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of Test Plan
* Test Autom
Objective: it aim
ation * Effort
estimation * s to describe the s: Integr
Deliverables -
contents of the
project. and, it i ation testi
> Document/ s also called as li ng State
Template st/index. -Lis
ts the all tasks an Transition
d their goals. Methodologie
s: Waterfall
Spiral V mo
del Agile Int Assumption: in
this component, t
eractive RAD esters assumption
Incremental s should be made
Scope: it has the . eg: tester ne
* Objective - appr information about
oach of the projec ed support from t
the coverage of ar
t * Scope * Met
hodologies * Tec
ea that the project Risks:
he dev team or bu
siness team.
/ teams can expl
hniques * Assum ore in side or outsi
ptions * Risks * de. In-scope:
Risk Mitigation pla the modules cove
n * Roles & Resp

Risk Mitigation * Risks will happe

Plan: it is a plan n when the assum
to overcome or by ptions are failed.
pass the risks. the * Time is insuffic
purpose to avoid ient * Lack of co
the risks r to mmunication and
resolve the cooperation. * te
risks. * we go ba ster is incompeten

Schedule: prep Test Automation

are the schedule : here, we find t
to complete the t he functionalities
asks/issues. its suits to the auto
Tester: *revie about the projec mation. eg: Re
w & verify the pla t beginning to en peated TCs, Reu
n * attends the
sable TCs.the
d timings.
meetings * ope efforts both
n the assigned ta men power
sks/issues * ge Test Environment and
nerate the feedb : it is all about
acks the software and financials.
hardware require Deliverables: it i
Roles & Responsib ment to conduct t s the final outco
ilities: The respo esting. * OSs
* Automations too me to provide to
nsibilities are diffe the customer. it
rent for different r ls & versions * Ha
oles . Test Ma
consists all the r
Defect Tracking: Entry & Exit eports derived in
nager: *Prepar it is a very impor Criteria: in this,
es the test plan. the test plan.
tant component th we check the both
* Conducts the m at arises the defec entry level
ts, bugs, errors in conditions with
the software. if th exit level
ere is any defect o conditions are
ccurs, it must be r perfectly matching

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