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Kara David does a documentary inside Bilibid Prison and is shocked that within Bilibid prison
there's a hope for those who don't know how to read and write and by the help of ALS(
Alternative Learning System) by Bureau of Correction prisoners are going to school and learn
things and they enjoy it. When Kara David was in prison she interviewed some prisoners and
she encountered different issues why they are there. Some issues are drugs, act of
misbehavior and they honestly being sad just for example Philip he was 16 years old when he
was admitted to Bilibid prison and until that 2018 he will age of 30 no one visiting him. The
issue portrayed in the documentary is the lack of education. People who commit crimes and do
some violence are people who don't have an educational background.

All issues are important to be discussed but these issues in the documentary really needed to
be discussed, it was helpful that we change the mind of people who think Bilibid are a place of
fight and most dangerous people were there without even seeing this side story. Not all people
who are in jail are bad, some are being there because life is so unfair they lack education and
financial problems. It is important relating to ethics because if you are there inside it is a matter
of choice of people there if they will continue to be good or bad. Some of them are choosing to
study because they believe it is the best gift they can give if they will be free of those barriers,
second some of them are teaching their co-prisoner he believes even if he can't come out there
at least he does good and he helps people like Sir Antonio.

In the documentary one factor I see that affects their decision making in kind of evaluation is
the Aesthetic. Aesthetic is the judgment or personal approval of disapproval that we make to
the things we hear, smell or taste. The first person "Richard" believes education is the only gift
he can give to his daughter, if he can write or read he thinks his daughter will be proud of him
even the Bureau staff tell it was not Richard daughter he was just get those picture on side of
street because they honestly don't have record whose the family of Richard. It was Aesthetic
because hearing the judgment of people like in Philip he says he gives his medal so his parents
will be proud of him and because what he hears is that his life will never be okay he makes a will
to prove that's wrong. I think that stage was Conventional and Interpersonal concordance. It
says being good is whatever pleases others. People adopt a conformist attitude to morality in
which right or wrong are already determined by the majority like the prisoners, they already
know that what they're doing was good and it was for themselves and for their family.

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