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Case Study: Info2u and Data Journalism

Case Study: Bloomberg

Bloomberg L.P. is a privately held world wide,financial, software, data, and media company
headquartered in Midtown Manhattan, New York City. This company provides financial software tools
such as analytics and equity trading platforms, data services and news to financial companies and
organizations. It uses technology and information to make it clear in a complex world.

Data Collection & Analysis

Bloomberg has several social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter which
they can all collect data from. It includes comments, likes, views, shares, favorites etc to understand what
a user likes and what their patterns and trends are. This all can help figure out what is best to put in your
website/app by what the users give feedback to you about.

Trend Identification
They can analyse social media discussions and see the teend of interest. They can also try to find
conversations with competitors to see what they should do better.

Enterprise Analysis

Enterprise Analysis
Info2u compares the social media presence and performance of different enterprises that would
be useful to relay to their audiences. They analyse engagement metrics, follow growth and
content strategies of successful enterprises to identify and promote potential strategies that can
assist their clients in gaining a competitive edge in their particular markets.

Data Visualisation & Reporting

Infozu utilises data visualisation techniques to present their findings in a visually compelling and
easily understandable format for their departments to comprehend. Interactive dashboards are
used to consolidate social media metrics, trending topics and competitor insights. This
information allows stakeholders to explore data, apply filters and gain real-time insights.

Visual Storytelling
To keep things interesting, Info2u uses visual storytelling techniques to communicate their
findings effectively. They use a variety of media to create infographics, interactive charts and
data-driven narratives that combine text and visuals to convey key insights and trends to their

Decision-Making Support
Info2u's data journalism initiatives have a significant impact on their business decisions and
strategies. They identify customer preferences, target audience segments, and content themes
that resonate well on social media, leading to more effective and targeted marketing efforts.
Market Intelligence
Social media analysis provides Info2u with valuable market intelligence. They gain insights into
emerging trends, consumer behaviour and competitor strategies, enabling them to make data-
informed decisions and stay ahead in the market, while also forwarding this information on in a
meaningful and interesting format to their clients. By applying data journalism techniques to
social media analysis, Info2u effectively utilises social media data to gain insights that drive their
business decisions. The integration of data-driven insights into their online publications,
marketing and brand management strategies enhances their competitiveness, customer
satisfaction and overall business performance within the online ecosystem.

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