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Question: Should transgender athletes compete in sports according to their gender

Answer: No

Transgender Athletes Should Only Compete for Their Birth Gender

(Tiffany Adelia Sarosa 33/XI-A)

In the world of sports, fairness and equality are fundamental principles that ensure all athletes have a fair
opportunity to succeed based on their skill, dedication and hard work. However, the inclusion of
transgender athletes in competitions based on their gender identity has sparked debate. Should
transgender athletes compete in sports consistent with their gender identity? First, we must know the
difference between gender identity and sex. Gender identity refers to a person's deeply felt sense of being
male, female, or on a spectrum of gender, which may or may not align with the sex assigned to them at
birth. While birth gender is determined by biological characteristics present at birth, such as chromosomes
and reproductive anatomy. It is my firm belief that transgender athletes should not compete according to
their gender identity, and here is why.

First, biological differences between men and women play an important role in athletic performance.
Biological men have physiological advantages such as greater muscle mass, bone density, and
cardiovascular capacity, which can result in superior athletic performance compared to biological women.
These differences create an unfair competition when transgender women (biological males) compete with
biological women. This gap weakens the efforts and achievements of women athletes who have trained
strictly within the context of their biological limitations.

Second, the principle of healthy competition is the essence of the spirit of sport. When athletes enter the
field, they do so with the expectation that the rules will guarantee an equal opportunity to win. Allowing
transgender athletes to compete based on their gender identity and not their birth gender would disrupt
this balance. This creates a scenario where some athletes are at a significant disadvantage, not because of
their training or dedication, but because of factors beyond their control, such as biological differences.

Third, physical differences between men's and women's bodies can increase the risk of injury, especially
in combat sports such as boxing. Biological men or transgender women may pose a risk of injury to
biological female or transgender male athletes due to the physical differences between men and women.

In conclusion, ensuring transgender athletes compete according to their birth gender is an important step
to uphold the principles of fairness and integrity in sport. However, this stance doesn't mean that we
should discriminate against transgender individuals. They deserve the same respect and dignity as anyone
else. Let's strive to create an inclusive environment that supports all athletes while maintaining healthy

This is my original writing.

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