This can be thought of as a type of

power-up like in a video game. The Earth's Maharic Shield is often associated with what is

termed 12th dimensional states meaning that when you are able to meditate on the shield

and access it, you bring through incredibly high frequencies into your being including your

DNA. I cannot describe how potent the energy is and when you are able to draw this shield

energy up from the core of the earth into yourself, you literally pulse. This is one of my

favourite practices and one that I am deepening into daily.

After first being introduced to this technique from the Kathara Healing Series and also from

Ascension Glossary, I developed my own slightly modified technique. All of the actual

techniques are quite in depth, so I recommend following a guided track. In order to support

those who really wish to dive into this tool, I recorded an in-depth Maharic Shield activation

that YOU CAN DOWNLOAD FOR *FREE* RIGHT HERE, which you can purchase here! It is

also possible to find techniques on youtube, but the quality and effectiveness can really vary

online. If you are the kind of Soul who will deep dive research, you may be able to locate the

original technique somewhere in a pdf!

Another powerful technique related to the Maharic Shield and one that is more simple is to

meditate on the core of the Earth. Sit cross legged on the ground and take some simple deep

breaths. When you are settled, simply send down a thread of golden light from your gut into

the ground. Visualize, perceive or imagine (remember: imagination and intention are two of

the most powerful tools of consciousness evolution) that your golden cord makes its way

through the rock, magma, past the parasite tunnels, beyond Shangri-la and into the EXACT

center of the earth. Clip or hook your cord into the center, which is considered the crystalline

core in many spiritual texts. Once you feel you have established a link with the Earth, ask for

its energy to flow into you gently yet potently. Ask and you shall receive. Allow yourself to

stay connected to the core for as long as you like. Once you are complete, thank the Earth, let

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the cord dissolve and reflect on what is coming up for you. Always ask Mama Gaia to be

gentle with you because too much energy will potentially burn your cells out, which will lower

your frequency rather than raise it.

This technique can be very potent if you are feeling ungrounded due to the strong energies

entering this earth plane during the Great Awakening of Humanity. The fact is we are in the

start of the Age of Aquarius and with this time period comes great change, which can leave

oneself feeling uneasy and uncomfortable - this is where connecting to the Earth is key. It will

allow you to find your center and from this place, your highest frequency can express. An

ungrounded human is a human that can be controlled by the Matrix and all of the rapid

information shifts being hurdled at humans right now (news, wars, economics etc.). While an

advanced technique, accessing the Maharic Shield is in my opinion, the most potent way to

advance your awareness of Earth energy and it is possible to rapidly evolve your

Consciousness with it… use discernment and note that you may not get it right the first dozen

times. Mystery school initiates practiced this technique step-by-step for years… it can take

time to master. Enjoy the journey.

Tool #6 - Just Dance

Lower energies often get stuck inside of your various bodies. This can show up as trauma in

your DNA, or perhaps, you are taking on someone else's BS because you have not fully

learned to not absorb their frequency. One of the oldest and best ways to shift that stuck

energy out of you is to dance.

Many of these tools in this book involve somatics, which is a field of study within “bodywork”

that emphasizes internal physical perception and experiences. While the field is extensive, I

simplify somatics down to this: getting stuck traumas - whether in your DNA coding, tissues

or any multi-dimensional field of yours - out and off of you. Totally dissolving them from your

Beingness. I encourage you to explore more on somatics. In relation to this tool, Just Dance,

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when you connect your body to your breath through flowing movements, traumas can release

their hold. For this tool, part of it is to simply surrender to the dance and feel all the feelings.

Another aspect could be to determine something that is bothering you - perhaps suppressed

abuse or a stressful upcoming presentation - and focusing your dancing on clearing that from

your field.

I know that if everyone danced to 3 of their favourite songs, first thing, every morning, we

would not have nearly the level of lower frequencies racing around this planet. We would

have people who are charged up on life and who are excited to create heaven on earth with

everyone. All body shame, racism, depression and stress would dissolve from the human

Collective Consciousness. Moving your body in time to tunes that set your Soul on fire is one

of the delicacies of the human body experience (remember our discussion in Tool 1?) - it is

important to remember that having a body is a privilege and an experience. One that is not

meant to last forever in linear time, so make some amazing memories synergizing with it as

you dance around the forest, your dwelling and your room!

I always encourage my clients at my in person events to truly let go when dancing - some

people call this ecstatic dance. Out of the head and into the heart. Close your eyes at the start

and really feel all aspects of your body as you dance. A fun exercise can be to dance wildly,

but also to feel your feet, then your legs, your knees and focus on 22 different parts of your

body over the duration of several songs. Really feel that aspect of your physical body. If you

are focusing on your right knee, see if any stress or tension is there. See if you can pinpoint

any traumas stored in the emotional or mental aspects of that physical body part. Quite often

we can find that traumas release during dancing because of the intentional activation of your

heart energy; dancing will amplify your heart energy. Truly, it is limitless how much dancing

can activate your frequency. Have you ever seen anyone feeling like s**t when in a beautiful

flowstate of dance? Me neither.

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Play tunes that make your Soul sing and if possible, stay away from music that is harsh. That

said, I know many metalheads who dance to heavy metal every morning and then go on to

live a beautiful, blissful day of potential, creativity and love. Find what aligns for you. Do not

be afraid to try some new tunes as well - Conscious Rock is one of my favourite genres to

move my body to, but I will mix in some Native American fluting as well. I also listen to

Kosmic T´s RIse Of The New Earth album every morning in the shower for my dose of funky

new earth jams. If you would like to know what I am dancing too, be sure to follow along on

my Tiktok Stories & Instagram Stories, as I regularly shout-out my favourite conscious tunes!

Move your body!! This is not a tool to over-think!

Tool #7 - Tree Tapping

Have you ever thought about connecting into the Tree Grids and the Tree of Life? In this tool, I

am going to share about how to reconnect with trees so you can not only raise your frequency,

but can accelerate the opening of your third eye and deepening of your consciousness.

In society today, trees are seen as a commodity to cut down and produce lumber. In the

modern world, we have become disconnected from the notion that trees represent Souls that

have chosen to create a collective consciousness field here on earth… while staying rooted to

the ground. That is why trees give people a sense of grounding and steadfastness when

working with them.

Humanity has fragmented the lungs of Mother Gaia, which are the forests and jungles of this

realm - what was once a giant efficient lung has become tumored by human desecration. We

have cleared and cut down so many trees, without properly replanting, that we have less

oxygen than ever before in our history available to breathe and a lot more CO2, which is not

ideal for the development of our physical bodies. The key way to restore this is to have every

soul regularly connecting with trees, speaking with trees, hugging trees and generally,

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acknowledging trees for the divine creatures that they are and the integral role that they play

in a thriving Earth. My gnosis is that the species that are trying to keep humanity enslaved

know the power of trees, so they have tricked us into cutting them down for jobs, money and

the economy. It is deceit at its finest and we have consented in the name of the seemingly all

mighty dollar. Yet, there is hope for the restoration of the forests as more Souls awaken -

quantum technologies are being developed that could help forests regrow in a number of

years as opposed to decades.

I have had many powerful experiences with trees; however, I will share one of the most

powerful to give you an idea of what is possible. Once when I was holding a tree, deep in a

snowstorm, while doing some kriya style breathing, I seemingly glitched into the tree of life

where I felt the energy of ALL THE TREES that have ever existed course through me. Then I

woke up several feet from the tree - I had been blown off the tree and blacked out due to the

energy surging through me. After that, I developed a more refined tree practice that I call Tree

Tapping, which means to gently and lovingly tap into the energy of a tree for guidance, energy

and wisdom.

As you continue to deepen your exploration of frequency, you will come across knowledge

such as the sacred tree of life and the tree grids. While beyond the scope of this guidebook, I

highly recommend researching the Tree of Life, which holds the experience of consciousness

in this time matrix. As we clear energy blocks and further discover our God Source state, we

ascend up the brands of the tree of life and are able to access different multi-dimensional

states. I dive deeper into this on my tiktok channel at times and will be bringing through more

information on this soon. Many have glimpsed the Tree of Life while journeying with plant

medicine; however, you can tap into this energy with the process below. Also notable is that

all trees are connected together and form the tree grids, which is similar to ley lines in the

sense that trees in various earthly locations can communicate energetically, are linked

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together and when one is accessing super-consciousness states, one can tap into this grid.

This is definitely something to explore further if you feel the call.

Find a tree that speaks to you - when you find it, you will know. Place your hands on the bark

and take your shoes off. As you breathe, root down your legs and connect downward into the

tree's roots. Imagine all of the roots of every tree in the world connected together and feel the

power in that. The groundedness. Allow that grounded energy to wash away all worry,

anxiety and fear. Trust the tree. Next feel the bark with your hands and connect from your

heart, through your hands, into the center core of the tree. Feel its strength and flexibility.

Breathe. When you are ready, with confidence, send love into the tree and ask for guidance.

Try this intention: sacred tree, show me something that will contribute to the expression of my

highest self. You can ask anything. Do not expect an instant answer… sometimes you will have

to ask many times. Simply be with the tree. Let it heal you.

If you would like to take this even deeper, try doing some kriya style breathing holds and

check out the cosmic cycling exercise later in this book - apply these while you tap into the

tree. You can even ask for the trees to take you to the center of the Earth to commune with the

central tree, the Tree of Life, from which all other trees are birthed. This can take time, but it is

incredible when you feel it… and you do not need psychedelics to get there if you truly center

and breathe. The more your tap into trees, the more you will access your God States and come

to realize deeper levels of Abundance. You will also be able to release stresses and blockages

that are making your Great Awakening challenging.

Tool #8 - Ride The Silver River

This technique is called many things in many different practices: however, I choose to use the

term Riding The Silver River based on some sacred teachings that activated within me when I

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was listening to one of my favourite flutists, John Two-Hawks. As I listened to one of his

songs, this technique streamed through.

I personally use this whenever I have an Ascension Symptom based headache which is caused

when my body is receiving so much information that it cannot all get into my crown area and a

sort of pressure build-up is created. The pain can be immense at times. To smooth out this

pressure, I harness Riding The SIlver River. I have even used this when I experienced crazy

kidney stone purging a while back. I will also do this throughout the day as a way of

connecting into myself and the Earth.

Envision a silver thread of light running from the crystalline core of the Earth up into your

Pelvis, then out of your crown and off into deep space. Intend that it connects into pure God

Source Consciousness beyond all manipulation and distortions. Feel the flow of prana up and

down this silver thread. Move any stuck energy into this cord and let it be carried away. Be still

to allow the downloads and wisdom to flow into your crown region. Allow the healing

frequencies of Earth to flow up into your body. Always stay focused on the cord for this

technique. Know that this silver cord is always there even when you shift your awareness

away from it.

I call it Riding The Silver River because of the flow of prana that comes up and down. Ride it

even when it seems bumpy! The cord will often have a life of its own - dancing as it brings

high frequencies into your body and fields. Do not overthink this and be one with this energy.

Practice, practice and practice.

Tool #9 - High Frequency Foods

This is an important key to inner-standing the human experience: eating food to sustain the

body is only required when we are existing in the 3rd and 4th densities - without going too

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deep into discussing the never-ending technicalities of densities, what I mean by this is

literally how dense your body is. Human vessels in the 3rd density - the density into which the

majority of readers were born - are largely made up of a carbon-base. In 3rd density, your Ego

tricks you into believing you are solid flesh, bones and blood and when you die, that is it.

Carbon enters the Earth when you are buried, the matter that was your body is recycled and

your Soul goes somewhere… maybe to return to the Earth realm sometime in the future in

another vessel.

The 4th density perception of the body is one where the body is becoming less dense, as it is

slowly transitioning to a silica-based body, which is how the body eventually shifts into more

light aka lighter in density. Less bones and flesh… more light. That said, the 4th density has a

huge spectrum and the initial perspective for many is one of being seemingly solid while

floating on the inside. The body often lightens from the inside (inner work first) to the outside

(outer work second).

What facilitates this density transition is an intensive cleansing / purification process of the

physical vessel as well as the mental, emotional and spiritual realms - currently the major

catalyst for this transformation of Human vessels is the intensive barrage of plasma light

energy bombarding Earth (part of the Golden Age). The plasma interacts with our DNA as a

type of key that causes massive quantum-leaps in our access to Source Consciousness and the

growing light within our vessels. On the other side of this purification is the 5th density where

the physical body is receiving the majority, if not all of its energy, from prana; this is the living

life-force of the Earth realm aka God’s energy in form. At this point, your 6.3 trillion cells are

self-sourcing their energy from the limitless supply of pranic energy. While this pathway is

not easy, Souls are beginning this intentional transition whether we like it or not - the fact is

that the plasma is interacting with everyone’s DNA and all Souls are receiving upgrades. It

truly is a choice to either embrace it, or fight it… you get to choose how smooth your journey to

the 5th dimension is.

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Regardless of if this is the first time you are hearing of this, humans have the ability to tap into

what is called Breatharianism, where we are living on pure prana (also called chi, the divine

intelligence, light). While I am not personally there, I am actively on this journey and I will

share some of the things I have discovered that may be of use to your journey. I’ve spent a lot

of time experimenting, as well as speaking with dozens of Souls who have and are entering

varying levels of Breatharianism. Let this be a jumping off point for further research for you.

Obviously, refer to the tool about ditching meat. Then consider the lie that humans require 3

square meals a day - is this actually true or perhaps a convenient way to sell us more food? It

is worth questioning every single belief you have about requiring food, water and shelter… go

extremely deep and recognize that this isn’t an instantaneous jump to Breathariansim, it is a

journey that begins with questioning.

The pathway to “reducing” calories and nutrients intake will naturally be revealed as your

body begins to self-source its energy over the coming years. The field of day fasting, dry

fasting and water fasting is rapidly expanding with Spacebook and Telegram groups growing

into the 1000s. Every journey will be different, but with time, we all have the potential to

bring the body into 5th dimensional states, which was previously EXTREMELY hard because

the plasma levels simply did not support it. I am also using plasma charged structured water

during this journey as it literally adds potent frequencies into your water - this is way beyond

expensive water machines. To discover more, send me an email and I will forward you my pdf

collection on plasma.

The quality of your food becomes more vital as the physical intake drops, so ensure it is

¨organic¨ and that you know who produces your food. Ask questions about pesticides,

farming practices and the intentions of the farmer. Take the steps to start growing your own

food - if you live in an apartment or do not have a ton of experience, invest in a Grow Tower.

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Nutrient dense food is key to the journey. Incorporate more fruit and fruit juice, as this is

naturally structured water within food, which is incredibly full of biophotons, which are key to

awakening. Long story short: eating quality, unsprayed fruit allows you to take in more solar

codes than if you were eating meat. Fruit is a major transition point between food, water and

eventually prana - fruit has an incredible amount of life-force in it!

Trust your Body. It is an instrument of the Divine and always knows what is best. If you feel

meat will serve your awakening, do not feel judgment. Consume it sparingly, buy from farmers

who love their animals and land, and let it nourish you if that feels right at the moment. As we

continue on our ascension path, meat will naturally fade from our desires, but during these

transformational times of DNA evolution, some people will benefit from eating a bit of meat. It

can support their healing and evolution into higher frequencies. Meat is often grounding for

those who are receiving huge upgrades on all levels in a short amount of time. Others prefer

to fast during these times. Some will do a mix. Things will shift moment to moment so do not

be dogmatic. Use your consciousness to tune your food regardless of what it is - all food is

ultimately made of light photons and consciousness at the end of the day. Do not get caught

in the polarization and duality of food - it is a big trap of the lower matrix. Many ascended

masters ate meat and were in 5D consciousness on Earth while in their Body. Be respectful,

intentional and grateful for all food and it will serve you. We are finding different ways to

navigate our Bodies during this Ascension cycle and it is a unique journey for all of us. Do

what feels intuitive.

Ask yourself where your food addictions are and how you are hiding behind food. Is this food

expanding your natural energy, or is it going to contract your frequency when you crash 30

minutes later? Remember that this is a free will planet, so you can eat whatever the freak you

desire… but if that food hinders your frequency, well, that is on you to heal and evolve! No one

can take responsibility for what you eat and how you eat it! If you have food additions or really

are struggling, know that you have the power to dissolve all food trauma and negative

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associations with it. Honour your vessel with lots of fresh fruit, plasma structured water, clean

vegetables and whatever else your intuition is telling you. As the commander of your body, as

the consciousness you are that is inhabiting the body, ask for your body to guide what you

consume. Let the body choose, not your ego or addictions. This can be a life-altering

realization when you apply it. Trust your body as it is here to serve you if you let it.

Ask this 3 times a day for 7 days (or anytime you feel hungry): ¨Sacred Body, what do you

require in this now moment in terms of nourishment that will allow my highest Self to flourish

within and beyond this vessel¨ - then shut up and listen!

Tool #10 - Clean, Structured Water

You would think that it would be obvious to humans that we all require access to fresh water

to drink and grow crops, yet there are literally billions of Souls who do not have clean water.

Those who seek to control humanity - other Beings in the Astral plane with their hybrid

minions who are placed in leadership positions - knew that to keep humans in lower states of

consciousness that they would have to corrupt our thinking around water. They distorted our

sacred connection to water Consciousness and made water into a commodity. They pump

fluoride, a chemical waste byproduct, into the human vessel via public water systems in order

to calcify your pineal gland - not to mention doing a host of other chemical treatments to

water that are largely unnecessary. Our drinking water typically runs through iron or plastic

pipes, which leak toxins into our bodies when we consume the water. Having clean, fresh

water is one of the core ways to raise your frequency - hence the explosion of network

marketing companies like Kangan, structured water research and political issues over water


The more intention you bring to the water you drink, the more your frequency will rise. Dr.

Emoto, a beautiful Japanese researcher, discovered that water molecules take certain divine

shapes when high frequency words are spoken to them. This is why blessing your water is so

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important - when you hold up a glass of water to your heartspace, take 5 seconds to send

your love into it, the water consciousness reawakens into living water (pranically charged and

flowing water) when only a few minutes earlier, it was dead water running through pipes.

Dead water is what happens when toxins are added to it and it is not structured (more on that

below) - this means that the water has lost its ability to transfer pranic energy through it

effectively. Of course, it is not ¨dead” as there will always be a spark of lif-eforce in water, but

when you bless it, structure it and ensure it is free of toxins, the life-force of water, its

consciousness, can transfer into your physical vessel much easier. Translation: you feel better

and your frequency raises.

If you are drinking any source of water that is not coming directly from a flowing body of

water, the water is likely not fully expressing its pranic potential. Big rivers and creeks that

cascade over rocks are naturally structured; this is the same with glacier ice and much of the

non-polluted parts of the ocean (are there any of those these days?). If you do not have access

to a freshwater spring where you can personally fill-up the water and evaluate its quality, I

recommend building or buying a structured water device.

A structured water device is a simple tube that has a double, triple or quadruple helix inside

which is created by placing rounded crystals or marbles into it. You seal the ends and make a

hole in the center of each end for water to be poured into - you can also build in the ability to

hook the device into a pipe system. You run the water through the helix tube and boom,

instantaneously, the water comes alive and many of the toxins are neutralized. Then bless

your water… and wow, you will notice the difference.

Structured water is key for ensuring your vessel is hydrated because toxin-riddled water is not

readily accepted by the cells and is excreted rather than stored - you will potentially notice

you require less water when you are drinking structured water (I have noticed this especially

with plants and crops watered via an in-hose device). You can go one step further and build a

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simple Quantum Water Machine to pump the water through the helix MANY times thereby

building the prana to higher frequencies. One of my Brothers who shared this structured

water knowledge with me once told me of an experiment where you place water in a

structured water device and shake it for 3 minutes. The water will pass through the helix

approximately 432 passes - tuning it to the frequency of higher dimensional Earth. When you

drink this 423 water or place it on your body, you can feel the frequency - it is like nothing I

have experienced other than actually being in a river. This is the type of structured water I

harness when I create my plasma energy products (reach out if you would like more info on

my products including my plasma energy nodes for quantum gardening / homesteading, email

at hello@5dmasculinity.com).

I have also heard of people using their Quantum Water Machine - which is simply an aquarium

pump, hose, a bucket of clean water and the structured water device - to hyper-structure a

bathtub of water overnight. One story I have heard is the guy who hopped into it, came out of

his body and could not get fully back into it for 3 days! Yes, water is incredible when it is in its

natural structured state. It is limitless what is possible for your frequency when you dive

deeper into the energetics and life-force within Water.

A final pro tip is to structure all of the water that goes into your garden. Not only will the

plants require less water, it absorbs into the plants with more ease. This hydrates all parts of

the plant effectively. If you mulch effectively and use structured water, you can drastically

reduce the amount of water input, which is important some years with the wildly evolving

weather patterns. Personally, I would not water ANYTHING without structuring it especially if

the water source for my plants is a city tap or a questionable well. If you would like

recommendations for professional structured water devices ants, reach out to me at the email


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There is so much more related to this tool that I could detail because we as Humans have only

just begun to Remember our knowledge of Water Consciousness. Stay tuned to all of my

social media - found at the beginning and end of this book - for my water experiments and

tips. Before we shift to the next tool, I will close this section with this: the keys to raising your

frequency through Water Consciousness is to experiment, bless your H2O continually,

meditate with water, bring forth love into all the waters of the world… and get creative with

your water practices. Be weird. Water desires you to be a little bit weird with it and to remind

yourself that she is sacred! Honour thy water and she will share her secrets about Source

Consciousness with you.

Tool #11 - Becoming The Observer

One of the biggest challenges within the awakening journey is to come to terms with duality.

This occurs within the Earth plane as right / wrong, good / bad and black / white. Our Ego has

been trained by the Matrix to exploit duality and to always pick sides, have a blatant opinion

or to simply judge something as good or bad. As the Age of Aquarius begins, we as Humans

are faced with a big choice: either move into becoming the non-judgmental, fully integrated

observer in neutrality… or to get caught up in the right or wrong, this side or that duality trap

that ultimately keeps you in a mind prison. As you can imagine, someone in a mind prison is

not expressing their highest potential frequency and this Earth experience is all about making

the choice of integration into oneness (non-separation, non-judgment) or continued duality.

While it is not an instantaneous process to become the neutral observer of your external life,

internal state and the world, when you practice becoming the witness in neutrality things shift

rapidly. When you practice dropping into a neutral state as a situation occurs in front of you,

that situation loses it´s power over you - the situation is not judged as good or bad, but rather

it is not judged at all and simply witnessed with an open-heart. When this happens regularly,

the Matrix no longer owns you by controlling your emotional frequency; remember that the

Matrix is designed to pull you into lower frequency states. As you enter into witnessing life

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from the space of God Source Creator / Creatrix Consciousness, duality falls away because

God has no attachment to what is occurring and the results created because God simply

resides in unconditional love. When you Remember you are God naturally you shift into

unconditional love as this is all that everything is at the end of the day.

Becoming the neutral observer is a masterful practice to inner-take at this time in humanity

because as the old systems crumble and humanity´s suppressed pain rises up to be cleared, it

is easy to fall into duality! In fact, many Souls are so deeply mired in duality that they may not

free themselves from it during this lifetime (which is totally fine and they will eventually

Remember their God State, whether in the Earth plane or at some other space in the universe)

It is key to remind yourself that just because you are in neutrality, which is actually becoming

whole, balanced and integrated (not dual), this does not mean you do not have compassion or

love. In fact, you are raising the frequency of love by holding neutrality through the external

chaos. It truly is the ultimate surrender of the Ego to witness life as the neutral observer

without attachment and you must trust yourself beyond measure to dissolve the Ego´s desire

for duality. The Ego sees neutrality as Death because it is… true Ego Death occurs when you

shift into the Observer. The beautiful thing is that the more time you spend in this

unconditional love witness state, the more your frequency raises and by extension, amazing

opportunities and miracles flow into your reality.

In terms of a tactical, practical tool, try this! When a situation is unfolding in front of you,

practice checking in with yourself. Am I judging this situation as good or bad? Right or wrong?

Left or right? Positive or negative? Am I simply witnessing any physical, mental, emotional or

spiritual charge occur within me and then letting that charge go? What is my attachment to

this situation and its outcome? Am I expecting or simply observing? Am I in my loving,

integrated heart-space without any attachment to anything at this moment? You will have to

train yourself to enter the integrated witness state and it is the most triggering situations that

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can provide the most growth opportunities. When you stay devoted to this practice, day in

and day out, you will notice a frequency increase and all of the amazing occurrences that come

with that rising!

I encourage you to observe your patterns. Witness other people´s patterns as you speak with

them. Inquire deeply while in meditation to where your attachments are holding you back from

witnessing and experiencing life from an integrated state. Notice the attachments of others.

Keep coming back to centering yourself into the Earth if you feel that you are wavering in your

neutrality while in a situation.

One tip that a mentor shared with me that I find very effective for training the witness into

oneself is to practice pulling your consciousness out of your body. The intention is to then

witness from a “higher vantage point” how you are reacting or responding to a situation. Are

you emotionally charged or are you simply allowing the situation to unfold? Literally let

yourself float up and out of your body, a few feet into the air, and witness what you are doing.

Observe and take note. Then drop back into yourself and release all attachments to the

situation so you can enter neutrality.

Remember this does not make you any less loving of yourself, others and this Earth

experience. It makes you a much stronger, more courageous leader because once in neutrality,

you see everything as unconditional love and you relate to the experience as divine. This is

beautiful because soon others will recognize your calm, serene frequency and be attracted to

it. Teach them to become observers. Help them. The more Souls practicing neutrality, the

higher the frequency of love will be on Earth - start today!

Tool #12 - Foam Rolling

As part of my healing evolution within this lifetime, I have been forced to square off with

tightness within my vessel. There was a time when I was a drummer in a sleazy rock band

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(think Motley Crue / Def Leppard) and let me tell you, at the time, it was a major identity for

me. While it was a beautiful expression for where my Consciousness was at, I stored so much

trauma in my body as I played. I was going through a lot of evolution within relationships, I

was feeling lost on my purpose and I was stressed about the fate of the world - this resulted

in all of those emotions being stored in my hands. Eventually, I lost the ability for my hands

and arms to function with drumsticks. This brought up years of self-induced suffering and

misery. Yet, this experience was one of the best things to happen as it not only forced me to

look at the identity / character I was playing as this drummer dude, but it also started me on

an intentional healing exploration in search of answers.

As I searched, I was led to foam rolling. This is the art of reducing tension in the body by

gently rolling on top of a foam roller, which is a 3 foot, fat rolling pin made of semi-hard foam.

As I watched youtube videos on how to foam roll, I noticed how much tension I had all over

my body from drumming, driving, sitting in an office chair and exercising a lot. I set a goal of

x2 sessions of 11 minutes of foam rolling a day for a month and noticed huge releases in

tension. I also noticed a lot of stored traumas coming up to be resolved and dissolved. The

foam roller is a double whammy of frequency raising by allowing the physical vessel to detox

tension and stored emotional / mental traumas to rise into your Consciousness to be healed

and cleared.

If you do not have a foam roller, head to your local fitness store and get one. It is the perfect

compliment to a yoga session because when done properly, it can release tight muscles and

can provide a gentle massage of your tissues. When I took a yoga teacher training awhile ago,

the Guru was adamant that we all foam roll after lunch before power vinyasa training.

A beautiful benefit of gently massaging your body is that it allows your lymph system to

detox because we must purify the toxins trapped in our various bodily systems; these toxins

end up in our vessels due to chemicals in food, in our air and those that are put in physical

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products. In addition to this, a supple physical body sets the foundation for all of our other

bodies (mental, emotional, spiritual etc.). A tight body typically equals tightness in

relationships, business and mindset. A tight body translates into tightenness / compression of

your various spiritual bodies. A tight body lowers your frequency.

When I start a new physical practice, I will start slow and seek support for the proper

technique - improper technique is a major cause of physical issues and one that I know well

from my drumming career. I would often check out videos on Youtube related to foam rolling

and then experimenting with what felt right for my body. I now have established solid

techniques and create a fun flow when I have a foam session. It is a great opportunity to drop

deep into healing your body by combining your Consciousness, intention and bodily


Once you have the basics, you can take foam rolling to new depths - begin to experiment with

breath and make your foam practice a moving meditation. Set powerful intentions for your

practice and breathe into your intentions. Ex. I allow my full DNA to activate with every breath

and my body comes into perfect alignment. Really go into this practice. Make it about you and

your roller. You and your breath. Try softly chanting divine wisdom, divine love and divine

intelligence as you roll. I will often dim the lights and close my eyes as I roll to focus deep on

the release of my muscles. I breathe through tension, but stop if I feel pain - foam rolling

should not hurt badly. I do not recommend hard knobs on your roller as that is simply too

harsh for lymph clearing and can actually wreck your tissues. You are much better to use a

smooth roller, go slower and breathe deeper.

When you find tension, take a moment to tune into the tension´s energy and ask your body to

reveal why it is tense. You may be surprised to learn that the physical tension you are feeling

is only the surface and that the tension is actually being created by stored trauma, mental or

emotional baggage or even past life karma stuck in your tissues. Sometimes the tension is not

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even yours and you have unconsciously taken on someone else’s emotional state that resulted

in tension.

Remember to always ask for a clear response from your Body. Talk to your Body as you would

talk to a sacred Brother or Sister. It is your ally. It is a vehicle for your Consciousness. A place

in space / time to experiment as Source Consciousness. Ask for healing to occur. Direct healing

to occur. Let foam rolling become a moment in your day when you are totally present to the

magnificence of your body and its healing potentialities.

Foam roll a little bit every day and watch your life transform. The supple body will be more

receptive to your climb into higher frequency states of Being. Limber and treated well, the

body is an amazing vehicle of creation within this earth density.

Tool #13 - Meditation Experiments

You would think that every single person by now was intentionally meditating two times a

day… but that is not the case. You can go search up all the benefits and the science of

meditation; however, until you actually sit in a quiet location and close your eyes, the science

does not mean anything. It is the act of sitting down and tuning into yourself that creates the

frequency jump within you.

The Matrix does not want people to have a still mind, free of clutter and chatter, because the

Matrix desires to keep our mind / brain complex in Beta frequency. Beta is the frequency of

stress and what occurs when we are always doing something without spending time in

meditation; this is the state the majority of humanity is in currently. It is literally the frequency

of control because it is easy to manipulate a human in Beta… can you guess why media outlets

use fear tactics? You got it… Beta makes people suggestable to nefarious agendas such as

human enslavement, removal of rights and instituting mandates that restrict freedom.

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Meditation allows you to move from Beta to Alpha and into Theta / Delta. The more time you

spend in Theta / Delta brain waves states, the higher your frequency will be and the more

enjoyable, peaceful and blissful your reality will be. Those operating in Theta and beyond are

less suggestable to manipulation and in a sense, are activating high capacities of Source

Consciousness within. Seated meditation allows you to access Source Consciousness and all

of its divine love, divine wisdom and divine power - then you can bring these meditative states

into your life and all the scenarios that unfold. This tool ties in closely with the Observer tool,

as meditation allows you to access the observer more and more. It also sheds light on how

your Ego is dimming your potential.

This is a free will planet and you get to choose to meditate or not. Yet, on my own personal

path and reading thousands of life-changing stories about meditations, I can confidently say

that I have not found another practice that will create the freedom of frequency that

meditation can create. Many people are resistant to a daily meditation practice because we

have not been trained from a young age to meditate (that said, this is thankfully changing

among conscious schools). This has created the belief that meditation is just some tool rather

than a way of being! Many of us are in the hyper-mind from ridiculous quantities of stimulation

due to social media, news and a fast-paced life; meditation will quiet the mind with time and

allow the stimulation to fade. When someone says they do not meditate, my response is:

what are you afraid of? Most people who are resistant to seated meditation tell themselves

that meditation does not work for them, but in actuality, their subconsciousness, Ego patterns

and addictions that are trying to keep them from expanding Consciousness. Someone who

meditates becomes free with practice, which the Ego fears.

Your practice does not have to look or feel a certain way - release yourself from the idea that

you have to follow certain advice. You can try visualization meditations or mantra changing. A

classic is to simply sit silently while letting your thoughts bombard you for a few minutes

while you simply breathe them away. It is key to remove judgment, shame, guilt, expectation

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and separation within your meditation; if these states arise, realize this is the Ego creeping in

and all you have to do is invite the Ego to dissolve for a moment. It is a continual practice

because our monkey mind will keep serving up thoughts, but that is the beauty of meditation

being a life-long practice without any true destination or result. Remove the idea of reaching

nirvana, enlightenment or an outcome; just be with yourself and the energy of Source


Let me repeat: it does not have to be a certain way. Ask the universe to show you a meditation

practice that will support your higher self and let it arrive in your field. Check out meditation

apps if you require accountability. Set an alarm for your practices if you feel like your Ego will

convince you to give up. Do spot meditation for 2 minutes, but also set aside 30 minutes at

least once a day to get quiet with yourself. Let others know when you are dropping into

meditation so they do now disturb you. Set a powerful, sacred space before entering into

meditation and ask the divine to support / protect you as you journey into yourself.

I also get that sometimes it can help to have a step-by-step SIMPLE meditation program to

follow along when you start meditating, or if you feel you would like a shift in your meditation

practice. If you would like specific guided meditations - which can be a great addition to your

silent meditation practice - I invite you to enroll in Transcending The Matrix Academy which

features over 25+ meditations to raise your frequency, as well as all the meditations related to

the tools in this book! All of them include step-by-step breathwork, guided DNA journeys and

powerful reflections!

Tool #14 - Masculine + Feminine Work

Big boys don't cry. This is one of the biggest lies of control that the Matrix has perpetuated to

mess up the psyche of little boys in order to keep men disconnected from their emotions…

which results in lower frequencies due to the internalizing pain, externalizing anger onto

others and not learning how to be a master of one's emotional states. There are many similar

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mind trauma control programs that are used on little young girls to disconnect them from their

natural feminine energy.

In Western culture, the mass schooling systems, based on the Rockefeller Model of education,

completely wrote out any and all forms of teachings around masculine / feminine dynamics -

both within oneself and in a person’s external relationships. We are not taught that ALL men

have a feminine aspect to them (called Anima in Jungonian psychology) and all women have a

masculine aspect to them (called Animus). These are the two core aspects of polarity and

duality that must be integrated on our Awakening journey.

For many of us, we have to realize that every human has four core essences that impact

frequency when it comes to polarity / duality within one´s personal make-up (Soul, Spirit,

Physical Body etc.).

Firstly, we have the sacred, integrated, powerful masculine aspect (sacred masculine / divine

masculine) that when cultivated allows us to stand up courageously and create structure for

our families, businesses and vision. Both women and men have this sacred masculine

energetic within; however, it is often suppressed because of the over-reaching wounded

masculine energy that we have allowed to overtake our sacred masculine aspect. The

wounded masculine within men has created the suppression and control of women, abuse

against the planet and many broken families. The wounded masculine within women has

created women who submit their divine power to men, are scared to stand-up and speak their

truth and often have a lot of safety and trust issues.

All Humans have a divine feminine aspect within our Soul make-up. For women, this appears

as an unhindered joyful expression, birthing new ideas easily, literally bringing life into the

world and a deep reverence for the Earth realm and all within it. For men, a flourishing divine

feminine appears as easeful creativity, enjoying rest and relaxation and of course, viewing the

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world as a place of beauty, not something to conquer. The divine feminine within men allows

for the true emergence of peaceful stillness after a long day of successfully pursuing our Soul

missions. Without the divine feminine, men would never truly learn to be still; from a place of

stillness is where men are able to quantum-leap their lives, businesses and relationships.

The wounded feminine in men and women creates chaotic lives, despair, hyper-worrying and

loneliness. Of course, all of the above is a very surface level glance into masculine / feminine

dynamic journey, but it is important to begin to explore how to go deeper into identifying your

masculine / feminine aspects. Equally vital to the awakening journey is to intentionally

explore, heal and dance with the shadow aspects of the wounded masculine and feminine

within; revealing and exposing your repressed memories and dark secrets via this shadow

work is where some of the most revolutionary healing happens in one's life. This practice

cannot be ignored as an imbalanced masculine / feminine dynamic within creates lower

frequencies and this externalizes into less than ideal relationships, money struggles and a

sense of restlessness or hopelessness with life.

In all honesty, 50%+ of the private work that I do with my clients revolves around becoming

masterful of your masculine / feminine aspects and your Anima /Animus, so that both the

shadows and the divine can be brought into awareness and nurtured. A person who asks deep

questions about their personal masculine / feminine energetics will be able to create a thriving

reality because the lack of balance in your masculine / feminine will impact every single aspect

of your life from how you create wealth, to your sexual power, to your vision and into every

single relationship including with your partner, kids and the planet. It is a transformational

journey! If you are ready for an immersive and supported deep dive into harmonizing your

masculine / feminine within - which can happen quickly with my signature activation process

and these potential plasma energies pounding our planet - reach-out about my INITIATION

leadership development program for awakening men (Sistars, I have a detailed 3 hour

workshop on this topic inside of Transcending The Matrix Academy for you).

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When it comes to this journey, there are many different takes and views on masculine /

feminine, so it is important to spend time deprogramming your Ego´s tendency to genderize

these energies. Humans genderize them. In reality, we could call them A energy and B energy.

We also call them the Alpha and the Omega. This is not about macho masculines yelling

about how “I do not have feminine energy¨ or women ignoring their sacred masculine to

always be caught up in a chaotic life with little structure to support their feminine essence.

This is about experimenting with harmonizing all the aspects of you. Of course, this journey

will also incorporate applying these 4 aspects to your external relationships and this is where

it can get very interesting because your wounding will show up quickly if you have not

integrated it!

Every Soul has a unique masculine / feminine harmonization ratio or balance. It is not

something that can be truly linear, but for context, let’s pretend your ideal ratio as a woman

may be embodying 70% feminine flow and 30% masculine structure. If you feel totally

aligned and in a high frequency when you are applying that ratio, that is your perfect ratio for

that moment in time. This may change as you continue to evolve. However, the key is to

recognize when you feel that you are in a low frequency state that you check in with your

masculine / feminine ratio. Ask questions of yourself to see what steps you can then take to

bring harmonization and balance back to your masculine / feminine energies.

In terms of the tactical and practical recommendations for this, I recommend meditations on

your yin and yang energies. I also recommend reaching out for support if you are slightly

confused on this, or it feels activating and you are ready to step into a container with me to go

deeper. There are also some excellent books available on these subjects, which I often share

on my Instagram Stories, so make sure you are following over there!

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Ultimately, when you completely master masculine / feminine dynamics - which is challenging

as the Matrix shifts so quickly during this Great Awakening of Humanity - you come into

wholeness or oneness. Perfect balance. Pure God Source Creator / Creatix Consciousness.

Pure Consciousness. Being The Great Mystery. This balance is where the I AM Presence is

activated; you can read further about this I AM presence in many sacred texts.

If you are called to explore this tool deeper, I highly encourage you to listen to my free

meditations for you: Divine Feminine Activation & Sacred Masculine Activation. Listen to both

of them and then send me a message via email or my website with what arose for you. I

would absolutely love it if you would send a testimonial if you had an activating experience.

The results I have heard from Soul Family members like you have been phenomenal. It has

been interesting to hear from men how much the Divine Feminine Activation shifted their

consciousness; likewise, it has been neat to read how many Soul Sistars have loved the Sacred

Masculine Activation. It is a testament to how important our Anima / Animus are to our

ascension path and tapping into Source Consciousness.

Tool #15 - Solo Eye Gazing

If you have ever studied intimacy before, you will often hear about eye gazing with your

partner in order to deepen your sacred connection. This is because the eyes are considered the

doorway to the Soul. By gazing into someone’s pupils, you can begin to see the Soul behind

the bodily vessel. This is why people who have high levels of consciousness can tell

immediately if someone is lying just by looking at their eyes and often can easily pick-up on

someone’s emotional pain. The eyes tell all.

However, what is not often shared about is the power in solo eye gazing. When you connect

with your own reflection in a mirror, you activate power frequencies within your Being. This

practice will bring you closer to the knowing that you are God Source Consciousness

embodied in Earthly form. The challenge with this tool is that many of us are ashamed to

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fully look in the mirror, surrender to our image and look into our own depths of our Beingness.

Often when we are comfortable with the mirror, we are in our Egoic state smiling about how

sexy we look despite not actually meaning it deep down inside - this tool is about flowing

beyond the superficial and into the depths of Consciousness. The mirror is a powerful tool of

illumination for your energy blocks, Egoic states of Being and any trapped pain hiding within

your psyche.

For some, this will be an incredibly hard yet healing exercise to do EVERY SINGLE TIME you

go into the bathroom. Place your face within 12 inches of the mirror. Pick an eye and gaze into

the reflection of it. Notice how the reflection within your eye gets smaller and smaller as you

gaze deeper. When you are ready, switch to gazing into the other eye. I recommend holding

the gaze for a minimum of 2 minutes per eye - if it gets uncomfortable, smile at yourself and

then drop back into gazing. If your eyes water, be sure to blink and move a few inches back

from the mirror - you must be reasonably close to the mirror for maximum transformation.

As you continue this practice, notice how your reflection in your eye reflects the mirror; you

will see that there is no end to the amount of reflections of you within your pupil. There is a

version of you in your eye that keeps getting smaller and smaller until the eye cannot pick-up

your image any longer, yet your reflection keeps going…. smaller and smaller. This is a great

example of fractals of God Source within fractals of God Source, which is how this part of the

universe is structured. It is a representation of how you are a fractal of Source, your Soul is a

fractal and your oversoul is a fractal. This entire lifeline is you existing as a fractal of Source on

the journey to Remembering you actually are this fractal of Source Consciousness and that

you can access all of the divine knowledge of the universe with this Remembering. Who knew

such a simple tool could potentially open you up to such knowingness? All of this said, do not

get caught-up in the weeds of this high-level description - simply allow this concept to be in

your field as you eye gaze and with practice, you will Remember.

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Upon closing your practice, back away from the mirror, look at your entire Beingness in the

mirror and smile. You are an image of the divine. You are whole. You are perfect beyond

imperfections. To conclude your practice, I encourage you to declare this out loud: I am divine

Consciousness who is having a bodily experience in order to express creativity, Remember my

innate wholeness and to Remember I am unconditional love beyond this Body.

It is important to realize and acknowledge that you may end up crying or yelling during this

process. Let any sensations that arise express themselves. Make any movements you require

to shift that energy and then lock in your gaze again. Keep going deeper. If you really are

called to know who you are, gaze for 33 minutes straight (it is ok to blink and move a bit) and

then journal. You will often hear me speak about journaling post-practice and this is because it

is an excellent way to allow God Source to “speak to you” through writing in real-time. If you

choose to journal, practice free-writing or auto-writing, which means simply let the divine

guide your hand without any hesitation. If the writing does not make sense when you are

done, that is totally fine and divine - trust that whatever flows is cathartic, healing, evolving

and the highest expression of you in that moment.

This practice can be easy to implement when you tap into your sacred masculine commitment

energy by training yourself to solo eye gazing every time you go to the washroom; as we

know with the human body, this is often several times a day or more! What an easy way to

practice accessing Source Consciousness multiple times a day! You can even place a sign to

remind you to eye gaze!

This can also be extremely challenging if your Ego is running your life. I get it… it took me

years to trust myself to truly surrender to the eye gazing process. If a lot of shame, guilt,

anxiety or judgment comes up during this process, by all means, reach-out and share with me

what came up for you and how you feel it has transformed you. I read and respond to all my

emails and Insta DMs, so talk to me if you feel a resonance. Together, we will access our

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infinite Source Consciousness… one conversation, one practice session, one reflection at a


Tool #16 - Solar Code Harnessing

The mechanism by which ascension / consciousness awakening occurs is when high

concentrations of solar codes are delivered from the Grand Central Sun through our sun and

into the Earth plane in the form of radiation rays. Our sun is one of many suns within this

universe and it is connected to an extremely powerful Central Sun, which in a sense, “feeds''

our sun its energies - interestingly, as the Age of Aquarius begins, there has been a massive

increase in solar energy arriving into the planet. As the sun shines onto Earth, these solar

codes - which are essentially ascension activation keys - interact with our physical and

multi-dimensional DNA and trigger higher states of consciousness with Humans.

This increase in solar coding has those who seek to keep human consciousness dimmed

running scared because they know an awakened populace will see through the systems they

have created. These Beings have purposely programmed and tricked us into fearing the sun.

We slather toxic chemicals onto ourselves at the slightest hint of sun, which big corporations

love as it is a double whammy: money for them and poisoning of us. We also have been

programmed to wear sunglasses all the time, which drastically affects the body’s ability to

heal, awaken and evolve. We also cover our bodies with clothes and run to the shade if we

get slightly uncomfortable. Our children spend all day in boxes at schools filled with artificial

lights beaming at them. This is all intentional because the Controller species know the

awakening power of direct sunlight on our skin and into our eyes.

The Sun is a key component of the ascension process and when we harness it, we activate our

DNA, which helps clear the traumas stored in there and raise our frequency. Everyone knows

how much better they feel psychologically when they are receiving sun regularly. Again, those

that seek to dominate humanity know this and it is a big reason why there is so much spraying

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in the air of chemicals in an attempt to distort the solar codes coming in. Obviously, we know

we are divinely supported and this spraying attempt will ultimately fail, but it goes to show

how much power resides in the Sun and why many advanced civilizations seemingly

worshiped the sun. The process of standing in the sun and asking for your highest forms of

DNA to activate within you is a potent tool to tap into your Source Consciousness and bring

more Abundance into your reality (after all, Abundance energies go hand in hand with time

spent in sunlight!)

For my own personal solar code practice, I sun-gaze at dawn and dusk whenever I can. I also

take note when the sun is out if it has been rainy for a while - I will make a point of stopping

what I am doing and going out to embrace the rays. This is especially important the closer we

reside to the poles. I do not wear chemicals on my skin willingly and if I am exposed for a long

time, I will wear a UV shirt and a bigger hat. I used to be addicted to sunglasses when I lived

the Rocker identity, but now I only wear them while driving if the sun is in my eyes as a safety

precaution from glare.

If you decide to practice sun-gazing, go slow. It can take years of steady practice to be able to

look at the sun in the middle of the day. Do not rush. Be smart and trust your body. Start at

dusk and dawn for a few minutes. Invite the solar codes to enter your eyes with grace and

transfer smoothly to all aspects of your DNA / Body. See if you can “trace” the solar energy

from the Grand Central Sun to our Sun to your eyes and into all aspects of your vessel.

Experiment to see if you can move this energy around your body while you gaze.

I will often alternate opening and closing each eye, as well as gazing with both open. If my

eyes water, I take a break. Think about how a body builder builds muscle… consistency,

practice and rest. Sometimes I will use natural eye-drops after a big session to lubricate my

eyes - consuming the herb eyebright can be potent for strengthening your eyes. Do not over

do it or you could damage your eyes. That said, I personally feel that sunglasses weaken one’s

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eyes long term and can actually cause major eye issues - I do not buy into the idea that

exposing your eyes to the sun causes things like blindness and cataracts. For me, weak eyes

that are not trained cause all of these eye issues we see showing up in society. Notable is that

staring at screens all day weakens your eyes, so sun-gazing has a nice counteracting effect on

them if you go SLOW.

An incredible stack of techniques can be to walk barefoot on the earth while sun-gazing - the

two synergize extremely well together and will bring your frequency into the stratosphere! I

also will use intention in my practice by speaking to the sun, whether out loud or in my heart,

and once again, I will also practice tracing the solar codes from the Grand Central Sun to our

sun and into my pineal gland - this tracing is so important that I have mentioned it twice! The

possibilities of harnessing the solar codes are endless and I feel that Humanity is only

beginning our journey with the Sun.

Tool #17 - Hara Awareness

Firstly, have you ever heard of Hara or The Hara? If you have not, I am not surprised. If you

have, I will wager that you are into some kind of material arts practice. The Hara is an

energetic body or “power center” that encompasses your entire stomach and root region; in

Chinese martial arts, The Hara area is commonly known as the Dan Tien or Tan Tien. The

Hara includes all the root, sacral and solar plexus regions / fields and is a multi-dimensional

“super organ''.

Developing and activating a strong, thriving Hara will translate into you living a life of

purpose, integrity and groundedness. The majority of humanity have let their Hara dim or

forgotten about it all together - usually by no fault of their own. If you are interested in

connecting with your Hara, it can be imagined as a ball of spinning fire in your stomach,

usually the size of a marble to a golf ball. However, when you amplify your Hara, many new

aspects of your multidimensional self will come online including deep passion, epic creativity,

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connection to your Source Consciousness and total centeredness within yourself… no matter

what the Matrix is showing you externally. With this comes - you guessed it - a step up on

your climb into higher frequency ways of Being.

Entering Hara is a state of being. When you are so connected to your core, the gut area, and

so trusting in yourself, you can enter Hara, which is a state of super consciousness where the

mind silences and everything around you becomes clear. This is often called the void if you are

meditating, or flow state if you are doing an activity such as mountain biking or karate.

One can enter Hara simply by standing with your knees bent with a stance slightly wider than

your shoulders. Close your eyes and bring your hands in front of you with the right hand

pointing up and the left down - you can switch your hands at any time to be more

comfortable. You make stop sign hands where your fingers are side by side and slightly tense.

When positioned correctly, your right palm will be facing towards your left side and your left

palm will be facing your right side; think of the hands a traffic cop makes when he is stopping

cars! Connect into the center of the earth from you Hara, which can be imagined as

approximately 2 inches in and 2 inches down from your belly button (naval).

Breathe violet coloured light up and down your spine - endeavor to feel energy flowing

through and around your spinal column. Perceive the violet light moving up and down and do

not judge if you don’t ¨feel it¨. Simply be with the experience fully.

When you feel centered, allow yourself to come into total presence with no mind chatter. Just

feeling. Play with this technique and feel the energy currents. Tell yourself that you feel the

Hara until you really feel Hara. With practice Hara will become very obvious.

If mind chatter arises, slightly flex your knees, shift around slightly with your body to release

that thought and settle into stillness. See if you can float away into this stillness by fully

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trusting your sacred masculine instincts. The Ego will resist this at times because it disappears

in the void which is as good as death for it because it knows it may fully dissolve one day

when you know how to enter Hara on demand.

With time, Hara becomes a way of living. It allows you to focus in your energy and strengthen

your fields when going about your day. The more you practice entering Hara in challenging

situations, the less control the external Matrix has on you! I recommend setting 7 timers a day

and practicing entering Hara each time. After 11 days, your entire reality will have shifted. Of

course, when you enter Hara, you are entering into a deeper connection to Source

Consciousness and with this will come clarity, wisdom, ideas, downloads and frequency


You will notice as you enter Hara more and more that a sense of Presence awakens within

you. You begin to experience the Now moment as all there is and the anxiety for the future /

attachment to the past dissolves. The Ego quiets down. This Presence activates courage,

confidence and awareness of Matrix Traps and what is occurring externally during this Great

Awakening of Humanity. Cultivating this Presence brings heightened intuition, opens up

telepathy and naturally attracts Abundance.

Hara is extremely powerful if you become devoted to this - it is a test of your surrender to

your divinity and the giving up of the chattering Ego mind and all of its silly attachments to

this Earthly realm.

If you are a sacred Brother, I have a special gift for you called the Masculine Presence

Challenge. It is a laser focused, 5 day audio challenge where I guide you through the Hara

technique, so you can fully experience entering the void! If you reach out to me on Instagram

and request The Masculine Presence Challenge Audios (Hara Technique Activation), I will

have my team send it to you free of charge!

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Tool #18 - Bare-foot Walking

Take your damn shoes off already! One of the most subtle Matrix traps - designed to

disconnect you from your natural inner Earth connection - is the wearing of shoes. Hey, do not

get me wrong, shoes can be great if you need steel toes for safety, or you are headed out on

the town with some high heels, but 80% of the time, regardless of the season, ditch the

shoes! To truly receive the healing frequencies of the Earth, barefoot walking most of the time

is a must.

When your bare feet touch soil, our energies interact with the 1000s of microorganisms under

our feet. We literally receive the ¨soil codes¨ when we press our foot into the mud. The

energetic exchange happening when barefoot meets Earth is phenomenal… hence this is why

those seeking to control humanity promote shoes and the wearing of them as our default

patterning in order to distort the Human / Earth connection.

Sit with yourself and reflect if you have become way too soft and comfortable wearing shoes.

If you cannot stand on the snow for 5 minutes without seemingly dying, perhaps it is time to

evaluate why your physical vessel cannot take this and why you cannot harness your mind

and Body to overcome this little bit of discomfort. If you cannot walk on a hot sidewalk or your

feet hurt if you stand on gravel, this is an opportunity to strengthen your body and frequency

with some bare-footing!

Of course, train yourself slowly. Start by taking your shoes off at the park or on your lawn.

Then work up to walks on the sidewalk and eventually bare-foot hiking if you feel the call. I

once hiked up 6000 feet, on scree rock, barefoot and it was one of the most liberating

experiences of this lifetime - I also had trained quite a bit and would have to train more

currently to repeat this. Mama Gaia sings when you walk barefoot on her!

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While you are in the process of raising your consciousness beyond the physical body, that

piece of rubber between you and the ground will dim your frequency - it will not eliminate the

Earth / Human connection, but it will distort it. To receive the cleanest, most pure Earth

frequencies, you must be barefoot. No shoes. No socks. Try experimenting with walking in the

ocean if you live at the edge of a continent and practice tuning into the frequency flow that

arises from the center of the Earth plane.

A nice side note is that many who ease into barefooting will soon see that most foot and leg

related tension and injuries will clean-up as you ditch the Big Pharma / Big Medicine sole

inserts (... you do realize that they want your feet distorted so they can sell you ¨solutions¨). A

huge chunk of leg injuries are actually related to the use of shoes and soles because it distorts

the natural human foot motion; however, we often forget this because we have always grown

up in an era of shoes! The time has come to return to the ways of our Ancestors when it comes

to covering our feet: only when it is absolutely necessary and to protect against deadly cold!

Experiment with bare-footing and see how your frequency rises. Bare-foot tribe unite!

Tool #19 - The Divinity Breath

This technique is a very powerful way to connect to your masculine aspect, feminine aspect

and inner child all within the space of a few moments. This is also called the Holy Trinity

Breathe. The sacred family comprises Father Sky (perceived as the heavens), Mother Gaia

(perceived as the Earth) and the Inner Child (you). When you consciously connect into each of

these aspects, you are connecting with all of you thereby honouring yourself. What do you

think occurs in the lives of those who honour themself from a place of grace, humbleness and

presence? Let us just say that they will see a massive frequency increase and experience all of

the amazing occurrences that one attracts when in a high-frequency state.

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Personally, I love to harness this breathing technique every single time I begin to meditate

because it has a natural calming effect to bring me into myself and total presence moment

awareness. I harness it as a way to become tuned into the Earth and the multi-dimensional

nature of myself.

Once I have completed several, non-rushed, cycles of this flow, I will proceed into deeper

meditative practices. That said, I have done the divinity breathe for 33 minutes straight,

without stopping, and have had some WILD downloads come through. I have had several of

my private clients (reach-out via my website to discover how to work with me) do the divinity

breathe once a day, for 11 minutes, for 33 days. The results have included activation of

spiritual gifts such as clairvoyance, deep connection to the Earth resulting in pursuing a new

business venture and deep trauma healing.

Here is how to execute the technique:

1. Focus on your heartspace as you begin to breathe slowly in and out of your nose.
When you are ready, as you inhale, connect down into the Earth.

2. On the exhale, draw energy up to your heart from the Earth while you receive Mother
Gaia´s codes and healing energies.

3. On the next inhale, start at your heart and then connect up through your head and
send love out into the corners of the universe. Let it flow.

4. As you exhale slowly, draw down benevolent wisdom from the sky.

5. For the third breathe, focus on your heartspace and inhale while you feel your entire
heartspace ignite with self love.

6. Exhale that energy into all the corners of your Body and multi-dimensional fields

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This technique can bring up a lot of repressed memories and stored traumas especially when

you are really tuned into the flow of the energy current (up, down and center). Be sure to only

use this when it is safe to do so and you can be present with your eyes closed (ie. not while

driving). You can journal afterwards as an integration process if you feel called.

I love this technique when I am about to hop on podcasts, client calls and video recording

sessions because it centers me and brings focus to the task at hand. It is great if you feel

overwhelmed, or you have some anxiety about that big presentation coming up! All lower

frequencies rise into higher states of bliss, joy and clarity when you practice the divinity breath


Tool #20 - Body Reprogramming Mantra

Let's face it: the Matrix programming around the human body has messed a lot of us up

including myself. I used to struggle massively with my looks and spent years judging every

pimple or perceived flaw of my vessel with big comparisons to other people’s bodies. We are

taught to measure our bodies against other bodies rather than Remembering we ARE NOT

the body, we are simply having an experience in this body at this moment in the space / time

spectrum. We are divinity in form. When we remind ourselves that we are not only this body,

the fear of death tends to disappear and we can truly start living without self-created

limitations. To access this fearless nature, one must intentionally reprogram and clear out all

of our toxic thinking and stored trauma from the physical vessel. This tool will help with this


As we purify our bodies and come deeper into alignment with our spiritual awakening journey,

we will naturally begin to see more humans on this planet who seemingly require little to no

food yet are as healthy as ever. This is the journey into the light body and there is no

requirement for physical food when your consciousness elevates to a high enough frequency -

this threshold has been reached by many of the ancient sacred masters and yogis; however,

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more and more Souls are on this pathway right now. Whether you are intentionally

inner-taking this journey to prana living, or are just focused on eating healthier to feel more fit,

this mantra is an important part of your daily prana energy practice, which will lead you into

higher frequencies.

Regardless of where you are at with your light body, when you harness this mantra, your body

will naturally begin to heal, evolve, change and so will your conscious perception around your

body. Less judgment, more self love. More compassion. More strength. More suppleness.

Faster recoveries. Crystal clear energy flowing through all your energetic bodies. Play with

this every day for 33 days and you will be wowed with the results. Higher frequencies… here

we come!

The Mantra (B.I.B.S.W.E.)

● Perfect Body

● Perfect Image

● Perfect Balance

● Perfect Sleep

● Perfect Weight

● Perfect Energy

Sit in meditation - breathe in and out slowly. When you feel settled, focus on honouring your

entire body for the uniquely majestic vehicle it is for your Soul. As you inhale, inside of your

body, speak Perfect Body with confidence. At the top of the inhale, pause and feel love for

your body, repeat I AM LOVE, then exhale slowly and let that love ripple around your Body.

On the next inhale, focus on acknowledging that you are made in the likeness of pure divinity

and that is something to be grateful for. Pause at the top, internally chant Perfect Image and

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exhale gratitude for your image, which is essentially a beautiful hologram that your

Consciousness resides in. Know that you can transform your image simply with your mind.

Repeat for Balance, chanting internally Perfect Balance, which focuses on alignment with your

masculine / feminine energies as well as correct skeleton alignments. Repeat for Sleep,

Perfect Sleep, focusing on deep rest for your vessel. Perfect Weight is where you focus on

allowing your body to do its job to bring you into the perfect weight without trying to

sabotage it. Trust is a big one to tap into on this inhale and let go of all of your judgments

around fat, skinny, skin color, penis size, hair lustour etc. Let it all go on this exhale and beam

Perfect Weight into all aspects of your body. Finally, Perfect Energy is about sourcing divine

energy into the physical body.

With each inhale, connect with the energy of each line of the mantra. Internally chant each

mantra at the top of your inhale when you pause. On the exhales, allow the energy of the

mantra to permeate every cell in your body. Repeat over and over!

Run this mantra and you will naturally feel more confident, courageous, rested and full of

energy… which… you guessed it… leads to higher frequency living! This type of living is where

the fun of the Golden Age really gets started! Rewiring your relationship with your Body is

key to thriving on the New Earth Timeline and will allow your Consciousness to rapidly

expand. Time and energy invested into the process will yield beautiful fruits.

Tool #21 - Cosmic Cycling

This is a technique that is amazing for bringing your frequency into higher states and is a great

exercise for strengthening the flow of prana around your vessel. It is the precursor to the next

tool, so ensure that you dive into this one first.

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Cosmic Cycling is all about learning to feel the prana flow naturally through your body - this

life-force energy is available to all humans, yet many of us have forgotten how to intentionally

access it. Sit in a comfortable seated position with your spine suspended freely (not touching

the back of a chair). Take several flowing breaths to settle yourself. When you are ready, bring

your awareness to your root area / genital region.

On the inhale, envision pulling up violet coloured light from your root area - bring this up your

spine and into the crown of your head. Really intend to feel this violet light, or flame, move up

your spine to the top of your head. On the exhale, breathe this violet energy down the front

side of your body while making sure to pass it through your heart as it returns to the root

region. This is one cycle.

It can be useful to visualize this breath cycle as an elongated oval shape with the elongated

ends at your crown and root regions. The idea is to bring the energy up and then cascade it

like a flowing waterfall down the front of your body. Often, this type of breathing is harnessed

for Tantra-style sex and is great for men to “last longer”. This tool is also referred to as the

cosmic egg or womb - this is a safe space for you to be with yourself and I encourage you to

spend time with this first cycle every day for 11 days. Your sole focus will be to keep looping

the violet light up, over and down the front of the body. See if you can direct the energy to

flow smoothly.

When you have that violet flame cycling established, you will then contract your perineum

tightly - this is the muscle group that you use to stop the flow of urine and to clear your

bowels. Contract this and hold it. While you do this, repeat the first cycle - the only difference

is now the perineum is contracted. Visualize bringing that violet light up, over and down

without releasing your perineum. That is one cycle.

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When you reach the bottom part of the cycle, release your squeezing of the perineum and

complete a full cycle without contracting - that is, up, over and down without squeezing. You

will likely notice a big rush of energy up from the root area to your head and then you will

have to consciously bring that violet energy down. This energy is prana rushing up your spine

and is a key part of this process - in some fields, this is called activating your kundalini or the

coiled serpent within. A master of this technique will be able to feel all of this prana flowing

without wavering focus. The master will smoothly cycle this energy up and down the body

creating the cosmic cycling effect - the goal is to become so familiar with this cycling that it

naturally takes on a life of its own and continues even when you are not placing your

conscious awareness on the cycling technique.

Now that you have this mastered, you would typically cycle between part A and B. I do a full

round without contractions, then a round with the perineum hold, then a release where I cycle

that rush of prana up, over and down. Then I do a round without contractions and continue to

alternate for up to 33 minutes.

If you are new to this, it is important to go slow as contracting your perineum too much can

cause strains just like overworking any underdeveloped other muscle. A notable side benefit

to this practice is that it will strengthen your pelvic floor so your bladder control will remain

with age. Plus, this helps men with maintaining erections and women with childbirth.

By harnessing this technique, whether you are conscious of it or not, you are strengthening

your light body as well. This means that you can handle the increasing energy coming into our

planet from plasma injections via the sun… all without burning out because of the huge

fluctuations in energy. This type of practice will make you less susceptible to EMF radiating off

of those pesky towers they put everywhere ¨for phone signals¨ because your light body has

strengthened. You can pair this technique with many others within the book - have fun and


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Tool #22 - One True Kriya

Before I get into explaining this tool, I will start by saying that I do not subscribe to a lot of the

dogma that comes with Kriya Yoga and its associated churches and organizations. Kriya has

many variations all over the world and there has been a lot of drama within big organizations

to try to hide “advanced” kriya techniques (to fill their coffers). I share this technique with you

in the hopes that it will spark an interest in Kriya Yoga and its storied history of Gurus (in the

original sense of the word meaning yogic teaching, not the Insta Famous spiritual guru¨).

There is much depth of consciousness to be explored with a devotion to Kriya; that said, many

Kriyabans swear that Kriya is the only way to enlightenment. I would not recommend solely

focusing on it as it is simply one path to higher frequencies; however, to fully access the

potentials of this technique, a daily devotion for many months is required.

With my practice of Kriya, I have found that I made the most progress on connecting to my

higher self and God Source Consciousness with this one technique. I have taken that

technique and been devoted to repeating it over and over. I remind myself to keep it simple

when it comes to spiritual growth, so I have integrated this tool as a non-negotiable. core part

of my daily meditative practice. This technique is one that continues to call me deeper and I

feel I am only getting started with this practice.

To most effectively harness this technique, you must teach yourself to place the tip of your

tongue into the back of your mouth - to do this, you will have to trace the tip of your tongue

across the roof of your mouth and INTO the throat where it will rest while you do this

technique. This is its own technique and it is common to harness in meditation as it allows

prana to flow with ease through the throat area. If you cannot get your tongue back there yet,

place it firmly against the roof of your mouth for the entire duration of this practice.

Throughout your day, keep endeavoring to bring your tongue tip back into your larynx area. A

quick search of the internet will yield lots of instruction videos for this.

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To get started with this technique, sit in a meditative position with your spine free from

touching anything. Breath in and out for several minutes - perhaps use Cosmic Cycling or the

Divinity Breath. For the first part of the technique, contract your perineum muscle and hold.

Draw a big, SLOW, full breath that expands your belly and raises your diaphragm. Hold at the

top. Close your eyes and focus on your Hara region found near the belly button. If thoughts

arise, let them pass by. When you feel the call to breath, slowly release the breath / perineum

and feel the prana move from your root area up to your crown. Cycle that energy through the

front of your body once it reaches the crown, similar to the Cosmic Cycling technique. Do this

first part for several minutes.

Next, you will repeat all of part 1 except when you squeeze your perineum, you will also draw

your belly inwards towards your spine and then draw it slightly up - you can think of this up

as a tuck of your belly upwards. This is called a banda and can be thought of as an energy

lock. You will be holding this lock the entire time you are holding your breath.

Inhale slowly and deeply without the banda. At the top of the breath, hold and set-up the lock

by squeezing your perineum, drawing your belly in towards your spine and then tucking your

belly upwards towards your heart. Focus on your Hara and receive. As thoughts come up, let

them go and move your conscious focus down to the Hara again. Keep coming back to Hara.

When you feel the requirement to breathe, calmly release the banda and exhale while feeling

the prana rush up from your root into your crown. Cycle that energy up and over, bringing it

smoothly down the front of your body. When you are first starting, expect this to be

challenging and you should be feeling big rushes of prana. If you are not, keep going, consider

holding the lock slightly longer or tighter and trust the process is working. Repeat this second

phase several times and ensure your exhale is as long and smooth as possible. Make sure your

inhale is long and smooth. Do not rush out of the banda at the first sign of feeling the need to

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breath. Calm yourself, focus on Hara and release once you have settled the immediate urge to


The third phase is exactly the same as the second phase except once you have the banda

established as you hold your breath, you then gently lower your chin towards your neck - as

you bend your neck, be sure to consciously relax your neck muscles as you can strain yourself

if you are tightening up. This is the final part of the lock. Calm the mind and bring your focus

to the Hara once again. When you are ready to breathe, slowly release your head upright and

then come out of the banda. Bring that prana up from the root to the crown as you exhale.

Cycle that prana down.

From here, you are warmed up, so you will be repeating the third phase over and over as that

is the full technique. Make sure you warm up and if you get overwhelmed with prana, return

to simple in and out breathing before dropping back into the technique.

It is important to master the tongue into the back of your mouth technique to realize the full

benefits of this practice, but placing the tongue on the roof of the mouth will still allow

massive benefits.

Once you feel complete, allow for a minimum of 5 minutes of simple, still breathing. Do not do

the technique. Surrender for these 5 minutes to the work you did in the technique. Allow

yourself to enter the void if it arrives. If you feel sensations, keep breathing and intentionally

dissolve all thoughts. You can bring your presence to Hara once again if you find your mind

wandering. If your mind rises up easily after the technique, this is often a sign that you must

do the technique for a longer period of time.

I recommend immediately journaling after you come out of the simple breathing. This

technique is most effective harnessed daily for 3 months minimum - it requires devotion to

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master. This is not a technique to try lightly and expect instant results - it is a deep technique

that will show you who you are at your very core! Your frequency will rise with each practice


Tool #23 - 3 Glands Connection Technique

It is no secret that the pineal gland, our third eye, is a key component of the journey into

higher frequencies. The pineal gland, when healthy and open, allows one to pierce through

the veil of the Matrix and see what is beyond the illusion of finite life. What this means is that

you cannot be duped by things that are not your truth and you will begin to perceive more

than the 0.001% of reality that we currently see through our eyes. 99.99% of this Earth

reality, the majority of humans cannot see or feel. This means as your third eye activates, you

will naturally begin to perceive spirits, energy lines, demons, other species, light bodies, new

sounds, telepathy etc. An awakened pineal gland is key to beginning to explore the next

levels of this Earth realm in addition to accessing other dimensional spaces and planes such

as the astral and causal realms.

Obviously, those that seek domination of the Human race harness evil techniques to suppress

our pineal glands (and for many millennia, they were largely effective at this). For example,

fluoride is pumped into drinking water as it causes calcium to build up on the physical pineal

gland and makes us more malleable by those that attempt to govern humans. Of course, we

are told it is good for our teeth, but in reality, fluoride is a dirty, toxic waste by-product of

chemical processes that is sold to cities to add to water in the name of “water safety”. The

reality is toxins impact all of our bodies and the impact on the pineal is significant as it seems

to magnetize / create excess calcium when exposed to flouride. It is important to not drink

fluoridated water and to focus on hydrating the body and brain with structured water that is

pure (more on this a bit later!)

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In addition to the pineal gland, two other glands play a big role in consciousness; the

hypothalamus and the pituitary gland. When toxic chemicals are present in these glands, vital

secretions get messed up and our entire body is impacted due to hormonal imbalances. While

it is beyond the scope of this book to explore what these glands do for the body, on an

energetic level they can be intentionally connected to the pineal gland. This process creates

an amazing activation that can result in new spiritual gifts becoming apparent including

clairaudience, clairvoyance and intuition quantum-leaps. When this link is established, you

have a clean, clear connection to pure source energy and with that comes amazing the

potential for divine downloads. Put it this way: you will be able to easily see through the

Matrix Traps, society’s BS and may even be able to access different aspects of the quantum

field / realms. Can you guess why they did not teach us about fluoride and these glands in


To activate your 3 Glands connection, take note of the image below and access where the

physical glands are located in your brain. Close your eyes and take a moment to connect with

each gland - tune into where it is in your physical brain. Find the correct spacing between each

gland. With time, you will be able to focus on each gland with such clarity that you will be

amazed you did not know they were there all along! You will feel them. When you are ready,

settle into deep, slow breathing.

Begin to intentionally focus your energy on your pineal gland and surround it with violet light.

Imagine the pineal gland at the center of this swirling, flame-like violet light. Ask the pineal

gland to open further. Allow this light to penetrate into all aspects of the pineal gland. If you

feel called, you can lightly chant OMM and focus the sound on the pineal gland. Another

practice can be to internally chant “Divine Love, Divine Wisdom, Divine Power” on the pineal

gland/ Be with this practice for a while.

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Next, while starting with your awareness on the pineal gland, connect the violet light from the

pineal to the hypothalamus - surround the Hypothalamus with the light. Feel your

hypothalamus begin to shift frequencies and ask for it to open. This asking of your Body is so

important when it comes to consciously shifting your frequency. If any resistance to this rears

up, Remember it is the Ego and the ego does NOT want the 3 Gland Connection fully

established! Use the violet flame to figuratively and literally burn the Ego away. Send any

thoughts or doubts into the flame.

When you feel a strong connection established between these 2 glands, it is now time to

extend that light down towards the Pituitary gland and wrap it with the violet light. This

completes the trifecta connection of these 3 glands that influence human consciousness

extensively. Be with this connection for some time and imagine wisdom, quantum-level

information and downloads being passed throughout the violet light from one gland to the

next. Intend pure unfiltered connection between the three. Imagine it. Be it. Envision this

trifecta of violet light as a super quantum computer that is coming online now that the correct

wiring is in place. You can expect big awarenesses to arrive with the practice and I would love

to hear what results after you harness this tool for 7+ days.

As a final reminder, be sure to hold the intention of the violet light throughout the practice as

this will support the activation of your consciousness much quicker than only focusing on the

glands. Violet light is key to begin with. With time, experiment with silver, white and gold

light, as you may power up the connection even more!

If you take one thing away from this section, let it be that these 3 glands are immensely

powerful in supporting you in piercing through the Matrix illusion and stepping into your

highest expression. I talk about this further in another free guidebook of mine, Power of The


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Tool #24 - I AM Love

Have you noticed so far in this guide that a lot of these techniques are actually quite simple to

instruct, but could take a lifetime to master? When it comes to raising your frequency,

harnessing the simplest of techniques is often what allows us to make huge quantum-leaps in

how we feel and how we perceive this Earth experience. Simple is best because you can

follow through on it without it feeling like a big commitment or task. With that said, this next

technique is so simple, so activating and has the potential to shift your entire life… if you

actually do it several times a day for a month. In fact, I am on my own journey of creating this

into a 11 times a day habit because I know it has that much potency for raising my own


You can do this sitting or standing depending on the context. You can stand if you are in line at

the grocery store and wish to drop into your calm, still heartspace. The key with this one is to

use it all the time: at the start of the day, if you are in stressful situations, when you are

relaxing and at the end of the day. One round of this technique while in line at the store can

transform your frequency; I also like to do this technique as part of my meditation practice

where I will use it for several minutes because it feels so great.

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It is interesting because if you do this technique for 33 minutes straight, you will begin to feel

your entire heartspace glow and love will really be coursing through you. It can be very

healing and activating. I have clients who have had out of body experiences and entered bliss

states with this technique. It is powerful.

On the inhale breathe, focus on your heart-space, which is actually NOT your physical heart,

but the area behind your sternum - the entire heart-space encompasses your physical heart

on your left side, but also all of the right side. It flows up to your throat area and down

towards your Hara. So when you inhale, focus on the very center of this space located behind

your sternum. Feel the love of divinity residing and resonating in your heart-space.

As you inhale, internally chant I AM DIVINE LOVE. Try to place those words, the energy of

those words, into the center of your heartspace. Do not overthink this, just let it flow. On the

exhale, breathe the energy of the heart-space out into all of your cells - reaching the very tips

of your body. As you move this energy into your body on the exhale, chant I LOVE… powerfully

and in silence. You will note that there is no word after I LOVE - this is intentional as it shows

the universe that you love all aspects and are not seeking love from something specific or

outside of you, which is a very powerful declaration to the universe. Simply be in the presence

of I LOVE. Sounds a bit odd at first, but after several years of this simple practice, I have found

it will take me to some deep, profound places.

Keep repeating this in and out breath. Inhale: I am Divine Love. Exhale: I Love. It is that simple.

It is only the Egoic mind that tries to make this hard or difficult. The key is to feel, feel and feel.

Allow yourself to receive all of the Great Mystery´s love because you are worthy of it because

you are it! The Matrix has simply programmed you to forget this knowledge and feeling. Life

gets to be centered, simple and flowing… so sometimes it is best to not overcomplicate it.

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Tool #25 - Hatha Yoga

Mastering how to move your physical body in time with conscious, smooth breathing is a key

component of continually raising the amount of time you spend in higher frequency states.

When you are a master of breathing, you can regulate your nervous system in seemingly

stressful situations, which translates into states of peace, bliss and centeredness. When you

lovingly stretch, sweat and gently twist your physical body, toxins come out of your tissues

and less tension is held in the vessel. This cascades into supporting the healing and evolution

of our different bodies including the mental, emotional and spiritual.

Hatha Yoga is what the majority of people who follow mainstream health are aware of. You

will see hot and regular yoga studios all over this Earth realm offering Hatha Yoga practices.

Hatha truly has become the gateway to the full exploration of yoga for many - it is a fantastic

entry point and an admirable practice with lifetimes of learning available. There are also

limitless opportunities for following a video in your home, or joining a digital training program

where you can gradually build-up your abilities. Some may even choose to experience the

journey of yoga teacher training, which is fantastic for all Humans regardless if you desire to

actually teach. I highly encourage my friends to take an aligned yoga teacher training as it will

teach you so much about your conscious connection to the Body.

When I hear someone say they are not fit enough for yoga, I remind them that breathing while

walking is a form of Hatha Yoga. Anyone can do it. The great thing is there are so many

beginner classes that it is easy to start with minimal flexibility. For those who have cultivated

their fitness, Hatha is a great reminder to drop into our breath and link it to experiencing the

Body is having in the now moment. With time, your entire day can become a yoga flow and

this synergizes extremely well with a number of the tools shared in this guide.

If you have not done yoga before, get onto the internet and find a local class. If you have

questions, call or email them ahead of time. If you are ready for a higher frequency, and have

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not been to a class for awhile, let this be your reminder. Do not forget you can do yoga in your

room or out in nature - there are no limitations.

Tool #26 - Shaking

Have you ever seen that video of a deer that had a near death experience with a mountain

lion, but managed to escape the jaws of death and run to freedom? Have you seen the part of

the video after the great escape when the deer finally felt it was safe to relax as the cougar

had fled into the forest?

The deer goes into violent shaking convulsions. This is known as somatic clearing. Rather than

allowing the trauma of a near death incident to impact the rest of its future, the deer (and

many other animals) shake out the trauma - this is a natural instinct that occurs to ensure that

the deer is able to calm its stressed body and does not lose too much precious body fat. This

process causes the trauma to leave the deer’s body instead of getting stored in its cells only to

later manifest as illness or other issues (which is basically a death sentence because weak

deer do not last very long in the wild).

A potent technique to raise your frequency is to shake your body several times a day. If you go

into a meeting and get blindsided by an angry manager, when you leave the meeting, go

outside and shake your hands above your head. No judging. Who gives a crap who is

watching? Shake it! Let all of that anger and tension leave your body. All of the sudden you

are no longer going to take on the energy of anger. If something frustrates you during the day,

shake it and shake it some more! Simple. And it works. Moving energy is so key to keep it from

becoming stuck. If we all shook ourselves a few times a day we wouldn’t have wars,

competition and so much stress. We would literally wake ourselves up as a species!

As you shake, allow all of the tension within to wriggle off of your hands and body. Stomp

your feet and follow what feels natural. Do this for a minimum of 5 minutes. It can also be

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quite powerful to do this in front of a mirror. While you do this, connect into the beautiful

mechanism that is your Body. Smile at every part of your Body while you shake. Hands out to

the side, then in, up, down, swivel and twist… you get the idea!

Once you are done, it can be great to go into pure stillness in a cross-legged position and

breathe. See what arises within you for a few moments. Perhaps pull out your journal and

free-write. Again, the key is to use this tool as close to the moment of stress as possible. That

said, you can also harness this technique without a specific stress incident in mind… you can

simply ask: Sacred Body, what can I release today? What is no longer serving me that is

stored in my tissues? What trauma am I holding onto that is ready to come out to be

alchemized back into unconditional love? Asking powerful questions during shaking practice is

a game-changer for your frequency and when you listen for a response from your Body, you

will often receive one!

Shake and shake some more… and do not be afraid to reach out to me with what arises, as I

love hearing from my Soul Fam! If you are the kind of person who loves a routine or ritual, try

this: x3, 7 minute shaking sessions per day for 11 days making 33 intentionally shaking

sessions. This will be extremely potent for you.

Tool #27 - Peregrine Falcon Breathing

Have you ever had the delight of witnessing a Peregrine Falcon hunt? These birds of prey are

the fastest animal on the planet because when they hunt, they soar above the clouds until

they spot a pigeon. Once they lock onto their prey, they tuck their wings in and literally

plummet like a stone towards their prey. It is an amazing dance of Nature to behold. To this

day, I actively work with the medicine of the Peregrine Falcon and have a huge image of one

tattooed across my entire right rib cage… so naturally, I had to integrate it into a tool (lol).

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I originally was given this tool by a Brother of mine, Kai and he showed me this breathing

technique because it is potent for regulating yourself in stressful times. I was in a high

intensity business development container and Kai was constantly encouraging us to harness

this tool. The tool is great to open up your body and energy fields if you have been typing,

sitting or driving. It is also great to do outside in the forest. It is perfect for moving stress out

of your Body… after all, we now know that if stress isn’t released, it stores in the body and

that impacts your frequency!

This tool is based on the Peregrine Falcon because it involves opening your full body with

arms wide on the inhale as you “soar” across the sky. Next, on the exhale, you round yourself

forward, bring your arms in tight and clench your muscles - do not clench ridiculously tight.

Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and roll your arms around a bit to loosen up. On the

inhale, spread your arms wide like the bird, but do so slowly and fluidly ensuring you move

with your breath - bring your elbows wide and down towards the ground. Keep your palms

facing forward. Expand your energy. At the top of your inhale, pause and enjoy the glory of

your Body. Then slowly and calmly exhale through your nose while you round your shoulders

forward and draw your stomach up in similar fashion to the Kriya banda discussed earlier in

the book. Bring your arms inward to your chest and squeeze your fists - you are essentially a

tucked, taught ball with feet. Create tension within your muscles. Hold at the bottom of the

breath for a moment.

Then slowly inhale and open into flight once again while you bring your shoulder back, arms

out and elbows down towards the ground. Exhale as you contract inward. Repeat as required.

I like to do a minimum of 11 cycles with this technique, but you can certainly do more.

Sometimes I will hold at the bottom of the cycle and squeeze gently for 10+ seconds. Never

clench your muscles too tight. Be sure to tune into the energy of the Peregrine Falcon!

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When you move any emotion, stress or tension, it has an opportunity to dissolve from your

Body rather than embed deep into various layers where it can potentially become dis-eased!

So much of this book is about moving stored trauma out of your Body and preventing new

stresses from becoming stored trauma. Ultimately, this tool helps you purify trauma from your

Body which will naturally allow you to raise your frequency.

Tool #28 - Harness Herbs

I once had a vision in a sweat lodge where an Ancient elder visited me - he literally walked

through the tent wall and sat beside me for a few minutes. Over the next few minutes, as

sweat poured over my eyes, he communicated telepathically with me. He shared that one of

the ancient secrets of life is to eat and drink herbs that are growing within 100 meters (328

feet) of your bed. It was a powerful experience and to this day, I have not forgotten what was

shared with me.

This experience opened me up to exploring the benefits of local herbs that I would find in the

forests near my bed. Of course, I love that we have the ability to consume herbal medicine

from all around the world: however, I have noticed that there is something special about

consuming the herbal medicine that Nature provides right by your doorstep. Maybe it is the

soil, maybe it is the land / person connection… whatever it is, there is something about local

herbs that raises one’s frequency and health! The more I explored herbs, the more powerful

activations I had - I realized that plant medicine is so much more than psychedelics and that

subtle plant energies are as powerful for consciousness activation as a big brew of

Ayahuasca. This journey led me to growing my own herbs and learning to wild forage /

wild-craft as well. I love creating infusions and decoctions of fresh picked herbs and medicials,

as well as crafting salves and tinctures. Not only is it activating, it is practical as well because I

nourish myself with these plants.

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As you work with the herbs, both externally and internally, you will notice they all have

unique energies. If you ask the herb to guide you, it will. Ask for the herb to bring up what has

to be cleared to access more of your God Source Consciousness. If you feel called, research

into combining herbs. An important point to remember is that you must learn to correctly and

safely identify the herb before touching, or consuming it. Get a guidebook, research on the

internet and better yet, go out with someone who knows herbs intimately - most places have

people who will guide you for a small fee. Always triple check before consuming any herbs.

Drinking a brew of local herbs while sitting in silence under a tree will most certainly raise

your frequency. This practice is under-utilized currently, but more and more Souls are

remembering the potency of herbs and their impact on Consciousness and bodily health. One

final note is to always harvest responsibly to honour the plant and not kill it. Take only what

you require, give back to the plants and do not harvest if the plant is not abundant at your

location. Experiment with asking the plant for permission to harvest it.

Tool #29 - The Infinity Spark

The infinity spark is the exact point where our Soul incarnates into the physical Earth realm.

When the egg and the sperm connect, at that moment, your Soul begins its process of

incarnation through the infinity spark - this can be thought of as the original portal that you as

an aspect of God Source Consciousness used to enter this plane of existence. Once opened,

the infinity spark never dies out even in death and it is your direct connection to Source

Consciousness. By experimenting with the infinity spark and its related meditation techniques,

you can come to realize you are this Source Energy and you are not actually separate from

God. This, of course, contributes to raising your frequency.

From the infinity spark, the Hara line and our chakras emerge as our energetic bodies are

birthed into the Earth plane. After this process has been established and stabilized, the

physical vessel is created in the womb of the mother. The infinity spark is the center of the

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heart-space meaning it is also where unconditional love emerges from. As you check in with

your infinity spark throughout the day, you can practice resonating unconditional love into the

world from this point. To tap into your infinity spark, being to energetically feel approximately

an inch behind your sternum in the center of your body. It is notable that the infinity spark is to

the right of your heart and NOT in your physical heart-space.

To tap into the infinity spark, focus your awareness behind your sternum and ask to connect

into your infinity spark. The spark is one of those great paradoxes where it is tinier than a pin

prick, but also massive as well. It may appear as different light forms, or it may not. It does not

necessarily have a specific shape, so do not overthink what it looks like. Feel, feel and feel.

Drop the Ego. Practice. Intend and imagine. Be with it. Remember that tuning into this area

with openness is enough to raise your frequency.

It can be powerful to draw some intentional breaths into the infinity spark and feel it swell

with love as you acknowledge it´s presence. Focus on this space for some time and when you

are ready, continue with your day.

Tool #30 - Drumming

What is more primordial to the human Soul than the beating of a drum? Since the dawn of

humanity, we have always connected to ourselves through the drum. There was a time when

every single person in a community would know how to play a drum. Drum circles, shamanic

ceremonies and rituals all involved coming together to drum. Drumming for unions and for

rites of passage. Many vision quests also included the drum. The drum is inextricably linked to

human DNA and is an integral tool of healing within this Earth realm.

The benefits of drumming are too numerous to list here; however, I wish to impart that going

out into nature and playing your drum is as cathartic a tool as you will find. Go find a spot and

let the Ancestors know that you are here to bless the land with your drum. Tap out a rhythm

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that feels great and without judgment. Change the beat as much as you like or as little as you

like. Use your intuition - everyone knows how to connect to the drum as it is literally encoded

in our DNA and our bodies (the heartbeat).

You can find drums online or in stores. You could make your own. You can clap your hands or

make a shaker by sealing rice or beans into a tin can. Get creative… all percussion is

drumming! Research into your lineage and see if your Ancestors used a specific type of drum

and try one of them. Attend a drum circle or start one. Feel free to add dance and movement

into your drumming if you feel called - sway in the breeze with your drum and know that all is

well. Mama Gaia responds well to those who drum for her and many past life memories can

rise up with drumming. Always be sure to treat drumming as a sacred act and much can be

revealed to you.

I love how drumming can calm or excite the nervous system. A chilled rhythm when I am

stressed helps to bring me back to center. A fast pounding drum beat gets me up and dancing

where I can purify what no longer serves. Everytime you hit the drum, know that this is a

direct connection to the unseen spiritual realms. Every beat is sacred. Just as you are.

Tool #31 - Organ Smiling

This is an ancient Buddist technique that was brought to the West by Mantak Chia. This

practice will raise your frequency as it brings love, appreciation and gratitude to your physical

body by honouring your organs. It also helps to activate each organ’s multidimensional field.

Firstly, before you enter into this meditation, check out a list of the organs so you can

remember most of them - there are 78 organs in the body, but only about a dozen major ones

- you do not have to do every one each time. These are the ones I typically focus on: larynx,

lungs, heart, bones, muscles, liver, stomach, intestines, kidneys, bladder, hypothalamus,

pineal, pituitary, brain, spinal cord, gallbladder and pancreas. I like to refresh myself with this

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every few times so I do not forget any. Next, sit and begin to breathe slowly. Close your eyes

and feel your body.

When you are ready, focus on your heart. Bring all of your love towards your heart. Then as if

you were sitting across from your heart, smile at it and beam love to it. Breathe for several

breaths while you do this. Then, without speaking, internally chant: I love you sacred heart for

all of the value you bring to this Body.

Next focus on your kidneys and bring your love to them. Breathe. Then, envision yourself

sitting across from your kidneys and smile at them. Give your kidneys the biggest, funniest

and happiest smile you could possibly make! Send your kidneys love and share with them why

you value them. Do not forget the part about sharing why you value them.

Then onto the next organ and so forth until you have honoured each of the organs. Yes, we

have a number of organs, but make sure to honour all of them even if it takes several sessions

with this technique. Your organs will respond positively when you send love to them; if your

organs are under-appreciated, this will show-up as health issues with time and often this

translates into lower frequencies within.

Smile. Your organs love it.

Tool #32 - Nature Awareness Walking

Sometimes simple is best (have I said this once or twice so far?!!). When it comes to raising

your frequency, getting off of electronics and into Mother Nature is always the best answer. I

highly encourage all Souls to take a minimum of an hour each day to go walk in nature

WITHOUT electronics. By this I mean, turn off your phone, do not film videos or take pictures,

or look up plant names. Sure, keep it in a backpack, turned off, for emergencies, but do not be

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tempted by your phone addiction to have it out. The whole point of this tool is to disconnect

from electronic energies for a while to allow your frequency to reset.

While you are out in Nature, treat it as a sacred medicine practice. This means stop frequently

and tune into your surroundings. What sounds can you hear? How do they make you feel?

Watch for patterns in nature and see what can be revealed to you. Look closely at the leaves

and bark. Are there small insects on a plant? Listen for messages when you see an animal.

Get your feet on the soil and squish them around. Feel the waves lapping on your feet. Enjoy

the silence as you find it. Pretend for a moment that no civilization exists and you are strolling

through a wild garden of Eden.

A great process to deepen into your Nature practice can be to find a quiet spot that resonates

with you and create a small altar. Fill it with rocks, twigs and whatever else is around you. Ask

the object if it would like to be part of your sacred altar. Then when you arrive at the spot,

take a moment to offer prayers of thanks to the Great Mystery (which you are a divine aspect

of), ask for guidance, share anything that is heavy on your chest and notice the area around

the altar. Have fun with this, use your intuition and do not over complicate it. Your Ancestors

created altars all over the land they lived on, so you can too.

Let Mother Nature heal and evolve your. Time spent in silence in Nature always raises your

frequency. Period.

Tool #33 - Primal Roar

Humans often bottle up our anger, trauma, rage, emotions and pain - with time, this gets

stored in our tissues and can take years to dissolve. One of the best ways, as stated in several

of the tools above, to ensure that emotions do not get stored is to dissolve them. The Primal

Roar is an excellent tool for this. As you know by now, stuck emotions in your various bodies

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will result in a lower frequency and all of those states we do not desire to live in any longer

such as pain, suffering, fear, anxiety, depression and stress.

To harness this tool, go outside and find a nice spot where you can get loud. If you are doing

this in your house, it may be a good idea to let people know you are going to yell. Personally,

if I am in a house, I will place my mouth into my bicep and yell into it to muffle the sound - you

can still have a massive release with this modified method, so do not shy away from this if you

do not have an easily accessible outside space.

Ground into the earth from your belly and focus on whatever it is that is holding you down.

Maybe you don't even know because it is not yours - if this is the case, ask your Body and

Source to clear whatever is not in your highest evolution. That is enough for this process.

Inhale the biggest breath you have had all day and at the top of it, pause and feel ALL of the

anger and stress, then exhale it in a loud AF primal roar. Do not judge the sound. If your voice

cracks, awesome, back off slightly for the next round. If you shriek, that is totally divine - I

have had some roars where I must have sounded like a little girl who fell off her bike. Feel all

of the emotions. If you fall to your knees crying, let the tears flow. If you need to jump up and

down, do it. Express the rage and beat the ground with your fists. Yell, swear and sweat.

Express it all. Do not hold back even slightly.

If every man or woman on Earth did this once a day, as a sacred ritual, there would be no

competition or war. Sure, we might be a little loud at times, but the benefit for the Collective

Consciousness would be phenomenal. Play your part in this and primal road once a day for 33


Additionally, this technique synergizes well with journaling. Because so much moves during

this process, it can be potent to get quiet afterwards and integrate by free-writing. Get out of

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your mind and let the sentences flow. It does not have to come out perfect or even coherent.

Simply write from the heart, not the mind. When you are done, read it over and see if you can

determine where your frequency is now. What released from your body? Are there still

lingering emotions? Explore deeply after the primal road.

Bonus Tools:
Did you really think I would stop at 33? While we both know that there are limitless tools to

harness for raising our frequency, I felt that 33 was a great number for the cover, but as I

started writing, I realized that I could have added 111 core tools… easily. I refined the list

many times, but could not cut out some of these special tools, as I just knew that they would

resonate with you! With that said, I am including a few of my favourite tools as bonuses and

will be creating an expanded addition of this book in the near future. Enjoy!

Tool #34 - Sleep Nourishment

This one should be self-explanatory for any Soul that desires to evolve their consciousness

and live a high frequency, expansive life. We all know that when one is tired and sore, life is

not nearly as fun and blissful. Yet, there is so much energy coming into this Earth realm at this

start of the Age of Aquarius that sleep can be difficult. When there are big plasma blasts that

register on the Schumann Resonance, people have trouble sleeping especially if they are

empathic or spiritual. There are going to be times when the energy is simply too high to sleep,

but I desired to include several great ways to set yourself up for a quality sleep during the

start of this Golden Age.

It should go without saying, no electronics for an hour before sleep. Spend time in dimmed

rooms before turning off the lights so your pineal gland can produce melatonin - bright lights

in the evening prevent this. Consider a light herbal tea if you like to feel warm before bed.

Meditate. Gratitude journal. Do not go to bed mad with someone or yourself. Still cannot

From Limitations Into 5D Consciousness: New Earth Leadershipment Develop & Spiritual Self-Mastery Courses + Programs
sleep? Try freezing cold showers for 7 minutes and then do some breathing to warm up. After

you get past the cold phase, you will naturally desire to sleep. If you still cannot sleep, go

stargaze outside for an hour and tap into the cosmic energies.

Tool #35 - Acts of Kindness

A great frequency raiser is to come into your heart-space and gift someone with an act of

kindness. Shoveling a walkway, or purchasing lunch for someone experiencing hardship are

awesome ways to boost your frequency. At times, in my private programs (see website for

details), I will stretch a client who is close to their next level, but still in resistance, to do one

act of kindness for 33 days straight. It is amazing to see how their heart opens, frequency

raises, confidence increases and they have the breakthrough they were so close to having


I would love for you to lean into kindness and share with me on social media what you did and

how it made you feel! Remember that sometimes the best acts are ones where the receiver

doesn't even know it was you. No thanks required. Simple service to the frequency of being

human! Kindness will always trump hate, greed and competition.

Where can you tap deeper into acts of kindness within your reality?

Tool #36 - Binaural Beats

When it comes to a quick way to shift your state of consciousness, playing binaural beats in

your headphones is powerful. Binaural beats have certain tones encoded within the track to

activate certain things with you such as chakras, emotions and focused productivity. A quick

search on Youtube or Spotify will reveal a treasure trove of beats that you can experiment

with. I wrote this whole book while listening to Theta / Delta based tracks!

From Limitations Into 5D Consciousness: New Earth Leadershipment Develop & Spiritual Self-Mastery Courses + Programs
There is not too much that has to be done other than plugging in your headphones (you need

headphones) and letting the beats play in the background. My favourite binaural beats are

ones that focus on Theta brainwaves for anything focus wise and meditation. I love Delta

based beats if I am listening to wind down before going to sleep.

There is a lot of healing potential within binaural beats, so I encourage you to explore this

entire genre of music!

Book Outro:
Thank you for taking your time and energy to explore the techniques and tools in this book - I

am honoured to have been the messenger for these potent teachers. I wish to thank all of the

books, teachers, youtube videos and guides who have shared these techniques with me over

this life.

It is important to use the tools. Work the tools and they work. Pick 1 or 2 that feel really

expansive and start with those. Allow your intuition to guide you. Trust yourself. Trust your

body. Trust that you are God Source Creator / Creatrix Consciousness and know exactly what

to do in the now moment. These practices are always an exercise in self-trust. Be disciplined,

be devoted and be flowing. Do not let shame creep in. Silence the Ego. No matter how

esoteric or weird a tool may sound, if it feels aligned, let this be a sign to experiment with it.

I appreciate any feedback on this book and the tools within it. If you require support or have

thoughts you wish to share, send me an email or direct message me on social media. I am also

intaking clients into my private programs and programs, which I will list below. The latest

updates come in the form of email, so be sure to jump on my free newsletter, New Earth

From Limitations Into 5D Consciousness: New Earth Leadershipment Develop & Spiritual Self-Mastery Courses + Programs
Ascension Weekly which is full of spiritual knowledge, transformative consciousness tools

and energy updates. Join here.

The greatest gift you can give me is to share this guide with another whom you feel it will

support on their awakening journey. Any and all tags and shares on social media are deeply

appreciated and felt. I deeply receive any testimonials as well!

Aho. Namaste. All my REALations!


Creator: @5DMasculinity, Transcending The Matrix Academy & INITIATION leadership

program from awakening men.

About The Author:

Spence is the founder of 5D Masculinity, which is a movement devoted to helping raise

Masculine Consciousness into the states of Divine Love, Divine Power & Divine Wisdom. He

knows that by supporting awakening men with heart-centered mentorship, powerful tools

and grounded perspectives on the rapid change happening on Earth, that we as a species can

enter into our Golden Age. He knows that any Soul who is willing to explore and dissolve

their traumas can step into their Abundant New Earth timeline. After leaving corporate oil and

gas, he traveled the world and has coached 1000s of Souls on their business, leadership &

awakening journeys. Spence currently resides in Canada and is focused on his Tiktok channel,

@5dmasculinity, developing plasma energy in his lab, holding sweat lodge ceremonies and

singing to the trees! He is actively co-creating a New Earth Healing Sanctuary & Community!

From Limitations Into 5D Consciousness: New Earth Leadershipment Develop & Spiritual Self-Mastery Courses + Programs
Sacred Invitation To Go Deeper:

If you feel the resonance to join me within my programs and offers, let this be my sacred

invitation to you to explore what that could look and feel like. After a decade in the personal

development, business coaching and intentional consciousness development space, I have

arrived at a place where I only work with Souls who are ready for transformation. With the

energies being so potent during this Great Transition / start of the Age of Aquarius, I know

that if you are willing to show-up, be vulnerable and are open to quantum-level shifts, that I

can help you. From integrating masculine / feminine dynamics within your life & relationships,

to accelerating your Soul mission and business to navigating society’s rapid rewriting, I have a

number of programs for all levels of time input, energy output and financial commitment. As

always, reach out to me personally at hello@5dmasculinity.com with queries and to chat

about if you are a great fit to co-create together! I would be honored to support you.

From Limitations Into 5D Consciousness: New Earth Leadershipment Develop & Spiritual Self-Mastery Courses + Programs

INITIATION leadership development program for awakening men. By joining you will evolve

beyond limitations and fear to enter into 5D heart-centered consciousness thereby creating a

life of true freedom, lasting impact and expansive fulfillment. Focus on spiritual self-mastery,

new earth masculine leadership and soul mission activation.


Transcending The Matrix Academy: The ultimate spiritual self-mastery course for awakening

souls strategically designed to free yourself from all limitations so you can create a life of

freedom, sovereignty & fulfillment. 12 comprehensive workshops, dozens of activations and a

library of transformative tools.

Tiktok & Brand Sponsorship Inquiries

I absolutely love supporting brands and companies that create epic value with their products

and offerings. If you have a conscious brand and resonate with my style / audience, send me

an invitation to collaborate with all the details to hello@5dmasculinity.com and my team will

ensure it arrives at my desk for review! Being a creative being, I am totally open to all types of


From Limitations Into 5D Consciousness: New Earth Leadershipment Develop & Spiritual Self-Mastery Courses + Programs
Calling In A Sacred Publisher:

Finally, if you are a publisher and are interested in helping me co-create this guide into a full

length book designed to support awakening Souls on activating their fullest potential so they

can have the courage to create & contribute to the birthing of our abundant new earth, reach

out to me.

Last Call:

Know that you are never alone. You are divine. You are worthy. You are actualizing the New

Earth Abundant timeline. YOU ARE REMEMBERING ALL OF YOU! You are beginning to trust

that you are God and God is you. As you navigate this reality and these levels, keep returning

to the knowingness that you are whole and not separate from Source. You are an aspect of the

divine Source.

You are the Great Mystery playing a game of hide and seek with yourself in a fun journey of

density. Even when it gets seemingly tough, stand strong, yet be flexible. Be supportive and

supple. Focus on tending your frequency and you will be MORE than fine… you will thrive.

Keep aligning with the energies of excitement and possibility for this Great Transition and

what awaits us as we set out on the next epic journey of Humanity and Consciousness. Go

inward and the answers will be revealed. I love you. See you soon.

Tend to your frequency like a loving gardener tends to a sacred garden.

Aho. Namaste. All my REALations.

Your Brother,


From Limitations Into 5D Consciousness: New Earth Leadershipment Develop & Spiritual Self-Mastery Courses + Programs

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