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Unit 6: Our school facilities.

Exercise 1. Circle the correct answer.

1) How many playgrounds are there at your school?

There is/ There are two playgrounds.

2) How many gardens are there at your school?

There is/ There are one garden.

3) How many chairs are there?

There is/ There are four chairs.

4) How many computer rooms are there at your school?

There is/ There are two computer rooms.

5) How many buildings are there at your school?

There is/ There are three buildings.

6) How many art rooms are there at your school?

There is/ There are one art room.

7) How many students are there in the art room?

There is/ There are ten students in the art room.

8) How many libraries are there at your school?

There is/ There are one library.

pg. 1
Unit 6: Our school facilities.
9) How many books are there?

There is / There are four books.

10) How many computers are there on the desk?

There is / There are one computer.

11) How many music rooms are there at your school?

There is/ There are two music rooms.

Exercise 2. Make questions for these answer ( đặt câu hỏi )

EX: 1) There is a computer room at my school.
………How many computer rooms are there at your school ?
2) There are two playgrounds at my school.
3) My school is in the town.
4) There is a garden at my school.
5) There are four buildings at my school.
6) There are five books in the bag.
7) There is a library at ma school.

pg. 2
Unit 6: Our school facilities.
8) There are thirty- five classrooms at my school.
9g) There is a music room at my school.
10) There are 2 desks in my classroom.
11) There are forty chairs in my classroom.
12) There is a picture on the wall.
13) There are thirty- seven teachers in my school.

Exercise 3. Look and read. Write Yes or No

1. There is a school bag.

2. There are three boys crayons.
3. There are two book in the school bag.

pg. 3
Unit 6: Our school facilities.
4. There are five pencils .
5. There is a ruler.
6. There are two notebooks.

Exercise 4. Read the text and decide if the sentences are TRUE or FALSE
My name is Minh. I am a student. My school is in the village. It’s big and
new. There are three buildings at my school. There are two big playgrounds
and a small garden. There is a large computer room with sixty computers. I
love the art room the most because I like drawing. There is an art room next to
the music room. At break time, we often grow flowers in the garden and play in
the playgrounds. I love my school very much.

1. Minh’ school is in the city. True / False

2. His school is new and big. True / False
3. There are two buildings at his school. True / False
4. There are two playgrounds at his school. True/ False
5. There are two gardens at his school. True/ False
6. There is a computer room at his school. True/ False
7. There are fifty computers in the computer room. True/ False
8. There is an art room at his school. True/ False
9. The art room is next to the computer room. True/ False
Exercise 5. Put the words in the correct order
1) There – my – garden – is – at – a– school
2) school – two – There – my – at – playgrounds – are
3) a – computer room – There – school – is – my – big – at
4) are – There – ten books – the shelf – on

pg. 4
Unit 6: Our school facilities.
5) my – There – three – at – are – buildings – school
6) many – your – buildings – there – How – school – are – at?
7) in – My – the – school – is – mountains.
8) is – his – Where – school?
9) the – Her – in – school – is – village.
10) a – is – at – small – school – library – my – There.

Part 1. Listen and circle. There is one example.

a b c

a b c

a b c

pg. 5
Unit 6: Our school facilities.

a b c

a b c



a b c

a b

Part 2. Listen and tick or cross . There is one example.

1. 2.

3. 4.

pg. 6
Unit 6: Our school facilities.

5. 6.

7. 8.

pg. 7

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