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customer support department

frequently asked questions

Focus, Network, Hydra, Hercules 690 onwards and h1000

Masthead unit wiring information
Network Wind connector wiring
Due to new CE legislation introduced in 1996, it was necessary to change the connector on the rear of the Network
Wind display from a 6-pin connector to a 7-pin connector. These changes are detailed below. Note that Pin 1 is
indicated on the plug or socket by the adjacent dot. The mast cable wiring colours were changed in 1996. The different
wiring colours and combinations are shown below:

Network 6-Pin connector

Pin 1 Black 0V supply

3 Pin 2 Orange +12V supply
2 4 Pin 3 Violet Wind speed
6 Pin 4 Green Wind angle phase (Green)
1 5 Pin 5 Red Wind angle phase (Red)
Pin 6 Blue Wind angle phase (Blue)

Network 7-Pin connector (1996 onwards)

Pin 1 Black 0V supply

4 Pin 2 Orange +12V supply
3 5
Pin 3 Violet Wind speed
2 6
Pin 4 Screen N/C
Pin 5 Red Wind angle phase (Red)
1 7
Pin 6 Blue Wind angle phase (Blue)
Pin 7 Green Wind angle phase (Green)

213 Masthead unit connector wiring

A Black 0V supply
B Screen Screen
C Red Wind angle phase (Red)
D Orange +6.5V supply
E Screen Screen
F Green Wind angle phase (Green)
G Blue Wind angle phase (Blue)
H Violet Wind speed signal
J -- No connection
K -- No connection

B&G Customer Support

Premier Way
Abbey Park
SO51 9DH

FAQ - MHU Wiring and Tests

James Duynisveld 22/02/2007
customer support department

frequently asked questions

213 Vertical Masthead unit connector wiring

1 Black 0V Supply
2 Orange +6.5V Supply
2 1 3 -- No connection
5 4 3 4 Violet Wind speed signal
5 Blue Wind angle phase (blue)
8 7 6 6 Red Wind angle phase (red)
7 Green Wind angle phase (green)
8 -- No connection

283/496 Masthead unit connector wiring

1 Violet Wind speed signal

2 Orange +12V supply
2 4
3 Blue Wind angle phase (Blue)
4 Green Wind angle phase (Green)
1 5
5 Red Wind angle phase (Red)
6 Black 0V supply

B&G Customer Support

Premier Way
Abbey Park
SO51 9DH

FAQ - MHU Wiring and Tests

James Duynisveld 22/02/2007
customer support department

frequently asked questions

Mast cable colours, functions and terminals

Pre-Feb Feb-Mar Post-Mar
Hydra and
1996 1996 1996 h1000
Function Hercules
Network Network Network Systems
Cable Cable Cable
MHU Ground (0V) Black Green Black Black (45) Black (6)
MHU Supply (12V) Red Red Orange Orange 6.5V (43) Orange (7)
Wind Speed Signal Violet Blue Violet Violet (44) Violet (5)
Wind Angle Phase (Red) Yellow Yellow Red Red (48) Red (10)
Wind Angle Phase (Green) Green White Green Green (47) Green (9)
Wind Angle Phase (Blue) Blue Black Blue Blue (46) Blue (8)
Screen N/A Screen Screen Clamp Bar ---


Wind speed
The following test can be used to simulate the windspeed readings from a masthead unit sensor.

1. Locate the masthead unit cable junction box at the base of the mast.
2. Disconnect the masthead unit wires in the junction box.
3. Identify which masthead unit cable goes back to the wind display or processor.
4. Carefully isolate the Windspeed wire (normally Violet) and the 0V supply wire (normally Black).
5. Quickly tap the windspeed wire to the 0V wire. This will now simulate windspeed. The faster the two wires are
tapped together, the faster the windspeed reading will be.

If your display starts to show windspeed readings when this test is performed, the problem is located somewhere up the
mast. The most likely cause is a faulty masthead sensor. If this is the case, the masthead unit should be returned to your
local authorised B&G Dealer for further testing. Another possible cause for no windspeed readings is a broken or short-
circuits in the sensor mast cable.

If your display does not show windspeed readings when this test is performed, then the problem is most likely with the
display or control unit.

Wind angle
1. Locate the masthead unit cable junction box at the base of the mast.
2. With the system switched on, and using a Digital Volt Meter, measure the wind angle phase voltages, normally
Red, Green and Blue, with respect to 0V (normally Black). The measured voltages can be anywhere between
0.1V and 6.4V and will vary dependent upon the wind angle.

If any of the phases are “stuck” on one particular voltage, or the variation is minimal, then the problem is most
likely to be a faulty masthead unit sensor. Alternatively, if the sensor proves to be OK, then a damaged mast cable
may be the problem.

B&G Customer Support

Premier Way
Abbey Park
SO51 9DH

FAQ - MHU Wiring and Tests

James Duynisveld 22/02/2007
customer support department

frequently asked questions

Voltage measurements

Angle°° Red (V) Green (V) Blue (V)

0° 0.19 4.74 4.74
30° 0.53 3.24 5.89
60° 1.64 1.68 6.33
90° 3.25 0.47 5.93
120° 4.77 0.10 4.78
150° 5.87 0.53 3.25
180° 6.28 1.67 1.69
210° 5.87 3.25 0.53
240° 4.77 4.78 0.10
270° 3.25 5.93 0.47
300° 1.64 6.33 1.68
330° 0.53 5.89 3.24

B&G Customer Support

Premier Way
Abbey Park
SO51 9DH

FAQ - MHU Wiring and Tests

James Duynisveld 22/02/2007

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