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aN (OE-IV-Sem-8) Danica of Computer-Aided Heo ean Co { Part-1 | Role of Computers in Procers Contre! Elements of o Computer Aided Process Control System. er- = rol Questions-Answert | Answer Type and Mediums Answer Type Questions | (URAL) wnt isthe rte of computers inthe process control? ARTO 2011-12, Marks 05 ‘Answer Role of computers in process control 1 fn computer process control, a computer is used to direet the operations. ofa manufacturing process 2 ‘Theaim ofcomputer-aided process control is to identity the information, flow and energy flow af given process in desired optimal way. “Siice THE Controls to be carried out in real sime, hence the requirement in terms of response time, computing power, flexibility and fault tolerance are stricter 4 Advancement in computer technology has eliminated the problems of flexibility, complexity and geographical sepal'ation of process elements. 6 control application is used in following two areas in process industries Active applications : The main active application of computers is in ontrol and plant optimization. it nein "The passive application deals with monitoring, alarming and data reduction systems. ug 52 QTE] wnat are the tunctions of computer-aided process ye elements of computer-aided process: control system are : r Initially the controtied variable, /<~ output of the process, is vovhich is measured by a sensor or measuring element. og todigital converter (ADO) : Inside the computer system, the reartable is converted into digital signals using analog to digital ‘signal : The digital signals then are compared with digital form ‘int to produce an error signal. algorithm : It is a computer program representing the Ayhich exeoutes a digital controller output a analog converter (DAC) : The digital signal is then converted: nalog: electrical signals using digital to analog converter, ‘control element : The analog signal is then fed to final « 5 ‘ontrol yhich generates necessary control signal. control signal can drive the process or plant. q ol oe oO ‘Basics of Computer-Aided Process Control -4N (OK-IV-Sem-) PART-2 Computer-Aided Process ‘Control System. "Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions Ge Ta. | What do you understand by batch or sequential control process ? Also give the classification of batch the basis of number of products. control process on jer A Batch control process : 4, It isa process in which a se Toduce aguantity of produ i "farther batches. ——————. In this process, the sequence of phases or batches is carried out OB Gacrete quantity of material, Batches of producis are tansTerred Tr iE process equipment ti This process is used in food processing and chemical industries, 18 sphich the operationslike' mixing of raw materials, carryi ort present process and then discharging the product B. Classification of batch control process on the basis of products : 4, Single product batch process : This product in each batch and the same operat fateh using the same amount of raw materials. 2 Multi grade batch process + i. This process produces products which are similar to single product batch procese but differ only in formula quantities. ii The operations performed on each batch are same but the quantities fray materials and processing conditions like temperature are varied: & Multi product batch process : In this process, both procedure and formula are changed. During each batch the operations performed, ence of 0 r batch which ations is carried ou “another. of number process produces the same tions are performed in each ‘amount of raw materials and processing conditions may vary- tart up or shut down ofthe system, atial logic during tho s Batch process Continuous process: Ttisaprocessinwhicha | In this process the|| sequence of operations is | production is maintained | Garried out to produce a | ‘continuously ie., forlong | quantity of product or | duration without Batch which is then | interruption, typically repeated to produce | over several months or further batches ever years. Product life | Short | Taree span Cost of Low cost equipment, High cost equipment. factory | equipment : | Controlling | It can be controlled very | It requires sophisticated easily. controlsystems. Shut down | Often. — times the plant operations by maximizing the plant yield srendins enerky consumption and therefore, ‘software put in the form of i fie : ‘ Program which computes the - “control system reorganizes the control algorithm and a ne ad ie ly or = —t 5 ter can supervise and gontrol moltiple processes Jhuving multiple controllers analog or 4 ‘digital. fe computer supervisory control system is 51 {fu which cach controller ean either be 9) ‘ated manually to give the, : alot com} Pe gection of tie plant or ean Somplete control of his own section: ae He Famotely controlled by the computer operator gach controller by me: | The computer Tseeaaaination port which allows the computer either '® Sor Teprmalien rom the process controllers or to transmit data t0 (he controllers te change. The digital process controller (al contain a special interface whic arial mode alongthe supervisory seris fused in micr processor chip itse Shown in Fig. 1.7.1 so called the central computer) must h converts the pulses i | data bus into the parallel mode Transducers a 0) Isupervisory ‘computer OR ‘Clasaify the computer-aided process control system in detail ? Classification of compucer-aided process control system : ‘A. Batch process control: Refer Q. 1.4, Page 1-4 B. Continuous process control : Refer Q.1.5, Page } %. Supervisory computer contral : Refer Q, 1.7, Page D. Direct digital control process: 1 Developments in digital electronics have led to meny industrial processes ing computer controlled 2 The first system used was Direct Digital C computer measured each variable in the process, ised to maintain the required set points in the pro Asdigitalelecpronis developed, minicomp high speed and also to control many values or de Abasie direct digital control system is alargcnusiber of transducers aresited ar Being connected toon ON OBAV-Sem-8) Basics of ‘When the CPU has analyzed the dat eeertompared them with the appr program, it ‘sends signals along the Eystem as follows: 6. The digital signal signal 5 produced by th ough a demultiple 7, Ssthists beng performed, datas splay unit and sf 1ecessary, Re display UP oth various sections 0 PAR Computer-Aided Process-Control Distributed Control S Systems, " Control. { Question Long Answer Type and Mec SIE) evan cone ES ‘The centralized computer cont rEMory, wired in arithmetic fastors, BU The system 5 OA and additional electronics use 2 ‘Therefore, to justify the cos both stipervisory and DD, “led central or mainframe Touch faster and had Big systems 2. The use of contralized comp providing expensive eommur to the field device. 4. Acentralized computer cont the PU hasanalyzed the data from oneor transducers and sarod them with the appropriate set points in the computer im, it sends signals along the data bus tothe values controlling the system as follows. ‘he digital signal produced by the CI u ring performed, data are displayed on the operator's visual__ unit and ‘fnecessary. he can remotely change The set points Svosiate ith virious sections ofthe provess> cre. puter-Aided Process-Control Architeciire Centralized “Systems, Distributed Control Systems, Hierarchical Control Systems. Ge Foon] Explain centralized computer control systems. Has centralized computer control system comprised large computer Gystem with huge space and power consuming Type magnetic care ory, wired in arithmetic and logic al functions, to make it much asters, Bat The system 1s expensi edie To high cost of core memory ‘and additional electronics used in the system 9 Therefore, to justify the cost, all types of computer functions, includiny Bherefre to justly ore incorporated im a OnE compute Brora na TE OPT x bor, ‘called central or jnainframe computer. This centrale computer 15 ‘much faster and had big memory capacity compared to the earlier systems. 4% The use of centralized computer control systems also had problems of providing expensive communication systems for bringing in the (field) . {put controls signals ‘tothe field device. ‘Acentralized conspater control system is shown in Fig 19.1. a + ‘Hip U9, Ceiiiralised computer system ee Taare 1 With the tren nieropiocessor and microcontrollers, distributed ‘computer control architecture became very popular because such Systems ate cspablecf tackling the problems and limitations of centralized ‘computer control system. . 2 The distributed comput * ler control system comprised of a set o Widely distributed computer systems containing one se eat titroprocessors. each of them controlling one or more loupe. 5 Ae of these computers are connected by a single high speed da at permitted communication betwoen cach of the micromrocosen havea ‘compiiter and with ventralized operat a 8 eo of distributet computer control syste Gs co Seat aes a is available with the ven 2, Aprogrammed menu t¥} of the controller box per to be done by using a ke 3. Avery wide selection 0 within the programme ‘slternate control seher 4, Datahighway datatran separate processing | ‘communications and t Relay and logic functi controllers (PLCs) h algorithms of each eo 6 Aglobaldatabase to level hierarchical con It incorporates pers controller, as a speci a special configurat properties of any ¢0: = Quel. | Ditterenc control systems, In a centra system (C! controllers a1 at a central within a cen In COS sign of cabling is the drives ti Side ‘eapability (building block) which is easy ‘configuration aids (programming technique) le selection of control algorithms or computational schemes ‘ rammed menu permits easy selection and testing of rate control schemes of a process. yhighway data transmission and communication capabilities, between te processing units of the system, provides very wide band wunieations and the possibility of redundancy for extra safety. sy and logic functions normally associated with programmable logic trollers (PLCs) have been incorporated into the set of control “algorithms of each control box. 7G A global database to simplify the task of data collection for use in upper " levelhierarchical control functions Tt incorporates personal computers (PC) into the tom sontroller, 2s. special operator console, as a programming device and as special configuration device, to select control loop parameters and properties of any control loop in the system. Difference between the centralized and distributed AKTU 2011-12, Marks 05 Distributed control system Spe ees itralized control | In a distributed control system (CCS) discrete | (DCS) autonomous controllers are distributed throughout the system, but there is no central operator supervisory control. In DCS the reduced amount of wiring is required by distributed drive architecture. m, there is a hierarchy of computers connected ona network erforming distinct functions. control, the upper level computers depend on lower level process data and the lower level systems depend upon the el systems for more control functions such as overall plant ‘automation hierarchy of a computer integrated manufacturing s shown in Fig. 1.13.1. Production : level i Prisons Supervisory control level id process optimization iy tro Process control level ~(Peedback control) Corporate-level Measurement-level Sens a merry junctions are implemented, These include Matiogtion and logging, process optimization. wel-9 is the plant level where functions such as plant resource production planning and scheduling, ‘production accounting ‘wecerried out. production schedule is prepared by Jevel-3 computer based on vementinputs such as sales orders, ‘stock level, selling cost, profit giargins, operating cost, ‘Scheduled maintenance plans for production _ gnita, This information ‘communicated down the line to: the supervisory flevel-2) computers. Iactovel2 the computed net-points for various parameters meet the Above production schedule are pessed on to Process controllers at fevel-1. The taonitoring and recording of altho plant aredone PY computers at Jevel-3, this include plant/process parameters: ‘and various events suck te starm conditions, production quality issues ‘and selectivity transfe these tothe corporate level( level-4i for management information: (M) ‘purposes. {1 The architecture of hierarchical computer © ontrol system is shown ia Se [Production +#——— G ‘ Production Pronuesn Comuniention supervisor eaten with other ops z are Intra-area path other coordination supervisory levels Supervisor console - Communication upervisor with other console [— control levels ‘Supervisor console Dedicated digital contra} Process Fig. 118.1- Fetal plant hierarchical control system puter-aided process control is very expensive, till the advent d ssors and microcontrolle1 sost of computers has reduced and at the same time computers signal is. ‘ nes more powerful, after the advent of microprocessors andl] “= aa sconteel trollers and their widespread availability. ‘applications of computer control systems are automatically ‘productivity of the plant. ased understanding of the behaviour of the process. sad time of batch operations. atability in the product quality. ty oat oe sequencing and control procedures t “Explain analog interface in process control, r ae interfaces applied with computer are : to digital converter : Tnacompuler control system, the plant output (or controlled variable) is “Gavally an analog signal. which is measured by sensors. This analog ‘ignal has to be converted into digital signal before it is fed to the computer. Gj The conversion of analog measurements to digital data involves three loperations, namely sampling, quantization and encoding as shown in Big 1.16.1. The analog signal is sampled every T seconds and approximated by a ‘sequence of numbers. number is then encoded into a binary word using @ finite number of binary digits (bits) . ‘The conversion of an analog signal into corresponding digital signal is “called quantization, and the device that performs this functions called “analog to digital converter Sampling _Qauntization Bneoding Digital I output o T 2T3T GAG, Analog ts algal converter (ADC to analog converter (DAC) : controlled processes, the output of digital controller isi ital form and must be converted to analog form before it is pmmunicated tothe analog plant. The device that accomplishes is called the original lower . de-multiplexing recovers 1 ‘number of analog signals and time-sharing them “analog output channel. ee « efficient vse of the Full tiplexing is make efficient Ee caaatin channel and to achieve a lower

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