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Schema- process of obtaining that knowledge.

Assimilation- taking in new information.

Accommodation- changing or altering existing schema.


Microsystem- immediate, family, neighborhood, and school

Mesosystem- connection between

Exosystem- economic, educational, government

Macrosystem- social values, cultural, customs belief

Chronosystem- changes overtime


Social Speech -external communication

Private Speech -self-regulation of cognition and behavior

Inner Speech -outcome of a developmental process


-reciprocal learning

-student-centered approach

-collaborative learning


Attention -ability to shine a mental spotlight

Sensation -play was essential to development

Perception -capacity to interpret the world around us

Memory –


-someone who has a better understanding

ZONE OF PROXIMAL DEVELOPMENT -Distance between the actual developmental level

The id is the primitive and instinctive component of personality. (pleasure principle)

the ego’s goal is to satisfy the id’s demands in a safe and socially acceptable way. (reality principle)

The superego incorporates the values and morals of society, which are learned from one’s parents and

-The conscience and the ideal self.

 Sensorimotor stage: Birth to 2 years

 Preoperational stage: Ages 2 to 7

 Concrete operational stage: Ages 7 to 11

 Formal operational stage: Ages 12 and up

 Libido: Sexual energy that can manifest through different types of behaviors

 Fixation: The idea that part of a person's libido is stuck in a particular stage of development
through overindulgence or disruption

 Erogenous Zone: A part of the body that is sensitive to stimulation

The Oral Stage

Age Range: Birth to 1 Year

Erogenous Zone: Mouth

Trust vs. Mistrust: Psychosocial Stage 1

The Anal Stage

Age Range: 1 to 3 years

Erogenous Zone: Bowel and Bladder Control

Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt

The Phallic Stage

Age Range: 3 to 6 Years

Erogenous Zone: Genitals

Initiative vs. Guilt: Developing a Sense of Purpose

The Latent Period

Age Range: 6 to Puberty

Erogenous Zone: Sexual Feelings Are Inactive

Industry vs. Inferiority During Child Development

The Genital Stage

Age Range: Puberty to Death

Erogenous Zone: Maturing Sexual Interests

Identity vs. Role Confusion in Psychosocial Development

1. What refers to a kind of talk or thoughts directed at oneself that directs a child's thoughts and
behavior? D. Private Speech

2. What refers to attaining the right mix of assimilation and accommodation. Equilibration

3. What refers to the procedure for developing a new schema? A. Accommodation

Which of the following refers to the process of integrating a new experience into a pre-existing or newly
constructed cognitive framework or schema? C. Assimilation

What refers to the individuals' intellectual adaptation to and organization of their environment is
facilitated by cognitive structures? D. Schema

n this stage of psychosexual development, the sexual desires are suppressed. What stage is being
referred to this statement? A. Latency Stage

What is the second stage of psychosexual development? Anal Stage

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