Kaosball Game Reference v2.1

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The ultimate game reference for

the Teams and Ringers of Kaosball

By Billy Moffat

Hello, I’m Billy Moffat and this is an unofficial document,

written with permission from Cool Mini or Not. I do not stand
to profit financially from this - I'm just a fan of the game.

Why produce this document?

I wanted to do this to provide myself with in-game reference
sheets for the teams I have (as I unfortunately don't have them I go by the username Argentetbury, so look
all, yet), so while playing the game, when I encounter the grey out for me on the following:
areas in the rules I'm not constantly interrupting play while sifting
through the Internet forums for an answer.
But before I got started I decided to expand it to all Season 1 TWITTER @argentetbury
teams and Ringers, to make a complete guide. Each page purposely
contains a single team as these pages are intended to be printed Follow Argentetbury on Twitter
individually and placed near a coach’s dugout as an in-game aid. for Kaosball opinion and match
The content for this guide was written and compiled by me, Billy
Moffat, with huge nods to the guys on the BoardGameGeek and
Cool Mini or Not forums, plus the unofficial FAQs such as Brian
Nors Jensen's reference guide and Pilum’s “From Amazon To YOUTUBE
Zorra” FAQ.
Follow Argentetbury on YouTube
for World-beating Kaosball videos,
Not an FAQ including rule clarifications, tips,
FAQs can sometimes be confusing, with various clarity issues, opinion and tactics (work in
different phraseology depending on where the questions were progress!)
sourced from, and a general unprofessional appearance.
I decided to word this document as an accompaniment to the
rules where everything is written as if it were a rule, not an BOARDGAMEGEEK
answer to a question.
Check out Argentetbury’s in-depth
match reports and analysis on
Paper size the BoardGameGeek Kaosball
I designed this document in English A4 size specifically with sessions pages.
a 1cm white exclusion area around the border of each page
(apart from the front cover) for easy home printing. People from
countries who do not use A4 should use paper scaling in their
print settings to ensure none of the content is cropped.


Teams (in alphabetical order) Pages 3-20 Ringers (Kickstarter) Pages 24-28

Ringers (base game) Pages 21-23 Ringers (2016) Pages 29-32


3 +1 + 0 + 2 2

The Amazons’ diagonal killzones apply for all contests,
including reactions on the turns of their opponents. MELEE MASTERY
Every space surrounding an Amazon is its own killzone - Your killzone includes diagonals.
Amazons have 8 killzones (as opposed to the 4 killzones
of the figures from other teams). The killzone is not
considered one continuous area that surrounds an
Amazon, so when an opposing figure moves through Hand-offs
multiple adjacent spaces in an Amazon’s killzone, the Amazons can hand-off the ball diagonally.
Amazon figure may choose in which of those spaces they
would like to react, if they choose to react at all.
Relay Training
With the Relay Training upgrade, Amazons can hand-off 2
diagonals because it extends the killzone range for passes.
Amazons have diagonal killzones but they
cannot move diagonally.

Adjacent and killzone are two separate terms (which
helps to ensure clarity for the Amazons’ ability.)
So when Ringers such as Gabe, Tycho, Gojira or A
Rumblefist (whose abilities refer to adjacents) play for
the Amazons, their abilities do not apply diagonally.

Amazon wins a tackle

If an Amazon successfully performs a diagonal tackle on
an opponent with the ball, they cannot follow up as they
The hand-off options for an
are not allowed to move diagonally. Amazon with Relay Training.

Amazon fails a tackle

If an Amazon attempts to tackle diagonally and loses, the
opponent can choose to push the Amazon one space in
any of the four orthogonal directions (but not diagonally),
even though two of those directions means the Amazon A A
would end up in the opponent’s killzone. But if any of
those four spaces are occupied the Amazon gets knocked
down in the space she is in.

The push options for A couple of examples of

Walls an opponent when an how walls can block an
Amazon Bruiser fails a Amazon’s killzone. The
The corners of walls block an Amazon’s killzone - any special diagonal tackle. spaces without an X are
ability, upgrade or card that allows diagonals may be blocked blocked.
by walls. If the diagonal skims the edge of a wall, it is blocked.


4 +1 + 1 + 1 3

The Berserk ability is not to be confused with the
Barbarian base stats (which are all +1 across the board) BERSERK
- the Berserk +1 is in addition to the Barbarian base
Your figures with at least 1 wound
stats, and so in effect this gives any damaged (wounded)
get +1 to all contests.
Barbarian a total of +2 on top of the card value.
When totalling numbers for a contest the following
method of calculation is observed:
(base stat + card) + apply any abilities

No stacking
Berserk gives Barbarians +1 to their total for having at
least one damage, not +1 per damage on their figure. So
whether a Barbarian figure has 1, 2 or 3 damage, he only
gets +1 to contests.

Dead card versus dead card

When a Berserk Barbarian and his opponent both play
dead cards in a contest, they resolve the contest as
though both had played a “0” (comparing only their
team’s Handling, Tackling or Fighting stat as appropriate),
and do not apply the Berserk ability in this instance.

If the Barbarian team has the Pain/Gain upgrade, an
uninjured Barbarian figure can choose to have +3 to
their first contest: +1 for team stat, +1 for Pain/Gain
and +1 for Berserk (which is triggered by the Pain/Gain

A Barbarian with the Hardy upgrade who receives his first
1 point of damage cannot apply Berserk as the damage is
If the Barbarian loses the contest by 2 or more, he would
cancel the first damage but the rest of the damage would
apply, triggering his Berserk ability.


2 +1 + 0 + 1 2

If a Cowboy shoots at an opponent (attacks) from 2
spaces away and fails, they take 1 damage as normal - CONCEAL AND CARRY
the Cowboy’s gun misfires and damages him.
On your turn, your Bruisers may attack any figure
they can see up to 2 spaces away in a straight line
Cowboys versus Hate (walls and standing figures block their sight).
When an opponent has the Hate upgrade and a Cowboy
Bruiser misfires from 2 spaces away, the Cowboy takes
1 damage but the opponent does not score 1 point Runners
because Hate is not applicable in this instance because
the opponent did not cause the damage, it was the gun The Cowboy Runners are the only figures in the whole of
misfiring. But if the opposing figure was adjacent to the Kaosball who cannot use or influence their team ability.
Cowboy during the contest then the opponent would
score 1 point.

One at a time
The Cowboy Bruisers’ ability to “shoot” is an
enhancement of their basic attack action. Only one
Cowboy Bruiser gets to shoot in a single turn. C
The range for attack with the Cowboy’s team ability is 2
spaces orthogonally (not diagonally).
The benefit of attacking from 2 spaces away is that the
Cowboy can attack without entering their opponent’s A Cowboy Bruiser’s attack range.
killzone (and thus avoids a possible reaction).

Slow your trigger finger

The dashboard states “on your turn,” because the ability
does not extend the killzones of Cowboy Bruisers on an
opponent’s turn.

If a Cowboy Bruiser figure with 1 health dies after a
fighting contest from 2 spaces away, the opposition team
do not get the Cowboy figure as a kill trophy or any other
associated bonuses as the damage was self-inflicted.


3 +1 + 0 + 1 3

Stand still and Scorch

A Daemon figure can be activated, stand still (not move, fight,
or tackle) and then Scorch with their Smokin’ Hot ability. SMOKIN’ HOT
After you finish activating a figure, you may scorch
Picking up the ball all enemy figures in its killzone for 1 damage. An
Daemon figures may Scorch after picking up the ball opponent may prevent all such damage to his figures
(picking up the ball ends a figure’s activation while by burning an energy card with value 3 or higher.
Smokin’ Hot comes into effect after activation).

Opposition reactions Dead card

A Daemon has to be standing at the end of their The card burned by an opponent to prevent the damage
activation in order to Scorch. If a Daemon figure is caused by Smokin’ Hot does not have to be a live card.
knocked down or killed by an opposing figure’s reaction, Live cards are only relevant in a contest. For any ability
their activation is immediately over and they cannot that requires a card of a specific value to be burned or
Scorch because they are rendered inactive from the discarded, it can be either a live or dead card.
moment they were knocked down or killed.

Rain of Fire
Scorch the fallen
Despite their “innate or imbued resistance to flame”
Knocked down figures are normally considered inactive the Daemons have no resistance to Rain of Fire and
but they can be damaged, and potentially killed, by take damage as normal when passing through spaces
a Daemon’s Scorch. Knocked down figures occupying containing fire.
the same space as a Daemon are also affected by the
Daemon’s Scorch.
Multi-save Walls block the effect of the Smokin’ Hot ability between
the Scorching Daemon and opposition figures on the
When a Daemon Scorches 2 or more figures of the same other side of a wall.
opponent in its killzone in a single Scorch, the opponent only
needs to burn a single 3 or higher energy card to prevent
damage to all of their affected figures. Hate
Daemons with Hate get a point for each
Scorching in a 3 or 4 team match figure Scorched (and no points for those
saved by burning a 3 or higher energy card).
In a 3 or 4 team match, if a Daemon Scorches So if a Daemon has numerous opponents
figures from different opposing teams in its in its killzone it is possible to get multiple
killzone in a single Scorch, each opponent has points as the result of a single Scorch.
to burn a single 3 or higher energy card to
prevent damage to their affected figures.
Opposition with Hardy
Burn, not discard If the opposition have the Hardy upgrade,
Scorching is rendered useless on those
To prevent damage, an energy card with value 3 opposition figures for which it would be
or higher will need to be burned, not discarded. the first 1 damage dealt in the turn. (Any
subsequent damage would occur as normal.)


3 +0 + 2 + 1 3

Vampirism works when a Fang initiates and wins an
attack or tackling contest, either as an action or reaction. VAMPIRISM
If the opposing figure initiated the contest and the Fang When one of your figures successfully attacks or
wins, Vampirism does not come into effect. tackles, heal 1 damage from any one of your figures.

Handling contests
Vampirism does not work for handling contests.

Blood bank is closed

If no Fang figures have any damage at the time a Fang
wins an attack or tackling contest that he initiated,
nothing happens - Vampirism only works if a Fang figure
has damage at the point the contest was won - the
healing cannot be saved for later.

Heal the fallen

Knocked down Fang figures are eligible to have damage
healed with Vampirism.

A Fang figure can choose to heal 1 of his own damage
if he triggers Vampirism through a successful attack or


2 +0 + 0 + 0 2

We have them surrounded

Goblins have to be adjacent on any two sides for Mosh
Pit to work, but the surrounding Goblin figures need to MOSH PIT
be standing at the time. Diagonals do not count.
At the end of your turn, if your standing figures
surround an enemy figure on 2 or more sides, that
Automatic figure is automatically benched (benched figures heal
If the Goblin figures are in a position to Mosh, the all damage).
opposition figure(s) must be benched - there is no choice.

Multiple Mosh
All opposing figures who are surrounded at the end of G d
the Goblin turn are benched.
a G
Mosh King
With good positioning, a single Goblin figure can G b
contribute to the benching of multiple opposition figures
in a single turn. e G c G

Don’t care if you’re down At the end of the Goblin turn, all opposition figures
marked with an X (“a”, “b” and “c”) are benched (the
Opposing knocked down figures are automatically knocked down figure “c” is benched because a Goblin
benched if surrounded. occupies the same space and there is another Goblin
adjacent). “d” and “e” are not benched because “d” is
If a standing Goblin occupies the same space as a protected by a wall, and “e” is not surrounded.
knocked down opposition figure, and there is another
Goblin adjacent, the knocked down figure would get
benched at the end of the Goblin team turn.

If a wall blocks an opposition figure from being
surrounded, they are protected from the Mosh Pit ability.

Order of resolution
Mosh Pit is an “end of turn” event - whenever multiple
events would happen simultaneously, the team whose
turn it is decides the order in which to resolve them. And
as Mosh Pit occurs at the end of the Goblin team turn,
the Goblins can always choose for the effects of Mosh Pit
to happen before opposition teams’ end of turn events.


3 +1 + 1 + 1 3

No stacking
The scoring from Dominate does not stack for spaces
with multiple knocked down figures in them - the DOMINATE
knocked down opposition figures are not the scoring
Enemy knocked down figures count as minor scoring
mound, it is the space they are in.
zones for your team.
For clarity, the Dominate ability should say: “Spaces
containing enemy knocked down figures count as minor
scoring zones [mounds] for your team.”
Additionally, the scoring from Dominate does not stack in
proportion to the number of tackled opposing figures on
the scoring mound space.

Bruisers’ role
It appears that only Hellcat Runners benefit from the
Dominate ability (as only Runners can score points from
scoring mounds), but the team would rely mostly on its
Bruisers to knock down the opposition in the first place in
order for its Runners to benefit from the Dominate ability.


3 +1 + 0 + 1 2

A Klockwerk can declare Overload before a contest
even if they choose to play a dead card or an energy OVERLOAD
card without a star icon. But if they win the contest the
Before you start contest, you may declare Overload. If
Klockwerk figure will still take 1 damage.
you do, the value of any live energy card with a star
(*) you play is doubled. But if you win the contest,
Upset your figure takes 1 damage.
Upset relates to the card being played, not the total after
Overload has been applied.
(If the Klockwerks play a +4 card or greater, they are Power Play
Upset. +1, +2 and +3 cards can never be Upset.) The Power Play tactic card enables a Klockwerk figure
to declare Overload and not take any damage that turn
Self-sacrifice whether they win or lose the contest.
If a Klockwerk figure uses Overload to win a contest but
in winning the contest it causes the Klockwerk figure to Kaos Warp
die, the opposition team do not get the Klockwerk figure If a Klockwerk declares Overload and wins a contest, but
as a kill trophy or any other associated bonuses as the then the opposing team play the Kaos Warp card, the 1
damage was self-inflicted. damage the Klockwerk would have incurred from winning
the first contest is not applied because the first contest is
Hardy completely discounted.
If a Klockwerk figure with the Hardy upgrade wins a contest
after declaring Overload they will not take the 1 damage
(providing they have not already used Hardy earlier in
the turn).

Stim Pack
Overload doubles the card value, while the Stim Pack
cheat card doubles the total value.
For example, a Klockwerk figure is in a fighting contest
(base stat is +1). The Klockwerk declares Overload, plays
a Stim Pack and plays a +2(*) energy card. The total
looks like this: +2 doubles to +4 because of Overload.
Then the +1 base stat is added to make +5, and finally
the total is doubled to +10 because of Stim Pack.
(Note: The opposition will know before they play a card
that the Klockwerk is Overloading and using Stim Pack,
so may play cards to disrupt that.)

10 VERSION 2.1

3 +1 + 1 + 0 2

Ringers cannot Shapeshift (they have both Runner and
Bruiser capabilities anyway). SHAPESHIFT
Before you activate a figure, you may choose to
Shapeshift limitation transform him from Human (Runner) to Wolf (Bruiser)
Lycanthropes can only Shapeshift if they have available or vice versa. Damage tokens on that figure remain.
figures to swap with on their bench.
They cannot swap a figure on the field for a dead figure.
Last Stand
Self-sacrifice When using the Last Stand upgrade, the Lycanthropes
can activate a Bruiser as normal, or alternatively
Because damage tokens on a Shapeshifting figure Shapeshift a Runner into a Bruiser then activate it
remain, it is possible for a Bruiser with 2 damage to (because the transformation to Bruiser happens before
Shapeshift into a Runner and then die instantly, as activating the figure).
Runners only have 2 health.
Last Stand does not allow a Bruiser to Shapeshift into a
In this case the opposition team do not get the Runner before activation.
Lycanthrope figure as a kill trophy or any other
associated bonuses as the death was self-inflicted.

New Period
At the start of every new period, the Lycanthropes will
need to maintain the 3 Runner, 2 Bruiser ratio.
For instance, if they have 5 Runners on the field at the
end of the first period, they have to choose 2 Runners
to bench, and then put 2 Bruisers onto the line of
scrimmage for the start of the second period.
The 3 Runner, 2 Bruiser ratio also applies for the return
to scrimmage at half-time.
As with all teams, if the Lycanthropes do not have
enough figures to replace the lost ones and keep the 3
Runner, 2 Bruiser ratio for the start of a new period they
lose the match.

11 VERSION 2.1

3 +1 + 1 + 0 2

Automatic wins
If a Ninja initiates a fighting contest and wins by playing
the same energy card as her opponent, she deals SURPRISE
3 damage, because if an effect allows someone to
During a contest, if you play the same energy card
automatically win a contest, they always win by 3.
as an opponent, you automatically win (even if your
energy card is dead).
Live cards versus dead cards
If a Ninja plays a 4 or 5 live card in a fighting contest
and the opponent plays a matching 4 or 5 dead card the
Surprise ability triggers and the Ninja would auto win by
3 (dealing 3 damage) instead of dealing 4 or 5 damage.
Surprise is automatic, not optional.

Booster Bru
The Ninja Surprise ability is valid against the Booster Bru
(+6) card as it is considered both an energy card and a
cheat card.

Tactic and cheat cards

The Surprise ability only works with matching energy
cards, so if a Ninja plays a tactic or cheat card (apart
from Booster Bru) in a contest instead of an energy card,
Surprise cannot be triggered.

12 VERSION 2.1

4 +0 + 1 + 0 4

When an Ogre figure Stomps, opposition figures are
pushed directly away from the Ogre - there is no decision STOMP
on direction (It does not function like a failed tackle where
Before you activate one of your figures, you may
the figure can be pushed to any free adjacent spot).
stomp with that figure, pushing all adjacent enemy
figures back one space. An enemy that cannot move
Walls back one space is knocked down instead.
A wall between an Ogre and an adjacent opposing figure
does not block the effect of the Ogres’ Stomp ability -
thematically, the Stomp causes a mini shock-wave that a
wall cannot block.

Knocked down figures

Stomp does not affect adjacent knocked down figures or
knocked down figures occupying the same space as the
Stomping Ogre. O

Other Ogres
Stomp does not affect adjacent Ogre team figures.

Brick When an Ogre Stomps, adjacent

opposing figures are pushed
When an opposing Bruiser figure with the Brick
one space directly away from
upgrade is being affected by Stomp, but cannot the Ogre.
move back one space because the destination
space is blocked, they can choose to take 1
uncancellable damage to prevent being knocked
down, as the ability states.

13 VERSION 2.1

3 +1 + 1 + 1 2

Greater than good

Greater Good ability is not to be confused with the
Paragon base stats (which are all +1 across the board) - GREATER GOOD
the Greater Good +2 is in addition to the Paragon base
Before one of your figures begins a contest, you may
stats, and so in effect this gives any Paragon benefiting
bench one of your non-participating figures to gain
from the ability a total of +3 on top of the card value.
+2 to your total (Benched figures heal all damage).
When totalling numbers for a contest the following
method of calculation is observed:
(base stat + card) + apply any abilities
Kaos Warp
Initiating The benching of a Paragon figure through Greater Good
happens before a contest begins, so if the Kaos Warp
Paragons can use Greater Good in any contest, whether cheat card is played after the contest, the Paragon figure
they initiated the contest or not. remains benched but the Paragon team will not get the
+2 bonus to the subsequent contest.
Knocked down figures
When declaring Greater Good, the Paragons can bench Boot to the Head
one of their knocked down figures to help in a contest. If a Paragon figure is knocked down as a result of the
While spaces with knocked down figures are considered Boot to the Head cheat card the whole team loses their
to be unoccupied, knocked down figures are still Greater Good ability for the remainder of their opponent’s
considered to be on the field. turn. Once the figure stands back up the team can
continue as normal.
Usually, as soon as a figure is knocked down it loses the
use of all its abilities, but the Greater Good ability is an
exception because only the active figure engaged in a Dead card
contest needs Greater Good for the team ability to work. The +2 from Greater Good
only works in a contest when
Stim Pack the Paragons play a live card.
If they declare Greater Good
The Stim Pack cheat card doubles the total value in a and then play a dead card
contest (after the base stat, card and ability are applied). then they do not get +2 but
For example, a Paragon figure is in a fighting contest they can still bench a non-
(base stat is +1). The Paragon declares Greater Good, participating figure.
plays a Stim Pack and plays a +3(*) energy card. The
total looks like this: Base stat +1, add +3 for the card,
add +2 for Greater Good, giving a subtotal of +6, and
finally the total is doubled to +12 because of Stim Pack.
(Note: The opposition will know before they play a card
that the Paragons are using Greater Good and the Stim
Pack card, so may play cards to disrupt that.)

14 VERSION 2.1

3 +2 + 1 + 1 3

Pirates are a straightforward team - they can spend big in
the drafts knowing that in most matches they can cheat LOOTING
with impunity due to the cash they can earn from every
You gain 1 cash each time you win a contest.
win in contests.

Kaos Warp
If a Pirate wins a contest, but then the opposing team
play the Kaos Warp card, the 1 cash the Pirate would
have gained from winning the first contest is not applied
because the first contest is completely discounted.

Big stash of loot

A team cannot have more than 15 cash - while the
Pirate team has 15 cash, they cannot earn extra cash for
winning contests.

15 VERSION 2.1

3 +1 + 0 + 1 2

Be precise
The Samurai team ability says to announce a specific
card, so if the Samurais play a tactic or cheat card in the HONORABLE CONDUCT
contest instead of an energy card, they would have to
Before a contest starts, you may declare your
say the name of the card.
intention to play a specific card. If you reveal that
card you score 1 point. There is no penalty for lying.
Kaos Warp
If a Samurai declares the correct card in a contest he
gets a point for Honorable Conduct, but if the opposing
team then plays Kaos Warp and then initiates another
contest in which the Samurai again tells the truth the
Samurai does not get 2 points - he only gets 1 point for
the second contest because the first contest is completely

Cheat cards
Honourable Conduct only works for cards revealed during
a contest, not for those played before a contest - for
example, a Samurai cannot gain 2 points from a contest
if they announce and play a cheat card at the start
of the contest, and then announce and play another
card as normal in their contest - they only get 1 point
(maximum) for correctly announcing the card played
during the contest.
For clarity, the ability should say: “Before a contest starts,
you may declare your intention to play a specific card in
the contest”.

16 VERSION 2.1

4 +1 + 2 + 0 3

Throwing Trash
Trolls can throw Trash into a space containing an
opposing figure but the Trash has no immediate effect TRASH
on that figure - Trash only affects figures when the figure
Before or after you activate a figure, you may leave a
moves into a space that already contains Trash.
piece of Trash in its killzone (max 2 Trash on the field).
A Troll cannot throw Trash onto the space he currently Any enemy figure that steps in Trash is knocked down
occupies. unless they discard an energy card value +4 or higher.

Moving Trash
If both trash tokens are already on the field, a Troll figure Dead card
wanting to use his Trash ability can pick up either of the The card discarded by an opponent as a result of
existing Trash tokens and place it into a new space (in his stepping into a space containing Trash does not have to
killzone). The space where the Trash was vacated from is be a live card.
now considered clean and safe to move through again.
Live cards are only relevant in a contest. For any ability
that requires a card of a specific value to be burned or
Picking up the ball discarded, it can be either a live or dead card.
Troll figures may drop Trash after picking up the ball
(picking up the ball ends a figure’s activation while Trash Brick
comes into effect before or after activation).
When stepping in Trash,
rather than discarding an
Dead can’t litter energy card of 4 or more, an
If a Troll is activated with the intention of placing Trash at opposition Bruiser figure with
the end of his turn, but during the turn is knocked down the Brick upgrade can take
or killed, then no Trash can be placed that turn. 1 uncancellable damage to
prevent being knocked down.
Clean-up time
At the end of a period, Trash is removed from the field
along with other tokens.

Tackling a Troll
If a Troll is carrying the ball and is tackled while in
a space containing Trash, the opposing player must
discard an energy card value +4 or higher in order to
successfully execute a follow-up.

Discard, not burn

To prevent being knocked down, an energy card with
value 4 or higher will need to be discarded, not burned.

17 VERSION 2.1

3 +1 + 1 + 1 3

Strike the fallen

Knocked down figures are normally considered inactive
but they can be damaged, and potentially killed, by VANIR’S JUDGEMENT
Vanir’s Judgement. Knocked down figures occupying
Instead of activating a figure, you may call down a
the same space as a Valkyrie are also affected by
lightning strike that deals 1 damage to that figure and
Vanir’s Judgement.
all adjacent and diagonal enemies. Limit 3 lightning
strikes per period (use tokens to mark each strike).
Valkyrie with Hardy
A Valkyrie figure with the Hardy upgrade will not take any
damage when calling down Vanir’s Judgement. Friendly strike
When a Valkyrie figure calls down Vanir’s Judgement,
Opposition with Hardy any other Valkyrie figures who are adjacent or diagonal
A team with the Hardy upgrade can never take damage are unaffected. Only the Valkyrie calling down Vanir’s
from Vanir’s Judgement because they cancel the first 1 Judgement takes damage.
damage dealt to each of their figures each turn. For the
rest of the turn any subsequent damage to the opposition
figures would occur as normal.

If the Valkyries have the Hate upgrade, they receive a
point for each opposing figure struck by Vanir’s Judgement.

Self-sacrifice Vanir’s Judgement deals 1

If a Valkyrie figure with 1 health damage to the Valkyrie and all
adjacent and diagonal enemies.
is killed when calling down
Vanir’s Judgement, the opposition
team does not get the Valkyrie
figure as a kill trophy or any
other associated bonuses as the
damage was self-inflicted.

Walls and the corners of walls
block Vanir’s Judgement - any
special ability, upgrade or card A couple of examples of
that allows diagonals may how walls can block Vanir’s
be blocked by walls. If the Judgement. The spaces without
an X are blocked.
diagonal skims the edge of a
wall, it is blocked.

18 VERSION 2.1

3 +0 + 1 + 1 2

Curse timing
The Curse ability is triggered when a Warlock loses a
contest, so all the effects for losing a contest take place CURSE
(taking damage and perhaps being killed, being knocked
Once per period, if you lose a contest, you may turn the
down, having the ball stolen, dropping the ball, etc.) and
opposing figure into a Frog token until the end of the
then the opposing figure is turned into a Frog.
period. Frog tokens have 2 life, no team or ringer ability
So, if an opponent is stealing the ball in a handling and cannot tackle, attack, score or handle the ball.
contest, the ball is stolen as normal and then the
opponent is turned into a Frog. The ball then drops in the
opponent’s space because a Frog cannot handle the ball.
Team ability
Order of resolution Frogs lose all access to their team ability, whether as a
giver or recipient of its benefits, so for example:
The order of resolution for events is decided by the active
team (the team whose turn it is). A Paragon Frog cannot use Greater Good to give or
receive a +2 bonus in a contest.
For example, with the Ringer Gojira versus a Warlock:
A Fang Frog cannot heal or be healed with Vampirism.
If Gojira wins a contest on his turn he can crush the
space that he is in and move to an adjacent space,
and then he is turned into a Frog. Immediate death
If Gojira wins a contest on the Warlocks’ turn he is When a figure with 2 or more damage is turned into
turned into a Frog (and cannot crush the space that he a Frog it is killed immediately (since Frogs only have
is in and move to an adjacent space). 2 health), because a figure keeps all previous damage
when it transforms.

Frogs are figures If the Frog is killed in this immediate manner, the
Warlocks acquire the original player figure as a kill trophy.
The Frog token counts as a figure on the field. As such, it
occupies a space, and can be tackled and attacked.
Dead Frog
If an ability denies a figure the option
to attack or tackle, it does not deny If a team kills a Frog they get to keep the
them the ability to defend themselves original player figure as a kill trophy and
- when defending itself in contests, a claim any other associated bonuses.
Frog still adds the relevant team stat to
its energy card score. Changing back
If the Frog is still alive at the end of a
Moving a Frog period, replace it with the original player
On their turn, an opponent may choose figure at the start of the next period.
to activate the Frog, but the only action
they can take is to move it - the Frog
cannot engage in any contests.
The only way for the Warlocks to get
the Frog out of a space (in order to
pick up the ball) is to kill it.

19 VERSION 2.1

3 +0 + 1 + 1 3

Shamble limitations
Zombies may not engage in contests or hand-off the ball
when using Shamble. The Zombies can each move one SHAMBLE
space, nothing more.
Instead of activating a figure, you may move any
Shamble does not allow a Zombie to move into an number of your figures one space, ignoring enemy
occupied space. killzones.

Enemy killzones
“Ignoring enemy killzones” means opposing figures
cannot react when a Zombie figure uses Shamble to
move into their killzone.

When Zombies use Shamble, are still affected by
obstacles. So for example, they still take damage when
walking through fire and can still be affected when
stepping into spaces containing the Trolls’ Trash.

Speed Training
The Speed Training upgrade is an enhancement of a
figure’s normal movement, and so it does not affect
the Zombie’s Shamble ability as this ability is outside of
normal activation and movement.
Shamble will only ever let the Zombies move one space.

20 VERSION 2.1

The Butcher Cretin The Ettin

The Butcher has to initiate the If Cretin attacks or tackles two figures If Cretin attacks two opposing figures
attack for his instant kill ability to from different teams at once, he from the same team, they are
work. decides which figure engages him in a not allowed to stack their team
contest. The outcome of that contest abilities - the contest must be
When playing for the Cowboys
still affects all figures involved. treated just like it was a 1 versus 1.
he can attack from 2 spaces away
thanks to their Conceal and Carry If Cretin initiates and wins a If Cretin has either the Hate or
team ability. fighting contest, he deals damage Pile Driver upgrade and wins
to both opposing figures. If he against two opponents he can earn
If the Butcher wins a fighting contest
loses, he takes 1 damage. 2 points for the contest.
against a figure with the Hardy
upgrade, the first 1 point of damage If Cretin initiates and wins a tackling If Cretin loses a fighting contest
does not trigger the instant kill as contest, he knocks both opposing against two figures from different
the damage is cancelled (unless figures down. If he loses, the figure teams and one of Cretin’s
the figure had already cancelled who Cretin engaged in the contest opponents had the Hate
damage earlier in the turn). can choose whether they would upgrade they would gain a point
like to push him, and where (he is for their team if Cretin takes
The Butcher cannot get instant
knocked down as normal if there is damage, even if they were not the
kills while activating the Valkyrie
another figure adjacent to him). one who Cretin engaged. If both
or Daemon team ability because
opponents have Hate they would
Vanir’s Judgement and Flamin’ Hot Only the opponent who Cretin
both gain a point.
are not attacks. chooses to engage may use any of
their relevant abilities or cheat If Cretin is playing for the Fangs and
cards to help them in the contest. triggers Vampirism after successfully
attacking or tackling two opposing
Cretin’s ability can only be used on
players in a single contest, the Fangs
his team’s turn, so he cannot react
may only heal 1 damage (not 2).
against two opposing players at

21 VERSION 2.1

The Dragon Macho Libre Panda Monium

The Speed Training ability can Macho Libre does not score double An opponent initiating a contest
increase the Dragon’s movement with the ball or for anything else he with Panda loses a point at the
even further. does to earn points during a period moment of initiation, so any
- he scores double when adding scoring subsequent to the contest is
The Dragon can only move 3 spaces
up the end of period points not affected.
when using the Scatter tactic card
for standing on a minor or major
- his additional movement does not If an opponent reacts to Panda they
scoring mound.
apply in this instance. lose a point because reactions
count as initiating a contest.
A team cannot lose points if they
have none, so if the team initiating
the contest with Panda is currently
on 0 points, they receive no penalty
for initiating a contest with him.
If someone uses the Kaos Warp
cheat card in a contest that the
opponent initiated, the opponent
only loses 1 point (not 2) because
the first contest is completely

22 VERSION 2.1

Panther Spectre T-Bone

An opposing Runner or Ringer can Spectre can walk through both T-Bone can only heal damage while
attempt to steal the ball from figures from his own team and he is still alive.
Panther if she is carrying it when opposition figures, even while T-Bone can only heal his own
moving through their killzone - if carrying the ball. damage.
Panther wins the contest she is free
Spectre can never end his T-Bone cannot use his ability to heal
to continue her movement with the
movement on an occupied space. his damage when he is knocked
ball. If she loses the contest she
can choose to either continue her When Spectre moves into an down.
movement (without the ball) or stop opponent’s killzone in the process
in the space she was in when the of moving through them, they get a
ball was stolen from her. chance to react as normal before or
after he passes through them unless
An opponent is free to use the
a wall or another figure blocks a
BZZZZT! cheat card to give
possible reaction.
Panther 1 uncancellable damage if
Panther enters their killzone. If the Spectre’s killzone is blocked by
opponent has the Hate upgrade walls.
they claim a point, and if the 1
Spectre can move through figures
damage is enough to kill Panther
and walls when using tactic cards
she is immediately removed from
that involve movement (such as
the board and is claimed as a kill
Scatter and Hustle).
trophy by the opponent who used
the BZZZZT! card.

23 VERSION 2.1

Biru Biru Gabriel Gangsta Z

While Biru Biru cannot be attacked, Gabriel’s ability can be used to While all of the other Runners on
he can receive damage if he redirect damage from more than Gangsta Z’s team receive +1 to all
initiates an attack and loses it. one figure at a time. contests, Gangsta Z himself does not.
He can also be killed by a Daemon’s Gangsta Z’s ability is only active
Scorch or a Valkyrie’s Vanir’s while he is standing on the field
Judgement, because these team (not while he is knocked down,
abilities are not classed as an killed or benched).
Biru Biru would be killed instantly
if he walks into a space containing
fire (unless he has the Hardy
He can also be killed if he fails a
tackle and the opposing figure can
push him into fire.
Due to Biru Biru only having 1
health, the BZZZZT! cheat card can
instantly kill him when used by an
opponent if Biru Biru enters their
killzone. Biru Biru is immediately
removed from the board and is
claimed as a kill trophy by the
opponent who used the BZZZZT!
card. If the opponent has the Hate
upgrade they claim a point.

24 VERSION 2.1

Gojira Kongbad Kutulu

At the end of a period, Gojira’s A reaction counts as initiating a Kutulu’s opponent only needs to
crushed spaces are reset and the contest, so if Kongbad reacts to an burn a single live energy card to
damage tokens are removed from opponent and wins the contest, the prevent to all of their figures in
the field along with other tokens. opposing figure’s team lose a point. Kutulu’s killzone from being knocked
down. In a 3 or 4 team match, each
Crushed spaces count as occupied A team cannot lose points if they
opponent has to burn a live energy
for purposes of being pushed, so if have none, so if Kongbad initiates
card to save their own figures.
a figure gets pushed into a crushed and wins a contest with an opposing
space they are knocked down. figure whose team is currently on Even if Kutulu has the Pile Driver
0 points, they receive no penalty. upgrade, he does not score any
Gojira cannot move through his
points for knocking opposing figures
own crushed spaces. If Kongbad initiates and wins a
down when using his ability - Pile
contest and then the opponent uses
If there are no available adjacent Driver only works for tackling
Kaos Warp but Kongbad also wins
spaces for Gojira to move into after contests.
the second contest, the opponent
winning a contest he cannot crush
only loses 1 point (not 2) because Kutulu cannot use his ability when
the space that he is in.
the first contest is completely he is knocked down.
If Gojira enters a space with the discounted.
Kutulu’s killzone, and thus his ability,
ball and does not pick it up, then
is blocked by walls.
subsequently wins a contest, he
can crush the space then move
adjacent, leaving the ball in the
crushed space - the ball is then
unobtainable for the remainder of
the period.

25 VERSION 2.1

M.A.Z.E. Mr. Awesome The Patriot

If M.A.Z.E. takes enough damage The Speed Training upgrade does The Patriot’s ability is triggered by
in a fighting contest to kill him, he not increase the number of spaces any type of contest.
can add or move a wall token before Mr. Awesome can move before
If the Patriot is carrying the ball
he is removed from the field. performing an uncontested steal.
and loses a fighting contest but
Mr. Awesome can only ever move up
If M.A.Z.E. has the Hardy upgrade survives, he can be placed on an
to 3 spaces before using his ability.
and he only receives 1 damage, unoccupied minor scoring mound
he does not get to add or move a If Mr. Awesome moves into or and take the ball with him.
wall token (because Hardy cancels through an opposing Ringer or
If the Patriot is carrying the ball
the damage). The same applies Bruiser’s killzone to perform an
and gets knocked down during a
if M.A.Z.E.’s opponent has the uncontested steal, the opponent
tackling contest, he drops the
Hardy upgrade and only receives 1 can react as normal before Mr.
ball in the space he was occupying,
damage. Awesome gets a chance to perform
and then can immediately stand up
his uncontested steal.
If M.A.Z.E. has the Brick upgrade and be placed an unoccupied minor
and takes 1 damage to prevent scoring mound (without the ball).
being knocked down, he can then ...M.A.Z.E. continued
The Patriot may not use his
add or move a wall token. M.A.Z.E. only gets to add or move ability if all of the minor scoring
If M.A.Z.E. has the Pain/Gain one wall token after a contest in mounds are occupied.
upgrade and takes 1 damage to get which multiple instances of damage
are taken and/or inflicted, as his After losing a contest, if the Patriot
+1 to the contest, he can add or
ability applies per occasion, not occupies a minor scoring mound,
move a wall token after the contest
per figure damaged. Examples of he cannot use his ability to stand up
is over.
these instances include a fighting in that space (it must be a different
If M.A.Z.E. is playing for the contest in which M.A.Z.E. uses minor scoring mound, if available).
Valkyries or Daemons and uses the Pain/Gain upgrade or the If the Patriot’s team have an
their ability to damage numerous Klockwerks’ Overload ability. unoccupied Warpscore token on
opposition figures, he only gets
M.A.Z.E. cannot use his ability to the field, the Patriot may use his
to add or move one wall token, as
add or move a wall token if he ability to be transported there.
his ability applies per occasion, not
per figure damaged. receives any damage while he is
knocked down.

26 VERSION 2.1

Rumblefist Scrag
Rumblefist can choose to redirect If Rumblefist has the Hardy Scrag’s +2 in any contest against
damage to an adjacent opposing upgrade, and receives his first 1 another Ringer is in addition to
knocked down figure. point of damage of the turn he the base stats of the team he is
cannot redirect it as the damage is playing for.
Rumblefist cannot use his ability to
redirect 1 damage if he receives any
damage while he is knocked down. If the opposition have the Hardy
upgrade, Rumblefist’s damage
If Rumblefist takes damage in a
redirection is rendered useless on
fighting contest, he can choose to
those opposition figures for which it
redirect 1 damage to the opposing
would be the first 1 damage dealt in
figure he was fighting.
the turn. For the rest of the turn any
If Rumblefist takes enough damage subsequent damage to the opposition
in a fighting contest to kill him, he figure would occur as normal.
can redirect 1 damage before he is
Rumblefist cannot redirect
removed from the field.
uncancellable damage such as
When Rumblefist initiates a that received in using the Brick or
fighting contest and loses, he can Pain/Gain upgrades.
redirect the 1 damage he receives.
Rumblefist can redirect 1 damage
When Rumblefist plays for a team to an opposing figure who currently
where their team ability requires has the Power Play tactic card in
them to take damage (such as use, but they will then cancel the
the Klockwerks’ Overload and the effect immediately.
Valkyries’ Vanir’s Judgement) he is
Rumblefist may redirect the
able to redirect that 1 damage as
damage he receives when walking
well as benefiting from the ability.
through fire. On his turn
If Rumblefist has the Hate Rumblefist may step backwards and
upgrade he scores 1 point when forwards, in and out of fire as much
redirecting damage. as his movement will allow.

27 VERSION 2.1

Tycho The Warrior Zorra

Tycho can choose to deal the same The Warrior’s sworn enemy has to Zorra’s ability is only active while
damage to an opposing knocked be a specific figure, not just a she is on the field and standing
down figure adjacent to the target. generic ‘Runner’ or ‘Bruiser’. (not while she is knocked down).
If Tycho has the Hate upgrade and When The Warrior names her sworn
injures 2 opposing figures with his enemy figure she must indicate a
ability he scores 2 points. figure that is in the starting 5 at
the beginning of each period and
If the opposition have the Hardy
not a benched figure.
upgrade and Tycho deals damage
during a fighting contest, those The Warrior’s sworn enemy is killed
opposition figures for which it would even if they are beaten by The
be the first 1 damage dealt in the Warrior in a handling or tackling
turn can cancel the first 1 damage contest.
but have to take the rest.
If The Warrior has the Hate
upgrade, she receives an additional
1 point when killing her sworn enemy.
If the Warrior’s sworn enemy is
turned into a Frog (courtesy of the
Warlocks’ Curse ability) and the
Warrior wins a contest against the
Frog, it is killed and she scores her
3 points as normal.

28 VERSION 2.1
RINGERS (2016)

Apocalypse does not have to be Upon succesful activation of her When Apocalypse is playing for
directly involved in a contest to ability, the opposition team does the Samurais, she may use the
use her ability (she can use it from not get the figure as a kill trophy Samurai ability and her own ability
afar in contests involving her team or any other associated bonuses as in the same contest (i.e. declare
mates). the death was self-inflicted, but her intention to play a specific card
Apocalypse’s team do get to take the before the contest starts and then
Apocalypse’s ability is only active
opposition player as a kill trophy. name her opponent’s card before
while she is standing on the field
the cards are revealed).
(not while she is knocked down, If Apocalypse declares the correct
killed or benched). card in a contest and then the When Apocalypse is playing for
opposing team plays the Kaos the Ninjas, her ability comes into
Apocalypse must name a specific
Warp cheat card, the first contest effect in priority over the Ninja
card, so if the opposition play a
is completely discounted and the team ability (i.e. in a contest, if
tactic or cheat card in the contest
figures are not killed. Apocalypse she uses her ability and names
instead of an energy card, she would
then gets to name a card in the the opponent’s card and then it is
have to say the name of the card.
subsequent contest. revealed that her team played the
Apocalypse is not obliged to use same energy card as the opponent,
If either team play the Illegal
her ability during a contest - it is the result of the contest is cancelled
Scouting cheat card, Apocalypse
optional. and both figures are killed, as per
must name the opposition’s card
her ability).
Apocalypse can use her ability even after they have selected it but
when an opposition figure initiates before it is revealed.
the contest.
If Apocalypse has the Hate
When Apocalypse successfully uses upgrade, her team receives 1 point
her ability, the cards played during for the successful use of her ability,
the contest are burned as normal. but opposition with Hate would
not receive a point, as the death is

29 VERSION 2.1
RINGERS (2016)

Dis Assemble Footie

Dis Assemble’s ability is triggered If Dis Assemble loses a contest Footie’s ability means he can receive
when he loses a contest, so all the and then either team plays the a hand-off, no matter where he is
effects for losing a contest take Kaos Warp cheat card, Dis on the board - other players or walls
place (taking damage and perhaps Assemble’s team does not get to cannot block him from receiving
being killed, being knocked down, take the winning card or score 2 the ball.
having the ball stolen, dropping points because the first contest is
While Footie can receive hand-
the ball, etc.) and then he can completely discounted. He can then
offs from any space on the board,
choose whether to take the card use his ability as normal if he loses
if he has possession of the ball and
and the points. the subsequent contest.
wants to make a hand-off to a team
Dis Assemble is not obliged mate then normal rules apply.
to use his ability and take the
Footie can only use his ability
opposing player’s winning card
while he is standing on the field
into his hand - if he decides not
(not while he is knocked down,
to use his ability the opposition
killed or benched).
burn their card as normal and
Dis Assemble does not gain the 2
points (Dis Assemble can only gain
the 2 points if he uses his ability
and takes the card into his hand).
When Dis Assemble uses his ability,
the card that he used in the
contest is burned as normal, but
the opposing team’s card is not
considered burned as it is taken into
Dis Assemble’s hand.

30 VERSION 2.1
RINGERS (2016)

Frank Gnome Mercy Hoots Mon

Once Frank has the ball in his Gnome Mercy’s +1 to all contests Hoots Mon’s ability is only active
possession (and has healed to while she is in possession of the ball while he is standing on the field
full health), he may continue to comes in addition to team stats, (not while he is knocked down,
receive damage as normal from team abilities and upgrades. killed or benched).
that point onwards. To be able to
When Gnome Mercy is in possession Hoots Mon may discard a card at the
heal to full health again he must
of the ball and she and her end of each player’s turn, but may
lose possession of the ball and then
opponent both play dead cards only draw back to 7 cards in hand
regain it.
in a contest, they resolve the at the end of his own team’s turn.
contest as though had both played
Hoots Mon’s ability comes into
a “0” (comparing only their team’s
play before his team draws back
handling, tackling or fighting stat
up to 7 cards, not after (so at the
as appropriate), and her +1 ability
end of his team’s turn, Hoots Mon
does not apply in this instance.
can use his ability to discard a card,
then draw back up to 7).

31 VERSION 2.1
RINGERS (2016)

Nibbles Wheels The Survivor

Nibbles does not have to initiate Wheels cannot move diagonally (Expo Exclusive)
the attack for his ability to work. and her movement is blocked by After using his ability, at half-time
standing figures and walls. when all figures on the pitch are
When Nibbles has the Hate
upgrade, he gains 3 points for killing When Wheels uses her ability to benched, The Survivor may return to
an opposition figure (2 points from move in a straight line, after she the field on the scrimmage line as his
his ability and 1 point from Hate). has finished her movement she team sets up for the third period.
may initiate any type of contest When setting up for the second or
(handling, tackling or fighting) fourth period, if The Survivor’s team
against an opponent in her killzone, already have five legitimate players
regardless of how many spaces she on the field, he may not return to the
moved. pitch for that period, but if they have
When Wheels uses her ability, less than five players on the pitch,
opponents can react to her as or if they are not observing the 3
normal if she moves through their Runner, 2 Bruiser ratio, The Survivor
killzone. can be substituted back onto the
pitch onto his team’s scrimmage line.
Wheels can only move 3 spaces
when using the Scatter tactic card The Survivor’s ability can be triggered
- her ability does not apply in this in any event where he would be killed
instance. or knocked down, including contests,
team abilities, Ringer abilities, fire, etc.
Wheels’ ability does not apply when
using the Hustle tactic card (i.e. If the opponent has the Hate or
she cannot move any number of Pile Driver upgrade they cannot
spaces in a straight line, twice). claim 1 point from winning a contest
if The Survivor uses his ability.
If The Survivor’s team does not have
any Runners or Bruisers on their
bench to replace him with, he may
not use his ability and can therefore
be knocked down or killed as normal.

32 VERSION 2.1
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33 VERSION 2.1
Billy Moffat, 2016

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