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1 Keep it warm sweater – version 1.1

20 STS x 27 Rows = 10 cm x 10 cm in stockinette st
With 4,5 mm needles, or with needles meet the gauge. Holding 2 yarns together
(fingering weight & silk mohair)

Circumference of the finished sweater:
87 (95) 101 (107) 116 (124) 132 cm
34 (37) 40 (42) 46 (49) 52 ‘‘
Pick a size with 1-15cm (0-4 ‘‘) positive ease

Original yarn: merino fingering weight @qingfibre -366m/100g held together with
Kid Silk @tiekegarn -420m/50g
approx. 3 (3) 3 (3) 4 (4) 4 skein of Merino singles 366m/100g
approx. 2 (2) 3 (3) 3 (3) 3 skein of silk mohair 420m/50g

Collar & Hem: 4mm circular needle or dpn
Body & Sleeve: 4,5 mm circular needle

15 stitch markers
scrap yarn or st holder
tapestry needle

This sweater is knitted top down. After knitting the collar, you fold it together.
(Double folded hem). It’s a classic raglan design, which involves a great lace and
cable pattern. After reaching a comfortable raglan depth, you can separate the
sleeves from the body. Then you will knit in round till you reached the desired
sweater length. It is a seamless construction. The weight of this sweater is light,
but depending on the yarn you will choose, it will warm you and will give you the
coziness you will need through the wintertime.

2 Keep it warm sweater – version 1.1

BOR beginning of the round
K Knit K tbl knit through the backloop
P Purl P tbl Purl through the backloop
st(s) stitch(es) M stitch marker
PM Place a M SM Slip M
M1R make 1 right M1L make 1 left
M1RP Make 1 right purlwise M1LP Make 1 left purlwise
rd round RM Remove M
RS Right side WS Wrong side
CO Cast on dpn double pointed needle
W&T Wrap and turn
K2tog Knit 2 sts together SSK slip slip knit. Slip 2 sts as if to
knit one by one, put them back
on the left-hand needle, knit
them together tbl

Depending on the desired fit, you can choose your size. I would recommend
wearing the blouse with 1-10 cm positive ease.

Measurement of the finished garment

Body Sleeve
Circumference Length Upper sleeve cuff
XXS 87cm 34 ‘‘ 32cm 12,6 ‘‘ 28cm 11 ‘‘
XS 95cm 37 ‘‘ 36cm 14 ‘‘ 32cm 13 ‘‘
S 101cm 40 ‘‘ 38cm 15 ‘‘ 34cm 13 ‘‘
57cm 22 ‘‘
M 107cm 42 ‘‘ 41cm 16 ‘‘ 33cm 13 ‘‘
L 116cm 46 ‘‘ 46cm 18 ‘‘ 35cm 14 ‘‘
XL 124cm 49 ‘‘ 50cm 19,7 ‘‘ 37cm 15 ‘‘
XXL 132cm 52 ‘‘ 53cm 21 ‘‘ 37cm 15 ‘‘

3 Keep it warm sweater – version 1.1

Size XXS (XS) S (M) L (XL) XXL

Cast on with 4mm circular needle 88 (88) 92 (92) 108 108 (112) sts. Before you close
the round, make sure that the sts are not twisted. PM btw the last st and the first
st. Here is your BOR. Repeat K1 tbl, P1 to BOR and Knit the twisted rib pattern till
you reach 9cm for the collar. Fold the collar and knit the sts of the first round
together with the sts you have, to get a double folded collar. (Double folded hem
video) Make sure you knit the 2 sts together according to the pattern (K1 tbl, P1,
alternatively K1, P1)
Change your needle size to 4,5mm and knit the following set up rd and place the
stitch markers. If I write twisted rib below, it always begins with K1 tbl - (K1 tbl, P1,
K1 tbl)

K14 (K14) K16 (K16) K16 (K16) K16, PM, 3 (3) 3 (3) 5 (5) 5 sts in twisted rib, PM, 9 (9) 9 (9)
13 (13) 13 sts in normal rib starting with P1, PM, 3 (3) 3 (3) 5 (5) 5 sts in twisted rib ,
PM, P3 (P3) P4 (P4) P4 (P4) P5, PM, K1 tbl, P1, K1 tbl, P2, K13, P2, K1 tbl, P1, K1 tbl, PM,
P3 (P3) P4 (P4) P4 (P4) P5, PM, 3 (3) 3 (3) 5 (5) 5 sts in twisted rib, PM, 9 (9 ) 9 (9) 13
(13) 13 sts in normal rib starting with P1, PM, 3 (3) 3 (3) 5 (5) 5 sts in twisted rib, PM,
K15 (K15) K15 (K15) K15 (K15) K17, BOR-M

The sts numbers for every section are distributed like following for each size.
Back panel/Front panel 29 (29) 31 (31) 31 (31) 33 sts
Sleeve 9 (9) 9 (9) 13 (13) 13 sts
Raglan 3 (3) 3 (3) 5 (5) 5 sts.

Now we work with increases and short rows at the same time to get a better fit of
the sweater. I am using W&T method, but you can use any other Method which
you like to use for this purpose.
*raglan sts are made in twisted rib pattern. They are knitted as following: (for sizes
RS: K1 tbl, P1, K1 tbl, (P1, K1 tbl)
WS: P1 tbl, K1, P1 tbl, (K1, P1 tbl)

1. Row (RS): Knit to next M, M1R, SM, raglan*, SM, M1L, PM, 1. Row of chart 1, PM,
M1R, SM, K1 tbl, W&T, turn work (3 sts increased)
2. Row (WS) : P1 tbl, SM, P1, SM, 2. Row of the chart 1, SM, P1, SM, raglan, SM, P to
BOR, sBOR-M, P to the next M, M1LP, SM, raglan, SM, M1RP, PM, 9 (9) 9 (9) 13 (13)
13 sts in normal rib starting with K1, PM, M1LP, SM, P1 tbl, W&T, turn work, (3 sts

4 Keep it warm sweater – version 1.1

3. Row (RS) : K1 tbl, SM, K1, SM, 1. Row of Chart 1, SM K1, SM, raglan, SM, K to BOR-
M, sBOR-M, K to next M, M1R, SM, raglan, SM, M1L, Knit to next M, SM, Row 3 of
the chart 1, SM, Knit to next M, M1R, SM, K1 tbl, conceal wrapped st, K1 tbl,
•Size XXS - M: SM, M1L, P1, W&T, turn work (4 sts increased)
•Size L -2XL: W&T, turn work (3 sts increased)
4. Row (WS):
•Size XXS - M: K1, P1, SM, P1 tbl, K1, P1 tbl, SM,
•Size L - 2XL: P1 tbl, K1, P1 tbl, SM,
P to the next M, SM, 4. Row of chart 1, SM, P to the next M, SM, raglan, SM, P to
BOR-M, sBOR-M, P to next M, M1LP, SM, raglan, SM, M1RP, P to next M, SM, 2. Row
of the chart 1, SM, P to next M, M1LP, SM, P1 tbl, conceal wrapped st, P1 tbl
•Size XXS - M: SM, M1RP, K1, W&T, turn work (4 sts increased)
•Size L -2XL: W&T, turn work (3 sts increased)
5. Row (RS):
•Size XXS - M: P1, K1, SM, K1 tbl, P1, K1 tbl, SM,
•Size L - 2XL: K1 tbl, P1, K1 tbl, SM,
All sizes: K to next M, SM, Row 3 of chart 1, SM, K to next M, SM, raglan, SM, K to
BOR, sBOR-M, K to next M, M1R, SM, raglan, SM, M1L, K to next M, SM, row 1 of chart
1, SM, K to next M, M1R, SM,
•Size XXS - M: raglan, SM, M1LP, K1, P1, conceal wrapped st, (4 sts increased)
•Size XXS, XS: go to next step. Short row section is for you completed.
You have now 106 sts on your needle.
•Size S, M: P1, W&T, turn work,
•Size L-2XL: K1 tbl, P1, K1 tbl, conceal wrapped st, K1 tbl, SM, M1L, P1, W&T,
turn work, (4 sts increased)
6. Row (WS):
•Size S, M: K3, P1, K1, SM
•Size L-2XL: K1, P1, SM
•All sizes : raglan, SM, P to the next M, SM, Row 2 of chart 1, SM, P to the next M, SM,
raglan, SM, P to the BOR M, sBOR-M, p to the next M, M1LP, SM, raglan, SM, M1RP,
P to the next M, SM, 4. Row of the chart 1, SM, P to the next M, M1LP, SM,
•Size S - M: 3 in twisted rib, SM, M1R, K2, conceal wrapped st, K1, W&T, turn work (4
sts increased)
•Size L - 2XL: 3 in twisted rib, conceal the wrapped st, P1 tbl, SM, M1RP, K1, W&T,
turn work, (4 sts increased)
7. Row (RS):
•Size S, M: P3, K1, P1, SM,
•Size L-2XL: P1, K1, SM,
All sizes : raglan, SM, K to the next M, SM, 1. Row of chart 1, SM, K to the next M, SM,
raglan, SM, K to the BOR-M, sBOR-M, K to the next M, M1R, SM, raglan, SM, M1L, K
to the next M, SM, 3. Row of the chart 1, SM, K to the next M, M1R, SM, raglan, SM,
•Size S - M: M1L, P1, K1, P3, conceal wrapped st, go to next step, short row section is
for you completed. (4 sts increased) you have now 118 sts on your needle.
•Size L - 2XL: M1LP, K1, P2, W&T, turn work, (4 sts increased)

5 Keep it warm sweater – version 1.1

8. Row (WS) : L-2XL : K2, P1, K1, SM, raglan, SM, P to the next M, SM, 4. Row of the
Chart 1, SM, P to the next M, SM, raglan, SM, P to BOR-M, sBOR-M, P to next M,
M1LP, SM, raglan, SM, M1RP, P to the next M, SM, 2. row of chart 1, SM, P to the
next M, M1LP, SM, raglan, SM, M1R, P1, K2, W&T, turn work, (4 sts increased)
9. Row (RS) : L-2XL : P2, K1, P1, SM, raglan, SM, K to the next M, SM, 3. row of the
chart 1, SM, K to the next M, SM, raglan, SM, K to BOR-M, sBOR-M, K to the next
M, M1R, SM, raglan, SM, M1L, K to next M, SM, 1. Row of chart 1, SM, K to next M,
M1R, SM, raglan, SM, M1L, P1, K1, P2, conceal wrapped st, go to next step, short
row section is for you completed (4 sts increased) you have now 140 (140) 144
sts on your needle.

For all sizes after short row section: (from now on all sts are on the RS, since it is
knitted in rounds.)

Size XXS-XS:
P1, SM, K1 tbl, P1, K1 tbl, P2, K13, P2, K1 tbl, P1, K1 tbl, SM, P1, conceal wrapped st, P1,
K1, M1RP, SM, raglan, SM, M1L, K to the next M, SM, 4. Row of chart 1, SM, K to the
next M, M1R, SM, raglan, SM, M1L, K to the BOR (4 sts increased)

Next round : K to the next M, SM, raglan, SM, K to the next M, SM, 2. Row of chart 1,
SM, K to the next M, SM, raglan, SM, P1, K1, P3, SM, K1 tbl, P1, K1 tbl, P2, K13, P2, K1
tbl, P1, K1 tbl, SM, P3, K1, P1, SM, raglan, SM, K to the next M, SM, 1. Row of chart 1,
SM, K to the next M, SM, raglan, SM, Knit to BOR

Next round with increase : K to the next M, M1R, SM, raglan, SM, M1L, K to the next
M, SM, 3. Row of chart 1, SM, K to the next M, M1R, SM, raglan, SM, M1L, P1, K1, P3,
SM, 1. Row of pattern chart 2, SM, P3, K1, P1, M1R, SM, raglan, SM, M1L, K to the next
M, SM, 2. Row of chart 1, SM, K to the next M, M1R, SM, raglan, SM, M1L, Knit to BOR
(8 sts increased)

Size S, M:
SM, 1. Row of pattern chart 2, SM, conceal wrapped st, P3, K1, P1, M1R, SM, raglan,
SM, M1L, K to the next M, 2. Row of chart 1, SM, K to the next M, M1R, SM, raglan,
SM, M1L, k to the BOR (4 sts increased)

Size L-2XL:
P to the next M, SM, 1. Row of pattern chart 2, SM, P to the wrapped st, conceal
wrapped st, P2, K1, P1, M1R, SM, raglan, SM, M1L, K to the next M, SM, 4. Row of
chart 1, SM, K to the next M, M1R, SM, raglan, SM, M1L, K to the BOR. (4 sts

6 Keep it warm sweater – version 1.1

For all sizes:

From here, you have to identify which row of chart 1 you have to knit for your size.
Your sleeves have a different status of the row of the chart 1. If you see 3 purled
bars below your knit, you have to do the pattern st. There is also a video attached. I
hope it helps you to understand what to do when. The raglan increases will
happen every second row.

Round 1 : sBOR-M, K to the next M, SM, raglan, SM, K to the next M, SM, chart 1, SM,
K to the next M, SM, raglan, SM, K1, P1, K1, P3 (P3) P4 (P4) P4 (P4) P5, SM, 2. Row of
pattern chart 2, SM, P3 (P3) P4 (P4) P4 (P4) P5, K1, P1, K1, SM, raglan, SM, K to the
next M, SM, chart 1, SM, K to the next M, SM, raglan, SM, K to BOR

Round 2 : sBOR-M, K to the next M, M1R, SM, raglan, SM, M1L, K to the next M, SM,
chart 1, SM, K to the next M, M1R, SM, raglan, SM, M1LP, Chart 3 : Pull the third st
over the first 2 sts, K1, YO, K1, P3 (P3) P4 (P4) P4 (P4) P5, SM, 3. Row of pattern
chart 2, SM, P3 (P3) P4 (P4) P4 (P4) P5, Chart 3 : Pull the third st over the first 2
sts, K1, YO, K1, M1RP, SM, raglan, SM, M1L, K to the next M, SM, chart 1, SM, K to the
next M, M1R, SM, raglan, SM, M1L, K to BOR (8 sts increased)

Round 3 : sBOR-M, K to the next M, SM, raglan, SM, K to the next M, SM, chart 1, SM,
Knit to the next M, SM, raglan, SM, P1, Chart 3 :( K1, P1, K1), P3 (P3) P4 (P4) P4 (P4)
P5, SM, 4. Row of pattern chart 2, SM, P3 (P3) P4 (P4) P4 (P4) P5, Chart 3 : (K1, P1,
K1), P1, SM, raglan, SM, K to the next M, SM, chart 1, SM, K to the next M, SM, raglan,
SM, K to BOR

Round 4 : sBOR-M, K to the next M, M1R, SM, raglan, SM, M1L, K to the next M, SM,
chart 1, SM, K to the next M, M1R, SM, raglan, SM, M1LP, P1, Chart 3 : (K1, P1, K1), P3
(P3) P4 (P4) P4 (P4) P5, SM, 5. Row of pattern chart 2, SM, P3 (P3) P4 (P4) P4 (P4)
P5, Chart 3 : (K1, P1, K1), P1, M1RP, SM, raglan, SM, M1L, K to the next M, SM, chart 1,
SM, K to the next M, M1R, SM, raglan, SM, M1L, K to BOR (8 sts increased)

Round 5 : sBOR-M, K to the next M, SM, raglan, SM, K to the next M, SM, chart 1, SM,
K to the next M, SM, raglan, SM, P2, Chart 3 : (K1, P1, K1), P3 (P3) P4 (P4) P4 (P4) P5,
SM, 6. Row of pattern chart 2, SM, P3 (P3) P4 (P4) P4 (P4) P5, Chart 3 : (K1, P1, K1),
P2, SM, raglan, SM, K to the next M, SM, chart 1, SM, K to the next M, SM, raglan, SM,
K to BOR

Round 6 : sBOR-M, K to the next M, M1R, SM, raglan, SM, M1L, K to the next M, SM,
chart 1, SM, K to the next M, M1R, SM, raglan, SM, M1LP, P2, Chart 3 : (Pull the third
st over the first 2 sts, K1, YO, K1), P3 (P3) P4 (P4) P4 (P4) P5, SM, 7. Row of pattern
chart 2, SM, P3 (P3) P4 (P4) P4 (P4) P5, Chart 3 : (Pull the third st over the first 2
sts, K1, YO, K1), P2, M1RP, SM, raglan, SM, M1L, K to the next M, SM, chart 1, SM, K to
the next M, M1R, SM, raglan, SM, M1L, K to BOR (8 sts increased)

7 Keep it warm sweater – version 1.1

Round 7: sBOR-M, K to the next M, SM, raglan, SM, K to the next M, SM, chart 1, SM,
K to next. SM, SM, raglan, SM, P3, Chart 3 : (K1, P1, K1) P3 (P3) P4 (P4) P4 (P4) P5,
SM, 8. Row of pattern chart 2, SM, P3 (P3) P4 (P4) P4 (P4) P5, Chart 3 : (K1, P1, K1),
P3, SM, raglan, SM, K to the next M, SM, chart 1, SM, K to the next M, SM, raglan, SM,
K to BOR

Size XXS & XS go to the next step. You have now 142 sts on your needle

Round 8 : sBOR-M, K to the next M, M1R, SM, raglan, SM, M1L, Knit to the next M,
SM, chart 1, SM, knit to the next M, M1R, SM, raglan, SM, M1LP, P3, Chart 3 : (K1, P1,
K1), P4 (P4) P4 (P4) P5, SM, 9. Row of pattern chart 2, SM, P4 (P4) P4 (P4) P5, Chart
3 : (K1, P1, K1), P3, M1RP, SM, raglan, SM, M1L, K to the next M, SM, chart 1, SM, K to
the next M, M1R, SM, raglan, SM, M1L, K to BOR (8 sts increased)

Round 9 : sBOR-M, K to the next M, SM, raglan, SM, Knit to the next M, SM, chart 1,
SM, Knit to the next M, SM, raglan, SM, P4, Chart 3 : (K1, P1, K1), P4 (P4) P4 (P4) P5,
SM, 10. Row of pattern chart 2, SM, P4 (P4) P4 (P4) P5, Chart 3 : (K1, P1, K1), P4, SM,
raglan, SM, K to the next M, SM, chart 1, SM, K to the next M, SM, raglan, SM, K to

Size S-XL go to the next step: You have 154 (154) 176 (176) sts on your needle.

Round 10 : sBOR-M, K to the next M, M1R, SM, raglan, SM, M1L, Knit to the next M,
SM, chart 1, SM, Knit to the next M, M1R, SM, raglan, SM, M1LP, P4, Chart 3 : (Pull
the third st over the first 2 sts, K1, YO, K1), P5, SM, 11. Row of pattern chart 2, SM,
P5, Chart 3 : (Pull the third st over the first 2 sts, K1, YO, K1), P4, M1RP, SM, raglan,
SM, M1L, K to the next M, SM, chart 1, SM, K to the next M, M1R, SM, raglan, SM, M1L,
K to BOR (8 sts increased)

Round 11 : sBOR-M, K to the next M, SM, raglan, SM, Knit to the next M, SM, chart 1,
SM, Knit to the next M, SM, raglan, SM, P5, Chart 3 : (K1, P1, K1), P5, SM, 12. Row of
pattern chart 2, SM, P5, Chart 3 : (K1, P1, K1), P5, SM, raglan, SM, K to the next M, SM,
chart 1, SM, K to the next M, SM, raglan, SM, K to BOR

Size XXL go the next step: You have now 188 sts on your needle.

for all sizes:

1. from now on all increases around the raglan are knit sts. So, either M1R or
2. You will knit and increase every second round till your total sts are 294 (318)
338 (354) 392 (416) 436, this will mean you have done 24 (27) 28 (29) 32 (35)
37 increase rounds after the short rows. You can count the sleeve sts and
maybe the back panel to see if you have the correct number of sts on your
needles. The raglan sts should be counted as body sts.
the distribution of the whole sts is as following:

8 Keep it warm sweater – version 1.1

sleeve: 61 (67) 71 (75) 85 (91) 95 sts
back panel: 87 (93) 99 (103) 113 (119) 125 sts
front panel: 85 (91) 97 (101) 109 (115) 121 sts

When you have reached the sts number, pls try it on, if the yoke fits you well and
you have a comfortable ease. If it’s so, you can separate the sleeves from the body.
If not, you can knit with or without any increases in rounds, till you have reached
your desired yoke depth. The raglan sts belong to the body sts.

Separation round:
K to next M, remove M, K to next SM, RM, put the sleeve sts on a st holder, CO 1 (3)
3 (5) 5 (7) 9 sts using backwards loop method, RM, K to the next M, knit as the sts
appear till you reach chart 3 pattern, chart 3, P to next M, SM, chart 2, SM. P to
chart 3, chart 3, knit as the sts appear to the next M, RM, k to next M, RM, put the
sleeve sts on a st holder, CO 1 (3) 3 (5) 5 (7) 9 sts using backwards loop method, RM,
k to next M, RM, K to BOR

You should have now 174 (190) 202 (214) 232 (248) 264 sts on your needle for the
body, if you haven’t added additional sts.
Now you knit in round till you have knitted your desired length minus the hem.
Mine has grown 7cm after washing and blocking. Since you have blocked your
swatch, you have the best idea how your yarn combination behaves after washing
and blocking. Have it in mind, before you finish off the body. I recommend to work
the Chart II btw 5th and 13th row, before you start knitting the hem.

Use 4mm Needles for the hem. Knit in twisted rib for 5cm and bind off using
Italian bind off.

Start picking up 2 (3) 3 (4) 4 (5) 6 sts under the arm pit, PM, pick up 1 (2) 2 (3) 3 (4) 5
sts. You should have now 64 (72) 76 (82) 92 (100) 106 sts.

K1, K2tog, K to M, SM, Chart 1, SM, K to 3 sts before BOR-M, SSK, K1

For size XXS - S: Knit your arm, till you have knitted 20cm, keeping the lace pattern
alive. After you have knitted 20cm, you start to decrease the sts as decribed in the
decrease round above. The decrease round should be repeated every round.

9 Keep it warm sweater – version 1.1

(Approx. every 5cm) Knit till you have worked 40cm or your desired length minus
5cm of hem.

For size M-2XL: You will start decrease the sts right away. That means your next
round will be a decrease round. The decrease round should be repeated every
4,5cm (3,5cm) 3cm (2,5cm) for 40cm or your desired length minus 5cm of cuff

If you have worked for 40cm, you should have 56 (64) 68 (66) 70 (74) 74 sts on your
Count your sts from BOR-M to your next M and if it’s an even number, you start
knitting your twisted rib with P1, if it’s uneven, start knitting the twisted rib
starting with K1 tbl. Change your needles size to 4mm needles. Remove the SM
except for your BOR-SM and knit in twisted rib for 5cm and bind off using Italian
bind off.

Repeat the previous steps for the other sleeve.

Weave in all ends and your new sweater is ready. Block the sweater and lay it flat
to dry.

Congratulations" Now your very own “Keep it Warm Sweater” is ready.

I would be very happy, if you would share your beautiful knit with the hashtag
#keepitwarmsweater and tag me @atelier.ajour so I can celebrate your work.

For size L-2XL

For size 2XS – M

10 Keep it warm sweater – version 1.1



11 Keep it warm sweater – version 1.1

All contents of these knitting instructions, especially texts, photographs and
graphics, are protected by copyright. The copyright is owned by Yeon Hwa Lee,
unless explicitly stated otherwise. Please ask me if you want to use the contents of
this pattern.
Whoever violates copyright ( e.g. copies images or texts without permission), is
liable to prosecution according to §§ 106 ff UrhG (German Copyright Act), will be
warned with costs and has to pay damages (§ 97 UrhG).

If you have any question about this pattern, I would be very happy if you could use
my Ravelry group to address your question. In this way, maybe other people can
also profit from your questions. Alternatively, you can also reach me under .

12 Keep it warm sweater – version 1.1

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