King James 1611

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SUNDAY SCHOOL # 022 August 26, 2001
Jude 1:3 …..that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.


TEXT : Psalm 119:140 Thy word is very pure: therefore thy servant loveth it.
Proverbs 30:5 Every word of God is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in
him. Proverbs 30:6 Add thou not unto his words, lest he reprove thee, and thou be found a liar.
Intro: Baptists people are Bible loving people. The Word of God or the Bible is so precious and
important to us because it is the SOLE BASIS of our FAITH, DOCTRINES, and PRACTICES. In these
modern times, with the advent of divers and corrupted translations and versions of the word of GOD, it is needful for
us to stand and hold firmly the true , uncorrupted word of GOD. But among these translations which is the preserved
word of GOD.


1. Living Bible - paraphrase 6. Revised Standard Version
2. American Standard 7. The Modern Language Version
3. The Amplified Bible 8. Today’s English Version
4. New American Standard 9. Moffat New Testament
5. The New International Version 10. The Jerusalem Bible many other translations.


(1) God's Word is settled forever. (Psa. 119:89) (2) Every word of God is pure. (Prov. 30:5,6; Psa. 19:7-11)
(3) The word of God shall stand forever. (Isa. 40:8) (4) Not one letter to pass away. (Matt. 5:17-18)
(5) The scripture cannot be broken. (John 10:35) (6) The word of God is incorruptible. (I Pet. 1:23-25)
(7) The words will not pass away. (Matt. 24:35; Luke 4:4; 16:17; 21:33)


1. Superior Manuscripts – The KJV used the Received Text as the foundations of their work, the complete Received
Text of the Bible is the Hebrew Masoretic Text of the OT and the Greek Textus Receptus of the NT.
2. Superior Translators- 47 devout Christians and greatest scholars of their days including puritans, Baptists and
Anglicans. These translators cannot be equaled in these modern days. One translator John Boys can read the Bible in
Hebrew and Greek at the age of 14.
3. Superior Doctrines – The KJV preserved the Doctrines of the LORD and CHRISTIAN FAITH uncorrupted.
4. Superior Words and Literature- The KJV uses the common but best English of all times: with of respect and honor
such as : Thou.. etc.
5. Superior Preservation and Usage. The KJV had been mightily used by God for nearly past 400 hundred years.
There was a time when people knew only one Bible and that is KJV. The KJV have been preserved by God .
6. . God has used the KJV to build the strongest and best Bible believing Baptist churches for over 300 years hundreds
and hundreds of Landmark Baptist churches, and I do not know even one of them that was built by preaching some
other version. Look at the largest Baptist churches in America, and you will find that they were all built under the
leadership of men who preached the KJV. Look at the best, and most conservative of Southern Baptist churches and
you will find that they were built under the preaching of the KJV.
7. God has used the KJV to bring all the great revivals among English speaking people for over 300 years. I do not
know of a single great revival, during this period, that came under the preaching of any other version. Of course I have
seen the false revivals that have come under such men as Billy Graham, as he sometimes preached from other versions.
A careful study might well reveal that the downfall of Graham came about when he began to recommend the Revised
Standard Version and other corrupted Bibles.
8. God has used the KJV to challenge and call vast numbers of missionaries coring this time. No other period in church
history when as many missionaries have been called and sent as has taken place during the reign of the KJV. Even now,
there are thousands of missionaries who were challenged and called under the preaching of the KJV. At home and
abroad, they are faithfully trying to preach the word of God and establish churches. As the use of the KJV is
diminished, so will be the number of sound missionaries who are called.

9. God has used the KJV, because it exalts His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. All other versions tend to play down His
absolute deity. Whether we look at the Jehovah's Witnesses' corrupt New World Translation, or the RSV, ASV, NASV,
TEV, or NIV, we find that they all diminish in some way Christ's standing in the Godhead. Their mutilation of I Tim.
3:16 alone, should cause the Bible believer to completely reject them. There is a world of difference in the KJV's "God
was manifest in the flesh," and the NASV's "He who was revealed in the flesh. " The deletion of "Lord" and "Christ"
Blood. Virgin from so many places in the modern versions should be sufficient for every Bible believer to totally reject
them. There is no other English version that exalts the Lord Jesus Christ, as does the KJV.

10. God has used the KJV because it is His Word, which He has providentially watched over. Even though the KJV only
goes back to 1611, nevertheless it is based upon the text and versions which preceded it. These texts and manuscripts
are the ones that Bible believers have used down through the ages. It is a known fact that 85% to 95% of all ancient
manuscripts are in basic agreement with the KJV, but not with the modern versions.

Revelation 22:18-19

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