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OBAFEML AWOLOWO UNIVERSITY, ILE.IFE, NIGERIA DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS B.Sc.(STATISTICS) DEG ‘i 2019/2020 HARMATTAN SEMEST ee STT 201 (Introduction to Sta INSTRUCTION: Answer any registration number in bloc! tistics), TIME ALLOWED: 24 k letters on your answer script(s yy (a i (a) Define the following terminologies in Statistics. i. Population ii, Sample iii, Parameter iv. Statistic ESTER EXAMINATION hrs four questions. Write your names and ) (b) Distinguish between descriptive statistics and inferential statis. tics (c) The table below represents yearly percentage Sales, Gross Profit and Net Profit recorded by a certain manufacturing company for the year 2017-2020. Graph the data using a percentage compo- nents bar chart. Year | Sales (Naira) | Gross profit (Naira) [ Net profit (Naira) | 30 2017 | 1007} < 2018 120 40 1S 2019 130 45 f 2020 | ___150 ea = 2. (a) What is an index number? Using the data in the table below, compute the Laspeyres, Paasche, Marshall-Edgeworth price index number: and Fisher’s 5) ‘The table bélow shows data for test fault(y) and the time taken(x) in minutes to produce each component in batches of 200 made by 10 men Test faulty POS Tar paras Tara Froduction time (x) | 15 [23[23 F199 tet [16 Find the Spearman's rank Correlation for the above data and comment on your result 3 ; e i vy (®) Suppose twenty over-weight individuals, each is more than 40 Pounds over-weight, were randomly assigned to one of two di- ter 10 weeks, the total weight losses (in pounds) of the individuals on each of the diets were given in the following table: K Xa] Xa rate s [Diet 1 | 22:2) 23.4 Diet 2 | 24.2 | 16.8 ets (samples). Moreover, suppose that aft | Xia | Xe | Xe Xe | [Xim [Yow boa ties rest aoe ee 76 | al r9s|i76| 112 2| 95 | 301 | 215) i. Compute the sum of squares within the samples (SS,,) ii, Compute the sum of squares between the samples (SSj). iii. Compute the Test Statistics (7'S), for the hypothesis. iv. Test, at the 5 percent level of significance, the hypothesis that the two diets have equal effect (ie [pier 1 = Hpier 2). (b) Suppose that X), X2..., Xig of Diet 1 and ¥1, Yo... Yo of Diet 2 are random and independent samples from normal populations uring respective parameters ({pier 1. Ce and ( Hbier 2s Oi 2 )- Furthermore, suppose that all the four pe canes are unknown, but the variances are equal, i.e., Oj. | = Dies 2 i, Estimate fipier 1 — Mier 2». the difference between the ee i ” " idence interval for the 2) in 3(b)(i) above. tossed, and let the ran- ints. Obtain the proba- ata grocery store fol tage 10 customers arri#® ving from ee yor 3 J (©) Ifthe discrete random variable X can take only the values 0, 1,2,3,4,5.The Probability distribution of X is given by the followings P(X = 0) = P(X = 1) = P(X =2) ag P(X =3)=P(X =4) =P(X=5) 24 P(X > 2) = 3P(X <2) where a and b are constants i. Obtain the values for a and b ii. Estimate the expectation of X, E(x). © (a) Given a regression model y; = Bo + Bixi-+ &, where € N(0, 02) Ob- tain the least squares regression estimators fy and fi (>) A company that repairs small computers needs to develop a better way of providing customers typical repair cost estimates. To begin this process, they compiled data on repair times (in minutes) and the number of components needing repair or replacement from the previous week. The data, sorted by number of components are as follows: Lee: cmb elaes (Repair time (mins) (@) | 1 [2 57 vi) 4 Number (yj) | 23 [29 | 64] 7: 5 4 [80 Obtain the least squares regression estimates fy and f1 G (a) State and explain the components of time series (b) Enumerate any five methods of estimating trend in time series (c) The table below shows the quarterly cost of production in millions of Naira of Associated Bottling Company from 2008-2012. By using the moving average method, calculate the trend of the production cost? Plot the cost of prod ction against the trend on a graph sheet.

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