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Antheia lace vest

Antheia is one of the younger Graces (Charites). She

is the goddess of flowers and flowery wreaths that
people wore at festivals.

The Charites were three goddesses of grace, beauty,

adornment, joy, mirth, festivity, dance and song.
They were attendants of the goddesses Aphrodite and

Antheia is a bottom up vest, knit in pieces and then

sewn together to make up. Buttons are sewed at the
front to keep it closed. Available in one size, vest is 62
cm/24 inch across back laying flat. It is designed to be

Eleni Savvidou ©2018 Antheia lace vest v.19092018

one, but adjustable by number of repeats and/or needle size. See also schematic on page 13.

Garnstudio Drops Safran (6 skeins), or any fingering/sport weight yarn about 960 m/1050 yards.
Sample is knit with 5,5 skeins of Drops Safran (160m/50 gr)

4.5 mm/US 7 circular or straight needle, max number of stitches is 141. Circular needle is

1 pattern repeat (16 sts and 32 rows), 8 cm wide and 14 cm high, Chart B, blocked /
21 sts and 26 rows stockinette stitch in 10 cm/4 inch unblocked

tapestry needle, cable needle, stitch markers (a couple of locking markers if possible), spare yarn,
spare needle or crochet hook for 3-needle bind off, 6 small buttons 1,5 cm/0,5 inch diameter

mattress stitch, 3-needle bind off or Kitchener, sewing edge to bind off

Be sure to read the written instructions before starting the project! See abbreviations on page 6.

Chart A: Border, 2 sts on both sides, patterning on both sides (RS+WS)

Chart B: Body, 1 st on both sides, 6 button band sts, 6-st rib sleeve edge, patterning only on RS, work
WS sts as they appear

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There are 4 pattern repeats of Chart A and 7 pattern repeats of Chart B.

Chart A: 2 selvedge sts, 22 st edge pattern, 4x22 st pattern repeat, 22 st edge pattern, 2 sts selvedge
(136 sts)

Chart B: 1 selvedge st, 9 st edge pattern, 7x16 st pattern repeat, 8 st edge pattern, 1 selvedge st (131

Using an elastic cast on method, cast on 134 sts. I used German Twisted Cast On. A loose cast on will
also work.

Setup row: pfb (selvedge+edge), p21, k2, (p20, k2) x 4, p21, pfb (selvedge+edge) 136 sts

First stitch of first repeat and last stitch of last repeat is worked in stockinette stitch. Chart A has
patterning on both sides (RS and WS). Chart B has patterning only on RS rows. WS sts are worked as
they appear. (Chart A – page 9, Chart B – page 10)

Work rows 1-20 of Chart A once. There are 2 stitches on both sides not shown in the chart. (RS:k2,
chart A, k2 / WS:p2, Chart A, p2)

Continue to Chart B (body pattern). You need to decrease 3 sts on the first row of Chart B. Make 1
decrease on the first 9 sts, the next on the 3rd pattern repeat and the last on the last 8 sts. There is
one stitch on both sides not shown in the chart. (selvedge) (RS:k1, Chart B, k1 / WS:p1, Chart B, p1)

Work rows 1-32 of Chart B once. Continue working rows 1-30 of Chart B. Beginning of underarm rib
starts on row 31 on second repeat. Either work the increases as written below or cast on 5 sts to start
working the rib. Work row 31 as follows:

Row 31 (RS): k1, M1, work in pattern to last st, M1, kfb last st (inc 3 sts)

Row 32 (WS): (p1, M1) 3 times, work in pattern to 2 sts from end, p1, pfb (inc 4 sts)

Place marker on this row to measure from here (for the armhole)

Next RS row (Row 1): (k1, M1p), 3 times, work in pattern to 6 sts from end, (p1, k1) 3 times (inc 3 sts)

Next WS row (Row 2): (p1, k1) 3 times, work in pattern to 6 sts from end, (k1, p1) 3 times (141 sts)

Continue to work k1, p1 ribbing on beginning and end of each row, 6 sts in the beginning and 6 in the
end. The 6-st ribbing is the edge of the sleeves.

Work rows 3-32 of Chart B once and up to row 26 a second time, or 23 cm from the marker at the
beginning of the armhole. If you worked more or less rows, end on a WS row. Adjust sts to bind off
accordingly. You need to bind off the middle pattern repeat plus 10 sts on each repeat left and right
from the center.

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Eleni Savvidou ©2018 Antheia lace vest v.19092018
Count 52 sts from the start and place a locking stitch marker. Count 52 sts from the end and place
another locking stitch marker. There are 37 sts between those markers that will be bound off.

Row 27/Next RS row: work in pattern for 47 sts, k3, yo, ssk, bind off 37 sts loosely (sts between the
new markers), slip st from right needle to left, k2tog, yo, k3, p1, work remaining 46 sts to end

There are 2 sets of 52 sts for each shoulder on the needle. (104 sts total)
Work each shoulder separately.

Next WS row: work only half the sts (row 28). Work to last st, pbf (53 sts)

Row 29: k1 (edge), k5, p1, work in pattern to end

Row 30: work in pattern

Row 31: k1, slip 2 sts to cn and hold back, k3, knit from cn, work in pattern to end

Row 32: work in pattern, leaving a long tail for 3-needle bind off

Join yarn for the other half sts on the WS. Row 28: pfb first st, work in pattern to end

Row 29-30: work in pattern

Row 31: work in pattern, for the last cable slip 3 sts to cn and hold front, k2, knit from cn, k1 (edge)

Row 32: work in pattern, leaving a long tail for 3-needle bind off

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Right front
Cast on 73 sts

You will work rows 1-20 of Chart A and 3 repeats of Chart B (body).

Setup row: pfb (edge), p21, k2, p20, k2, p21, (k1, p1) x3 (74 sts)

The last 6 sts are the front ribbing and buttonholes band.

Row 1: (k1, p1) x3, work row 1 of chart A to 2 sts from end, k2 (selvedge sts) (6+66+2 sts)

Row 2: p2, work row 2 of chart A to 6 sts from end, (k1, p1) x3

Work rows 1-20 of Chart A once. Continue, working rows 1-32 of Chart B. You will work Chart B

Row 1 – buttonhole row: k1, p1, ssk, yo, k1, p1, work chart B row 1, k1 (selvedge st)

Row 2: p1, work chart B row 2, (k1, p1) x3

You need to knit a buttonhole every 12 rows. Pattern rows to knit a buttonhole are:

1, 13, 25, 5, 17, 29

On the second repeat of Chart B:

Continue working rows 1-30 of Chart B. Beginning of underarm rib starts on row 31. Either work the
increases as written below or cast on 5 sts and start working the rib.

Row 31: work in pattern to last st, M1, kbf (inc 2 sts)

Row 32: (p1, M1) 3 times, work to last 6 sts, (k1, p1) 3 times (71 +6 sts)

From this point on, work neck decreases on every 4th row. Continue working in pattern (ribbing +
Chart B + ribbing), decreasing one stitch every 4th row.

See Right front – neck decreases on page 11. (61 sts, 16 sts decreased)

Pattern rows to decrease are:

1, 5, 9, 13, 17, 21, 25, 29, 33, 37, 41, 45, 49, 53, 57, 61

Work up to row 64. Next row: (k1, p1) 3 times, k1, place all remaining sts on waste yarn to hold

Work the first half of the neckband now.

Next row: p1, (k1, p1) 3 times

Work 32 rows or about 12 cm. Place sts on waste yarn to graft later.

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Left Front
Cast on 73 sts

You will work rows 1-20 of Chart A and 3 repeats of Chart B (body).

Setup row: (p1, k1) 3 times, p21, k2, p20, k2, p21, pbf (edge+selvedge) (74 sts)

Row 1: k2 (selvedge sts), work Chart A row 1 to 6 sts to end, (p1, k1) 3 times (2+66+6 sts)

Row 2: (p1, k1) 3 times, work chart A row 2 to 2 sts from end, p2

Work rows 1-20 of Chart A once. Continue, working rows 1-32 of Chart B. You will work Chart B

Row 1: k1, work Chart B row 1 to 6 sts, (p1, k1) 3 times

Row 2: (p1, k1) 3 times, work Chart B row 2 to last st, p1

Work rows 1-32 of Chart B once. Continue working rows 1-30 of Chart B. Beginning of underarm rib
starts on row 31. Either work the increases as written below or cast on 5 sts and start working the

Row 31 (RS): kbf, M1, knit in pattern to end (inc 2 sts)

Row 32: (p1, k1) 3 times, work to last 3 sts, (M1, p1) 3 times

The decreases for neck shaping will be at the end of the RS rows. Row numbers that you will work
the decreases are:

1, 5, 9, 13, 17, 21, 25, 29, 33, 37, 41, 45, 49, 53, 57, 61

See Left front – neck decreases chart on page 12. (61 sts, 16 sts decreased)

Work to Row 64. Cut the yarn. Slip sts to other end of needle. With WS facing, join yarn to work. This
is the decreases end of piece. Work the second piece of the neckband.

Next row (WS): (p1, k1) 3 times, p2tog, turn

Next row (RS): (k1, p1) 3 times, k1

Next row: (p1, k1) 3 times, p1

Repeat the last 2 rows for 36 rows in total or until piece measures about 12 cm.

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Eleni Savvidou ©2018 Antheia lace vest v.19092018
To make a cardigan
At this point, we have 3 pieces. Join the shoulders using a 3-needle bind off, making sure to do it
loosely. You can also work Kitchener if you like.

Join side seams using the mattress stitch. Join neckband with Kitchener or 3-needle bind off. Sew to
bind off stitches. Block piece to measurements. Sew buttons.


Central double decrease (cdd): slip 2 sts together as if to k2tog, k1, psso (2 sts decrease)
Cn: cable needle
K: knit
K2tog: knit 2 sts together (1 st decrease)
LLI: With left needle, pick up stitch two rows below the last stitch on the right needle. Knit tbl.
M1: Insert left hand needle from front to back under the bar between the sts, knit new st through
the back loop.
M1p: With working yarn in front, insert left needle from front to back under the bar between the sts,
purl new st through the back loop.
P: purl
P2tog: purl 2 sts together (1 st decrease)
Pbf: purl back and then front of one stitch (1 st increase)
Pfb: purl front and then back of one stitch (1 st increase)
Psso: pass slipped sts over the st just worked
RLI: Insert right needle into the stitch below the next stitch on the left needle. Place it on the left
needle and knit it.
RS: Right side of fabric
Ssk: slip 2 sts knitwise individually, knit them together tbl (1 st decrease)
Ssp: slip 2 sts knitwise individually, slip them back on left hand needle knitwise, p2tog tbl (1 st
St(s): stitch(es)
Tbl: through back loop
WS: wrong side of fabric
Yo: bring yarn over needle to form a new loop (1 st increase)

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Eleni Savvidou ©2018 Antheia lace vest v.19092018
This pattern is for personal use only. You do not have permission to use it in any other way.
Copyright for both pattern and pictures is held by the designer, Eleni Savvidou aka
LadyDarkStar on Ravelry.!

Special thanks to my test knitters: Re-De, JulieLanteri and mckknit.

Please link to the pattern. If you have any questions you can either message me on Ravelry
(LadyDarkStar) or email me at:

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Eleni Savvidou ©2018 Antheia lace vest v.19092018
Chart B - Body pattern

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Right front – neck decreases

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Left front – neck decreases

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