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The King and

The Lighthouse
A mystery by a lighthouse in the utmost corner of Jutland.
A long slumbering king has awakened and demands his land returned.

The King and the lighthouse is a mystery which during three intense nights
threatens with a catastrophe, that can change the map of Denmark
permanently, unless the Society can handle the challenge and are willing to
pay a high price to restore the old order. The mystery also introduces an old
monument raised on a foundation of the Society’s secrets, and the players
are given the opportunity to acquire a new headquarter for the Society.

· The King and The Lighthouse ·

Hanstholm is the home of one of Europe’s most As time passed, the bell tower disappeared, and the
powerful lighthouses in the 19th century, placed here bonds that kept Yggingst underground weakened again.
to guide ships around the Hanstholm promontory. The Lindworm again began to hunt the ships that passed
Since ancient times humanity has lived alongside a the promontory. At this time, the Society had not yet
powerful vaesen, who was paid well in human life by collapsed, and a department called the Sønderborg
pulling ships down to the bottom of the sea. Chapter was at the forefront of stopping the lindworm. At
For a long time, people have managed to keep the first, they tried to send hunters up there but without
lindworm Yggingst trapped in its lair, but a terrible success. A new plan was laid by the master architect
storm is brewing that could change Denmark forever, Brach-Sørensen, who designed a special monument to
and the Society is caught in the center of the storm. bind the lindworm.
The project was launched, but in the meantime the
Preludus Society collapsed, and the Sønderborg chapter lacked
funds and management to continue the project. Much
The lighthouse at Hanstholm is one of the world's
most powerful lighthouses, and there is not one to light it. later the enterprising Liselotte Gesner (born Wildenrath),
During the great storm of 1862, the lighthouse keeper who in her childhood could remember the deeds of the
disappeared, and since then it has been rumored that the Sønderborg chapter, made a new plan to erect the
place was haunted. The last lighthouse keeper fled in monument. Instead of erecting a monument, she had
horror from the scene, and since then no one has wanted royal builder Jørgen Koch redraw the monument as a
to be the caretaker. lighthouse. In 1841 construction began. At first the attempt
However, it is not a ghost, but something far worse failed, as there was a misunderstanding in the
that truly haunts the lighthouse, which also hides a construction and a mistake in the construction - and
forgotten piece of the Society's history. according to tradition, the architect took his own life in
This mystery pits the Society against the lindworm shame over it - but in 1843 the project began again, and
Yggingst that once ruled the country, and the mystery later the same year the lighthouse with associated
leads to the Society having the opportunity to acquire a lighthouse. and rescue station completed.
new headquarters as well as they learn more about the The Lindworm was bound by the design of the
Society's history. Lighthouse. In the meantime, Liselotte Gesner had passed
The events and the journey take place after 1865. away from old age, but her last wish to appoint the place's
What Came Before lighthouse keeper was granted. The first lighthouse

Long ago when Hanstholm was an island, the keeper, Heinrich Iulius Wørmer married to Catharine
lindworm Yggingst lived in a salt cave under the highest Wørmer (born Gesner), was trained by Liselotte Gesner in

hill on the island. Here it slumbered with its treasure the traditions of the Sønderborg chapter, but he never

through the ages. After centuries of slumber, it was passed on the tradition, as his son Viggo Wørmer instead
awakened by human activity, and Yggingst left his hiding sought a career as an artist.
place and gorged himself on people, bringing home more In 1860 a new lighthouse keeper, Carl Alsing, took the
treasures to his lair. In the Stone Age, people tried position. He was unaware of what was hiding under the
trapping Yggingst inside his cave by building a burial lighthouse, and by the storm flood of 1862 the lindworm

mound above the entrance and putting a guard in the was awakened despite its ties. That night, Carl Alsing and
grave. It bound Yggingst for a time, but more than a his wife, Laureline, disappeared from the lighthouse, and
thousand years later Yggingst was free again. the following morning, his servant fled the scene.

Increased shipping in the Middle Ages around the Subsequently Niels Kromann was hired as lighthouse
outermost point of Northwest Jutland, the Hanstholm keeper, and he held the post for a year, until both he and
promontory, increasingly disturbed the lindworm, which his wife, Hanne, disappeared during a violent autumn

more and more often woke up and swam out to sea to drag storm. An attempt was made to appoint a new lighthouse
a ship to the bottom to gorge itself on the drowned and keeper, and after a few months, lighthouse keeper Albert
take their treasures. To once more keep Yggingst trapped, Svendsen was hired, but he too resigned from his position

a church was founded at the burial mound and later a bell after a stormy night.
tower was placed on the mound itself. For a time, it The lighthouse is now empty and dark. It has become
worked, and Yggingst was again bound to his salt cave. the task of young official, Thøger Mogensen, at the Royal

· The King and The Lighthouse ·

Danish Lighthouse Service to hire a new lighthouse Running the Mystery

keeper, but the place's poor reputation makes it This scenario has many moving parts and there are
impossible. His wife, Birgitte Mogensen (born several paths through the scenario. The challenge as a
Wildenrath), has persuaded him to seek help, and he has game master will be to juggle several different balls and
therefore written to the Society. adapt the events according to what the players do. If they
No one knows any longer that under the lighthouse is respond in one way to NPCs and hauntings, the events
bound the lindworm Yggingst. It tears at its chains to get unfold in one way, but if they approach the lighthouse and
free, and it has corrupted the former lighthouse keeper the Vaesen in another way, the action proceeds
Carl Alsing with promises of gold and riches to help differently. The scenario passes a lot of balls for you to
Yggingst escape. Carl must break two seals to get to the juggle but catching them becomes your challenge.
worm. The first requires 'the blood of a loved one', and here Tell the backstory: There are three layers of
Carl out of greed killed his wife Laureline and used her background story to bring out in the game. The three are
sacrifice to weaken the lighthouse's grip on the Linnorm the distant past of the lighthouse (Yggingst’s prehistory),
during the storm flood of 1862. His misdeeds drove him the past of the lighthouse (how it was built by a branch of
mad, and he ran out into the heath, where he is still the Society), and the immediate past of the lighthouse (the
hiding. The second seal requires 'The blood of a friend', and fate of the previous lighthouse keepers). The more the
here Carl tried in vain with the lighthouse keeper couple three layers are illuminated, the better a sense of the
Niels and Hanne Kromann. He planned to make a new events the players have. It is better to find one clue too
attempt with the next lighthouse keeper, but Albert many than one too little, and it's better for players to find
Svendsen fled from the place. the clues automatically when they look for them than to
At the next big storm, the Lindworm will try to tear risk missing a clue due to an unfortunate die roll. A good
itself free again before pulling ships down. The Society part of the experience is the players' considerations about
arrives just as the storm is on its way. what to do with the information they receive, rather than
The Conflict whether they receive the information.
The conflict is between the lindworm Yggingst, who Atmosphere: The wind, the sea and the storm. A
desires to rule over its old domain again and take the storm is brewing, and the wind is constantly blowing. The
country back from the people, and the Society, which has sea can be heard all the time, and it can all be smelled, and
previously bound Yggingst underground. The presence one does not have to look far until one can see the coast,
and especially the growing presence of people on where the steel-gray waves with foaming peaks rise. Take
Hanstholm is what awakens the lindworm and makes it a few moments to remind players of the weather, when
try to take back the land. the characters go out, when they go in, when they get up
The Lindworm Yggingst in the morning, and go to bed in the evening: Mention that

Bound in a salt cave under the hill where the the wind is rustling their clothes and that hats are blowing
lighthouse stands, Yggingst fights to get free. If Yggingst away, mention how the wind's howl can be heard through
achieves its freedom, it will transform Hanstholm into an the windows when one lies down to sleep in the dark. Tell
island as it was in the Stone Age, and it will swim out into how the salty sea can be constantly heard and how it can
the sea and pull ships down. Increased human activity in be constantly smelled. There is no time when the wind

the area disturbs Yggingst, and it will cost more human and the sea are not present. Think of them as characters
lives if the lindworm cannot be bound or defeated. present in all scenes.
The lindworm is not just a poisonous monster that The storm is on its way. Build up to a storm on the

eats humans and collects treasures. Its presence is toxic way, but let there be calm moments along the way, where
to the human mind, and unseen it sneaks around the wind ties a bit off and where the water level is less
Hanstholm in a immaterial form and poisons the minds of high, and then turn it up again.

people. At present, the lindworm can appear in a spiritual Atmosphere: The Ghosts. The place is haunted. Never
form around the lighthouse. let the place feel safe and secure. Always let the players
Yggingst follow the rules as described in the Vaesen have the feeling that there is an invisible force at work

rulebook. (whether it is the ghost Laureline, Yggingst's mental

manifestation or the maniac Carl Alsing sneaking around
with an ax).

· The King and The Lighthouse ·

During the day it is cold, empty spaces. Describe how

the buildings are abandoned and empty and try to create
a feeling that the place was until recently inhabited, but
now you always enter empty, cold rooms. There is only
just the shadow of someone having lived here before.
At night, the rooms are dark, and the shadows plays
tricks on you, and we like to explain it as the elements
raging when the tree creaks and the windows bursts open,
but we know well that this is not the case. Let the players
always have the feeling that when it gets dark, they are
never alone.
Misdirections: Three beings ‘Haunt’ the lighthouse.
There is the ghost of Laureline reenacting her attempts to
escape and her plunging to her death. There is the
Spiritual Manifestation of the Lindworm, which mostly
appear as a malign presence. There is the madman Carl
Alsing sneaking around trying to free the lindworm.
The three causes different spooky events at the
lighthouse complex. Keep the players off balance by never
knowing exactly what it is, that lurks in the dark – is the
dark figure in the closet a ghost hiding, a madman with an
ax or the corrupting presence of the lindworm?

· The King and The Lighthouse ·

Involving The Society The Wildenrath family (Lauritz and Wilhelmine) had
become members of the Order of Artemis when the
There are two different beginnings depending on whether
the Society is Uppsala near Gyllencreutz or north of headquarters were in Copenhagen, and when the family
Copenhagen near Ravnholm. returned to their Trading Offices (Købmandsgård) in
Sønderborg, they founded a branch of the Order of
Starting at Gyllencreutz: The Society receives an Artemis, which in daily parlance was called the Sønderborg
invitation to a meeting with clerk Thøger Mogensen at the chapter. Among the prominent members of the
Royal Danish Lighthouse Office (Det kongelige danske Sønderborg chapter were Lieutenant Caspar Debess and
fyrvæsen). Pastor Wilhelm Gesner. The latter published a now-lost
An afternoon, as the Society returns home from a walk pamphlet called The Method of Sacred Geometry for Binding
or a trip to the theater, Algot Frisk receives them and Miasmas.
announces that they have received an official writing from If the Society has other means of obtaining signs and
Denmark while handing them the letter (Handout # 1). warnings, they get signs that it is a matter involving greed,
The letter reads: poison and the boundary between sea and land. Possible
Honorable Members of the Order of Artemis. Your visions provide images of a lighthouse on the coast and a
knowledge and insight are sought in an embarrassing case snake curling around a building.
concerning a building which has acquired a reputation of The Journey
being haunted. On behalf of B.M. (born Wildenrath), I must From Slottet Gyllencreutz: It is spring, and the flowers
kindly remind you of your obligations to the Nordic peoples have begun to peek out from the dark soil. The castle
and kindly request you to appear at my office at the earliest garden is filled with withered yellow grass, but the last
opportunity, snow is gone, and the first shoots of spring have appeared.
With the highest regard Down by the station, the steam from the locomotive
T. Mogensen hangs heavily over the station, and small groups of
Clerk at the Royal Danish Lighthouse Office, passengers try to keep warm in the cold morning air while
Copenhagen. the newspaper sellers try to hook them on the day's news.
Soon the steam train sets off. It rolls out along the
Starting at Ravnholm estate: One evening where The spring-cold city and through the countryside in the
Society has gone to Copenhagen to see the play Elverhøj direction of Malmö, from where you can take the ferry to
(The Elf Hill), they are contacted during the break by a Copenhagen. It is an uneventful trip. Most passengers
young, slightly nervous man who has left his company to huddle in the cold carriages, for the country has not
greet them. He introduces himself as Thøger Mogensen, completely forgotten winter, and spring has not yet taken
clerk at the Royal Danish Lighthouse Office. He has an hold of the forests and fields.
embarrassing case, and he has heard that the Society are In the evening, the train rolls into Malmö station, and
the right people to contact when it comes to buildings of you are accommodated in a hotel near the harbor for the
a haunted nature. He is clearly distressed by talking about night, and in the morning the steamship is waiting to ferry
the supernatural, which he wraps in flowery phrases. He you to Copenhagen.
asks the Society to come to a meeting at his office, The morning air is warmer at the southern end of the
preferably the following day or the next opportunity country, and the walk to the ferry is not as cold as the trip
regarding a building in Jutland. Then he leaves the Society to the station was the day before. The sailing takes place
with his business card, as the break is over, and the play under mild winds, and the ferry will soon be in
is about to continue. Copenhagen.
Preparations The Meeting with Mogensen
There are few clues for the Society to work with. If the It is a beautiful spring day when the Society meets
Society is on the Ravnholm estate, they can find a notice with the young clerk down by the harbor, where the Navy
in the newspapers that the young Thøger Mortensen has Ministry (Marineministeriet) has its offices. Here can be
married Birgitte Wildenrath some time ago. The name found the Royal Danish Lighthouse Office, and an
Wildenrath can be found mentioned in their journals. For assistant will soon show the Society into Thøger
the Society in Uppsala, they can find mention of Mogensen's office.
Wildenrath in their library.

· The King and The Lighthouse ·

Thøger Mogensen: A young, well-educated man who Chapter’s activities. She can provide the same
speaks fluent Danish and German. He is the son of store information as in the Preparations section.
owner Gerland and Inge Mogensen, and he is predicted a The Journey to Hanstholm
promising career in the Navy Ministry. He is married to It is a cool but beautiful spring morning with open
Birgitte Mogensen (born Wildenrath), but he is not blue skies and a few white clouds as the journey
familiar with her family’s past. He is distressed by the continues. From Copenhagen Station, the journey goes
matter but trusts that his wife knows what she is doing. across Zealand by train, and from Korsør by ferry to
Facts: Thøger has been assigned the task of manning Funen. In Nyborg, the train journey continues across
the Danish lighthouses. It is not usually a problem, but Funen. Through Zealand and Funen, the journey was
Hanstholm lighthouse has gained a reputation as being along fields green with sprouting grain. In the meadows,
haunted, and no one will take the post as lighthouse the cattle have been let out after a long winter in the barn.
keeper. When the train stops at the stations, you can hear birds
• Hanstholm lighthouse is one of Denmark's most calling for partners.
powerful lighthouses, and it is in northwestern Jutland. In Middelfart, you spend the night in a hotel inn,
The lighthouse was built a little over 20 years ago. before boarding the steamship "Lille Belt" (Little Belt –
• The latest lighthouse keeper was Albert Svendsen, named after the strait it travels: Lillebælt) in the morning.
who ran away during the last major storm. Since then, no The transition to Fredericia is characterized by strong
one would take the post. winds, and the small steamship rocks heavily on the
It all began a few years earlier, when lighthouse waves, and anyone who is not sea strong becomes sick. It
keeper Carl Alsing and his wife Laureline disappeared. It is therefore fortunate news, when you arrival in
happened during the storm flood of 1862, and their Fredericia is announced, and you finally have solid, non-
servants fled the site the following day. rocking ground under your feet again. The next part of the
• After Mr. and Mrs. Alsing's disappearance, Niels journey departs from Fredericia's station, but the ferry
Kromann was hired, but he and his wife, Hanna, crossing was delayed by the storm, and you do did not
disappeared from the site. Perhaps he ran off from his catch the last departure, and you therefore end up lodging
position? at a local hotel. The next morning you are fortunate to
• The locals in the nearby village of Hansted claim that catch an early steam train, and the journey up through
the lighthouse and the lighthouse keeper's residence are Jutland begins. The landscape changes from Funen's
haunted. green fields and flat meadows to steep hills and wooded
• Find out what is going on and do something about it slopes (and yet no mountains as Denmark has none).
so the lighthouse can be manned again. Around the cities the landscape often flattens out and you
• The Society will of course be compensated for their can see fields, and where the fields end, the heath begins.
services. The heath is an empty landscape where you see no people
• The Society is given the master key to the lighthouse. or livestock, no fields or meadows. The sky is gray with
It is a black, heavy iron key. clouds and a cold wind rustles the train. After several train
• (The Society may be offered the position of shifts and breaks at inns at local stations, you finally reach
lighthouse keeper, and after seeing the place, it may be in the town of Thisted late in the evening. The weather has
their interest; see the end of the scenario,) become dark and windy.
If the Society inquire about Thøger's wife, he can tell In Thisted, a coach offers to drive you the last
that after he had complained about his troubles to her, she approximately 20km over the heath’s country roads to
told, that she from her childhood in Sønderjylland Hanstholm. It is an uneven and uncomfortable ride on
(Southern Jutland) knew of a lodge of people who dealt potholed country roads. Only rarely do you pass farms or
with places known to be haunted or plagued by the small clusters of buildings, and most of the time you just
unseen. As he had no other solutions and as he trusted his see vast heather-clad hills. Your only companion is the
wife, he chose to write to the Society. cold western wind, which smells of salt and seaweed and
If the Society wishes to meet Birgitte Mogensen, it can carries fly sand with it. Even inside the carriage you can
be arranged with a dinner at the home of the Mogensen feel the sand penetrating like a fine layer of dust. Outside,
family. Birgitte can not elaborate on her information the wind blows still more forcefully. A storm seems to be
further, as she herself was never involved in Sønderborg growing.

· The King and The Lighthouse ·

Arrival at Hanstholm Lighthouse The First Night at the lighthouse

in the Evening The Society's initial goal is to get safely through the
GM Tip: It is possible that the players would like to spend night so they can take possession of the lighthouse and
the night in Thisted and arrive in daylight to the lighthouse complete their mission.
fresh and well-rested but try to get them to arrive late in the The Society has four buildings to choose from. There
evening. Use it to set the mood for the game: They have now is the lighthouse keeper's residence, the stable and the
arrived at a dark and cold building far out in the countryside, barn, and there is the lighthouse. All the buildings are cold
which is said to be haunted, and it is a dark and stormy night and dark.
where the cold western wind comes directly from the coast, the Lindworm Yggingst: Already upon their arrival
sea shows teeth, and the sand flies in over the islet. Yggingst tries to influence the Society. It seeks the most
A gravel road leads up to the top of a high hill with a vulnerable to set it free by using the Society's Dark Secrets
flat top. On the righthand side is a small church and against them (see the description of Yggingst for more
cemetery, and on the left is the lighthouse. It is a white information).
building that towers in the dark, and beside it are low, 1. Yggingst affects people when they are alone. There
white, stone buildings. A white stone wall surrounds the are several options for setting up small scenes where
area. This is where the coach holds. a character is alone, and Yggingst influences his prey:
The western wind rustles and tears everything it can firewood must be fetched for the stove or fireplace,
the lighthouse lantern must be monitored, a window
grab. It carries the sound of the sea hitting the beach with
bursts open and must be closed, luggage must
it, as well as the smell of salt and seaweed.
unpacked, beds must be made for the night, food
Arrival: The Society has now arrived at Hanstholm must be prepared, preserves must be collected from
lighthouse. There are no people. Only dark, cold the cellar, a lamp must be picked up from the barn, a
buildings. The doors are locked (the Society received the key tool from the workshop, waterproof coats from the
from Thøger). If the Society does not do so, the coach will ceiling or a book from the library. Even if the person
unload their luggage, and then he hurries away– the is not alone, Yggingst can use his powers: if everyone
around the victim has fallen asleep, or if the victim is
darkness, the rumors, the weather makes him hurry off.
unaware that he or she has fallen asleep, Yggingst
The Society is now alone, and in the poor weather they
begin poisoning the dreams of his prey.
cannot see light from the village. There are no streetlights, 2. When the person is alone, Yggingst manifests their
and the drawn curtains lets too little light out of the Dark Secret and uses it against them. It could be a
windows to be noticed. The Society did not pass through secret that tempts like a bottle of liquor, or
the village, and they cannot see it; the Society should not something coveted by the character. It may be the
discover the village until the next day, and right now they sound of Vaesen pursuing the character, or it may be
evidence of past misdeeds, or even ghosts from
have only a cold, lonely little church and the abandoned
wrongdoings in the past.
lighthouse and lighthouse keeper's house to choose settle 3. It is recommended that you prepare 2-4 scenes or
in. events based on your player characters' Dark Secrets,
• Use the situation to set the mood: The weather is so that the lindworm can affect them every day and
terrible, and a storm is building. every night.
• The Society is alone; the coach has left, and they When Yggingst does not try to weaken the mental health
do not know the area. They cannot see or find of his victims by tempting them with their dark side,
their way down to the village. Yggingst's presence is itself toxic. The lindworm causes
• The only shelter are dark, empty houses that are food and drink that is not under supervision to perish, and
said to be haunted. the lindworm can cause plants to wither and spoil
tobacco, make musical instruments sound false, and
corrupt similar pastimes.
The ghost Laureline: At midnight, Laureline appears.
Her appearance is heralded with cold and darkness, and
for around four hour she haunts:

1. At midnight, the entire facility suddenly becomes

cold and dark. Lamps burn out, candles are blown
out, the fire in the fireplace dies. In several places,

· The King and The Lighthouse ·

windows and doors opens with sudden gusts of wind. the lighthouse floor. They also have the option of visiting
While closing windows and doors, a glimpse of a pale the village and meet the pastor, the schoolteacher, the
figure moving from the lighthouse into the building
customs assistant, the wise woman, and the locals. They
is caught.
can also go the beach and see the Strandvarsler, run into
2. For a time, Laureline 'escapes' through the complex
from her killer by hiding. Her movement is heard as Carl Alsing or stumble across his hiding place in the
muffled steps and the sound of doors or cupboards dunes.
being opened. She is seen as a pale woman's face in Event – The Customs Assistent: At noon, customs
the shadows or in dark nooks which then disappears assistant Jørgen Peter Torp arrives, as he has heard that
with a terrifying shriek. there are people at the lighthouse. He greets the Society,
GM Tip: Use the ghost to build a mood that the place is introduces himself as the customs assistant, and says he
haunted by eerie pale figure: Describe the sound of muted looks forward to working with them as he assumes they
steps on the next floor, and the sight of a figure who suddenly are new lighthouse keepers. The Customs Assistant points
closes a door to a room, and how when looking in the mirror out that the Society should get the lighthouse lit. A storm
on the bedside table, it is suddenly noticed, that a pale figure is coming, and it is important to have the light lit. It has
sticks its face out from the dark shadow next to the bed. long been a problem that the floodlight was off, and no
3. Around 4 in the morning, Laureline escapes from the one dared to turn it on.
main building to the lighthouse, and runs up the Event – The Strandvarsler: If the Society is at the
tower. Suddenly she falls down the shaft and lands at beach, they see in the distance a strange figure standing
the bottom of the lighthouse, where an unseen knife in the surf between large rocks. They can feel a cold
stabs her, and she bleeds across the floor. If her trickle down their backs. As they approach the figure, it
'death' is observed in the lighthouse, a sudden noise
disappears out of sight (maybe it was Carl Alsing?); the
is heard from the bottom of the lighthouse, as if a
locals explain that the Society was close to encountering
hatch was forcefully closed. If the Society afterwards
investigates the floor, or if someone passes an the dangerous strandvarsler.
OBSERVATION test, they spot the hatch (See the The Second Night
Lighthouse Description for more on the trapdoor). The Wind: The wind continues unabated, and in the
The First Day dark the sound becomes evident. Through the night-black
Upon the Society's arrival, the countdown has begun, windows you can hear the wind, and on the windows, you
and they have only a short time to gather information. To can feel the force of the wind. Clothes are rustled, and
begin with they do not know how urgent the situation is. hats fly off when you go out, and you can feel the sand
Probably they will spend the first time getting to know the flying.
lighthouse, settling in and talking to the locals. A Dark Force: The most sensitive members of the
The Wind: The weather is constantly windy. Heavy Society (with the highest EMPATHY) sense behind the
gray clouds cover the sky, and it rains regularly. All the wind a cruel mirth, and for a moment they sense big,
time the wind is tearing at jackets and trying to blow hats yellow eyes gazing upon them.
off. Fishermen are heading towards land as the waves The Lindworm Yggingst: The Lindworm continues to
have become too strong for them to go out. Some are use its victims' Dark Secrets against them, and Yggingst in
trapped out at sea as it is too dangerous to try to get the concentrates especially on those of his victims who have
boat onto the beach. already begun to be influenced.
A Dark Force: The Society's sensitive members (those The Ghost Laureline: At midnight, she repeats her
with the highest EMPATHY) can feel that evil lurks behind activities from the previous night: once again fleeing her
the wind. This is not a natural storm. killer, but where she mostly hid the first night, she is more
The Lindworm Yggingst: When someone is alone on prominent and is seen more running from an unseen
the lighthouse keeper's residence or by the lighthouse, pursuer. There is again the sound of footsteps in the
Yggingst tries to influence them through their Dark hallway, and the sound of doors opening, but this time a
Secrets. pale figure is seen on the run. Her fear is visible.
The lighthouse: See location description for lighting GM Tip: Try to shift the impression of the ghost from
the lighthouse’s lantern. having been creepy to someone you sympathize with.
Exploration: The Society has opportunity to explore
the lighthouse, find information and discover the hatch in

· The King and The Lighthouse ·

Carl Alsing: He sneaks into the lighthouse to spy on Event – The Priest: The pastor investigates what is
the Society. There is the sound of him opening a door to going on. He can sense the dark force behind the wind,
enter; there is the door or window left ajar because he has and he goes up the lighthouse (perhaps after visiting the
opened it; there are the possessions that have been Society). Suddenly, the Society hears cries of terror, and
searched and thrown about; there is the sound of steps they are just in time to see the priest plunge to his death
which turn out not to be from another member of the from the Lighthouse’s top. An OBSERVATION test
Society. Build a mood that there is someone or something catches a glimpse of the lindworm on the top of the tower
in the complex, and at some point, the wild man's face is before it disappears. If the test fails, the character made
seen in a pane or reflected in a mirror (has the Society eye contact with the lindworm before it disappeared: The
found the photo of him?), and at some point, he jumps out worm attacks with a poisonous gaze 6; Damage 2/1; the
from a cupboard or hiding place with an ax (hit the table character can resist with INSPIRATION. If the character
hard with a palm so the players are startled!), He swings his gets fails, the poisonous gaze does 1 point damage each
ax! Carl attacks a lone opponent, and then he flees into the round their eyes are kept open. The poison can be rinsed
dark so as not to be overpowered (he has a role to play later, with water.
so do not let him die yet). The Third Night / Climax
The Second Day The Storm!: The sky is black with heavy clouds, the
The Wind: Heavy gray clouds sweep in over the land, rain falls heavy, and winds sweep howling across land.
and they drag cold and rain with them. The sky is The waves crash ever more forcefully against land, and
constantly gray and diffuse, and out at sea the waves rise the water level rises steadily. The beach disappears under
threatening. It is hightide and the wind keeps pushing the the dark sea water, and the water enters all low-lying
water further up the beach. areas. On the south side of the islet, the dark water floods
The Lindworm Ygginst: If Yggingst breaks a victim, the land. Hanstholm is becoming an island again!
Yggingst will attempt to have them open the path to the Event – The Ship: A ship is in distress. Out at sea is an
last gate. If the path is clear, it will have a victim to take a English steamship having problems with the engines
knife and lure a person down to the seal to open it with while caught in the storm, and they need to use the light
the blood of a friend (see the location description). from the lighthouse to avoid going aground and sinking.
Exploration: The Society can continue yesterday's However, the light in the lighthouse has gone out. If the
exploration and follow up on the things they did not Society does not reignite the lighthouse, the ship runs
achieve the day before. aground, and the loss of human life sets Yggingst free.
Event – A Bloody Trace to Carl's Cave: If the hideout is Event – The Floodlight Goes Out: To turn on the light,
not yet found and you would like it in play. After the the generator in the room just below the lantern must be
nocturnal attack from Carl, he has drawn a trail of blood restarted, but it has mysteriously been soaked in
from his own wounds or from his bloody ax. The night’s seawater! The Society needs 4 successes to get the lantern
wind has not erased the tracks, and the Society can trace turned on, and this can be done with multiple tests.
blood splatter and boot tracks across the moor to his cave. FORCE tests can be used to clean the oil lines or prepare
Event – The Wise Woman: Maren is attacked by the the oil pump. INSPIRATION can be used to get a good
lindworm. Either at home, just as the Society comes to idea to make the work faster.
visit her, or as she is on her way to the lighthouse to warn When the light finally is on, the lantern suddenly stops
them. The Society hears cries of horror and struggle. At its rotation. Powerful claws have damaged the weights
arrival, they see the old woman lying on the ground in a inside the lighthouse. They can be repaired with
cloud of poisonous yellow air. The miasma originates LEARNING test: Every time the dice are rolled, it means that
from the lindworm. Entering the fog requires FORCE test the Society has one less character to solve other tasks.
to avoid suffocating; if it fails, 1 point of damage is Event – Carl Alsing Attacks!: While the Society tries
suffered, and no action is possible until the toxic air is to restart the lantern, Carl Alsing tries to free Yggingst by
cleared out of the lungs with a successful MEDICINE test. trying to kill someone with an ax (if anyone has been kind
If Maren can be pulled free of the toxic air, she can be to Carl, he goes after them, as he would preferably
rescued with a successful MEDICINE test. If she survives, sacrifice a 'friend').
she gives the characters a hint, either from a vision or a Alternatively, Carl tries to destroy the lantern, so
dream, or from her knowledge of the area’s history. someone must confront him at the top of the tower.

· The King and The Lighthouse ·

Event – Gusts of Wind: While the Society is working the sacrifice of a friend's blood does not necessarily mean that
on turning on the light in the lighthouse and while Carl is a person must lose their life - or if the Society has servants or
attacking, the lighthouse is hit by strong gusts of wind. friends with it, it is likely that Yggingst breaks them, and
A gust of wind can either give -1 or -2 dice to a exploits them to sacrifice blood from a friend to open the gate.
character's action, or a gust of wind can push a character If the escape does not happen by sacrificing the friend's
out of balance, and those out of balance risk falling over blood, it can happen by 'sacrificing' the ship in distress at sea.
an edge (either the inner shaft or outside of the If this case, it is important to make it clear to the players that
lighthouse). If a character falls over the ledge, they grab the ship is in distress at sea, because Yggingst is using his
hold of an edge, so others have a chance to save them. powers against it, and if the ship sinks, then Yggingst will be
Event – Yggingst Attempts to Break Free: While the strengthened. It can be signaled to the players by the Yggingst
steamship is in danger, and while the Society is trying to roar can be heard over the wind, and its mental
light the lighthouse, and while Carl attacks or someone manifestation is seen in the air around the lighthouse, hinting
falls over an edge, Yggingst attempts to break free. at that what will come if the ship sink.
The gate to its lair trembles, and the foundation If Yggingst has not yet escaped. Yggingst has not yet
around the lighthouse shakes. The more the ship is in escaped, but the Society realizes it is just a matter of time,
distress at sea, and the closer Carl is to getting a victim, either later that night or next time there is a storm, and a
the stronger the tremors. ship is in danger of sinking.
If Yggingst has mental control over someone, it will If Yggingst has escaped, it will go the top of the hill
take advantage of the chaotic situation in the lighthouse between the lighthouse and the church and begin to use
to get its victim to break it free of its lair. its powers to raise the sea. The Society can feel the storm
Event – Showdown between Carl and Laureline: Just increase and see how the sea begins to encircle the islet.
as Carl Alsing is about to deliver a lethal blow, or the The Society can use their 'weapon' against Yggingst to
Society is about to deliver a lethal blow, Laureline's ghost prevent its deed, and to hold it back while they try to
suddenly appears in the middle of the fight. reseal the two doors. When Yggingst realizes that the
Everyone must pass a FEAR test 3 in order not to be Society is trying to seal the doors, it will turn its full
paralyzed with fear for a moment - and in that moment attention to them.
Carl Alsing flee screaming and he stumbles to his death If Yggingst fails to escape, the Society can bind
(either down the stairs where his corpse ends up on the Yggingst once more to its lair by resealing the two doors.
hatch, or beyond the top of the lighthouse). Yggingst will use its powers to prevent the Society from
Confrontation: Descending to the Salt sealing the doors.
Grotto, The Gate Opens Sealing the doors is done be using the inverted ritual.
The final confrontation takes place during the storm. Sealing the metal door: If two people declare their
The Lindworm will try to break its shackles and turn deep-rooted friendship and mix blood so it drips on the
Hanstholm into an island. door, it is sealed.
Where and how the confrontation takes place depends Sealing the hatch: If two people declare their deep-felt
on how the last few days have gone: love and mix blood so that it drips on the hatch, it is
Yggingst has escaped its lair, because sealed.
If the amber knife or flint knife is used to make a human
1) The sealed metal door has been opened as a
friend's blood has been shed, because Yggingst sacrifice, Yggingst will be trapped in its lair for a number
has manipulated someone into doing so, or of years, but until the doors are sealed, it will try to
2) The English ship at sea has sunk, and the loss of corrupt people.
human life strengthened Yggingst enough to If only one door is sealed, Yggingst will only be
force the door open, or stopped for a while. If both doors are sealed, Yggingst
3) Carl Alsing broke the seal by sacrificing himself
loses its power while the lighthouse stands.
as a friend of Yggingst – and with a bloody hand
he wrote “To my lord and friend I bestow my life.
Come forth, Yggingst”. GM Tip: There are four places where the Society can
GM Tip: The most obvious way for Yggingst to escape is learn how to seal the two gates. The trick is to get the timing
by the sacrifice of a friend's blood. If Yggingst succeeds in in place so that the attempt to seal the two doors preferably
taking control of a character, it can be done this way - but takes place during the climax. It is easiest for players to figure

· 10 ·
· The King and The Lighthouse ·

out the process once they have found at least two different
texts, and the ghost may lead them to a missing text or Carl
Alsing may accidentally reveal a source. The sources are
The Text on the inside of the hatch and on the inside of
the door
The Wildenrath Report
Old Maren’s Tale
Carl Alsing’s hymnal and the inscription in his hideout
If the Society fails to stop Yggingst:
The storm rages all night. Heaven and earth become
one. The sea floods all low-lying areas, and several low-
lying villages such as Rær, Øster Rær and Bjerge are taken
by the sea. Rain everywhere causes floods on the islet
destroying the homes in Hansted, Nørby, Nytorp,
Hedegårde and Vigsø. In the morning, ships lie crushed
against the island's slopes, and the drowned floats.
When the storm is at its highest in the middle of the
night, a sundering boom sounds from inside the hill itself,
causing the lighthouse to crack. In the moments that
follows, the tower collapses. The Lindworm breaks free
from its bonds, and Hanstholm becomes its domain. It
grows in strength, and in time it will be able to reach
around the whole island. The Maid of the Sea returns, and
the humanity is expelled from the islet. On the nearest
shores, people again begin to sacrifice human lives to
Yggingst in the hope that it will not sink their ships.
The Society has likely realized that the lighthouse
hides secrets that have to do with the Society's past. They
have not yet had the opportunity to explore everything
and may therefore be interested in staying.
With the case probably closed, Thøger pays the
Society for the work, and he informs them that he will find
a new lighthouse keeper, unless anyone from the Society
would like the position? Inform the players that they can
accept the offer and use Hanstholm lighthouse as their
base. The supplement Hanstholm lighthouse - an
alternative base covers the use of the lighthouse as a
The threat from Yggingst is not completely gone. The
Lindworm will try to use its powers to tempt people to
make a pact with it. It is also possible that the Society will
attempt to kill the lindworm or force it to give them

The Society can continue their adventure at

Hanstholm in the Mysteries The Author and The Sea and
Werewolves at Vigsø.

· 11 ·
· The King and The Lighthouse ·

Locations Hanstholm Lighthouse

The land is windswept, and the sound of the sea is The lighthouse is a complex of buildings, which
carried with the salty wind inland. From the beach and consists of the lighthouse itself, of the lighthouse keeper's
from the dunes, the sand rushes in over the land, and residence and of two free-standing buildings next to the
sandy fields leave the peasants with poor farming lighthouse keeper's residence, which is a stable and barn
conditions. At the beach, the fishermen pull their boats with a workshop.
ashore when they dock. There is no port here, not yet. The lighthouse is 20 meters high. There is a narrow
The promontory on which the lighthouse is located is spiral staircase up to the top, where the arch lamp and the
part of a series of hills, which shield Hansted from the lens apparatus are. There is a narrow roundabout at the
worst wind. top of the lighthouse. In all secrecy, there is a hidden limb
at the bottom of the lighthouse.
Lighthouse Keeper Residence
The residential building has a basement, ground floor
and attic. On the ground floor is the entrance hall with
stairs to the attic and to the basement, living room, guest
room, large living room, chamber, bedroom and vestibule.
On the first floor are the attic, two attic chambers and two
storage chambers. The basement has access via stairs in
the hallway, as well as a staircase at the front of the
building and a staircase at the back. In the basement are
the kitchen, maid's room, pantry, bakery and utility room,
servant’s room, sauna and oil storage (fuel for the
In the square in front of the lighthouse keeper's
residence is a deep well.

Barn and Stable

One contains stables with stalls for cattle, horses and
carts, an enclosure for chickens, sheep and geese as well
as storage of carts. The other long has room for lighthouse
keeper assistant, workshop and wood burning room.
The Lighthouse
The tower is octagonal and twenty meters high. The
stairs run on the inside almost all the way up. The center
of the tower is a hollow core where heavy weights hang in
metal chains. The weights are used to make the light in
the tower rotate, and they must from time to time be
pulled up like a grandfather clock.
Near the top is a low-ceilinged room with a hole in the
middle for the chains and weights that drive the rotation
of the light. Up here is also an oil tank with a pump to
direct oil up to the many oil lamps that are up in the

· 12 ·
· The King and The Lighthouse ·

lantern itself. Oil must Note: When the conflict escalates, the lighthouse is
be all the way up. The sabotaged, and the characters must repeat parts of the
room serves as a living process (see countdown step 3).
space when the weather The hidden hatch in the floor of the lighthouse: If the
outside is too bad. death on the spiral staircase was observed, the hatch in
At the top is the the floor closed with a loud boom. If the death has not
lantern itself and a been observed, the sound of the hatch closing was heard.
roundabout, so you can The hatch is discovered if the floor of the lighthouse is
get all the way around examined, or if anyone suspects that there is a hatch.
the top. The lantern is a Alternatively, the hatch can be found with an
large glass house with a OBSERVATION test.
rotating core that has The hatch is a metal hatch with a tile mounted on the
several oil lamps. The surface to hide it. When the hatch is opened, writing is
lamps are a large, seen on the underside: "We bind Yggingst with the heart
curved mirror device blood of the heart's love". The text is surrounded by
that amplifies the light, protective sigils that have been mutilated.
and the glass in the
The Salt Grotto: The Lindworm’s Lair
lantern is designed to
Deep underground is the salt cave where the
sharpen the light so that
lindworm lives. The path to the cave is a staircase cut
its light beam can be
through layers of salt and flint. Originally, the stairs led to
seen far and wide.
the burial chamber in the Bronze Age mound. When the
church tower was built on top of the burial mound, the
Note, that there are several secret rooms in the buildings burial chamber was cleared, and a new barrier was
and under the buildings. These are described in Hanstholm erected. When the lighthouse was erected, a staircase was
lighthouse - an alternative base supplement, as they only dug under the lighthouse leading to a corridor. The
come into play when the Society has time to explore the site. corridor leads under the burial mound, where the passage
to the surface is blocked. During the construction of the
lighthouse, the barrier from the Middle Ages was replaced
by a new one, and an additional barrier was erected at the
lighthouse itself.
The hatch by the lighthouse: Originally hidden in the
floor of the lighthouse and closed with a seal that required
blood sacrifice. Now the hatch is revealed every night
Challenges at the Lighthouse
when Laureline's death is re-enacted.
Getting the fire lit: In the space under the lantern is
Behind the hatch: A cement staircase leads several
an oil tank and a pump to get oil up.
floors underground. It is stained with dried blood. The air
The oil must be carried from the lighthouse keeper's
is cool. Behind can be heard the raging of the wind. From
basement and all the way up. It is a strenuous job.
below in the darkness there is only silence.
The oil tank must be filled, It is hard work. It takes 10
The underground corridor: A narrow corridor dug
hours; with a FORCE test, working time can be reduced
through earth and gravel and held up by black beams
by 2 hours for each success (min. 2 hours).
leads east. The air is cold and humid. Some distance
The oil pump must be cleaned, and the pump system
ahead, the passage opens into a cave.
inspected. It is demanding work. It takes 10 hours; with a
The cave under the burial mound: The cave has an
FORCE test, working time can be reduced by 2 hours for
opening, which leads to a staircase. An unpleasant stench
each success (min. 2 hours).
comes from the opening.
A system of weights causes the lantern to rotate, but it
In the second part of the cave are the remains of a
must be activated now and then. It has not been in use for
collapsed staircase leading up to the burial mound, and
a while, and chains and weights are tangled. It takes time
there are the remains of an old church tower.
to get it restored. It takes a LEARNING test to get put in
order, and each attempt takes four hours.

· 13 ·
· The King and The Lighthouse ·

GM Tip: The characters automatically understand the neatly carved amber figures, twisted ribbons of gold, and
connection between the burial mound and the collapsed there are jewels that have been squeezed flat under a
corridor when they look at it - this helps the players to see massive weight.
the influence of the past. In the middle of all this is the lindworm Yggingst.
The stairs to the cave: Behind the opening are a When the seal is broken, it will leave the nest. If the seals
staircase. The air is cold and humid. Moisture dripples on are recreated, Yggingst is once more tied to its nest.
the saline walls. The ground is a mixture of flint, lime and Clues to the lighthouse: Documents and photos
salt. Light flickers in the dense darkness, which only At the lighthouse are documents that uncover the
reluctantly gives way to torches and lanterns. The steps site's prehistory. The documents appear when the
echo. Eventually the stair empties into a salt cave. Society investigates the complex's modest book
At the top of the stairs is a stone slab: “We put these collection and archive, or when they go exploring and
doors to bind the Sea Tremor. The Sea Rider pulling ships examining the complex. Alternatively, the clues appear
down. Lindworm Yggingst, which devours the land.” in a supernatural manner through hauntings.
Further down the stairs is an inscription set in iron- There is no fixed location for the documents. Instead, they
red, rusty letters in Latin, which translated reads: “Here are found gradually as time progresses. It is not necessary to
dwells the Devil, who draws ships to death. At the King's roll a test to find them.
command, a bell tower was erected, as the sound blocks the • An old photo # 1: The photo depicts a young
lindworm.” couple with the lighthouse in the background.
Even further down the stairs are figures cut into the He's in uniform and she's in a dress. On the back
wall and drawn up in red, which is being swallowed up by of the photo, it says "Laureline and Carl Alsing,
salt that forms on the surface. The drawings depict
Haunting: There is a sudden clatter as a picture
‘dragon-worm underground’, ‘destroyed ships’, ‘mound
frame falls down from the wall and disappears
built over cave’, ‘warriors placed in mound above cave’. behind a dresser. For a moment, the room is icy cold.
Deepest down are the outlines of hands and circles. • Fyrmester Alsing's logbook (Appendix # 2): A
There are drawings of ‘humans encircle a worm’, ‘worm thick leather-bound logbook half-filled with
on an island in an ocean’, ‘worm eats boat’, ‘humans carry observations of passing sailing ships.
on humans’, and ‘worm eats humans.’ Haunting: Suddenly a window pops up and the cold
wind sweeps through the room. Books and papers
At the foot of the stairs is a large, heavy metal door. A
flutter around as the wind howls and rain begins to
heavy stench of cold rot hangs in the air. At the foot of the
whip in. Documents begin to dissolve in the rain as
door are the withered corpses of Hanne and Niels a random character eyes a logbook that is about to
Kromann. Hanne was stabbed to death with a knife, and fall apart. With a successful AGILITY test, give the
Niels is killed with an ax blow (Carl Alsing has tried to player Appendix # 2. If the test fails, then
open the door by murdering them). immerse the attachment in water and give the
The sealed metal door: The metal door is decorated player 30 seconds to read it. Afterwards it is lost.
An old photo # 2: The photo depicts a young
with warding sigils now broken. An inscription reads "We
couple, photographed sitting inside. Through a
bind Yggingst with the blood of The Order"; to release the window in the background, can be seen the
lindworm, the blood of a friend must be sacrificed. This lighthouse. On the back of the picture is "Hanne
will open the door and remove the barrier that prevents and Niels Kromann".
the lindworm from escaping. If the barrier is broken, the Haunting:
lindworm will escape. • The Wildenrath Letter (Appendix # 3): A letter
written in a neat handwriting. The letter might be
If the seal is broken, the door is open.
kept in a book.
The Salt Cave: The walls glisten with salt crystals. The
Haunting: A door suddenly opens. There is a squeak
air is icy cold and near freezing. The shadows are deep, of floorboards. Then it is seen that a book on the
and they only reluctantly pull away. bookshelf is pulled halfway free.
On the floor is a heap of old, black silver coins, and
between them glitter a few gold coins. Bones and bone • Niels Kromann's letter (Appendix # 4): An
fragments, crumbling remains of cloth and softened envelope without a stamp or address which
contains a letter. The envelope might be half
remains of wooden coffins protrude from the heap. There
hidden behind a bookshelf.
are broken rolls of silk, beautifully carved flint axes, and

· 14 ·
· The King and The Lighthouse ·

Haunting: There are soft footsteps on the planks. An Hansted Church

unseen figure moves through the room and the The church is a small medieval church from the 12th
sound stops at the bookshelf. For a moment, the
century without a bell tower. The church has retained its
bookshelf shakes, as if someone were pushing for it.
floor plan over the centuries. In 1855, the church was
• Carl Alsing's hymn book (Appendix # 5): A little
worn and tattered hymn book. renovated by Heinrich Iulius Wørner, and later in 1862
Haunting: There is a bang as an oil lamp falls to the Carl Alsing added the bell to an overhang on the church's
floor and oil spreads across the floor. Suddenly it east gable. The mound next to the church is an old Bronze
begins to burn, and the fire threatens a small book Age mound, where the church once had a bell tower.
on a shelf. When the flames are extinguished, the The Bronze Age mound has been excavated, and it no
little hymnal is noticed, which the fire did not longer contains neither treasures nor tombs. The mound
manage to destroy. was once a descent to Yggingst's lair.
The church contains weapons that can be used to hold
Alternatively: The hymnal can be found in Carl
Yggingst at bay. The pastor does not know about them, but
Alsing's hideout in the moor, or he is carrying it,
the former lighthouse keepers discovered them, and kept
• Wildenrath Report (Appendix # 6): A crumpled,
ragged loose piece of paper. them hidden through their restorations until the day they
Haunting: On a shelf stands a bottle ship. Suddenly are needed.
the bottle falls out of its holder, and it rolls towards Clues
the edge of the shelf - and shatters on the floor if you
• Four altarpieces represent the apostles Peter and
are not quick and grab it. Hidden inside the ship in Paul and the evangelists John and Matthew. The
the bottle is a crumpled document, which is now fifth altarpiece is much older, and it depicts a
visible. giant worm with fangs and scales curled up in a
Alternatively: The document is in Alsing's hole under a mound with a tower with a bell.
hideout. • The priest Albrecht Platin's interpretation of the
medieval altarpiece is that it depicts the sea
monster Leviathan bound by the church in the
form of the tower. Albrecht remembers that the
altarpiece had a special significance for both
lighthouse keeper Wørner and his successor
lighthouse keeper Alsing.
Weapons against Yggingst
• The Virgin from the Glove of the Sea: The glove
is ancient and of unknown origin. It is knitted
from yarn with metal scales are sewn on the
surface of the glove reminiscent of fish scales.
Wearing the glove, the wearer can sense if a
storm is on its way, and it can be worn against
Yggingst: The glove gives the wearer +3 dice to
withstand Yggingst's physical, mental and
magical attacks.
The glove is hidden inside the fifth altarpiece -
pressing the bell on the altarpiece makes, a small
space pop open revealing the glove. It is found by
a character examining the altar or if a successful
OBSERVATION test is performed.
• Church bell: The bell weighs 20kg. When the bell
is rung, Yggingst's powers weaken. It cannot
cause ships to sink in stormy weather, and it
cannot use people's Dark Secret against them. If
suddenly rung, the bell can disturb Yggingst so
much that its action or attack is interrupted.

· 15 ·
· The King and The Lighthouse ·

Hansted Village the shed is a simple bed, a rickety table and a worn Bible
Hansted village is lie, where three country roads meet, as well as an oil lamp (a fight will cause the oil lamp to tip
and here is the area's school. From the intersection where off the table and ignite the brittle heather and wood).
the three roads meet, and along the eastbound country In a chest hidden under the bed, Carl has hidden his
road are farms, farmhouses and fishermen's houses. It treasures: a large selection of silver buttons, coins and
ends up outside the customs assistant's residence. The other valuables he has stolen from corpses driven ashore
whole area lies along the foot of the hill on which the after the storms.
lighthouse and the church stand. A few kilometers away, Clues: If the Society has failed to find a document or
Nørby is connected via a narrow country road. Nørby is a photo at the lighthouse, then Carl might have stolen it and
village that is even smaller than Hansted. kept it in his hideout.
The fishermen's houses are small and low-ceilinged.
• On a plank hanging in the ceiling above the bed,
These are whitewashed houses, where most of the the same sentence is scratched over and over: “I
woodwork is driftwood. At the houses, fishing nets hang shall reverse the two seals. Thus the reverse deed:
to dry, and there are cabins for smoking fish. Through blood, love and friendship bind and loosen
The farmers have a bit of agriculture, and the excess the seals ”
grain and flour they sail to Norway, and they come home • Carl Alsing's hymn book (Appendix # 5): A little,
worn and tattered hymn book.
with timber and iron, both of which are major shortages
• The Wildenrath Report (Appendix # 6): A
in the area. The farmers also have large flocks of sheep.
crumpled, torn loose piece of paper.
The Beach
The flat gravel beach becomes heather-clad dunes a
good distance inland. Along the beach are the fishermen's
boats, which they pull up on land when they come home
with their catches. When there is onshore wind, the waves
slide far up the beach, and during stormy weather the
water level rises, so that the waves hit the dunes. There is
an unpleasant smell of rotting seaweed, which mixes with
the smell of salt.
The Strandvarsler (Coastal Revenant) – A lone figure
walks at the water's edge on bare feet. The clothes are
ragged, and they flutter in the wind. Hair and beard are
too long and brittle to recognize the face. The so-called
‘strandvarsler’ is merely Carl Alsing, who is looking for
corpses at the water's edge that he can plunder, and he
goes for walks when there has been a storm.
The strandvarsler can also be a revenant that warning
that someone is going to die, or it is a revenant that cannot
find rest because its body has been desecrated.
(See the Vaesen Supplement on the Strandvarsler for
more information on these supernatural beings).
Carl’s Hideout on the Heath
The heath is a mostly flat landscape covered with
heather. Here and there sandy dunes break through the
surface, and in areas where small streams run, there is
tall, yellowish grass and peat. To the untrained gaze, it is
a lifeless landscape ruled by cold winds. Locals see birds
of prey in the sky and the tracks of small animals like
In a hollow, Carl has built a shed of driftwood half dug
into the side, and it is hidden by peat and heather. Inside

· 16 ·
· The King and The Lighthouse ·

• It is believed, the next lighthouse keeper Albrecht

NPC Gallery Svendsen fled during the first storm. Some say it
Three old men know a lot about the area's history. It was the Devil who still haunts the lighthouse.
is the pastor, the teacher and the customs assistant, and • It is said that when there is a storm, one can see
the Strandvarsler down on the beach. If you
due to their educations and urban backgrounds, they are
encounter the Strandvarsler, you will perish
considered Hansted's informal leaders, whom the farmers during the next storm.
and fishermen listen to when important decisions must • Hansted is named after the glove (‘handske’) that
be made. The three also know the area's stories, and they was found where the church now stands. It is said
are happy to tell them. They provide about the same that it was the Maid from the Sea who had lost her
information, but there are some variations that make it glove, and it was then that Hanstholm was an
island with sea all around.
worth talking to all three of them.
A fourth source is old Maren, who has her own stories. Customs Assistant Jørgen Peter Torp
Jørgen Peter lives in a modest official residence with
The Priest Albrecht Platin
his wife Marie. Their adult children have long since moved
In the village lies the rectory, and here lives Albrecht
away from home, and they have farms in Vigsø (8km). He
Platin with his wife, Dagmar Platin, and their three
smokes like a chimney and he and his wife are constantly
children and their servants,
yelling at each other.
Albrecht is well into his life’s autumn, and he has a
He plays cards with the schoolteacher and the pastor
passion for weaving references to biblical stories into his
every Sunday after worship.
talks with people, as he believes that any conversation is
The customs assistant can provide the following clues:
the basis for bringing people closer to salvation.
He plays cards with the customs assistant and the • The first lighthouse keeper was Heinrich Wørner.
schoolteacher every Sunday after worship. He lived there with his family, but when his son,
The aging priest is familiar with the stories of the area: Viggo, would not take position after his father,
they had to move out as Heinrich could no longer
• The church dates to the Middle Ages. It was built manage his office. He is buried in Thisted now.
in the 12th century, but because it is so remote, it Heinrich Wørner was responsible for rebuilding
has not been extended and rebuilt in the later the church. It was very much on his mind.
centuries, unlike other village churches. • The next lighthouse keeper was Carl Alsing. He
• The church was restored in 1855 by lighthouse was an unpleasant guy. Though he did have a new
keeper Heinrich Wørner, who was the first suspension erected for the church bell, but he
lighthouse keeper on the site. His son Viggo was was always so greedy. He was no fun playing
next in line, but he would rather be a painter and cards with, for it was always to be about money,
moved from the area. and he would never lend any.
• When the church was restored, it was important • Then lighthouse keeper Niels Kromann was
for lighthouse keeper Wørner that as much of the hired, but he and his wife kept complaining that
furniture as possible remained. He was especially the place was haunted and that they did not feel
fond of the old altarpieces. at home. One day they were simply gone. They
• The next lighthouse keeper was Carl Alsing. probably ran off.
When he heard that the church bell tower, which • The most recent lighthouse keeper was Albert.
had stood on the old Bronze Age mound, no He was a nice guy, but he got nervous when he
longer existed, he made sure that a suspension heard that the lighthouse was haunted. He fled
for the bell was built on the church. That was in during the first storm, and since then no one has
1862. It was the same year he disappeared. wanted to man the lighthouse.
• Carl and Laureline disappeared during a great • It is said that the lighthouse is haunted by a ghost.
storm. The next day their servants left the place. Some believe it is Wørner's ghost who haunts the
There are those who say that Carl challenged the place because his son would not take over the
Devil that the lighthouse would survive the storm office. Others believe it is the Devil himself
surge, and that he was punished for it. because lighthouse keeper Alsing challenged the
• Lighthouse keeper Niels Kromann and his wife Devil the night he disappeared.
Hanne were the next to manage the lighthouse. It • It is said that in connection with every storm you
is said they fled the scene, and they probably can meet the Strandvarsler. It is a revenant that
traveled to Schleswig. tells whether one will perish during the storm or
not. Meeting the strandvarsler can bring

· 17 ·
· The King and The Lighthouse ·

Schoolteacher Marius Hansen • It is said that Hanstholm bears the name after the
The schoolteacher is an old man who suffers from glove that the Maid from the Sea forgot, and
which was found when the church was built,
arthritis and who lives in the teacher's residence at the
because that was where the glove was. That was
school with his wife Christine.
when Hanstholm belonged to the sea.
He plays cards with the customs assistant and the • It is said that the area originally belonged to the
pastor every Sunday after worship. lindworm Yggingst, who called himself
He can provide the following clues: Hanstholm's king. He took his payment in ships,
which he himself pulled down to the bottom of
• The first lighthouse keeper was Heinrich Wørner.
the sea.
He was specially appointed for the position, and
• It is said that Yggingst lives in a cave deep
he came from Sønderborg with his family.
underground. Here Yggingst lives with all the
• Wørner was responsible for the restoration of the
treasures he has taken from sunken ships.
church. He had a keen interest, when he saw the
• It is said that Yggingst has lived here longer than
state, it was in, and he showed great interest in
people have, and that in the old days before
preserving the older furniture.
Christianity people were pagans who came with
• Wørner spoke now and then of a king of olden
gifts to Yggingst.
times, who ruled the region, but when asked
• It is said that when they built the church, it was
about it, he would always become quiet.
to bind the Devil Yggingst.
• Carl Alsing was the next lighthouse keeper. He
• It is said that those who built the lighthouse built
moved here with his wife. They had just married
it just like those who built the church to bind on
but never had children.
to Hanstholm's king, but the first architect made
• Carl came several times and asked about the
a mistake and took his own life out of shame.
history of the area. He wanted to hear the old
• It is said that the blood ties of love and friendship
legends especially about an ancient king, but I did
are the two keys that bind Yggingst to his place
not have many to tell. He was told that according
to legend, Hanstholm was once an island, hence
• From my mother, who had it from her mother,
the name Holm, and when the wind is blowing
who again had it from her mother, as far back as
onshore, you can see the sea pushing itself up
anyone remembers, I have the Amber Knife and
into Hansted creak by the mill and flood the
the Flint Knife that my ancestors used against the
meadows just southeast of the area. He also asked
king of Hanstholm.
about the old ancient mound by the church, and
The Amber Knife and the Flint Knife: Maren has two
he became particularly interested when he was
told that there had been a bell tower on the weapons against Yggingst, which have been inherited
mound. It is no longer there. through generations (see the appendix):
• Subsequently, lighthouse keeper Niels Kromann
• The Flint Knife is a beautiful carved flint stone
was hired. His wife, Hanne, was very dear, and
knife from the Stone Age.
she lent several of her books, but she was also
• The Amber Knife is from the Bronze Age, and it
worried, and she often spoke often about how she
has a oxidized copper handle and a beautifully
thought that the lighthouse was haunted.
carved amber blade.
• The last lighthouse keeper was Albert Svendsen.
oth knives tremble with power when they are in the
He was long before a terrible storm came, and he
fled. He was a nervous type. I once overheard him Salt Cave, and the user instinctively feel that a human
mentioning to his wife that he feared would bring sacrifice made with the knife in the cave will bind Yggingst
down a curse on the region. to his lair for a number of years corresponding to the
The Cunning Woman Maren years of life that the victim had left.
The old wife is small and shrunken. She is the oldest Maren hands the knives to the Society if she realizes that
in the area and no one knows how old she is. She speaks they are fighting Yggingst, or the Society finds the knives on
in a hoarse, slightly wheezing voice filled with a difficult- Maren after she has been attacked or killed by Yggingst.
to-understand dialect, and her eyes are exceptionally Note that the supporting roles have no interest in keeping
clear despite her advanced age. Maren knows the area's anything hidden from the Society, and it is a matter of the
stories, but she is suspicious of strangers. players asking right questions so that they can get the
Maren has many little stories to tell, though she tells information than it is to keep an eye on lies.
them sparingly through slow conversations:

· 18 ·
· The King and The Lighthouse ·

Lighthouse Keeper Carl Alsing / Strandvarsler The Ghost Laureline Alsing

Corrupted by the whisper of the lindworm and driven Laureline was Alsing's wife. They were newlyweds and
insane during the storm of 1862, Carl Alsing is obsessed had no children yet. She came from a wealthy farm near
with the idea of using Yggingst and collecting treasures. Aarhus. She became more and more worried about Carl
He lives in a dirt cave out in the dunes, and after each as Yggingst corrupted him with promises of riches, but
storm he roams up and down the beach in search of then it was too late.
corpses washed ashore and treasures that have been Carl murdered Laureline in order to weaken the
driven ashore during the storm. The locals only know him lighthouse's grip on Yggingst, which that night was able to
as the 'Strandvarsler', which they regard as an evil omen break partially free. She tried to escape from Carl, who
that portending people's death. chased her into the lighthouse and stabbed her on the
Carl Alsing's beard and hair are long and wild. It is spiral staircase. He hid the body behind the hatch in the
gray with age, and his clothes are ragged and tattered. He foundation of the lighthouse.
has a manic look in his eyes and there is a stench of sweat
• If necessary, Laureline has stats like a Ghost from
around him. the Vaesen rulebook.
Carl is plagued by nightmares about the murder of his • Laureline haunts the lighthouse to warn people
wife. He sees again and again his actions, and he is torn of the threat of the lindworm. She is not out to
between the lindworm ‘s greed, who thanks him for the hurt people but will try to chase people from the
deed, and of deep sorrow over his crime. One moment, he place, so they do not fall for the evil of the
rejoices that he has brought Yggingst the sacrifice that
• Laurine's body was stuffed in a sack and hidden
will make him rich, and in the next now he mourns that
in the floor of the lighthouse. If she is put to rest
he killed his wife to obtain the prize. in consecrated ground, she will find peace.
• Clues: Carl Alsing's hymnbook (Appendix # 5): A • Laureline's activities are centered around the
small worn and tattered hymnbook tucked in a lighthouse, and she hauntings always begins and
pocket. ends at the lighthouse, where she runs up the
• Extra – Carl’s Death: If Carl does not die in the stairs and suddenly disappears into the thin air.
encounter with his wife's ghost or sacrifices his
own life to open the last gate, his death can
instead in this manner: He meets the real
Strandvarsler on the beach, and he dies of terror
when he looks the Strandvarsler in the eyes, OR
he is confronted by drowned sailors who pull him
back into the sea.

· 19 ·
· The King and The Lighthouse ·

The Lindworm Yggingst Roleplaying Yggingst's influence: The influence of

Yggingst has lived in his cave since the area was an Yggingst is an invitation to roleplay. No dice needs to be
island in the distant past. People's activities waken rolled for whether Yggingst gets to influence his victim.
Yggingst, and the more activity there is, the more often Instead, employing the Dark Secret can be an opportunity
Yggingst awakens. The lindworm eats people, drags ships for the player to explore their character: the player can choose
down and gathers treasures in its lair, but during the to let the character be stoic and resist so that Yggingst is
Bronze Age, Yggingst was bound to its lair via the burial without influence, or the player can let their character give in
mound that the people erected, and the guard they placed and now the character is either affected (takes a mental
in the grave. In the Middle Ages, a church was placed on condition), or the character can let their Dark Secret rule
the site and a church tower on the burial mound to keep creating more problems (thus avoiding a mental condition by
a hold on Yggingst, and most recently, the lighthouse has letting the Dark Secret create problems).
been arranged to tie Yggingst to its nest.
Right now, the lindworm cannot leave its nest
physically, but it can in spiritual form haunt the
lighthouse, it can break down people's will by using their
dark side against them, poison them with miasmas and its
poisonous gaze, and it can spoil foods. Against the Society,
it uses its ability to break down their willpower, and it
uses its miasmas and toxic gaze against supporting
Breaking its victims' willpower: Yggingst uses
people’s dark sides to break them mentally. Yggingst can
attempt an attack on each person once every night and
once every day. Over the course of two nights and two
days, Yggingst can, in theory, break a player character.

1. Dark Secret Temptation - if a character has a Dark

Secret that can be used to lead the character into
temptation, Yggingst will exploit the weakness: e.g. if
a character is an alcoholic, alcohol will appear. If a
character succumbs to a Dark Secret temptation, the
character suffers 1 Mental Damage unless the
character gets another character into trouble due to
the Dark Secret.
2. Dark Secret: ghosts of the past – If a character is
plagued by the ghosts of the past, such as the memory
of the person they have lost or failed, Yggingst will
manifest mirages of them in reflections of windows,
and one senses their voices calling out and carried
away by the wind.
If a character is plagued by the ghost of the past, the
character suffers 1 Mental Damage, unless the
character gets another character into trouble due to
the Dark Secret.
3. Mentally Broken – if a character is mentally broken
by Yggingst (ie. takes a fourth point damage), the
character is not affected by hopelessness or
confusion (contrary to the general rules, cf. page 64 in
the basic book), and instead Yggingst causes his victim
to perform an act of which the victim themselves are
not aware. Then the victim heals 2 points in Mental

· 20 ·
· The King and The Lighthouse ·

Appendix: Magical Items Appendix: Upgrades

If you play with Hanstholm Lighthouse as
The Flint Knife headquarters, and the Society takes possession of the
The Flint Knife is a beautiful carved flint stone knife lighthouse as headquarters, they can purchase one of
from the Stone Age. these upgrades.
The knife has been inherited through generations The Bound Lindworm
from mother to daughter until Maren inherited it. Bound by the gate at the bottom of the lighthouse and
The knife grants an attacker +1 die against lindworm. bound by the gate to the salt cave, the lindworm Yggingst
The knife cannot slay lindworm, but it can severely is trapped in its lair, and it can no longer affect its
weaken them and drive them off. surroundings with its toxic thoughts.
The knife trembles with power when in the PREREQUISITES: Both doors are sealed
lindworm’s lair, and the user can instinctively feel that a PRICE: 4
human sacrifice made with the knife in the cave will bind FUNCTION: Before a mission, the Society can force
a lindworm to its lair for a number of years corresponding riches from Yggingst. Mysteriously, treasures come out of
to the years of life that the victim had left. the ground, a ship drifts ashore or you have a stroke of
luck and come to money. All characters get +1 Resources
The Amber Knife for the rest of the mystery.
The Amber Knife is from the Bronze Age, and it has ASSET: Yggingst carries many memories, and it knows
oxidized copper handle and a beautifully carved amber secrets from human antiquity. It can be forced a hint to
blade. better understand a mystery encountered on a mission
The knife has been inherited through generations (gamemaster gives a hint to better understand a mystery
from mother to daughter until Maren inherited it. on a mission; can be used once per mystery).
The knife grants an attacker +1 die against lindworm. The Lindworm in the Deep
The knife cannot slay lindworm, but it can severely Tied to his nest by a gate or held in place by a human
weaken them and drive them off. victim from one of the special knives, the lindworm
The knife trembles with power when in the Ygginst is kept confined in its lair.
lindworm’s lair, and the user can instinctively feel that a REQUIREMENTS: A door is sealed, or one of the
human sacrifice made with the knife in the cave will bind special knives has bound the lindworm with a human
a lindworm to its lair for a number of years corresponding sacrifice.
to the years of life that the victim had left. PRICE: 4
FUNCTION: Between game sessions, you can secretly
contact the game leader and force riches or occult
knowledge from Yggingst. As long as the other players do
Appendix: Famous Texts not discover it, you gain to riches and have +2 resources
for the next mission, or you can get occult knowledge that
The Method of Sacred Geometry for Binding Miasmas by leads to occult books, magic treasures or special
Pastor Wilhelm Gesner. Published in the late 1700s, the knowledge about Vaesen. One's Dark Secret will appear
pamphlet contains a description of the notions of evil air during the mystery or play a role during preparations.
or miasma and how they are a source of disease. Miasma ASSET: Yggingst carries many memories, and it knows
occur when Vaesen have an unfortunate influence on secrets from human antiquity. It can be forced a hint to
humans, or when the stars are in certain positions. The better understand a mystery encountered on a mission
book describes how sacred structures can dissolve (gamemaster gives a hint to better understand a mystery
miasma or prevent their emergence. Special architectural on a mission; can be used once per mystery).
features must be present in the building structure.
With the book in hand, you have +2 dice to erect a
monument or edifice that draws on sacred geometry and
that can weaken supernatural beings in a given place.

· 21 ·
· The King and The Lighthouse ·

Appendix: Maps


Hansted Inn




· 22 ·
· The King and The Lighthouse ·

· 23 ·
· The King and The Lighthouse ·

November 21st. Lauraline asked who I had talked to. I

Appendix: Handouts cannot tell her about my friend. Do not mention Yggingst.
November 24. Lauraline thinks she's seen something.
Handout #1: The Invitation from Thøger She sought me out up in the tower. I still do not want to
Mogensen tell her anything. My friend tells me to open the gate so he
can get out. Together we will then turn off the lantern.
Honorable Members of the Order of Artemis. Your November 27. Tonight, a richly loaded ship arrives.
knowledge and insight are sought in an embarrassing case Tonight, I release my friend, and then I shall grant riches
concerning a building which has acquired a reputation of to everyone in the area. I need Lauraline. My friend has
being haunted. On behalf of B.M. (born Wildenrath), I given me a knife. It's not one I've seen before. It's beautiful.
must kindly remind you of your obligations to the Nordic I can feel it humming in my hand. Tonight, I will lead
peoples and kindly request you to appear at my office at Lauraline up the tower. Tonight.
the earliest opportunity,
With the highest regard Excerpt from September 1865 kept by Albert
T. Mogensen Svendsen:
Clerk at the Royal Danish Lighthouse Office, September 2: A wheeled steamer from Schleswig-
Copenhagen. Holstein observed.
Then saw a hobo by the lighthouse. When I went there
Appendix # 2: Lighthouse Keeper’s log to confront him, he had run away.
A thick leather-bound book to keep records in. The September 7: The hobo is back. He was standing
logbook contains records of ships observed in the waters outside the gate and would not enter. He said he knew the
outside the lighthouse, and overviews of the lighthouse's fuel former lighthouse keeper. I think he means Niels
consumption. It is led by different hands. On the first page of Kromann. Said the lighthouse keeper and his wife blew
the book is an overview of the lighthouse keepers who have led away in a storm.
it: Heinrich Julius Wørmer, Carl Alsing, Niels Kromann, September 8: A British sailing ship observed.
Albert Svendsen. September 11: The hobo came again. We invited him in
for coffee. He is very talkative, and he knows more about
Excerpt from October-November 1862 by Carl the work around the lighthouse than expected. Maybe he
Alsing: has worked here before?
October 18. Observed a Norwegian fishing boat and a September 12: We invited the hobo for dinner and
Scottish fishing boat. offered a bath. Bathed he seems entirely human. During
October 27. Three British merchant ships passed the dinner he talked about his friend Yggingst. I did not
promontory today. They appear to be heavily loaded. If the recognize anyone by that name.
lighthouse had not been lit, at least one of them would September 14: Dreamed again of Yggingst. It looks like
have been grounded. Everyone in Hansted would get rich a storm is coming.
if such a ship drifted in and there were no survivors.
November 1st. A Dutch trader has been caught out at Handout #3: Wildenrath’s Letter
sea. The strong storm prevents him from getting Dear Esbern,
anywhere. Had the lighthouse not been lit, he would have
run aground. What a wealth that would then drift in. I thank you for your honored writing, and I write to let you
November 14. There were problems with the wiring to know that The Royal Master of Constructions Koch has
the bulb. The light almost went out, though it did not begun the new drawings of the lighthouse. I have
happen. The thought of what would happen without the explained to him the principles as I found them in Pastor
light tempted me. For a while, my hand rested on the Gesner's The Method of Sacred Geometry for Binding
switch, but I stood firm. My friend was not happy. Miasmas, however, I have shelved the monument. Instead,
November 17. We talked all night, and when the storm is raised a lighthouse that can guide us at sea and in the
had subsided, I went for a walk along the beach. There lay spirit against the things that threaten our society.
a drowned sailor with silver buttons on his vest. I took However, the construction is not going at a pace that is
them. My friend was right. I can find wealth here. compatible with an old woman's age, and I fear I shall not

· 24 ·
· The King and The Lighthouse ·

see the lighthouse erected before leaving this world. If I'm Handout #5: Alsing’s Hymnal
not here, I sincerely ask you to comply with my one wish, In the margin is written:
namely, to appoint Julius Wørmer, Catharine's husband, “The Lord in the Deep. Hanstholm's lord commands.
to be the lighthouse keeper. He is trained in the traditions At Yggingst's bid, the doors must be opened. Each seal
needed to take care of the lighthouse. must be undone. The first door is opened with my
A loving greeting from beloved's blood. At Yggingst's bid, the next door must be
L. G. Wildenrath opened. The blood of friendship must flow. Niels was not
Handout #4: Kromann’s Letter my friend.”
Dear Brother, Handout #6: Wildenrath’s Report
First, thank you for the letter. Both Hanne and I have Our envoys brought news of the King of Hanstholm,
read the letter with great pleasure. We are happy to hear Yggingst, who according to legends in the area lies asleep
that little Marie is doing well, and we send our in his cave until the islet is again an island. The area has
congratulations to Else. We hope to be able to visit you for not historic times been an island, and it is possible that
the baptism. the area has been a mainland since the great deluge. The
Our everyday life is formed by working with the burial mounds of our ancestors in tell a story about a part
lighthouse. There is a lot to do. The light in the lighthouse of the country that has long been part of the mainland.
must be switched on daily, and it requires a lot of fuel to According to C. J. Thompson’s method of dividing the past
make sure that the lantern can always be switched on. I into different ages, the country has been inhabited since
keep a log of which sailing ships we see pass and whether the Stone Age, and in the Bronze Age there were large
they get too close to land. The former lighthouse keepers village communities, which continued their existence up
have left a logbook which I carry on, though I have not to the Iron Age.
read their logs, as it is tedious. However, there is time to Our suspicion that Hanstholm's king is the cause of
look after the garden as well. We have apple trees, and the many shipwrecks seems confirmed. There is a
Hanne loves to walk in the garden at dusk. tradition of a lindworm crawling out of its cave during
The priest in Hansted is friendly, and he has storms to pull ships to the bottom, where it then gorges
welcomed us. He looks after the small church, which is itself on the drowned sailors, and it lets the inhabitants of
next to the lighthouse. He has told me that the former the area enrich themselves in the driftwood. The
lighthouse keepers paid generously to repair the church. lindworm is a toxic creature that poisons its surroundings
They made sure that the bell came hung up once again, with bile, words and thoughts.
took care of the decor, which they had a great interest in According to a local legend told by an ancient woman
preserving, and more. We do not see much of the on the moor, the area is named after the ‘handske’ [glove],
fishermen down in Hansted. They are taciturn and godly which was found where the church is located, and which
people, but also simple. Their biggest fear is to meet the was forgotten by a mermaid when the sea went around
strandvarsler at the beach near the surf. They say that if the whole glove. In another report, a fisherman once
you set out to sail afterwards, you will not return home. found a glove on a rock by the beach, which he took home
Our maid Karen was greatly startled the other day. with him, and his wife knitted him a similar one, so he had
Hanne has tried to comfort her, but it has not been easy. a pair. He now went out and fished with his gloves, and
She says she was up at midnight. A window had blown one day it happened that a mermaid came up to the
open and she would close it in again when she saw a pale surface and said, "You man who the gloves found, and who
figure. She calls it The White Lady. The white lady chased the gloves bound/knitted, take the line in and row ashore,
her through the living rooms until she sought refuge in a it is souring in the north, it howls in the chimney, it
wardrobe. I have assured both Hanne and Karen that it rumbles over our cobblestone door.” Immediately he
was just a bad dream. rowed inland, and he had scarcely reached safety before a
Autumn is approaching. We do not notice this as much great storm hit the area.
here as at home. The fields are meager, and the farmers Our envoys inform us, that they have an underground
depend as much on fishing as on agriculture, and in hiding place from which to carry out their duties on behalf
particular their large flocks of sheep. I imagine your fields of The Order. In the long term, we cannot tolerate such
are bountiful. Well, I must not let my letter run too long. conditions prevailing in the region. Therefore, a
Niels Kromann construction project has been arranged to create a home

· 25 ·
· The King and The Lighthouse ·

that will look harmless on the outside and that will allow
members to continue their duties to The Order.
Therefore, in a French fashion we will erect a lighthouse
in the area, which will light the way for ships in need, and
which will be our guide in the dark times. It is desired that
the monument also binds Yggingst in the ground, and we
must be the gatekeepers to its lair. We will set up two
gates, and they are each given a peculiar lock. A key of love
sealed with blood and a key of friendship also sealed with
blood will keep Hanstholm's king imprisoned.

· 26 ·
· The King and The Lighthouse ·

Appendix: Handouts II
Handout #1: The Invitation from Thøger

Honorable Members of the Order of Artemis. Your knowledge and

insight are sought in an embarrassing case concerning a building which
has acquired a reputation of being haunted. On behalf of B.M. (born
Wildenrath), I must kindly remind you of your obligations to the Nordic
peoples and kindly request you to appear at my office at the earliest

With the highest regard,

T. Mogensen
Clerk at the Royal Danish Lighthouse Office, Copenhagen.

Handout #3: Wildenrath’s Letter

Dear Esbern,

I thank you for your honored writing, and I write to let you know that The
Royal Master of Constructions Koch has begun the new drawings of the
lighthouse. I have explained to him the principles as I found them in Pastor
Gesner's The Method of Sacred Geometry for Binding Miasmas, however,
I have shelved the monument. Instead, is raised a lighthouse that can guide us at
sea and in the spirit against the things that threaten our society.
However, the construction is not going at a pace that is compatible with an old woman's
age, and I fear I shall not see the lighthouse erected before leaving this world. If
I'm not here, I sincerely ask you to comply with my one wish, namely, to appoint
Julius Wørmer, Catharine's husband, to be the lighthouse keeper. He is trained
in the traditions needed to take care of the lighthouse.

A loving greeting from

L. G. Wildenrath

· 27 ·
· The King and The Lighthouse ·

Handout #5: Alsing’s Hymnal Handout #6: Wildenrath’s Report

(Writings in the margin of the Hymnal)

Our envoys brought news of the King of Hanstholm,

Du er Himlens Ære, Yggingst, who according to legends in the area lies asleep in his cave
og Solens renhed ej
The Lord in until the islet is again an island. The area has not historic times been an
mod dig kan lignet være,
the Deep. island, and it is possible that the area has been a mainland since the great
ej Stjerners Mælkevej;
Hanstholm's lord deluge. The burial mounds of our ancestors in tell a story about a part
ja, selv Englene må
commands. At of the country that has long been part of the mainland. According to C.
dig med fuld røst og tunge
Yggingst's bid, J. Thompson’s method of dividing the past into different ages, the
tre gange: hellig! synge
the doors must be country has been inhabited since the Stone Age, and in the Bronze
og for din Trone stå.
opened. Each seal Age there were large village communities, which continued their existence
must be undone. up to the Iron Age.
The first door is
Dog vil du dåben tage
opened with my Our suspicion that Hanstholm's king is the cause of the many
i Jordans blanke flod,
beloved's blood. shipwrecks seems confirmed. There is a tradition of a lindworm crawling
at den må kraft uddrage
At Yggingst's out of its cave during storms to pull ships to the bottom, where it then
af Jesu rosenblod;
bid, the next door gorges itself on the drowned sailors, and it lets the inhabitants of the area
af vand med Ånd og Ord
must be opened. enrich themselves in the driftwood. The lindworm is a toxic creature that
et Sjælebad du gjorde,
The blood of poisons its surroundings with bile, words and thoughts.
som bader de fortabte
friendship must
til Gæster ved Guds bord.
flow. Niels was According to a local legend told by an ancient woman on the moor,
not my friend. the area is named after the ‘handske’ [glove], which was found where the
church is located, and which was forgotten by a mermaid when the sea
went around the whole glove. In another report, a fisherman once found
a glove on a rock by the beach, which he took home with him, and his
wife knitted him a similar one, so he had a pair. He now went out and
fished with his gloves, and one day it happened that a mermaid came up
to the surface and said, "You man who the gloves found, and who the
gloves bound/knitted, take the line in and row ashore, it is souring in the
north, it howls in the chimney, it rumbles over our cobblestone door.”
Immediately he rowed inland, and he had scarcely reached safety before
a great storm hit the area.

Our envoys inform us, that they have an underground hiding place
from which to carry out their duties on behalf of The Order. In the
long term, we cannot tolerate such conditions prevailing in the region.
Therefore, a construction project has been arranged to create a home that
will look harmless on the outside and that will allow members to continue
their duties to The Order. Therefore, in a French fashion we will
erect a lighthouse in the area, which will light the way for ships in need,
and which will be our guide in the dark times. It is desired that the
monument also binds Yggingst in the ground, and we must be the
gatekeepers to its lair. We will set up two gates, and they are each given
a peculiar lock. A key of love sealed with blood and a key of friendship
also sealed with blood will keep Hanstholm's king imprisoned.

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· The King and The Lighthouse ·

Handout # 2: Lighthouse Keeper’s log

(Excerpts from the log)

A thick leather-bound book to keep records in. The logbook contains records of ships observed in the waters outside the
lighthouse, and overviews of the lighthouse's fuel consumption. It is led by different hands. On the first page of the book is an
overview of the lighthouse keepers who have led it: Heinrich Julius Wørmer, Carl Alsing, Niels Kromann, Albert Svendsen.

Excerpt from October-November 1862 by Carl Alsing:

October 18. Observed a Norwegian fishing boat and a Scottish fishing boat.
October 27. Three British merchant ships passed the promontory today. They appear to be heavily loaded. If the
lighthouse had not been lit, at least one of them would have been grounded. Everyone in Hansted would get rich if such
a ship drifted in and there were no survivors.
November 1st. A Dutch trader has been caught out at sea. The strong storm prevents him from getting anywhere.
Had the lighthouse not been lit, he would have run aground. What a wealth that would then drift in.
November 14. There were problems with the wiring to the bulb. The light almost went out, though it did not
happen. The thought of what would happen without the light tempted me. For a while, my hand rested on the switch,
but I stood firm. My friend was not happy.
November 17. We talked all night, and when the storm had subsided, I went for a walk along the beach. There
lay a drowned sailor with silver buttons on his vest. I took them. My friend was right. I can find wealth here.
November 21st. Lauraline asked who I had talked to. I cannot tell her about my friend. Do not mention
November 24. Lauraline thinks she's seen something. She sought me out up in the tower. I still do not want to
tell her anything. My friend tells me to open the gate so he can get out. Together we will then turn off the lantern.
November 27. Tonight, a richly loaded ship arrives. Tonight, I release my friend, and then I shall grant riches
to everyone in the area. I need Lauraline. My friend has given me a knife. It's not one I've seen before. It's beautiful.
I can feel it humming in my hand. Tonight, I will lead Lauraline up the tower. Tonight.
Excerpt from September 1865 kept by Albert Svendsen:

September 2: A wheeled steamer from Schleswig-Holstein observed.

Then saw a hobo by the lighthouse. When I went there to confront him, he had run away.
September 7: The hobo is back. He was standing outside the gate and would not enter. He said he knew the
former lighthouse keeper. I think he means Niels Kromann. Said the lighthouse keeper and his wife blew away in a
September 8: A British sailing ship observed.
September 11: The hobo came again. We invited him in for coffee. He is very talkative, and he knows more
about the work around the lighthouse than expected. Maybe he has worked here before?
September 12: We invited the hobo for dinner and offered a bath. Bathed he seems entirely human. During
dinner he talked about his friend Yggingst. I did not recognize anyone by that name.
September 14: Dreamed again of Yggingst. It looks like a storm is coming.

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· The King and The Lighthouse ·

Handout #4: Kromann’s Letter

Dear Brother,

First, thank you for the letter. Both Hanne and I have read the letter with great
pleasure. We are happy to hear that little Marie is doing well, and we send our
congratulations to Else. We hope to be able to visit you for the baptism.
Our everyday life is formed by working with the lighthouse. There is a lot to do. The
light in the lighthouse must be switched on daily, and it requires a lot of fuel to make sure
that the lantern can always be switched on. I keep a log of which sailing ships we see
pass and whether they get too close to land. The former lighthouse keepers have left a
logbook which I carry on, though I have not read their logs, as it is tedious. However,
there is time to look after the garden as well. We have apple trees, and Hanne loves to
walk in the garden at dusk.
The priest in Hansted is friendly, and he has welcomed us. He looks after the small
church, which is next to the lighthouse. He has told me that the former lighthouse keepers
paid generously to repair the church. They made sure that the bell came hung up once
again, took care of the decor, which they had a great interest in preserving, and more. We
do not see much of the fishermen down in Hansted. They are taciturn and godly people,
but also simple. Their biggest fear is to meet the strandvarsler at the beach near the surf.
They say that if you set out to sail afterwards, you will not return home.
Our maid Karen was greatly startled the other day. Hanne has tried to comfort her,
but it has not been easy. She says she was up at midnight. A window had blown open and
she would close it in again when she saw a pale figure. She calls it The White Lady.
The white lady chased her through the living rooms until she sought refuge in a wardrobe.
I have assured both Hanne and Karen that it was just a bad dream.
Autumn is approaching. We do not notice this as much here as at home. The fields are
meager, and the farmers depend as much on fishing as on agriculture, and in particular
their large flocks of sheep. I imagine your fields are bountiful. Well, I must not let my
letter run too long.
Niels Kromann

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