Ampongan Kirzza 12 Bathala

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Creating Drop Cap


rop cap is applied when you want to capitalize the first letter of the paragraph. Upon capitalizing that letter,
there are lines being dropped or occupied the size of the capitalized letter. In making drop cap, encode first
the paragraph. Then, block the first letter of the paragraph. Use the menu Format > Drop Cap…the Drop
Cap dialog box appears, click on the Dropped option, specify Arial Black on the Font combo box, then for
Lines to Drop, leave as if the default is 3. Click OK to apply the changes. (Justify this paragraph).
Inserting Tables
Use tables to organize information and create interesting page layouts with side-by-side columns of text.
Presentation of data in tabular form is best presented with the use of tables. To create tables, position the
cursor wherein you’ll insert the table. Click on Table > Insert Table… on the spinners, specify the no. rows
and columns of your desired table. In our example, enter 3 for columns and 7 for rows. Enter the data on
each cell. USE TAB to transfer your cursor from one cell to another. (NOTE: You have to merge cells for 1 ST
& PERFORMANCE 2nd/3rd columns).
English 2 92 PASSED
College Algebra 88 PASSED
Software Application 80 PASSED

Creating Columns

In creating columns, just like Word processors run the paragraph indention, and the
the example below, encode gamut from simple through like.
first the paragraphs. In this complex, but they all ease the
example, We have 4 tasks associated with editing Many word processors can
paragraphs, separate each documents (deleting, inserting, also check spelling, find
paragraphs, separate each rewording, and so on.) synonyms, incorporate
paragraph with 2 ENTERs. graphics created with another
Block the 4 paragraphs, then Depending on the program and program, correctly align
click on Format > Columns… the equipment in use, word mathematical formula, create
On the dialog box, click the processors can display and print standard letters,
Three option for Presets. Mark documents either in text mode, perform calculations, display
the Line Between checkbox to using highlighting, documents in multiple on-
apply lines between the underlining, or color to screen windows, and enable
paragraphs. Click OK to represent italics, boldfacing, users to record macros that
complete the procedure. and other such formatting or in simplify difficult or repetitive
WYSIWYG mode, wherein operations.
Word processor, in computer formatting and a variety of
Many word processors cam
science, an application fonts appear on the screen as
also check spelling, find
program for manipulating text- they will on the printed page.
synonyms, incorporate
based documents; the All word processors offer
graphics created with another
electronic equivalent of paper, facilities for document
program, correctly align
pen, typewriter, eraser, formatting, such as font
mathematical formulas.
dictionary and thesaurus. changes, page layout,

Blocking Text
This pertains to selecting any character, word, sentence or paragraph on your
document. In formatting your document you can’t apply formatting unless you block/select the
text that you want to format. You can do it by dragging the mouse over the text you want to
Text Alignment
You can select the alignment of some text in your document in four ways; left align,
right align, centered and justified. Just select the text that you want to align and click on the
desired alignment that you want to apply for it.
JUSTIFIED Alignment is being applied to paragraphs, through this alignment; the text is aligned
evenly along the both the left and the right margins. Justifying text creates a smooth edge on
both sides. To justify this paragraph, select the entire paragraph by dragging you mouse from
the first letter of this paragraph (its letter J or JUSTIFIED) up to the last character. Then, click the
JUSTIFY button on the toolbar.

Font Attributes

Arial black, Italic, 18pt

Times New Roman, Bold, 20pt
Courier New, Underlined, 16pt

Numbering and Bullet

Some items encoded can be enumerated using ordered or unordered list. Just encode
all items to be enumerated, select/block the items, and then click the Numbering or Bullets
button. (TIP: Use the increase indent button for the Bulleted Items.)
1. Operating Systems/Systems Software
2. Application Software
🖖 Microsoft Excel
🖖 Microsoft PowerPoint
🖖 Microsoft Word
Font Color and Highlight
There are cases that you want to highlight words. This is just the same when you want
to mark something using a highlight marker. So, to highlight words, just select the word and
click the drop-down arrow of the highlight button on the toolbar, then select a highlight color
you want to apply.
Same step is being done to apply font color for any text. In this case, the color of the
letter is being changed. Below, color the following words that follow respectively.

Black Blue Green Red Orange Pink


Shapes Just Look for the Title

Lines Basic Shapes Blacked Arrows Flowchart

(Freeform) (Sun) (Stripped Right Arrow) (Decision)
Line Style – 3pt Fill Color – Gold Line Color – Dark Blue
Line Style – 1½

Stars & Banners Callouts

(Curve Up Ribbon) (Cloud Callout)

Combining the Drawing Shapes

The size of the circles (height & width) is set to 1”. To change the size of a circle, right click the circle, select
the Format AutoShape… on the dialog box, Activate the size index tab and specify the height and width.
Click OK to apply the changes.
Change the Line Style of the Circle to 2½ pt. change the Line Color of each circle.
On the top left – Blue; top center – Black; top right – Red
Bottom left – Yellow; bottom right – Green

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