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CBSE Cs Chapter-wise Previous Years' Questions SCIENCE MATHEMATICS @) Aakash *+pByu's ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Al rights including copyright and translation rights etc. reserved and vests ‘exclusively with AESL. No par ofthis publication may be reproduced, distributed, redistributed, copied or transmitted in any form or by any means-graphical, electronic or mechanical methods including photocopying, rocording, taping or stored on information retrieval systems of any nature or reproduced on any disc, tape, media, information stcrage device, without the prior writien permission of AESL. Breach of this condition is lable for legal action (civil as well as criminal) underthe applicable Laws. © Aakash Educational Services Limited [AESL] Contents CHAPTER TOPIC NO. SCIENCE PHYSICS Light : Reflocton end Refraction 2 Human Eye and Colourful Worl. 3, Eleotricty 4. Magnetic Effects of Electric Curent CHEMISTRY 1, Chemical Reactions and Equations 2. Acids, Bases and Salts 3. Metals and Non-metals 4. Gatbon and its Compounas BIOLOGY 1. Lite Processes. 2 Control and Coordination .. 3. How do Organisms Reproduce? 4. Heredity ané Evolution. 5. Our Environment. 5. Sustainable Management of Natural Resources. PAGE NO. 01-10 10-13 13-14 15-16 17-19 19-22 22-24 25-30 31-35 85 ~ 36 36-49 41-42 42-44 44-44 CHAPTER TOPIC PAGE NO. NO. MATHEMATICS 4. Real Numbers nun sn 48 2. Polynomias.. A= 48 3. Pair of Linear Equations in Two Varables.....0s 00 sone =51 4. Quadrave Equations 51-53 Arithmetic Progressions 54-58 5. Tangles 57-60 7. Coordinate sss’! 68 8. Introduction to Tigonometry : 54-68 9. Some Applications of Tigonomety. wu.87=70 10. Girdles... 70-75 11, Ateas Related 10 Circles... 76-71 12. Surface Areas and Volumes 11-79 13, Statistics oe : 80-82 14, Probability oncom soso stn B= BB Note: Aftar attempting the questions, a student must refer to the stepwise solutions available on our website and compare his/her solutions with the solutions given on our website To get the text solution, students are required to sign in their accountwith their login credentials. CHAPTER-WISE PREVIOUS YEARS' QUESTIONS PHYSICS 4: Light : Reflection and Refraction Draw the folowing diagram in your answer-book and show the formation of image of the object, ‘AB with the help of suteble rays. [2008] ..[1¥] Draw the given diagram in your answer book and ‘complete t for the path of ry of ght beyond the fens (2009) ..14) —_th # Bs Why doos @ ray of light bond when it travel from ‘one medium into anothor? (2009) ..[1M} Explain why a ray of light passing through the centre of curvature of a concave mirror gets tellected slong the same path. [2010] ..[1M] What is the nature of the image formed by a ‘concave mirror if the magnification produced by the mirror is +37 {2010} ..11m) For a ray of light passing through a glass slab, te lateral lsolacement was correcty measured as (zonsy (1M) (a) AB b} Pa oo (@) PR x To tnd the focal length of a concave mirror, Sita should choose which one of the folowing? ony (2) A miror holder and screen holder am (b) A screen hoider and a scale (©) Amirior holder, 8 screen hotder and a scale () Asceen, a miter, hotiers for them and a scale By using a convex lens, 2 student obtained a sherp Image of his classroom window gril on @ sereen. In which direction should he move the lens to focus a distant te instead of the gril? 2011, 2016, 2017] (1M) (@) Towatds the sereen (b) Away ftom the sereen (©) Ver far away from the screen (8) Behind the screen To dotormine tho focal longti of a convex lene by obtaining a sharp image of a distant object, the following stope wore suggosted which aro not in proper sequence. (2014, 2042} [19] |. Hold the fone betwoen the object and tho coreon Il. Agjust the position of the fens to form a chap image. IIL Soloct a culteblo distant objoct. IV. Measure the distance between the lane and the screen, The correct sequorce of stops to determine the focal longth of the lons is fe) av emime fe Mb, (0am Corporate Office Aakash Tower 8, Pusa Fidad, New Delhi 10008, Pho1 47629456 2 Science 410. Whi tracing the path of a ray of ight passing through a rectangular glass slab a student tabulated his obse'vations as given below. Se] a | er | co No. | sor | an [or w [sor | 36 | sie uw | 40° | 26° | 39° w | a0°| 20" | ar ‘The correct observation ic (2012, 2013] [1M] @! On mu ew 11. A student traces the path of a ray of white ight through a rectengular glass slab and marks the angles of incidence (2), refraction (27) and omergence (Ze) as shown R02, 2014) (1%) Which angle or angles have nat been marked correct? (@) Zionly () Zand cr (6) Zrand 20 (@) Zand Ze 12. Astudent obtained a sharp image ofthe grils of {window on a screen using a concave miror. His teacher remarked thal for getting better results a ‘well it distant object (preferably the Sun) should be focused on the soreen, Wht shouid be done for this purpose? 2012, 20131 ..11M (@) Move the screen and the mirror towards tho object (b) Move the screen and the mirror away from the object (6) Move tne sereen slightly away fom the miror (@) Move the mirror clghty towards tho screen CChapter.vise Previous Year’ Questions (Ciess-X) 18, To determine focal length of a concave mirror a student obiains the image of a wall it distant object on a screen. To determine the focal length ofthe given canceve minor he needs to measure tho distance between the (2012}..118) (0) Connet be doternines (b) Screen and the obect (@) Minor and the object (@) Miror and the screen 14. A student focusced the image of 2 distant object using 2 devico 'X' on a white screon'S' as shown in the figure, If the distance of the screen from the device is 49 om, select ihe correct statement about the device. 2013, 2014, 2015, 2017] ..[1N] x Sa (a) The device X is 8 conver lens of focal length 20cm (b) The device X is @ concave mirtor of focal length 40 om (6) The dovice X is a convex mirror of radius of cuvare 40 em (The device X is 2 convex lens of focal length 40 om. 15. ‘Study the following ray ciaorams :12013] = os (aM Corporate Oitce : Aakash Tower 8, Pusa Road, New Dai 10008, Fho1"-47829856 ‘Ghapter wise Previous Years’ Questons (Class x) ‘The ciagrems showing the correct path of the ray after passing through the lons ara (@) Mana tl only (&) Tand i only (6) 1. ena @) Ileana iv 416. Out ofthe five incident rays shown in the figure find the three rays which are obeying the laws of refraction and may be usad for locating the postion of the mage formed by a convex lens: (2013, 2014) (1m) @) 1,2and3 (&) 2 3and4 (©) 9.4and5 @) 4. 2and 4 47. Select {rom the following the best set-up for tracing the path of a ray of light through a restanguler giase slab: [2013] [1m] 8 ‘2 Sriewe 3 @ on ow ow In an experiment to trace the path of a ray of light through a class prism tor diferent values of angle of incidence a studont would find thet the fomorgont ray {2013} ..(1M] (2) Is paralel to the incident cay (©) Perpendilar tothe incident ray (c) le parallel tothe relractad ray {@) Bends at an angle to the drection of the incident ry AA student has obtained an Image of a well illuminated distant object on @ screen to termine the focal length, F, of the given spherical mirror. The teacher then gave him anather mirar of focal length, F, and asked bim to obtain a focussed image af fre eame oajact fn the same screen. The student found that oder to focus the same object using the secord mirrer, he has to move the mirror away trom the Serean. From this cbservation, it may be cooncuses that boin the senerical mirors gven to the student were (selec the corect option) 2014) ...1M (@) Concave and F< F, () Concave end F, > F, (0) Comex and F, F, Corporate Otfice : Aakash Tower 8, Puss Road, New Deli 10005, PhO1 647629460 4 Science 2. A student is using @ convex fans of focal length 10 cm to study the image formation by a convex lens for te various postions ofthe object In cne of his observations, he may observe that when the objects placed at a distance of 20 cm ftom the ens, its image is formed at (select the correct option) 2014] (1m) (@) 20 om on tha cther side of the tans and is Of the same size, real and erect. (&) 40 em on the other side of the lens and is ‘magnified, real and inverts. (©) 20 cm on the other side of the lens and is Of the same size, real and inverted. (@) 20 om on tho cther sido of the lans and is ff the same size, viral and erect 21. Draw a ray diagram to show the path of the reflected ray corresponding to an incidert rey of light paralel to the principal axic of a convox mimot ard shovr tho angle af incidence and angle of rafection on it {2085} 11m] 22 A student races the path of a ray of ight through ‘a vectanguler glass slab for the different values of angle of incidence. He observes all possible precautions et each stop of tho experiment, At the end of the experiment, on analyzing the measurements, which of the following conclusions is he likely to craw? (2005) ..11m @) A= z0 Zerar @ a= cer er 23. A-sludent oblains # sharp image of the distant ‘window (1) of the school laboratory on the soreen (S) using the given concave mirror (Mf) to determing its focal lenin. Which ofthe following distances should he measure to get the focal length of the mirror? (2015) ..(11] w, u w s u (mw ) ws © sw @) mw ms 26. 26 a. 28, 2 Chanterse Frevius Yor’ auestons (tes-X) ‘Ad em tall object is placed on the prneipal xis ofa convex ers. The astance of te object rom the optical centre of the lens is 12 om and is shorp image is formed al a céstence of 24 em from it on a scracn on tho other sido af the lens. the object is now moved a lite avay from the lens, in which way (owas the lens or away from the fens) will he have to move the serben to got a sharp image of the abjact on it again? How will the magnification of the image be affected? (2015) ....1M] To determine the approximate value ofthe fecal length of a gven concave meror, you focus the image ofa distant cbjct fared by the miror cn fa seraen, The image cbtanad on the serean, as compared tothe object's elvays (2018) ..1M] (a) Laterally inverted and diminishod (b) Inverted and diminished (c) Erect and derinished (@) Erect and highly diminished In your laboratory you trace the path of light rays through a glass slab (or different values of angie of incidence (1) ard in each case measure the values of the corresponding angle of eeraatin (20 and angie cf emargance (8) On the basis Of your observations your correct concusion is (2019) ...[1M] (2) Zits more than 2, but nearly equal to Ze (b) iis fess than a4 36. fa lone can converge the sun rays at 2 point 20 cm away from its optical cente, the power of this lens is [2024] [1M (@ 2D () 20 (@ 5D ( 5D Corporate Otfice : Aakash Tower 8, Puss Road, New Deli 10005, PhO1 647629460 6 Science 87. The radius of curvature of a converging miro is 30 cm. At what distance from tha mitror should an object be placed so as 0 obtain a virtual image? 2024] [1M (a) Infinity ) 99am, (6) Between 15 cm and 30 on (@) Between 0 cm and 15 em 88. Acconvergng lens forms a three times magnified image of an object, which can be taken on a soreen. if the focel length of the lens is 39 om, then the distence of tie object fiom the lens is (2024) (1m) (@) -55 om (©) -50om (©) ~450m (@) 40 om 2 Object oF Which ofthe following statements is not sue in reference to the diagram shown above? (2024) (1M) (@) Image forved is teat (b) Image forrred is enlarged (6) Image is formed at a distance equal to double the focal longth (@) Image formed is inverted 40, In the diagram shown above 1, 1, and mare refractive indices of the media 1, 2 ond 3 respectively. Which one ofthe following is tru in this case? 12024) ..[1M) ©) mom @) n>, CChapter.vise Previous Years’ Questions (Cess-X) “41, The rofractive ndox of medium A is 15 and that of medium 8 is 1.33. Ifthe speed of ight in air 18.5 x 10" mys, what is the speed of light in medium A and 8 respecively? (2024) ..[1M] (2) 2 108 mis and 1.33 x 108 mis (b) 1.39 10% mis and 2 % 10% mis (@) 225 © 108 mis and 2 108 mis (6) 2» 108 mis and 225 » 108 mis 42. An object of height 4 om is kept at a distance of 30 om from the pole of a averaing mir. If the focal length of the mirror is 19 cin, the height Of tie mage formed is [2024] (1M) (a) #30 om (b) 425 0m (@) 44.0 om fd) 1075 em Case Study Based Questions (248 to 2.46) : ‘A compound microscope is an instrument which consists of two lenses L, and L,. The lens L, called ‘objective, ferms a resl, inverted and magrified image of the given object. This serves as the object for the second lens L,: the eye piace. The eye piece functions tke a simple rmicroscope or magnifier. 1 produose the Fnel image, which is inverted wih respect {o the orignal object, enlarged and vit 43. What types of lenses must be L, and L,? (p02) £1) (@) Bath concave (b) Beth convex (0) by - concave and Ly - convex (6) £, -eanvex and (concave 44, What is the value and sign of magnification (eccording tothe new Cartesian sign convention) of the mage formed by L,? [2024] ..[1M] (a) Value = Less than 1 and Sign = Postive (b) Value = More than + and Sign (6) Value = Less than 1 and Sign = Negative (d) Vale = More than 1 and Sign = Negative ositve 45. What isthe valus and sign of (ascerding new Cartesian sign convention) magnification of the image formed by 1,2 (eezny (1M) {@) Value = Less than 1 and Sign = Posiive (Va = More then 1 and Sign = Posiive (0) Value = Less than 1 and Sign = Negative (6) Value = More than 1 and Sign = Negetive Corporate Oitce : Aakash Tower 8, Pusa Road, New Dai 10008, Fho1"-47829856 \Ghapter wise Previous Years Questons (Class) 46, a 49, st If power of the eyepiece (L,) is 5 diopters and it forms an image at a distance of 80 om ‘rom its ‘optical ceri, at what distance shouls te object be? 2024] ..[1M) @) 120m, &) 16m (@) 18am, © 200m Draw ray diagrams to represent the nature, postion and relative siz ofthe image formed by 2 convex lens forthe oojct laced (@) at2r, (©) Bemeen F; and te opteal cante 0 of ens {2003} ..2M) Whatis the riimum number of rays requir fer locating the image formed by a concave miror fer an object? Draw a ray diagram to show the formation of virtua trage by a concare miro: {008} .f2m] Stata any four characteris of the mage of tha objects toned by a plane miror. [201%] ..[2M} List four properties of the imoge formed by a concave mirror when an object is placed between the focus and pole ofthe mirror {012} .2m) “A concave minor of focal length 18 om can for magnified, srect as well as inverted image of an object placed in tront of it.” Justty tnis statement stating the postion of the object with respect to the pole of the mittor in both the cases for obtaining the images. (2014) ..[2M] ‘An object of height 2.6 cm is placed at a distance of 15 cin from the optical cersre ‘0 of a convex lens of focal length 10 cn. Draw a ray diagram to find the postion and size of the image formed. Mork optical‘, eincpal focus F and height ofthe krage on the diagram (2016, 2018) ...2m ‘Tho rofractive indicos of glass and wator with veneer ae 2 ar seapectey. speed of light in glass 2 * 10! mvs, find the speed of lot in water. (2016) 12m) I? the image formed by 2 spherical miror for al positions of the object placed in iront of it is always erect and diminished, what typo ef rirror is 1 Draw 2 labelled ray diagram to support your answer (2018) ..[2u) 55 56. 57. 58, 59, oo. a 2. Seance 7 List four precautions which a student should observe while datermining the focal length of a aiven convex lens by obtaining image of a distant object on a screen, (2049) (2M) A What distance should an object be place from a convex fens of focal iengt 18 em to obtan an imege at 24 om from & onthe other side. What wil be mognéieatione produced in this ease? (2010) ..2My ‘An objects placed betwoon infty and tho pois ofa convex mirrox. Draw a ray diagram and deo slate the positon, the relative size and the nature of tne Image formed. (2011) ..[3M) What the principle of reversibly of igh? Show that the ineiert ray of ght is paralel to the emergent ray of art wren light fas obliquely cr a side ofa recengular glass sab. (2011, 2073 {341 Sate the {ype of miror preferred as 12072, 2013) (2m) (@) Rear vow minors in vahiclos (i), Shaving mors Juslly your answer gving two reasons in each The image of @ candle flame placed al a diatonce of 26 em from a ephericel lene ie fermod on 2 seroen piacad a a cistanco of 72 em from the lan, Identify the type of lns and caleulate its focal length. It the height of the flame is 2.8 em, fnd the helt of te made. (2012) [3M] A studont wants to project te image ofa cancio flame on a Soreen 90 om intron ofa miror by eeping the flame al a dsiance of 15 cm from its pole. [2014] ...[3M] (a) Suggest the type of mirror he should use (b) Determine the linear magnification in this case (c) Find the distance between the object and its: image (d) Draw ray diagram to show the image formation in this case Draw a ray diagram to show the path of the retracted ray in each ofthe folowing cases. ‘ray of light incient on a concave lans i (014) 1999 {) Pestng through its optical centre. (i) Paral! its principal axis, (ii) Directed towards its principal focus. Corporate Office Aakash Towe 8, Puss Road, New Dali+1 10008, PhO1-47629486 6 8 scence [An object of height 5 om ie placed porpondicular 10 the principal asic of @ concave lone of focal length 10 om, ifthe distance of the ebject from the optical centre ofthe lens is 20 cm, determine the positon, nature and size ofthe image formed Using the lens formula, [2015] [9M ‘The image formed by a spherical mirror is real, inverted and is of magnification -2. If the imago ie al a distance of 30 om frem the miror, where is the object placed? Find the focal length of the mirror, List two characteristics of the image formed ifthe object is moved 19 cm towards the mir. (2016) ..13m) “Alone can form a megniied erect image 2s wel ‘as magnified inverted image of an cbject placed lh front of if, State the nature of this lens and raw ray diagrams to justly the above siatement Mark the positions of ©, F and 2F in the siagram, [2017] 19m Stato the laws of refraction of light. Explain the torm ‘absolute refractive of a medium’ and writs ‘an expression io relate it with the speed of ight jn vacuum. {2008} ...5m) (A) Dojine tho following terms in tho contoxt of a diverging micror [2023] ...20) 4) Principat focus (i). Focal tenat (Drew a labelled ray diagram to ilustrate your oR (8) An object of height 10 cm Is placed 25 em away irom the optical centre of a converging len of focal length 15 om. Calculate the JImage-distance and height of the image formed The power of a lens is +4 D. Find the focal length of this lens. An object is placed at a distance of 50 cm from the optical centre of this lens, State the nature and magnification of the image formed by the lens and eleo draw o ray diagram to justfy your answer. [2023] ..[34] Cheptraise Prevous Yee’ Questions (ess) 69, The ability of a medium to refract light is expressed in terms of its optical density. Opteal density has a dafrite connotation. It rot the same as mass density. On comparing two media, the one with the large relractve indo is cplcallydoncor modum than the oer. The other medium with a lower rofactive index ie optically rarer. Aieo the speed of light through a given imei is invoreely proportional io is optical density (2023) ./4M] (i) Determine the speed of light in diamond it tne refractive index of clamond with respect to vacuum is 242. Speed of light in vacuum is. 3» 108 mis (ii) Refractive indices of glass, water and carbon disulphide are 1.5, 1.39 and 1.62 respectively. If ray of light is Incident in these media et the sare angle (eay 0, then wile the increasing over of the angie of refradion in these media (il) (A) The speed of ight in glass is 2 * 10" mis and in water is. 2.25 % 1 ris {@) Which one of the two is optically denser ard why? (©) Aray offightie incident nora at ‘the watar-glass interface wen it onters a thick glass eontsiner filed wit water, What wil happen to the path of the ray after entering tho ‘1366? Give roaton. on (il) (B) Tho absolute refractive indices of water ‘and goss are 4/3 and 3/2 roepoctivaly. If tho speed of light in glase is 2 « 10° ‘mls, fd tho eooed ef ight in () vacuum nd (i) air 10. (@) Draw ray diagram to show the fomation of image of an object placed detwaen svinity and the optical cant of @ concave lens. {B) A concave lons af focal length 15 em forme an image 10 om from the lens. Celeulate (0 The diane ofthe obext fm the lens. (]) The magnification forth image formed. (i) The naire ofthe image formed Feoeg) san) Corporate Office : Aakash Tower 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi 10005, PhO1T-47625456 (Chapter wise Previous Years Questons (Class x) nm 7, 8 List the sign conventions for raflaction of light by sphetical mirrors. Draw a diagram and apply these conventions in the determination of focal length of a spherical miror which forms a tree times magnified real image of an object placed 16 cm in front of it [2012] (5M) {@) Explain the following terms related to ‘spherical lenses (2014) (SM) {i} Optical contro (i) Centes of curvature (ii) Principal axis (W) Aperture (Principal focus (9) Focal fengtn A converging lens has focel length of 12cm. Caleulato at whet distance the object ‘should be placad from the lene eo thal it forme an image at 48 cm on the other side of he lens? @) What is meant by power ofa lens? Define its St unit. You have two lenses A and 8 of focal lengths +10 em and ~10 om, respectively. State ‘the nature and power of each lens. Which of the ‘two lenses will form a virtual and magnified image of an object piaced 8 om from the lone? Draw a ray diagram to jusify your answer, 12015, 2018) ...500 One half af a convex lens of focal length 10 em is covered with a black paper. Can such a lens produce an image of 2 complete objact placed at a distance of 50 cm from the lens? Draw a ray diagram to justify your answer. A 4 cm ‘al ‘object is placed perpencicular to its principal axis of a convex lens of focal length 20 em, The distance of the object from the lens is 19 cm. Find the nature, position and the size of the image. 2015] ..[5m) It is desired to obtain an erect image of an ‘object, using concave micror of focal length of 12m. (What should be the range af distance of an ‘object ploced in front of the miro? (i) Wil the image be smaller or larger than the object? Draw ray diagram to show the {ofmation of image in this case. 76. 7. 78, Stiense 9 (ii) Where will the image of this object be, if i 's placed 24 cm in font of the mitror? Draw ray diagram for this situation also justly your answer ‘Show the postions of pole. principal focus and the centre of curvature nthe above ray diagrams, (2076) ..£5m) (a) Define fooal longih of a divergent lone. (b) A divergent lens of focal length 39 cin fors the image of an object of size © an on the: same side es the object ata distance of 15 cm from its optical center. Use lens formula to determine the distance of the object from the lens and the $e of the image formed. (6) Draw a ray diagram to show the formation of image in the above situation. (2046) ..15M] Analyse the folowing observaton table showing variation of image distance (v) with object distance (u) in case of convex lens and answer the questione that fellow without doing any caleiations: ‘Object Distance image Deane St. No, | Ou fen) vem) 1 =100 +25 2 0 430 2 40 340 4 30 +00 5 25 +100 6 15 +120 (@) What is the focal lenath of the convex lens? Give reason to jusily your answer. (b) Write the seria! number of tho obsorvation hich ig not correct, On what basis have you arrived al this conclusion? (0) Select an appropriate scale and drew a ray ‘lagram forthe observation at S. No 2. Also {nd the apptoxirate value of magnifcation. 2017) 15MM) {@) If the image formed by 2 mitror for all postion of the abjact placed in trent of i ie slvays diminished, erect and virtual. Stato the type of the mirror and aleo draw a rey diagram to justty your answer. Write one so of euch mitrore are put to and why. (b) Detine the radius of curvature of spherical mirrors, Find the nature and ‘ocal lenath of 2 spherical mirror whose radius of curvature Is #24 cm, (2017) ...5Mm Corporate Office Aakash Towe 8, Puss Road, New Dali+1 10008, PhO1-47629486 10 Scene 79. An objects placed ata datance of 6 cm for 4 concave tans of focal length 30 em, (2019) 15a) fa) Use lens formula to find the distance of the ‘mage tom me tens (0) List four characteris of the image (nature, potion, size, rectinvered) formed by tho fone in thi case. (©) Draw ray part (b). 20. Drawa ray diagram in each ofthe flowing cates ‘p show the formation of image, when the object is placed: (2020) ..{5M) iggram to lustify your answer of 23 Human Eye 1. Why does sky look blue on a clear day? {2009} ..(1M} 2. Inthe fotoning dagrar, the path of a ray of light passing through a class prism is shown: (2014) ..(9m In is dagram the ange of ircdence, he angle of emeigence and the angle of deviation respectively are (select the correct option): fa) X Rand T ©) ¥, Qand T (ce) X Qand P @) ¥. Qand P 3, Study the following oiagrams in which the path of a ray of light passing Dough a dss prism as traced by four students P,Q, R end Sis shown (2014) .(49]) AS PX ES AS Chapin wise Previous Year! Questions \Glss-X) @ Between optical centre and principal focus ‘ofacomex iens. @Anywnere in front of @ concave fens. (i), AL2F of a convex lens State the sigrs end valuse of megnifiations in the above mentioned cases (i) and (i. {An object 4.0 om in sizo, is ploced 25.0 em in front ofa cancave miror of focal length 780 em, (At what distance from the mitror should a ‘soreon be placed in order to obtain a sharp ‘mage? Find the size ofthe image (i) Draw a ray diagram to show tho fermation cfimage in this case. f2020) [SM] 1d Colourful World ‘The student who has traced the path correctly is (a P a oR os Inthe folowing ray diagram the correcty masked angles ere: (2016) (1m) (e) Zand Ze (© 4 eand 2D (&) ZAand 2D (@) 2 Rand 20 5. Study the folowing ray clagram: In this diagram, the anale of incidence. the angie of emergence and the angle of deviation respectively have been represented by [or 1m (@ yer (b) x 9.2 () aye @ pzy Corporate Office : Aakash Tower 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi 10005, PhO1T-47625456 \Ghapter wise Prevcus Years Questons (Class) 6 A student very cautiously traces the path of @ ray through a gjass slab for diferent values of the angle of incidence (27, He then measures the corresponding values of the angle of refraction (cr) and the angle of emergence (e) fer every value of the angle of incidence, On snaiysing these measurement of angles, his conclusion ‘would be (2017) ...9M) @) Ziv uno Ze) eo ©) dicureve @) Azvece 7. Which of the ellowing statements is nat inue for scattering of ight? (2024) (0M) {@) Colour of the scattered light depends on the ‘se of paricles of the atmosphere (&) Red light is least scattered in the amesphere, (©) Scattering of light takes place 9s various colours of white light travel with difierent ‘speed in ai (@) The fine particles in the aimospheric air ‘scatter the bive light more strongly than red. So the scattered blu light enlore our eyes 8, lathe diagram given below, x end y ere the end ‘colcurs of the spectrum of white ight. The colour of ' represonts tho [2024] (1M) y ‘While ight (@) Colour of sky as seen fiom earth during the ay (©) Colour of the shy as seen trom the moon (©) Colour used to paint the danger signals (@) Colour of sun at the time of noon 8. In the figure given below a narrow beam of white light fs showin to pass tough a triangular glass prism. After passing through the prism it produces 1 spectrum XY on # screen. (2010) 2M) ly x {@) Sate tho colour soon ai Xand ¥. (©) Why do diferent colours of white light bond through different angles with respect fe the incident beam cf light? Suience 11 10, Draw 2 diagram to show dispersion of white light by a glass prism. What is the cause of this dispersion? (017) .2m1) 11. When we place a glass prism in the path of a narrow beam of white light, a spectrum is obtained What happens when a second identical prism is placed in an inverted position with respect to the fst prism? Draw a labelled rey diagram to ilustrate it (2012) (20) 12, Deine the torm power of accommodaton. Write the modification in the curvature of the eye lens which enables us to see the nearpy objects leary, (201) ...2N) 18. (A) Observe the following diagram and answer the questions folowing it: (2023) (289) Uhre evens Keeyebat (0. entity the defect of vision shown, @ Uist ts two causes (ii) Name the type of lens used for the. comecton of tis detect oR (B) The colour of clear sky from the earth appears blue bu from the space appears black, Why? 14. What is hypermetronia? State the two causas of hypermetteoi. With the Nelp of ray alagrams, show () Tho oye-efoct hypormatronin (il) Cortection of hypermetropia by using a lens (200s) ..3m) 18. At what dstance shoud an object be placed frm a convex jens of foal length 18 om fo obtan an image at 24 om frm icon the other Se. What val be magnification produced in tis case? (2010) ...{9M) 16. (a) What is meant by the power of accammo- cation of an eye? (0) A parson with a myopic eye cannot see cbjcts boyond +2 m drool. Wha! should be tho type of the corrective lone vised? What wouls te is power? 12071) .{3M) Corporate Office Aakash Towe 8, Puss Road, New Dali+1 10008, PhO1-47629486 12 scence 47 A narrow beam PQ of white light Is passing through a glass prism ABC as shown in the sdiggram, 12014) (3M) a ce Trace it on your answer sheet and show the path of the emergent beam 2s observed on the screen DE. () Write the name and cause of the phenomenon ebserved, i) Where elee in nature is this phenomenon cbsorved? i Based on this cbsorvation, siete tho conclusion which ean be drawn bout the ‘constituents of wnite lant, 18 Write the importance of citary muscles in the human eye. Name the defect of vison that arises due to gradual weakening of the oliary muscles. What types of lenses are required by the person suffering from this defect to see the objects sleet? ‘Aksnay, siting inthe last row in his class, could not see clearly the words written on the blackboard. When the teacher noticed it, he announced i any student sitting in the front row: could volunteer to exchange his seat with Akshay. Salman immediately agreed to exchange hie seat with Akshay. He could now see the words writen on the blackboard clea. The teacher thought it fl to send the message to Akshay's parents advising ther to get his eyesight checked. In the contoxt of the above event answer the following questions: {@) Which defect of vision is Akshay suffering fom? Vinich type of lens Is used to correct this defect? (©) State the values cispleyed by the teacher ‘and Salman, (6) In your opinion, in what way can Akshay ‘oxpross his gratitude towards the toacher and Salman? [2015] (3M 19. Describe an acivity to show that colours of white light splitted by a glass prism can be revombined to get white Fchi by another identical glass prism. Alse draw ray diagram to show the recombination of the specirum of white light 12076) (3M) 20 a 2, 2, 24, 26. 26, 2, CChaptr-vise Previous Year’ Questions (Gess-K) What is “oispersion of white light"? Draw a labelled dagram to illustrate the recombination of the specttum of white light Why it is essential thatthe two prisms used for the purpose shoud be identical and placed in an inverted position with respect to each other? (2017) ..{3M) Trace the sequence of events which occur when 1 bright light is focussed on your ayes. 2019} ...9m) What is a rainbow? Draw a labelled diagram to show the formation of a rainbow, (2019) [3M] Why is Tyndall effect shown by colloidal Particles? State four instances of observing the Tyrdal fect. [2020}...9N) Ditferentate between @ glass slab and a glass prism. YWhat happens wen @ narrow beam oF 0) 2 monochromatic light, and (ji) white light passes through (a) glass slab and (b) glass prism? ([2020)...2) (a) Give reasons for the folowing (0. Colour of the clear sky is blue (®) We cannot see an object clearly if iis placed very close to the eyes. (b) What ie Precbyopia? Write two causes of this defect [oca} fan) (e) What is meant by dispersion of white light? Desctibe the formation of rainbow in the sky vith the help of a diagram. (b) What is hypermetropia? Drow ray diagrams to show the image formation of an abject by (). Hypormotropic eyo. (®) Comection made wih a suliable fens for hhypermetiopic eye. [2008] [SM] (@) A student suffering (rom myopia is not able to see distinelly the object placed beyond 6 m List two possible roacons due to which this defect of vision may have arisen. With ‘the help of ray diagrams explain () Why the etudent is unable to cee distinctly the objects placed beyend 5 m rom his eyes, (i) The type of the corrective lens used to resiore proper vision and how this detect 's corrected by the use of ths lens. (b) In this case, the numerical value of the {focel length of the corrective lens is 5m Find the power of the jens as per the new ertesian sign convention. [2017] .{58] Corporate Office : Aakash Tower 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi 10005, PhO1T-47625456 ‘Chapter wise Prevcus Years Questons (Class x) Stiense 13, 28. A etudent fe unable to sae clatly the worde | 20, We tho function ofeach of he fallowing pats wit onthe blackboard placed ala sstance of of hun oye: approximately 3m fom hin. Name the defect of i tins wate vision ofthe boy is suffering from. State the Doel cases othe efector sip fe (i) Crpstaine lens) Clery muscles mothe of eorecting i 12018 (9M) [2018] [2M] 3: Electricity Out of 60 W and 40 Vamos, which one nas a | 9. The values of current (2) own through a given higher eect ressance wnen in use? resi of resistance (R), for Ue coresponding alues of potontal diffrence (V) across the Boone] -11M4, resistor are as given below What isthe function of @ gelvanometer in a Se = circuit? eine wou; [os [so[ 0 [oe [oa At the time of short circuit, the electric current a 7 oa =e eas ack = 5: hinank ag a raph between current (/) and potential (020) (0M) dference (V) end determine tre resatance (R) of (@) vary continuously the resistor. (2018) ...[2M) (©) does not change 10. While studying the dependence of potential (6) reduces eubstantaly aferenco (V1 across a resistor onthe cue () pasing trough fn ordet fo determine the (2 increases heavily sistance of the resistor, a student took § “wo bulbs of 100 W and 40 W are connected in readings fr citeren values of current and pote series, Te curert nrougn the 100 W bu is 1 2 gain beween V end | He gol a suaght Ine AvThe caren through the 40 W bub wil be graph paca rough he eran. Wht den ho Straight line signiy? Witte the mothod of (ozo (10a) determining resistance of the resistor using this (a) O44 b) O6A graph, (2019) ...f2M) (08 eta 1. What would you suggest fo @ student if while performing an expenment he finds thal the WG TES hued ey O88 var: cones, pointer! neede of the ammeter and voltmeter do in series he current tyough 12 W bub is 003 ins oeoie cf an ei A the current through 6 W bulb will be et aie setae tien clreult ie open? No extra. ammeter! (2023.1 Volireter is avalabe inthe laboratory. 6) 008 6) 008. {2079} .f2M) 12, Two lamps, one reted 60.W at 220 V and the ©) 9008 @ 0120 othr 40'N at 220 V, ar connoctd in paral “Te resistance ofa resistor is reduced to half of to hie etectic supply at 220 V. (2008) [2M] is inital value. If otter parameters of the (@) Drew a cireuit diagram to show the electcal cei remain unakered, the amount of connectors heat produced in the resister will become. (b) Celeuate the current drawn from the electric {2023} 11M] suppl. c) Cleat the total energy consumad by the (a) Four times: (©) Two times 9 "ay twolarps lopeter wen they operate fone (e) Halt (@) One fourth nee nope Wy ar the coll of elect toasts made ofan | 19. Two resistor, wth resistances 6 @ and 10 @ alloy rather han a pre mal? respectively eto be connerted to a batery of (2009). om 6 V sos to oblan ‘@) How wil you connec he resistences in each {Aplece of wie of resistance 20.9 drawn out tee se tha its long i nereased 0 wee Is lua aretha. dre! rah ae te ressinee o te Peer an as ‘wre inthe now situation (©) Caleulte the strength ofthe tte current in [2003} ...[2M] ‘the circult in the two cases. [2009] ...[3M]_ Corporate Office Aakash Towe 8, Puss Road, New Dali+1 10008, PhO1-47629486 14 Science 4 5, 16 7 18, 9 a (@) Wie Joules taw of heating (©) Two lamps, one rated 100 W ; 220 V, and the othor 60 W¥; 220 Y, are conrectod in parallal fo electric mains supply. Find the Ccurrertcrawn by two bulbs from the tne. the supply votoge is 220 V. 2018) ..[3M] {@) List th factors on which the resistance of a Conductor nthe shape of a wire depends. ©) Why are metals good conductors of electricity whereas glans is @ bed conductor of elacticty? Gi reason (©) Winy are aloys commonly used in eteotcal heating devices? Gve reeson. (2048}..(9M] Show how would you jin tree resistors, each of fesistance 9 0 so that the equivalent resistance of the combination is [2016].{9M] @ 30 i) 62 {@) State the relation correlating the elacris Coren owing in a conductor and the vokoge ‘applied across i Also draw graph fo show this relationship (©) Find the resistance of a conductor if me electic current lowing through its 0.95 A when the potontal difference across it is 1a. {2020} (2M) Write the mathematical expression for Joule’ law of heating. Compute the heat generated while transfering $6000 coulom of charge in two hours through a potential ference of 40 V. {2020} (2M) (2) Sate Ohms Law. Represent it mathematically. (©) Define + otm. {€] What io the resistance of @ conductor through which 2 eurrent ef 0.5 & tows when a potential difference of 2 \ is applied ‘across ts ends? 2022] (9M) List the factors on which tha resistance of a Uniform cylindrical conductor of @ given material depen (0) The resisince of a wire of 1.01 om radius is 40.0. If the resistivity of the wire is 50 * 10° m, find the length ofthis wee. [e022] iat is the meaning of electri power of an electrical device? Wii is SI unt. ‘An electic Kelle of 2 KW is used for 2h, Caleulao the anergy consumed in (i) Kowa hour, and (i) joutes. {2022} ..90 Derive the expression for heheat aoduced de to a curtent’? ening fora time intervat hough 2 resistor having apotetial aterence V across it ends. With which name isthe elation krown? How much hoatwil enietrumertof 12 preduca in_one minute if it 'S connected to a battery of 12v? (2010).{9M) a ©) @ @) ) a 24 25. 6 Chapin wise Previous Year’ Questions (Gless-X) Explain wih the help ofa labelled crcut diagram how you wil find be resisiance of @ combination of threo resistor, of rosistanco R,, Re and Ri joined in paral. Also mantion how you will connect the ammeter and the voltmeter in the circuit whan measuring the current in tho creult ‘nd the potential diference across one of the three resistors ofthe combination, f2010) ..£5M] (@) With the help of @ suitable circuit diagram prove that the reciprocal of the equivalent resistance of a group of resistances joined Parallel is equal tothe sum cf the reciprocals, OF the incivieual resistances (b) In-an electric cicult two resistors of 12.2 each aie joined in peralll to @ 6 V battery. Find the current drawn from the batty 12079} (8M) An electric lamp of resistance 209 and & conductor of resistance 4 ate connected to a 8 V battery as snown in the cicut. Calculate (019) ..{5M) 4 ‘ -—+-O-«" 7 (a) The total resistance of the circuit, eeepc mon B taputa ofetecs snd the aba np an Meares eee (i) How is electric current related to the potential aes See ans wom anya wont to ator (ii), Why should an ammeter have low resistance? (i) Two V-I graphs A and B for series and ean cathe arin batons ee real oa, Oe creme imme : | ‘ 2023} ..{5m) Corporate Office : Aakash Tower 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi 10005, PhO1T-47625456 (Chapter wise Prevcus Years Questons (Class x) Suence 15 4: Magnetic Effects of Electric Current 4. Why is a series arrangement not used for connecting domestc electrical appliancas in a circuit? 12008} [1M 2 A-charged particle enters at right anglae into a uriforrs magnetic feld is shown, What should be the nature of charge on tha particle if it beains to move in a direction pointing vertically Out of the pege due to Its interaction with the magnetic feks? (2010) [1M Magnatic ‘eid (Charged Parice 2, What ie the function of a galvanometer in a circuit? [2019] ..(1M) 4, The correct pattern of magnetic fleld Ines of the feld produced by a current certying circular loop is: (2023) (1M) 6. An alpha particle enters a uniiorm magnetic field as shown. The diraction of force experienced by the alpha paricl (2023) (1M) [Magnet eto t vepatisle (@) Towards tight (6) Towards ltt (c) Into the page ) Out of the page 6. AA current carrying straight conductor experiences a force when placed perpendicular to the direction of magnetic fos [2023] [4M] R: The net charge on a current carrying conductor is always zero. (@) Both (A) ang {R) ore true and (R) ie the correct explanation of (A) (b) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) Is not the correct explanation of (8) (0) (A) is tue but (R) is fae (@) (Aj is false but (R) is tue 7. What is meant by the term, ‘magnetic field"? Why does a compass needle show deflection winen brouahi near a bar macne (2008) [2M] 8. (@) Name the poles P, O, R and $ of the ‘magnets in the fllowing figures ‘a! and Re (b) State the inference drawn about the directon of the magnetic field ines on the basis of these diegrams. (2022) ...2m) oR When is the force experienced by a current - carrying straight conductor placed in a unferm ‘magnet feid 2022} ..f2N) () Maxienur ; (i) Minimusn 2 9. _(@) Distinguish between the terms ‘overioading’ and ‘thertcitcuiting’ 2 used in damestic Grouits (b) Why are the coils of electric toasters made cof any alloy rather than 2 pure metal? (oe £30) Corporate Office Aakash Towe 8, Puss Road, New Dali+1 10008, PhO1-47629486 16 scence 0 1. (Why Is an altornating current (A.C) considered to be advantageous over dest current (D.C.) for the long distance \wansimssion of electric power? (i) How is the type of current used in housetoid supply afferent trom the one aiven ty 2 baltery of dry ces? (ii) How doce an oloctic {uso provent the lect circuit and the appiances fom a possible damage due to short crcuting or overoading. (2023) 19M oR (G) For the current carrying solenoid as shown, draw magnetic fel Ines and give reason to ‘explain that out oF the three points , 8 and ©, at which point the fioid sirongth is ‘maximum and at which point it i minimum? 5 Case Study Based Questions : [A student was asked to perform an experiment to study the force on a current carrying conductor in @ magnetic field. He took a sim! aluminium rod AB, a strong horse shoe magnet, some connecting wires, a battery and a switch and connected thom as shown. He cbsorved that fn passing currert, the rod gets displaced. On reversing the drection of current, the direction of displacement also gets ‘eversed. On the basis ff your understanding of this phenomenon, ansiver the folowing questions: [2022] ..[4M] (@) Why does the rod get eisplaced on passing ‘current through it? (b) State the rule that determines the direction Of the force on the conductor AB. 12, 13 14, 15, 1 CChaptor-vise Previous Years’ Questions (Gess-X) (@) (). Ifthe U shaped magnet is held vertically and the aluminium rod is suspended horizontaly with ls end 8 towards due roth, then on passing current through the rod from B to A as shown, in vtich direction will the rod be displaced? (i) Name any two devicas that use current carying conductere and magnetic fclé oR Draw the pattern of magnetic Feld lines produced arcund a current carrying straight conductor held verically on a horizontal cardboard. Indicate the direction of the field ines as well as the rection of current flowing through the conductor (2) What Is @ magnetic fleld? How can the irecton of magnetic fed Ines at place be etermined? (b) State the rule for the direction of the magnetic field produced around a current carrying conductor. Draw sketch of the paatom of field nes due to 9 current flowing ‘through a straight conductor [2009 ..{SN] (2) What ie 2 solenoid? Draw a sketch of the pattem of field lines of the magnetic field through and around a current carrying soenwid (b) Consider a circular oop of wre lying in the plane of ihe table. Let the current pass through the loop clockwise, Apply the right hand rule to find cut the direction of the ‘magnotic fold inside and outside the loop. [2009, 2010} ..{SN1] Stale Fleming's lefthand rule. (2018) ..[1N] What is a solenoid? Draw ihe pattern of magnetic field lines of (2019) [5M] (i) A current carying solenoid and (i) A bar meanet List two d'sunguishing features between the two fields, (2) What is an electromagnet? List any two (b) Draw 2 labelled clgoram to show now an electromagnet is mde, (©) State the purpose of sof iron core used in making an elecrromagne'. (@) Usttwo ways of increasing the strength ot an electromagnet if the material of the electromagnet i fixed, 2020) £58) Corporate Office : Aakash Tower 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi 10005, PhO1T-47625456 Balance the foloning chemical equation Fos) + H,Ol) > Fe,0,5) + H,(a) (2008}...1™) Why Is respiration considered an exothermic process? (2008}...1%) Balance the folowing chemical equaton: Pb(NO, ),(s) "= 4Pd0is)+NO,(a)+0.(0) (2009)...[1M] Name a reducing agent thal may be used to ‘obtain manganese fom manganese cioxde (2005)..10 What change in the colour of iron nails and copper sulphate solution you observe after keeping the iron nas cipped in copper sulphate solution for abeut 30 minutes? [2010)..{1M} lin 2 double displacomont roaction such 2s tho reaction batween sodium sulphate solution and barium chiorde solution (A) exchange of atome takes place (©) exchange of ions takes place (© a precipitate is produced (©) aninsolibla sak is produced The correct option is (2020)..(1™) (@) (B)and (0) ©) (A)and (c) (©) Ony @) (@) (8). (C) and (0) [A studert took sodium sulphate coluion ina test tube and acdiea barium chiorde solution to it. He ‘observed that an insoluble substance has formed. “The colour and molecular formuia of the insoluble substance is (2027)..1M] (@) Grey, 83,80, (b) Yellow, Ba(S0,), (c) White 8280, (4) Pink BaSO, Sodium reacts with water to form sodium hydroxide and hydragen gas. The balanced equation vitich represents the above reaction is (ao24)..(1M {@) Nols) + 24,00) -» 2NaoHieq) + 2H,(9) ©) 2Nats) + 2H,0(9 + 2NaoHan) + (0) (¢) 2Na(s) + 2H,0() + NaOHiaq) + 2H,(0) (d) 2Nais) + H,0(1) -» 2NaOHiaq) + 2H.(e) 10. 1" 12, CHEMISTRY Chemical Reactions and Equations Cy The above reaction is a/an {04(00) + 60,fa9) ~» 6CO,fan) + 6H,O(0 (2024).(18] (a) displacement reaction (b) endothermic reaction (e) exothermic reaction (d) neutralisation reaction Which of the following statements about the reaction given below are correct? MnO, + AHO! + Maoh, + 2H,0 + cl, (i) Heli oxisized to Cl, (i) MoO, is reduced to Mac, (i) Mnol, acts as an oxidizing agent (i) HO acts as an oxidizing agent (024)...16) (©) Gand ivy C,H) and (2) () 2nd fy only) @) and (only Its important to balance the cherrical equations 10 satisfy the law of conservation of mass. Which of the folowing statements ofthe lew is incomect? (2024)...98) (a) The total mass of the elenenis present in the reactants is equal to the total mass of ‘the elomonts presents in the products () The number of atoms of each element remains the same, before and after a chemical reaction, (6) The chemical compostion ofthe reactants is te same before and after the reaction, (@) Macs can noithor be created nor can it bo dostroyed in a chemical reaction Which one of the following reactions is categorised as thermal decomposition reaction’? (024). (10) (2) 24,00) > 24/9) + 0,9) (b) 2Ag8H(s) + 2Agis) + Bra) (6) 2Agdis) > 2Agis| + OL/9) (6) CaCO js) +» Ca0(6) + C06) Corporate Office Aakash Towe 8, Puss Road, New Dali+1 10008, PhO1-47629486 18 scence 43, Assertion (A) : Burning of natural gas is an ‘ondothermic process, Reason (R) : Methane gas combines with ‘oxygen to produce carbon cioxida and water (2021)..(1) {@) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R} is tho ‘correct oxplenation of (A) (b) Both (A) and (R) are true but (Ris not the correct explanation of (A). (©) (A)is true, but (R) Is false. ) (Aji felee, but (R) is tuo. 14, When aqueous solutions of potassium iodide and lead nitrate are mixed, an insoluble substance separates out. The chemical equation {fo the reaction invoWved is (2023)..1™] @) KI + PNO, + Pol + KNO, () 2KI + Pb(NO,), > Pal, + 2KNO, (©) KI + PbINO,), -» Pol + KNO, (@) KI + PbNO, + Pol, + KNO,, 15. A metal ribbon’ burns in oxygen with a dazzling white fave forring @ white ash ‘7. The cortec! description of X, ¥ and the type of reaction is (202...1] (@) X=Ca;¥=Ca0; Type of reaction Decomposition (&) X= Mg: ¥=MgO: Type of reaction = Corbnaton (©) X=ALY=AL0; Type of reaction ‘Thema decomposition (@) X=2m Y= 2n0; Type of reaction Endothermic 46 A: Reaction of Quicklime with water is an exathermic reaction (2023).(1§) R: Guleklime reacts vigorously with water releasing a large amount of heat Both (A) end (R) are true and (R) is the correct explenation cf (A) Both (A) and (R) ave true but (R) is not the ‘correct explanation of (A) (©) (A)is true but (R} is false @) (A)is felse but (R) is true @) o) 17 16 20. 24 2. CChaptr-vise Previous Year’ Questions (Gless-X) Give an example of a decomposition reaction Doscribe an actvty to ilusirate such a reaction by heating [2008}...20) (What ts te colour of ferrous sulphate ayslals? How does this colour change after eaung? (i) Name the products formed on strongly hosting forous sulphate crystals. What typo of chemicel reaction occurs in tis change? (2009)..120) What happen when an aqueous solution of sodium sulphate reacts with an aqueous eoluion of barium chloride? State the physical conditions of reactants fn which the reaction between them will not take place. Write the balanced chemical equation for the reactian and name the type of reaction (20to}...2M) 'No chemical reaction takes piace when granules of a solid, A, are miked with the powder of another sold, 8. However, when the moxiure heated, a reaction takes place between its Components. One of the products, C. is a metal and settles down in the mofen state while the other product. 0 floats over it It was observed thal the reaction is hight exotneric. (i) Based on the given information make an assumption about A and B and write a chemical equation for the chemical reaction Inicating the condtions of reection, physical sate of reactants and products end thermal status of reaction. (i) Mention any two types of reaction under Which above chemical reaction can be cassie. 2010} .130 Decerposiion reactions require energy eer the form of heet or ght or electric for breaking down te reacanis. Mite one equation each fr decomposton ceactons where energy is supped in the form of heel ight and eect, (20te).f2m 2.90 siver tire taken in a china dish and the china ish is placed in sunlight for sometine. ‘Nhat wil be your observation In ths case? Witte be chemical reacton invotved inthe form ofa betanced chemical equation. dently the type of chemical reaction. [2019]...[3M] Corporate Office : Aakash Tower 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi 10005, PhO1T-47625456 (Ghapter wise Preveus Years Questons (Class) 173. Identity the type of raactions taking place in each of the following cases and write the balanced chemical equation for the reactons, (). Zine reacts with sine nérate to produce zine nitrate and siver. (i) Potassium locide reacts with lead nitrate to produce potassium ritate ard lead iodide (e201g)...9M) Stience 19) 24. (i) While elecirolysing water before passing the current some drops of an acid are added. ‘Why? Name the gases liberated al cathade ‘and anode, Wite the refationship between the volume of gas collected st anode and the volume of gas collected at cathode. (What is observed when siver chloride is exposed to sunlight? Give the type of reaction involved, ([2023)...2] 2: Acids, Bases and Salts 4. How does the flow of acid rain water into a river make the survival of aquatic life in the river ditieut? 2008} (18) 2. Froth milk has a pH of 6. Whon it changes into curd (yogurt), will is pH value increase or decrease? Why? {2009} (1M) 3. Which ofthe following obsorvations is truo about dilute solution of seatic acic? (2012) ..[1M] {@) Itsmets tke vinegar and tums red ius bie (©) Itsmels tke onion and tums blue ltrs be (c) Itsmols tke orange and turns red ltrs blue (@) Itemells tke vinegar and tums blue Himus red 4, A Student adds 4 mi of acetic to a test tude containing 4 mi of distlled water. He then shakes the test tube ond loaves it to cottle. ARor about 40 minutos he observes: [2012] (1M (@) Alayer of water over the layer of acetic acld (©) A layer of acaic acd over the layer of water (©) A precipitate soting at the bottom of the test tube @) A cleer colourlose olution 5. A student prepared 20% sodium hydroxide solution in a beaker containing water. The ‘observations nated by him ere given below. (2013) (1m) (). Sodtum rydroxide is in the form of potets (i) It eiseolves in wator roadly {i The beaker appears old when touched from outside. (V) Red Itmus paper turns blue when dipped inte the solution, The correct observations are: @) (0,(U),ard (lh), (tl) and av) (©) (WV) end (G4) (0, (and (vy 6. _Inan experiment o study tho proportos of sootc acid, 2 student tekes about 2 ml of acetic 20d ina dry test tubs. He adds about 2 mi of water {0 K and shakes the test tube well He Is skely to observe that: 2013} cM) (@) The acote ecid dissolves readily in watr. (©) Tho colton becomes Fght orange. (0) Watorfoats ever the surtace of acotic acid (0) Acetic aca Hoats aver the surtace of wate 7. The chemical formula for plaster of Pais (e020) 1) (a) CaS0,:2H,0 (b) CaSO, H,0 (9 ©2804 80 zeas0, HO 8. Baking soda is a mixture of (2020) ...[1M] (e) Sodium carbonate and acetic acid () Sodium carbonate and tartare acid (¢) Sodium hydrogen carbonate and trtarc acd (@ Sccium hycrogen carbonate and acete aot 9. Which of the following exide(s) isfere soluble in water fo form alkalios? [e024] (16) @ Neo Ww 80, ) K,0 (hy No, (@ ana (w) © (only (© (andi) O ) only Corporate Office Aakash Towe 8, Puss Road, New Dali+1 10008, PhO1-47629486 20 suence 10. Study the diagram given below and Wentiy the CChaptor-vise Previous Year’ Questions (Gless-X) 14, Consider the pH value of the following acidic oes forre inthe reacon samples SNo\| Semple | pHivaive ite | bemonuice | 22 supa ai ° Z| Gasticjune | 12 Zzneraules ¢ | vinegar | 278 7] Bi,Aeets | 30 aca ieoat) 1m Te ceeasng oer other Hn convertratons (@) Corban dioxide which exinguishes the buming card fanaa) 1m) {0} Oxygen due to which the cande burns more Wee Tes Beets see brant, (@2>194>3 @3r4r204 (©) Suphurdoxide which produces a euosaing | 45, Sudy the experimental set up shown in given sel figure and choose the corect option fam the @) Hytrogen which while buring produces a talowing popping sone 11 Wnien of he options in te given table ate correct? ‘Option | Naturat | Aca resent Sows L \y, T__| orange | Oraieacd | RS | Sa rik Tac i ae ae ct, Ga artsing —[ Neth a 5 = yy | tanared —[ Aosteace e021 e024) 1m] @) wane) ©) Gara w) © wand) & ans |e (ame 12 Select tom the folowing Stement wach ste ee fv besee, te0at 1 aun {Bases ae biter ard tum bie lus fe. frye (>) Bases have ap less tnan 7 solution (©) Bases ae sour ard cnarge red must blue co, [creas [No change (6) Bases tuen pink when a drop of ©) |KHCO, | €0, gar | No change preroipinai i adcea to ‘hem : a 13, Study te folowing abe and choose ihe corect © pero repes_[ Tome ma Dae © |Kc0, [60,35 [Ture miky sat prant —] paron rare [ees” | be | Sse 16, Which ofthe folowing sas do not have the [Bota fra Psa [Boos wale of erysalicaton? poet] Ny eres 6) Beachng Powder [ote Prices [son [ nowal ip Plaiecl Pale 1 [setin [rise, [wean | aiae (i) Washing soa spi (h) Baking soda «]sotan [eroos] tar | Base oO hae bina (roan) (1m ©) Wand (@ andy) Corporate Office : Aakash Tower 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi 10005, PhO1T-47625456 (Chagterase Previous Years Questons (lass) 17. Assertion (A) : Sodium hydrogen carbonate is used as an ingredient in antacids. Reason (R) : NaHCO, is a mild non-corrosive basic salt (2021) (1M) (@) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R} is the correct explanation ef (A). (©) Both (A) an (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation ef (A) (©) (Ayis true, but (R) is false (@) (A)|s false, but (R) is tue 48 50.0 mi of tap water was taken in a beaker Hyorochionc acid was added drop Dy drop to ‘water. The temperature and pH of the solution ‘was noted. The following graph was obtained. Choose the correct statements related to this activity. Tom otume of Hel ade (nl) (Tho process of dissolving an acid in water is highly endothermic (i). The pH of the solution increases rapity on aiddtion of acid, i) The pH of the solution decreases rapidly on aiddion of acid (¥) The pH of tap water was around 7.0. (2024) 11m) (2) (and Gi) ©) (ane Gi) (©) (i) and (vy (@) (id-and fv) 19. When Sodium bicarbonate reacts with dilute hydrochloric acid, the gas evolved is 2023} (1M) (@) Hydrogen: it gives pop sound with burning ‘match stick (6) Hydrogen: it tun ime water milky. (©) Carbon dioxide; i tun lime water milky. ) Carbon doxide; it blows off burning match slick with @ pop sound, 0 a 22. 2, 24, 2 % Suience 21 (2023) (1M) (b) Acetic acid ‘eid present in tomato is (@) Methanoic acid (e) Lactic acie ‘Sodium nycroxide is tommed an alkal while Ferre hygroxide is not because (2023) ...1M) (a) Scdium hydronide is a stong base, while Ferric hydroxide is 2 waak base, (b) Sodium hydroxide is @ base which is soluble in water while Ferric hydroxide is also a bbaze but iis not soluble in water. (@) Oxaiie acid (6) Sodium hydroxide is a strong base while Fertc hyatoxide is @ strong acid (@) Sodium hydroxide and Ferric hydroxide both _ate strong bage but the eclubily of Sodium hydroxide in water is comparatively higher than that of Farris hydroxide The name of the salt used fo remove permanent hardness of water is [2023] [1M] (a) Sodium hydrogen carbonate (NaHCO) (b) Sodium etvorie (Nach) (c) Scdium carbonate decahydrate (Wa,CO x04 0) (@) Calcium sulphate heminydrate 1 (caso, 1,0) ( tho) Wirte the chemical fornula for washing coda, How may it be obtained from baking soda? ‘Name an incisal use of washing soda other than washing clots. [008] (20) ‘Acompound whieh is prepared from gypsum has the property of hardening when mixed with a proper quantity of water. Identity the compound, Wirte the cremical equaton for its preparation For what purpose Is itused In hospitals? F009} ..f2m) ue limus sotto is aclad to two fost tubes ‘and B containing size HOI and NaOH solsten respectively. In which test tube a colour change will be observed? State the colour change ard give its reason. (2019) ...f2M) What is observed when 2 mL of dilute hydrechiore acid is adced t0 1 9 of sodium carborate en in clean and dry test tube? \Wrke chemical equation forthe reaction Involved 2019) ..f2M) Corporate Office Aakash Towe 8, Puss Road, New Dali+1 10008, PhO1-47629486 22 suence 27. (A) A student took a small amount of copper ‘oxide in a conical flask and added dilute hydrochloric acid to it with constant string, He observed a change in colour of the solution. (2023) [2M (i) Write the name of the compound formes ang is colour (i) Wete a balanced chemical equation fer the reaction involved, oR (8) Tho Industrial process used for tho manufacture of caustic soda involves electrolysis of an aqueous solution of ‘compound °%. In this process. two gases "Y and ‘Z’ are liberated. ‘Y' Is liberated at ceatiode and ‘2’, which is liberated at anode, (on treatment with dry slaked lime forms a ‘compound 'B'. Namo X, Y; Z and B. 28. 2 iL of sodium hydroxide soluton fs added to a few pleces of granulated zinc metal taken In test tubo. When the contonts are warmed, a gas evolves which is bubbied through a soap solution before testing. Write the equation of the chemical reaction involved and the test to detect the gas. Name the gas which will be evoived ‘when the same metal reacts with diute solution of a strong acid [2018] (9M 28. 30, 31 42, CChaptor-vise Previous Year’ Questions (Gless-X) The pH of a gall uced to make tasty and eriepy pakoras is 14. Identfy the salt and write @ Chemical equation fer its formation. List ts two uses. (2019) ...9M] Identfy the acid and the base from which sodium chloride is obtained. Which type of salt is it? When is it called rock salt? How is rock salt formed? (2019) 9M) List the important products of the Chior-alkali process, Write one imporiant use of each. (2020) ...2m How is washing soda prepared from sodium caroonate? Give tts chemical equation. State the lype of his salt. Name the type of harcnass of water which can be removed by it 2020) ..£3m) (Suggest a sate procedure of aluthg a sitorg concentrated acid. (i) Name the salt formed when sulphuric acd is ‘added to sodium hydroxide and wnte ts pH. (il) Dry HCI gas does no: change the cotour of cry blue itrus paper. Way? {2023} ..£9M) 3: Metals and Non-metals 4, A clean aluminium fol! was placed in an aqueous solution of zine sulphate, When the aluminium fol was taken out ofthe zine sulphate solution after 15 minutes, its surface was found to be coaied with 2 sivery grey deposi. From the above observation itcan be conciuded that: (2011) [1M (@) Aluminium is more reactive than zine (6) Zinc is more reactive than aluminium (€) Zine and aluminium beth are equally reactive (@) Zinc and alumirium both are non-reactive 2. ron rails wero dipped in an aquecus solution of ‘copper sulphats. After about 30 minutes, t was ‘observed that the colour ofthe solution changed fom (2014) ...1M) (a) Coleriess to light green (6) Blue to light green (€) Blue to colourless (d) Groen to biuo 3 4 The colours of aqueous solsions of CuSO, and FeSO, as observed in the laboratory ere 2012} 01M) (@) Pale green and light blue respectively (b) Light blue and dark groon rospectivaly (¢) Dark blue and dark groon respectively () Derk blue and pale green respectively |A student prepared an aqueous solution of CuSO, in beaker X and an aqueous solution of FeSO, in beaker ¥. He then dropped some iron pleces in beaker X and some zinc pieces in beaker ¥. Aer about 10 hours, he ebsorved that tho solution in X and Y respectively appoars: (2012) ..[1M) (a) Blue and green (6) Colauriess and pale green (6) Colourless and light blue (¢) Graonish and colourless Corporate Office : Aakash Tower 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi 10005, PhO1T-47625456 (Chapter wise Prevcus Years Questons (Class) 5, The compound abtained on reaction of iron with steam ise (2020) 1M) fa) Fo,0, ©) FeO, © Feo @) Fo,0, and Fe,0, 6 An element 'X’ reacts with O, to give a compound with a high melting point. This compound is aiso soluble in water. The element "fe likely to bo : (2020) (1M) €@) in ©) Cacum (c} Carbon: (d) Silicon 7. Which one of the following structures correctly depicts the compound CaCl,? [2024] [1M] & The pair(s) which will shew displacement reaction isfore (NaC solution and copper metal (i) AgNO, solution and copper metal {i A,{80,), eolution and magnesium metal (¥) Zn80, solution and ron metal (2024) (4M) (@) (i) ony ©) Gi)ene iy (©) (i) and (iv) @) (and Gi) Case Study Based Questions (2.9 to @.12) : A student, took four matals P, G, R and S and carried out alfterent experments to stucy the properties of metals, Some of the observations were: + Allmetals could not be cut witn knife except metal R + Metal P combined with oxygen to form an oxide M,0, whicr reacted with both acids and bases + Reaction with water. P - Od not react ether with cald or hot valor but reacied with steam 10, "1 12, 18. 4 16 Suiene 23, (Q - Reacted with hot water and the metal slatted floating R - Reacted violently with cold water. 8 - Did not react with water at Based on the above observations answer the folowing questions: ul of the given metals, the one which needs to be stored using kerosene is [2021] [1M] @P wR fos ma Out ofthe given metals, the metal @ fs [2021] ..f1M] (a) tron (b) Zinc (o) Potassium (d) Magnesium Metal which forme amphoteric oxides is (2024) (1m) @r we fy R as ‘The increasing order ef the reactivity of the four metals is: (2021) ..[1M) @ Pcacrcs ) S

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