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1. this restaurant a week ago.

a. Ate
b. Eaten
c. Eating
d. Eat

2. this sofa last night.

a. Sleeping
b. Sleep
c. Slept
d. Sleped

3. We... to each other 2 years ago.

a. Talk
b. Be talking
c. Are talk
d. Talked

4. I...this the grass yesterday.

a. Cuted
b. Cuting
c. Cut
d. Be cutted

5 ...he study last night?

a. Do
b. Did
c. Done
d. Are

6. My brother...this novel yesterday.

a. Buying
b. Buys
c. Buy
d. Bought

7. the park yesterday.

a. Walking
b. Walk
c. Walked
d. Be walking
8. Me and my friends... hard last night.
a. Study
b. Studied
c. Was study
d. Studying

9. My teacher... me about this mathematics subject last year.

a. Taught
b. Teaching
c. Teaches
d. Teach

10. I... make a fried noodle last night.

a. Bring
b. Brought
c. Brings
d. Bringing

11. Anastasia... an representative student last year.

a. Were
b. Was
c. Is
d. Are

12. He didn’t... the answer for that question.

a. Knew
b. Knows
c. Know
d. Knowing

13. Ten years ago, a holiday trip to Borobudur... expensive.

a. Was not
b. Did not
c. Were not
d. Is not

14. Maria... to the market yesterday.

a. Go
b. Goes
c. Went
d. Gone
15. She watched a movie...
a. Yesterday
b. Tomorrow
c. In 2 days forward
d. Right now

16. It...small size.

a. Does
b. Do
c. Are
d. Was

17. My mother... here yesterday.

a. Is
b. Are
c. Was
d. Were

18. Mrs. Tuti... the Headmaster of my school in 2010.

a. Is
b. Was
c. Were
d. Are

19. She didn’t... her money.

a. Spent
b. Spending
c. Spend
d. Spends

20. Did he... English last night?

a. Studies
b. Studied
c. Study
d. Studying

21. He... a soccer player before he retired.

a. Am
b. Are
c. Was
d. Were
22. We... to Yogyakarta two weeks ago.
a. Gone
b. Come
c. Went
d. Go

23. They... to our music two hours ago.

a. Listened
b. Listen
c. Listening
d. Be listen

24. Anita... me in this market yesterday

a. Meeting
b. Meets
c. Met
d. Meet

25. I... my school project last month.

a. Finish
b. Had finish
c. Finishing
d. Finished

26. I... a very interesting short story yesterday

a. To read
b. Reads
c. Read
d. Reading

27. Sharon... pass the test last year.

a. Didn’t
b. Does
c. Doesn’t
d. Don’t

28. ... they do their homework last night?

a. Do
b. Are
c. Did
d. Were
29. I... my mother last Sunday.
a. Call
b. Called
c. Calls
d. Calling

30. We didn’t... with his plan

a. To agree
b. Agreeing
c. Agreed
d. Agree

1. A 16. D
2. C 17. C
3. D 18. B
4. C 19. C
5. B 20. C
6. C 21. D
7. C 22. C
8. B 23. A
9. A 24. C
10. B 25. D
11. B 26. C
12. C 27. A
13. A 28. C
14. C 29. B
15. A 30. D
1. I __________In Solo last week.
A. Were
B. Was
C. Am
D. Is
Jawaban: B
2. My mother was in the kitchen, she __________ some cakes for four hours
A. Cooked
B. Cooks
C. Cooking
D. Cook
Jawaban: A
3. He __________ always study hard when he was a student.
A. Did not
B. Does not
C. Do not
D. Did
Jawaban: A
4. Shela: hi mela, what did you do last night?
Mela: ……………….
A. I am watching drama series on VIU last night
B. I watch drama series on VIU last night
C. I watched drama series on VIU last night
D. I watches drama series on VIU last night
Jawaban: C
5. Arrange the jumbled words below into good sentences of simple past tense
(susunlah kata acak dibawah ini menjadi kalimat yang benar dalam bentuk
simple past tense)
1. Ignored 2. last day 3. She 4. my call
A. 2-1-3-4
B. 4-1-2-1
C. 3-1-2-4
D. 3-1-4-2
Jawaban: D
6. Mr. Angga _____________Mr. Joe in the afternoon.
A. Meet
B. Have met
C. Has met
D. Met
Jawaban: C
7. The children _____and______
A. Sing and dance
B. Were singing and dancing
C. Sang and danced
D. Had sung and danced
Jawaban: D
8. She ___________out of the window.
A. Looks
B. Looked
C. Had looked
D. Look
Jawaban: B
9. The boy __________ tell lies
A. Did not
B. Do not
C. Does not
D. Had not
Jawaban: A
10. Students_________ in the class
A. Drinks
B. Dunk
C. Did not drink
D. Does not drink
Jawaban: C
11. Arrange the jumbled words below into good sentences of simple past tense.
1. At 2. yesterday 3. they 4. the 5. lunch 6. had 7. restaurant
A. 4 – 3 – 5 – 6 – 1 – 2 – 7
B. 4 – 5 – 6 – 1 – 2 – 3 – 4
C. 3 – 6 – 5 – 1 – 4 – 7 – 2
D. 3 – 6 – 5 – 7 – 1 – 4 – 2
Jawaban: C
12. Dona……. this delicious food for us, 1 hour ago
A. Cooking
B. Cooked
C. Cooks
D. Cook
Jawaban: B
13. I….. this floor yesterday
A. Swept
B. Sweep
C. Sweeps
D. Sweeped
Jawaban: A

14. I………to the school alone yesterday

A. Walk
B. Walked
C. Walks
D. Walking
Jawaban: B
15. We……in this restaurant 2 days ago
A. Ate
B. Eaten
C. Eating
D. Eat
Jawaban: A
16. I……in this sofa with him
A. Sleeping
B. Sleep
C. Slept
D. Sleped
Jawaban: C
17. We…… each other 2 years ago
A. Love
B. Be loving
C. Are love
D. Loved
Jawaban: D
18. I……this scissors to cut the grass yesterday
A. Cuted
B. Cuting
C. Cut
D. Be cutted
Jawaban: C
19………he read novel last night?
A. Do
B. Did
C. Done
D. Are
Jawaban: B
20. My brother…….this novel yesterday
A. Reading
B. Reads
C. Read
D. Readed
Jawaban: C
21. We……to the collage yesterday
A. Walking
B. Walk
C. Walked
D. Be walking
Jawaban: C
22. My students……hard last night
A. Study
B. Studied
C. Was study
D. Studying
Jawaban: B
23. My teacher…… about this mathematic last year
A. Taught
B. Teaching
C. Teaches
D. Teach
Jawaban: A
24. I……a cake to your house last night
A. Bring
B. Brought
C. Brings
D. Bringing
Jawaban: B
25. Julio…….an active student last year
A. Were
B. Was
C. Is
D. Are
Jawaban: B
26. He didn’t . . . . . the answer for that question
A. Knew
B. Knows
C. Know
D. Knowing
Jawaban: C
27. Ten years ago, a holiday trip to Australia . . . . . cheap.
A. Was not
B. Did not
C. Were not
D. Is not
Jawaban: A
28. Maria … to market 2 days ago.
A. Go
B. Goes
C. Went
D. Gone
Jawaban: C
29. She bought a t-shirt …
A. Yesterday
B. Tomorrow
C. Tonight
D. Today
Jawaban: A
30. It … small size.
A. Does
B. Do
C. Are
D. Was
Jawaban: D
31. Miss Yoannita . . . . . here yesterday
A. Is
B. Are
C. Was
D. Were
Jawaban: C
32. Maman . . . . . the Headmaster of my school in 2010.
A. Is
B. Was
C. Were
D. Are
Jawaban: B
33. She didn’t . . . . . her holiday anywhere
A. Spent
B. Spending
C. Spend
D. Spends
Jawaban: C
34. Did he . . . . . english last night?
A. Studies
B. Studied
C. Study
D. Studying
Jawaban: C
35. They . . . . . a soccer player before the accident happened.
A. Am
B. Are
C. Was
D. Were
Jawaban: D

Contoh soal simple past tense kelas 8 essay.

A. Complete these sentences below!
1. I (be)____________at the cinema last night
Jawaban: was
2. They (be)___________late for the interview
Jawaban: were
3. __________ (be) she beautiful?
Jawaban: was
4. Why (be) _______you late?
Jawaban: were
5. He (study, not)_______last night
Jawaban: did not study
B. Change the sentences into simple past form!
1. The boys bring a bag.
Jawaban: The boys brought a bag.
2. She buy a new dress.
Jawaban: She brought a new dress.
3. She does not do the home work.
Jawaban: She did not do the home work.
4. Does She visit her family?
Jawaban: Did she visit her family?
5. She is a rich women.
Jawaban: She was a rich women.

1 

 2

 Tampilkan Semua

Tanpa dijemur atau ditaruh di kulkas, ini trik simpan daun jeruk tetap hijau dan segar
hingga 1 minggu

Tanpa kapur sirih, ini cara ampuh hilangkan lendir ikan lele cuma pakai 2 bahan dapur

Mulus dalam 4 hari, ini cara atasi tumit kaki hitam penuh pecah-pecah pakai 1 jenis
rempah dapur

Ini penjelasan mengenai pengisian daya cepat dan cara kerjanya

Pilih Reaksi Kamu

 Senang

 Ngakak!

 Wow!

 Sedih
 Marah

 Love
Bahasa Inggris Pelajaran Anak Sekolah Ulasan

Sang suami memfilmkan istrinya di kamera tersembunyi, dan inilah yang dia

OMG! Heboh Ada Ular Sepanjang 33 Meter yang Muncul di Kalimantan. Ini
Beneran atau Cuma Hoax Sih?
Kami TUTUP GUDANG! Samsung Galaxy S22 ultra seharga 1.999.999 IDR.
Diskon hingga 70%

Seorang siswi melahirkan saat pelajaran

Gak perlu khawatir, tulisan kamu bisa tetap

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7 Resep masakan sehari-hari yang lezat dan praktis dijamin kamu

bisa recook

Cara membuat jus strawberry jelly cokelat, enak disajikan dingin

8 Resep masakan rumah sehari-hari, 4 diantaranya bisa jadi

cemilan bareng keluarga

25 Contoh soal Matematika dan jawabannya, gampang banget

Lionel Messi: Edisi 2022 adalah Piala Dunia yang terakhir bagi saya

9 Potret Diana Pungky jadi model kalender jadul, alis tipis


43 Contoh kalimat deskripsi, pengertian serta jenisnya

35 Contoh soal pilihan ganda Bahasa Indonesia, mudah banget


11 Potret kocak definisi orang nggak mau ribet tapi malah nyeleneh, idenya bikin
nggak habis pikir
8 Resep masakan rumah sehari-hari, 4 diantaranya bisa jadi cemilan bareng keluarga

11 Potret dapur mini bar tanpa kitchen set di rumah subsidi ini perpaduan hijaunya
tak norak, apik pol

7 Momen BCL dan Tiko Aryawardhana sungkem orang tua Ashraf, dipenuhi isak

Tak perlu repot nyapu lantai, ini trik agar debu bor tembok nggak berceceran pakai
tambahan 1 perekat
Persembahan Sasa untuk para pecinta otomotif di event Decemblar 2023

11 Potret kocak definisi orang nggak mau ribet tapi malah nyeleneh, idenya bikin
nggak habis pikir

8 Resep masakan rumah sehari-hari, 4 diantaranya bisa jadi cemilan bareng keluarga
11 Potret dapur mini bar tanpa kitchen set di rumah subsidi ini perpaduan hijaunya
tak norak, apik pol

7 Momen BCL dan Tiko Aryawardhana sungkem orang tua Ashraf, dipenuhi isak

Tak perlu repot nyapu lantai, ini trik agar debu bor tembok nggak berceceran pakai
tambahan 1 perekat

Persembahan Sasa untuk para pecinta otomotif di event Decemblar 2023


11 Potret kocak definisi orang nggak mau ribet tapi malah nyeleneh, idenya bikin
nggak habis pikir
8 Resep masakan rumah sehari-hari, 4 diantaranya bisa jadi cemilan bareng keluarga

11 Potret dapur mini bar tanpa kitchen set di rumah subsidi ini perpaduan hijaunya
tak norak, apik pol

7 Momen BCL dan Tiko Aryawardhana sungkem orang tua Ashraf, dipenuhi isak

Jadwal Wales di Piala Dunia 2022: tanggal, waktu, & siaran TV

Nyapu sambil joget di depan panggung konser, aksi wanita ini asyik

Contoh kata A dan An dalam bahasa Inggris dan penjelasannya

11 Potret absurd alat untuk memanggang ini bikin geleng kepala

45 Contoh soal simple present tense kelas 7 beserta kunci jawaban

Agar awet dan bebas kutu, begini cara menyimpan kerupuk mentah

Jajaran Polresta Malang sujud mohon ampun atas tragedi


11 Gaya fashion bapak-bapak keluar rumah, desain bajunya


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15. We……in this restaurant 2 days ago

A. Ate
B. Eaten
C. Eating
D. Eat
Jawaban: A
16. I……in this sofa with him
A. Sleeping
B. Sleep
C. Slept
D. Sleped
Jawaban: C
17. We…… each other 2 years ago
A. Love
B. Be loving
C. Are love
D. Loved
Jawaban: D
18. I……this scissors to cut the grass yesterday
A. Cuted
B. Cuting
C. Cut
D. Be cutted
Jawaban: C
19………he read novel last night?
A. Do
B. Did
C. Done
D. Are
Jawaban: B
20. My brother…….this novel yesterday
A. Reading
B. Reads
C. Read
D. Readed
Jawaban: C
21. We……to the collage yesterday
A. Walking
B. Walk
C. Walked
D. Be walking
Jawaban: C
22. My students……hard last night
A. Study
B. Studied
C. Was study
D. Studying
Jawaban: B
23. My teacher…… about this mathematic last year
A. Taught
B. Teaching
C. Teaches
D. Teach
Jawaban: A
24. I……a cake to your house last night
A. Bring
B. Brought
C. Brings
D. Bringing
Jawaban: B
25. Julio…….an active student last year
A. Were
B. Was
C. Is
D. Are
Jawaban: B
26. He didn’t . . . . . the answer for that question
A. Knew
B. Knows
C. Know
D. Knowing
Jawaban: C
27. Ten years ago, a holiday trip to Australia . . . . . cheap.
A. Was not
B. Did not
C. Were not
D. Is not
Jawaban: A
28. Maria … to market 2 days ago.
A. Go
B. Goes
C. Went
D. Gone
Jawaban: C
29. She bought a t-shirt …
A. Yesterday
B. Tomorrow
C. Tonight
D. Today
Jawaban: A
30. It … small size.
A. Does
B. Do
C. Are
D. Was
Jawaban: D
31. Miss Yoannita . . . . . here yesterday
A. Is
B. Are
C. Was
D. Were
Jawaban: C
32. Maman . . . . . the Headmaster of my school in 2010.
A. Is
B. Was
C. Were
D. Are
Jawaban: B
33. She didn’t . . . . . her holiday anywhere
A. Spent
B. Spending
C. Spend
D. Spends
Jawaban: C
34. Did he . . . . . english last night?
A. Studies
B. Studied
C. Study
D. Studying
Jawaban: C
35. They . . . . . a soccer player before the accident happened.
A. Am
B. Are
C. Was
D. Were
Jawaban: D

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