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Heroes come in many shapes and sizes, like the iconic heroes we see on the big screen, like

batman and superman, or normal everyday heroes, like a doctor or firefighter. But i think that
the biggest hero is the one that is closest to me and that is my mom. Everyday,i admire and
others should look up to her.

My mom teaches heroic life lesson that you and i should admire her for. and that is why today
i decided to pick that i thought is most important to me. The first thing that I admire for her is
that she understands that there are days that are going to be tougher than others and that you
should just keep pushing forward. without a doubt not only my mom is an amazing person but
she is the one I admire. She is my rock and can help me whenever I need her and will always be
there for me. She Works hard to provide for the things we need and will still got out her way
sometimes to give me things I ask for. The second thing that i admire is that she was able to
get through college without help from her family and be able to support herself made me
admire that aspect of her and realize that i dont need to depend on anyone to be successful.
She taught me to give my best in every aspect of my life and that if she could do it, I could also
do it regardless of the obstacle that comes my way.

The third thing I admire and aspire to be like my mother because of how supportive, how
selfless and how loving she is with everybody.

As a conclusion a mother is someone who can take the place of all other but no one can take
the place of her.through tough times and good times, my mom has always been my rock. For
these and other reasons I admire her and one day maybe I can be half as good as she is as a

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