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ISSN: 2322 - 0902 (P)

ISSN: 2322 - 0910 (O)

International Journal of Ayurveda
and Pharma Research

Review Article


Subha K Nampoothiri1*, A Shahul Hameed2
*1PG Scholar, 2Professor & HOD, Department of Dravyagunavijnanam, Govt. Ayurveda College,
Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India.
Article info ABSTRACT
Article History: Peptic-ulcer-disease is the ulceration of gasrtric or duodenal mucosa due to the digestive
Received: 28-08-2021 action of pepsin and stomach acid. Gastritis, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer are included
Revised : 13-09-2021 under this. It can be correlated with the condition Parinamasoola mentioned in Ayurveda.
Accepted: 18-09-2021 Avipathichoornam is a famous Ayurvedic formulation, mentioned in the texts Ashtanga
Published: 16-09-2021
Hridaya and Sahasrayoga. Avipathi choorna exerts its effect in Peptic ulcer disease probably
KEYWORDS: through Deepana, Pachana and Saraka actions by virtue of the pharmacological properties
Avipathi choorna, of the ingredients with which the vitiated Pitta can get normalized. It can be deducted that
Deepana, Avipathi choorna probably neutralize the excess acid secretion in the gastrointestinal tract
and maintain a healthy pH. The formulation also probably acts by the anti inflammatory
property of most of the ingredients which can help pacify the inflamed tissue layer of the
Peptic ulcer.
gut. The aim of this paper is to demonstrate mode of action of Avipathi choorna in peptic
ulcer disease by critically analyzing the pharmacological properties as well as chemical
constituent of the ingredients.
Peptic ulcer is one of the most prevalent Parinama shoola is characterised by burning sensation
chronic gastrointestinal disorders. It refers to an ulcer along with pain in epigastrium during the digestion of
in the mucosa of lower oesophagus, stomach or the ingested food.
intestine. The ulceration results when the aggressive The disease Parinama shoola was first
factors such as acid, pepsin, bile or Helicobacter pylori mentioned by Acharya Madhava in his treatise on
overwhelm the defensive factors of the gastrointestinal etiopathology of diseases. Though it is a Pitta
mucosa such as mucous and bicarbonate secretions, predominant disease, there is involvement of the other
prostaglandins and nitric oxide. It affects 8-10% of the two Doshas in its etiopathogenesis. Pitta (Pachaka
global population.[1] pitta) gets vitiated, Kapha (Kledaka kapha) gets
Peptic-ulcer disease includes many conditions vitiated, dislodged and gets combined with deranged
like gastritis, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer. The Vata (Samana vayu), and precipitates Parinamasoola.[3]
cardinal feature of peptic ulcer disease is sharp and There is a scope for introduction of a safe
burning epigastric pain, which may be ill defined and alternative to the present day anti ulcer drugs. Avipathi
often aggravated by meals or relieved few minutes choorna, a poly herbal Ayurvedic formulation, is
after a meal. Other associated symptoms include mentioned in the texts Sahasrayoga and Ashtanga
nausea, vomiting, flatulence, abdominal distention, hridaya.[4,5] It is a popular medicine with multiple
water brash etc.[2] It can be compared to the disease indications. This medicine has been used by the
Parinamasoola mentioned in Ayurveda. Ayurvedic practitioners for the management of peptic
Access this article online ulcer disease. Ingredients of Avipathi choorna are
Quick Response Code economical, safe and are easily available. The principle of management of Parinama
shoola is amelioration of the provoked Vata, alleviation
Published by Mahadev Publications
(Regd.) publication licensed under a of provoked Pitta and reinstation of Kapha. Virechana
Creative Commons Attribution- (Purgation) is the main treatment in Parinamasoola.[6]
NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 Virechana is useful in disorders in which Pitta is
International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
associated with Kapha. Avipathi choorna is mainly

IJAPR | September 2021 | Vol 9 | Issue 9 80

Subha K Nampoothiri, A Shahul Hameed. A Critical Review on Avipathi Choorna- A Unique Formulation For Peptic Ulcer Disease
indicated in diseases of Pitta predominance in lower the above drugs, Pippali, Sunthi and Maricha in
doses as Samana (alleviating) and in higher doses as Soolahara (abdominal pain relievers) group.[8]
Virechana (purgation) medication. METHODOLOGY
Avipathi choorna A detailed critical review was carried out in all
The name Avipathi literally means that which is available literature as classical Ayurvedic books and
not harmful. The drugs included in the formulation are online databases. Review mainly focused on
Sunthi:- dried rhizome of Zingiber officinale, Maricha- pharmacological properties of each ingredient as per
fruit of Piper nigrum, Pippali- fruit of Piper longum, Ayurvedic perspective and that of their chemical
Twak- bark of Cinnamomum zeylanicum, Ela- seeds of constituents in modern perspective.
Eletteria cardomomum, Patra- leaves of Cinnamomum RESULTS AND DISCUSSSION
tamalaum, Musta- tubers of Cyperus rotundus, Vidanga- Pharmacological Profile as per Ayurveda
seeds of Embelia ribes, Amalaki- fruit rind of Embilica
Pharmacological profile of a drug according to
officinalis- 1 part each, Trivrit- root of Operculina
Ayurveda includes their properties as Rasa, Guna,
turpethum- 9 parts and Sita (Candy sugar) -18 parts.
Veerya, Vipaka and its effect (Karma). The
Honey is given as vehicle.[5] The dose is 12gm in
Pharmacological profile of the ingredients of Avipathi
divided doses after food. The dose for purgation is
choorna are analysed and depicted in the following
12gm-48gm, given as a single dose after the digestion
of last meal.[7] More over Charaka has included three of
Table: 1 Pharmacological Actions as per Ayurveda
Sanskrit Name Rasa Guna Veerya Vipaka Karma
Sunthi Katu Laghu Ushna Madhura Vatakaphahara
Snigdha Deepana Pachana,
Maricham Katu Laghu Ushna Katu Vatakaphahara Deepana
Rooksha Soolahara [10]
Pippali Katu Laghu Anushna Madhura Vatakaphahara Deepana
Snigdha Soolahara [11]
Twak Katu Laghu Ushna Katu Vatakaphahara
Tikta Teekshna Deepana Pachana [12]
Patra Katu Laghu Ushna Katu Kaphavatahara [13]
Madhura Snigdha
Ela Katu Laghu Sita Madhura Kaphavatahara [14]
Musta Tikta Laghu Sita Katu Kaphapittahara
Katu Rooksha Deepana Pachana [15]
Vidanga Katu Laghu Ushna Katu Kaphahara
Kashaya Rooksha Krimighna
Teekshna Deepana
Soolahara [16]
Amalaki Amla, katu Laghu Sita Madhura Tridoshahara
Kashaya Rooksha Deepana [17]
Trivrit Madhura Laghu Ushna Katu Kaphapittahara
Katu Rooksha Rechana

IJAPR | September 2021 | Vol 9 | Issue 9 81

Int. J. Ayur. Pharma Research, 2021;9(9):80-85
Tikta Teekshna Vranahara [18]
Sita Madhura Guru Sita Madhura Rakthapittahara [19]
Madhu Madhura Laghu Sita Madhura Kaphapittahara
Kashaya Rooksha Deepana
anurasa Vranaropana
Sandhana [20]
Pharmacological Actions- Modern view
In modern view, phytoconstituents are responsible for the pharmacological effects of a herbal drug. The important
phytoconstituents of each ingredients of Avipathi Choorna and their pharmacological actions are analyzed and
shown in the table below:
Table 2: Pharmacological Actions- Modern View
Sanskrit English/Scientific Chemical constituents Reported
Name name and Family Pharmacological actions
Sunthi Zingiber Officinale Zingerone Anti-oxidant
Roscoe. Gingerol Flavonoids Anti-inflammatory[21]
Zingiberaceae Gastroprotective [22]
Maricham Piper nigrum Linn. Piperine Appetiser
Piperaceae Piperidine Anti -inflammatory
Flavonoids Antacid, stimulant
Digestive [21]
Pippali Piper longum Linn. Piperine Anti-inflammatory
Piperaceae Zingiberene Anti-oxidant
Flavonoids Anti-microbial
Analgesic [23]
Twak Cinnamomum Tannin Anti-inflammatory [24]
Zeylanicum Blume. CinnamaldehydeFlavonoids Gastroprotective [25]
Patra Cinnamomum tamala Cinnamaldehyde Anti-oxidant [26]
Demot. Lauraceae Flavonoids Gastroprotective [27]
Ela Eletteria cardamomum Volatile oil Anti-inflammatory
Maton Analgesic
Scitaminae Antioxidant
Gastroprotective [28]
Musta Cyperus rotundus Linn. Flavonoids Antibacterial
Cyperaceae Cineol, tannins Anti-inflammatory
Gastroprotective [29]
Vidanga Embelia ribes Burn. F. Tannin Analgesic
Primulaceae Volatile oil Anti-inflammatory [30]
Wound healing [31]
Amalaki Emblica officinalis Tannin, saponin Antioxidant
Gareth. Phenolic compounds Analgesic
Euphorbaceae Anti inflammatory
Available online at: 82
Subha K Nampoothiri, A Shahul Hameed. A Critical Review on Avipathi Choorna- A Unique Formulation For Peptic Ulcer Disease
Gallicacid Antiulcer
Gastro-protective [32]
Trivrit Operculina turpethum Scopoletin Antibacterial
Linn. Tannins Anti-inflammatory
Convolvulaceae Saponins Analgesic[33]
Turpethin Ulcer protective [34]
Sita Candy sugar Flavonoids Anti-oxidant
Energy booster [35]
Madhu Honey Phenol, Saponins Anti-oxidant
Flavonoids Antimicrobial
Tannin Anti-bacterial
Wound healing [36]
Most of the drugs in Avipathi choorna possess which probably aids in healing ulcer. Amalaki is
anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant and gastroprotective Rasayana and can strengthen the tissues. The dosage
properties. Experimental studies also reveal the form Choorna (powder) can also have a physical effect
antiulcer and gastoprotective effects of some of adsorption there by reducing excessive Dravatha of
ingredients and that of the formulation Pitta. Moreover inclusion of Pippali, Sunthi and
Avipathichoorna.[37] Maricha in the Soolaprasamana group by Charaka
DISCUSSION further supports the claimed effect of the formulation
Peptic ulcer in this disease. Thus it can be assumed that Avipathi
choorna mainly acts by its Deepana, Pachana and
In the modern aspect, etiolgy of Peptic ulcer
Saraka guna which normalizes the vitiated Pitta.
include over production of gastric acid and decreased
secretions of protective gastric mucosa which leads to Modern Pharmacological Action
symptoms of peptic ulcer disease and consequently the Trivrit, one of the main ingredients of the
erosion of mucosa. So the main aim of the treatment is formulation, increases the mucous secretion.
to heal the ulcer, relieve pain, prevent complications Scopoletin present in Trivrit helps to reduce acidity.
and relapse. Tannins are reported in Trivrit, Twak, Vidanga, Musta,
Parinamasola Amalaki and honey. Tannin is effective against
Helicobacter pylori. Tannins also exhibit antioxidant
The Peptic ulcer disease is comparable with
action and also aids in gastrointestinal tract anti-
pathological condition named Parinamasoola in
inflammatory processes. Flavonoids, reported to be
Ayurveda. The etiopathogenesis of Parinamasoola,
present in Sunthi, Pippali, Maricha, Twak, Patra, Musta,
involves all the three Doshas (Vata, Pitta and Kapha).
Sita and honey, are highly gastroprotective by
So the line of treatment is the amelioration of the
increasing the mucosal prostaglandin levels and
provoked Vata, alleviation of provoked Pitta and
inhibiting the release of histamine.
reinstation of Kapha. The disease occurs in the
Mahasrothas (digestive tract) and there is Piperine present in Maricha and Pippali also
derangement of Agni. Therefore the drug chosen exert cytoprotective effects on the gastric mucosa.
should be having Deepana (improves appetite), and Sunthi decreases the gastric secretion, increases the
Pachana (improves digestion) property, which is mucosal resistance and potentiates the defensive
essential for eliminating the root cause of the disease. factors of gastric mucosa. It also increases blood
circulation around the stomach and thus aids in
Mode of action of Avipathichoorna
healing. Twak and Patra contain E-cinnamaldehyde
Ayurvedic view and o-methoxy cinnamaldehyde, both of which show
Avipathichoorna, is a classical formulation anti-inflammatory property. Phenolic compounds in
which can be of promising effect in the management of Amalaki fruit can reduce acute and chronic
Parinamasoola. Among the ingredients, Twak, Patra, inflammatory response via antioxidant action. Also
Ela, Vidanga, Maricha and Sita have capability to Saponins in Trivrit, Amalaki and Madhu is having
ameliorate Vata. Trivrit, Musta, Sita and Amalaki have gastroprotective effect by increasing the mucous
capability to alleviate Pitta. Musta, Twak, Patra, Ela, production. Thus the ingredients of Avipatti
Sunthi, Maricha, Pippali, Trivrit and Madhu are capable choorna exhibit antiulcer properties. It can be inferred
of normalising Kapha and reinstating it. Sunthi, that the carminative, anti-oxidant and anti-
Maricha, Pippali, Musta, Amalaki, Madhu, Twak, Patra, inflammatory property of Avipathi choorna aids in
Ela and Vidanga can improve Agni (digestants). Madhu normalizing gastric secretions.
is also having Vranaropana (wound healing) property,
IJAPR | September 2021 | Vol 9 | Issue 9 83
Int. J. Ayur. Pharma Research, 2021;9(9):80-85
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Cite this article as: *Address for correspondence

Subha K Nampoothiri, A Shahul Hameed. A Critical Review on Avipathi Choorna- A Dr. Subha K Nampoothiri
Unique Formulation For Peptic Ulcer Disease. International Journal of Ayurveda and PG Scholar,
Pharma Research. 2021;9(9):80-85.
Dept of Dravyagunavijnanam,
Govt. Ayurveda College,
Source of support: Nil, Conflict of interest: None Declared
Kerala, India.
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