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Health & Healthy lifestyles

- Do you think that vegetarians are more or less healthy than meat eaters? What is the most logical
reason for becoming a vegetarian?
- What do you think about the saying, “Laughter is the best medicine”?
- Many people are worried about their weight. Do you feel they are right to worry for health reasons or
are they just obsessed about their appearance?
- How important is having a good meal program?
- Health education is an essential aspect of community health. Do you agree or disagree?
- Some people say that due to the growing number of unfit and overweight people, sport should be
made compulsory in all educational establishments. Others claim that only voluntary decision to do
sport helps people to be fit, but compulsory physical education embarrasses and turns away students
who don't like sport. Give your opinion.
- Nowadays a growing number of boys and girls within normal weight ranges have an intense fear of
gaining weight and therefore get anorexia. Why do you think a lot of teenagers have a strong desire to
be skinny? What can be done to prevent this eating disorder?
- The number of overweight children in developed countries is increasing. Some people think this due
to problems such as the growing of number of fast-food outlets. Others believe that parents are to
blame for not looking after their children’s health. What is your opinion?

Generation gap
- Their surroundings influence children’s behaviour and attitudes. What role does the family play in
the children’s education and development?
- In your opinion, what are the advantages and disadvantages of living in an extended family?
- Give your opinions about how Vietnamese parents raise their children.
- Most modern families have both parents working and as a result, children spend less and less time
with their parents. What is the reason for this? What problems can this cause?
- Many parents encourage young people to leave home when they become older, while others think
they should stay at home with the family. What do you think?
- In many modern societies, grandchildren rarely spend any quality time with their grandparents. What
do you think are the consequences of this?
- Some people think that it is important to let children act independently and make their own decisions
from an early age. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this?
- In many nations, people in huge cities either live alone or in small family units, instead of in large,
extended family groups. Is this a positive or negative trend?
- Some people think parents should supervise their children’s activities, while others believe children
should be free to do what they want in their free time. Give your own opinion on this issue.
- Young people commonly find it difficult to communicate with older people. Why is this? What are
the solutions?
- In the past, the older generation was a source of knowledge and experience. Nowadays, the older
generation has little understanding or experience of the modern world. Has this had any negative
impact on the way the elderly are treated by society and the family? What could be done to solve this

Social issues
- The television is often blamed for children's bad behaviour or for generating violence in society.
What is your opinion on this?
- How can we help people struggling in underprivileged regions lead better lives?
- What do you think about giving money to charity?
- In the past, parents were concerned that their children spent too much time watching the TV, and
now they worry that they spend too much time on the net. Does it really matter how much time
children spend doing these things?
- Differences between countries become less evident each year. Nowadays, all over the world people
share the same fashions, advertising, brands, eating habits and TV channels. Is this a positive trend?
- Immigration has a major impact on the society. What are the main reasons of immigration? To what
consequences can it lead?
- In some cities and towns all over the world, the high volume of traffic is a problem. What are the
causes of this and what actions can be taken to solve this problem?
- Growing violence in school is really a matter of serious concern for both teachers and parents. Is it
possible to solve the problem?
- Unemployment is one of the most serious problems facing developed nations today. What is the
cause and how is it addressed?
- Some people believe that education is the key to tackling hunger worldwide while others feel that the
answer is in food aid. What do you think?
- Pollution of air, water and soil has become critical in last years and it takes millions of years to
recoup. What are the main causes of pollution? How can we tackle this problem individually and
- One of the most important issues facing the world today is a shortage of food and some think
genetically modified foods are a possible solution. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Global warming
- Environmental protection is the responsibility of the government, not individuals as individuals can
do too little. Do you agree?
- Some people think that damage of the environment is an unavoidable consequence of worldwide
improvements in the standard of living while others believe actions can be taken to bring about a
change. What is your opinion about this?
- To solve the ever-increasing environmental hazards throughout the world, the best way is to increase
the price of fuel. What is your opinion on the above assumption?
- Production of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases has a heating effect on the atmosphere and
results in global warming. Why global warming is considered one of the most serious issues
nowadays? How can this problem be solved?

Vietnam & Asean

- What benefits do you think Vietnam can get when participating in ASEAN?
- What can you do to make Hue become a good city of ASEAN?

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