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XII – Chemistry MCQ Test

1. The synthesis of alkyl fluoride is best obtained from

a) Free radicals b) Swartz reaction
c) Sandmeyer reaction d) finkelstein reaction

2. In the reaction R – OH + HCl ZnCl2 RCl + H2O, What is the correct order
of reactivity of alcohol?
a) 1̊ < 2̊ < 3̊ b) 1̊ > 3̊ > 2̊ c) 1̊ >2̊ > 3̊ d) 3̊ > 1̊ >2̊

3. The conversion of an alkyl halide into an alkene by alcoholic KOH is

classified as
a) a substitution reaction b) an addition reaction
c) a dehydrohalogenations reaction d) a dehydration reaction

4. Racemisation occurs in
a) SN1 reaction b) Neither SN1 nor SN2 reaction
c) SN2 reaction d) SN2 reaction as well as SN1 reaction

5. Enantiomers differ only in

a) Boiling point b) rotation of polarized light
c) melting point d) solubility

6. Which of the following has highest boiling point

a) C2H5 – F b) C2H5 – Cl c) C2H5 – Br d) C2H5 – I
7. When a haloalkane with Beta hydrogen atom is heated with alcoholic
solution of KOH then,
a) Elimination of halogen atom from alpha carbon
b) Elimination of hydrogen atom from beta carbon
c) Alkene is formed as a product
d) All of these

8. IUPAC name of (CH3)3 C - Cl is

a) n – butyl chloride b) 3 – Chloro butane
c) 1 – butyl chloride d) 2 – Chloro – 2 methyl propane

9. Which of the following haloalkanes is optically active?

a) 1 – Butanol b) 1 – Propanol
c) 2 – Chlorobutane d) 4 – Hydroxybutanal

10. Tertiary alkyl halides are practically inert to substitution by SN 2 mechanism

because of
a) steric hindrance b) inductive effect
c) instability d) insolubility

11. Alkyl fluorides are synthesized by heating an alkyl chloride / bromide in

presence of
a) CaF2 b) PF3 c) Hg2F2 d) NaF

12. Alkyl halides are prepared from alcohols by treating with

a) HCl + ZnCl2 b) Red P + Br2
c) PCl5 d) All the above
13. What should be the correct IUPAC name for diethylbromo methane?
i) 1 – Bromo – 1, 1 diethylmethane ii) 3 – Bromopentane
iii) 1 – Bromo – 1 ethyl propane iv) 1 - Bromopentane

14. Which is the correct increasing order of boiling points of the following
1 - lodo butane, 1 – Bromobutane, 1 – Chloro butane, Butane
i) Butane < 1 – Chlorobutane < 1 Bromo butane < 1 – lodo butane
ii) 1 – lodo butane < 1 – Bromo butane < 1 – Chloro butane < Butane
iii) Butane < 1 – lodo butane < 1 – Bromo butane < 1 – Chloro butane
iv) Butane < 1 – Chloro butane < 1 – lodo butane < 1 – Bromo butane

15. Which reagent will you use for the following reactions?
i) Cl2 / UV light ii) NaCl + H2SO4
iii) Cl2 gas in dark iv) Cl2 gas in the presence of iron in dark

16. Ethylidene Chloride is a / an

i) vic – dihalides ii) gem – dihalides
iii) allylic halide iv) vinylic halides

17. Toluene reacts with a halogen in the presence of iron (III) Chloride giving
ortho and para halocompounds the reaction is
i) Electrophilic elimination reaction ii) Electrophilic substitution reaction
iii) Free radical addition reaction iv) Nucleophilic substitution reaction
18. Which of the following is an example of Vic – dihalides?
i) Dichloromethane ii) 1,2. Dichloroethane
iii) Ethylidene chloride iv) Allyl chloride

19. A primary alkyl halide would prefer to undergo

i) SN1 reaction ii) SN2 reaction
iii) α- Elimination iv) Racemisation

20. Which of the following are secondary bromides

a) (CH3)2 CH Br b) (CH3)3 C CH2Br
c) CH3CH(Br) CH2 CH3 d) (CH3)2 C Br CH2 CH3

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