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Name: Mr.

Ram Saran Singh UHID: BP00131587

DOB: 12 Jun 1956
Gender: M
(67 years)
Cardiology Doctor: Dr Sushil Kumar Date: 01 Nov 2023

Department of Radiology -


Radiology Report

Color Doppler Study of Both Lower Limb (Venous):

Left common femoral vein and superficial femoral vein shows echogenic luminal content. On
compression view, lumen is not compressible. Distally thrombus is noted extending into proximal calf
deep veins---- suggestive of deep venous thrombosis.
On left side: A incompetent perforator is noted along GSV 13cm below knee joint.
Left GSV is prominent measuring upto 7mm in maximum diameter.
On left side small saphenous vein shows focal dilatation at intersaphenous collateral site.
Bilateral SPJ competent.
Bilateral SFJ competent. No obvious reflux noted on valsalva in standing position.
Right GSV is normal (maximum diameter ~ 4mm). On right side: a prominent perforator is noted along GSV
in lower medial tibial region 4cm above medial malleolus.
Right common femoral, superficial femoral, popliteal, anterior tibial, posterior tibial veins are normal in course,
calibre and compressibility with normal spectral wave form pattern.
Bilateral few prominent inguinal nodes.

Left side long segment deep venous thrombosis involving common femoral vein to calf veins.
Bilateral below knee incompetent perforator along GSV with collaterals (Lt>Rt)
Bilateral lower leg and medial ankle region subcutaneous edema (Lt>Rt).

------Please correlate clinically.

Dr. Shashank Shekhar

MD (Radio-Diagnosis)
(Consultant Radiologist)
Prepared By: GKS

Authorized by:
Dr Shashank Shekhar
Authorized On: 01 Nov 2023 12:49, Ordered On: 01 Nov 2023 12:29

Note: Hospital policy mandates the f ilms records to be maintained f or the period of 3 months only. Kindly collect the f ilms
bef ore this period.

Page No. 1 of 1
Printed By Ram Saran Singh on 27 May 2024 05:03 AM

Regd. Of f ice: Global Health Patliputra Private Limited. Password to access via QR code:5764 35
T el: +91 11 4 4 11 4 4 11 Fax: +91 11 24 33 14 33 24 X7 help-line: +91 82922 22333 Emergency: 1068

Email: inf CIN: U74 999DL2015PT C283932

Name: Mr. Ram Saran Singh UHID: BP00131587
DOB: 12 Jun 1956
Gender: M
(67 years)
Cardiology Doctor: Dr Sushil Kumar Date: 01 Nov 2023

Department of Radiology -


Radiology Report
Color Doppler Study of Both Lower Limb (Venous):
Left common femoral vein and superficial femoral vein shows echogenic luminal content. On
compression view, lumen is not compressible. Distally thrombus is noted extending into proximal calf
deep veins---- suggestive of deep venous thrombosis.
On left side: A incompetent perforator is noted along GSV 13cm below knee joint.
Left GSV is prominent measuring upto 7mm in maximum diameter.
On left side small saphenous vein shows focal dilatation at intersaphenous collateral site.
Bilateral SPJ competent.
Bilateral SFJ competent. No obvious reflux noted on valsalva in standing position.
Right GSV is normal (maximum diameter ~ 4mm). On right side: a prominent perforator is noted along GSV
in lower medial tibial region 4cm above medial malleolus.
Right common femoral, superficial femoral, popliteal, anterior tibial, posterior tibial veins are normal in course,
calibre and compressibility with normal spectral wave form pattern.
Bilateral few prominent inguinal nodes.

Left side long segment deep venous thrombosis involving common femoral vein to calf veins.
Bilateral below knee incompetent perforator along GSV with collaterals (Lt>Rt)
Bilateral lower leg and medial ankle region subcutaneous edema (Lt>Rt).

------Please correlate clinically.

Dr. Shashank Shekhar

MD (Radio-Diagnosis)
(Consultant Radiologist)
Prepared By: GKS

Authorized by:
Dr Shashank Shekhar
Authorized On: 01 Nov 2023 12:48, Ordered On: 01 Nov 2023 12:29

Note: Hospital policy mandates the f ilms records to be maintained f or the period of 3 months only. Kindly collect the f ilms
bef ore this period.

Page No. 1 of 1
Printed By Ram Saran Singh on 27 May 2024 05:03 AM

Regd. Of f ice: Global Health Patliputra Private Limited. Password to access via QR code:5764 35
T el: +91 11 4 4 11 4 4 11 Fax: +91 11 24 33 14 33 24 X7 help-line: +91 82922 22333 Emergency: 1068

Email: inf CIN: U74 999DL2015PT C283932

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