Academic Reading 13

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Sunday, 9 de October de 2022, 19:11


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Sunday, 9 de October de 2022, 19:21

9 minutos 16 segundos

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Academic Reading 13

Read the text and drag the most appropriate headline above each paragraph.

Scrum Phases and Processes

Scrum processes address the specific activities and flow of a Scrum project. These processes are grouped into
following five phases:

1. Initiate  - This phase includes the processes related to the beginning of a project: Create
Project Vision, Identify Scrum Master and Stakeholder(s), Form Scrum Team, Develop Epic(s), Create Prioritized
Product Backlog, and Conduct Release Planning.

2. Plan and Estimate  - This phase consists of processes related to scheming and appraising tasks, which
include Create User Stories, Approve, Estimate, and Commit User Stories, Create Tasks, Estimate Tasks, and Create
Sprint Backlog.

3. Implement  - This phase is related to the execution of the tasks and activities to create a
project's product. These activities include creating the various deliverables, conducting Daily Standup Meetings,
and grooming (i.e., reviewing, fine-tuning, and regularly updating) the Product Backlog at regular intervals.

4. Review and Retrospect  - This phase is concerned with evaluating the deliverables and the work that has
been done and determining ways to improve the practices and methods used to do project work.

5. Release  - This phase emphasizes on delivering the Accepted Deliverables to the customer
and identifying, documenting, and internalizing the lessons learned during the project.

Taken and adapted from:

Respuesta correcta

La respuesta correcta es:
Academic Reading 13

Read the text and drag the most appropriate headline above each paragraph.

Scrum Phases and Processes

Scrum processes address the specific activities and flow of a Scrum project. These processes are grouped into following five

1. [Initiate] - This phase includes the processes related to the beginning of a project: Create Project Vision, Identify Scrum
Master and Stakeholder(s), Form Scrum Team, Develop Epic(s), Create Prioritized Product Backlog, and Conduct Release Planning.

2. [Plan and Estimate] - This phase consists of processes related to scheming and appraising tasks, which include Create User
Stories, Approve, Estimate, and Commit User Stories, Create Tasks, Estimate Tasks, and Create Sprint Backlog.

3. [Implement] - This phase is related to the execution of the tasks and activities to create a project's product. These activities
include creating the various deliverables, conducting Daily Standup Meetings, and grooming (i.e., reviewing, fine-tuning, and
regularly updating) the Product Backlog at regular intervals.

4. [Review and Retrospect] - This phase is concerned with evaluating the deliverables and the work that has been done and
determining ways to improve the practices and methods used to do project work.

5. [Release] - This phase emphasizes on delivering the Accepted Deliverables to the customer and identifying, documenting,
and internalizing the lessons learned during the project.

Taken and adapted from:

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Información y Comunicaciones (MinTIC) en el que se espera Carácter académico: Universidad
formar a 100.000 jóvenes y adultos colombianos en Código SNIES: 1204
programación. Nit: 890201213-4
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