Big Rib Sweater v1.0

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Sizes (XS, S, M)[L, 1X, 2X]{3X, 4X, 5X} to fit chest measurement of:

BIG RIB SWEATER (28, 32, 36)[40, 44, 48]{52, 56, 60}"
(71, 81.5, 91.5)[101.5, 112, 122]{132, 142, 152.5}cm
Garment Full Chest Measurement:
A big ribbed sweater with an airy feel that’s still (37, 40, 43)[48, 53, 56]{59, 64, 69}"
warm enough for winter? Wow! (94, 101.5, 109)[122, 134.5, 142]{150, 162.5, 175.5}cm
Sweater is designed with 5-9”/13-23cm of positive ease at the full chest for a
relaxed, oversized fit. To choose your size, add 5-9”/13-23cm to your full chest
measurement and choose the closest garment full chest measurement size.
Suggested Yarn
Woolfolk Tage in collaboration with Ritual Dyes
(70% Ovis 21 Ultimate Merino, 30% Mohair, worsted weight,
Please use any yarn or combination of yarns with which you can
achieve gauge. Tage is a worsted weight mohair knit at a bulky
gauge, so any bulky weight yarn should work! You could also use
mohair held double or triple, DK held with mohair, or even a single
strand of Worsted or Aran knit at loose gauge for an airy sweater.
Suggested Needles
Main: US 10 (6mm) 32”-40” circular needles, plus preferred needles
for small circumference knitting
Ribbing: US 8 (5mm) 32”-40” circular needles, plus preferred
needles for small circumference knitting
12 sts & 18 rows / 4”(10cm) in 4x4 ribbing, blocked
Yarn Requirements
(525, 575, 625)[700, 775, 850]{925, 1000, 1075}yds
(480, 526, 571)[640, 708, 777]{845, 914, 983}yds
Share your project on Instagram using the hashtag Construction
#BigRibSweater and tagging @jessssiemae This design is knit seamlessly from the top down with back and neckline
shaping & tapered sleeves. Stitches are picked up for sleeves and neckline.

Big Rib Sweater v1.0 – Ⓒ Jessie Maed Designs, January 2023 Page 1 of 6
BOR: beginning of round Back
CO: cast on Cast On
Cont: continue Using main needles and a longtail cast-on, cast on (22, 22, 30)[30, 30,
Inc: increased 30]{38, 38, 38} sts.
k: knit
k2tog (right leaning decrease): knit the next two sts together as one These (22, 22, 30)[30, 30, 30]{38, 38, 38} sts will form the back of the neck
M1l(p) (left leaning knit (purl) increase): pick up bar between the stitch you just knit (purl) of your sweater.
and the next stitch from front to back, then knit (purl) through the back loop
M1r(p) (right leaning knit (purl) increase): pick up bar between the stitch you just knit (purl) Back Increases
and the next stitch from back to front, then knit (purl) through the front loop
Setup (WS): p5, pm, (k4, p4) to last 9 sts, k4, pm, p5.
p: purl
Row 1 (RS): k5, (p4, k4) to last st, k1.
pu&k: pick up and knit
Row 2 (WS): p5, (k4, p4) to last st , p1.
Rd (rds): round (rounds) Row 3 (RS): k5, sm, m1l, WIP to marker, m1r, sm, k5. (2 sts inc.)
Rep: rep Row 4 (WS): p5, sm, p1, WIP to 1 st before marker, p1, sm, p5.
RS: right side Row 5-10: rep rows 3-4 3 more times. (6 sts inc.)
ssk (left leaning decrease): slip one stitch knitwise, slip one stitch purlwise, insert left Row 11 (RS): k5, sm, m1lp, WIP to marker, m1rp, sm, k5. (2 sts inc.)
needle into the two slipped stitches and knit together through the back loop
Row 12 (WS): p5, sm, k1, WIP to 1 st before marker, k1, sm, p5.
St (sts): stitch (stitches)
Rows 13-18: rep rows 11-12 3 more times. (6 sts inc.)
WIP: work in pattern, which means you should work in the pattern established in the
previous row/round. Stitches decreased in the previous round will always be worked as knit You should have (38, 38, 46)[46, 46, 46]{54, 54, 54} sts.
stitches in subsequent rounds.
WS: wrong side Repeat Rows 3-18 (1, 1, 1)[1, 2, 2]{2, 2, 2} more time(s).
You should have (54, 54, 62)[62, 78, 78]{86, 86, 86} sts.

Row 1 (RS): k5, (p4, k4) to last st, k1.
Row 2 (WS): p5, (k4, p4) to last st , p1.
Cont: rep rows 1-2 (7, 7, 7)[9, 11, 13]{13, 12, 12} more times.

Break yarn leaving a 6”/15cm tail and place stitches on stitch holders.

Big Rib Sweater v1.0 – Ⓒ Jessie Maed Designs, January 2023 Page 2 of 6
Left Shoulder number does not span the entire length of the back increase section. The
With right side of fabric facing, beginning at the left side of the original cast- remainder of that length will become part of the armhole.
on edge (for clarification, see point A from the construction schematic on
page 6) pu&k a stitch from every other row from the back increase rows Slide needle all the way left (such that you will be drawing yarn from the ball
until you have picked up (14, 14, 14)[14, 22, 22]{22, 22, 22} sts. Note that now instead of the tail) to begin work at right side.
for some sizes, this number does not span the entire length of the back
increase section. The remainder of that length will become part of the Row 1 (RS): k5, (p4, k4) to last st, k1.
armhole. Row 2 (WS): p5, pm, (k4, p4) to last st , p1.
Rows 3-12: rep rows 1-2 5 more times, slipping marker rather than placing.
Left Neckline Shaping (12 rows total)
Setup Row (WS): p5, (k4, p4) to last 9 sts, k4, pm, p5. Row 13 (RS): k5, WIP to marker, m1r, sm, k5. (1 st inc.)
Row 1 (RS): k5, (p4, k4), to last st, k1. Row 14 (WS): p5, sm, p1, WIP to end.
Row 2 (WS): p5, sm, (k4, p4) to last st, p1. Row 15-20: rep rows 13-14 3 more times. (3 sts inc.)
Rows 3-12: rep rows 1-2 5 more times. Row 21 (RS): k5, WIP to marker, m1rp, sm, k5. (1 st inc.)
Row 13 (RS): k5, sm, m1l, WIP to end. (1 st inc.) Row 22 (WS): p5, sm, k1, WIP to end.
Row 14 (WS): WIP to 1 st before marker, p1, sm, p5. Rows 23-28: rep rows 21-22 3 more times. (3 sts inc.)
Row 15-20: rep rows 13-14 3 more times. (3 sts inc.) You should have (22, 22, 22)[22, 30, 30]{30, 30, 30} sts.
Row 21 (RS): k5, sm, m1lp, WIP to end. (1 sts inc.)
Row 22 (WS): WIP to 1 st before marker, k1, sm, p5. Do not break yarn.
Rows 23-28: rep rows 21-22 3 more times. (3 sts inc.)
You should have (22, 22, 22)[22, 30, 30]{30, 30, 30} sts. Join Left and Right Front
Place left shoulder sts on spare set of needles to be worked.
Break yarn leaving 6” tail and place sts on holder. Join Row (RS): WIP across all right shoulder sts removing markers as you go
until last st of row, p1, cable cast on (10, 18, 18)[18, 18, 26]
Right Shoulder {26, 26, 26} sts, join to left shoulder by purling the first st of the left
With right side of fabric facing, beginning at the right side of the original shoulder, (k4,p4) to last 5 sts, k5.
cast-on edge (the point where your cast-on tail is) count (28, 28, 28) Setup Row (WS): p5, (k4,p4) to last st, p1.
[28, 44, 44]{44, 44, 44} rows from left to right along the back increase rows. Row 1 (RS): k5, (p4, k4) to last st, k1.
This is the point at which you will begin picking up shoulder stitches. For Row 2 (WS): p5, (k4, p4) to last st, p1.
clarification, see point B from the construction schematic on page 6. Cont: rep rows 1-2 (7, 7, 7)[9, 11, 13]{13, 12, 12} more times

Using the tail end of the yarn (this means that the tail will be at the left Join Front and Back
while you pick up stitches rather than the right, and yarn will be consumed Place back sts on spare set of needles to be worked.
from the tail as you pick up rather than from the ball of yarn,) pu&k a stitch Join Row (RS): p1, pm for BOR, WIP across front sts to last st, p1, cable cast
from every other row from the back increase rows until you have picked up on (2, 2, 2)[10, 2, 2]{2, 10, 18} sts, p first st of back to join, WIP to last st of
(14, 14, 14)[14, 22, 22]{22, 22, 22} sts. Again, note that for some sizes, this back, p1, cable cast on (2, 2, 2)[10, 2, 2]{2, 10, 18} sts, p1.
You should have (112, 120, 128)[144, 160, 168]{176, 192, 208} sts.

Big Rib Sweater v1.0 – Ⓒ Jessie Maed Designs, January 2023 Page 3 of 6
Body Sleeve Shaping (cont.)
Work (k4,p4) ribbing for (7.5, 8, 8)[8, 8, 8]{8, 8.5, 8.5}" / Sizes (-, -, -)[L, -, -]{-, 4X, 5X} Only
[(19, 20.5, 20.5)[20.5, 20.5, 20.5]{20.5, 21.5, 21.5}cm] or until body Rd 1: k2, (p4, k4) to last 6 sts, p4, k2.
measured from underarm is 1.5”/4cm shorter than total desired body *Cont: WIP for (-, -, -)[6, -, -]{-, 3, 4} rds.
length. Decrease Rd: k1, ssk, WIP to last 3 sts, k2tog, k1.
Repeat from * (-, -, -)[9, -, -]{-, 10, 9} more times.
Switch to smaller needles and work one more round in (k4, p4) ribbing. You should have (-, -, -)[44, -, -]{-, 50, 52} sts. Note that decreases do not
necessarily end on a full repeat of the 4x4 pattern.
Work (k1, p1) ribbing for 1.5”/4cm. Bind off in knit.
Sleeve Length & Cuff
Sleeves Continue working in pattern established after final round of decreases
Pickup without decreasing until sleeve measures approximately 18”/46cm, or
On larger needles beginning at center underarm, pu&k (1, 1, 1)[5, 1, 1] 1.5”/4cm shorter than total desired sleeve length.
{1, 5, 9} st(s).
Switch to smaller needles and work one more rd in pattern.
Pu&k (46, 46, 46)[54, 62, 70]{70, 62, 54} sts around the armhole with an
approximate pickup ratio of (2 sts per 3, 2 sts per 3, 2 sts per 3) Work (k1, p1) ribbing for 1.5”/4cm. Bind off in knit.
[1 st per 2, 2 sts per 3, 2 sts per 3]{2 sts per 3, 1 st per 2, 3 sts per 5} rows.
Pu&k (1, 1, 1)[5, 1, 1]{1, 5, 9} more st(s) from the underarm. Place marker Neckline Pickup
for BOR. On smaller needles beginning at top right shoulder, pick up as follows:
You should have (48, 48, 48)[64, 64, 72]{72, 72, 72} sts. (20, 20, 24)[24, 28, 28]{32, 32, 32} sts along the back neck;
19 sts along left neckline (approximately 2 sts for every 3 rows);
Check to ensure that your BOR is positioned in the center of a all (10, 18, 18)[18, 18, 26]{26, 26, 26} cast-on neck sts;
(purl, purl, purl)[knit, purl, purl]{purl, knit, knit} column as it lines up with 19 sts along left neckline (approximately 2 sts for every 3 rows).
the body of the sweater. You should have (68, 76, 80)[80, 84, 92]{96, 96, 96} sts.

Sleeve Shaping Place marker for BOR.

Sizes (XS, S, M)[-, 1X, 2X]{3X, -, -} Only
Rd 1: p2, (k4, p4) to last 6 sts, k4, p2. Work (k1, p1) ribbing for 1.5”/4cm. Bind off in knit.
*Cont: WIP for (21, 21, 21)[-, 7, 2]{3, -, -} rds.
Decrease Rd: p2, k3, k2tog, WIP to last 7 sts, ssk, k3, p2. Finishing & Sharing
Repeat from * (2, 2, 2)[-, 8, 12]{11, -, -} more times. Weave in ends, paying special attention to the underarms making sure use
You should have (42, 42, 42)[-, 46, 46]{48, -, -} sts. Note that decreases do your sewing to tidy up any holes. Gently block to desired measurements.
not necessarily end on a full repeat of the 4x4 pattern.
Tag your projects #BigRibSweater and @jessssiemae on Instagram, &
Proceed to “Sleeve Length & Cuff” section. Subscribe to my Newsletter for exclusive discounts, testing calls, & more!

Big Rib Sweater v1.0 – Ⓒ Jessie Maed Designs, January 2023 Page 4 of 6

37 40 43 48 53 56 59 64 69
Full Chest
16 16 16 20 20 24 24 24 24
Upper Arm
14 14 14 14.5 15.5 16 16 16.5 17.5
19 19.5 19.5 20 21 21 21 22 22
Total Length
9 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 10 10
Body Length

94 101.5 109 122 134.5 142 150 162.5 175.5
Full Chest
40.5 40.5 40.5 51 51 61 61 61 61
Upper Arm
35.5 35.5 35.5 37 39.5 40.5 40.5 42 44.5
48.5 49.5 49.5 51 53.5 53.5 53.5 56 56
Total Length
23 24 24 24 24 24 24 25.5 25.5
Body Length

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