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by Susanne Reese

This is the way I knitted these airy and lacy ankle-socks for my
own feet. Therefore only German size 39 is indicated. Feel
free to use your preferred sock construction with my pattern
instructions and knit them with a small amount of negative
ease for a better fit.

Construction: Toe Up / Hybrid Short-Row + Flap Heel

Techniques used: Judy’s magic cast-on / Magic Loop /
knitting in the round / short rows / crocheted picot-cast-off
Materials: about 200 m 4-ply sock yarn
2,5 mm circular needle long enough for magic loop (alt.
DPN’s) or size to give you the correct gauge.
Crochet hook size 2.5 or 3
2 stitch markers (optional)
Gauge: 32 sts x 46 rows = 10 x 10 cm
Size: Medium = 39

Cast on 26 sts using Judy’s magic-cast on ( 13 sts on each needle)
Round 1: knit
Round 2: *k1, KLL, k to last st , KRL, k1* on each needle
KLL: pick up the loop from the stitch 2 stitches below the one just knitted and knit into it
KRL: pick up the loop from the stitch below the next stitch on the left needle and knit into it through the
Repeat rounds 1 +2 until you have 42 sts in total on both needles. Continue knitting chart 1
beginning with round 10 ..


20 x j j c x j j c
18 s j v j j v j d
16 s j c x j j c x j d
14 s d
12 s x j j c d
10 s j v j d
8 s d
6 s d
4 s d
2 s d
29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

j Yarn over
x Slip, slip knit
c Knit 2 together
v Slip 2 together as if to knit, knit next and pull slipped stitches over knit stitch: 2 stitches decreased
d KLL und KRL, as described above

Continue increases until you have 58 stitches in total.

In the next round (22) transfer 1 stitch on each side
from the bottom to the top needle (31 top/27 sole) and
continue knitting chart 2 until the sole measures 13,5
Important! For a better fit, knit short rows on the bottom
3 times: at 5, 9 and 13 cm from the top. Knit 26 stitches
on the bottom needle, turn, work double stitch, purl 24,
turn, double stitch, knit to end and knit the 2 legs of the
double stitch together. This will prevent the sock from
slipping at the heel.
Double stitch: Pick up the first stitch as if to purl, yarn in front. Tightly pull the working yarn away from
you behind the needles; the stitch now consists of two parts (double stitch)

Chart 2
16 x j j c x j j c
14 j v j j v j
12 j c x j j c x j

8 x j j c x j j c x j j c
6 j v j j v j j v j
4 j c x j j c x j j c x j
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

The gusset is placed in the middle of the sole and is easy to knit. Just increase 2 sts every second
round as follows:
Round 1, bottom needle: k13, place marker, inc 1 by picking up the bar between 2 sts and knit it
through the back-loop, k1, inc 1, place marker, k 13
Round 2: knit all sts and continue in pattern
Round 3: k to marker, slip marker, inc1, knit to marker, inc 1, slip marker, knit to end of needle,
Repeat rounds 2+3 until you have increased by a total of 26 stitches

Now you have 53 sts on needle 1 (sole) and 31 sts on needle 2 (upper foot). Knit 1 round and
transfer 2 stitches on each side from the top to the bottom needle (27/57) and remove marker.

knit 41 stitches, turn and work one double stitch.
Purl 25 sts, turn, work next double st, knit to one
st before the double st which you knitted in the
row below, turn, work double st, purl to the last
st knitted in the row below.
Continue working short-rows until you have 6
double-stitches on each side. Knit 1 round
across all needles and knit the two parts of
every double st together.
Heel flap:
1. Row: Knit 41 stitches, knit 2 together through
the back-loop, turn.
2. Row : slip 1, purl 25, p2tog., turn
3. Row: Slip 1, knit to the last st before the gap, knit 2 sts together through the back-loop
(k2togtbl), turn
4. Row: Slip 1, purl to the last st before the gap, p2tog, turn
Continue working rows. 3+4 until 4 stitches are left on each side .
In the next knit row place 1 mouche pattern in the middle of the heel flap and continue heel flap
until all stitches are used up. Heel is finished: 54 stitches in total.

Continue knitting 2 rounds and/or optional rounds 4+6 of pattern by watching the repeat. If you
prefer a very short cuff without pattern rounds I recommend adding 2 more short rows on the heel
as shown on the photo. This way the heel gains a little height.

Cuff: *1 ktbl, p1* for about 8 rounds or as you desire.

Bind off loosely or work picots with crochet hook: *insert hook in 1. stitch. 3 chain sts, 1 chain in
knit stitch, slip stitch from needle. Bind off the next 2 stitches with chain stitch*, continue to end.

This pattern hasn’t been testknitted yet. I am offering the pattern for free and would be grateful in return if you could
manage solving minor problems by yourself. Feel free to use the pattern as inspiration for your own modifications. Any
bugs can be reported to my ravelry-account, username jancacha.
Please respect my copyright and only use this pattern for private purposes. Thank you!
Susanne Reese, 2012

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