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Group 1_Unit 6: Opinion Essay

1. Definition of Opinion essay:
An opinion essay is a formal piece of writing which requires students to
write their thoughts regarding a subject matter. In this type of essay, you
must express your viewpoints in a precise manner while providing opinions
on the issue related to the field within reasonable logic.
2. Purpose:
The purpose of this essay type is to elicit your opinion on particular topics
and issues by giving relevant examples and explanations.
3. Compare and contrast: Opinion Essay, Persuasive Essay, and
Argumentative Essay:


The writer aims to The writer aims to get the The writer aims to get the
Purpose share his opinion reader to agree with reader to accept his
or preference. him/his perspective. perspective/his side as truth.

Opinions are blended

The writer states Relevant reasons and credible
with facts, all in an
General what he thinks data are blended to
attempt to convince the
technique and demonstrate the writer’s
reader that the writer is
why he thinks it. argument as valid.

The writer seeks

to be heard and
wants to share his The writer needs an To write an argument, the
ideas/opinions. He intended audience to writer doesn’t need an intended
Audience is not concerned address his request or audience. The writer is satisfied
with getting need to. Who can give with simply “putting the truth
something; he him what he wants? out there.”
wants to voice his

4. Structure of an Opinion Essay: Sample ⇒ Analysis ⇒ Wrap-up:

a. Sample:
Topic: In your opinion what is the most important characteristic (for
example: honesty, intelligence, a sense of humor) that a person can have
to be successful in life?
Success is a state which everyone wants to achieve in life. There are
different factors of a person's personality which determine success in one’s lives.
The characteristics like hard working, honesty, diligence, sense of humor and
intelligence are some traits one should have to be successful. In all these traits,
intelligence can’t be ignored. In my opinion, I think the most important
characteristic of a successful person is intelligence as it can be a representative
term of a person's qualities like sharpness in studies, alertness towards
surroundings and good sense to identify opportunities.
First of all, the 20th century has been an era of scientific revolutions and
knowledge is key to success in this era. It is easy for an intelligent person to
acquire knowledge in various fields. His sharp memory skills will give him an extra
edge compared to others. For example, school and college are important steps in
getting a good job or starting successful careers. The sharp students in class
always get good ranks in schools or colleges. So it gives them a good starting
point towards a successful future.
Secondly, as one proceeds in a career, it is important to identify the correct
opportunity and thrive on it. As a skill set of intelligent people they are experts in
finding chances or even creating opportunities for themselves. For example, In
businesses, markets are always fluctuating and one should be kin on when and
where to invest his money to get successful deals. At this point, intelligence can
be an important trait which helps a person make right decisions at right times
and situations.
In conclusion, I believe, Intelligence is a very important characteristic for a
successful life. This is because we are in a competitive world and it is important
for every individual to be intelligent, to be aware of changing surroundings with
good knowledge sets and to fetch perfect opportunities.
b. Analysis:
- Blue highlight: Paraphrased question
- Red: Thesis statement
- Red highlight: Outline statement
- Yellow highlight: Topic sentence
- Orange: Explanation
- Blue: Example
- Green highlight: Author’s opinion
- Green: Summarize the main points
- Black: Details
c. Wrap - up:
1) Introduction:

● Paraphrase the question

● Give your opinion
● State two supporting reasons

2) Main body paragraph 1:

● Topic sentence – outline 1st reason for supporting this view

● Explanation – explain this idea
● Example – give an example or expand the idea

3) Main body paragraph 2:

● Topic sentence – outline 2nd reason for supporting this view

● Explanation – explain this idea
● Example – give an example or expand the idea

4) Conclusion: Summarize opinion and key reasons

5. New words introductions: Find the new words that might be helpful for
the following topic: What is your personal definition of HAPPINESS?

No. Word Pronunciation Part of Definition Vietnamese

speech translation

1 bliss /blɪs/ (n) perfect happiness phúc lạc

2 elation /iˈleɪ.ʃən/ (n) a state of extreme sự phấn khởi

happiness or

3 exhilaration /ɪɡˌzɪl.əˈreɪ.ʃən/ (n) excitement, hăng hái


4 jubilation /ˌdʒuː.bəl (n) a feeling of great sự hân hoan

ˈeɪ.ʃən/ happiness, especially
because of a success

5 prosperity /prɒsˈper.ə.ti/ (n) the state of being sự phồn thịnh

successful and

6 felicity /fəˈlɪs.ə.ti/ (n) happiness, luck, or a diểm phúc

condition that
produces positive

7 gaiety /ˈɡeɪ.ə.ti/ (n) pleasure and vui tươi


8 mirth /mɜːθ/ (n) laughter, humor, or điều vui vẻ


9 joviality /ˌdʒəʊ.viˈæl.ə.ti/ (n) the quality in a person thái độ vui vẻ
of being friendly and
in a good mood, or of
a situation being
enjoyable, friendly
and pleasant

10 delectation /ˌdiː.lekˈteɪ.ʃən/ (n) great pleasure and sự say mê


11 delirium /dɪˈlɪr.i.əm/ (n) a state of extreme sự vui tính

excitement or

12 beatitude /biˈæt.ɪ.tʃuːd/ (n) complete happiness chân phúc

that comes from
being blessed

13 strive /strīv/ (v) make great efforts to cố sức

achieve or obtain

14 satisfy /ˈsadəsˌfī/ (v) meet the làm thỏa mãn

expectations, needs,
or desires of

15 pursue /pərˈso͞ o/ (v) continue or proceed đuổi theo, tìm

along (a path or kiếm

16 rejoice /rəˈjois/ (v) feel or show great joy hân hoan

or delight.

17 exult /iɡˈzəlt/ (v) feel or show mừng rối rít

triumphant elation or

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