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(The short story is "Ti-

Jean and His Brothers."

The author of "Ti-Jean
and His Brothers" is
Derek Walcott.

01 The central theme of "Ti-Jean and His

Brothers" is the triumph of the underdog
through intelligence, resilience, and
humility. The story explores how wit and
understanding of human nature can
overcome brute strength and
intellectual arrogance. It also delves into
themes of colonialism, resistance, and
the power of the human spirit in the face
of oppression.

02 One impactful example from "Ti-

Jean and His Brothers" is Ti-
Jean's final confrontation with
the Devil. Unlike his brothers, Ti-
Jean uses his wit and humility to
outsmart the Devil,
demonstrating that intelligence
and moral integrity can
overcome even the most
formidable adversaries.

From Ti-Jean's example

in "Ti-Jean and His
Brothers," two life lessons
can be drawn:
The Power of Intelligence and Str
ategy: Ti-
Jean's ability to outwit the Devil
the importance of intelligence an
d strategic
thinking in overcoming challenge
s. It
teaches us that sometimes, menta
l acuity
and cleverness can be more eff
ective than
physical strength or brute force.

03 The Value of Humility and Moral

Integrity: Ti-Jean's humility and moral
integrity are crucial in his victory over
the Devil. He doesn't resort to deceit
or arrogance but relies on his
understanding of human nature and
respect for others. This teaches us
that maintaining one's moral compass
and treating others with respect can
lead to positive outcomes, even in
difficult situations.

These lessons underscore the idea

that personal qualities such as
intelligence, integrity, and humility
can pave the way for success and
triumph over adversity.)

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