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CHAPTER-WISE PREVIOUS YEARS’ QUESTIONS MATHEMATICS HINTS & SOLUTIONS Class X (CBSE) ‘Answer (b) 1U) 14d = 2 x 3 198= 292% 11 HOF =2 x 9 =18 Hence, option (b) is correct. ‘Answer (c} ty Prime factorisation of 225 is given below, 225 75 ES 225 = 32 x 5? Option (c) is correct Answer (c} 1 Total number of factors of a prime number is 2 Hence, option (0) is correct. ‘Answer (c} tm ta-2%2%9 21=3x7 18=5%3 HOF =3 LOM=2*2*3«5%7 = 420 Hence, option (0) is correct. ‘Answer (a) 0 92=2%2%23 182=2K2x2%19 H.C. F (92, 152)=2*2=4 40. 1. 12 13, 4, MATHEMATICS Real Numbers ‘Answer (6) 0 Let numbers be 2¥ and 2x + 2. 2e=2xx 2x42 2x41) HOF=2 ‘Answer (a) m HCF LCM = Product of numbers = 50 x 20 = 1000 Answer (¢) 1" For 6, where n belongs to natural number, the given number never ends with zero. fon ‘Answer (b) 9750 =2* 9x5x5*5x5 aaixa!xst Answer (b) n 95 = 5x 19 and 171=9 x 19 = HOF (95, 171)=19 Answer () tf) LOM (20, 25, 30) = 300 minutes = S hours Answer (d) 1" Greatest number = HGF. [(1251-1), (9377-2) ana (15628-3)] =H.O-F [1250, 9875, 15825] = 625 ‘Answer (a) 1) a? and b* will be co-prime, if a, b ere co-prime. Answor (4) " Unit digit of 5” and 6” are 5 and 6 respectively. [mis @ natural number} Unit's digit of 2(5" + 6”) = 2 « (5 + 6) axn = 22 (ie. 2) Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi10005, Ph 0*1-47623456 2 Nothomates 15. Answer (¢) 1 2400 is not divisible by 500 18. Answer (a) n HOF « LOM = 30 «70 = 2100 17. Answer (c) 1 = 5-25 (Ar irrational number) 18. Answer (a) 10] Least composite number is 4 and least prime number is 2 HOF (2,4) 24 = tem (24) 42 19. z 2 3 z 7 Let assume the missing entriss be a, b b=3%7=21 ral a=2xb=2"21=42 ta 20. Given two numbers 100 and 190, HOF x LOM = 100 * 190 ra = 19000 ral 21. Smallest prime number is 2. ‘Smallest composite number is 4. Therefore, HCF is 2. UF 22, Let us assume that (5 + 302) is ratlonal, Then there exist co-prime positive integers 2 and b such that nt 5+ a2 -F ral a 32 Ca Hints & Solutiors - Chapt wise Previous Years! Questions (Class-X = V2 is inational. [a,b are integers, : is rational, tal This contradicts the fact that V2 is irrational. So, our assumption is incorrect ral Hence, (5 + 32) is an irrational number. 23. Let the numbers be 2x and 3x i) Given, LOM = 180 Clearly, HOF = x ta LOM (2, b) x HCF (a, b) = ax b cr is not possible as HCF can't be 0 30 ta 24. Letassume 3+ V2 is a rational number. Hor 332-2 q {p,q are co-piime integers anc q+ 0} [1] = 2-2 = v2 1 2-34 is a rational number but we know q Since, 2 is an irrational Irrational # rational 3.43 is not a rational rumber. " 25. Let assume 2 - 36 is a rational number. = 2-55=8, q (where p. q are co-prime integers and q+ 0) = 2-Pa35 m Corporate Office : Aakash Tower. 8, Pusa Road, New Deihi-110005,Ph.071.47623456 Hints & Solutions - Chapter-wise Provious Years’ Questions (Ciass-X) 2B. 27. Since, js a rational number but we also 2q-p a know 5 is an irrational m Rational ¢ irrational = Our assumption is wrong 2-25 isan irational number m Using the factor tree for the prime factorization of 404 and 98, we have 404= 22% 101 and 96 =25*3 To find the HCF, we list commen prime factors and their smallast exponent in 404 and 98 as under : Common prime factor = 2, Least exponent = 2 HOF = 2=4 1" To find the LOM, we list all prime factors of 404 and 96 and their greatest exponent as follows, Prime factors of Greatest Exponent 404 and 96 2 5 3 1 tot 1 LOM = 25 «31x 1017 Bx gtx t01" = 9596 i) Now, HOF x LCM = 9696 x 4 = 38784 Product of two numbers = 404 x 96 = 38784 Therefore, HOF * LCM = Product of two numbers m Let V2 be rational. Then, there exist positive inegers @ and b such that V2-=2. fwhere @ end b are corprime,b # 0} va = tl 2 a =e = waa 2 divides a? = 2 dvidos @ “ 28, Mathematics 3 Let a = 2c fer some integer c. tw =e 2 divides b* = 2 divides b ei) i) From (i) and (i), we get 2.Is common factor of both @ and 0. But this contradicts the fact that @ and b have ho common factor other than 4 te ur supposition is wrong, Hence, V2 is an irrational number. ra Let 54.23 be a rational number. 5125 =8 where 'p-and gq integers. va ta ta Here, “5. =. Is rational as p and q are integers. va But Is given that JB is rational = LHS is iratonal and RHS is rational, [29] which contradicts our assumption that § 245 's a rational number. 5 +2) is an irrational number ta OR For maximum number of columns, we need to find highast common factor .e., HCF of 612 and 48. cal Now, 612 = 48 x 12+ 36 ra 4g = 36% 1412 ral 36=12%3+0 ral HCF of 612 and 48 is 12, tal Maximum number of columns in which they can march is 12. a Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi10005, Ph 011-47623456 23, Let us assume J/3 is rational number 4 Nothomates So thete exists co-prime integers p and q, q-0 such that V8 Cal ‘Squaring both sides, a @ pre aq? ” ral = Bis a factor of p2 = Bisa factor of p rl = p= 3m, whore m is an integer = pe=9m? (i) [Squaring both sides} From equation (i) and (i), we get = 3 = 90F = gt=ant rl = isa factors of q? = Bisa factor of gaso ta So both pand q have 3 as their common factor, which contradicts the fact that p and q are co- prime So are assumption is wrong ta Hence 3 is a irrational 2: Poly (x + a) is factor of the polynomial pz) = 2x? + 2ax + 8x + 10. pla) = 0 {By factor theorem) 2-a}¢+2al-a) + 6-8) +10=0 PA 2a? 2a? 6a + 10=0 ra 2 11s the zero of the polynomial pix) = ax? — 3(a— 1x1 Then p(t) =0 ta a(t)? - 3a- 1) — -2a+2=0 Hints & Solutiors - Chapt 4 4 wise Previous Years! Questions (Class-X 30. Number of apples = 36 Number of bananas = 60 Number of mangoes = 42 36-2? «3? 60=22%3x5 = 2x9x7 (i) HOF (36, 60) = 2 x 3 =12 Khushi can invite atmost 12 guests. 1] (i) Each guest will get 3 apples and 5 benanas, 1" (ii) (a) HOF (36, 60, 42)= 2 « 3 fo) =6 fo) Khushi can invite atmost 6 guests OR (©) Gost of 1 dozen of bananas = %60 Cost of 1 apple = 715 Gost of 1 mango = ¢20 m Total amount spent on 60 bananas, 36 apples and 42 mangoes =5*60415%36420%42 [1] = 11680 momials 3. Given « and fi are the zeroes of quadratic, polynomial with «+ p= 6 and ufs = 4 Quaiiratic polynomial = Kix? - 6x + 4), where k is real. tt) 4. Answer (d) m 2 is a zero of polynomial p(x) = ko? + 3x + k. = p2)=0 = M2) + 32) +k =0 = 4kt 6+ k=0 = &k=6 ce 8 5 Option (d) is correct. Corporate Office : Aakash Tower. 8, Pusa Road, New Deihi-110005,Ph.071.47623456 Hints & Solutiens - Chapter-wise Provious Years’ Questions (Ciass-X) 5 10, " 12, 13. ‘Answer (a) fo) Graph of given polynomial cuts the x-axis at 3 distinct points. Number of zeroes is 3 Answer (0) 0 Let fix) = x2 + 3x +k (2) = (2 + 9(2) + k= 0 = 4+6+k=0 10 Hence, option (b) is correct. Answer (a) 1 Quadratic polynomial = x? — (sum of zeroes)x + product of zeroes =x Gin + 6 = xe+ Set 6 Honce, option (a) is correct. Answer (0) n Ky? — (sum of zeroes) x + (product of zeroes), where K is a non-zero constant. P(x) = AD ~ Sx] Answer (c} m pW) = 92-5 +6=0 (x 2)(x-3)=0 x=2,x53 ‘Answer (a) 0 Polynomial, p(x) =x? + 99x + 127 -9§ > Sum of zoroos =~ = -89= negative Product of zeroes =~ = 127 = positive So, both zeroes must be negative. Answer (c} 1 As, we can see from the graph maximum height, is achieved at ¢= 1 s, Height attained at ¢ h=~ (1% +21) +8=9m 1s Answer (o) 10] Quadratic polynorrial Answer (c} 1 As, we can see from the graph ball reach maximum height at t= 1 14. 18, 16, 17, 18, 19, 24 23. Mathematics 5 ‘Answer (b) iO} Since, it is a quadratic polynomial so, it will have 2 zeroes. Answer (b) n Zoroes of the polynomial, h= #4 21+ 8=0 ~(P-2t-8)=0 = (t-4y(r2zo and t Answer (d) m Zeroes of a potynomial fx) would be those points where the graph f(x) will touch or out the x-ax's, Number of zeroes = 5 Answer (c) fo) Graph intersects x-axis at 3 points Answer (a) W Required polynomial = kx? ~ 8x + 5] ‘Answer (b) fy pil)=1+0+2b=0 = at2b= anda + b=4 = b=-Sanda=9 Answer (b) fo a+ B= k+6 and up = 4K-2 expat = k46=2k-1 k27 Answer (b) n pa) =F + 5 +6 pt-2) = (2)? + 5-2) + 6 =o Answer (b) Oy x2 —2x—1 is the required polynomial. Answor (d) (1) [esse a+6=0 Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi10005, Ph 011-47623456 6 Nothomates 24. Answer (4) 1 = ai 25. plx) = 6x2 + 37x — (2) Let «, be the zeroes of p(x) 1 p= 1 [6iven condition, ap=1 (i) tal Also, B= Ai) cl From (i) and (i), ~k-2) 5 et! ta = 2- = ke ra 28. For given polynomial xP = (k+ 6x + 22k — 1), ri Let the zeroes be and B. So, 4-2-4465, af-2-4 2 oy “5 Sum of zeroes = (product of 261086) = a4+f= tal = k+6=Nak-2) +8=51 ) = k+6=2k-1 ke? So, the velue of k is 7 fo} 27. @ and fi are zeroes of the polynomial fx) = 8 -ax-5 =4and of §, where a= 1,0=-4,0=-5 m1 Now. o2 + 8? = (a+ )2— 2afh ra = 4-2-8) ta =16 +10 ra =26 tf Hints & Solutions - Chapter 28. 29, ise Previous Years! Questions (Class-X) Let «i and B are the zerces of the polynomial fx) Fart byte. b a+ => i) ta daa © and uf = $ Ci) cal tot According to the question, | and p ae the ‘zoro9s of the required quadratic polynomial ‘Sum of zeroes of required polynomial i) [From equation (i) and (i)} and product of zeroes of required polynomial Ca 4 or) ° w ta [From equation (ii) Equation of the required quadratic polynomial = Kx2-S'x4P'), whore k is any non-zero constant tf = (#-(2)x+2) [From equation (il) and (iv)} Ko? +2x2) 0 0, Bare zeroes of the polynomial 1° ~ 5x + 6. a+8=5and oB=6 Let S end P be the sum and product of zeroes tong 1 Jana? 14 utp op 8 = Busod a fh of 6 Required quadratic polynomial is xe Sey 2X4), where kis any non-zero constant, 8 Corporate Office : Aakash Tower. 8, Pusa Road, New Deihi-110005,Ph.071.47623456 Hints & Solutions - Chapter-wise Provious Years’ Questions (Ciass-X) Matrematics 7 3 : Pair of Linear Equations in Two Variables 1 xt 2y-8=0 2x + 4y-16=0 For any pair of linear equations ax+ byte, =0 ax + by + 6=0 ta Lines are coincident and will have infinite solutions. pa 2. For any real number except k = ~6 (0) ky ~ 2y = 3 and 3x + y = 5 represent lines: intersecting st 2 unique port. ky 304 = ke-6 For any real number except k= ~6 ‘The given equaticn represent two intersecting lines at unique point 3. Answer (d} 1 oh gS "a by Gy For no solution = 2 Hence, option (4) is correct. 4. Answer (b) 1 For no solution, Ho a by Cy 5. Answer (a) 0 Perimeter, 2+b)=14 —...ji) bed wy 6. Answer (a) fo) (5, 6) is the solution of x = -5 and y= 6. 7 Answer (b) " For, infinitely many solutions 8. Answer (a) Ui) 22x + 33y=34 “) 33x + 32y=31 (i Adding equation (i) and (ii) and subtracting eduation (i) trom (i), we get 65x H65y= 65 0rx + y= 4 Wil) and-x+y=3 Ww) ‘Adding equation (ji) and (iv). we get ya2 Substituting the value of yin equation (i, eo 9. Answer (0) m Iftwo lines a,x + by +c, = 0 anda.x+ by + are parallel, then It can only possible between 3x - 2y = 5 and 12x + By=7. Solution for 10 to 14 : For Amruta, x + (6 ~2)y = 22 ject dy =22 (i) For Radhika, x + (4-2iy = 16 he.,x+2y= 16 i) Solving equation () and (i) we get x= (and y= ‘.e., Fixed charges (x) = 10 (il) and additional charges per subsequent day Wa (w) Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi10005, Ph 011-47623456 10, "1 12, 43. 14 15, 46 17 18. 19. 8 Mathematics Answer (d) 0 x4 2y= 16 [From equation (i Answer (c} 0 xt ays 22 [From equation (i) Answer (b) 1 x= 710 [From equation (i) Answer (4) 1 y= [From equation (iv Answer (C} 0 ‘Total amount paid for 2 more days by both = (x Ay) + By + (+ 2y) + ay = 2x4 10y =2x10+10%3 = 350 ‘Answer (6) 1 xthy Aix atk k=3 Answer (d) ro} J 5 5 a ot & by” & Answer (2) fol 2x-Sy-68=0 ~6x + 15y+18=0 1_-1_- 333 art ay=7 (k= 1x + (ke Qyy = 3k For thie pair of linear equations to have infinitely many solutions, they need to be coincident [1] z K-1 +2 3K te Upon solving we got k=7 iu} Since it is 0 rectangle (AB) = «(CD) xt y=30 0 ra Hints & Solutions - Chapter ise Previous Years! Questions (Class-X (AD) = (BC) xayat4 afl) rl ‘Adding (i) ard (i), we got 2x=44 xed tal Putting x = 22 in equation (i) 2-y= 14 2-14=y y=8 . x=22andy=8 Cal 20. For infinitely many solutions ta [From | and li} ta [From it and ti) =3e= 30-2 @-6c=0 c=0,6 = 12(¢-3) 120+ 36=0 (o-6R=0 o=6 [From |and ill] (4) Hence the value of c is 6. ta 2 xt sy=6 2x-3y=12 Graph of x + 3y = ‘When x = 0, we have 2 and when y= 0, we have ra ‘Therefore, two points on the line are (0, 2) and (6, 0), ta ‘The line x + 3y = 6 is represented in the given raph Graph of 2x — 3y= 1 When x = 0, we have y = —¢ and when y= 0, we have x= 6. ta Hence, the two points on the line are (0, ~4) and (6, 0). ta Corporate Office : Aakash Tower. 8, Pusa Road, New Deihi-110005,Ph.071.47623456 Hints & Solutiens - Chapter-wise Provious Years’ Questions (Ciass-X) Matrematics 9 The line 2x ~ 3y = 12 is shown in the graph. welll) t Solving (i) and (i) xed yet Fraction = 1 7 24, (i) C4 C4) ii) Cl Multiplying 4 to (i) and 3 to (i) & +12y = 32 The line x + 3y = 6 intersects yoaxs at (0, 2) anc 18 the line 2x — 3y = 12 intersects yraxis at (0, ~4). [1] eS tal ax_ by Bia Bes Meet 2 eo a (i) % ax — by = 2ab of ra ral 4 Substitute Mattply (with © and suptract () fom (tl) PS By yds 2eay=8 > By= y=2 ta 0 tt es yr2 tl ral Oe Lat the presentiape of ether ba x yeure’and the sum of present ages of his two children be y yea years, td Substituting y ‘According to question Bi a xeay ta Be gh Meee a = x-3y=0 of) ca Alter 5 years, ~ «+5 = y+ 10) b a = 2y 215 ai) ca x=bandy= ta (On subtracting equation (i from (i), we get 23. Lets say numerator x- y= 1 Denominator = y x-a% = 0 1" Given x+y =2y-3 = = ——— y= 6 +3 ( = eye 0 a On substituting the value of y= 46 in (), wo get From the next condition 43546 x44 Beas ta y-1 2 Hance, the present age of father is 45 years. Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi10005, Ph 011-47623456 10 Nathematics 25. Let the numerator of required fraction be x and the denominator of required fraction be y (y + 0) ‘According to question; ta 4 i) y-1 2 = m=y-1 ra = mye «i On subtracting (i) from (i), we get oxy xy - & iO} On substituting x = 7 in (), we get : auy-y=6 = y=6-21 2 y=18 ra Hence, the required fraction is 2-2, y 27. Given ines are 2x+ 3y=2 and x- 2y=8 art 3y=2 2-2% F 3 rl x 2 7 ta We will plot the points (1, 0), (-2. 2) and (4, -2) and join them to get the graph of 2x + 3y = 2 and we wil pot the points (0, -4), (B, 0) and (2, ~3) and join them to get the graph of x 2y=8 Hints & Solutiors - Chaptor-wise Previous Years’ Questions (Class-X) iva ‘The graph of two given equations intersect at (4, -2) Solution of 2x + Sy = 2 and x —2y = x=4 and y=-2 oye I ta fo x 2. (A) Let required fraction be ~ y According to question, xit yt axtt=y-1 ft] axey-2 i) Corporate Office : Aakash Tower. 8, Pusa Road, New Deihi-110005,Ph.071.47623456 Hints & Solutions - Chapter-wise Provious Years’ Questions (Ciass-X) 30, = oxzy+t Ai) m From equations (i) and (i), we get ay-4=yet y=5 2x=3 a y OR 3 Required fracton is & fo) (©) 3x+y=4 (2k A)x + (k= Athy = 2k +4 For no solution; 34 Rak Cal 2k-1=3k-3 =ke2 Cal 11 Neo 4" eal yl Mee kad pal Ske? val () Sx 4y=9500 (i) 4x + 3y = 7370 (ii) 1) (i) (@) Mutiptying () by 3 and (i) By 4; we got 18x + 12y= 28,500 i) tex + 12y = 29,480 ..(v) 1 Subtracting (i) trom (iv) 46x + 12y= 29,480 18x 12y = 28,500 a 0 @ 1 x= 980 Prizo amount for Hockey = 7980 per student oR (0) Muttiolying () by 3 and fi) by 4; we gat 18x + 12y= 28500 ii) 16x + 12y = 20,480. ...(v) ra Subtracting (i) from (v) 16x + 12y = 29,480 15x + 12y = 28,500 Oo © oO ra x= 7980 a Matreratics 141 Putting x = 980 in (i) 5(980) + 4y = 9500 = y=t150 ral Prize amount of Hockey = 2980 per student Prize amount of Cricket = 71150 per student > Prize amount per student of Cricket is greater by 2170 fi) (i) Total prize amount if there are 2 students each from 2 games = 2(x + y) = 2(980 + 1180) [4] = %4,260 tl Let AB be the pillar of height 9 meter. The peacock is sitting at pont A on the pllar and B is the foot of the pillar. (AB = 9) Let © be the position of the snake which is at 27 meters from B. (EC = 27 and ZABC = 90°) As the speed of the snake and of the peacock is same they will travel the same distance in the same time Now teke a point D on BC that is equidistant from A and C (Please note that snake is moving towards the pillar) (4 om va . B 27m Hence by condition AD = DC = yisay) Take BD = x Now consider triangle ABD which is a right angled triangle Using Pythagoras theorem (AB! + BD? = AD’) +=" Cal a= = mye) ral Btly + x)= x) tl y+ x= BC=27 Hence, 81/27 ra yox=3 “a ytx=27 (i) ra Adding (i) and (i), gives 2y= 30 or y= 15. [1] x12 y=5 fo) Thus the snake is caught at a distance of xxmeters or 12 meters from the hole. ca Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi10005, Ph 011-47623456 12 Nathematics Hints & Solutiors - Chapt wise Previous Years! Questions (Class-X 4: Quadratic Equations 1. Answer (b) Given 2 quacratic equation 22 -3x—m(m +3) =0 = P-(m+3x+mx—m(m+3)=0 PA Mx — (m+ 3)) + mx —(m +3) =0 (c= (m4 B(x +m) = 3 -m,m+ 3 tl 2 Answer (a) It is given that 1 is a root of the equations ay? + ay +3=O andy yt b=0. Therefore, y = 1 will satisfy both the equations. a(t)? + a(t) +3=0 tl Cal 3. Answer (d) 0 Let the roots be 2 and p 2+p=0 > BH-2 = Product of roots = (2)(-2 = Quadratic equation = 4 = 0 4. Answer (o} n (J2x-+V3)" +22 = 3x? 5x =D +3 + Vey + = Bx? - 5x = 26x+5x+3=0 = Not a quadratic equation 5. Answer (a) n 243x100 (x+5}x-2)=0 = x852 6 10. + Ox+9=0 +23x+ GF =0 ta w+ ar=0 + {= -J isthe solution of x° +6x+9=0. [4] 33x? + 10x+ J3 =0. Discriminant for ax? + bx + ¢ = 0 will be bt — dae. ra For the given quadratic equation = 10} ~4(3¥8)(v8) = 100-36 “4 ra Given quadratic equation is, pr 2VBpx+18=0 Horapsa.xpib=-<2Epro™ 48 For fee! equal roots, discriminant = 0 2? Mac ra (-2V6e)* —4nit5)=0 20p? - 60p 20p(p~3)= 0 p=3orp=0 But, p = 0 is not possible. p=3 ta X= Bis one of the root of x? — 2kx -6=0 (3) -243)-6 = 0 9-6k -6=0 3-6k=0 ta 3= 6k 2324 62 tavek=0 ta Roots of given equation are reel, p20 ta = 4P-4xK20 = Ake-16 = ks4 k has all real values <4 ta Corporate Office : Aakash Tower. 8, Pusa Road, New Deihi-110005,Ph.071.47623456 Hints & Solutions - Chapter-wise Provious Years’ Questions (Ciass-X) AW. Bx? 10K+ k= 0 Roots of given equation are reciprocal of each other. Let the roots be a and 4 ta c Product of roots = © 2 wie® bare kes ta 12, Quadratic equation 3x? — 4x + k= 0 has equal roots = D= bi —4ac = 0, where a = 3, b = ~4 and 2k 3 AP 4x3%k=0 = 16-12k=0 164 = 3 io) 13. Answer () n (A) is true but (R) is false. 14, Given: mxix 7) +49 = 0 = mx —7mx+ 49=0 D=(7mi? -4mxas i) 49m? —4mx 49-0 49m? =4mx4g ma [e me} ior 15. Given quadratic equation is 3x?— 2kx + 12=0 Here a= 3, b= -2k and c= 12 ‘The quadratic equation will have equal roots if A=0 b2 dae =0 Putting the values of a, b and cwe get (2k)? — 4139112) = 0 = 4-144 =0 = 4K = 144 144 m1 aw Considering square root on both sides, k= 136 =36 Therefore, the required values of kare 6 and -6. {1] Matnematics 13 16. 4V3x? +8x-2V3 =0 s 4NBx? +8x—3x- 23-0 = 4x(V3x4+2)-V3(V3x+2)=0 m = (ax-Vi)(Se+2)=0 BB 2 x23 or x=-2 B nm 17. Comparing the given equation with the standard quadratic equation (ax? + bx + ¢ = 0), we gat a= 2, b=aand c=-a frmaee Using the quadratic formula, x= Sees we get 10) ==2838 s 30, the solutions of the given quadratic equation 1 renee mere a -(222) ana (232) 19 Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi10005, Ph 011-47623456 14 Nathematios 49, 20. Given -5 is a root of the quadratic equation 2x? + px 18 = 0. -5 salisfies the given equation 2-5)? + pl-8)- 18 = 0 50-5p-15=0 35-5 =0 Sp = 35 7 1" Substituting p = 7 in p(x? + x) + k= 0, we get 702 +x) +k=0 Tat + 7x k= 0 “Tho rocts of the equation are equal 2. Disoriminant = bi — 4ae = 0 Here, @=7, b= 7, 0=k b’-4ac = 0 ay arya) = 0 49-28k=0 28k = 40 49_7 284 Quadratic equation px? — 44x + 8 = 0 nk oF ‘Also, one root is 6 times the other Let say one roct = x Second root = 6x From the equation : Sum of the roots= ~ “* Product of root 14, » x4 6x= 2 x 2 1 = oxt= 2 = 92) -2 e) ep Ble 6x48 pop =3 Oy ° Hints & Solutiors - Chapt wise Previous Years! Questions (Class-X) 21. axe 5x—1=0 D = bt ~ 4ac, where a= 4, =~ 9 and e=-1 ral = D=25416=41 val = D>0 ta The given equation has real and distinct roots 6} 22. 2 42V21-6=0 x? 42x —V2x-6 =0 {1 x(x42v2) V2 (x+302) =0 (e+303)[x-2)=0 = x=-3v2,2 iO 23, (A) Discriminant (D) of a quadratic equation axé + bx + ¢= 0 is b¢ - dac 1 Discriminant for 3x2 — 2x + 5 = Cis 4) b =(-2)?-4(3)(4}. F493) i Hence, roots are real and equal. =] oR (8) ®-x-2=0 2x4 4-2-0 xx 2) + Ae-2)=0 0 = (x-2)(x+1)=0 a x-2=Oandye4 =x=2and n Hence, roots are 2 and -1 2 @) Forad+ix+e=0, Sumofroas = =? va Product of roots = © ra = For2e-or+4=0 Sum of ois = 52) ra 4 Product of wos = 4 =2 7 Corporate Office : Aakash Tower. 8, Pusa Road, New Deihi-110005,Ph.071.47623456 Hints & Solutions - Chapter-wise Provious Years’ Questions (Ciass-X) 2. 2B. 27. 28. R (B) For ax + bx += 0, D= 6? - 4ac Fora? -5=0 D= OF -44x-5) =80 bo Roots are real and distinct Let assume two numbers be x, y. Given, x+y=8 => xK=8-y fi) At 8 xy 18 xty 8 88 yy 5 oxy 15 ys From (i) xy = ¥(@ ~ y) = 15 p-8y+15=0 y=3,55x=5,3 The numbers are 3 and 5. 2° -3V5x+10=0 For any quadratic equation ax? bxt+o=0 > x= For the given equation = Es EAB 2 x = NEL 2 = [x=v5, 26] Ax? — da + (@2— 02) = = Gxt —4ax+ a) - = 0 = [(2?)-2.2ca+ a] b= 0 = [(@x-ay|-8=0 = [(2r—a)— b]fi2x—a) + 6] =0 = {(2x~a)— 6} = 0 or [2x- a) + 4)=0 a+b, , a-b 2 2 3x? - 2VOx+2=0 = 3x? -V6x-VBx+2=0 = Bx{Vix-V8]-[vix-v2] =0 a ta a ta [0] 1] m tf m Uy 10} m 1 Mathematics 15 = (Vx-¥2)(Vix-y2)=0 m 8h m Bay 8 Girdle is aee deo a=k+4 b+k+1,0c=1 For equal roots, discriminant, D = 0 nm = P-4ac=0 = Wr tF aay ts 0 = R+k+1-44-16=0 = P-2k-15=0 nm = @-5k+3k-15=0 Ms + ie) =0 = [k= 5MkK + 3)=0 Sik=50k=-3 Thus, for k = 5 of k= -3, the given quadratic equation has equal roots. m )..\For the given equation, V3x* ~ 2V2x - 2V3 =0 Comparing this equation with ax + by + e=0, ‘we obtain a= VB, b=-2N2, ¢=-2N3 Now, VD = lb? —4ac = {-242)" -4(¥8)|-2V8) = \ere4= faa fu) Using quadratic formula, we obtain = bt Yb? =4a0 2a = fT x 2+2V2 , Y2-2N2 v3 v3 Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi10005, Ph 011-47623456 16 Nathematics at 32. 33. av = x= 52 or x 3 = x=3V2 or m x2V6 ot xe m Given ad # be for the equation (a? + by? + lac + bax + (02 + 2) = 0. For this equation not to have real roots its discriminant < 0, 1 De (ac + ba)? — A(a? + b\(0? + d2) D = date? + 4bedt + Bachd — 4a%c? — Abed? — 4b? — 4e2d® 10] D=~A\a2d? + beet ~ 2achd) D= Aad — boi? Given ad + be Deo Quadratic equation has no real roots. 0 Let the usual speed of the plane be x krhihr. Time taken to cover 1500 km with usual 1500 yg x a speed = Time taken to cover 1500 km with speed of 41500 ns, x+100 4 1500 1500, 1 x x+100 2 1500 1500 _1 x +1002 x+100-x) 4 ts00( 41005) 2 1" 480000 * 2 = x(x + 109) 22+ 100x ~ 300000 = 0 # + 100 - 300000 x= 600 oF x= 500 But speed cant be negative Hence, usual speed 500 km/hr. 1 Let the duration of the fight bo x hours (+ 100) kr £0 yh va Speed Duration of the flight due to slow down 30 4 =x+ES=%+5 According to question ['] a) tl 5 Gx19-Gx x2x+1) 3 > Qu) = be+K-3 ta = 2X + 8x—2x-3=0 3 H2x+3)-1 2x +3)=0 = 2x+3)(x-1)=0 xt cal Cnignal duration of the fight is 7 nour. For equal réal roots, i) Discriminant, D = 0 Here, equation is prx-2)+6=0 = pe —2px+0=0 ta D= iP —4ac for a+ bx + c= 0 Horo, D= (-2py -41p}6) wa = 0= 497-24 ta = 0=4p(p~6) p=Oorp=6 fe) But p +0.26 coeficiont of should be non-zero. p= ta Let the sides of the two squares be x om and yom where «> y. Then, their arees are »? and y? and their perimeters are 4x and 4y. By the given condition x24 y= 400 “) and 4x—4y = 16 = Mx y)= 16 + x- a knyt4 i) nm Substituting the value of x from (i) in (), we get (yt ayes = 400 Corporate Office : Aakash Tower. 8, Pusa Road, New Deihi-110005,Ph.071.47623456 Hints & Solutiens - Chapter-wise Provious Years’ Questions (Ciass-X) 37. = y+ 16+ By + = 400 2ye +16 + By= 400 P+ dy—192=0 y+ Wy— t2y-192=0 yy + 16) —12y + 16)=0 1 (+ 16)(7- 12) =0 ~16 of y=12 0 Sino, y cannot be negative, y = 12. So, x=y+4=12+4=16 Thus, the sides of the hwo squares are 16 cm and 12 em. t Let the two natural numbers be x and y such that x> y. Huda uu Given = Difference between the natural numbers = 9 x-y=8 “ Difference oftheir ecprocals <1. (given) fi] wot xy 10 = y= 50 i) UF Putting the velue of x from equation (i) in ‘equation (i), we get +5) y= 50 = P+5y-50=0 = y+ 1y-5y-50=0 = yy +10)-S\y +10) =0 = Y-5\y+ 10)=0 = y=5or-10 1 As y/is a natural number, therefore y= 5 Other natural number = y + §=5 += 10 Thus, the two natural numbers are 6 and 10. ff] Given quadratic equation : (e+ Ape + (hee apes t Since the given quadratic equation has equal Toots, its discriminant should be zero, D=0 " Matnematics 17 = (ke aPo4u(keayet=0 ke + 2k +1 -4k-16=0 = R-2-15=0 = R-5k+ 3k-15=0 = (k-8)k+3)=0 = k-5=0 or k+3=0 = k=50r-3 tt Thus, the values of k are § and —3. For k= 5, (k+4)@+ (e+ 1x + 1=0 = 9e+6x41=0 = xP +230 41=0 = x+17=0 = x--t-t = P-2+1=0 — [Fork=-3] = 12-0 sexed1 n ‘Thus, the equal roots of the given quadratic equation is either 1 or 4. n Let / be the length of the longer side and b be the length of the shorter side, Given that the length of the diagonal of the rectangular fiold is 16 motros more than the shorter side. Thus, diagonal = 16 + b Since longer side is 14 metres more than shorter side, we have, tb Diagonal is the hypotenuse of the triangle. [1] Consider the following figure of the rectangular fe. o—<——-¢ Diagonal Breadth O ___S A Tenati 8 By applying Pythagoras Theorem in AABD, we have, Diagonal? = Lengti? + Breadth? m = (16 +b = (14 + BP + oF = 256 + b? + 32b = 196 +b? + 280 +B Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi10005, Ph 011-47623456 18 Nathematics 33, 40, = 256 +32b = 196 + 28b + 60+ 32b = 28b + HF ba 4b - 60 =0 b? - 10b + 6b - 60 b(b — 10) + 6(b - 10) = 0 (© + 6(b-10) =0 (+6) =0 oF (b-10)=0 = b=-Gorb=10 ‘As breadth cannot be negative, breacth = 10 m Thus, length of the rectangular field = 14 + 10 = 24", " Let x be the first speed of the train. uu uudas We know that, Distance Speed time Thus, we have, 54, 63 x xe Al + 6) + 83x Saeco 54(x + 6) + 63x = 3x(x + 6) Say +324 + 63x = 3x2 + 18x 117K + 324 = 3x8 + 18x 1 Be— 117x- 904 + 18¢=0 3x2 — 99x - 324 =0 2 33x— 108 =0 #~36x4 3x- 108=0 a(x— 36) + 3(x—36) = 0 (+ 3x 36)=0 n (+3) =0 or (x~36)=0 8 or x= 36 1 u 3 HuUuUtoudy dou Speed cannot be negative. Hence, initial speed of the train is 36 km/hour. tt Let tho speed of tho stream be s kmh. Speed of the motor boat 24 kirvh Speed of the motor boat (upstream) = 24 — s Speed of the motor boat (downstream) = 24 +s iO ‘According to the given condition, 32. _32_. 24-5 2445 a 42, 32.* 28 = 576-s* st + Gls 578 (s+ 72\s- 8) =0 m s=-I2ors=8 Since, speed of the stream cannot be negative, the speed of the stream is 8 krv/h 1 Two taps when run together fill the tank 7 ino hrs 13 Say taps are A, Band A fills the tank by itself in x hrs B fils tank in (x + 3) hrs 1 Portion of tank filled by A (in 1 hr) 1 +3 Portion of tank filled by & (in thr) = Portion of tank filed by A and & (both in thr) 0 (e+ 9+ x)40 = 13x) + 9) 80x +120 = 13x? + 39x = 13:2 -a1x— 120-0 = 131° - 65x + 24x 120=0 24 = x= 50r 4 x=80r 7 [But nogative value not be taken] 1" A fils tank in 5 hrs B fils tank in 8 hrs fo Let the speed of stream be x kin/ hr Now, for upstream: speed = (18 — x) km/hr (28) taken=(—24_ Time taken = (24) hr va Now, for downstream: speed = (18 + x) kmihr 2a taken=(—2 Time taken=[ 2.0} hr Cal Given that, 24 _ 24 tex ie+x"' ta Corporate Office : Aakash Tower. 8, Pusa Road, New Deihi-110005,Ph.071.47623456 Hints & Solutiens - Chapter-wise Provious Years’ Questions (Ciass-X) 43. 24th Te+x 18-x 24[(18 - x)-(18+ x)] ae rl ma 8 824 +32 = 48x x2 + 48x - 324 = 0 rl v2 + Sax — 6x — 324 = 0 («+ 54)(x— 6) = 0 X= -54 0 x= 6 ta x= 64 km/hr (no! possibio) ra ‘Therefore, speed of the stream = 6 km/hr. Let x be the original average speed of the train for 63 km, Then, (x + 6) wil be the new average speed for remaining 72 km. ra Total time taken to complete the journey is 3 hrs Cal 04 = ba =~ Cal = Oe=42)( +3) =0 rl = [ea] oR ra Sine2, speed cannot be negative Therefore x = 42 kn. ra Let the time in which tap with longer and smaller diameter can fill the tank separately be x hours and y hours respectively. C4) ‘According to the question 1,18 4,18 ( "4 be “0 ra and x= y-2 (i ra On substituting x = y— 2 from (ii) in (i), we get 8 i eee ca yty-2_8 yy 15 45, Mathemates 19 15(2y — 2) = Bly? — 2y) = s0y-30=8y — 16y = 8-467 + 30=0 ea = 4 20/-3y+15=0 = My-3)y-5)=0 ay ayn td Substituting values of yin (i), we get C4 (em sanet be negative } Hence, the time taken by tap with longer diameter is 3 hours and the time taken by tap with smaller diameter is 5 hours, in order to fil the tank separately. fay Ieee cc ttn dt unr ov dt wtte va Ei yi 40> "4s ¢445— 100+ 4 ro) : 4 140 10x7 +14 = ey sa5 =" x x 140+ x2 4 45x _ 10x? +14 a Men nx tox 4 ra = 9x? 45x - 126 = 0 = 9x2 63x + 18x ~ 126 = 9XK-7) +18 (K-71) =0 ta = We-T)(oxe 18)=0 of Elie = 700 ==2 ra xe7 [exe-2] Ten's dict = “* va So, the number is 27. ta Let age of boy be x years, then age of his sister will be (25 — x) years ra Product of theirages, (x)(25-x)=150 [14] = 25x22 = 150 ra Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi10005, Ph 011-47623456 20 Nathematics ar. =f = 26¢ + 150=0 v4 > (X= 15) (= 10) =0 "1 = x= 10 and 15 ra Hence, their present age's are 10 years and 15 years. ra (@) Let x be the digit at 10" piace of given two digit number and y be the unit's place of given two digit numter. According to the question, wy = 24 * onli) LU] and 40x+y-18 = toy+ x = x95 18 = xmy=2 i) 1} From equation (i) and (i), we got 24 x—Ahee x or 2 - 2-24 =0 or? = 6x4 4x24 =0 or (x 6)(x+ 4) = 0 x56 0rK= 4 ti 6 [Because x can't be negative] From ti, yea Original number is 64 rl OR (b) Let x and y be the two numbers such that ay According to question, 2-180 0 tal and y? = Bx ali ral From (i) and (i), we get 2 8x - 180 ta or (x ~ 18)(u + 10) = 0 ral x= 18,10 8 [Because x cannot be negative] [%5] From {i) Put x = 18 in equation (i), we get pata Cal ory = 212 cal Required numbers are (18, 12) and (18,12) ra Hints & Solutiors - Chapt wise Previous Years! Questions (Class. ‘48, Let ascume the two numbers to be x, y (y> Given that y—K=4 => y=4+x (i) = 4-4 xy 21 = yen x4 x)= 24 44x 21-0 bee T= 3) x=-7,3 y=-3,7 . Numbers are ~7,-3 or 3,7 49, 9x2 — a+ b)x+ (202 + Sab + 26%) = 0 Discriminant D=81(a +b)’ - 36(2a* + Sab + 264) D= ofa? + 9b? + 18ab — Ba? — 8b? - 2008 D=9[e? + be - 22d) = 92 7b)£H(e—b) 8 43b4a-b 3a43b-a+b . 6 a+b. at2o 3° 3 50. 5 is root of 2x? + pr—15=0 2-5)? + p(-8)-15=0 10-p-3=0 pr? p(x? + x) + k= 0 has equal roots. Te + 7x+k= 0. [As we know p= 7] Discriminant = 0 D= 49 - 28k 26k = 48 k als Corporate Office : Aakash Tower. 8, Pusa Road, New Deihi-110005,Ph.071.47623456 =X) ») 0) Uy m1 1) ty Ui) 1 tt] Uy fi ft) 1) tf O} ty ft) m1 Uy Hints & Solutions - Chapter-wise Provious Years’ Questions (Ciass-X) 51 52, 53, Let the required three integers be (x - 1), x and ett). ian Now, (= 1)! + fxbe+ 1)] = 46 (2 = 2041) + pe +x = 46 W 2e-x-45=0 2x? ~ 10x + Ox 4 2xlx— 5) + 9x5) = 0 (x-5)@x+9)=0 10] x= Sor x= 912 m So, x= 5 [Because it is given that x is a positive integer] Oy ‘Thus, the required integers are (5-1), ie. 4, 5 and 6. 10) Let the smaller number be x and larger number bey. pea 28 “ y= 2x5 i) n {In equation (i) (2x- 5? =08 " 4x2 - 20x + 25 — #8 3x? 20" 63 = 0 ro} By spliting tne middle term, 3x2 - 27x+ Tx-63=0 Sx(x— 9) + 7(x- 9) = 0 m (x-9)@x+ 7) =0 = x=9 and x=-713 10] ‘We cannot take negetive value because x must. be greater than 5. So, smaller number = 9 ‘And larger number = 2-5 = 18 — 4 TaoKm Distance travelled by train = 180 km, let say speed = s kmir ‘Time taken (t) 1m S| It is given if speed had been (s + 9) kmihr Train would have vavelled AB in (¢— 1) hrs. fH] = 180. 548 =13 [1] = )- 0,4 tse [0] Mathematics 241 180 , 4. 180 sas (189 + sjs = 180s + 1620 n 189s + s? = 180s + 1620 #2 + Gs — 1620 =0 rot = s*+ 45s —365~ 1620=0 = 5=-45, 36 [- s cannot negative] [1] (5 = 36 kminr| Total cost of books = 780 Let the number af books be x. So, the cost of each book = ¢2° fo) Gost of each book if he buy 4 more book 80 =t oak m As per given in question 8080 a nm . + 4x = e+ 4x-320=0 tf = be 20) - 16) = 0 x= -20, 16 "1 Since, number of books cannot be negative So, the number of books he bought is 16. [1] Lot the first number be x then the second number be (9 ~ x) as the eum of both numbers is 9, m Now, the sum of heir reciprocale is 1. therefore 1 4 x 2 a x OF = 18=o-x% fo) = x - 9x4 18=0 = (X= 6Y(x-3)= = 1763 1" Ix = 6 then other number is 3. and if x = 3 then other number is 6. Hence, numbers are 3 and 6 "1 Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi10005, Ph 011-47623456 22 Nathematics Hints & Solutiors - Chapt wise Previous Years! Questions (Class-X 5 : Arithmetic Progressions Answer (c) Given common difference of the AP=d=3 Lets say the first term = a atigd=ari9x3 =ato7 ag cat idd=attaxd ta zat42 ay a5 = 8+ 87-242 =15 ta Answer (c) ‘The first 20 odd numbers are 1, 3, 5, .... 99 This is an AP with first term 1 and the common, difference 2. cal ‘Sum of 20 terms = S,, Sin =P [21+ 20-112) =10[2+38]= 400 pay Thus, the sum of first 20 odd natural numbers is’ 400. Anower (6) Common difference = -6q oq isl. iq 3g 4_1-69-1 3q Answer (c) ‘The first three terms of an AP are 3y- 1, 3y +5, and Sy + 1, respectively. We need to fing the value of y. We know that if a, b and ¢ are in AP, then: b-a=c-b > bzatre 2(3y + 5) =3y-1 + By 41 by + 10 = By 10 = ty-6y ay= 10 yes Hence the correct option is c. ta Jaga ty 5 10. " Answer (a) 2x, (x + 10), (3x + 2) are in AP. x4 10-2x= 3x42 x-10 = x76 ti Hence, option (a) 's correct, Answer (c) 10" term 1p = P+ 94 Hence, option (c) is correct. Answer (a) (dk = 6) = (k +2) = dk-8=-kr4 = 4k = ke3 Answer (b) Aib-a=c-b =2b=atc R: Sum of frst n odd natural numbers = n? Firat term of an AP = p Common ditterence Ty = p+ (10-1)9 To=P+9a tf! + 10-1) 1 (3k ~ 2) ~ (4k - 6) 2 m 4 Given 2 are in AP ta ta Given an AP which has sum of first p terms = op? + bp Lets say first term = k 8 common difference = ap’ +bp Elak+(o-1)d] 2ap + 2b = 2k + (p—1)d 2b + 2ap = (2k d) + pd Corporate Office : Aakash Tower. 8, Pusa Road, New Deihi-110005,Ph.071.47623456 Hints & Solutiens - Chapter-wise Provious Years! Questions (Ciass-X) 12 13. 14. 45. Comparing terms on both sides, 2k- d= 2b 2k= 2b + 2a Commen difference = 2a Fist term = a +b ta Ik +9, 2k~ 1 and 2k + 7 are the consecutive terms of AP, then the common difference will be the same. (2k 1) - & +9) = (2+ 7) (2-1) Pa k= 1058 . k= 18 al ven 1 — 8) = 84 0 Iman AP ay, ap, a &% a, =a, + (nto ay = a, + 200 “ a, =a, + 6d (i) tl Substituting {i) and (li) in (i) a, + 20d a, 6d = 84 tad = 84 a=6 Common diference = 6 ral 4 at 6d= but d= 4 a+ 6(-4) = 4 rl at (2aye4 a=4424=28 Therefore first term a= 28 tal ‘Two digit numbers divisible by 3 are 12, 15, 18, nny 99. a, d= common difference: (as a, a+(n—1)d) a= 12, 15-12 [4] = 7,299 = at (n-1)d=99 = 12+ (9-1)9= 99 = 0=30 Number of two digit numbers divisible by 3 are 30. ta 17. 18, 19. Mathematics 23 an =a) =3 -42)=7-8 ce Common difference = T, - T, =4 ta Given an AP 3, 15, 27, 39, Lets say n! term is 120 more than 21% term. T,= 1204 Try a + (n—1)d = 120 + (a + 200) nm (n 412 = 120 + 20 x 12 n-1=30 31% term is 120 more than 12% term, [1] Given an AP with fret torm (a) = 2 Last term (/) = 29 Sum of the terms = 155 Common difference (0) = 7 Sum of then terms = F(a+) ta a = 155 =2(2429) 512+29) = p=) ra Last term which is T, Fat(n-1)d tm a+ (9) 29=2+9d gaa Common difference = 8 ra Two digit numbers divisible by 6 are, 12, 1B. 96 0 = 96 = 124 (9-1) x6 [a2 a4 (0-18) ‘Two digit numbers civisible by 6 are 15. [6] First three— digit number that is divisible by 7 = 105 Next number = 105 + 7 = 112 ‘Therefore the series is 105, 112, 119, Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi10005, Ph 011-47623456 24 Nathematics 2. The maximum possible three digit number is 999, When we divide by 7, the remainder will be 5. Clearly, 999 - § = 994 is the maximum possible three ~ digit number divisible by 7. The series is as follows 105, 112, 119, ...., 994 ta Here a= 105, d=7 Let 994 be the nth term of this AP. a,=a+ (0-1) = 994 = 105 + (n-1)7 = (n-1)7 = 889 (o-1)=127 n= 128 ta So, there are 128 terms in the AP. n Sum ~2 first torm + last torm) af ) = Plot ous) G4(105 + 994) = (64)(1099) = 70936 [1] Let a be the first term and d be the common difference. Given: a= 5 T, 45 S, = 400 ‘We know T,=a+(n—4)0 3 45=54(n-1)0 = 40=(9-1\6 0 0) And S, ="(a4T, n= 5+ Tn) n = 400 =2\5.4.45) pOr4s) 400 2° 50 3 n=2%8=16 ra On substituting m = 16 in (i), we get 40 = (16 —1)d = 40 (15}¢ Thus, the common difference is & ral Hints & Solutiors - Chapt wise Previous Years! Questions (Class-X) 167 and S,y = 235 2. S,+S, Now S, = Fearn a} 8, * S, = 167 Bi2a+ ea} Fas 6d} =167 = Sa 10d+7a+210= 167 = 12a+31d=167 (i) ea Also, S,, = 235 10, 2090) 298 120 +90} = 102 +480 = 235 = ta+ad=47 (i) val Multiplying equation (i) by 6, we get 12a + 54d = 282 Ai) Subtracting (i) from (ii), we get 12a + S4d = 282 (ha 310 = -167 ad = 115 a=5 re Substituting value of d in (®), we have 2a +9(5) = 47 = 2a+45=47 = da=2 Sart Thus, the given AP is 1,6, 11,16... [4] 23. 4 term of an AP = a, = 0 a+(4—t)d=0 a+3d= a=—3d i) tl 25" term of an AP =a @5-t)d = 30+ 24d = 21d 3 timos 11% torm of an AP = 3a), =3la + (11 - 1a) From (i) Dad = 3[a + 100) = 3[-3d + 10d} =3« 7d = 210 tal aye = 38, i.e., the 25! term of the AP is three times its 11% term, 4 Corporate Office : Aakash Tower. 8, Pusa Road, New Deihi-110005,Ph.071.47623456 Hints & Solutions - Chapter-wise Provious Years’ Questions (Ciass-X) 2, 2. ar Given progression 20, 194, 18:1, 173, This is an Arithmetic progression because Comman difference (@)=191-20-184-191 - 4 2 4 3 4 7 m Any nt term a, = 20+ (n~1} (=3) 88-30 y AP term a, =20+(n 1) 3) ~ 88 Any term a, < 0 when 83 < 3n = 088 = n=28 28" term will be the first negative term. [1] First 8 multiples of 3 are 3,6,9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24 ‘The above sequence is an AP 0) a= 3, d= 3 and last term/ = 24 = 8fs+24)= 8, =Blarl)=5(9+241=4(27) S, = 108 ti) S, = 3n2 -4n Let 5,__, be sum of (7 1} terms t= S,— Sys Cal = Br? 4n)—[3(n—1%—4in—1)]) (an? 4n)- [5n®@-6n +3404 4) [al Sn? —4n—3n? + 100-7 t= 6n-7 So, requited n™ term = 6n—7 rl Commen difference must be equal (2 + b®)-(a- bP = (@ + bP - (+B) Cal = (@? + be) — (e2 + b2 - 2ab) = (a? + be + 2ab) a - bP Cal =e a + BP at bP + Dab = 2 + BP + Dab— a — oF Cal = 2ab = 2ab ta Honco, (a — b), (a2 + 62) and (a + b)? ate in AP. Mathematics 25 28, (a) Given AP. is 3, 8, 13, 18, 8-3 [n® term} Here, a= 3 and a, @+(n—1)0 = 7823+ (0-115 = Ben-1 an=8 . 78 is 16° term of the given AP, oR (©) a term of AP. is en-5 1 6-5=1 >a, ifn, =1, pH Ox2-527 Common difference (0) = 7-4 6 29. First fifleen multiples of 8 are 8,16, 24 Hore, @ = Bland d= 8 Sg = x8 (15-19) 15 F o+112) 15128 “2 = 960 Sum of frst fiteen mutiples of 8 is 960 30. (@) Gen AP. 1 4 Here, " (5 or ~ pein 5 or -114+5n-5= 49 Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi10005, Ph 011-47623456 0a ta tf ta Ca C4 ta [4] tq ta ta C4 tf tq 26 Nathematics = 5n=49+16 = n= 65 =n ra oR (©) Given, a, 7, 0, 23. are NAP. T-a=0- tal () tr! ral [4 31. Sum of terms of AP. if n term of ALP. is given by, a+a,] a=5-2=3 cal 20 a) = 5-40 =-35 ta 20 2 Seo = Fla +a20] 20, 7 +(-95)] = 10-32] rl S,,=-320 rl 32. ni torm of 63, 85, 67, .. = 63+ (n~ 1)(2) =63+2n-2 =61+2n “” n term of 3, 10, 17, . =3+ (0-17 =3+%-7 =7n~4 w iO) Hints & Solutions - Chapter 61 +2n= 77-4 65 =5n [n=13] 33. Lets assume first term = a Corrmon diference = d a+qm-1)0 at(n-1jd fa (rm — 1) = nha + (n= 1)d) ma + m(m—1)d = na + n(n ~ 1) (m= nla + dn? — m=? + 0) = 0 alm — n) + m= aim +n —1)=0 (m—nja+ (m+ a—1)q)=0 men at(m+n—t)d=0 34. Firstterm (a) = 5 Ty= 38 Sum of first 2 torms = 123 a + Ba yT,|=123 gl +7 n (a +33] -123 2! n=6] T,2a+(n—1)d 33-8 + (5) @=5| 35. Lets say first term of given AP = a Common difference = ¢ Sum of first six terms = 42 6 2a + Bd)= 42 5 (2rd) 2a+Sd= 14 A) Aso given Tyg : Tyg = 1:3 argd 1 at2ed 3 3a+I7d=a+ 29d = 2a=2d = fa=d ii) Corporate Office : Aakash Tower. 8, Pusa Road, New Deihi-110005,Ph.071.47623456 ise Previous Years! Questions (Class-X) Given that ni terms of Iwo AP's are equal [Using (i) and (iy) fi) fm 1m nm Mm 0) tf O} Hints & Solutions - Chapter-wise Provious Years’ Questions (Ciass-X) Matrematios 27 Substituting (i) in (i) = a4 (16—1)d= 1+ 2fa + (8-1) = 2040-14 Sat ta=1 +204 140 and d=2 = td ) 1 T= a4 t2d A\so, itis given that, a,, = 47 +24 = a4 (12—1)d=47 26 m1 = asttd=47 iy for 38. Sum of fist ten tems Adding (i) and (i), we have : ‘Sum of next ten terms = 550 Loto say frat torm of AP = a Common diference = o Sum of frst ten terms = 1120+ 9¢1 = ta 5[2a + 9d] at (n= Ad = 3 + (n= 1)(4) n= 1 0 "1 Hence, the n term of the AP is 4n—1. [14] For sum of next ten terms the frst term would be T,, = 4+ 10d B.S, =308 + 40 Fist team (a) = 8, = 3(1)° + 4(1) = 7 = -850=Prale+t0a)+ 90) S, = a, +a, = 3(2)? + 4(2) = 20 n @, = 20" 0,=20-7= 13 = EM0=2a+29q) (i) tt) So, common difference (d) Solving () and i) d=44 Now, 8, = a+ (9-1) a3 og = 7 + (25-1)x6=74+24%6=7 AP will be 3, —1, J fol eaoeat a i Ghisn ae A 40. Let a be the first term and be the common atterence of ne gwen AP Say frst torm = o Gommon aitference = ¢ ‘en Given T, = 9 4 attdn9 “ "i i Also T, + T; 7 atSd+a+12d= 40 +(7-1a=1 2a+ 17d = 40 (i) ro} 1 8 Solving (i) and (i) S arets of, oy aq3 a, =a+(e-ta=4 AP will be 3, 5, 7, 9, m 7 33. Let and d respectively be the frst tem and the = ased=4 fi) 1) common difference of the AP. Subtracting equation () from (i), we get We know that the n term of an AP is given by 2 a,=at (a-1)d ad -2 ‘According to the given information, Ag = 1 +26 > Ca ig = 1 + Bay Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi10005, Ph 011-47623456 28 Nathematics a 42. Putting d= 4 in equation (i, we get: 1) 04 ‘anit et er(oa)-a 1 “63 yf 1) 83. 943 =0+(63~1)d = 1 +62( = 8 ‘Thus, the 63" term of the given AP is 1 tl Here itis given that, T= 217) = a4 (14—1)d= 20+ (8— Nal = a4 18d = 2a 7a] = a+ 13d=2a+ 14d 13d — 14 a “ ro) Now, it is given that its 6" term is -8 =-8 a+(6-1)d=-8 a+5d=-8 Qa-a uu tot re Using () agua 4 Substituting this in eq. (i), we get a=2 | i] Now, the sum of 20 terms, s plea +(a-1)d] Bae Plea (eo- yd] = 10(2(2) + 19(-2) = 1044 — 38] =-340 1 Let a,, a, be the first terms and d,, d, the common differences of the two given AP's Thus, we have S, = 52a +(n- 144] and 8)'= Bl2a, +(n—Ad| 5l2a (n-th) (ny, [2ay-+{n—tydp] 22 #19 Tide ta ny 2 Hints & Solutions - Chapter 43, ise Previous Years! Questions (Class-X) itis given that So, 7-4 Sy 4n+27 2a, +( 2a, +( wl) ta le To find the retio of the mi" term of the two given AP's, replace m by (2m ~ 4) in equation (i). 2a, +(2m~1- 1d 2a, +(2m—1-1)d, Tem-1+4 ‘Wam—1)+27 26, +(2m-20, 3 44m-744 2a, +(2m~2\d, am—4427 ay t(m—May _ 14 a,+(m=1d, 8m+23 Hence, the ratio of the m#® term of the two AP's is 14m —6 : 8m + 23 oF (A) Given: a = 16, S,,= 750 Tofind : a,, Let d and n be common difference and number of terms respectively 8, - 2(20+(n—1d) ra 2 5 = Sis= PF (2(15)+ (15-19) ta = 750=18(30+149) 2 = (T50K2 s0.140 15 = 14d +30 = 502 ra ta Also, a, = a + (n- 1) ta > ay = 15 + (20-115) 15 + 19/5) 15 +95 2110 ra Corporate Office : Aakash Tower. 8, Pusa Road, New Deihi-110005,Ph.071.47623456 Hints & Solutions - Chapter-wise Provious Years’ Questions (Ciass-X) oR (€) Instalments to be paid by Rohan 4000, 1100, 1200, This sequence is an AP Here, a = 1000 and d = 100 ra To find : a39 and 30 a,=a+(0—1)d rl > az, = 1000 + (301100) 4000 + 29(100) = 1900 + 2900 3300 ta Also, Sy = 3(a+ an) va = Si = 22 (1000+3900) 15%4800 = 73600 rl In the 30th instalment, he will pay £3900 and he has paid 773500 alter 30 instalments, [4 44. Given an AP with first (a) = 8 Last term () = 950 Common difference (1) = 9 = Sig T,=at(o-1)d =a + (a1) = 350 = 8+ (n—1)9 =350 1) n=] Number of terms = 39 0 Sum of the terms n = Masi Sla+a # 28+350) 1 6981 1 45, Multiples of 4 between 10 and 250 are 12, 16. 248. i We now have an A.P with fist term = 12 and last term = 248 (0) Common difference = 4 248 = 12 + (n= 1)4 a+ (n—A)q) " = [n=60| Mutiples of 4 between 10 and 250 are 60. [1] 46, a7. Matrenatics 29 Given : Sip = -240 and a Consider, S35 =-240 Piax7 +194 O} 2 2l2a+in—d] = 10(14* 190) = ~240 = 14+ 19¢ 19¢ =~ 24 OF 10] +230 =7 + 23% -2=-39 [-a,=2+ (0-1) Hence. a,, =-39 ty Given AP is ~12, -9, 6, .., 21 First term, a = -12 Common difference, d= 3 m Let 42 be the 1" term of the AP. 12= abn - thd S12=-12 + (0-1) x3 n = M=(n-1)*3 a9 ‘Sum of the terms of the AP = S, 9 = Fiza +n) -24+8%3)=0 m1 2 If is added to each term of the AP, the sum of all the terms of the new AP will increase by rhe, 9, Sum of all the terms of the new AP = 0 +9 =g 1m Let a end d be the first term and the common difference of an AP respectively. n® term of an AP, a,= a+ (n—1)d Sum of ntenms ofan AP, S, = B[2a-+ (nt We have 10, Sum ofthe frst 10 terms = "P20 oa] = 210 = S{2a + 90} = 42=2a+0d 0 1m Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi10005, Ph 011-47623456 30 Mathematics 49, 415! torm from the last = (50 — 15 + 1)" = 36 term from the beginning Now, a,, = a+ 35d ‘Sum of the last 15 terms: 1B (2ae +(18-1)4) 0" = Biala+35d)4+14¢) = 15[e + 36d + 7d) + 2565 = 15[0 + 42a) 1Ti=at 42d From (i) and (ji), we get a=4 = (i) Oy a=3 So, the AP formed is 3, 7, 11, 15. Consider the given AP 8, 10, 12, . Hore the first term is 8 and the common difference is 10-8 = 2 and 199. [1] General term of an AP is t, is given by, t,=at(n—1)d = y= 8+ (60-1)x2 = ty = 8+59%2 = =er 18 = y= 126 1 We need to find the sum of the last 10 terms Thus, Sum of last 10 terms = Sum of fist 60 terms — ‘Sum of first 60 terms tq 8, = Zl2e+(n-td] Seo =Biaxas (60-1)x2| > Sqq~ 30[16 + 59 x 2] Seo = 301134] 4020 s = Sg Similarly, UF = 85o = 50[2x8+(60-1x2] Hints & Solutiors - Chapt 51. 62 wise Previous Yearé Questions (Class) > Syq = 25116 + 49 % 2] = Syq = 25/114] = Syp= 2850 i Thus the sum of last 10 terms = Spq ~ Soy = 4020 - 2850 = 1170 tal Let thete be a value of X such that the sum of the numbers of the houses preceding the house humbered X is equal to the sum of the numbers of the houses following it Thats, 142434... 4(K-1)=(K+1)+ (#2) sa 9 49 nH 243 4 HK 1) EEDA Zt AX HK AN) toe 4 49) AVF 2434. #X) 1) 49 x tte 49-2 tt XI (X= 1) = 49 « 50 = X(1 +X) X(X 1) + X(1-+X) = 49 * 50 0 KE-X4 X+ X= 49 x 60 ax? = 49 x 50 1 KP = 49x 25 K=7*5=35 Shoe X is not a fraction, the value of x satistying the given conditon exists and is equal to 35. [1] Let the numbers be (2-34), (a a), (a + o) and (+30) (a- 3d) + (aa) + (a +d) + (a+ 30) = 32 = 4a=32 a=8 1m ‘iso, (@734(+3d) _ 7 * (@=dyard) = 18a? — 136d? = 72-70? = bat = 1280" 1 g2 Ba" _8x8x8 128 128 wa4 d= 32 1 Id = 2 numbers are : 2, 6, 10, 14 Hfd-=—2 numbers are 14, 10, 6, 2 1) Lot the first four torms bo a, a + d, a + 2d, atad Corporate Office : Aakash Tower. 8, Pusa Road, New Deihi-110005,Ph.071.47623456 Hints & Solutions - Chapter-wise Provious Years! Questions (Ciass-X) 53, atatdtat2d+ar3d= 40 ra = tatsd=20 “” rl Sum of first 14 terms = 280 plear(n —1)d] = 280 ra = ‘ize +1301-200 = a+ 13d=40 “i 10] (On subtracting (i) rom (i), we get d= 2 ‘Substituting the value of d in (i) tal [2a+(n—d] tal B14 +(n-12] = +6n [al Let the first term and common diflerenée be @ and d, According to the question, Ala + 3d) = 18x (a+ 170) ti = 4a+ 120= 18a + 3060 = 148+ 294d m1) = ar2id=0 fy a= at 2hd =o m oR Given AP. 24, 21, 18, First term = 24 = a and common ditference=-3=4...() [1] Let number of terms is 0. Sum of n terms $tze+(n—1ya) tt) ‘According to question 2x24 - 3x(n—)] from (i) and given] [51-3n] Matremates 31 = 17+ 62=0 W = W-13n-4n+ 52=0 = on 13)—4 (n 13) =0 (n- 13) (n-4)=0 n= 13,4 For first 4 terms and first 12 terms in both case ‘we get sum 78. fot Let the four consecutive numbers in A.P. are (a—3¢), (a - d), (a + d) and (a + 3d), 4 According to the condition given, (a— 30) + (ao) + (ata) + (a+ 3a) = 32 = 4a=32 > an8 ‘iy "1 and, according to the 2" condition given, (a-3d)x(a+3d) _ 7 (a-d)x(a+d) 15 val (8=30)x(8+30) _ 7 @-dx(ord) 15 64-90" _ 7 ~ we 18 ia > 1564 — 9) = 7(64-f) = 128 = 512 = a4 = d=82 Ca Numbers are 2, 6, 10 and 14 or 14, 10, 6 and 2. ) oR Hore 1, 4, 7, 10, ...x is an AP. With first term a = 1 and common difference d=3. ral Let there be n terms in the AP. Then, x= 0 tern = Ka1t (1) *3 Cal san-2 “) Now, 144474104... + x= 287 = 3lt +x] = 287 ta i = Mpssn2]=287 Bhiean—2]= 28 Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi10005, Ph 011-47623456 32 Nathomates 56. Hints & Solutiors - Chapt = 3rt@— 9-574 = Wh-n-s74=0 1 =) 3n?—42n + 41n-574=0 = Sn =14) + 41(n = 14) =0 = (n~ 14) (3n +41) = = n-14=0 fv 3n+41z 0] “4 ta Putting n = 14 in eqn (i). we get 3x 14-2 x=40 1 (A) Let first torm and common difference of A.P. be a and d respectively, 1 a, = 14 and a, =18 atd=i4 (i) a+20=18 (i) 0 Subtracting (i) from (i), we cet 4 Putting d= 4 in equation (i) we get 10 n 5 1 = > (2(10) + (50\(4)] 0) 6: Triangles Answer (¢} 4 ‘Applying B.PT. in AABC, DE || BC AD _AE 5 DB EC Le = gE 6 » EC=7.6 em io) Answer (a) 10) Two congruent figures are always similar. 1 Answer (b} DE || BC DE _AD 8 BC AB > DE: BC=2:5 1" wise Previous Years! Questions (Class-X 51 = i220) Se, = 5610 ml OR (©) Let d and n be the common difference and number of terms of AP. respectively a,=et(n-1)d 45= 54 (n-1) 0d = 40=(n- 1d Ai) fi and S, = n Slave, Slava.) 400 = 315+ 45] tt) 400 = 260 a= 16 i) fo From (i) and (i). we get (19-1) d= 40 0 18d=40 tf) Hence, number of torms and commen 8 difference is 16 and respectively. Answer (d) Because, according to criteria of similarity RHS similarity is not possible. oF Answer (a) BG = VAC? + AB? = x2 units m Answer (6) BC _ 2 1 PR 2xi2 2 BC: PR Answer (d) ZA= 90" and ZP = 45" APQR is not similar to AABC. tt) “Answer (b) 2 0 Here, /F= /C, /B= /E and AB=1DE Corporate Office : Aakash Tower. 8, Pusa Road, New Deihi-110005,Ph.071.47623456 Hints & Solutiens - Chapter-wise Provious Years’ Questions (Ciass-X) Since, AB and DE are not equal. So, \ABC ~ ADEF. ti) 9, Answer (d) P R x=8om 2. ® z= 6em a c [By BT) 40. Answer (a) y -(3x-2)° a wey a7 2a) and x* + (3x— 2)" + y’ = 180" = 40+ = 182" (ll) a 02 BET 952 and y= 82° 7 = £A= 25", B= 73° and £¢ = 82" ‘Sum of greatest and smallest angles = 82" + 25" = 107" 10] 41. Answer (a) 0 AAOB~ ACOD [By AA similarity] 12. Answer (a) Perimeter of AAOB _ AB co" 4 m 13 14. 19, 16. 1. Matrenatics 33 Answer (b) AQ._ AD _ OD BC BO” OC oF AAOD ~ ABCO 1 ‘Answer (b) 1" ZE= B= 83" LA+ 18+ £C= 180° = 20=50" Answer (b) 0 a AP _AQ SB a6 [By BPT) 4 10 AC AC = 20 om Answer (b) m AABC ~ AQPR AQ 08 BC PR ues ex = x=250m Length of the diagonals of a rhombus are 30 on ‘and 40 cm, LS. YP AC = 40 om 0D = 0B 5 em 0A= 06 = 20cm ta In AOD, 0A? + Ob? = AD? (20)? + (15)? = aD? AD = 25cm Side of rhombus = 25 em ra Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi10005, Ph 011-47623456 34 Nothomates 48 19. 20, 2 — oa ate In similar tangles, comesponding anges are equal A=a 2M=2Q LN=2R In ALMN, AL + M+ ZN = 180° 3 units ‘$0; (3, 1) lies outside the circle ‘Answer (c) 1" Let C(x, y) be the mid-point Applying mid-point forrrula Answer (o) fi) A, Band C are the vertices of an equilateral triangle, then AB = BC 3-0/7 + (3-0)? = Y(3-0) +k -0F = 83 = Vor? Squaring both sides, 12204 = 30r k=W3 Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi10005, Ph 011-47623456 40 Nathomates 19. Answer (b) fy ABCD 's a parallelogram. Hence, is the mid-point of both AC and BD. Dixy) C15, 8} A. 4) For ordinate of point D, 5-2, 3) 20. Answer (b} m Va vt? +(y+3y? = V6-27 +7 +3yF = 9+ 16/7 = 9449+ 9y? + a2y = TY 42y-49=0 = y-oy-7=0 = ¥-hytt yet 21. Answer (c) i Let 2x + y~9 = O divides the line segment formed by joining the point A(1, 3) and 6(2, 7) Inksd (i. at point ©) Now, = 244 anc ys TS ed ON Point C lies on 3x + y-9 (244 (as 3 Tht3\ 920 Ga) Gs) = 6k+3+7k+3~9k-9=0 2. 2. 24, Hints & Solutiors - Chaptor-wise Previous Years’ Questions (Class-X) = 4Kk-3 ‘Answer (c) m ci7.9) ABC is a right angled triangle Answer (d) 0) Any point on y-axis is of the form (9, y) Let R divides PO in the ratio k 1 Psa RO,y) a6, 7; S k-3 3 or k=Z Answer (4) m Required distance = |(-6)? +(8/* = Vi00 = 10 units Answer (b) n Distance of point (-1, 7) from x-axis is 7, A685 pip) BB") Given P is midpoint of AB 2 »)-(852, va 2, p)= (2.3) . (p=3l ta Corporate Office : Aakash Tower. 8, Pusa Road, New Deihi-110005,Ph.071.47623456 Hints & Solutiens - Chapter-wise Provious Years’ Questions (Ciass-X) 27. 28. 2. 30. D 6, 6) No] po. Ait.2) Bt4, 3) Let © be the mid-point of ciagonals AC and BD of the parallelogram ABCD and coordinates of D is (x,y) then (C8)-3) ww On comparing Ad _T. g_yr3 Zz 2 2 2 x74 Baytd x3 y=8-3=5 Hence coordinates of D = (3. 5) ral (3,5) ACA, 3) OA= (2-4) +(3-3)? =2 tl 0B = (2-1)? +8-57 = (2x +4 TH] = 2=9(2-x? 44 [+ OA= OB(radi)) 4s (a-xera a) = [x2 ta Distance between the points A(3, ~1) and BAN, y) is 10 units AB = 10 [1 +6 ta Ba tye te ba +1 =36 y+t=6ory+1=-6 va y=-7. 5] ta Itis given that the point A(0, 2) is equidistant from the points B(5, p) and Cip, 5) So, AB = AC = AB? = AC? Cal Using distance formula, we have = 0-3? + 2-pP=(0-pP + (2-5? Pa 31 Matrematics 441 = 9444 ph ap= peso = 4-4p=0 (4) = 4p=4 = p=t ta AABC is right angled at B. ACE = AB? + BC? (i) Pythagoras] Now, AC? = (7 — 4)? + (3 - 7)? = @) + (4)? = 9+ 16 = 25 ABE = (p- 4P + 3-7 =p 8p + 16 + (AP =pe-ap+16+16 =p? 8p + 32 BC*= [7 - p)? + (3-37 = 49 - tap + pr +0 =p? tap +49 n From (i), we have 25 = (g? - Bp + 92) + (p? - 14p + 49) = = dpi -22p +81 = 2p! 229 +55 =0 = p- Mp +20=0 = pP-Tp- 4p +28 =0 = pp--4p-7) = p-7p-4)=0 = p=Tandp=4 io) Let A(3, 0), (6, 4) and C(-1, 3) be the given poinis of the vertices of triangle, Now AB - (6-9 +(4-0F ~ Jar ria? OVE) ra BO = (1-6 + (8-47 = 7 OP a ti) ra AC =F ¥18-0F ~ POF = V16+9 = 25 iii) C4) BC = AB* + AC* and AB = AC Hence triangle is isosceles right tiangle, [14] Thus, ABC is a right-angled isosceles triangle. Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi10005, Ph 011-47623456 42 Nothomates 33, 36. Let the coordinates of points P and Q be P(O, a) and Q(b, 0) respectively. [Pon yeaxis Q on xis] va Coordinates of mid-point of PQ -(2 ox2) 2 2 ba -33) va On compering with (2, ~5) Doe and 2--5 2 2 b=4,a=-10 ra Hence coordinates of P= (0,10) Hence coordinates of Q = (4, 0) rl Given that PA= PB By using distance formula Vor 5 OF = Jory -8F pl ‘Squaring on both sides P+ 25-104 Pay 44 Se HD+ 1 eR - Ty+ 25 ta = 10x -2y = 2r— ty ra = by= tex 3x = ay 4) Suppose the point P(4. m) divides the line segment joining the points A(2, 3) and B(6, ~3) in tho ratio K: 1 i : (2,3) (4m) (6-3) Coerates orpont P=[SK#2, 33) pg o-ordinates of point P= | Ka ya But the co-ordinates of point P are given es (4m) 6k +2 KH i) =m (il) tal = OKT 224K +4 = 2K = Ke4 Putting -3(1)+3 _,, 144 m=0 ta [From (ij) in equation ¢i) Hints & Solutiors - Chapt wise Previous Yearé Questions (Class) Ratio is 1:1 and m=0 he. P is the mid-point of AB ra 36. Let P(x, y) divides the line segment joining the points A(1, -3) and B(4, 5) internally in the ratio ket Using section formula, we get 4k+4 i) fea i) yi @ va Since, P fies on x-axis, So ts ordinate will be ze10 At,-3) wet Bia. 5) Sk-3 aa 3 = '5 Hence, the required rato is 35 va Now puting the velue of kin () and (i, we get x=il and y=0 So, coordinates of point Pare (17,0) 1M 37. (A) Let the point be P(h, A) AGT) PIA) 36-3) a using section formula, 24) +34) ne C4 ra Pth, W) = AA, 3) 0 oR @ P24) 6,7) Aas) 35.6) Corporate Office : Aakash Tower. 8, Pusa Road, New Deihi-110005,Ph.071.47623456 Hints & Solutiens - Chapter-wise Provious Years’ Questions (Ciass-X) 238 38. ‘ABCD is 2 parallelogram = AB= CD ta = 63 528 = ray to va 3 9+49=9+ (6p)? = 6-p=27 ral = p=6-Tandp=6+7 = pe13 = p = —1 (Not possible as in this case AD + BC) =p=i3 rl A Pe B BES ABT As, AB= 7a, AP = 30 = AB= AP + PB = Ta=Sa+ PB = PB=Ta-3a=4a n Let the point P(x, y) divide the line segment joining the points A(-2, ~2) and B(2, -4) in the’ ratio AP : PB =3: 4 4 ws BBD+-2N4) ang y ANSE ANER) 344 344 0 A Pad), R67) 8 © au.e) Consider a AABC with A(x,, ¥,), B(x, ¥) and Olx,, Yy), PCG, 4), Qld, 6) and R(5, 7) are the mid-points of AB, BC and CA. Then, Matnematics 43 well) 2 Xt Wit¥e=8 (i) xy tXg=8 fll) Vat ¥a=12 AV) Xytx 210.) Vet Y= 14 oolsi) ta (On adding (i), (i) and (v) we get 2K, +% + x)= 648+ 10= 24 3 tytn? From (|) and (vi), we get x, From (il) and (vif) we get x, From (v) and (vi), we get x, = 12 10=2 [Al Now adding (i). (iv) and (vi), we get 20, ty, + ys) = 8+ 12+ 14 = 34 S hthyty=7 (ul cal From (i) and (vil), we get y, = 17-8 =9 From (Wv) and (vil), we get y, = 17 12=5 From (vi) and (vil), we get y,=47~14=3 [A Hence, the vertices of ABC are A(4, 5), B(2, 3), O66, 9). C4] m A22) pay) 33.7) Lets say ratio = m:n an-[S0e mete) fi) Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi10005, Ph 011-47623456 44 Nothemates a 42, 43, Ag.1) P 25.8) Gen: AP at “B83 AP _4 AP+PE 3 PB = 24P = APS PB=1:2 1 By section formula p-(22e8 P= (3,-2) 10] Also it is given that P lies on 2x —y + k=0 2(3) - (2) + k= 0 1) Ai3,-5) wy) (4,8) Let the co-ordinates of point P be (x, y) By using the section formula co-ordinates of Pate. 1) Since P lies on x + y=0 4K +3, 8K -8 Kia Kat [On putting the values of x andy [I = 4K-2=0 =o = «K=2 -2 ta ay eel 2 Hence the value of K = 4 m1 Let the y-axis divide the line sagment joining the points (~4, 6) and (10, 12) in the ratio k : 4 and the point of the intersection be (0, y), Using section formula, we have: UI Hints & Solutiors - Chapt wise Previous Years! Questions (Class-X) Thus, the y-axie divides the line segment joining the given points in the ratio 2: 5 12k +(-6) ket Uy 3) 8(6, 3) and C(6, 7) Using distance formula, we have AB? = {8 + 2)? + (3-3) = ABP= 10? +0 = ABE = 100 B= (6 - BF + (7-3 = BC = (-2F +4? = BG =4+16 = BC =20 ral CAr= (2'- €)? + 3-77 = CAP = (8 + (4 = OA = 64416 = CA = 80 a Itcan be observed that BC? + CAP = 20 + 80 = 100 = AB? 1 $0, by the converse of Pythagoras Theorem, AABC is a right triangle right angled at C. [4] The given points are A(0, 2), B(3, p} and Cla, 8) Itis given that A is equidistant from B and C. AB=AC ABP = AC? = (3-0F + @-2F=(p-oF (5-27 = 94 pl+4—dp=pr+9 = 4-4p=0 = 4p = p= nm Thus, the value of p is 1 Length of AB = J(3-0)' +(1-2/* = 3? + (4° VE+1 = V10 units. 1 Corporate Office : Aakash Tower. 8, Pusa Road, New Deihi-110005,Ph.071.47623456 Hints & Solutions - Chapter-wise Provious Years! Questions (Ciass-X) 48, Here, Pls) divide ine segment AB, euch that ap -34B ae a6 AB ap AB AP AB-AP_7-8 ap 8 apa AP 3 ae 8 BP 4 P divides AB in the ratio 3 : 4 win Sle 4 m po BK244(-2), 3 x(-4) 44-2) er a + The coordinates of Pare (=2, =22) ty 47. Pix, y) is equidistant from the points-A(a + B, b—a) and Bla—b, a + b), . AP = BP = ero +ly-b-ayP =y[x-(e-b)) +[y (a+) 0 = be (e+ bP + ar = [r- (a- DIP + y- (a + BP => 2 2xla +b) + (a+ bP +P 2y(b- a) + (b-ay =? — 2x(a— b) + (a bP + P= 2yato)+(a+br Tt = -2x(a + b) - 2y(b—a) = -2x(@ — b) - 2y(a + b) aK bx + by ay = ax— br tay + by = tbx= 2a bx = ay (proved) (0) 48 49. Lets say ratio is m+n Then 24 \)_(3m42n Tm-2n Gi) a 24 _3m+2n ,_7m-2n W men m+n 2 sade eANa een ae tt y run Let'the point on y-axis be P[0, y) which is equidistant from the points A(5, -2) and B(-3, 2) tal We are given that AP = BP So, AP = BP ra fe. (5 - OP + (-2-yF=(-3-O" +(2-yF IM Bry +a eay=9444 ye dy 6 = y = ys-2 Hence, the required point is (0, ~2) m AD= 100 1m. = 100m ‘ whaita uns 1 et AD=!2°<25m on 29 line, Coordinates of green flag posted by Niharika are (2, 25) 1 100 ath of AD="— Preet runs 5 of . 20m on at line Coordinates of red flag posted by Preet are (8, 20) ft) Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi10005, Ph 011-47623456 46 Nathorates (i) Distance between two flags e—27 + 20-257 = fe? «(5 36+ 25 =V6im [0] {i Mic-point of line segment joining the two _ (eee ) fags= (3 > = (5 2)=(5:225) Rashmi will post a blue flag on fth line at the cistance of 22.5. m ti 51. Now. Using section formule Ct (Bxx)+(4%2) = 34 t, 3x48 sk 7 Tal (3xy)+ (4x8) 344 val ni 3120 = ytoe = ye -2 ta Coordnates of B are (-5, -2) io) 52. Let the Point P(x, 2) civide the line segment joining the points A(12, 5) and 6(4, ~3) in the ratio 4 Then, the coordinates of P are Hints & Solutiors - Chapt wise Previous Years! Questions (Class-X) 4kee12 —0k+5 te est) va Now, the coordinates of Pare (x, 2) AKAD _y ang =3K48_ tn ket Fat -245_» ha = a4 5=2K+2 = 5k=3 =3 + kee nm 3 pp dent stung «= 2 hi ence ‘Substituting 5 in Tat x, we gel x ta 12460 308 PS Ave “ats ‘Thus, the value of x is 9 ta Also, the point P divides the line segment joining the points A(12, 5) and (4, -3) in the ratio 3 1, ie. 3:5, ta 53. (i) Coordinates of R are (200, 400) ma |» Abscissa of R = Abscissa of Q and side of square PRS = 400 units} Similarly, coordinates of $ are {-200, 400) va y -4(200, 800) 5 (-200,400)5, (200, 400) PSC nt (800,.) | (-200,0) ~ 09.0) (il) (@) Area of square PORS = PO? sq. units = (Gon aaa enante = 160000 sq, units m1 Corporate Office : Aakash Tower. 8, Pusa Road, New Deihi-110005,Ph.071.47623456 Hints & Solutions - Chapterwise Previous Years’ Questions (Cias OR (b) Length of diagonal pr - pa? + aR? Uy = 400? +4007 =400vZunits [1] (i) Here, => Coordinates of C are (~600, 0) Coordinates of A are (200, 800) ‘And Coordinates of S are (-200, 400) +(-600) a00K. Ket” Kat {-200, 400): [Using section forrnuta] 00K +400 = 800K + 0 [Comparing y —coordinates} 100 4) [4] 400K = K-41 da St. ABCD is 2 roan where A, 1). 6 oan 8 (i) Coordinates of the point of intersection of doors AC nt a0 « (222, 124) = (4,3) 8 : Introduction 1, Answer (d) tan? 45° — cos2 60° ‘ atl 3 -*-() 0 2. Answer (c) sin90° 1 a 2. Aer tanP — cos*R = tan45® — cos*45° 1 =3 mi Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa' 5X) Matnematics 47 (i) Length of diagonal AC = (7-4 + (5-1 = Gr = 2 = afi units (ii) (a) AB = 6 units = CD ta BC = 4 units = AD ral ‘Area of campaign Board ABCD = 6 x 4 = 24 8q, units n oR (b) Ratio of the length of cide AB to the length of the diagonal AC = 4.6 a (5-1 +7-17° 1m 6 © S16 +36 6 6 Vez * 23 3V13 :13 avis 13 ta ta to Trigonometry 4. Answer (a) soci = t+ tal fm Answer (b) sind — cos0 = 0 = sind = cost = ane=1 = 45" Answer (d) ty ind 1-sin’ _tesine “costo. _2 ~ cos Road, New Deihi110005, Ph.011-47623456 t+sino = 2sec? iO)

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